Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Another late sleeping day and nothing to do. Well, I could do some dusting and tidying up but you know what I mean. I will go through my Christmas list and see if I can get a few things online. I am done with the kiddos, their gifts are at their home to be wrapped by their mother. Rob and Lisa are done with the air fryer and the rest of the adults and grandchildren get checks. The mailman gets a check so I just have to find something for Joe and the pets of all the families.
    I am bringing my car in tomorrow, service department said better to have it checked so I am listening, just hoping I don't need an alignment which cost $150. Ugh.
    Robby got his first vaccine yesterday and is home from school today with a sore arm and a slight fever.
    Hopefully he will be better tomorrow but will stay home if he is not. Still feel better with him vaccinated as a friends granddaughter has covid and she is not vaccinated.

    Anne, so happy to hear from you, we were getting worried. Sandy is nothing like me, I am nice. lol
    Really she has to learn not to try and control people or things which are out of her control. I think you are old enough to know how to handle your own life. I am sure Mike does not want to be controlled so that is why they are just "friends". Sorry you got sick with the fish, next time just decline, you know what your body likes and doesn't like. I have the same problem with dairy.

    Lin, I thought I got a free alignment but he said I get two free oil changes and tire rotation so if I did mess it up I will have to pay. Too close to Christmas for extra bills but don't want to do any damage to my car. I am buying touch up paint and will do that myself, it is just two tiny lines. Maybe they will do it out of the kindness of their heart. Yeah right!!!

    Jackie, yes, Chicago is known as the Windy City and honors its name. We are at 37degress F today but they say tomorrow we will be 50 such crazy weather. Let's just say I am glad I am fully vaccinated and have a flu shot as well.

    Time to eat, have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Hello! I am spending a lot of time reading. Took a break to go to the library to pick up several holds. The library closes early tomorrow and my holds were going to expire. So all set, driving home and had to go through a construction zone. I have been doing this all year long. But this time some kind of concrete breaking up machine using water hit the road hard as I was driving by. OMG! At lest a third of my car was splashed with watery concrete slim. Horrible. Got home and started working. In about a half hour I had scrubbed and rubbed it away. What a messy job though. Didn’t want it to dry on the car and didn’t want to wait I a car wash line forever.

    Sandy, best wishes at the dealership. No kindness as pertains to free services I would imagine. Are you feasting with the family on Thursday? My on sale soup was shipped from New Jersey but only made it as far as Chicago. No idea when it will surface again. Darn. And I hope Robby feels better.

    Anne, thank heavens we heard from you! I am sorry for the encounter with that woman. I just really do not understand why your son inflicts her on you. Sorry, if I am being unfair.

    Jackie, two years!?!?! I don’t know how you made it through all of that disruption. You are quite amazing! And all of your critters are so fortunate to have you looking after them.

    I heard from a friend this afternoon. She finally revealed that her husband has had Covid for 6 days and she got sick yesterday. They both tested so it is not a maybe situation. She said they are both tired and achy. They haven’t tried to get any monoclonal antibiotics or anything. Just staying home, getting lots of rest and trying to stay hydrated. She didn’t elaborate their symptoms.

    I hope they don’t get worse.

    Well, back to my reading.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hello everybody! Its cold here as well, but tomorrow warms up a bit. Getting hard to know what to put on!
    After the congealed fish and chip I made a homemade pot pie yesterday. It turned out pretty good but maybe it was the contrast from the fish and chips! Your pumpkin pie would have been a lovely follow up PATSY, I shall imagine I'm eating it. yum yum.

    Did I mention that poinsettias grow to 14 ft trees! Mine is 3.5 feet so far and I'm trying to get the green leaves to turn red. One has to let it have 10 hours of bright light and then plonk it in a dark cupboard for 14 hours of complete darkness. Pointsy is far too heavy to carry her to a cupboard. The next suggestion was a black garbage bag cover overnight but she is too wide for one. So I have her tucked between the leather armchair and the dark curtain and me and Bean are putting up with one table lamp! I have great hopes because so far the stems are turning red! I've told Mark he will have to cut a hole in the roof because she is far too beautiful to chuck out!

    I so agree with everyone that JACKIE is one great pet owner. If I was still in the UK I'd "will" Beano to her should I depart this planet before Beano does. Lucky escape Jackie!

