Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Beautiful photos Jackie. I love George and his steady gaze. I cannot believe how long you have persevered through the home remodel/improvements. In comparison, I have little to none.

    Welcome back Sandy. Glad you got home safe and sound. ❤️❤️

    Today was laundry day and long conversations with several friends. Always good to catch up.

    Wishing everyone well.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Morning Bob
    Best wishes Birthday Boy for a wonderful day. I’m guessing you and Jean will have lots planned.

    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member

    Enjoy your day Bob 🎁🥳🎁
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    😆😅😂🤣 brilliant Sandy, it just gave me the biggest laugh! Bob will love it I know.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Yea! I’m baaaaaack! Happy birthday Bob. Hope this is snappy crackerjack kind of birthday. Non-stop fun with a little bit of forbidden treats, kisses and hugs from your true love, music and maybe dance a jig or two.

    We have rain and believe me, we need the moisture! Now if it just doesn’t turn into a downpour that doesn’t stop….

    Today is Friday, cauliflower pizza night…..again! Not sure how we would react to a different menus on Friday nights. Our dear John loves tradition and routine. I guess I do as well.

    Not sure why MPF is suddenly working for me again. I miss being here in sneaker town each morning. Feels like a regular coffee visit with my dearest friends. Oh! To me that is exactly what it is. Hello dear ones.

    The wood stove repair continues. We put away the little portable room air conditioner. I wondered if we were going to drape Christmas lights over it and see it as a permanent decor item. No so, thank goodness. We are watching an old George Clooney movie, “Up in the air.” It is great fun and has a serious message on many levels. Nice. Still reading non-fiction political best sellers, and I am thinking of rereading some old favorite thriller novels. I ran across an ancient Stephen King novel I will dig into again, “Needful Things.” Interesting and scary.

    A day to dig out an old warm sweater and get ready for a nice weekend. The air smells nice. Rainy and cold and the perfume of wet newly fallen leaves. Autumn is coming on…full force.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A Friday that feels like Saturday… why’s that? A lot cooler now as Autumn creeps up on us so a fleece jacket needed on our doggy walk even though I took us to a more sheltered area.
    At some point yesterday a delivery of several heavy bags of logs arrived and piled up against the log store so that meant lifting them away so I could stack into the store. That stretched a few muscles! Expecting rain, my next task was to muck out the hen house then move paint pots, brushes and rollers out to my garage so the clean up can continue before friend Pat arrives. She was due Monday but messaged to ask if she could travel Sunday which means less time to blitz the spare room but since we’ve known each other 40 years I’m sure any missed builders’ dust won’t cause a rift!
    This is my first evening relaxing in my dining room with George and Betty in their beds and the new heater keeping us cosy. Cooking pasta on the stove about 7pm I noticed how quickly the window steamed up on the cold glass; a definite sign of changing seasons.

    Hooray Patsy, you’re back in the fold! My iPhone still doesn’t get me into MFP but no doubt if I spent time “fiddling” I could sort that problem out. I can’t wait to get back to reading anything and everything again. Tired after full days decorating tended to leave me too weary to concentrate but as I eat my supper this evening I flicked through an allotment leisure gardener magazine and actually took in the information!
    Our local supermarket sells cauliflower pizza in the Vegan freezer section and one day I’ll try one in support of you and John!

    Hopefully Anne will break her way back into our group soon so we can get back to our daily catching up.

    I set off for one of my early shopping trips this morning but came upon queues of traffic that didn’t appear to be moving, then cars ahead started tricky manoeuvres to u-turn in the narrow lane and head back past me to find alternative routes. Luckily I could reverse into an entrance on the other side of the road to turn but decided to come home and walk the dogs instead. This means I now have to shop tomorrow so I’m hoping being Saturday there won’t be too many early risers because I hate sharing supermarkets with others!

    Feet up time. Take care and keep warm and safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Here I am but not through the old channels, that is I can't get on through the exercise, food and home page. Can't check my calories, but I continue to walk half a hour daily regardless.
    How did you all know BOB was having a birthday? HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOB !

    A busy morning here. Mary Jo ran around the outside of the house with a caulking gun to caulk the fancy stonework that runs along the bottom of the house. Mark carried on ripping out the wood panelling on the opposite side of the stairs. I was hoping we could save this but we can't because the bottom steps have to be removed. Mike showed up, took Bean for two long walks. went and had his hair cut, discovered a new pet store has opened up within walking distance and treated Bean to treats, put my washing in the washer, took it out and put it in the dryer whilst I cooked lunch for him and me. Then coffee for everybody. When they all departed Jilly climbed into her bed for a much needed sleep after a very busy dog day and I settled down with my book. The Woman In The Window. By A. J. Finn. Its different for sure.

