Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited February 2022
    We are on a pause button at the moment; nasty hail storms coming and going and I just know my luck with picking the wrong moment to step out with George and Betty. At least it will be an appropriate time to try Betty's new coat because I've only checked the size so far to ensure it fits round her tummy. That doesn't mean she will walk! At the moment they are both snoozing on my bed.

    My true friends are dotted round the country so of course, the lockdowns got in the way of visits but we have long regular chats to make up for it. Trouble is, the less miles I drive the fewer I want to travel and I used to love driving. My brothers are my only immediate family and you all know one is in Spain and the other in his own little world. My nephew Sven keeps in touch Christmas and birthdays but we've now exchanged mobile phone numbers so that's an improvement. Bernie has 3 daughters, 2 of them adopted when he married his first wife, but when that broke down the girls lost touch with his side of the family. It wasn't the happiest home when I was going up so my friends and their families were my support, hence my independent streak!

    A couple of years ago I invested in a lot of good quality timber to create raised beds at the allotment and there is also a beautiful wooden arch we've used to grow climbing runner beans up so I will find a friend with a trailer to transport it home. Anne, that means I'll be able to grow climbing French and runner beans and yes, you Lin and me the home gardener will be able to compare notes. You've been scratching for months now so I understand how miserable that must be at times.

    Patsy, you and John do an amazing job of grooming Katie. My goodness, she is ten times bigger than George and yet I struggle to get him looking half as good! A couple of days ago I had to cut out lumps under his ears but then decided to trim round his nose so before I knew it he was lopsided and looking very strange. Thank goodness Debbie Woof Woof is visiting us next week!!

    I was about to finish the post because the sun is shining through the window and I thought it time to walk but suddenly hail is again crashing down! I'll stop now anyway, get some washing up done and see how things look when that's done.

    Oh great, now that depressing song Don't Want to Live All by Myself Anymore. I'm off!!!

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Oh girls, I'm so incredibly grateful! I've just got up after 5 hours of undisturbed sleep !!!!!!! Sleepless nights for weeks and I've actually just had 6 hours sleep all told! The rash is still with me but fading. I'm so very glad some of you have had the vaccine. Honestly its the worst thing I've ever had and its lasted 6 months and a few days so far. I'm praying I won't be whining anymore and can concentrate on the coming spring [minus 14 overnight] and JACKIE, LIN and ME and our coming "Three countries literary potato growers"club. It will be fun to compare notes and climates.
    Hugs to you all for not kicking me off the Sneakers.
    Anne. and Jilly Bean of course who had an undisturbed night as well.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Oh my God. I've just read on BBC News that Russia has launched an invasion on the Ukraine. I'm praying it doesn't escalate! with China and North Korea joining in. Not to mention the rest of us!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) We are expecting more snow later but I am hoping it waits until I get home from my meeting. I continue with the 30 day shred which I only have a little over a week to finish which will be either 20 or 21 days total. I am not losing weight but I do feel my tummy is going down and that is my main purpose. Still hurts when I do the routine but not once recovered. Now to make appointments for mani/pedi and for Bryanna to highlight my hair once more before leaving. We have to get a covid test on Friday and fill out travel authorization forms although the website it isn't required any longer. The travel agent said to do it anyway to save time. I have so many papers to bring with insurance, passport, proof of test, etc. Who knew it would be so intense to travel???? It will be worth it, I hope!!!

    Yes Anne, I agree with you on this Russian attack, I pray for all the people of Ukraine and hope this is over fast without other countries getting involved. I am not ready for World War lll.

