Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Oh rats. I had just about finished my post and it disappeared. This app is simply possessed from time to time. Argh. Well, will not try to reconstruct what I wrote.

    Jackie, I hope the damage is repaired without too many additional outages. But thank heavens the winds are finished for now and there’s no new damage.

    Anne, you have become a gourmet cook! Well done. Sorry Michael wasn’t able to come over today. How is Mark’s back injury coming along? I hope he is feeling better and it is wonderful to hear you are having a good day.

    Patsy, I hope you will be fully recovered very quickly. I guess anything we eat could cause problems. We are fortunate that most of the time, we don’t suffer any illness.

    Barbie, it would be lovely to get additional opportunities in this lifetime but our bodies don’t cooperate.

    Sandy, I am glad you got to spend some time with Marisa. Now you have a chance to stay in touch with her now that she’s grown up and has your phone number. That is promising. I know. You won’t anticipate anything. I know you reviewed things with Babe but is there any chance that his son will want to live with him in order to control him and his assets? Best wishes to you on a good resolution that brings everyone peace and happiness.

    Well, off I go as I have nothing fabulous to share.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited February 2022
    I have typed two long posts and both have disappeared when I hit the post button.

    Hope this will appear in our group.

    Just saying hello to everyone and wishing everyone well.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    5 years ago Babe sold his house and moved in with his son and DIL against my advice. His son has not held a job since he lost his business 5 years ago and is an alcoholic. Babe has enable both the son and wife for the last 5 years besides what he had done to keep his son out of jail. His drinking became more and more and finally the straw that broke the camel's back was when he slapped his father, so Babe got a restraining order against him. He now lives in a motel or when Babe doesn't give him money out of his car. The wife finally had enough and got a divorce and since the upkeep is too much on that giant house they are selling it. Babe told me that he is cutting his son off at the end of the month but we will see.
    Babe does not want to live with his son and can't live alone. Thus him asking me if he can live here.
    Probably more information than you wanted to know but there it is.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Wow Sandy, I’m so sorry, I hadn’t realised so much had gone on since Babe made the decision to move in with his son. I feel awful that I asked because it must be a painful situation for you, never mind explaining to me! What a nightmare but hopefully if he does move in with you, that restraining order will stop his son coming anywhere near.
    Lots for you to be dealing with emotionally and my heart goes out to you. ❤️

    Ten minutes and we reach the 2330 deadline for the supplier to stop cutting off the electricity!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my dear friend, so sorry to hear about the family drama. I guess we all have drama and sadness in our family. But alcohol and tobacco are addictive killers that impact the whole family. In the end we never really get away from family member’s problems. We say we will not be a part of it but we are. It would be good is Babe had a good clean place to live. He provides the means for you, am I right? It sounds like his son will not have a good life from now on. Alcohol seems to take away health and causes a kind of dementia that robs people of reason. I know you must feel so upset by all of this. How I wish I could help. Both you and Jackie are dealing with so much right now. Please be careful of your health. BOTH of you! Sending you all the love, friendship and affection possible.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited February 2022
    Dear SANDY I can only echo the girls comments above. I'm so very sorry for everyone and especially for you at this awful time.
    PS. I hope you will forgive me but now I know the full circumstances I can only tell you what I would do, NOT advice. However much I loved B I would not have him live with me. The son may have a restraining order but drunks don't understand restraining orders when drunk and he will track his father down when he needs money. If B is with you when he turns up he will turn his anger on you and I don't want you seriously hurt in the crossfire. B should be in a safe senior building I think.
    My recent and present shingles could be old age, could be the vaccine but could also be stress. During our break up my ex turned up and he cornered me against a wall and raised his hands to my throat. He seemed to be in extreme stress and I think luckily something I said to him caused him to drop his hands, and turn to the front door muttering "I better not come here again". I think when his 2nd wife died at the same time the shingles struck I had this awful feeling he would enter my world again. Illogical I know. I actually still loved him at that long ago time. I wish him well today, but dear SANDY think very carefully about having B in your home unless you and he go to Florida and live together sharing expenses in a safe place.
    I won't poke my nose in again love, promise.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) It is a miserable rainy day here but hopefully the rain stops before I have to leave to sit. I bought a new Fitbit Versa 2 and I love it. It is comparable to an Apple watch but not so expensive.
    I just wanted one that shows me how many calories I burned and my heart rate when exercising. I think this one also will count calories when I ride the bike but not sure yet. It's my birthday present to myself. <3

