Senior Golden Sneakers



  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Yesterday was a great day and many tasks completed. Jean was at the NYS Fair all day with niece etc. (small 40k crowd again) and had a wonderful time. We flew out the door when she got home and headed to park concert. Lots of room and “many” more people than shown in photo.


    We are tracking weather for Sunday – Our fav live band - the award-winning group “The Mavericks” (blend of country, rock, R&B, Latin and roots) at Fair (Sept 5). They have 2 shows – afternoon will perform their first all-Spanish album, En Español that hit #1. At 7pm all their reg music with hits such as “All You Ever Do Is Bring Me Down” and “O What A Thrill”. Fingers crossed.

    Found out yesterday a friend’s husband (from church) had a massive heart attack and died. He was only 61. He was at the gym – people heard a loud clang – and he was gone. It’s a shock and he didn’t seem like a gym person – don’t know all details yet (nice guy).

    Anne – “Heartbreaking” is the correct word. Watched several mothers and fathers on TV last night in long interviews… awesome people with awesome sons/daughters. Ditto on staying alert here. Biden is done…and the lies and misleading of the public has been revealed. We are leaderless at this point. This certainly isn’t a right/left political topic. It’s morality, honesty etc. I’ll end it here… but agree 100% with you.

    Sandy – Mahjong? Is that anything like “Old maid?” – LOL – Just kidding, I know what it is – from the movies.
    You mentioned Covid testing etc. – I just watched this “Important Announcement” by Dr John Campbell (England) and you might find it interesting on where we could be headed. I follow him on YouTube. Informative and easy to understand explanations.

    As for “too much food and it shows on my scale” I feel your pain…it only took a week or so in not watching portions for an unwelcome number to appear… but it took 10 days to correct and still needs a minor adjustment. It wasn’t “bad stuff” – I was just eating way too much and eating from boredom while watching late night TV.

    Patsy – It seems like the calendar turned to Sept 1 and the air has changed and I can sense my sweaters are clamoring to get out of storage…Actually I like fall weather – its what comes after that.

    I think you are probably a great comfort / outlet for the wife of your late musician friend.

    Hope the Covid/delta situation improves in your area. As many in media have noted the whole topic of masks/vaccinations has turned into a huge political divide of life, death, democracy and autocracy.

    I did my research, discussed with my specialists and opted to get the vaccine. With regards to masks, I comply as needed. I try to base my decisions on science (hard data) not political science. I go by - each person has the right to do what they think is best for themselves. So much is still being learned.

    Hope you’re having fun rummaging in the dungeon!

    Lin – Who would ever guess that an envelope can play such an important part – a challenge for sure.
    As for paying bills on line – it does seem to be an never-ending cycle. I sit down once a month – enter everything and feel soooo satisfied! Two weeks later, I am already thinking of the upcoming date when I repeat the process. Where is Publisher’s Clearing House?

    Always good to break away from news, social media or whatever once in a while.

    Started today listening to Neil Diamonds – September Morn!

    Jackie – Happy September and LOVE the photo. Agree and noted above – Sept 1 hit and so did that autumn air. Going to miss my early morning time on the deck soaking up warm air and watching the sunrise.
    As for “where is this year going?” Not sure – but it’s moving fast… 114 days til Christmas! LOL

    Bye for now -- stay healthy and enjoy the day! Bob
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday/September! :) Windows are open with a beautiful breeze, love sleeping with the window open.
    Not sure about my plans this afternoon, might grocery shop but I am sitting tonight for a late volleyball game.
    Kids will be asleep when I get there so easy peasy.
    Hoping to drop a pound by weigh in day, I can only hope.

    Jackie, beautiful picture even with the dark clouds rolling in. The pups seem to love the area. Sorry you lost your post and I have no idea where they disappear. That wall your neighbor put up should at least help with their big mouths and once your trellis is up all should be good. Now that lumber is down somewhat I wish my landlord would fix my balcony but that is just wishful thinking.

    Lin, that Max toy will sell like hotcakes, so cute. Charlie loves animals of any kind, she is so cute. Sorry you are having problems with your cards, it must be frustrating.