    Hello to all but I must eat and make a call. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    We managed to dodge the hail showers to walk round the block then into the small woodland at the end of our entrance track but since then it's been cold and blustery with several sleet and hail downpours so not much achieved outdoors. Betty looked very smart in her new jacket and once we got into the woods and I removed her lead so she could sniff about, she seemed to relax.
    Back home, the good news is tomato seeds planted in a tray in my new electric propagator are beginning to show their little heads. No sign of the sweet pepper seeds planted a couple of weeks ago but I seem to remember they took time to germinate last year so I won't disturb them.
    I've made a pot of carrot soup and chopped logs in between following the dreadful news coming out of Ukraine. This is what happens when a little ex KGB man, living in the past, is allowed to weedle his way into the Kremlin and behave like a madman! All those recent diplomatic trips to talk to him reminded me of the movie Munich, the Edge of War and here we go again! It seems Russian people aren't too impressed with his impersonation of Hitler so hopefully his actions will backfire one day soon.

    A cold night, I just discovered when Betty popped out, but we are all cosy.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A sunny cold day here. We are to warm up on the weekend with rain….of course.

    John came out of the dentist office with a gold star. Thank goodness. He has so much trouble with his teeth. I think they are made of Swiss cheese. Soft and with lots of holes. Yesterday he got a special treatment to protect them from cavities. $$. John and I have decided that good health at our age is rare and expensive. We sort of titter between fairly good health and then we become convinced that we are suffering total breakdown. When one of us has an issue, the other decides to have a worse issue. Reminds me of that old show tune, “anything you can do…I can do better!”🎶🎶🎶

    Our daughter’s husband is coming home after a month in hospital and physical recovery. He regained some memory and his thinking is better but he is far from healed or ready to resume a regular life. This is going to be a real challenge for my daughter and her grown son. Prayers requested for this troubled little family.

    Jackie: Thank you for the compliment about Katie’s grooming. I must say, John is far too impatient to be involved with any aspect of the grooming. Also Katie gets very upset with John when he try’s to help groom her. I think she senses his impatience and nervous energy. I put on some happy smooth jazz music, make the room sort of cool, gather all my supplies and tools and prepare for an afternoon of combing, brushing, hair conditioning, a bit of spot shampooing as needed, clipping and sweet talk to Katie.

    Oooops dryer finished!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello friends

    A short note today, I am fighting an excruciating headache that started shortly after I got up this morning and I cannot seem to power through. I did several loads of laundry and stamped the inside of that birthday card but my eyes are watering and I can hardly read at this point. Sorry.

    We are receiving light snow today. It is cold and windy. At least there is no ice this time.

    I am going to pack up some supplies and head upstairs to see if I can sleep this off. At least I have nice clean covers to snuggle under.

    Be safe everyone.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Me again….
    Sandy: almost ready to jump on a plane and head to Jamaica for drinks with tropical fruit and rum! I assume you have plans to wear a bikini with all that exercise. Photos will be necessary with you in a bathing suit and straw hat and sunglasses. Have fun, fun, fun!

    Anne: have you tried melatonin as a sleep aid? Available at any drugstore, even grocery store. It is even given to dogs now when needed to calm them for an appointment. It is really a hormone that we make less of as we age. That is why we oldies have trouble sleeping and need naps to get the needed rest. Common usage now. Could help you sleep and thus help calm those irritated nerve endings. Just an idea. You know I have lots of weird ideas….
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Thanks PATSY, not a weird idea at all, but I don't think it would help. Its the internal pain and its so excruciating at times I even have suicidal thoughts. Not for long though I hasten to add. I can drop off to sleep, but the pain wakes me up. I yelp, get up and pace the floor and it subsides and I climb back into bed and immediately fall asleep. 15 minutes later I'm yelping with pain and have to get up again. However last night was different. I slept for 5 hours, oh blessed relief. The ankle and calf rash is slowly subsiding and I fervently hope the other is as well! I pray none of you gets this, I hope nobody gets it even the little ex KGB man! You can be sure I'll let you know tomorrow how my night was. Its funny, I barely get the pain during the day as I walk about and Mike thinks I should become nocturnal, sleeping during the day like a bat. Ha, as though Bean would let me.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited February 2022
    I wish SANDY. No, its shingles as diagnosed. Wish it was restless leg syndrome. Very sharp stabbing internal pain. I don't want it again and its possible so will probably get the vaccine once I recover. Apparently its worse if one is OLD - ME!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Oh SANDY that gave me a big smile anyway, bless you! I have had a few words I must admit with the Boss up above. I'll recover. The main thing is - go on your holiday [while there is still time!] and have a really super break from it all. Us stay at homes will be with you in spirit and feel that warm sand trickling through our tootsies.
    Thanks again! ANNE
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    You aren’t getting rid of me yet. I leave a week from Monday. 😘
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited February 2022
    Happy Friday. I was out early to shop for groceries then took Betty and George to the far moors for a long walk. It’s half term so lots of visitors but few go in the direction I do so both charged about getting plenty of exercise. It was beautiful sunshine when I first got up but clouds are now building even though the forecast didn’t predict them… the joys of living on the moors because I can see the coast has still got sunshine.
    I think with a warm jacket on it will be comfortable enough to do some gardening and I also need to pot on an Italian golden thyme plant I bought at the supermarket.

