Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Hello. Doggone cold today! It seems Black Friday sales are not even close to the actual date this year. I have been bombarded for several weeks with specials. That is how I ordered my slippers. Today my favorite gluten free soup is on sale. It is still expensive but I adore it so I have ordered a few bottles. Yummm! And I received a $15 off certificate from one of my favorite card making supply companies. And yes, I used it this morning as well. I think that is likely all that I will be ordering.

    I have dug out everything I think I will need to work on assembling the fronts of the snowmen cards. I am ready to get a start.

    Sandy, happy day with the kiddos. I hope all goes well.

    Jackie, I love the photo with Betty closer to the camera. It seem more often George is front and center. Looking good Betty! How wonderful that you were able to provide the television for the lady whose husband sounds like a rat. I do detest rats. Rats will destroy chicken eggs won’t they? Or maybe I am mistaken. We had a terrible rat problem on one of the farms we lived on way back when when I was married. A combination of raising loads of pigs (and all the feed waste) and a lot of corn didn’t fit in the bin and the coop sometimes didn’t have storage to rent, so a machine shed was converted to flat storage for shelled corn. OMG, rat heaven! Argh…..nope, do not miss that. Fuel has gone up a lot here as well. I drove to the local Costco store and was able to get gas at under $3 a gallon. That is a very good deal here. My weekly groceries cost a lot more. I think I will stop thinking about that.

    Anne, good morning. Is it your grocery day? Hope all is well.

    Patsy, good morning to you. How is the flood situation now? Just me worrying about things. Hello John🙋🏼‍♀️ I received a nice email last evening from a friend who had already received the Thanksgiving card I sent to her. She raved and said her husband was impressed. I say, she is a very good friend. 😄 nice to hear one was delivered.

    Be safe everyone.



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Trying to get to our group a message popped up saying that MFP was suffering from an influx of calls. Maybe everyone is getting fit during the pandemic, lol.

    I'll get fit, or die in the attempt if I follow through on our local garbage men and their rules. Explanation, an enormous branch blew off the towns tree which sits across from my front window and on town property, and thus, being theirs I expected the garbage men to haul it away. Uh uh. They've very thoughtfully dragged it onto my front lawn, presumably for me to chop into small pieces which we are supposed to do with OUR tree branches. Just debating phoning their headquarters to borrow an axe. Being in my 80s I don't possess one.

    Talking of trees my 10" high poinsettia from last Christmas is now over 3 ft and just as wide. Looking it up I have to place her in a dark cupboard for 14 hours for the next 8 weeks if I want the red "flowers", and then haul her out into strong light for the remaining 10 hours daily. I wonder what such a large bush would cost from the florist? When she was a scrawny 10 inches she cost me $5.

    No Michael today because he had to go into work on his day off. However he's coming tomorrow and I've been told to forget cooking because he's made a surprise dish for our lunch which he's bringing over.

    Oh and my grocery order which I ordered for 9 - 11 delivery was delivered at 7:15 AM. I was eating my porridge in my pyjamas when a cheerful West Indian dropped the order off including a Brita jug.

    Ah, PATSY, I miss SAO [Salvation Army Organization] our Aussie stray puss born on an old sofa outside the store and his addiction to chewing cat mint. Those stories weren't half bad says she modestly, but we might have affected a few developing brains with them had they gotten published! Meanwhile, my grandson Derek is making pocket money selling games on the internet. I've given him a few ideas.

    And I guess that's all folks. Still a few hours to get into mischief.

    Anne and her indisposed woofer, Jilly the Beano.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good day to you sweet sneakers. We have a cloudy cold day. No rain as yet, however. Katie has been out several times and has declared the weather unpleasant but tolerable. We only had a short ball game. She just turned around at one point and headed back inside. I would be concerned but I know what a princess she is.

    The stove pipe redo continues. More pipe and more fittings and bigger mess! This will never be finished. Damon is looking at houses now. He wants to be moved by spring or early summer. To find a house you like at this point is hard expensive work. He is determined and when the time is right he will find his nest.

    The flooding seems to have abated. We had a few nail biter moments. We live in an area with many rivers flowing into the Columbia or the ocean. Lots of opportunity for flash flooding. We were watching a small active river very near us…the Lewis and Clark river. Things seem calm now. The rivers are still quite high but not over flowing.