    I understand all the concerns with my letting Babe come here and I have all the same concerns. But as you all know I live my life one day at a time so I don't worry about what might happen. in the future. The house is not sold and who knows how long it will take to sell. First things first we both haven't even told our kids about this because I am not sure how my two oldest will react. The two youngest always were close with B, as Anne calls him and I like it. So I don't plan on saying anything until after my birthday vacation because I want everyone including me to have a good time. In the meantime B said he is cutting his son off at the end of this month and that will the hardest thing he has ever done and I have my doubts. So no point in worrying about what might happen because life has no guarantees.
    I read a prayer book my son gave me years ago and this page made an impact on me. q4dcsg07d98m.jpg

    I love that you all are concerned but trust that I will make the right decision when the time comes.

    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    That page made an impact on me as well Sandy. Thank you. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited February 2022
    Hello. I have frittered my day away. Working on a jigsaw puzzle, talking to a friend on the phone and being on hold with the financial institution where I plan to open an account soon. I had some questions not addressed on their web site. You cannot call any of the branches directly, you must go through a 1-800 number. I tried last week and finally gave up thinking maybe another day would be better. Haaaa, 🤣😂, there were 41 people ahead of me today. This time I persevered and finally did talk to a representative. Now I need to go online and make an appointment to go in to that branch location to actually open an account. At least I think I have all of the information I wanted. At least, I ran out of questions.

    I also logged into an online savings account today and found requests to update my profile information. Sounded harmless enough. Everything looked good but there were additional messages. They updated their banking agreement and I had to answer a couple of additional questions, on their secured site. I had to provide information about my citizenship. I guess the government may want to be able to freeze the funds of people from certain countries or something? Also, I had to disclose information on where I worked. That one was easy. Retired. I read information later where people were unhappy with additional disclosures (with other banks). Apparently at least one Bank blocked access to accounts if the information was not provided. These requirements make me a bit queasy.

    Hey, where did that additional post from me come from? I saw nothing until just now and I did check yesterday, last night, and this morning too bad it was not a complete post. It was a fragment. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    It is good to see you lovely ladies here today.

    Sandy, I will say nothing further on the topic. Now, what day do you leave on vacation? Your birthday is coming up soon! I cannot believe the month is almost gone. I even got my social security deposit today. Yep, the month is about gone. I saw the photos on Facebook of Bryanna’s birthday dinner. Everyone looked happy. So glad you were able to go.

    Anne, has the snow stopped now? We had a glaze of ice today. The city has not done anything with this street so it is still slippery. My driveway is a complete hazard so I haven’t gotten my mail (actually I do not know if it was delivered, school was canceled). And I did not out my trash out last night as I thought I probably would not be eager to fetch the empty can back to the house. I hope it gets warmer soon so things melt again.

    Patsy and Jackie. Hello to you. Hope all is well. I see no recent posts from you. Maybe a MFP glitch?

    Barbie, are you knitting while riding your bike this winter. Hats?

    Be safe everyone.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    I saw this photo today and thought it was a charming place.


    It was captioned: The little seaside town of Fowey (pronounced "Foy") in Cornwall.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Hello friends. A quiet day for me with no power cuts or rain and even the winds have calmed.... bliss! We had a short local stroll, me and the pooches, then I drove to town to pick up a few items at a general store, things like boxes of matches for the fire, washing up liquid and jar of coffee so really exciting!
    Soup and crackers for lunch as I do my best to lose some of these pounds I gained since Christmas then, as I began washing up I received an automated call from the hospital telling me to press 1 for this and then 2 for something else in order to reach the appointments department as it's time for my 6 monthly check after the melanoma incident. This has gone on for over a week and when it gets to the message end to press 1 again to speak to someone it has been telling me they are all too busy so try later. This time it told me to wait in a queue so I put my phone on the kitchen counter with speaker on and continued washing up. Finally spoke to someone and as so often seems to happen these days, the one date in March she could offer was the same that I have a hair appointment for cut and highlights so have instead booked the check up in April. The way the weeks and months are flying by it will be upon me in no time!
    After that, whoopee, I spent time in my garden tidying, moving a honeysuckle climber from the very bottom to now climb the new trellis and also mucked out the hen house. Little Storm is now brave enough to take pieces of lettuce from leaves I hold out to her while the bigger girls watch. I started to do this because she was getting bullied off the ones I hung up for them to peck so I feel happier that she can get to eat her greens!
    The first hint of sunshine in many days encouraged my purples crocus flowers to open up and show their beautiful faces so that was a treat.
    This evening I finally got to eat that pasty I was about to cook last night before the electricity got cut off!