    Lin, your terracotta teapot reminds me I must tread carefully in the undergrowth where a huge toad lives and hopefully eats plenty of slugs and snails!

    Everyone have a safe and enjoyable day. Count your blessings… I do!
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    As promised and counting my blessings I had quite a good night. Getting there! More later, It's snowing yet again!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    GM. Not feeling great. Severe stomach pains. Stupid snow removal woke me up around 5. I went back to sleep and slept on and off until 11:30. Still in bed but going to try and get up.
    Now I know how you feel Anne. Have a good day.
    Sandy One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Oh no SANDY, sorry you are unwel!
    I've just had some sad news from my point of view. Tony next door is getting worse and barely knows Maria anymore. He's just broken all her best crystal in her cabinet. The bad news is he is now on a waiting list to go into care, and Maria says she will sell the house when he does because it will be too big for her. She is a very nice lady and I value her friendship so it will be hard to see her gone.

    We had snow overnight and this morning but it is already melting a bit and I don't think Mark need shovel. Michael stayed home because it is much worse further north and he hates driving in a snow storm.

    The only big news really is our Derek moves out of his parents house tomorrow and into a lake shore condo. I expect Mark and Mary Jo will help them move. Plus a heap of friends, very sociable is grandson Derek.

    So having nothing much to report I'll away and watch world news.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A beautiful cold but very nice sunny day! We are to start warming up today and tomorrow. We are to be back to season-normal temps….and rain, expected and since it is part of the usual pattern, we can deal with it just fine.

    Daughters husband is home now after a month in hospital. His thinking is still jumbled and he seems to have lost some cognitive abilities. I think that is alarming but our daughter is relaxed about it. She is mothering him and her son is helping. That little family has so much adversity. I wonder at the causes and course of action. From here it looks like dementia or Alzheimer’s. God bless them all.

    Hang in there my dear sneakers. I think we are so fortunate to be where we are. The gas prices will keep us home. Which is okay. I need to start washing curtains and windows as soon as the weather cooperates. There is always some task that needs doing and with that on my agenda, i have only to try to help those in greatest need in which ever way I can.

    Sandy: take care dear. We are praying for your instant recovery. We want you healthy and ready to begin you big adventure.

    Anne: thinking of you as well! Fingers crossed that you are on the mend. You are such a strong person, I feel certain you will be over shingles very soon. Anyone else would be reduced to a puddle of tears in middle of the living room floor. Not you!

    Jackie: I had a short game of ball with Katie out in the cold. I think she was as glad as I was to come in out of the cold damp air. It was sunny out but very unpleasantly cold. You and your pups are very tough and strong. We wimp out at the least little change in the temperature.

    Lin:I love frogs and toads. There is something so wonderfully strange about them. I have several little ceramic frogs sitting among my house plants, just to keep the company!

    Cauliflower pizza night! Al Green singing “What becomes of a broken heart.”🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