Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    October already! The sun’s shining so our forecast is changing by the minute in the right direction. Louisa arrived at 8.30 to collect my chair to be reupholstered and I told her how everyone loves my monkey dining chairs. Pat’s dad was an upholsterer in a posh area of London for many years and she said he would have been impressed with Louisa’s work.
    Walked for an hour on the moors but George kept disappearing off to do his own thing and a couple of times I caught sight of him going in completely the wrong direction so had to shout and wave my arms until he saw me! I discovered why I fell last week because I did exactly the same thing again. At least the ground was softer this time but my sprained wrist that was just beginning to be less painful is swollen again! It seems my boot laces are slightly too long so I need to double knot them. Just to cap it all, George rolled in a huge dollop of cow poo refusing to stop until I slipped his lead on to pull him off. Needless to say he went straight into the shower when we got home! 🥴

    Veggie soup for my lunch then more tidying in the garden. I’ll strap my wrist although nothing as impressive as Patsy’s thumb encasement that reminds me of Peter Sellers in the Dr Strangelove movie!!

    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited October 2021
    After storms overnight, the sun is out and additional rain is not expected until late in the afternoon, if at all. I pulled the rest of the purple carrots and they were a complete mess. They had grown masses of threadlike roots. There were so many, I ended up pulling clumps of them. I washed them down but still nasty and several were double rooted. After washing them some more, I put them out where the rabbits usually run. Maybe they will eat them. We will see.

    Jackie, I am sorry you hurt your wrist again. Ouch! Will you avoid that area in the future? Fall detour needed. When will you get your bookcase? Or is that an unknown? I listened to a report this morning on supply chain problems and I guess I have been oblivious to the production cutbacks in petroleum. In July they announced “ OPEC and allies target full end to oil production cuts by September 2022, increase supply limits as prices climb.” Everything is off kilter, materials needed for production are in short supply, backlogs at ports, shortages of semi drivers, etc. A gent on the morning program said he ordered a German car 5 months ago and it has not been shipped yet. Yipes! American companies are not increasing product output as they have to keep shareholders happy so they have increased dividends and done stock buybacks rather than spending on expansion. What else am I missing? Perhaps I should not watch the business news either?

    Patsy, that brace looks like it is effective at keeping that thumb in the right place. I am sure it feels clumsy but I also hope it helps with the trigger finger problem.

    Anne, well, the Costco canned chicken is a good idea for problems with fresh chicken but canned products are often saltier. Rinsing it is a very good idea. Sorry your son needs to run off to Quebec again. Is he able to travel freely now? No Covid restrictions? I hope you received a full grocery order.

    Sandy, happy Friday. Is there a movie night this weekend? How is Bryanna?

    Wishing everyone a pleasant weekend.

    Happy October. 🍁🍁


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry has been started but no other plans for today. I changed the filter in my furnace and some weird filter came off the side of the inside. It was filthy so I am not sure if that was something that was supposed to be replaced or if the unit is so old things are falling apart. I sent pictures to my landlord and asked him to send a furnace man out to clean the furnace. He told me to leave the piece out that I found, like I would put a filthy piece back in, until the furnace guy can come. Hopefully it will be sooner than later because it is going to get hot again today and who knows what will happen if I run my A/C. I have taken my hummingbird feeder down since I haven't seen them in over a week. Hopefully they flew South for warmer weather.

    Lin, no movie night Saturday as they are having family pictures done on Sunday, weather permitting. We are meeting in a forest preserve near Rob and Lisa's house for outdoor pictures. Bryanna will go to their house early to do the girls hair but I will just meet them at the preserve. I might try to sneak in one picture of me and the family since I am paying the photographer or at least one with the grandchildren. Bryanna is doing great, thank you for asking.
    She should be finished with school in December and then take her state test for her license. I do hope you are feeling better today and it was just a 24 hour setback.

    Jackie, I am so sorry you fell again but happy you didn't break anything. Please be careful with those hips and knees, the first to get injured in a fall. Nasty George getting full of cow poo, marking his spot??? I can't wait to see the finished dining chairs or have we seen a finished chair that I have forgotten???

