Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    Jackie, thanks for the link. And I am glad you are staying away from the crowds. You make good points. I don’t know where all of those people could find lodging and/or food. Not a good situation. Your garden is a wonderful place to be. Be safe. Keep on painting.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Another hot and humid day with possible storms. I actually am ready for some cooler weather so I can open windows instead of using A/C. It's another do nothing day unless I am needed for a volleyball game tonight. Lisa is picking her parents up from the airport this morning and is going to ask them if they want to come tonight for volleyball. So I am on standby.

    I am getting more and more worried about our Jamaica trip next March. I am definitely buying insurance in case I have to cancel. I just wish people would get vaccinated and contain this variant, I know I will get the booster as soon as available. I will also get the flu shot but probably not until September or October. Our Governor said if our hospital beds fill up he will make some restrictions once again even though he hopes he doesn't have too. It's like it is starting all over again. :'(

    Have a good day everyone and wear your mask, social distance and wash your hands.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good afternoon sneakers! It is almost afternoon. 11:00 o’clock. I have been busy this morning but I can’t tell you what on earth I’ve accomplished! Oh yeah, I guess the usual laundry. In today’s laundry is several of Katie’s older toys. She is so worried about them she barked at me when I took them from the toy basket to place in a laundry mesh bag for the washing machine. I am not sure I will put them in the dryer. She would be devastated if they came apart.

    Still need to jump into the dungeon for my exercises. Most people do things like this very early in the AM. I don’t think my body will allow that first thing. Low blood sugar and stiff muscles require bit more time to wake up and get into gear. I do admire Anne and Jackie’s regimen of early walks.

    We are still in a serious hot spot with all of our Covid cases. Hospital is full as I have mentioned. I can’t find a place to get the booster until after sept. 20. Thanks Sandy for reminding me about checking on the flu shot. I skipped it last year because of the pandemic. Not sure if we are to do it again or what. CDC is amazingly UNHELPFUL !

    Our slow way of speaking and therefore understanding here in the western part of the country creates some interesting dilemmas. Movies and TV series are our main entertainment these days. I was intrigued by Anne’s review of the Australian series Glitch. I looked up a trailer on YouTube and the funny thing was John’s reaction. He watched intently and said, “what language are they speaking? I didn’t know they spoke a different language in Australia.” He is used to my slow southern drawl. There are so many wonderful English and Australian actors, so few stand out American actors. Wonder why?

    Cleaning and splicing strawberry’s for dinner dessert. Just chilled without sweetener but they are delicious as is. Chicken salad for dinner.

    Off to the dungeon and loud music to help me exercise. Vivaldi might do the trick.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hot, and sticky, and humid yet again. so I finished off Glitch. Yes, it is in English JOHN with a little bit of Chinese sub titles in the second part. It comes in two series, the second named Mum. At first I almost gave up on the second part but didn't, and glad I didn't because the ending was good. Best of all though for me was the scenery and the plants, especially the trees which are quite different to the trees growing in Canada and Great Britain.

    The son's Dad is let out of hospital on Friday which is Marks birthday. This is good because he doesn't have air conditioning and its just as bad temperature wise in Quebec as here and in SANDYs Chicago.

    I wouldn't get on a plane right now because we are warned that the fall is going to be very dire indeed as far as the virus is concerned. The evening news gives out the daily figures and they are steadily rising.

    So you can see mateys [bit of Aussie slang] that my day has been utterly boring news wise.

    The streets are deserted presumably because of the heat and not some disaster I'm not aware of. No one visiting next door either, very quiet and peaceful.

    So I'll away and get my tea [supper to you American gals],

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Skipping my meeting today as my son and his wife are arriving this afternoon and I have to clean the house and grocery shop. My son's father got a ride from his house to my son's house with Laurie's sister and her husband yesterday. The plan was he would drive back with John and Laurie on Saturday when they were to arrive here. This morning he realized he forgot his medicine and can't do without it, so Laurie and John are driving him home as I write and will come two days early. Bryanna was to clean my house tonight but now I will.
    I also planned on shopping tomorrow but again plans change. A little stressed but will be fine and get it done.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Ive got my old mattress to put out for our garbage tomorrow. It's already inside a plastic cover as required but its so darned hot I've asked Mark to wait until the next big pick up in 2 weeks time.

    I was expecting the grocery delivery between 10 and 12 but the driver asked if he could drop the groceries off at 8 am. Dodging the heat I expect but it was a bit of a shock because I'd just washed my hair in the shower. Everything changes next month when Grocery Gateway combines with Longo the store. I'm sort of dreading this because it will be different on the laptop and you all know my luck with change! Mark says he will help if I get stuck. The old drivers, Dorio etc. are now no more but the new lot are just as helpful. I think the groceries now come from the actual local store although it's the same old vans with the same name on the outside so far.

