Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A coolish Monday here. Sunny and it is Monday! I have a load of Monday laundry sloshing along. And I have had toast and coffee this AM. Katie always shares part of the toast crust.

    Well here is my cautionary tale of yesterday. John and I decided to run a quick trip to Walmart for a couple of things. I was stepping out of the back door, into the garage and oooooopsy! Down I went. No idea why or what caused my fall. Then the worst was I could not summon the strength to get back up. I had to have John’s help. I think I caused him some back pain but he claims that it was only momentary. Oh my! Words cannot describe my insecurity and depression. The only real damage to me was a slight bruise on my hip and a huge dent in my self confidence.

    Always a challenge to overcome and many blessings to count!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2021
    Oh Patsy, I am so sorry to hear that you fell. Horrors!! I am glad that nothing was broken. I hope your pain and bruising will disappear quickly and your confidence will return. Accidents are so devastating just from the shock of the event. Hugs from a distance. ❤️❤️

    Sandy, glad the movie day/evening was a good one. I hope you are having a good time with Joe today and that you get your errands completed. I was going to do that today but got caught up in working on the sink drain again. I do believe eventually a service call will be needed and the garbage disposal will need to be replaced. For now, it is working okay, not great, but working.

    Jackie, well, Monday, tick, tick, tick and the sofa delivery is tomorrow. I hope that goes smoothly.

    Anne, well our often busy with visitors Sneaker, now is the week starting out for you and Jilly?

    Hello to all of our missing Sneakers, Bob, Barbie, Diane, Jeri and everyone. I hope you stop by and leave a note. Hoping everyone is safe.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello Sneakers, just heading to bed after a sunny relaxing day on the coast with friend Pat. George and Betty came with us and played on the beach before finding shade under our bench seat and we watched the world go by. We are having lots of laughs, ice cream and catching up. This evening we watched the Harvest moon appear behind the trees as the temperature rapidly falls.

    Oh Patsy, what a shake up you’ve had and completely understandable that a fall would damage your confidence. Nothing broken but your spirit will naturally be dented for a couple of days. Thank goodness John was there to help you up and hopefully he didn’t strain back muscles. Give yourself time and I’m sure aches and pain will subside and confidence return. It’s horrible to be scared of falling, especially since you don’t know why It happened, so take care.
    Now Patsy, I’ve learnt something new after your comment about an Indian summer. I had always assumed it referred to the country of India but no, you are correct, it was first used in North America by a Frenchman describing Mohawk country. Apparently in Britain we referred to a St Martin’s summer which was warm weather surrounding November 11th ( St Martin’s day) but in the 19th century took on the Indian summer. It doesn’t appear to be considered not politically correct!

    Lin, another pretty tea set that looks a Japanese design with goldfish swimming in their tank. If I turn back I will lose my post but am sure you are having plumbing problems, the worst kind of home repairs for me as water can be so damaging. I do hope you can get whatever it is fixed. Hot weather for you but then we are enjoying late summer sunshine too so my tomatoes are finally beginning to ripen!

    Hello to Sandy, Anne, Bob and all others that occasionally pop in. Gone midnight so I’m off to bed… Pat too. Sofa being delivered sometime between 11am and 2 pm.

    Jackie 🥰
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hello everyone, I wonder if JACKIES sofa is being delivered as I type. Enjoy! AND your visitor!

    PATST, oh I'm so sorry you slipped. When I fell last February it was black ice. Could it be oil on the garage floor? At least you had John around to pick you up. Me and Jilly sat on the ice until the Portuguese lady came along and hauled me over end.

    Such a busy day yesterday and I'm still recovering! I was out in the garden when Mark and Mary Jo showed up with the new treads for the stairs. Duly admired we all set about the garden tidy up because we expect three days of torrential rain and as I type it's very dark outside and already raining.

    I weeded and cut back plants. So me weeding, Mary Jo weeding the side, straightening the stone pathway and sealing the decorative bottom of the house wall stoneface, and Mark cutting grass and then cutting back the apple tree and another tree up on a ladder and picking us two bags of red ripe apples then tying branches with string for collection we all felt pretty bow legged by the time we settled down to watch yesterdays election results. Well they did I presume because me and Jilly couldn't keep our eyes open after 10:30.

    So I've woken up to find Justin still in control but with the same minority government. Why did he call an early election which cost over 106 million dollars! Ever hopeful I suppose for a majority.