    Anne, you are having a beautiful autumn like we are, does that mean a cold winter??? Your garden must be beautiful, any chance of a picture?? Mike is a good son, he reminds me of my oldest who is always willing to help his mom and dad, even if it means driving 4 hours. We did good Anne.

    Patsy, your glove reminds me of my carpal tunnel glove except my thumb has a separate opening. My hand is still bothering me from when I hurt my ligament from hitting it against the garbage can too hard. It was doing fine but I think carrying the groceries in the other day I aggravated it once again. Always something as we age but we are women, we are tough!!

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning everyone. Looks like we also have a sunny day or at least partly sunny. Temps are coolish but not too bad.

    Since this is Friday…you know what that means! Cauliflower pizza night. I think John loves the idea of a sort of weekend ritual. Our version of a date night. We used to eat out once a week. But so many restaurants are closed now and some with limited service because servers are not available. So we must make our own date food and plan our own movie. As our son says, it’s all good! Times they are a changin’.

    I believe OPEC is worried about the new electric cars as well as the work to become less dependent on fossil fuels. It is a huge change and it will take years to get there. But we will. We must! The hardest for John is to give up single use plastic bags. He actually has several uses for them but he is trying to find ways to change.

    I think my thumb is getting better. Now if the other joints would just do the same. This glove is clumsy and when doing meal prep the taped thumb works but it does feel weird. I am sort of right handed but use my left a lot. This thumb is on my left hand. Yes! John says it does look like Dr. Strangelove. Holy cow! That was a crazy movie. John absolutely loved it and Peter Sellers.

    Our son is also amazingly helpful when he is needed. our daughter has huge jealousy issues and sadly makes it very difficult to maintain a loving relationship. I do love both of these people we have made. I want to help our daughter any way I can think of. But I need to realize that my efforts might not be received kindly. I have review each time to try to help and to keep my comments and suggestions to myself. Not easy for a busybody like me.

    Our garden and yard is a total disaster. It is embarrassing. I will do what I can and John will do likewise.

    I love seeing everyone’s post. We have a small group but it is very important.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited October 2021
    Morning all. Mike did the I hour drive to see me and Bean but he faces an 8 hour drive to Quebec next Saturday. The funny thing is though; he rescued a poor Boston fern from out of his friend Sandys dustbin. He decided only Mom is capable of bringing it back to life. I doubt it, but will try and it is now in my back room hospice. It is, or was one mass of dead stalks with one loan little frond struggling in the middle and the outer edges with about 2 living leaves. Well I've repotted it in a much larger pot, watered it, fertilized it, cut away tons of dead stuff and we await results. I know you will all be breathless to know if Ferny makes it. {sarcasm!}
    In the middle of all this surgery, Mark showed up as well and proceeded to paint the outer stairwell walls with some sort of sealer paint. He wanted to do my laundry because the stair treads removal are the next job and not being nimble like Tarzan I won't be able to get down them without a convenient vine. I declined this offer but:

    early this morning I gingerly climbed up and down the to be discarded steps six times and did the big wash plus dryer.
    Busy debating whether to tell him or not because I do hate being treated like a delicate little flower so I am very careful because I don't want a broken hip any more than he does.

    Finally both sons departed and I climbed into my jim jams and of course, Mary Jo showed up to see what Mark had accomplished. No peace for the wicked, me!

    We await to see what today brings.

    When JACKIE was telling us all about her renovations I never in a million years thought I would be telling you all about mine a year later. Ironic.

    Well things to do, bed to make up etc etc.

    Thumbs, wrists and all other aches and pains REALLY sympathized with, but not little doggies who love cow pats! Naughty George. Lucky rabbits LIN.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Is anyone acquainted with this painter?

    "Sunday morning." 1920
    Mary Bradish Titcomb (1858-1927)


    I found several other paintings. Something about them attracted me.


    Sorry to take so much space!