    Other than that not much going on, but I did manage to clean the house before it got too hot.
    Bean thinks its siesta time {she's a wee bit Chihuahua} and she's stretched out fast asleep on the sofa, and talking of Mexico my once tiny poinsettia is very bushy and up to my waist in growth. Should look nice at Christmas but after that, .......HELP !!!!!!

    Hope everyone is much cooler than us, but I believe tomorrow will be better. but after tomorrow watch out again! If this keeps up we will be growing bananas outside!

    Anne. 🥰🐶
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hello, I was busy with little things yesterday and then a long Zoom meeting early last evening with REI with a consulting podiatrist. Very informative. It would be wonderful to have a doctor with that much experience! Then I wasn’t feeling well so went right to bed.

    Got up early today and after getting all cleaned up, I was out watering the containers that were ignored yesterday after checking the weather. We were expecting well over 90 degrees with a small chance of rain. So of course, it stormed and rained and the wind blew after I had everything watered! One pot is actually flooded right now. And while we do not have rain at this time, we are told more severe weather may arrive late this afternoon or this evening.

    Today is Thursday so I called my friend this morning. She seemed quite excited as she just had a new washing machine installed. She found it on Monday and it is already delivered and installed. Wow! Unusual that they didn’t have to wait.

    I have been texting with several friends. Always good to hear from them and usually a surprise.

    Anne, always change. Glad you are adapting to the new delivery people. I am sorry the heat wave continues. I hope your air conditioner is humming along. Hello Jilly!

    Sandy, well, you are having a day of surprises. I hope you get everything accomplished. I tried to get curbside delivery at Walmart last week and there were no slots at my store for 4 days. They were willing to schedule something at a different locations, but I wasn’t willing to drive. Then I tried another store and they were booked for the entire time they had slots, which is only 2 days. I guess lots of people are doing curbside and delivery once again. Hope all goes well.

    Patsy, you always have the best things on your agenda each day. I never do it seems. Cleaning my electric toothbrush base, scrubbing out the soap dishes and the soap holders in each, cleaning toilets, crushing boxes, doing laundry. I guess it does a heart good to accomplish even the smallest of things but not very creative. I am trying to work a bit on some Christmas cards each day before I start my September birthday cards.

    Jackie, hello, who did you run into while walking the dogs today? Is it a painting day? Well, lots of thunder here again and big rain drops. Is your weather hot again or still sweater weather?

    I should run along now.

    Be safe everyone.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Yuck! Kind of warm and muggy today. It is like wading in warm mud trying to do almost anything. But! There are things that need to be done. Including making Katie’s chicken and veggies.

    John has officially put us in lockdown. So I am busy planning meals, entertainment options, need some physical fitness and mental fitness plans AND creative outlets. I did read about new emerging vaccines to really finally deal with this virus. We just need to stay safe until it is available. COMING SOON!

    In order to combat a feeling of being in jail, I think I will try to initiate a plan of the after dinner walk.just stroll around our acreage picking flowers, clearing a vicious blackberry vine or two with clippers. Damon is totally against this idea. “Mom! You or dad are likely to fall clomping around out there in the bushes! Stay in the yard, carry your phone, don’t go climbing into the woods, stepping over fallen logs etc.”. Maybe we will just stay on our road like always but then again…..

    We ordered the last season of Better Call Saul. We have watched all seasons and it was great fun to watch. Sort of funny, yet addresses some not so funny issues. I will be reading the new Bernstein book on the last days of the Trump administration. It is called Peril. We live in an on going soap opera. “Got ta love it!” Also ordered the new Gresham book. I think it would be great to offer our novels etc to library but they are not accepting donated books now. Senior center?

    I think because it takes me forever to do anything, John is the same way, we are rarely ever bored. We are always feeling behind on one thing or another. We laughed that it is a major benefit to being slow and disorganized.