    Lin: wow that is an amazing teapot. Lovely! I would buy it if….if…well you know about my problem of no space and too much stuff.
    Sandy: Lisa is so lucky to have a hair stylist right in the family. Finding good stylists is almost a lifetime search.
    Jackie: you know Betty is looking very healthy and cute. She has adapted to your life and George so quickly. Is she able to become more reliable with her potty habits?
    Anne: all the activity is exhausting and exciting. It will be so nice when completed. But it is such a huge undertaking, it will take quite a while for completion. Settle in for a time of hammering and sawing and sawdust. But you do get to see your son more often. He is a wonder! That construction while dealing with back problems.
    I find myself thinking of our dear late Buzz. Here’s to you, our gone but not forgotten friend!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another mild, dry day that began with an enjoyable long walk. The car park was nearly full and I still wonder where all these people come from and why at this time of year. As we set off towards the stone Hurlers I could see a long, rather straggly line of hikers walking toward us from the right and quickly realised we would be colliding quite soon. George made me laugh because he stood very still as they passed in front of us then followed them a little way before stopping again to watch them disappear into the distance. A lady towards the back of their line called out that one of my dogs (George) seemed to have gone on strike so I pointed out he is more used to watching a line of sheep or ponies on the move than people. Betty and I then went on our way while George kept an eye on them.
    On the way home I detoured to town for a few items of shopping then was just about to put my car away in the garage when Chrissie phoned to check if I would walk with her and Bella after lunch since I had offered a couple of days earlier. Bella is gaining more confidence each day and is at a point when Chrissie feels confident to take off the lead once we are in an enclosed field. It was lovely to see her finally able to race at high speed and on the whole, come to us if we called or whistled…. for a treat of course. At one point she slipped through a gate into the next field so I had to move quickly to follow her but thankfully she hadn’t gone far and came to me when I called her. I stayed for tea and ginger cake while Chrissie told me about her time living in Kenya before coming home only to find George was in the garden having slipped out through the cat flaps at some point. He was very pleased to see me as was Betty who had to endure time on her own once he had gone out. Patsy, Betty is fully housetrained thank goodness and will stand by the door and bark to let me know if she needs to go out or if I’m on the sofa watching tv, she parades back and forth in front of me with a look over her shoulder that says hey, look at me, I’m telling you something important!

    Some grand teapots recently Lin with a Brown Betty thrown in.

    Close to midnight so I must get ready for bed. Both pooches are fast asleep so won’t much like being woken up to go outside!

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Grocery order made to be be picked up later this afternoon. Waiting for furnace man to clean furnace. Zoom call with family early afternoon. Thought about taking Joe to church but changed my mind and ordered groceries instead. Will watch mass on TV in the morning before going to celebrate Lisa's birthday. Her hair is beautiful, Bryanna did a great job. Lisa wanted a hint of blue.
    Lisa got home in time to take Max to his sports class so I stayed to spend some time with Robby. He is doing so much better, we are all really proud of him. Life is good. So I bought Lisa and Rob a Ninja air fryer for both birthdays and Christmas.
    Rob will turn 50 on the 30th so they both agreed to the fryer instead of a check. I think they will love it and they already got it from Sam's Club.

    Jackie, you stay up late like me, but I think you get up at the crack of dawn. I need my 8 hours of sleep to function well the next day especially with all the sitting I have been doing lately. George really cracks me up, he is one funny dog. I am glad to hear Bella was able to run loose, dogs love that so much. Again, you are such a good person, I am glad I know you even if through the internet.

    Patsy, yes, we are lucky to have our own hair stylist in the family although she is making sounds of moving out of state once she has her license.

    Anne, I would call the village and tell them you are a senior and the tree is from their property so they should take care of it. I use the senior card all the time and it really works. lol

    Lin, glad you got some bargains especially your soup. Lisa found the air fryer at Sam's Club cheaper than Amazon although a little different than what I showed her. However, when I checked yesterday the one on Amazon was on sale cheaper so you never know. She didn't want to change it she researched and liked the one she picked out best which is what I wanted her to do.