    Anne, Jilly is one smart little girl. I never liked giving Daisy rawhide because of your reasons. She has a sensitive tummy so it would just make her sick. We used to give her greenies, she loved those. I wonder where your neighbors went, did they take furniture with them?

    Patsy, glad to hear your musician friend's wife is now being nice to you. I have a cousin who's husband was killed on his motorcycle two years ago and she has written a book called See Me Grieve which she talks about all her emotions from becoming a widow. Your friend is going through so much so have patience.

    Bob, fun times with the lemonade stand, how cute. Funny picture of Jean running, it looks like she is running beside the car. I agree there is nothing like family time but it is nice to be alone on occasion.

    Have a great day everyone and keep on keeping safe and wear your mask.
    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    We've finally dropped down to 23 degrees and it is LOVELY! September and the first three weeks of October are my very favourite times of the year. Everything so mellow. Not the bees though! I got yet another bee sting, this time on my eyebrow. Not to be outdone, my cousin in Aussie land just moving into spring nearly cut her pinkie off with her secateurs. We constantly follow each other with these accidents. Even with appliances etc. When I got my Caspar mattress she wrote at the same time she had bought a new mattress as well.

    Goodness knows where the very short lived new neighbours are SANDY. They are definitely "gone" neighbours, neighbours "no more". I presume any furniture is still inside for show and placed by the realtor. Cleaning ladies appeared this morning and this afternoon the fourth set of viewers showed up.

    I'm just debating whether to go into the garden! The gloves the "kids" bought me aren't much good when bees and wasps aim for eyebrows. Mine aren't even bushy! The large crop of apples are the attraction.

    So, no state fairs, no card making, no moor jogging to report on, I live a very quiet and sedate life these days. I noticed on TV today that I eat the same diet more or less as Martha Stewart. In other words the way we always ate way back when before potato chips and frosties etc were invented. MJ brought me another book which I've yet to start. Entitled "Conviction" by Denise Mina who hails from Glasgow.

    Bye for now friends,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2021
    Hello, a cooler day today and sunny! Looks like I may be watering the plants again this evening but that is fine.

    I am abandoning the unmailable project for now at least. I went through all available options or boxes on USPS again today and the only options are for boxes much too large and the postage would be horrendous. My design just doesn’t fold so I will need to start again. Since I needed to get my brain away from this failure, I dug out some supplies and I have foiled a few card fronts. Some turned out lovely, some not great but far more rewarding than the project from Heck!

    Jackie, lovely photo. Sorry you lost your post. Irritating to the maximum!

    Anne, no, not another bee sting. Ouch and double ouch! I think it is time to stay far away from that apple tree. Disappearing neighbors sounds quite ominous. You do have quite the neighborhood!

    Sandy, glad Laurie’s test was negative. And sitting for the kids when they are sleeping seems okay unless they aren’t really asleep! Do they keep popping up while you are there?

    Patsy, I must have missed you.

    Bob, enjoy the music. Live music is such a different experience from playing CDs or streaming at home. All enjoyable but just quite different.

    Be safe everyone.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear sneakers. Today is a sunny and slightly cool day. I do love the special fall light. The air is a beautiful golden hue. The bees are not a big problem but the spiders are planning a big season. I wish they would stay outside but NO! Hundreds of them and I am not welcoming them into our house. I see so many things that I would like take care of before the cold wet weather starts. If I take it step by step and not get too anxious about finishing everything on a timeline, it will feel like a nice accomplishment.

    This is the beginning of soup making season. I love to make soup. I love to eat soup. The funny thing about it is John loves soup but wants a “chunk” of something on the side. “Meat”

    We ordered season 5 of Better call Saul. This is a very interesting and engaging series. I loved the whole series. There is enough action to please John and enough human drama to interest both of us. I am reading non-fiction and also the new Gresham thriller. I might even take on a new scary Stephen King. I have to be brave to do that!