    Still a little way to go with the dreaded shingles, but just to keep me from forgetting something in the garden bit me just under the bottom of the bra and it sure is itchy.

    Hope everyone has a lovely day, rain or not, and we all keep upright!

    Annsie and Jilly the Beanie.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Cool day here with temps in the 60's. I am sitting this afternoon and my new custom is bringing the kiddos and their dad Mickey D's. The kids look forward to the happy meals and I even get something for myself.
    Today Lisa is going with me to show me the kids new schedule on Tuesdays. They all are in children's choir at the preschool Max goes to and Robby also does bells. I am not sure how it all works so Lisa will show me and leave since they are playing volleyball and would be cutting it short if she stays the whole time. Wish me luck.
    Lunch with Joe was good except for the fact that it starting pouring when I picked him up. With his using a walker it was difficult to stay dry once I got him out of the car. I tried to keep him covered with my umbrella but we both got
    wet so with the A/C on in the restaurant it was chilly. I did ask the girl to please shut the overhead fans off since they were blowing on Joe. I had a sweater to put on but he just had a long sleeve shirt. We survived but if I had known it was going to be a down pour I would have rescheduled.

    Annsie, you are working so hard in your garden lately, it must look beautiful. How nice of MJ and Mark to be so helpful. Are they on vacation?

    Patsy, I too, am sorry you had a fall and hope you aren't too sore today. Thank goodness you didn't break you hip which is so easy to do at our age. I am glad John was there to help you up and hope he isn't sore today.

    Jackie, what a wonderful visit with your friend. The Harvest Moon looks beautiful, it was too cloudy here to see it.
    I hope the new couch is everything you want and can enjoy the comfort.

    Lin, I only had a couple of items to pick up at Walmart so easy peasy. The good news is Bryanna came and cleaned my house yesterday so I was happy about that. I just hate cleaning bathrooms and vacuuming hurts my back.
    I spent too much time today reinstalling my Gmail to Outlook only to find out I lost all my saved emails that were important to me. Luckily I did find them all on my phone so I was relieved. All of that because I couldn't find an address book on Outlook and I still can't. Ugh.

    The day is slipping by and I have to shower and get ready. Have a nice, healthy and safe day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones! We have a sunny very warm day today. Almost summer like. Near 80 is predicted. I believe this is like the old Native American legend of the great spirit giving the tribe another chance to prepare for winter. A brief return of summer before winter comes. Indian Summer! Anyway, that’s the story I always heard as a child. A lovely story. Also another wonderful story about how the little flower I grew up gathering for my gram, was called Indian blanket Daisy. It grew wild along the roads. It was a gorgeous orange and brown and yellow. Not sure if this was something gram invented or was there a legend she told us about. Remember I grew up with an Irish grandmother. The Irish love to wax romantic stories and legends. Often with sad haunting endings.🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

    Today I give John a haircut, then vacuum my little dungeon. I think there must be spider mites hiding among the dust bunnies. Now that is an unappealing thought. I feel the need for 1970-1980s music. Bubblegum music. Happy, jumpy and often sort of funny. Mr Sandman. Or I’m leaving it all up to you🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶

    Sandy: I would love to have a big juicy hamburger but I have sworn off such delights. If left to my own bad behavior, you know I would go for the entire menu of burger-fries-and chocolate milkshake. John keeps me honest. He would shame me mercilessly. I guess I am fat enough as it is!

    Jackie: I love that evening photo with the moon. It was classic. There is nothing like a visit with a friend you can giggle and joke with. Drink a bit of naughty liquid (caramel flavored vodka?) and stay up late gossiping. Life’s sweet moments.

    Lin: thinking of you dear friend and plumbing issues. It is constant around here. It seems something is always breaking and needing to be repaired or replaced.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well I can relate to repairs, and now Mark and Mary Jo have a problem. Their bathroom wash basin has cracked open and when they contacted the makers it would cost $1000 to replace and can't be delivered for three months. They just called in on their way to Home Depot to see what they've got in store. Going to pick up a tub of mums for my front step but I shall have to bring it in. The sky here is very black with storm clouds and we are predicted rain for the next three days! A lot of rain! A flood warning has been issued for our town and the next one.
    It seems every week brings a new problem these days.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2021
    Sorry, missed yesterday! I ran some errands and then ended up, you guessed it, on the phone. Astounding conversation with a friend I worked with once upon a time. She hunted for years to find her birth parents with no success. She hired a detective but any information found could not be released to her if the families involved didn’t agree and that is what happened back when we were working together. She was in tears for days and then quite angry as her mother’s family rejected her totally. She had a host of health problems and wanted to get health history at a minimum. I thought she had given up.