    Happy Saturday. Hope to stop back later with a teapot.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It’s scary how quickly the days and weeks are flying by whether I’m keeping busy or finally finding time to relax. Today is definitely the latter because rain has arrived and will apparently be with us until Wednesday. After a late start I took George and Betty round one of our bigger blocks so of course we got soaked and after towelling them both in the garden room I had to get myself into the cottage without being followed in order to close doors otherwise George would be running from room to room wiping his paws and wet head on my new sofa as well as my bed! In spite of the rain it remains mild but I lit the fire anyway to clear any damp air.

    Our fuel shortage is mainly due to us leaving the European Union which in turn meant cheap labour from Eastern Europe had to return home. It appears no one wants to be a poorly paid heavy goods driver, surprise, surprise!
    Electric cars will be a must here very soon because some major car producers will sell only electric in the next 10 years. Pat drives a Hybrid already so has the option and discussing it last week, we are sure prices will soon come down as more advances are made, in fact the technology is already out there but oil producers are paying big money to stifle it! The only thing that concerns me is how quiet an electric engine is, like a silent assassin on the narrow lanes I walk with George and Betty!!

    Lin, my falls have been caused by me stepping on a shoe lace although I’ve no idea why it should happen suddenly because I’ve worn these walking boots for a couple of months. Call me clumsy!
    Were your purple carrots disturbed as they grew… maybe a little creature digging the soil? My understanding is root veggies sprout in all directions if moved when still growing.
    OPEC has always controlled production and supplies to bump up prices and from what I’ve read, experts think oil requirements will fade away so they can hoard all they like, they’ll be left with millions of worthless barrels!

    Sandy, George was in one of his naughty, stubborn moods yesterday, perhaps because he’s feeling better, so a huge mound of cow poo was irresistible! I’ve posted photos of my chairs and the finished dining room somewhere!! As for me falling, I attended judo classes after school all those years ago and falling without getting hurt was instilled in my brain and the instinct still takes over.

    Hello Anne. Groceries packed away and maybe a son or two visiting. Daren’t turn the page back!

    I forgot to weigh myself this morning but will hopefully do so tomorrow.

    Apart from stewing plums and cooking apples with cinnamon and a couple of cloves ready for morning porridge, nothing much else achieved. The postman delivered some foot pads I bought off eBay that should support my high instep that is causing problems on my heels and soles because they take too much pressure. Great if I had chosen to be a ballet dancer but not so in older age!

    Time for my afternoon cuppa… I could get used to lazy days!!

    Take care, stay safe and enjoy Saturday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Beautiful right now but rain is expected. I really hope it doesn't rain for the outdoor pictures tomorrow. Nothing going on except a zoom call with the family since I won't be around tomorrow. I rode my bike for 90 minutes yesterday and today I gained weight, I am ready to give up but won't. I will weigh in tomorrow with Jackie but will be grumbling as I do.

    Jackie, I do remember seeing the chair and even looked for it in past posts but too many to go through. I am glad you know how to block a fall so as not to get hurt, I think I would break my wrists in trying to stop a fall. Enjoy these rest days, you don't seem to get many.

    Lin, beautiful paintings but I do not know much about art or artists other than the most popular.

    Anne, I did not realize it was an hour drive for Mike to visit you, I better stop complaining about my 30/40 minute drive to my son's house. I just don't like driving at night which is coming earlier everyday. If you can save a poinsettia plant you can save the Boston Fern. I really wish you would listen to your boys about those basement stairs, I am sure you don't carry your cell phone with you when doing laundry. Of course who am I to lecture when I do the same things as we are both independent.

    Patsy, I am glad to hear your thumb is getting better. I think I would like cauliflower pizza but only with cheese.
    I am into Lean Crusine meals as they are healthy and easy to warm up. I am just lazy when it comes to cooking for myself but like it when I have guests.