    I am going to try to eat before the repair man gets here although I have laundry going and the dryer clothes need to be folded first. Have a great day everyone.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It was another gloomy start with low clouds hanging over us so I didn’t rush out with George and Betty, in fact didn’t arrive at the usual car park on the moors until after 10 and that meant meeting a long line of dog walkers that I know. I did more talking than walking but it was an enjoyable hour and George behaved himself remaining sociable enough by his standards except when his groomer and her family drove into the car park, then he very quickly walked away and hid under a picnic table! Debbie Woof Woof and husband have taken in another foster for the charity that looks after pets while abused partners who find the courage to leave a violent relationship get settled in a new home. It’s a stunning long haired German Shepherd balled Bruno that was very excited to meet my pooches.

    It’s going to get colder next week so I spent time cutting and splitting wood for kindling while my neighbour continued to fiddle with adjustments to his beer garden! 😁. I can’t imagine I will receive an invitation to join them for a glass of cheap beer and because I’ve never received an apology for his behaviour and tantrum would hope not to!

    Sandy, I often find Amazon prices are more than other outlets so always shop around. A couple of weeks ago I saw a pair of slippers I liked so went straight to the manufacturer to check the price and although I had to wait for new stock it was worth the reduction. They arrived today so cosy feet again.
    I feel our friendship is a mutual thing as you have taught me how tolerance and forgiveness go a long way to accepting situations beyond our control; never one of my strong points!

    Are you working on painting projects in your dungeon Patsy? I know lockdowns put a stop to exhibiting but hope you still have other incentives to get those paintbrushes working.

    Lin, rats are the bane of my life around the chicken run but the sachets of poison do keep the numbers down so I don’t often see signs inside the run and if a hole does appear it gets stuffed with the nastiest stuff!

    I came close to buying a Christmas Poinsettia yesterday until I remembered what a disaster I had last year so will leave such plants to the care of the likes of our green fingered Anne!

    Anne I would certainly make a phone call to the local authority that owns the land the wayward tree sits on. I’m sure you pay taxes that cover such costs but hopefully the refuse men already made a call to head office and told them about the branch.

    I too remember our dear friend Buzz often Patsy and wonder what she would make of today’s world. She would certainly have many pearls of wisdom to impart.

    Last night I sat through a ridiculously violent movie called London Is Down in which a constant run of gunfire, explosions and dead bodies falling at every turn had me laughing at its silliness. I should have switched off after the first 10 minutes! Tonight I will definitely be more discerning!

    Take care everyone and stay safe. Crazy news about, whether it’s violent riots in Austria or a teenage vigilante shooting people in America so I’m so happy to live in the middle of nowhere.

    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning dear friends! Wow! We have partly cloudy skies and so far no rain. It is very chilly however. Katie has had her run and ball game and is now sitting in the door way of the deck with her feet sticking out the door. It is her favorite thing. Odd, don’t you think?

    John has run into a small snag on replacing the stove pipe. This wood stove was put into the house 40 years ago. The size of the stove pipe is different from the ones used now. There is one small piece that he had to find a place to manufacture it special. Nothing is easy these days. So we are stuck with stove pipe parts and tools all over the dining room. As I have lamented earlier, construction projects have been part of my life forever it seems.

    I am somewhat of a late adaptor on new things, but this air fryer appliance has really taken off. Everyone seems to have one and they love it. So I am thinking I will get one. I try to avoid frying or as much as possible I try to cook low or non-fat. Is there any problems I should be aware of? Useful? Another kitchen doodad?

    Sandy: oh my! Lisa’s hair is gorgeous, do you use your air fryer often? Is it hard to clean?

    Jackie: it is wonderful to hear about well trained and socialized doggies. Katie really doesn’t classify in any of those desired training abilities. She is very reliable on her potty training. She has separation anxiety and must be within eye range of us at all times. She literally cries if she can’t see us. She doesn’t like most strangers and shies away. We call or whistle for her if she is on the deck. She will listen and decide if she wants to respond. She is the most complicated doggie we have ever had. Over the years, we have generally had Old English sheepdogs. A wonderful breed. Very rare over here in our part of the country. The labradoodle is a great mix but the special circumstances of Katie’s background has affected her life and personality. She was part of a huge litter and was sold to us way too early. We were told she was seven weeks old. The doc said she was barely a month old. She missed a vital time with her mom. She is always insecure. The breeder seemed desperate to sell these puppies. Hummmmmmmm! We learned too late. But we are dearly in love with sweet crazy Katie. We adjust and try gentle training.