    It looks as if Michael will have another 600 mile trip to Quebec very soon. His Dad has asked him to go to help him winterize his house. Mike said he won't go once the bad weather descends and it descends in Quebec very early. Mid October on.

    Its glorious weather here. Bright and sunny with the leaves just starting to turn red and gold. Pleasant temperature of 75 F. Don't forget to look out for the Full Harvest Corn Moon on Monday night.

    Hopefully, "see" you all tomorrow.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Maybe someone here can tell me…I can not get into the sneakers unless I sign in and then I still have to struggle because “my groups” has disappeared. It is a strangled way to get here but I don’t know how to reestablish the “my groups” designation. I have been using the site Sandy sent a few months ago. At first it didn’t work but I can get here now with that. But still have to sign in. I use an iPad only for most things. My computer is for writing etc. my phone for texts and some calls. Still a total illiterate when it comes to computer and internet stuff.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2021
    Hello friends. I spent part of the day gathering items to make Fall cards. I was just shifting over to paying bills when I had a thought that I hadn’t called one particular friend. So I did. We ended up on the phone for a very long time it turns out she is moving away tomorrow and has no plans to ever return to this area, even for a visit. She has sold her home and will be renting a house from her niece and husband. She has several nieces in that area and they will help her with anything she needs including mowing the lawn and cleaning out the snow. They have already helped her find a doctor. She is very happy that her extended family wants her around. She has no family here and has been unhappy in her home since her husband passed away. So everything has worked out so well. She is happy and excited.

    I am glad we are all back here again but I am sorry, I have no idea how to provide any assistance. I come through the newsfeed page to Community. The thing I’ve noticed is that I often have to login to Community but not to the home page. When I login, all my groups appear.

    Be safe everyone. Everyone sounds busy.


    First of 2 watermelon teapots

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Patsy, hiccups on MFP I think we all experience on and off. If it happens that the Sneakers disappear from my groups I find the search box, I think at the bottom of the list, and type “Golden Sneakers” then most times, but not always, it comes up with our forum. So far my fingertip password is working but also Siri lists it as a favourite. I’m not bothering on my iPhone for now because I don’t know where to begin!

    Rain today so a good time to finally clear the spare room. An exasperating morning first thing when I dashed off to do the supermarket shopping yesterday’s traffic jams stopped. Ambulances and air ambulance helicopter slowed us but then as I finished filling my trolley and paused to draw money from the cash machine I discovered I didn’t have my purse with me. I’d forgotten that when I came home from yesterday’s failed trip I took it in the house rather than leave in the bags in the car! I found a member of staff to wheel my trolley out to their refrigerated area and drove home, collected my purse then drove back to the store, only about a 4 mile round trip thank goodness! My phone rang as I packed my bags away from the cashier, a call from the store I ordered a new sofa from months ago. It was due to be delivered early August but lack of staff for the usual reasons delayed things. It will arrive Tuesday so my friend Pat and I will have to stay home until it’s delivered.
    Ambulances still in attendance as I drove home but helicopter up and away to Plymouth. I’ll probably never know what happened.

    A short walk with George and Betty locally but we still managed to get soaked and then on to washing dust covered china and glass that had been stored under my bed during the renovations. Patches to scrub on the carpet in the spare bedroom that I assume Betty created when the builders were here working. I’m not surprised because her routine went to pot!

    Oh dear Anne, another long trip for Mike! I think you were half expecting it weren’t you. I’m sure Pat and I will be up late nattering Monday night so will pop out to look for the moon, that’s if this rain has moved on.

    Lin, that was lucky you phoned your friend if she’s moving. It’s lovely to hear some extended families are still happy to keep an eye on ageing relatives. I can’t imagine my nieces and nephew being interested but then I do plan to get grotchety once I’m really old! That’s a clever teapot with its cup and saucer although it’s design makes it look as if someone took a bite out of the cup! 🙃

    Back to my cleaning chores.
    Happy Saturday everyone and as ever, stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I just can't seem to catch up on sleep from last weekend. It's not like I haven't tried but even sleeping 8 hours I am still tired. I check my temperature every day just to be sure but I think I just need more time.
    Between my brother and Robby I am very stressed which I think is making me drained. I will be fine so don't worry.
    Having pizza/movie afternoon today so it will be good to be with the kiddos.

    I am sorry Patsy and Anne are having such a hard time getting on MFP. You can try these links to see if they help at all, but it could be a MFP glitch.

    Jackie, enjoy your time with your friend and don't forget those pictures when all settled. You have been working so hard it is time to relax and enjoy your cottage. I love all the pictures with the pups, so beautiful. Did not do the pound a week club today but will again next week.

    Lin, you instinct was correct in calling your friend who is moving. It sounds like she has wonderful family who will look after her. Loving your teapots and you are keeping busy with projects as usual.