    Bob: have you ever listened to Al Green “What ever comes of a broken heart?” I know the Mavericks sing this as well. But this is a whole different arrangement and simply tears me apart! Also! I do hope we can all try to allow for individual differences and stay away from politics on the forum.

    Anne: I guess if some carpenter were to buy that house next door, it might be a good buy. It can be a wonderful opportunity for the right person. They need to know what they are getting into. Wonder if the new realtor is honest about the condition of the roof etc. you have an on going drama right next door. I have no idea if it is possible but is there any insect repellent to keep bees and wasps away from people?

    Jackie: lost posts just drives me crazy. I have an overwhelming urge to forcefully pitch this computer-iPad-cell phone into the weeds when that happens. Not recommended however.

    Sandy: soon the kiddos will all be in school. You will be like all moms…you will miss the kiddos and hate to see them grow up but still proud to see them do so. Is there a way to check on your Jamaica trip sooner so you can find another option? Your family all seems to be looking forward to this occasion. Still can not believe you are even close to 80. You are kidding us…right?

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It’s gone midnight so already September 2nd but I’m off to bed! A busy day because as I told you all in my whizz bang gone post you never got to read, I wanted to clear the deck in order to brush, scrub and then apply wood preserver. The first two jobs completed but luckily I read the small print on the pack of cleaner that advised to leave for a day or two to allow it to kill any bacteria likely to turn into fungi once the cool rain arrives. Hopefully I’ll complete that job Friday.
    A long chat on the phone with my friend from the allotment after emails sent out by our officious stand in secretary. I’ve messaged the local government councillor to ask if we can chat about some issues and he responded tonight that he will call me whenever convenient, probably tomorrow.
    Another wall in my dining room has been washed down and a first coat of diluted paint brushed on ready for its Buttercup yellow covering.
    Oh dear, my laundry didn’t dry on the rotary line so is hanging on an airer overnight… another sign of the seasons changing!

    Patsy, I thought of you today when I heard on our news that our National Health has made a deal with the drugs company that has developed a new cholesterol lowering drug that could save thousands of lives. It’s called INCLISIRAN and administered through 2 injections a year. No need for statins!

    Anne, I find your days just as fascinating as everyone’s. You might think not much goes on but there’s more intrigue than mine contains! Not so much the pesky bee stings of course but disappearing neighbours is a mystery to be solved.

    Oh dear Lin, all that work only to be abandoned. It sounded a great idea but I do feel for you if the postage was making the cards too expensive. On to Plan B! There’s something I love about today’s teapot. Perhaps it’s just it’s pretty flowers but I can also imagine a strong cuppa being poured on a cool September afternoon! I had to switch on the heater in my snug this evening!

    Sandy, thank goodness you got the good Covid results. The video Bob posted is worth watching if you haven’t seen it. I think it’s the same doctor that Patsy has mentioned in the past and I too occasionally tune in to. He collates current information and tells it in a way we can all understand because I’m sure we all occasionally feel confused by conflicting advice; I certainly do!

    Hopefully your weather will behave Sunday Bob so you get to enjoy The Mavericks. Your park concerts look like the perfect way to spend a few hours… certainly would beat slapping paint on walls and decks!

    Way past my bedtime. Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited September 2021
    Hello! As I sit and wait for the last grocery delivery from GG I thought I'd give you an idea where I live. For a start its super nice. Almost English villagey. Within walking distance to the pretty old high street and lakefront its full of lovely old trees, parks, the yachting club and the sixteen mile creek and river where people practice canoeing amongst the geese and ducks. All the old houses are disappearing and a realtor who phoned to try and get us to sell said the area is selling like hot cakes. My home is i.5 years off being a hundred years old and the realtor said one similar at the top of the street had an asking price of 888,000 but sold for over a million. My kids have been looking to move on because their home is far too big for soon to be retirees. However after viewing other towns they realize they can't do much better than stay here. I will leave it to your imagination to imagine the probable future once this pandemic is over.....if ever.
    We all think that the new folk were out to make a quick buck on what looked like a nice home but one had to live in it to see the problems. That is buy the house then quickly sell it for more. So when the old Mom started telling me about the problems she was shut up quickly and maybe the family decided it was better to just leave before Mom could tell anyone else. Anyway it IS empty. Personally I think it should be torn down and rebuilt with a basement this time.
    For someone who lives a cloistered life these days I'm not short on personal excitement. Not much interest to anyone else of course.
    Anyway, I love this little old house and I'm very fond of all the neighbours who couldn't be a nicer group of folk wherever one lives. A very friendly street and I know if I fall down when walking Jilly, someone will rush out and dust me down! We just wait and see what happens next in the house that H built, lol. Reminds me of an old song BOB, "Oh no, don't let the rain come down" lol.