    I keep thinking of things I am thankful for. The dear sneakers are up there at the top of the list along with other family members. Be well, be safe and behave…most of the time!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Hello! A sunny day and the temperature has risen to 50+ degrees F. Pretty good for November.

    I have been sorting through sentiment stamps for Christmas. I just cannot decide what to put in the snowman cards. I was thinking of stamping a sentiment on a separate piece of cardstock and then adding a colored backing paper to it before finally adding it to the card. Then if I change my mind before using the cards, they will be more flexible. Or I could just wait until I want to use them and then stamp. While looking, I threw out some cards I made a few years ago. I was never going to use them. Good idea but they never worked out.

    Sandy, I love Lisa’s hair! Gorgeous. Bryanna did a terrific job. I hope the repairman showed up and all is well.

    Jackie, you have been so helpful and it is amazing how well Bella is doing now. Wow! And all the people in your area, all I can say is it must be a magnet for tourists. People are wanting to go somewhere. A couple of my friends are on a week + cruise right now and are stopping on the way home to do a day of sightseeing in Washington D.C. This is the second cruise in about a month for one of them. Germany and Austria are shutting things down again right?

    Time to do my lunch dishes and get back to trying to make decision or two. 😄

    Hello Anne and Patsy.

    Be safe everyone.


    A Lenox teapot I believe.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    The repairman and my landlord showed up together. The furnace is fine but both agreed I need a new hot water heater, I am so happy. I also showed him a closet door that needs a new part and he said he would send his repair guy to fix it. Does that mean he will raise my rent sky high? Of course we still have the balcony floor but can't expect him to fix that until next spring.

    I love my air fryer Patsy and it is easy to clean and also can go in dishwasher. I can make food faster with out frying and it is delicious. Unfortunately I have been on a Lean Cusine kick and haven't used it much but will when it gets colder and I need comfort food.

    Waiting for Walmart to tell me order is ready, they were out of 3 items but nothing I can't do without.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Cold and sunny, George’s favourite weather, so we walked to the top of the moors and back. Fresh pot of coffee on the go while I make a plan for outdoor activities. Mucking out the hen house is top of the list. Also been looking through a catalogue that arrived with my new slippers and am very tempted to buy a pair of top right boots!

    Not sure I’d fancy a cruise at the moment Lin unless everyone onboard, including the crew, had to pass stringent tests! I heard Austria will insist every person is vaccinated but I’m not sure how that works in a democratic society!

    Patsy, I’m sure you and John are aware just how lucky Katie was that you chose her from that large litter and adjusted to her needs rather than the other way round. Not everyone would have patience and caring souls to understand her insecurities. I doubt George got to know his siblings or the finer aspects of socialising before being handed over to his first owners who obviously didn’t know what his needs were. Lucky me to have found him!

    Hello and happy Sunday to Sandy and Anne. Coffee finished and already gone midday so must get on.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Hello all! Bright sunny day here.

    Jackie, those boots look enticing. I love the colors of the ones in the lower right of the pages. Which ones do you like best? Top right? The short ones? Well, they are all on sale apparently. My exciting purchase of slippers was a pair of L.L. Beans. Same as the last pair I purchased from them. Even slippers wear out. The more you like them, the faster they seem to need replacing.


    I ended up with the little snowmen on two different backgrounds. There were not enough tiny snowflake panels to foil. The larger designs overwhelmed them so I hunted up some sparkly pattern paper. If I had found that earlier, I would have used it all up and then used the foiled panels. I also stamped something kind of bland inside each. If I change my mind later, I can always re-do the insides. So here are the two designs side by side. How sick of these are you by now? 🤣😂🤣 I love them, I wish I had made more of them.


    So now is the time to put finishing touches on each of the cards as I decide which one to send to each person. I hope to have all of them in the mail in a week and a half. Ambitious goal for one who agonizes over every detail. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I found one this morning that needs sparkle. Not sure what that will be. I will be on the hunt for the thing that seems right. Oh, and I do have a birthday card to work on.