    Time for breakfast and then a shower. Have a great day and keep staying safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Ooh Lin, I thought at first you were posting impressionist Claude Monet’s paintings but actually prefer this lady’s slightly sharper lines. I see they lived around the same time. Beautiful colours and I can see their attraction. We must add Mary’s name to our list of talented women!
    I’m watching a documentary about the Ottoman Empire when Istanbul was called Constantinople with the Sultan’s incredible decorated mosques, palaces and gardens. I’ve never considered visiting Turkey but should maybe put it on my bucket list.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sweet friends! We have a lovely but chilly day here. Sunny and very chilly. The high humidity really chills us to the bone.

    I am still wearing this ugly black contraption on my hand but I can see that it is making my thumb heal. There are times when I can actually take the contraption off and wash my hands vigorously in soap and water as before. I have been gingerly washing my left hand trying to avoid pressure on my thumb. Aren’t we all funny? Each of us have our little ooooopsies and body aches. It is like we are all shaking our heads as we commiserate, yes my dear friend, I understand.

    Damon has a 3 hour drive to visit us. He also has the problem of constant ongoing projects. He could do some work here, our WiFi is pathetic however. Slower than slow. We are getting to the point that we really need contact with our kids, not only socially but I think we physically need the contact. I know whine! Whine! It is my way of dealing with stress…whine!

    Sandy: cauliflower pizza is really good. The crust is very crunchy. I get the frozen kind, margarita pizza that is meatless and is light on cheese. It is easy to make a quick dinner for two. I would guess you and your grand daughter could share one with a small glass of red wine. Instant party! It is a Friday tradition around here, as you know.

    Anne: thanks for the tip about canned chicken. We must keep some of it on hand, like you advised, in case of emergencies. I love hearing about your plant hospice room. You are a marvel at giving dear little suffering plants another chance at life. I remember your pot of discarded mums and you showed us a glorious little flowering mum months later. Your poinsettia that has happily settled into cold Canada. You do remember that they are native to warm climes like Mexico.

    Jackie: I do understand about doggies rubbing against furniture to help dry off, scratch various body parts that are left un-named. Katie can really smear mud (etc ) all along the hall. That is when I use a lot of the words I hear John using out in his shop. As for breaking a fall, I have no idea about that. For me, it is kersplat! Down I go! No idea why or how. It is such a big to do afterwards. Getting me up and back on my feet is a monumental thing for me. That is why I am using the NIH suggestions for seniors. They include a series of exercises for strength and to help avoid falls. All of which I really don’t like doing but…..

    Lin: those are amazing paintings.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Oh dear PATSY, my 5 inch tall poinsettia is now 4ft tall and 4 ft wide. I'm wondering how to stop it growing! How tall do poinsettias grow? HELP. I have great hopes for the Boston fern but honestly it is so bedraggled I honestly can't see it surviving. snmqluinec7b.jpeg Oh my goodness I do believe Ive found poor Ferny!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Poor Ferny, I don't think Mikes friend believed in watering! If you look at the top towards the left you might be able to see a wee frond. I have yet to master the art of showing photos on the laptop so it was quite a shock when the poor thing appeared. Full of success here's Mark viewing the stair well wall now the panelling is gone. By Christmas I might have a beautiful staircase and a beautiful fern. Annsie.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good evening.

    Jackie, duh, I have forgotten that you generally change shoes for dog walking. It has been a long time since I have done that. I put on shoes and I am done for the day so I was thinking it must be where you are walking that's causing the trouble because the shoestrings would always be too long. But ah, you have special shoes for walking and hiking that have the long strings. Sorry!

    Sandy, I hope it does not rain tomorrow when you are to have your photos taken. We had overcast skies today but no rain. 🤞🏻

    Patsy, I am glad your support brace is helping your thumb! What good news. I am sorry you don’t get to see Damon often. Is there any chance of seeing him this year?

    Anne, well, best wishes with the fern. If anyone can perk it up, it is you! You have a successful track record with plants. Gosh, look at that handsome masked son looking over the project. I like the length of his hair. And oh so much of it. Just like you. I hope you and Jilly are getting some rest tonight!

    So, the promised daily teapot.