    Surprise, she has found out who her birth father is. He has passed away but my gosh, he was married a number of times and she has multiple half brothers and sisters. It is certain as a half brother and my friend had private genetic testing. She has found out a lot about medical conditions in the family and has been corresponding with 3 of her siblings. They want to organize some kind of event with all the various children of this guy on the East coast but of course, Covid has that on the back burner.

    Isn’t that just thrilling! She looks like a little blonde Dutch girl but it turns out she is of Jewish descent with the family coming from Eastern Europe.

    That was the longest conversation of the week for certain.

    The other conversation was with a friend I speak to every week or two. A dramatic event in their family in the past week. A new grandchild was born but not breathing. She said the baby was out on a ventilator and I am not sure how, but he started to breathe 3 days later. Very did! She has visited and said he looks very happy and healthy and was crying up a storm so his lungs are good.

    Anne, sorry about a cracked sink. They must be scrambling for a different sink. A friend said his recliner is broken and there are no parts and no new recliners available until at least April of next year. He put a chair at the end of the recliner and puts his feet up on that when sitting in his comfy but not very functional recliner.

    Patsy, we awoke to chilly Autumn like weather today. The leaves are falling but they aren’t lovely colors. This weather is expected to continue for a few days and then back to hot again. We are always on a see-saw!I I hope you are feeling well several days out from your tumble. I have picked all of my bell peppers and the little acorn squash. A few brave tiny watermelons are hanging on. The season is about over.

    Sandy, I hope you and Joe are still healthy after getting wet the other day. So happy Bryanna cleaned your house. That is a wonderful arrangement you have worked out. I hope yesterday went well with the new schedule.

    Jackie, I love that photo. Magnificent. Keep on enjoying your visit. And I hope the new furniture is in its place and already enjoyed!

    Be safe everyone.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited September 2021
    Happy Wednesday! :) Teeth cleaning this afternoon and tonight sitting for a volleyball game. I finally got my email to work on my phone but it used to delete emails if I read them on my computer and now does not. I have given up for now as long as I can get my emails and send emails. It is only 58 today on this first day of Autumn and actually a little chilly in my house.
    Lisa ended up staying with me for chimes and choir, she never gets a chance to see Robby with the two little playing in the gym so she was thrilled to see Robby singing, well sort of, couldn't see his mouth with his mask on. lol

    Lin, I love that tea pot, but I love black. So happy for your friend in finding his birth father so she can deal with health issues and know her background. How awful about the baby who wasn't breathing but so glad to hear he is now breathing on his own. I am sure it was so scary for the parents and grandparents. I take my temperature everyday and so far all is good, although I haven't talked to Joe since I have been so busy.

    Anne, when it rains it pours. I do hope Mark and MJ found a replacement sink. A $1000 and a three month wait seems extreme, although I know furniture and appliance's are not being delivered for months in some states.
    Good luck with your mums, they are so beautiful in the fall.

    Patsy, funny story, I bought myself a chicken sandwich and my son wanted a big mac and a cheeseburger. (he was hungry) So when he came in to eat his food he asked if I ate his cheeseburger and I said did I? I have been so stressed that I didn't even realize that I ate a cheeseburger instead of chicken. He survived with his big mac and was saving the chicken for later. I actually only ate a banana for breakfast so the extra calories didn't hurt me.

    Jackie, I can't remember how long your friend was staying but hope you are enjoying your time together.

    Time to eat and get ready for the hygienist, stay safe and healthy.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well we've certainly got the promised rain. It was a wild and stormy night and I brought my potted chrysanthemum in.

    The sort of day that makes you want to bake. So I decided to make bread and it turned out pretty good so I sent a photo to Mary Jo and she sent me a photo back because she had decided to make bread as well. Then Maria turned up with half an apple cake which she had made with some of our apples. I guess it's that time of year when comfort food is in order. It's going to rain tomorrow as well and already some folk are without electricity. The good news for us though - the basement wall continues to dry out.

