Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited July 7
    Hello. It is only about 80 degrees right now. Yippee! We had quite a heavy morning rain but no storm activity. I attended church online but had to go back and watch the beginning again as when it was Live, the screen froze up for a while. Got my cardio classes completed and will probably read later this afternoon. I checked out quite a number of books last week.

    I tried to contact my neighbor to let him know about the fence project. They wouldn’t answer the door when I tried to stop over. I will try to get their mobile number from the keepers of neighborhood information. 🙃 I did see them on their deck last night and got his attention. He wouldn’t get up or anything so I yelled over that I was having the fence replaced. I stupidly said I would let him know when the company lets me know when they will start work. Now I really do need a telephone number.

    Answering the door doesn’t happen much these days. A retired lady in the metro (not my neighborhood) answered her door and saw a guy who had fixed something in her home a few months ago. Don’t know the details but she was bound in zip ties, thrown in her car, and the guys drove around to different ATM machines forcing her to withdraw cash. She was held for about 8 hours and the guy dropped her off at her house and fled in her car. She was bruised but not hurt badly. The guy was apprehended and he was someone with a police record. The police did not reveal many details. Yipes!

    Jackie, oh that is a most lovely bench! I would walk there just to take a break to admire it. You are a very dedicated worker and you accomplish so much. Did you get the spinach trees planted?

    Sandy, hummm, change in plans. Hope you were able to spend some time at the pool. I wouldn’t have tried the service dog thing. Everyone has their own ideas of what’s right. One of my grocery stores has posted a notice about bringing animals into the store. Actually, I haven’t seen any animals in that store recently.

    Well, back to spending my day sort of productively.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) It is beautiful right now but might rain this afternoon. I may or may not go to pool depending on how long it takes me to catch up around here. I have a busy week with leaving for the reunion on Friday. Tomorrow hair, Wednesday mani/pedi, Thursday picking my daughter and SIL up from the airport at 9:15am and then later Lisa's parents at 6:30pm. Lisa comes home Wednesday and wants to get ready for reunion by Friday so I offered to pick her parents up for her. I also told her she could come Saturday or Sunday to have a couple of days at home. I have to order some food for my daughter and SIL even though they will only be here one night but they will need dinner and breakfast.
    We will go to Costco on Friday before checking in to get the breakfast food and lunch and/or snacks.
    I like to help Sandra, my SIL who pays for the rental of the Airbnb since she pays enough for the house.

    Marisa made Cheryl and I dinner and it was good. Her apartment is beautiful but has so many steps going up to her unit. I feel sorry for Gunner her dog as he is already 7 years old and I can see that he is slowing down. He is very docile and doesn't bark or jump and you can see how happy he is to be in a loving home. Marisa loves him, so they are good for each other.

    I keep sending Anne our posts and although she said she sent a memo I don't think any of got it.

    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello, nice day here so far! I didn’t get much reading done yesterday as I talked to a friend on the phone for a long time. So good to catch up, lots of topics, lots of laughs. I am baking some of my sweet potatoes today. And of course, time to gather up the trash.

    Sandy, oh my gosh, you have a week that is beyond busy. Enjoy your time with family!

    Jackie, working outdoors? Hope all is well with you.

    Barbie, I saw the photo of your backyard that you posted in the women’s group. It is terrific!

    Well, onward. I have a class starting soon.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Checking through last week’s unsolicited emails that needed to be deleted I found I had missed one from Anne that arrived last Tuesday. That was the day of my cancer check at the hospital so I must have been too preoccupied. I’ve emailed Anne today to apologise, especially because she addressed it to us all. Of course, I also apologise to the Sneakers!