    Be safe everyone.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    LOL, yes LIN, both sons have thick wavy hair and are the envy of their less endowed friends. When little I once took them to the barber and he asked if their father was the chap with the thick wavy hair {he's still got thick wavy hair apparently} and I said yes. He grunted and then looked at me and said "yours is pretty thick as well". I came out the shop feeling like the gorilla family. Maybe the barber felt we really got our moneys worth in the haircut department.

    Mike is supposed to be coming over for lunch. A special lunch seeing he won't be here on our thanksgiving which is Damons birthday PATSY. However rain starts soon and its a full day event so he might change his mind.

    it was a beautiful day yesterday and a quiet day for me and Jilly. Michael was working and the two Ms out in their beautiful garden gardening. It felt unnaturally quiet after all the activity. The stair well already looks better than the picture. All nails removed and the sealing paint completed before the wall boards go back up. I gather the next job will be stair steps removal so Im glad I got on and did the banned washing as reported earlier. Mark will use a ladder to get down and back up. Meanwhile next doors problems continue. An emergency plumbing van was there all yesterday with loads of relatives showing up. They bought the property without actually viewing it, relying on the photos. Buyer beware.

    Hope everyone is on the mend!
    Anne. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A chilly partly sunny/cloudy day. We must have had showers in the night or early morning. The deck is wet and there are a few puddles in the driveway. A good day for Sunday soup.

    Katie must be feeling sort of low energy or she is planning some sort game to teach us. She invented a game a couple of years ago that we call monster tag. John stomps his foot in the kitchen and Katie runs in with one of her animals dangling in her mouth. She then leaps up in the air twirls mid air and runs back for another toy. This is the game every morning. While we are not sure who or how but the gist of the game is that Katie ALWAYS wins.

    Anne: my family and John’s have very little to brag about in the hair department. John and Damon both lament their departing or departed in John’s case, head of hair. My hair is naturally curly but even I am seeing less of it than I used to have. Oh well. That is why hats are soooooo popular. I hope Mike makes it over for that special lunch. Damon told me something that is probably true in your family. He said the reconnecting with family, Mom and dad, is hugely important. He says you come away feeling cared for in a way that cannot be matched. That is, of course, if there is that lovely warm accepting parental love. At this point, we have finished raising our children but they still need us.

    I know this to be true, we always have something that needs fixing. Old house, middle-aged house or brand new….there is always something. Houses are like people, they need constant attention.

    Today we chat with Damon and hopefully plan his birthday visit. He is at the age where he hates the number attached to it but loves the birthday cake. He is fond of carrot cake, no nuts please.

    Jackie: I guess you don’t have a thanksgiving but I guess you have some sort of harvest holiday. Your little cottage is so charming now, will you entertain again soon? Or you might want to put your feet up on your own hearth and relax as you enjoy all the fruits of your hard work.

    Ooooooops dryer binged.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good afternoon. Sunny day, after online church, I went out and pulled the few onions still in the container. Am letting them dry for a few days as good weather is expected. I have also written some checks, finished the birthday card that must be mailed tomorrow, and sorted out a few more boxes to crush. I do give them up slowly.

    Anne, quite the explanation, your poor neighbors never saw the house in person before purchase. A bad idea in this case, although I hear many people are doing that now.

    Well, I see no additional posts. Odd. Must be MFP acting up again.

    Be safe everyone.

    Hugs all.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Tonight’s mystery… did the little mouse Brady brought in earlier escape wrapped in the towel I threw over it? I thought I shook him out in the dark outside but couldn’t see him in the torchlight! George is still sniffing round the dining room.
    A day of dodging heavy showers so our morning walk wasn’t too long. Bumped into George’s groomer who was walking her dog with her husband but otherwise a quiet stroll.
    At home again I called Pat on FaceTime to see how her visit to London went and mentioned her joining MFP to post with our little group. As I thought, she said she will be happy to register but probably won’t find time to join us every day so I’ll send her a link. The hens were mucked out and a straggly bay tree pruned between showers and that was my day!

    Today’s teapot looks like the same pattern I have on a vase which I’m sure is in my greenhouse so I’ll have to check tomorrow.