    I am drinking my coffee but I have no chickens to look after or animals to feed. I hope everyone has a lovely day. Be safe, healthy and happy. ❤️❤️


    A walking teapot

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    edited November 2021
    Happy Sunday! :) Just finished with Mass and also doing my sheets. Later will order the food for the celebration and then I thought about taking a ride to my dealership for some touch up paint. Someone scratched my passenger mirror and I can't stand it. However I think I might wait and call to make a service appointment as I ran a curb and would like to be sure my car is not out of alignment or any other damage. The areas going in and out of the hotel were very narrow and I clipped a curb and also outside looking for the parking garage. I am sure my niece thinks I am a flake but she said she has done it also.
    No, I will not give up driving. lol

    Have a great day and keep staying safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    What a cold night…and damp cold but sunny morning. It is a very cold day and sadly the wood stove is inoperable until the new part is here. But we do have a furnace and space heaters. But I hate the way it makes my allergies flare up. I have clean new filters but I still get stuffed up and headaches when we use the furnace.

    I had a bad sleepless night but I will wait for my nap until I feel very very sleepy. Dishes are washing and a load of laundry drying. Having herb tea instead of coffee. I think I really need to get some sleep. I always worry about being clumsy when extremely tired and falling. Enough of this whining!

    I will need to get the holiday season off and running soon. After a nap I will make my cranberry relish. I will bake John a pumpkin pie. They are easy to make so I wonder why people get so crazy about them at thanksgiving. There are a lot of crustless recipes that are delicious.

    Jackie: As we are two oldies, without much social contact these days, Katie is a real godsend! We concentrate on her so much, I am sure we help promote eccentric behavior. I have seen this with other people and their pets. Katie isn’t a pet. She is a full fledged family member. This pandemic has really made life interestingly different. Everything from shopping to our entertainment and home maintenance is difficult and hard to find help. Katie helps on all levels.

    Sandy: you sound like the kind of driver I am. I don’t drive fast, so that helps. I don’t have good distance sense and parking is a challenge. That little TV screen is confusing to me. John reacts like he did when teaching the kids to drive, he is bossy and yells a lot!

    Lin: I love your slippers. I have the same pair. Mine are worn out and very sad looking these days. I bought some Bobs kitty slippers but these really aren’t as comfy. Must keep looking like you did…..

    Patsy ☘️ (Yawn)

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another Monday comes round and this one is sunny but very cold; definitely a porridge morning with spoonfuls of stewed plums and Skyr Yogurt which is made the Icelandic way. I set off to walk to the top of the moors but soon discovered why the sheep and large herd of ponies were sheltering on low ground when a freezing easterly wind hit me. Both pooches raced round and kept warm but I still decided to detour round a lower section and was pleased to get back to my car.

    Plans today, once I’ve finished my coffee, are to clean the kitchen and shower room before lunch then try to cut the lawns that continued to grow in recent warm damp weather. The cold wind is doing a reasonable drying job.

    Lin, I love your new slippers with their doggie design. They look lovely and cosy. My new pair is keeping my feet warm but I’m having to wear them in a bit as I normally buy a half size bigger but couldn’t find any I liked. The larger boots in the catalogue are tempting but I doubt I’d get much wear out of them whereas the smaller ones above could be used daily. The mustard colour jumps out so perhaps…! I used to own a mug on feet from the same set as your teapot but gave it away to a friend who admired it. Also bought my dad and stepmom a sugar bowl but it soon disappeared and I guessed got smashed by a certain lady who had a temper!
    Never sick of your snowman cards that are adorable!

    Sandy, I’m delighted with my new electric water heater that is tucked away in a corner of my new loo. Sounds as if your landlord keeps an eye on any problems you might have but I’m guessing he isn’t as speedy as your previous landlady. She was a star!
    I was once driving home from a store with neighbour Louise in tow and did just as you have, catching a corner of the kerb, and received a look with raised eyebrows but not long after she did exactly the same with me as passenger so I had to give her a similar look but of course we laughed about it. A reminder to renew my driving license arrived last week so I have to answer a list of questions but thankfully my eyesight is 20/20 after cataracts were removed and I think I’m still mentally capable, far more than some crazy kids that drive dangerously around our narrow lanes!