    A More general post later,
    hugs from us, Anne and the Bean. 🙃❤️🐶
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Good morning all – This will be brief, as I haven’t been to gym yet.

    It’s a cold 54 degrees at 6am and we’ll likely be in the low 60’s most of the day. Not looking great for Sunday’s concert by comparison with the next week forecast. Fingers crossed!

    Well – another lesson in how communications can get mixed up. The 63 yr old church friend that died of a heart attack unexpectedly at the gym – was in reality – his brother and only 58 yrs old. A few years ago I had photographed his anniversary (renewal) and celebration.

    We socialized at church events, bbq’s, Christmas parties etc. So it is a bit of a shock. The last time I saw him (pre-Covid) I complimented him on looking fit and having lost weight etc. He admitted to watching things and getting in better shape. Sad… I feel bad for his wife, as they were a close couple. As usual - God decides.

    Jean is going to visit Uncle Jack on the other side of town today and bring some enlarged photo’s from his birthday party. Still talks with him about an hour every day and the dog “Roscoe” has been a Godsend. We feel bad for UJ with the deterioration of vision (his status has certainly changed greatly in just the last 6-9 months). Love the guy. Not a big complainer, but does miss being able to read the newspaper or “clearly” see the TV. We would do anything for him.

    Sandy – Nothing better than sleeping with the window open and a nice breeze. I may only sleep 5 hrs on average…but it is a much better sleep under those conditions. Even with those “old-guy” trips to the little boys room. LOL.
    The lemonade stand was cute. At dinner with family Sunday, we learned he made $30 by days end. I watched as he gave a younger relative a couple dollars just to be kind. He is a good kid. Actually, most of our dozen great-nephews / nieces have “good hearts” – I always am impressed.

    We are on the same track when it comes to family time. Love being with them, but we wouldn’t be happy without “alone” time. Everyone needs that. I have known people that “can’t be alone” and almost feel sad for them.

    Anne – Like noted above, we are also experience those chilly temps and as long as it doesn’t snow (LOL) I love it. Feel bad about your bee sting! Jean has to be careful or she’ll end up at the E/R (gets allergic reaction). We cooked out yesterday, but those darn “pollinators” forced us to head indoors half way through the meal. Love your cousin connection.

    Like your thought on food. I actually try to (for the most part) stick with clean foods… as they say. If it wasn’t a food 100 yrs ago, I try to limit. Seems like they went crazy in the 60’s and beyond with all those “additives.”

    Lin – I see you are also experiencing cooler days with the plus of sunshine – way to go! Agree on the music. The older I get the more I like it. I enjoy live concerts – but I am fussy about seating. I tell Jean, if I can’t see them without binoculars I am not that excited. The cost today is insane!! By the time you buy 2 tickets and some food/beverages – it’s a $200. Evening! Like most people we have to make choices and that kind of $ translates to a lot of 2 for $20.00 Applebee dinners LOL. Love my YouTube “live concerts” and small local ones to. Guess, I won’t ever get to see the Rolling Stones like I wanted…but “you can’t always get what you want…” LOL
    Glad you found an alternative to the “Project from Heck!”

    Patsy – Absolutely will be looking up Al Green’s “Whatever comes of a broken heart?” Not sure if I heard it or not. If it tears you apart – no doubt it will impact me. Jean just popped into the room to show me Sundays forecast – the worst day of the last and coming week. Argh…. The last time they were here it was horrible. The rain never stopped and we were soaked to the skin…we might as well have jumped in the lake with clothes on. Won’t do that again…only Noah and a boat were missing.