    Hang in there, darling sneakers,

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What happened yesterday… I went AWOL with you lovely sneakers but rarely stood still. I’m about to take a short walk with the pooches because George had his booster jab yesterday late afternoon and is still very sleepy. Then I’m going to pop in to visit Bella, the latest arrival from Romania!
    Will see if I can get a photo taken to show her to you when I check in properly.
    Happy Friday. Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hi. Rushing around because its Marks Birthday and Michaels coming over but just wanted to say PATSY don't go tripping [literally] through the wild woods! I did a few years back and broke my ankle. Wasn't easy on my own clumping around in one of those moon boots and I'm sure Damon would want to take care of you thus giving up his sailing days. Hard on John as well. Be a good girl. I am told to carry my phone everywhere, sigh, but our children mean well.
    Love the cornflowers on the teapot LIN Actually I love poppies and all meadow flowers when I think about it.
    Mike is starting to feel like me, feeling guilty when he eats a pork chop. He loves animals as do I. So little does he know it but we are having Indian Mattar Paneer which is made with tofu, and rice etc. for lunch. I think its delicious but it will be interesting to see Michael's face when I plunk his dish in front of him! I bought a vegetarian cookbook a few years back and every dish I've tried so far is very tasty. I should try and find a copy for him. Mark eats meat, but also isn't big on it.
    Well must fly.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I’ve met Bella who, considering her past few months, is a sweetie. Very apprehensive when I arrived and is apparently scared of humans rather than noises from household equipment or movements outside but I offered a treat which she took very gently then allowed a gentle head stroke before posting herself as close to her new mum as possible!
    I went to the farm shop to buy a couple of things for Chrissie and Bella barked when I went back but also wagged her tail so I think she must have lived in a home once upon a time before finding herself on the streets.

    I’ve had a very late lunch and will now make the most of a beautiful sunny day and potter outside.
    Masking tape has removed some new paint in places but I’ve been here before and will grit my teeth and carry on with a paint brush this evening. 😖

    New energy saving regulations mean we can only use LED light bulbs from now on so I’m working my way through the different fixings from bayonet to screw, large and small. Another pack just arrived along with a couple of pairs of walking socks, just because!

    Back again later!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I did manage to get everything done before John and Laurie arrived. I made a nice dinner and Bryanna joined us but had to leave to go cut someone's hair. Today I am donating blood which is all that is on my calendar. Not sure what we will do the rest of the day. Today is my mother's birthday, gone 29 years.


    Have a safe but good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy day but not sure we will get any real rain out of it. It is very dry these days. I hope we get one if famous genteel PNW soakers. Greens up everything and will set us up for an Indian summer. I am an incurable optimist.

    Tomorrow is Katie’s trip to see her vet. Yearly physical, booster shots and nail clip. Talk about a traumatic day….I have to give her a little brush just to be presentable for her doctor appointment. Oh my! That little Bella is so adorable and has such an appealing face. She will be a wonderful friend to her new adopted mum.

    Damon sails on Saturday this week. He still has some boat maintenance that is hard to do. Crawling down into the engine area to replace a water pump. I guess the space to work is not big enough for any adult. He is contemplating cutting a hole in some or another, replacing the water pump and then a big mending job. Wow! Damon and other sailors always say that is why boats have ladies names, they can be very difficult and demanding. Sexist? Hummmmm!

    Happy birthday Mark! Anne! What a wonderful birthday party menu. I absolutely love what you have planned. You are an accomplished chef. Really! I remember your photo of lovely mince pie and the most most beautiful perfect loaf of bread.

    Sandy: sounds like you also had a lovely dinner party for your family. It was worth the effort to get all those people you love under one roof!

    Lin: dear sneaker friend, I hope you are feeling better. Does the weather effect you? Rain or stormy weather? Here’s hoping your little veggie crop can be harvested before the critters get there first.

    Weekend coming up with many possibilities.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    edited August 2021
    Good evening. Good to hear from everyone today.

    Anne, I hope the celebration of Mark’s birthday was a very happy event. The new and interesting dishes you are cooking sound intriguing. I ate so much meat as a child and young adult that I think I had my lifetime quota. Actually, the look, the smell, the whole idea of eating any sort of meat now makes me quite ill. I am wild about soy products. Good substitute for me. Happy weekend.

    Patsy, my goodness, Katie is going to the vet on Saturday! Best wishes. It sounds like a potentially traumatic event. For everyone. I hope all goes well for Damon as he continues with maintenance. It really sounds quite difficult.

    Jackie, thanks for the photo. What a darling little dog. She seems quite mild mannered. I hope everything works out for her in her new home. Is George feeling better? I thought of you touching up paint again and I felt so bad for you. It needs to be 100% perfect the first time. Darn masking tape!

    Sandy, well done getting everything accomplished. Excellent! I hope you are having fun this weekend.

    Nothing interesting here today except a friend who is on vacation in the Northern part of the state had to hit a shelter late this afternoon as a tornado touched down close to where she was staying. That is not something you want to do, whether at home or on vacation.

    I ate a handful of these darling tomatoes today. They are really very good. Discerning when a green cherry tomato is actually ripe, very difficult.


    I think this is a German teapot.