    Oh dear Patsy, I do hope you don’t have a long wait for the stove part. There’s nothing like a real fire to cosy the place up.
    Have you woken refreshed after a good night’s sleep? Something woke me at 4 am this morning and after tossing about I got up and wandered in bare feet round the cottage sipping sparkling water. Finally went back to bed and the next thing I knew it was nearly 8am but a good reason for me to keep myself busy otherwise I’m sure I’d snooze mid afternoon.
    Talking to a fellow dog walker yesterday we admitted our pooches have been a Godsend, more so than normal, with all the weird changes to our lives since the pandemic began. Before George arrived in my life I would have said it’s just a dog to anyone fussing theirs but goodness, they are most certainly family.

    Where’s our Anne gone? Not locked out again surely although she does usually email to let us know she is alright. I’ve never managed to get back in through my iPhone and this morning was a struggle on my tablet so was about to change my password but then thought type a post first just in case!

    Kitchen and shower room to be cleaned so I’m away.
    Happy and safe Monday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I have a week of no sitting do to kids activities being cancelled because of Thanksgiving. I think I will make an appointment for my car and then go to T Mobile about getting new phones for me and Bryanna. Or I might just stay home and do nothing. lol Time will tell.
    Lisa's birthday was great, food was delicious, company was wonderful, movie was good except the kids were wild and didn't even watch it. Bryanna fell asleep so Lisa and I watched it basically alone. lol

    Jackie, you are brave to walk in the cold I only did that when I had my knee surgery on the advice of my therapist. It is only 30 degrees here so no walk for me but will get back to riding my bike. As far as my landlord we will see how long it takes for him to actually get the new water heater. He is not only slow but cheap. You had me look at my license and I am happy that I don't have to renew until 2023. I think after that I have to do it every year. One day at a time.

    Patsy, I don't like to drive at night but other than this mishap with the curb I feel like I am a good driver, but don't we all? I do drive expressways and highways with no problem except for driving downtown Chicago, it is always a nightmare down there. I hope you got some sleep, I actually slept 10 hours last night to make up for lost sleep.

    Lin, love those snowman cards and the teapot is very cute. I really like your slippers and might have to check those out for myself. My daughter sent Lisa and Rob birthday cards that she made and did a great job like you do. Lisa was very impressed.

    Anne oh Anne where have you gone? We hope all is well and there are no problems.

    Have a good day and keep staying safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh golly gee! It is bitter cold , damp and dark! The wood stove will be inoperative until after thanksgiving. So the dining room will remain rather “casual” with tools and stove pipe parts stacked around the perimeter of the room. It has been the nature of my married life. Damon said he remembers growing up in a happy construction site.

    John, armed with my list for thanksgiving dinner shopping, battled his way through the supermarket and Costco. Bless his heart! He bought way too much but I can share with Andrea. Our son can really cook great things but hates cooking for one. So he dashes into a deli or a Mexican restaurant for a fast meal. He only eats once a day to keep calories under control. He sips some nasty looking tea kind of thing or coffee in the morning. I never understand a bachelor lifestyle. I do believe they are like that comedian said, bachelors are like bears with furniture. So many women have made it clear they would marry him. Damon is nervous about commitment. He had a strange divorce.

    The thing about a restless night is, it messes up my day. But if I can just take a small nap to get by, then sleep a bit longer the following night. Good plan but it often goes crazy.

    Sandy: my problem with driving is that I am driven to look at the passing scene, I get very scared when those huge trucks pass me or I have to pas one of them. I don’t go fast and a lot of cars whiz by me. John says I drive like a rusty gate! Consequently he will never let me drive when he can do it instead. And I have poor judgement on parking. Parallel parking is often just beyond my capabilities.

    Jackie: will you have house guests for the holidays? Now that your decorating is finishing up your wonderful new additions and improvements, it will be interesting to entertain. I would be very proud of your cottage. You have done a marvelous job. I remember back when you decided to add a sun room. What a project and it has been a lovely addition. Then the stairs and then the loo and then the new walls and your wood stove. All that and your painting the walls rather expertly. Very impressive and well done, my friend!