    Loving the fall weather. Already looking for Halloween tee’s for the grandkids. Hoping “Enchanted Beaver Lake” isn’t cancelled like last year. We go every year with my daughter and the kids. It always sells out --- “Over 400 uniquely carved jack-o-lanterns and luminaria light your way along two trails as you venture through the darkness. This very popular family-friendly evening includes face painting, fortune telling and special treats.” Of course, no way of telling this soon.

    You sound like Jean when it comes to spiders… she also asks “why can’t they stay outside.” I remind her it is more comfortable inside. I too have some tasks that should be completed before the weather turns bad. Why am I thinking: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

    Time for a quick cup of coffee with Jean and then the gym… way behind schedule! Enjoy the day! Bob :)

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Patsy -- oh yes I definitely recall... thanks for my first music of the day!

    Al green-How Can You Mend A Broken Heart
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited September 2021
    Happy Thursday! :) Another beautiful day with windows open. I have my meeting today and Bryanna is coming for dinner tonight. I ordered and picked up groceries yesterday with only one item out of stock. It was so much better than going in the store and doing the shopping. Bad enough I have to carry the groceries up my 14 steps which took about 4 trips. Good exercise however. Will probably do weigh-in on Saturday as I need an extra day. :#

    Bob, sorry about your friend, so young. Are you getting bad weather from Ida? I heard on the news New Jersey airport was flooded. My niece also blew up pictures for my brother for his birthday. Some old photos of when he and his wife, now deceased, were young. He was very happy.

    Anne, your house and neighborhood sound lovely. I always had good neighbors when I lived in a house, especially with my first husband. We lived in a cul de sac and had many block parties in front of our house. We organized Halloween parades for the kids and even the adults went trick or treating for cocktails. Great memories.

    Jackie, I might have to ask my doctor about that cholesterol medicine as well. My pill works but a twice a year shot would be even better. Good luck with your phone call with the local government councillor.

    Patsy, I have purchased travel insurance for my Jamaica trip just to be safe. Of course if the trip is cancelled do to Covid they will just rebook at a later date. My concern was if I died before next March I want my kids to get my money back. B) As far as the kiddos, Robby is in 2nd grade and Max is in pre-school. Lisa said the house is so quiet with only Charlie but at least it gives them one on one time. I know they grow too fast but I want to take in as much as I can while I am here. BTW, I did not sit last night, her parents came so I didn't have to drive so far, I was grateful.

    Lin, busy morning for you and hopefully we hear from you later.

    Time to eat and get ready for my meeting. Stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Just putting the record straight. My neighbours are back. I spotted a care helper taking their father for a walk just a moment ago. I'm glad. Prefer not to live next door to empty houses.
    Who knows, maybe they will stay, however the for sale notice is still up.
    I had a brand new driver and a brand new van deliver the groceries. The driver was a little lost because it was his first time out in our area, but the groceries are excellent.
    Carrot and onion and leek soup for lunch. homemade and it smells good.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sweet friends! Another cool fall morning. No rain in forecast for at least a week or more. Love the weather but the wildfires “down the road” in California are terrifying! I hope Diane is safe and everyone for that matter.

    I know you will see this as a oxymoron, wildman John is out trying to secure the house against varmints and as many spiders and insects that will be seeking the comfort of our house this winter. I am on a mission of murder and destruction. He shakes his head in disapproval and tells me it is a fruitless endeavor. “Secure the perimeter ” and never let them see fear in your eyes! Hummmm mean little creatures should stay where they belong. I use one of those battery powered tennis racket shaped things to ward off flying insects. It works but I am exceedingly slow.

    Anne: your soup sounds wonderful. I will give that a try as well. Do you add a starch for thickening? Potato or some sort of tiny pasta? We did a little after dinner stroll and saw many beautiful blackberries. They are unreachable because they are down low, protected by the most vicious thorny vines imaginable. I guess we will not compete with the local deer herd that also dines on our crabapples. At least the deer are not trying to move in for the winter.