    Bob, I hope you had a good birthday.

    Have a safe and wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! Hello! Guess what? I seem to be operational now. Not sure how or why, but maybe it was you Sandy…thanks everyone. It is lovely to able to just jump into M.fP and then on to sneaker town.

    It is really fall now here. Very chilly this morning and yesterday as well. John got out his beloved little dish shaped space heater. He and Katie love to have coffee and discuss their plans in front of it. I am the odd polar bear in the family. I dare not get too warm or i break out in a major grumble. Grrrrrrrr

    It looks like a veggie soup night. Easy peasy! Not much work for me and tonight the kitchen clean up will be minimal. Yea! Katie’s chicken is simmering, I just need to add some veggies and she will have at least a three day supply of her evening doggie stew. I know my life is missing adventure. But that is my challenge.

    Yesterday was my mother’s birthday. She was one of those very pretty southern bells. She could sew and cook and entertain. She could have everyone laughing with her very naughty jokes. She sang on key and knew all the songs. Wow! No wonder dad felt he hit the jackpot. But she was not very motherly. Raising children was not her speciality. Thus…she let my grandmother raise me. I was a wild child. Mother used to say I acted like I was raised by wolves. That is why I love animals?

    I love this little sneaker group. So happy we are back communicating.
    Sandy: you have certainly been in high gear for weeks. No surprise that you are requiring a bit of down time to recharge your personal batteries.

    Jackie: what fun to have company to enjoy your new decor and accept a new sofa as an addition.! This winter it will be lovely to cozy up on your new sofa in your newly painted cottage. The critters will be enjoy it as well. A lovely throw across your knees for Betty and Brady. George will command his spot in front of the fire, no doubt.

    Lin: I often feel ESP is involved when we just “know” something. Like needing to call a friend or family. I have that feeling mainly about our children. It is very hard to give up friendships. You can always try keep in touch with your friend by email or send some of your wonderful handmade cards.

    Anne: still in limbo trying to fight your way into MFP and the forum? Hope you can get here soon.
    Rain rain rain here right now. And very chilly. Need coffee and music!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Darn, post lost! Sigh.

    Well, all is well here and at least I will add a teapot!

    Second watermelon teapot


    Be safe everyone.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I'm still sneaking into our group through the back stairs as it were. Didn't post yesterday because it was a frenzied day
    Usual stuff and then Mark and Mary Jo turned up. Mark proceeded to rip out the basement stairs and Jilly and I retreated to the back garden where we found Mary Jo, spade in hand, in deep conversation with one of our new neighbours. I joined in of course to see a man digging up the For Sale notice, Yes, they have decided to stay, and I'm pleased because I do like them. We were joined by more family members, two brothers of Mary Jos age, two sisters, one pregnant, and their old Mom and Dad and invited over to have tea with them. We declined because the two of us were pretty grubby from ripping up weeds but said we would love to on a later day. I was introduced to the family by Kalad as a "very nice lady". Well you all know me by now - so not strictly true!

    A long discussion followed which must have had the late Harrys ears pretty red. The fish pond was green and thick with slime, he would help Mark repair the fence which was leaning over from Harrys junk days, on and on, [you will remember my complaints], and he's promised to teach me Farsi which will be useful the next time I visit Afghanistan. So far we got to say Hello which is the same as the Jewish greeting.

    Loved reading all of your posts. Lovely reading after a hard day. I finished the aforementioned book and recommend it.

    There is talk of calling in a plumber here to haul upstairs into the back room and install the washer and dryer so I don't have to go downstairs anymore. I'm not so sure about this.
    a} I'm not infirm YET and b} I would lose my back room which I use, like Patsy, as an art room. It's just waiting for me to produce my masterpiece. Ironic laugh. I suppose on the plus side if it does become a washroom I could also use it as a sort of greenhouse for seedlings. It's got the biggest window in this old house.

    Any way we are now in Jackie mode and all because of a wee leak!

    Life aint boring up here and we have a general election tomorrow. I bet Justin is shivering but I suspect he will creep back in as PM.

    Brekkie time. Hugs to all
    Anne and a very happy Jilly Bean.
    PS, Ive noticed the new folk have three dogs visiting. One poodle and two beagles. This means they must be okay folk of course!

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning everyone. We had a torrential rain last night with lightning and great window shaking thunder. It terrified our sweet Katie. She sat on my feet and leaned up against me and shook at times. I felt so bad for her. I hate to see her so frightened. She seemed okay this morning. We will have showers today but I think the big storm front has moved on.