    Mark raked the leaves yesterday before continuing the stair walls wood frame. I'm so glad he did because the towns vacuum cleaner just trundled past with its giant suction pipe and all the colourful leaves have gone to the towns compost heap. He will be over soon because he wants to finish the frame and insulate before the outer panels are placed.

    Hi SANDY, no you are nothing like Mikes Sandy. I think her problem is she was the mother of four, got divorced and looked after her Mom who had dementia for a while. She was common law for a few years and a surgeons receptionist before retiring [she's 7 years older than Mike] so tends to have all the answers. To give her credit she did diagnose my shingles without seeing them. I was convinced I was bitten by something that fell out of the apple tree! It takes all sorts and next time she arrives unannounced I will try to be firm. ha ha. Not very good at being firm believe it or not. She was wearing a red sweater with gold studs and found some of the studs had fallen off! We couldn't find them but I don't think Bean ate any, cross fingers. Maybe inside her coat or in the wash? She means well. just a bit domineering!

    And dear LIN having to wash all the gunk off your car! Never a dull moment in the life of the Sneakers.

    I've to make out my grocery order today. So off I go, Is thanksgiving tomorrow?
    Annsie and her Jilly who is almost out of being indisposed!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Happy Wednesday! Sunny but warmer although so windy it feels colder. I really hate the wind but will do my errands without complaining. Bryanna coming for dinner tonight since I am not sitting and she spends Thanksgiving with her mother and sister. Trying to get my son and his girl a housewarming gift for their new house in Ohio. I might be helping him with a used snow blower he found on Marketplace.
    It started with a dehydrator that Gwen suggested but then Brad chimed in and said he was looking for a snow blower so I said would help if he found one he liked. Gwen is okay with that as their driveway is very long and shoveling would be a nightmare. She could always get her own dehydrator.

    Anne, we need to see a picture of this marvelous poinsettia, it sounds amazing. I too, was the mother of four and got divorced but didn't have my mother to take care of until years later. I did meet Babe the year after my divorce and the year after his wife died so he helped me a lot. Still there were many red flags that I ignored which in the end I should have paid attention. In all honesty the thing that helped me most in my life is my Al Anon program. It taught me to love myself and take care of myself and not to try to control other people. I am very grateful.

    Lin, would you like me to pick up your soup and deliver it to you? I am pipe dreaming if I think the dealer will touch up my mirror for free but the touch up paint is only $14 so I can do it myself of have my son do it since he has artistic abilities.

    Hello to Jackie and Patsy and hope all have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Hello everyone. Not too cold here today but overcast and windy. That puts a damper on my mood. 😟 I need a special light too Patsy. I have a light with a special job in it but it is ancient and hasn’t been plugged in for a long time. I think it will burn out if I try to use it again. I have been unable to find a replacement bulb.

    I have finished my laundry, paid online bills, got a birthday card in the mail, and have been looking through all the sale offers that are being emailed to me at a rapid pace. Wow! I am sort of surprised at the volume of offers from companies I have done business with over the past year. Aren’t we having supply problems and costs are increasing? How are some of these sales so good? Hummmm.

    Sandy, hope you have everything straightened out now. Nice of you to offer to pick up my soup. Okay, just head to the big soup warehouse and snare my package. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

    Anne, your poinsettia is becoming a monster. What are you feeding it? I hope you don’t hurt your back moving it about. Happy grocery ordering to you. I hope the remodeling is advancing along at a good pace. Is Jilly okay with the construction noise? Well, no holiday for you tomorrow but I am looking forward to at least one thing. The parade! And then I think there is a dog show on a bit later.

    Patsy, I am sorry I missed your post yesterday. I am going to blame MFP for this. Are you starting to cook your holiday feast today?