    Why has our poetry eschewed
    The rapture and response of food?
    What hymns are sung, what praises said
    To home-made miracles of bread?

    .............Louis Untermeyer

    I really feel for adopted folk LIN. It must continually bother a person wondering what their roots are however loving the adoptive parents. When I was a 17 year old one of our classmates got herself pregnant. The poor girl was sent away and came back without her baby and she wasn't allowed to see her boyfriend again. A few years later, she and he married and sadly they couldn't have any more children.

    We were taught that the term an Indian summer came from the native folk over here. Shades of Hiawatha. Our trees are slow to turn this year, but when they do its quite glorious especially when the colours are reflected in the waters of the sixteen mile creek just down the road.

    M and M work from home SANDY so they can choose their hours. Michael is green with envy. At 60 he is soooooo ready for retirement.

    Well must away and wish everyone a pleasant evening and a cosy one if you too are watching the rain come down.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good afternoon dear ones! We have a partly sunny day. Off and on threatening to rain but so far nary a drop. We did hear some distant thunder that briefly got Katie’s attention. However, she is involved in a afternoon nap.

    Anne : love that poem. And I love that feeling of baking something wonderful when the weather says cool and rainy. Our trees have some color but in general not as colorful as we had in Colorado. I think it must have something to do with needing really cold nights. But not sure why our trees do not show much color. The leaves stay green and just drop off. There are some vines and a small variety of trees that show us fall colors.

    Lin: family heritage is very interesting. Because we somehow have kept the family close and we have had several family members who have traced the family back several generations. Even the heritage from Ireland and grand pop’s family from Germany documented with a lot of photos etc. some very old records. It is interesting but I never felt the very old heritage all that important personally, other than it just being interesting. The big family discussions on how an interest in the arts, music and graphic arts are present in every family.

    Sandy: I just keep being amazed and impressed by your ability to sit for the grandchildren for so long and so often. Oh I would want to but just don’t have the strength or confidence in an emergency. Just shows what can happen if you are fit and healthy.

    Jackie: we are all waiting to see that photo of the new sofa, in place and George and Betty on their blanket, ready for an afternoon nap. Brady will give it a try as well in due time. I remember kitties like to take their time adjusting to new furniture. ( Like a certain guy around here.)
    Take care of yourselves, dear friends,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited September 2021
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting Day and a chilly day with the temp only 53 right now. Nothing going on after my meeting so will come home and ride my bike and try to catch up on all the new shows that are on my DVR. Lucifer also came back on Netflix so I have plenty of TV to watch.
    Still have problems with email syncing with my phone and Outlook and it is frustrating. I am pretty sure it is because of all the updates on my IPhone but hopefully I will figure it out.

    Patsy, believe me I get tired from sitting too often but right now my DIL's parents are in Florida so I am the only one available. Robby is still having issues so I want to help Lisa as much as possible. They go to bed early so it is not as bad as it sounds. I will have Charlie (the 3 year old) all day Saturday but hopefully it will be warm enough to go to the forest preserve and park.

    Anne, I love the smell of homemade bread and now wonder what I did with my bread maker when I separated. I must have left it at the house. My two grandsons are adopted, one from Illinois, one from Russia. The one from Illinois found his birth parents who married a few years after placing him for adoption and had two kids. So my grandson has two biological siblings. He has met them and keeps in touch but he said they are always apologizing and are too needy. He is happy with his parents, my daughter and her husband.

    Have a great day everyone, even though I have no idea where anyone is.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2021
    Hi! A chilly morning but it is now up to 70 degrees F. I went out this morning and picked some tomatoes. They felt like they were almost frozen. Yipes! Change of season for sure.

    I am working on Fall cards. Not Halloween, not Thanksgiving, just Fall. I have been stamping sentiments and have tried 3 different colors of ink. Not sure which is my favorite.

    My Thursday morning phone call with my friend was odd. She said, everything is like an upset fruit basket right now. I will talk to you next week. Now I am wondering if she is okay. I guess I may find out next week.

    A friend asked me to meet her for coffee but we couldn’t decide where to go as I wanted to sit outdoors. She texted me, apparently she was exposed to Covid at her family birthday party. She was sitting in a restaurant next to her stepson who found out shortly after that he has breakthrough Covid. I believe he is a school teacher. Anyway, she is going for a rapid test on Friday. She is quite nervous about it. Heck, I would be as well. Coffee is off for now.