    Be safe everyone.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It’s a beautiful day with a gentle breeze and glorious sunshine so once again I set off before 8.30 for our walk on the moors. Few visitors about but I imagine the beaches will be packed and in fact as I got my car out of the garage the family staying next door came out to set off to a local beach. They are returning home tomorrow and my neighbours are due back.
    George passed his examination with the vet and is in good health so when he tires on the return leg of our walks I don’t worry anymore, just slow down.
    I’ve offered to accompany Chrissie the first time she takes Bella for a walk because she uses a walking stick and is almost bent double with osteoporosis and goodness knows how she would cope if Bella ran off. Not sure I’ll cope either but will give it a go if necessary!

    Plans today are much the same as the past few days so once I’ve finished my coffee I’ll get on with painting for a couple of hours and see if my hand is steady enough to do without the masking tape, then perhaps some gardening or even reading under the parasol.

    My rude neighbour is being noisy the other side of the missing hedge and because George can now see him he’s barking! Been told to shut up in a not so charming way but George is on a mission!! 🤣

    Have a good Saturday, whatever is on the cards. I’ll be thinking of Katie’s visit to the vet! 🐶
    Take care and stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member

    Been taking advantage of every hot/humid day. The NYS Fair so = lowest attendance in 40 years. Social distancing was 10 times easier than grocery shopping. Fun but felt bad for vendors. Jean took in REO Speedwagon concert at night the day we went. And a 2nd day w/ 2 friends. We will go again for The Mavericks and perhaps Herman’s Hermits. Also spent a day by the lake. Her sunflowers came in beautiful and I might make some note cards.

    Here are 3 pics for a general idea of things. Thunderstorms expected tomorrow.




    Anne – You are so right about Clementine! So horrible what is going on re: the unnecessary disaster in Afghanistan. It didn’t have to be that way and think it is appalling how our “leader” treated allies etc. My questions would be similar to those asked by world leaders and Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller! I’ll leave it there.

    Pretty sure you are safe from “hell” as you say. Hope your weather becomes more to your liking and that Bean is enjoying life too! Ps – I have to look into “Glitch.”

    Patsy – Loved your “engagement” story. Like you my Catholic school was pretty small but the students were close regardless of grade. It closed (turned into parking lot) and I had to go to a much larger Catholic school for a few years but I didn’t enjoy it as much.

    With regards to politics I am going to zip it for the most part. You are right about there always being “much more” and clearly you have had some 1st hand situations many haven’t experienced.

    Cardiologist appointment went well and all holding steady. Have appt for repeat sleep study to see about getting rid of CPAP machine in view of weight loss and reduced issues. Went to rheumatologist and I have had so “off” blood work this year…might adjust Rx to improve red blood cell numbers – after we see what yesterday’s numbers turn out to be.

    Your “huge salad” sounded good, but think I might substitute “tofu” for something else. LOL

    Sandy – I will pass along your dog compliment to Uncle Jack. As for “convent” girls – one of my older sisters (now deceased) almost became a nun. She was a postulate and a monastery but in the end left. She married and was told she couldn’t have children. Nine (9) years later – out of the blue – walla – a baby boy followed by another boy and then 2 girls! But that first one was like a miracle.

    Hope your weather has been improving. I must say I have embraced the hot/humid weather by thinking up the upcoming winter days and the days of super-fatdom that made those temps unbearable. I even rode the “sky-ride” at the Fair this year. Something I hadn’t done since my daughter was knee-high. Have a great weekend.

    Lin – I must say you seem to be a good friend to others. Reminds me of Jean when you talk of phone calls, giggles and various situations (good/bad). In many ways, I think for the most part it is a woman thing (men bond but it is different). I LOVE when Jean is on the phone or sharing a good time with a girlfriend. Never been jealous…learned not to be way back in the Jr high “going steady” LOL.

    Hope you accomplish a lot this weekend – or just sit back and relax!

    Jackie – Do you ever relax? You work so hard, it makes me think I am lazy – not to worry I get over that feeling fast LOL. Your mornings always sound wonderful, if not active / entertaining between chores, George and walks. That was an emotional story about Bella --- made me think of Jean’s cousin that has a couple rescue dogs and has had them for years. She had three until the past year, but the oldest died. She still cries over that one. Like Jean, she is a sensitive person.

    With regards to a sense of humor – you are right it gets us thru most – if not all the rough patches. I always tell people Jean has been laughing ever sense our wedding night when I I got undressed. Hahaha.

    At the cardiologist a situation came up and the doctor asked who my rheumatologist was… I responded “your wife.”