    Patsy, our Harvest Festival is officially today, the Sunday closest to the Harvest moon of Autumn equinox. Churches and schools used to celebrate the year’s harvest but the times they are a-changing so I’m not so sure much is done these days. No solid plans for more visitors although my brother that lives in Spain has recently been looking into Covid restrictions on flights. My worry is that he struggles to walk after a year locked down when even outdoor exercise was banned and I can’t imagine how he would travel or get himself about if he flew to England but I haven’t said this to him, better to wait and see what he has in mind.

    Anne, I gather Sue the ex gardener put in an offer on the property I looked at for her a few weeks ago, sight unseen by her! Thankfully I didn’t make any recommendations other than suggest desperation is a bad reason to buy any property. Before Pat arrived she was asking me about another local village but I told her I know little about it since I only drive past occasionally. Wow, I bet your neighbours rue the day they bought Harry’s property!
    If you’re taking bets I’d put a lot on you having a lush Boston fern in no time!

    Midnight so way past bedtime.
    Jackie 😴
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Good morning all and a chilly one it is with pouring rain. I succumbed and put the heating on seeing I don't fancy a chilly breakfast and shower.

    I celebrated Harvest Festival with Michael yesterday JACKIE being old fashioned and out of touch with modern trends. Actually it was also because I won't see Mike on our official day. I bought lamb loin chops which I only buy maybe twice a year partly because I mainly go meatless but also because Ontario lamb prices are only for the likes of Trump. The rich in other words! $22 for a packet of four. However I must admit they were delicious with onions, mushrooms, tomatoes plus all the other trimmings. The next time could be Christmas because neither Michael or myself care for turkey.

    Golly, I think I would avoid "Sue" like the plague!

    Michael took one look at Ferny and said "my God, Sandy really did a number on that". Neither of us hold out much hope, but I will carry on watering and telling her to "buck up". Maybe the church chrysanthemum I rescued out of the holy garbage bin survived because she had been sprinkled with holy water during communion. I don't think Sandy did much sprinkling holy or otherwise!

    And that was Sunday, lets see what a rainy day brings today, probably Mark in his carpenter gear.

    Anne of "green thumb?" we have a green roof as well, faded but green.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A very worried Sunday for us here. Katie was sick and would not eat. She threw up three times. She sat right next to us and slept most of the day. No bloat that I can see. Tummy isn’t hard. Nothing but bile in her throw ups. I know this isn’t a very happy post. I fixed her some rice and boiled chicken breast. I have a call in to our vet but I hate to take her in. She gets so terrified. Our pets really are family. Their health and well being is paramount in our life. My guess is that she ate something awful out in our back yard. We usually try to keep the yard clear of anything that could cause a problem. But Katie is quite inventive and can find trouble if she wants to. She ate some of her rice and chicken a little while ago and so far no throw ups. Fingers crossed that we are on the upswing of this…….

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Mild and dry when we set off on our morning walk so we covered a lot of ground but just as I paused to let the pooches sniff around before heading back to the car I noticed dark clouds building along the coast and then my phone rang. It was Chrissie to let me know amongst other things that friends she visited the day before I stopped off to give her a birthday card and gift have all developed Covid; the young son quite badly. Chrissie says she hasn’t caught it although since she hasn’t taken a test, not sure how she would know! When I visited her last Monday I sat across the room from her and didn’t stay long, not even for a cup of tea, so am not concerned but it just shows how this virus finds its victims!
    As I walked back to the car park a lady dog walker came in our direction and stopped to talk and tell me she once had 3 dogs like George… wow, treble trouble! Of course within a few minutes the rain arrived so once again we got soaked which meant stopping at home to change before driving to town for a few pet supplies that were running low.
    I found a dry 10 minutes to throw corn down for the chooks but it’s becoming quite dark now so I’ve lit the stove in my dining room and am sipping a cuppa while planning an evening meal.

    Oh Patsy, so sorry to read Katie has been sick but hopefully she is feeling better today. Chicken and rice sounds a good idea.

    Time to cook and I’ve decided to try a different pasta than my normal wholewheat. It’s Casarecce.

    Take care everyone.