    Another friend wanted to meet at the book store, one of our favorite places, as I have some books to lend her. I said I would meet her in the parking lot although she preferred to go inside. I said she could shop after we meet to talk. I know, I am pretty strict about what I am willing to do.

    I wonder if I will be able to get in the line for the booster shot? So many people are aggressive and assertive and have friends who help them, I want to be finished before it snows!

    I should get back to work.

    Sandy, I hope you are catching up on all the content on your DVR.

    Be safe everyone.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! We have another of those lovely sunny but cool days. The fragrance in the air is so wonderful. There really should be some way to bottle it up for winter or during the dreaded hot summer.

    I had a really restless sleep but I feel fine. I know I will be ready to snuggle in quite early. Thursdays I usually gather stuff to put in the trash for tomorrow’s pickup. It is a strange thing. I love gathering up trash and soon it will be OUT of my life.I am now adding a series of exercises that I should have been doing all along. My fall let me know I need to pay attention or I will be sorry. Nothing was broken but I am still dealing with sore muscles and bruised hip. I am “gingerly” adding the new exercises. Only a few reps (10) maybe next week I will add a couple more and inch forward from there.

    Sandy: I too wonder where everyone is and what on earth they are doing. My life is not very exciting but I do enjoy reading everyone’s posts. Posting here is rather like a journal or diary. I am sure I bore everyone with views and philosophical rambling. However, that is my nature! We are rewatching Silver Linings playbook. So very sweet! I love how people who adopt children when asked which child is adopted, the standard answer is always…”I can’t remember!”

    Lin: it is chilly here also, especially in the mornings I think you are wise to protect your health at all costs. We realize there really isn’t anyone to come help us. Some people have family or close friends ready to lend a hand if needed. Damon would have to travel over 2 hours just to get to us. Our daughter is home bound. All this is a reminder, extra care is warranted! The seashell tea pot is so wonderful. I would be tempted if I were younger and not trying to downsize.

    Hello to sneakers, Anne, Jackie, Bob, Jeri, Diane and Barbie…let us hear from you. We miss you all.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hello, I woke up to the heating blasting away and we have snow for the first time this early up north.

    I didn't post yesterday because we were so busy and I went to bed with Jilly totally whacked. We both fell fast asleep immediately.

    Michael will b driving over today so I will close for now, but will hopefully be back later to bore you all with our doings. Oh, I finally talked to a lady I've said hello to for years. Very bad English. but who am I to talk with my lack of the Iranian language! I'm picking up Middle East people right, left and centre it seems. You've come a long way Annsie since your purely English neighbours in an English village.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2021
    Hello. Nice weather here today. I have been unable to reach the community portion of MFP as a Gateway failed in Chicago. It is working now. I wasted a lot of time trying over and over.

    I am working on cutting out bits for the Fall cards and sorting through different papers and sizes of leaf dies. Choosing is a long process for me.

    The sign-up forms are online now for the booster/third shot of Covid vaccine for the drugstore near me. I have filled out the online firm to the best of my ability and have an appointment next Tuesday morning. They provided a list of items to bring along. I will definitely gather those up. A mask is mandatory by the way.

    Maybe my prescription refill will be ready by then, maybe.

    Anne, you are always rushing about now. I of course am always curious about what is going on. Haaaa. Nosey Parker or Nosy Parker. Choose your spelling.

    Patsy, I hope you got more sleep last night. Well done on adding some specific exercises back to your routine. You are amazing. You just decide something has to be done, and there you are, pitching right in. Excellent.

    I hope everyone is safe and finding interesting things to do.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning. We have returned to a hot summer day here. I have difficulty thinking that Anne is dealing with her first snow of the year when we are looking at 80+ degrees today. Not very comfy for us PNW beavers. But tomorrow we are to begin a week or more of moderate 60s again. No real rain in the forecast again. Holding our breath on the wildfire situation.

    Since, it will be hit and humid today, by design I will plan low impact activities. And it is pizza night. You know our menu…cauliflower pizza! I am trying to cut carbs and meat where I can. It isn’t easy. I love carbs and John loves meat.

    We seem to be destined to viewing old movies these days. We haven’t come across any exciting series to tempt us. I get hooked of various youtube DIY channels. Everything from cooking to new techniques with acrylic paint. It is fun to watch the acrylic pour projects. Accident art is interesting.