    Jackie: I have to say, medical research is wonderful. I know there are times when the profit motive drives them to unethical promotion of useless medicines. However there are so many times when they make our life better. That cholesterol med just might be one of those cases! Thanks for sharing. I hope things get sorted out about the allotment. I think it must be like our community gardens. Last year our community garden was stripped of ripe veggies in one night. It was suggested that a traveling truck garden seller stripped the garden to sell at his veggie stall. Really? Stealing veggies? Sounds almost silly but people are crazy sometimes.

    Sandy: when our kids went off to kindergarten, I cried harder then they did. Damon could not wait to play with the other kids. He loved learning anything. Andrea loved kindergarten because she had a captive audience to perform her acts of pure fancy. She once told every kid in school she had a whole family of real fairies living in a birdcage in her room. She needed to go home early to feed them!

    Bob: I also love Al Green singing his signature song, “I’m so tired of being alone,”. 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 live concerts are very special. Back in the long ago days…I SAW Amazin MISS FRANKLIN in concert at Red Rocks in Morrison, CO. I heard her sing Natural Woman in person!

    Lin: I missed your post, but hello and happy “carding.”
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited September 2021
    My carrot soup is very simple PATSY. Basically just carrots. onions, pinch of ginger and coriander [no leeks today]. Just cook until veggies are tender [20 mins] in chicken stock, then puree until smooth. Eat hot or cold and garnish each serving with a spoonful of yogurt or sour cream. For thickening I just eat it with buttered bread or ryvita. Its only about 60 calories for the soup. Oh and you can garnish with coriander leaves, sunflower seeds or parsley.
    Poor John would probably hate it. But its okay for a light lunch.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello dear friends. My plan was to post earlier today but guess what? Another disrupted day so that even the paint brushes didn’t come out until after 4.30pm. Our morning walk was cold, really cold, so I was relieved I thought to wear a fleece jacket and before we had moved out of the car park I heard my new friend David calling so I diverted to where he was walking with his two dogs. The dear little pug still falls as her back legs give way but at the moment no drugs available for her with more shortages in England. That might be doing her a favour since she isn’t apparently in pain so David wants to see how things are over the next couple of weeks. It did break my heart to watch her dragging across the grass to say hi to Betty then struggle to climb a small bank to get back to us but she was so brave and determined I had to pick her up to give her a cuddle. I’m invited to see David’s home once the renovations are completed and to take George and Betty to play in his garden that is currently being cleared of 70 years of dumped rubbish! George sat patiently waiting then when we finally set off to walk I saw just ahead of us another dog walker I chat to so again we stopped! This time Ian who apparently had a massive stroke many years ago when he was in the navy and was told he would never walk again but determination got him back on his feet even though he has no feeling in lower limbs. He says it’s all done with a balancing act and long walking stick.

    The local councillor got in touch after I messaged him and promised to look into the individual at the allotment and when that call ended it was time for lunch!
    I did manage a coat of non slip wood preserver on the deck, a cup of tea then finally to paint an alcove ready to push the broom cupboard back into place. Chrissie phoned to ask if I can visit tomorrow morning in order to attempt walking a terrified Bella a short distance outside on the street because she is in a lot of pain from her arthritis but wants to start to get her used to going out. I’ll give it a go but will be surprised if she will leave Chrissie’s side.

    Patsy, We too have experienced veggie thieves at the allotments, everything from green beans to gardening gloves or worn out petrol lawn mowers. We’ve also had a spate of thefts from honesty boxes outside private homes selling eggs or spare tomatoes. Very little money in them so why on earth go to the bother?

    Not that you’re going anywhere soon Sandy but your grandchildren will always hold wonderfully precious memories of times spent with you. I expect you are enjoying dinner with Bryanna as I type. Have fun and yes, let’s leave weighing in until Saturday.

    Goodness, I’ve just seen pictures of the floods in several States after Ida dumped so much rain water in a short time. Keep safe everyone.

    The pooches are restless to get to bed after a last garden visit so I had better get moving.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2021
    Hello. A sort of busy day today. Cooler and sunny today but now rain is moving in with a wet day expected tomorrow.