    Anne: so happy to hear that your new neighbors will be staying and that you enjoy them so much. As far the laundry room switch up, you will enjoy the convenience of a washing machine and dryer right close without a possible slip on the stairs. Damon keeps reminding us that we need to do everything possible to avoid falling and mishaps. One fall can change your life forever. But you are wise to stay active and keep up with your morning walks indoors.

    As for me, I am feeling I need a change. I am already feeling my yearly SAD (seasonal affect disorder) and this year feels like I really need my happy light. It feels so odd. Super hard to wake up, hard to breathe at times, my eyes water and I blink too much, the symptoms are numerous and annoying. It really affects my mood…John will attest to that! I need to get out and about.
    Be safe and keep healthy.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited September 2021
    Happy Sunday! :) Watched my Church service and except for my zoom call with family and a quick run to Walmart that is all I have planned for today. I will try and ride my bike before the zoom call as it seems I have gained a couple of pounds do to all the extra eating. I will probably watch the Emmys tonight but doubt I have seen all the shows nominated. Movie afternoon was great, the movie was We Can Be Heroes which held all the kids interest.
    We had pizza first, sat outside for a little while and then relaxed with the movie. It was an early night so I stopped to play a few slots but lost. I got it out of my system now and won't be going back for a while.

    Patsy, sorry that you suffer with SAD, especially in your state where it rains so much. Get more happy lights and keep coming here so we can cheer you up.

    Anne, glad you found a way to get to us because I was missing you. I agree with Patsy, having a washer and dryer on the main floor is wonderful. It was one of the amenities that I wanted in my condo. So easy to do laundry without going up and down stairs. Wonderful news that you neighbors are staying, I presume they will fix up the house to make it livable. Having you for a neighbor is what sold them. <3<3

    Lin, sorry you lost your post, we all know how frustrating that is. I presume you also had online Church service and are busy making cards or phone calls.

    Jackie's guest must have arrived and she will be busy entertaining her for the new few days. I hope they have a wonderful visit.

    Time to get on the bike, shower and get ready for my zoom call. Have a safe and healthy day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2021
    Good afternoon friends. A sunny day here with temperatures almost 90 degrees F. Not feeling like fall today. I am struggling with some house problems today. I am not sure if I can handle this, a plummer may be needed. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Patsy, I am sorry you are feeling like the change of seasons is affecting you already. It is quite early. Although I will say it seems to be getting dark quite early. This could be a long dark season creeping up on us. Get that light out my friend. Sorry to hear you had a storm last night. I am with Katie, it is difficult to sleep during that noise and upset. The thunder jacket doesn’t work for her does it?

    Jackie, time for your company to arrive. I hope you have a lovely visit and the dogs are happy to have a visitor in the house. Looking forward to the new sofa?

    Sandy, I hope you keep trying to get additional rest. The recent loss in your family may have drained the last of your energy. Please be kind to yourself. ❤️❤️

    Anne, I cannot keep up with the winds of change swirling around you day after day. What excitement. That keeps your brain busy! I know any changes in your home are a bit upsetting and adapting can be difficult. I would like to have a first floor laundry and pantry but it cannot be done in this house so I am set with what I have. If your boys know how to make all these changes, do seriously consider accepting them. Meaningless opinion from someone who doesn’t have any decision to make. My friend who ended up on a walker after a bad fall, purchased a new washer and it is in the basement. She hasn’t seen it. Her son has to do her laundry as she can no longer get down the steps. She picked out the machine according to her own preferences and the son has to use it. He apparently has said nothing positive about the purchase.

    Back to thinking of the snarls of issues that seem to surround me.

    Be safe everyone.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well, Ive suddenly been accepted back on MFP. WHY? Beats me. Oh sweet mystery of life at last I've found you.!!!!!!!!!!!
    Anne, totally perplexed. Lets see what tomorrow brings..
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Kind of a gloomy day with rain on and off. Hopefully, it is off when I take Joe to lunch today.
    I have a couple of errands after that and then home to ride the bike. I watch the Emmy's which were boring and I hardly knew any of the shows or winners. (SPOILER ALERT, DON'T READ IF YOU ARE GOING TO WATCH LATER) Olivia Colman won for best actress in a Drama, which was the Crown, the show itself won best Drama Series and Josh O'Connor won for young Prince Charles. So since I loved the series I was happy. I couldn't help think that those in England were up in the wee hours of the morning to be live.

    Anne, I do hope you MFP problems are solved and you are back.

    Lin, you are right about being drained but I must push through. I am needed to help with kiddos more now that Lisa's parents are back in Florida. I do hope your plumbing problems are resolved or at least controlled until you can get a plumber.

    I hope Jackie is enjoying her friend and will love her new sofa being delivered tomorrow.

    Patsy, when I was watching Ewok and there was a storm, I wrapped him in a blanket and stayed close to him.

    Have a good day and stay safe as usual.

    One Day at a Time