    Hello Jackie, Sandy, Linda and Barbie, sorry I’ve been silent but to be honest I’ve been rather ill, better now I hasten to add. At the risk of boring you, I’d been feeling very nauseous for days and suspected was one of the pills I have to take daily. Well, on the Monday I’d taken just one pill, wanting to stagger them and within a quarter of hour was in the bathroom vomiting and sorry ladies, but after several heave ho’s I was into diarrhea big time, every half hour in fact for 12 hours. I just felt dreadful and on top of that I started off on this journey at 140 lbs and ended up at 110 lbs. I just couldn’t face food! Anyway, I have to weigh daily and I’m now up to 114 lbs and feeling more like ME. It’s unbelievable, I’m twiggy thin! All my pants have to be cinched with a belt to keep them up, and my two rings are dicarded because they just fall off. I was at Sandys yesterday in Bolton, Canada and she fed me rich chocolate cream cake so it has its advantages! I’m happy here in Mikes condo, but I don’t want to be a burden so I guess I’ll have to move into a long term facility if I have any more bouts like that! In a nutshell Mike doesn’t want that and he contacted social services to see if I could qualify for help. The lady who showed up to interview us has decided I need help at least two days a week, but if she thinks I’m about to show off my new skinny body in the shower to some unknown worker she can think again! It’s hard to believe that just six months ago I was plump and walking the Bean. All from some unknown virus. Sorry if you read and are just waking up! It’s our Canada day weekend so on Monday Mike drove me and Bean to visit Mark and Mary Jo in their beautiful English garden and the only other news, it being the first pill of that day, I now know the culprit and it’s been discarded! A diuretic again, a previous one caused the rash! Very allergic to diuretics. So this has been all about me and it won't happen again I hope. Apologies ladies, but at least you know I’m still around to cause trouble. Barbie, so sorry to read about your husband and I wish him a speedy recovery and off the chemo. Love to all you dear ladies, plus the pets,
    Anne and of course Jilly the Beano.

    Today has been wet and windy so a short dog walk before driving to the DIY store to buy paint for the snug walls. The colour at the moment is rather dull, especially on days like today so I’ve chosen one called Cream White, so just a hint of colour. My plan is to paint while Wimbledon is on the tv so I can watch at the same time!
    My Spinach trees are surviving the awful weather and a few slug pellets will protect them! Small at the moment but likely to grow 6’ tall!

    Gosh Sandy, a busy time again for you.
    You too Lin. Always something going on.

    Time to prepare a salad evening meal even if it’s not summery!
    Take care
    Jackie 🥰

    P.S Anne has responded to my apology and I’ll post it once I’ve eaten.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Back from getting my hair done and I feel much more perky. I did not sleep well and think a nap is in my future this afternoon. Other than waiting for my groceries to be delivered later today I have nothing else to do but ride my bike.
    What a terrible ordeal Anne has been through, I sent her a message with Monday's posts and hope she is on the mend.

    Jackie, thank you for sharing Anne's email so we know what is going on with our sweet friend. Good luck with your painting.

    Lin, I think I do better when I am busy, no time to sit around and think about how much I miss Babe.

    Have a good day everyone,
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) I survived the dreaded wisdom tooth extraction this morning. I didn't eat or drink for 12 hours, got up early to walk the dogs for 90 minutes before coming home and taking pre-surgery meds. My friend picked me up and drove me to the oral surgeon where she came in and got directions from them. It was over in less than an hour and other than some pre op chatter among the staff preparing me, I remember nothing My friend walked me to her car and help onto me since I was so unsteady; I am still a little goofy and unsteady on my feet. No pain meds yet, but I am prepared with acetaminophen and ibuprofen and some stronger stuff from the pharmacy. I have been able to eat my Isagenix shake and a bowl of yogurt and jelly. Thank you to all of you for your encouragement. Jake has been very helpful.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Good news Barbie, now get some rest!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited July 9
    It has rained all day, that fine soaking sort so apart from a short walk with George and Betty, I’ve been home. As we went out I saw a fledgling Sparrow hopping under a bench seat but George saw it too and tried to chase it but luckily he was already on a lead so I managed to get out of the garden without too much drama. A lady who lives round the block stopped in her car to say hello and showed me her two recently adopted dogs she took on after her previous had to be put to sleep. One looks just like George, same colouring but half his size. Apparently just as noisy when he barks! When we came home and into the garden George immediately went looking for the fledgling but came in about 10 minutes later muddy and wet but luckily minus a little bird so I had to shower him then run my hair dryer over him.
    I didn’t start painting the snug because in the early hours I woke up feeling nauseous and a horrible feeling the room was spinning. It gradually eased enough for me to sit up, then get downstairs for a drink of water but my shoulders and neck felt stiff so I did a few gentle exercises until suddenly my neck clicked. That took the pain and nausea away and I’ve been ok but decided painting walls but not be a good idea just now especially after having to bend into the shower cubicle with George! Dear Betty just gets into her bed and ignores the dramas!
    My weather App is telling me it will be sunny tomorrow so I’ll hopefully be able to walk on the moors but having just let Betty into the garden, I see it’s still raining!