    Lin: the snowman cards a delightful. With your choice of backgrounds and message, they really can be very personal along with that charming happy snowman! A creative a fun holiday craft. It would be fun just having all their smiling faces in various stages of completion sitting about your craft room.
    Are you like me…I seem to involve every room in the house when involved in a project. Total chaos!

    Anne: where are you dear girl? We worry about you among the construction efforts at your house. Exciting and yet impatiently wanting completion. Be careful, come back to us and tell us all ur news. We miss you terribly. The holidays are coming and you will need to get your amazing poinsettia out into a place of importance. She might serve as your Christmas tree. Some little paper chains and snowflakes as decor?

    Another thanksgiving thought…I am very grateful the sneakers have, so far, survived the horrible pandemic. We have been careful and wore masks, kept social distance, got our shots and stayed home. Not easy when we have people we love and want to see.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited November 2021
    Good evening. It has been a cold day. I spent my time sorting out thing to throw out for pickup in the morning with the added features of a recycling day and the last day to put out leaves, sticks, etc. in an approved leaf bag. Everyone seemed to be putting things out at the curb today. Glad to be finished. I am running my extra electric heater. It is a very handy thing to have on a chilly day. Tomorrow the wind is supposed to be back making it feel very cold.

    Jackie, it sounds as if you had a very productive day. As far as getting on MFP, I know my way here but I have problems with the site loading from time to time. This morning, nothing would move for quite a while and I had no news feed. Anyway, I guess I am saying, I cannot always get here when I want to. So I understand issues with your phone and your tablet. Kind of annoying yes?

    Sandy, wow, a week off! Amazing! I hope you enjoy your time, whatever you decide to do. I trust that if you get the car all spruced up that it won’t cost an arm and a leg. We used to have a shop that touched up paint and repaired small dings (and detailed cars) that was relatively reasonable. I liked them but they consolidated locations and then sold out so they are no longer in business. Darn.

    Patsy, I am so sorry you have to wait to get the wood stove going again. I remember the weeks of waiting for the washing machine part this year. Excruciating! Well done John! What a wonderful shopping trip. It is a busy week. And Patsy, you are right. My entire house is chaos and I know most people could not stand it. I have always lived this way, stuff everywhere. Projects, books, music….all kinds of things. Makes me happy.

    Anne, I am chiming in as well. Hello. Where have you gone. I am concerned about you.

    Well, I made a mistake, I started reading a book tonight. Gotta get back to it!



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited November 2021
    Hello girls. I'll read everyones posts later because me and the pest have just woken up to minus one feeling like minus five and are consuming our porridge and chicken respectively.
    I've been a-missing because of a hectic weekend of visitors, leaf raking etc plus a bit of a tummy upset.
    Sunday arrived and I was so looking forward to Michaels arrival with his home cooked meal.
    FORGET THAT! he turned up with a brown paper bag and his friend Sandy in tow. Nothing against Sandy [well not much, she's the one who gave poor little Cinders leash to her six year old grand daughter which ended up with little Cinders being run over and killed by a car]. Anyway, Michael was heart broken at the time, broke friendship with Sandy, and we ended up acquiring little Bean with Sandy and Mike going their separate ways. She ended up moving to another distant town and she bought little Amber a white curly haired small dog. They have resumed a platonic friendship but I was still quite surprised to see Sandy crawling out of the car.

    The home cooked meal turned out to be fish and chips bought miles away in Sandys town so it was somewhat cold and greasy by the time it reached my humble abode. Warming up did little to save the congealed mess. Sandy is inclined to be bossy and tells me what I should do all the time so I wasn't surprised when she marched off to the basement stairs whilst Mike was walking Bean. "I want to see what Marks been up to" she announced as she disappeared down the stairwell. I followed because it is a disaster zone down there with loose planks and nails etc. and I didn't want her to get harmed even if she was starting to irritate me a bit and I've also been asked by Mark not to go in that area for those very reasons. We had no problems though with Sandy announcing she would like Mark to give her the kitchen cupboards once dismantled.

    I unfortunately having a big mouth let it drop to Mark that Sandy had been in the basement without asking and he was pretty annoyed. Anyway the day passed with me being told how I should conduct myself and what I should do now that I'm long in the tooth and various other tid bits she had gleaned from Mike about my ex which I would rather have been in blissful ignorance of, lol.