    Anne: no interesting new neighbors here. But Damon’s girlfriend is Columbian and while she speaks Spanish and Italian, no English. Our zoom calls depend heavily on Damon. He says he is exhausted after a visit with his girlfriend and his dad and me. Somebody needs to learn some English and somebody else needs to learn Spanish if any communication is to take place. Multicultural romance is hard!

    Hope everyone is healthy and busy. I look forward to hearing about everyone’s activities. I am making eggplant moussaka tomorrow. My new shirts are at the post office, must retrieve them. I would love to follow Anne’s good example at get a pot of mums. Something cheerful and of course that wonderful spicy mum fragrance!

    I am already starting to perspire. Citrus water and folding a load of laundry.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I too, couldn't get on MFP this morning. I gave up and came back now. Last load of laundry is in the washer and then I plan on relaxing except for riding the bike. I only have two more episodes of Lucifer and slowly catching up on my DVR shows. Tomorrow Lisa is bringing Charlie here while she gets her hair done by Bryanna. The boys are going on a camping trip with their dad for two nights. I hope Rob is able to handle them both especially if Robby is anxious. One Day at a Time.

    Patsy, it was very chilly here this morning but now in the mid 70's. Tomorrow a little chillier but Charlie won't care if we go to the park. Will play it by ear and will have dinner for Lisa after her hair appointment since it will take a long time. Does Damon speak Spanish? I would think so otherwise how would they communicate??

    Lin, I will have to check our pharmacies to see if our boosters are ready. Can I get a booster and a flu shot at the same time?? I think I will wait for flu shot until October.

    Anne, sounds like you had a very busy day yesterday, we are curious as to what you did. The lady you talked to probably said the same about you as far as English. You English do have a strong accent and sometimes talk too fast, at least the two English people I know. lol

    Gosh, it is already afternoon and I have been on this computer too long. Have a great day everyone.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Oh, we haven't got snow here PATSY. I meant way up north beyond Harry country. Here it is glorious. Daytime temps of 64 degrees Fahrenheit, perfect for gardening. Thats what Mary Jo and I did yesterday, and me on my own today after Mike left

    I hope I never let such a wilderness develop again. Still loads to do. Mary Jo and I took a break yesterday and took Bean for a long walk. We reached the shop street and PATSY & LIN there is the most beautiful mural painted on the end wall of the Chinese takeout with a plaque. It was painted by a local lady artist and depicts giant flowers with a kite soaring upwards to the sky and its dedicated to the folk who lost their lives to Corvid in our town. Absolutely beautiful and I must get a picture to show you all.

    Mark was busy sealing the basement wall when we got back. The stair treads are going to be oak and I'm so looking forward to the day it is done and the walls painted. Mary Jo continued chopping bushes back and I continued weeding. And really for me more of the same today although I did cook fish, mashed potatoes and peas for lunch followed by ice cream cones and I also did the weekly wash. I sincerely hope the energetic Anne is back!

    You are surely right on the language thingy SANDY. The Iranian lady is called Victoria, and she said she was a follower of Jesus by which I guess she meant she is Christian. Her English is very halting as she struggled to find words but on the whole we did pretty good considering, miming actions helped an awful lot. She said to Mary Jo, pointing at me "she my friend" and I got the feeling she is rather isolated and lonely. She said she had lost 16 family members in Iran, not sure but I think due to religious beliefs. Sad world.

    So you see, lots of hard work but not boring from my point of view,

    Lastly it is chilly overnight and the boys took the air conditioner out of the window.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2021
    Good morning everyone. I’m back after a lovely week with friend Pat, talking the proverbial hind legs off a donkey and getting out and about enjoying what was probably the last few days of our summer. This morning I’m back in the damp low clouds that like to hang over the moors.
    Laundry is on the go but will have to be hung indoors for now and a casserole is bubbling in my slow cooker but the pooches haven’t been walked yet because George is suffering a runny tummy so I’m keeping him quiet.
    My sofa has arrived and I love it (so does Betty!) but I’m still deciding on the best place to put it in my tiny snug.

    Washing machine beeping so I’ll get another load in but before I forget wanted to mention to Anne a BBC documentary ‘Art of Persia’ that is a fascinating insight into their past and stunning art. It might be on Netflix and your new Iranian friend might be interested.

    Back later.