    Good to read you came through your dental operation Barbie and don’t remember anything! These procedures are never pleasant so I’m sure you are truly relieved it’s over.

    A rare quiet day for you Sandy. Enjoy your nap and have a better sleep tonight. I’m hoping the same for me!

    Hello Lin!

    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Ooops, it is a bit late for me. Busy day.

    Barbie, I am glad the tooth extraction went well. I hope you feel well tomorrow and have no complications. ❤️❤️

    Sandy, another day closer to the wonderful stay at the Air BnB. I hope it is as good as last year.

    Jackie, I am glad George did not get the little fledgling bird. I am sure he is disappointed but the world needs little creatures, especially birds that sing lovely tunes. Thanks for the photo….now grow little spinach trees!

    Take care.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited July 10
    Happy Wednesday! :) Rain today but that is okay, I am going for a mani/pedi and running some errands. My daughter's flight was changed from arriving at 9:15am tomorrow to 2:15pm which makes me happy so I don't have to rush in the morning and can start laundry for packing. Rob is at the airport picking up Lisa and kids as I write this. I bet the pups are going to be so excited to see them and they will be excited to see them and the new house with all the updates, especially Lisa.

    I did sleep better last night and feel more rested than yesterday. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    A beautiful day with lots of sunshine so the dogs muddy towels were washed and dried then we walked on the moors where we bumped into David with Hattie. She is now on a strict diet which is good because she isn’t a healthy pup carrying lots of extra weight. This afternoon I finally began the big clearance in my wild bottom that will probably take weeks but at least I’ve started. Just finished watching England men’s football team win a European semi final so will meet Spain on Sunday for the final. Everyone very excited!
    Picking up Sheila tomorrow to go out for the lunch we’ve been planning since Christmas! Hopefully another stroll on the moors first as we anticipate more sunshine.🌞 Now for an early night.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited July 11
    Good evening. Yesterday I finished a sympathy card for the family of the neighbor who recently died. Today I was notified about the death of a friend’s sister and also the passing of a former co-worker. The person who let me know about our co-worker is planning on driving from Des Moines to Madison Wisconsin for the funeral. I tried to text a bit with her but she was too upset.

    So, I am making more sympathy cards. I should probably make extras the way things are going.

    Sandy, are you going to stay at the same house as last year? Did you ever get your grocery order?

    Jackie, I hope you and Sheila have a lovely lunch!

    Take care my friends.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hi! A sunny day but warmer. We didn’t get as much rain last night as anticipated. I have some classes this afternoon and have been waiting for the handyman but it looks like I must have been bumped from his schedule. Not a peep!

    I got to the library early this morning. Actually as soon as they opened and the place was already packed! Kids on summer vacation have many programs at the library. One sad thing for adults, in the past we could request a book not owned by our library and they would put out a request to other libraries. If available, that library would send the book to my library, I could check it out and then return it to my library and they would send it back. The program has been eliminated. 🙁

    I hope everyone is having a good day.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Sorry I have been busy all day. After picking up my daughter and SIL from airport we went to Costco and Walmart for food for the reunion and got home in time to make dinner . We then watched a movie and it’s now time for bed. We leave tomorrow for our reunion. I will try to check in when I can.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) We will be leaving around 12:30 for an hour and a half ride. We did all the grocery shopping for the crew except for the dairy products which we will get at a store closer to the Airbnb. I thing we will have a wonderful time and l am looking forward to being with my all four of my kids at the same time. Enjoy your week.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    I didn’t manage to check in yesterday but, although on the go, did enjoy myself. I walked early with the dogs and again bumped into David but with diagnosed arthritic hips he is incredibly slow which gives me an aching back as I can’t walk steadily but I don’t want to say so because I think most days he doesn’t see anyone. It took us an hour to cover a short distance but then met Brian who is even slower but just wanted to stand and talk! After that I drove to town to fill my car with fuel but found the only station we have open at the moment was chaotic because new owners are in the midst of making changes. My morning outing that should have taken an hour end ended up 3 hours and that meant a rush to get ready to pick Sheila up. We did enjoy our lunch at a small hotel on top of the moors and the food was delicious. Back home to my greenhouse to pot on seeds from supermarket peppers and by 7 pm I was cleaning my washing machine filters and trays on a whim!
    This morning I shopped for groceries then walked in rather hot, steamy temperatures that made both dogs pant so took my time. A couple of thunderstorms have cleared the air but meant staying in. I’m following Wimbledon men’s semi finals. David has phoned to tell me he has been referred for hip replacements and might need help with getting to hospital appointments but probably not for a month or so.