    Thursday so the weekly call with my friend who has given up on further rehab. She is resigned to using a walker for the rest of her life. A lesson I remember each week when I speak to her, a fall can be devastating. Anyway, nice long call this morning as she told her stories of shopping for a new washer. She seems to be happy with it as she found the old fashioned type with an agitator. That would be my preference too.

    Texts and emails with a few other folks and in between messages, I foiled a number of things—card fronts and sentiments. Then I went on the hunt for more foil. I was just certain I had a package left over from an earlier project. Well, I hunted and hunted in vain. I looked online and the color I wanted seems to be Out of Stock! Well, that wasn’t unexpected.

    A checked in with a friend who has a number of relatives in New Jersey. Everyone is alive but one of her nephews reported the town was flooded and the schools were closed. His house is okay. Her sister had a bit of water in the house but not serious. Gosh, I consider any water in the house as a big problem.

    Jackie, good luck with the doggie walk tomorrow. I hope all goes well. You have quite a number of dog walking friends. I am so sorry for the little dog who cannot use her back legs. I have seen a number of videos where people have some type of dog cart so the dog can walk or run on the front legs and the back legs are up in a type of harness and wheels are in place of dragging the legs. They can really race with those. Onward with the painting and fixing!

    Patsy, we have theft here as well in the community gardens. But we are seeing more theft in general. Bicycles, items out of garages and backyards. It seems we must be locked up all the time now. I am one of the holdouts and do not have a camera installed in my front door area. Some neighbors wanted everyone to have the same doorbell/camera system installed so we would have more complete camera coverage if someone was up to nefarious schemes.

    Anne, your description of the neighborhood is lovely. It sounds quite a desirable place to live. I am glad to hear the house next door is not empty. I agree, a vacant house is attractive to some not-so-good people and activities. So a new driver and a new van, all nice, but best that the groceries are good. Yummy soup. Some good cooking.

    Sandy, dinner with Bryanna. That is lovely. Back to your routine! How is she doing with her training? How much longer before she can obtain a license?

    Bob, well, fingers crossed that the music isn’t rained out but darn it, outdoor events, you never know. Our rain should be over by early Saturday I think. Good sales revenue with that Kool-Aid stand. It was kind to share the spoils! Some kids in this neighborhood have a lemonade stand on some Sunday afternoons. They first were trying to make enough for some athletic uniform as but now are donating to the local food bank I heard.

    Well, time to do something else. Read? Sort through some more correspondence that arrived today? Vegetate?

    Be safe everyone.




    Art Deco teapot

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Holy cow! I am the first one to post today! Hope everyone is well but just busy. I have been chugging along. The weather is very cool but sunny. Lovely!

    Today we will chat with Damon. He is sailing all Labor Day weekend. I think he and his crew want to get in a long holiday sail because soon the have to “button up” the boat for winter. It has been a real tonic for Damon to be able to sail this summer. As soon as he was fully vaccinated he started working on the boat. His crew reminds me of that old TV show Friends.

    As much as I hate to do it, I am making a to-do list. These are chores I want to do before winter. My big idea of getting us some help seems to have really evaporated. As John says, we are in the land of “we are on our own.” Actually I think if we really needed help, we could find some. Damon would be here in a moment’s notice. Andrea would figure out something somehow. But mainly, right now we are handling most things our selves.I am so grateful that we are able to do that.

    Today is cauliflower pizza night. One of John’s favorite. I did make Anne’s carrot soup and it was easy and delicious. I threw in a bit of quinoa but it would have also been great without it also.

    Our neighbor started his weekend gardening early. He decided to use the weed whacker at 7 this morning. He is a great guy but but he likes to get started early. My coffee time was interrupted by his loud machine plus Katie barking at his loud machine. There are times when I would like to make those machines against the law and then I remember….John has one and it is very handy for some very difficult jobs. So as they say, suck it up buttercup! Drink my coffee and quit complaining.
    Thinking of you all,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2021
    Hi everyone! I just finished my laundry and everything that is dry has been put away. I needed to write a check but didn’t get to it in time for the mail so will put it out tomorrow. They won’t receive it until mid-week at best. They will be angry. Oh well!