    Jackie, hello! I hope you are having a good day. Best wishes to George and Betty. A friend told me about a great link. It is for radio stations around the world. I listened to several stations in the Plymouth area. Do you have stations in your immediate area? If anyone is interested:

    Happy U.S. Thanksgiving tomorrow.😄




    Be safe everyone.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited November 2021
    I've taken a photo of the once scrawny poinsettia on my old iPad but don't know how to transport it to the laptop which I now use. Any suggestions? Maybe Michael can help me out on Friday.7lnyokwn4r0r.jpeg
    Oh boy I think I've managed it, Anne.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    How the heck did I manage that? Doesn't look that impressive but it was about 10 inches high last Christmas and now its reached the top of the bookcase. I give her a little plant food once a month.and at the same rate of growth she should be 6ft by next Christmas. HELP.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2021
    Wow Anne, she’s amazing and looks so healthy… clever you! The best I could manage is my dad’s Christmas cactus that’s now flowering in spite of being scrawny.
    You might not want to will the gorgeous Jilly Bean to me when I tell you what happened today. Chrissie phoned to ask if I would walk Bella because her cleaner is unwell so she thought she would attempt to vacuum and wash her own floors but wouldn’t manage a walk on top. I took Bella to the fields armed with treats and a squeaky toy and once we had walked halfway round let her off. She raced about and each time I felt she was going to far from me, squeaked the toy and she ran back. We did this for some time but then big mistake on my part when I threw the toy into the air for her to catch which she duly did but then ran hell for leather straight out of the field and by the time I got out to the road she was gone! I guessed she was running home and when a lady walked from that direction I asked if she’d seen Bella and thank goodness she had so I phoned Chrissie to warn her to look outside then rushed back. She immediately rang back to say Bella was already at the door and when I arrived we had a cup of tea while Bella lay on the floor destroying the toy! At least we know she will find her way home and it is a quiet area but cars do occasionally drive through so best not to let it happen again! Her she is looking serene before dashing home!
    Lin, Liskeard is my home town but they do play some pretty heavy music at times so my favourite is a National station called Mellow Magic or occasionally Classic FM. What an amazing website your friend found… I could play for hours!

    Sandy, I think we can all be blinded to red flags when meeting someone new. I did the same in my late 30’s and wasted too many years going nowhere until I finally ended it. I met him socially about 5 years ago and wondered why on earth I had been so besotted!

    We had a long, long walk this morning and at one point I stopped for a while to watch flocks of Fieldfare birds arriving overhead from Scandinavia before landing amongst the bracken.

    Incredible that they travelled so far to land in the same piece of bracken then after resting a short while, took off again and headed for wilder parts of the moors. As I walked on a single bird arrived, late for the party, and I worried it wouldn’t find its friends but when it realised they’d flown on it rushed off to catch up, much to my relief!
    I returned home to find Robbie the smithy looking at an ancient wrought iron gate at the end of my footpath out to the garage that needs some TLC so he’s carried it off to his workshop. Fingers crossed it won’t cost a fortune!

    Late for bed again and I have to be up early to go grocery shopping so will bid you all goodnight and stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good grief, cold and absolutely black at 5:00 p.m. this is a strange time of year for me. I love the holidays but hate the early darkness and declining light.

    Tomorrow Damon is coming with the Turkey and dressing. Hummmmmm he texted that he was defrosting the Turkey in the kitchen sink. I am sure we will have fun teasing him about our being grateful if we don’t get poisoned. Okay our jokes can be a bit cruel and mean at times. But I will temper them with grateful hugs for all the work I know goes into fixing, carting it all here and the cleanup when he returns home. It was a huge undertaking.

    Anne: that beautiful poinsettia is happy and healthy. Let her grow and provide green happiness in your little cottage. Well done, my friend!

    Jackie: Bella sounds like an independent lady like our Katie. Our ball games have odd rules Katie invented. At some point she just runs off with the ball and the ball never returns. Never! We have tennis balls everywhere but they regularly disappear. Does she eat them? Bury them? Bury them then eat them?

    Lin: your thanksgiving sounds a lot like something I would be doing if Damon were not coming. I don’t feel sad or blue if I have that sort of holiday. Thanksgiving is often just a big meal, after all. It is visiting with family and friends that make it special. You can do that, even without all the food. I do like pumpkin pie however……..

    Sandy: I married John right out of high school. We went away to college as a young married couple. I believe that made the difference. We actually raised each other. College helped us focus on a shared goal. Relationships are difficult in the beginning. Some don’t survive. Our son is a talented man but I wonder if he will ever get married again. He is a great son, a good friend, an amazing successful talented animator but love relationships are difficult for him. I think you and Babe must have had some good years together. It seems you still have positive feelings for each other. You are still a pretty and charming lady.

    Fixing the table with candles and placemats. Katie needs a placemat on the floor next to the table. I don’t think she needs a napkin or a candle…do you?
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYBODY ON THIS SIDE OF THE POND. Both sides actually. Any excuse for a fun day!