    Sandy, have a wonderful time with your family. ❤️

    Lin, when I was growing up we had a tea set with that exact pattern so must be 1950’s. That’s a shame your library won’t now search others for books you want to read. I would imagine that was a popular service but maybe time consuming? I find decent Customer service is hard to come by these days.

    My cup of tea has gone cold so I’ll make fresh and scramble eggs for my tea.

    Happy Friday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    I will stop by tomorrow. It has been a very busy, hot and sweaty day. Totally worn out.

    Lin 🫠

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited July 13
    Hello. Super hot—heat warning but I have seen some of my neighbors out working a bit in their yards. I have spent my day doing laundry, and got out all of my foiling supplies and started foiling a few things. It’s been a while since I foiled but I seem to remember how. 😎

    Yesterday was a long, hot, and sweaty day and I was very tired out by the end of the day. I think I was a bit dehydrated. At the end of the day yesterday, I had a new railing installed on my front steps, the guys sprayed some of the mold and fungus on my house. I totally freaked out as the guy on the roof did not plan things well, he should have started as far up on the roof that he wanted to start but instead began at the lowest level and tried to inch his way up. The roof was wet where he had been spraying and his boots couldn’t get a god grip and he slid down the roof and only caught himself near the bottom. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Thanks heavens.

    I put together my new battery operated leaf blower as well yesterday and did leaf and grass clipping blowing after the guys mowed my grass. It works quite well! Glad to have this new tool.

    Sandy, enjoying the family reunion!

    Jackie, hot and steamy weather for you too. Glad you were able to meet with Sheila for lunch. Yes!

    Barbie, no problems after the tooth extraction?

    Anne, hello my friend and best wishes to you and Jilly.

    Take care everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited July 14
    Good morning and happy Sunday. Yesterday was busy and began with a relaxing walk. I was driving with George and Betty towards our usual car park but when I saw a space halfway up on the other side of the road, I pulled over, let the dogs off their leads and walked slowly for over a mile, up hill and down!
    The lambs are almost fully grown now and bigger than my pooches so it’s fine to take them close by.
    It was already hot by 8am but the terrain is open and there was a pleasant breeze so I took my time, stopping occasionally to take in the views because from that high point I can see my village, the local town about 2 miles away, then across farmland all the way to the sparkling sea.
    In the middle of lots of chores my friend Pat called on WhatsApp to tell me about a falling out she had with another friend of hers. It happened several weeks ago but apparently the lady keeps turning up at her door even when she lives over 50 miles away and when Pat blocked her on her phone, used someone else’s phone to call and leave a message. It’s bordering on stalking but not something police would deal with. I missed the Wimbledon ladies final while we talked but hope to watch the men today once I’ve cut my lawns. It’s overcast and looks likely to rain although not forecast so once I’ve finished my coffee I’ll get started as I’ve already walked George and Betty.

    Lin, I find dehydration creeps up on me sometimes even when I drink plenty of fluids and it’s usually in that hot steamy weather. Don’t overdo things if you can help it. That builder on your roof definitely lacks common sense! He’s very lucky he didn’t hurt himself. I’ve been gradually moving across to battery operated garden tools too because they are lighter to hold so easy to handle. A lawnmower will be my next investment.

    I love the unique Golden Syrup teapot. When I was growing up we always had a tin in the larder so grandmother who lived with us could make our favourite steamed pudding with syrup on top.

    I’m guessing Sandy is having a wonderful family gathering. I owe Anne an email so will write once my chores are completed.

    Take care.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday! Continuing to have fun as more family arrives today. There is so much to do at this resort besides our nightly games.
    Hello to all and will check in when I can.
    One Day at a Time