    She really is my rheumatologist – different practices obviously and they go by different last names but someone had clued me in several years ago. He laughed and said “have you seen her recently?” and I replied… she normally only calls when her husband goes to work! He burst out laughing.

    Try and stay warm…I love the autumn weather…but it is always a reminder of the reality around the corner.

    Gotta run – haven’t been to the gym yet… hope everyone has a great weekend! Stay healthy! Bob
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Going to do some home projects while my son is here this afternoon and later dinner and game night with Bryanna. Tomorrow we go see the kiddos but early since they go to bed early for school. Monday out to dinner for Laurie's birthday which was August 18. Fun times with family.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Saturday fun and frolic…sort of. It looks like a nice sunny mild day. And I do believe In animal ESP. Katie seems to know that something evil is afoot! She will not eat her breakfast. A rarity! She is a chow hound. And she is hanging outside instead of bouncing around with a toy in her mouth, ready for her morning ball game or toy toss. Hummmm and there are people who don’t believe animals can understand what we are saying to each other. I hate to see her so full of anxiety. I mentioned the word VET to John and needing to leave early.

    Today was the end of the big Hood to Coast relay race. It is a 200 mile relay with literally thousands of racers. They run right past our house. It is a huge event with support cars decorated, cheers all along the way as they switch racers. Cars honking, and often racers in costumes. There are always a few amazing women pushing a baby carriage along as they run. This year they must wear masks at the check points and at the finish line, at the beach in Seaside Oregon. John ran it when he was at the college years ago. His team were all teachers. There was also a student team.years and years ago now……he laughed that he couldn’t even get out of the support car fast enough, let alone catch the baton as the team leader handed it off. Of course this year there are far less runners because of the pandemic.

    Must get ready to leave, it will be an interesting drive to the Vets office. We must negotiate around the big race and attending organizers, support, emergency stations and waiting ambulances etc. it is a traveling circus.

    Believe it!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    Good day. Another sunny and hot day here. All of yesterday’s storms avoided us but then so did the rain. We will see what today and tomorrow bring. More rain will occur somewhere in the state according to the forecast.

    Unusual for Saturday morning, I had a long phone call with a friend that I haven’t spoken to for weeks. We have exchanged messages but no conversations. A good portion of the call had to do with gardening and tomato varieties which is fine with me. I had sent her some tomato seeds and the plants are not working out as anticipated so I did some research after we hung up and forwarded it to her.

    Will be working on cards this afternoon. Well, the remainder of the afternoon. 🤣😂🤣

    Jackie, wonderful idea to go along with your friend on her first dog walk. I hope Bella behaves well so no one has to try to run. And glad George is a-okay. Painting with out masking does require a really steady hand. I have some masking tape for making cards and it is supposed to come off easily without damaging the cardstock. Now, that isn’t always the case. Does the painters masking tape say it will not harm the paint upon removal?

    Patsy, I hope the trip to the vet goes well, especially since you have to make your way through traffic. Hope all is well with Katie. And also hope you and John have survived the ordeal with no ill effects.

    Sandy, happy family times for sure! Enjoy!

    Bob, oh my gosh, look at all those photos! I do love the sunflower! That is a nice colorful variety. Keep on enjoying the summer events.

    Anne, hello? Did I miss your post today? Or is the party still going on? 🥳

    Need to run along.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited August 2021
    No LIN you didn't miss me. Just a quiet day here in the old homestead. And quiet it is, I haven't seen one car roll up to look at the mansion next door.

    Just the usual cleanup and I spent some time looking at the tragedy that is called Afghanistan. I keep looking JACKIE to see if Mr. Farthing got out with his 200 rescue dogs and cats and the staff at his Kabul animal shelter. I know he got clearance finally when they realized the animals will be in the aircraft hold and not taking up room in the passenger part of the plane. Maybe they will travel back with the military? Bella is indeed a sweet faced little dog.

    I also watched a video of the demise of the British Empire and how America is now following the same path. Another interesting fact emerged, Canada's population is only one third white Caucasian now. Plus it was interesting during the campaign for re election Trudeaus bus and Trudeau had to be rescued by the police from an angry bunch of folks in a small town north of here. We live in interesting times don't we.

    Thank goodness for the Jilly Beans, the Katies, the Bellas, the Daisies, the Georges, the Bradys, the Bettys, the chickens and all creatures great and small to distract us from human news! I haven't forgotten your little puss Bob but regret I can't recall her name at the moment. Its called Old age. Not Puss, ME!

    See you all on a news free Sunday,

    PS. I believe Mr Farthing and the animals got out on his chartered plane, but sadly the Taliban wouldn't let his staff fly out with him...Daily Mail.