    JACKIE, BELLA is turning out to be a very intelligent girl, but it must have given you an awful fright when she took off for home!

    Interesting day yesterday in the written world, the theme being - moving on from relationships going nowhere and when I put the radio on this morning for early news it was all about domestic abuse in the home which is increasing at an alarming rate over here with the police getting two calls every hour from frightened women. We of course mentioned moving on and flourishing. I met my ex at the same age as Patsy and John but in our case far too young, so I am full of admiration for PATSY and JOHN. Even my cousin in Australia sent an email yesterday about how her charming husband of years ago rings her up regularly to tell her about his latest conquest! And then later when he's taken fright and dumped some poor lady. She said she is amazed her marriage lasted as long as mine, i.e. 20 odd years. Me as well!

    But here we all are today wondering what on earth what was that all about, immersed as we are in hobbies and interesting pets, whilst our exes and following boyfriends are either pushing up daisies or tottering about discussing hernia trusses etc! So today lets raise our wine glasses to John who restores our faith in mankind. and by the way to Damon who is tackling a turkey and not bringing over congealed greasy fish and chips, lol.

    No Mark today. He is off to buy insulation after finishing the support strips along the wall. Just in the stairwell and hall to help keep me and Beano warm. When he took the old stuff out it was extremely thin and pretty well useless so now we are wondering if the whole house is lined similarly. More exploring! AND I must tell you before I go, lots of complaints from house buyers in this country from people not using house inspectors because of the HOT housing market here and ending up with mainly leaky basements! Mikes poor friend Sandy I have now found out bought a house about four years ago with a host of problems. Mainly window replacement and electricity not connected properly so the lights flicker etc. She's on a generator now whilst the workmen try to find the faulty cable etc. I guess thats why she wanted to see what Mark was doing in my place! A silent apology sent, don't want to get her too excited, lol.

    Have a wonderful day counting our blessings,
    God bless from Anne.

    Be good sweet maid and let those that will be clever,
    Do noble deeds not dream them all day long,
    And so make life and the vast forever,
    One glad THANKSGIVING song.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I've just had my first misadventure of the day. Many years ago for my first Christmas alone my boys aged 12 and 15 put their pocket money together and bought me a gorgeous large gold medallion on a gold chain. I've worn it every day since. I had my bath this morning and put my chain back on but I hooked the clasp in the wrong part of the chain, and I couldn't unhook it. Its a choker chain and after struggling for half a hour I thought I was about to make Jilly an orphan! I was thinking of calling the fire brigade to cut the chain when it suddenly unsnapped. I don't need it today having a thin red line around my throat instead.
    Something else to give thanks for.
    cheers, girls. Anne the disaster prone.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    A busy day already with early grocery shopping, a walk in local woods with George and Betty then on to the farm supply store for chicken corn and dog treats. Oh yes, then there was a large, sticky Belgium bun I’ve just devoured! There goes tomorrow’s weigh in!

    A cold, sunny day so I want to get some pruning done outside before a storm arrives tomorrow that’s going to throw everything at us. 🥴

    Enjoy your celebrations and Anne, please stop trying to choke yourself… we need you!

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    GORGEOUS WOODLAND SCENE JACKIE. I felt quite choked up just looking at it! Marks turned up with loads of insulation which he's just started installing. I'm beginning to feel warmer already and he might have to lower the heating soon! Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Happy Thursday and/or Thanksgiving. :) So plans have been changed for us this Thanksgiving. Charlie and Lisa both have temps so we are postponing our dinner to Saturday if all are well. I was going to go and then Rob texted me separately and told me he thinks Lisa would prefer to postpone so I did. I sent her a text without letting her know Rob texted me and said better to be safe than sorry. She was going to go get a rapid test to be safe so I am glad Rob didn't start dinner yet and we can postpone. I will either call my friend and invite myself over or just stay home. No big deal, Thanksgiving has never been one of my favorite holidays since my first divorce.
    Babe called this morning and said his son checked himself out of rehab and is back living in a motel. He also said Daisy is not doing well and I told him I wanted to see her because I think it is time.
    So not the day I thought it would be but I am still grateful for so many things in my life including my sneaker friends who are always there for each other.