    Then, after they departed, my yeast infection kicked in, lots of bloating and pain etc which resulted in a sleepless night with me not in the mood to do much apart from becoming friends with the bathroom.

    So dear girls, there you have it, a much lighter Annsie.

    I do hope I haven't bored you all to tears. Life goes on and I'm back to my old pesky self doing exactly what I've always liked doing with no help from short tubby bossy females. Phew!

    Back to my old sweet sensitive soul [lol] I send you all big hugs.
    Anne and my normal sized dog who I was told would get fat as she nibbled on a treat!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2021
    Hooray Anne, you’re back amongst our warm, fluffy flock! ❤️ Crikey though, you have more patience than me as anyone telling me how to live my life gets short shrift. Nothing worse than cold, congealed battered fish to add to your woes but hopefully you are over the worst and perhaps Mike could be persuaded to think twice before inflicting both on you in the near future! Please listen to Mark and stay away from the stairs and basement. Make a sign “Cross this point at your own risk” and let wandering visitors go where they will!!

    Sandy, stay home and do nothing, at least for a couple of days. That way you can recharge your batteries before Christmas celebrations begin. Walking in the cold is managed by wearing plenty of layers as I figure I can always remove one if I get too warm. For all that I’m sure you’re idea of cold in Chicago is many degrees lower than here in Cornwall. Isn’t it known as the Windy City or is that somewhere else?

    Oh dear Patsy, still no new chimney for your stove but it does sound as if you are used to life’s little hiccups. I’m still getting used to living in a home again rather than a building site but now, if someone visits who hasn’t been here for a long time says I see you’ve been decorating, I can’t begin to go over what the past 2 years were like. Yes, 2 years this month I decided to “decorate” and pulled a piece of wallpaper off a wall!
    Christmas is usually a quiet time because lots of my friends and remaining close family live miles away and travelling is always a nightmare during holidays. Treats for the pets plus one or two for me then FaceTime chats and an invitation to lunch next door followed by a long walk will be it. At least we are all vaccinated so hopefully safe as possible.

    Yes Lin, yesterday was productive and all was finished by 3.30pm just in time to put the kettle on! The lawnmower blades were kept high so as not to risk tearing the wet grass but it’s looking tidy and rather sumptuous so I was pleased with the result. There’s something very cute about that teapot!

    A few more clouds about today so slightly milder. A home pedicure first thing meant a later walk but it was so nice to climb to the top of a different section of moors and see the sea sparkling in the distance.
    Ellen who gives me the pedicure has just come home from a short Mediterranean cruise so was telling me of strolls in the rain through Barcelona and the beautiful architecture in Florence and Venice. Made me feel a bit restless for what I’m missing!

    George and Betty are both snoozing 💤 so I might pop outside and chop a few logs that are currently too big for my stoves.
    So pleased to have Anne with us again.

    Happy Tuesday
    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning, there is faint hope of a bit of sun. It has rained in the night so things are wet and cold here.

    So happy you are back Anne. We missed you as you well know. And things sound remarkable busy and in process. I confess I would really not be inclined toward a friendship with that woman who wants to get her claws into Mike. She sounds like trouble. Mike is just being nice and she is being controlling and bossy. I hope you can carefully discuss this with Mike. Believe. Me! I discuss Damon’s girlfriends with him. In fact there is one now that I would like him to forget her phone number. We’ll see….I see trouble there.

    Jackie: your Christmas sounds lovely. John would like it too. He is not inclined toward large noisy gatherings. I grew up with a huge multi-family gathering at Christmas. Too much food, too much alcohol, too many people, lots of music and dancing. This was Christmas every year until we moved too far away. My family got angry at me for moving away. My favorite brother actually yelled at me to come back home! Right now! He is gone now but he was the sweetest and most adorable little brother! He was the family favorite.

    Anne: dear friend, so glad you are back. It does sound like you have had your hands full. I hope you are feeling better. I believe you could have a piece of my pumpkin pie. It is yeast free and no sugar. The sweetener is a little bit of maple syrup. Not much. Katie is the tubby girl. She runs around everywhere and has a thirty minute daily ball game but she is a piggy at heart. It is a problem with labs. And poodles as well. So she is true to her breed. She eats everything, both good and bad.

    Checking on my pie….