    I had a dream about the foil I was looking for yesterday. My brain dredged out where it might be. I had been looking through my themed boxes, and I have a huge number of those, and obviously it wasn’t there. I started again this afternoon and voila! The foil was with a project for foiled sentiments and envelope stamps! Wahoo! But of course, I wanted more of the gold shattered glass pattern and it was gold star! Darn. I am going to work on those leftovers from the old project as long as they have resurfaced.

    Patsy, everyone must be on vacation today and/or extremely busy. I am glad Damon has his boat and crew. What a plus for mental and physical health. I don’t like feeling like I am on my own but it is the truth when it comes to many things. Increasingly the usual public services as well as medical help are more iffy rather than certain. Staying home and 🤞🏻that nothing serious is needed!

    Hello to the rest of the Sneakers.


    Hall teapot, this is the color of my mom’s teapot.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I'm around, but had to wait for Michael to drive home. Ouside, Mike took a picture of me hanging onto Beans leash with a handful of weeds in the other hand I'd just pulled up. HORRIFIED! I've lost 9 lbs but still look like the side of a bus. He said, Mom you are almost 86 and you've every right to look like the side of a bus. NO I DON'T! Supper will be a green salad with no dressing. So in a way I'm glad he took the photo, nothing like a home truth to get one motivated to lose another 9 lb. Actually, he's lost a bit of weight and it shows. I can't believe my eldest will be 60 on Monday! What!

    Yes the wanderers next door are definitely back. They put the blue box and the green bin out today for garbage collection. Maybe missing for two weeks whilst inside repairs done? except no cars appeared in that time either.

    My bee sting has been assessed as a horse or deer fly bite. Whatever it was it had teeth because I have quite a big hole on my left eyebrow. Still a bit painful and bright red which doesn't help in the overall looks department!

    Grouse over for the day. Hope it's been as nice for you all weatherize as it is here. 76 F and sunny, and I daren't go and weed because of stinging things flying about. Not a sign of a mosquito though since Harry left. I count my blessings!
    Annsie and of course little love, Jilly the Bean.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Looks like we’re all arriving later today. Yes, I’ve been busy and now settling down to Gardeners World although a new Grantchester is starting on another channel. Not nearly as good a drama as the first few series unfortunately.
    A lovely day which began on a moorland walk in sunshine. The warmth has returned and we strolled for over an hour meeting sheep and dodging cattle. George stopped to talk to a young calf before running quickly past its mum!

    As I thought, the plan to walk young Bella didn’t happen because she is still far too nervous of me. Chrissie put her harness on but upside down then struggled to remove it but when I put my hand out to help Bella snapped at my fingers and growled so I suggested she was never going to follow me outside and definitely best not to rush her.

    I’ve finished coating the deck so tomorrow can put table, chairs, plants and Buddha back where they belong and also should finish painting my dining room tomorrow.

    Anne, in Cornwall we call those nasty stinging bugs that creep up on us Emmets; well actually it’s mostly used for annoying tourists but the biting bugs get included! I’m in a similar place with extra pounds because sorting through clothes a couple of days ago I tried on a top I hadn’t worn for a while and quickly removed it when I saw my shape underneath! 😧. I’ll see what tomorrow’s weigh in brings but think I know the answer.

    It’s definitely that time Patsy to make a check list of pre Winter jobs and I have to assume most days will be too wet before long so try to prioritise too. If you’re like me the brain is far more optimistic than my body allows these days!

    I’m loving the Art Deco teapots Lin. Your latest project sounds fascinating and I hope we get to see a photo when you finish.

    Brrr, Brady just came in and did his usual trick of getting my attention in the kitchen where he wants food by knocking something off the counter but moving has made me realise the temperature has fallen rapidly. No point putting a heater on so close to bedtime so I’ll throw a blanket across my knees.

    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I love these sheep! Baabaa little gray lamb. Call me!