    Have a great Thursday and/or Thanksgiving.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A cloudy thanksgiving. I have dishes washing in dishes washer, Katie and Miskey’s (Damon’s little dog) chicken cooking , their brown rice is steaming as well. Katie will have her usual cooked carrots and some broccoli with her chicken and rice. Miskey is picky and will not eat veggies.

    Our thanksgiving feast will be fun but the most important thing is to see our Damon. I miss our kids so much. I do chat with both regularly. Not the same but i am grateful to hear their voice and hear about what’s going on in their life.

    I must get outside with a camera to photograph our little road. Seriously, Jackie’s woodland photo could be our little road. It is often said that Oregon and England have the same latitude and thus similar weather and vegetation. But we plant trees for harvesting so the trees are not native to Oregon in general. Hemlock, Douglas fir and of course wild vine maple. Very few oak or real maple trees.

    It is so wonderful to see posts from the sneakers. I am sending virtual hugs and telling all dear sneakers and family how grateful I am for you all. Take care and be safe. Don’t choke or if chocking call for help! Seriously!
    Happy thanksgiving,
    Patsy☘️ & John 🚘& Katie🐕
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    It’s times like this I wish we didn’t live so far apart. George, Betty and I could meet Anne and Jilly for a woodland walk then we would drop in on Sandy to make sure she is truly alright before taking her with us to visit Patsy, John and Katie and share a pot of coffee. Last but definitely not least, we would head for Lin’s where I happen to know she is planning a delicious Thanksgiving dessert…. Yummy!

    Jackie 🥰
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I so agree. It's the down side of the Sneakers alas, distance! Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited November 2021
    Hello, a day full of more activities than I had anticipated. I did watch every minute of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. I have always loved it and haven’t seen it often during my adult life with various interruptions such as traveling, cooking, being at someone’s home who does care for the parade, or looking after my dad who did not want the television on, etc. Loved it and then I started to hear from people. Texts, messages on messenger. I was happy to be in touch with my friend who moved to Florida. She really doesn’t say lots about her new life but just fun to exchange messages. Also texted with my friend who moved North of me to be with her extended family. I was very surprised that later she called me. We were on the phone for a couple of hours. In between, I was looking over the most appealing offers of the day and set up a cart of items to purchase when the clock struck 6pm. Now the dog shows. Re-runs of 2019 and 2020. Plus a repeat of the 2021 show which I missed due to my chatty nature.

    Jackie, I have had my dessert! Oh my! Vegan, gluten free Dutch apple pie!! Oh yum. I saved the vegan ice cream for another day. And in honor of the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving program, I made a little batch of popcorn. I seem to be quite doggy today! I loved the photo. It looks quite pleasant. Is it cold? We had a wind chill this morning of Zero degrees F and snow flurries. Hummm, that bun sounds like an interesting treat. You get a lot of shopping accomplished in a short period of time. Thanks for the radio station information. I listened in for a while to each of them as well as a station in Edinburgh.

    Sandy, sorry your plans were side- tracked today. One of my friends had everyone do a rapid test this morning before coming to their home for the day. From what I heard, all was well with the testing. I hope Lisa and Charlie are okay. Sorry the day is not particularly happy for you in the best of times. I am very sorry about Daisy. I hope Babe will work it out so you can visit.

    Anne, for goodness sakes! What a shock to read that you nearly strangled yourself. I would have grabbed my little wire clippers (used to cut apart die sets) and sacrificed the necklace chain. It will be nice to have more insulation in your home. A toastier house is a very good thing.

    Patsy, still feasting no doubt. Hello to you, John, Damon, Katie, and Miskey. Be safe and happy.

    Back to the dogs. Woof.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Just a quick break and I wanted to add that we are also delaying our thanksgiving because Damon had work related emergencies. All is well however. We never get too excited about dates and exact days. You can tell we are casual about some things. But they always happen at some point. We are planning for tomorrow instead.

    Dearest Sandy, I have been in your shoes regarding your dear Daisy. It will be heartbreaking because you remember that vigorous puppy and the fun connected. Saying goodbye is so hard. But when it is time, we all know it. Babe will be glad to see you and you will help him through the goodbye process with Daisy. The loss will be extreme for him. I imagine his health has isolated him. Now he must say goodbye to Daisy. Sandy I am thinking of you and wishing I could be there to stand at your side. I believe dogs have a spirit. Actually! I know they have a spirit.