    Ah yes Lin, Fowey. Just down the road from me and definitely pronounced Foy! It's the Cornish accent that changes it. A few miles north of me is Launceston, pronounced Larnsen and the woods down the road pronounced Goleetha are spelled Golitha! That's such a pretty teapot, cup and saucer even if seagulls can be a nuisance around here!

    Sandy, have you heard of the Desiderata? It's called a poem but isn't as I think of poetry but rather a beautiful guide to getting through life. Your prayer reminds me of one section that I hold dear "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. You have a right to be here and whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.. Another way of saying "one day at a time"!

    I was flitting through you tube tonight and found myself watching a 2 hour talk and presentation by a writer Mark Shaw who has investigated the life and suspicious death of famous columnist Dorothy Kilgallen who also appeared as a regular on the tv show What's My Line? She was investigating Kennedy's assassination when she died, specifically the Mob connection and Jack Ruby and it all sounded feasible so I've now become hooked on looking into it further!

    Midnight so I suppose I should get myself ready for bed! Hoping for another peaceful day tomorrow!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) My life continues along its simple path. We took Bernie, the cat, for his yearly wellness check and he looked good, got his nails clipped, and had a blood test to check for any kidney, liver, etc, problems. Don't have results yet.

    :)Lin I ride my exercise bike for two to four hours a day while watching TV and knitting. I make blankets for Project Linus. There is not enough need for hats but there are children everywhere who can use a warm cuddly blanket.

    :)Sandy, relax as you consider your decision to bring Babe to your house. The right answer will come.

    :) Temps are several degrees below freezing today so I've added an extra warm sweater to my wardrobe for dog walking.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Cold but sunny which is always good. Paying some bills today and sitting later.
    I need to have everything paid before I leave for Jamaica, it is coming up fast. I am so looking forward to the sun and the warmth and spending time with my family. <3
    Max, the five year old has mastered the Hover Board on a rug in his basement. I tried it once when they first got it and thank goodness Lisa was holding on to me or I would have fallen. No more for me. It is hard to balance so I give Max a lot of credit.

    Barbie, you know I agree with you so just putting it in God's Hands.

    Jackie, thank you for that passage, it is true of all of us. Sorry it took forever to get your appointment but happy it finally worked out. Happy little Storm got to eat her greens, you are indeed a great animal mommy.

    Lin, we did have a nice birthday dinner and Bryanna was happy. I leave on March 7 and return on March 12. I just need to find a government approved testing site for travel. It has to be three days before our travel date. The travel sites I am finding want money and I hope I don't have to pay for a covid test when I have 4 free ones in my home. The airlines won't accept at home tests. I love the picture of Fowey.

    Anne, I am glad you liked the reading, I read three different books each night and three different books each morning. I swear they were written just for me.

    Patsy, most people don't realize that addiction is a disease recognized by the AMA. I am in Al Anon for 14 years and without it I do not know how I would survive. It is just sad when help is available but unless they are ready it cannot be forced on them. All we can do it pray for them.

    Sorry if I sound preachy, but I just want you all to know I am fine and will handle whatever comes my way. Have a good day and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Woke up to snowing but now its gone and its a sunny with a hint of spring day.

    I made bread this morning. A different recipe but it turned out really good.

    Other than that not much going on here. My cousin in Australia wrote and she asked me if I'd like some of their rain and flooding. No thanks. We have enough here! Crews are out with equipment lifting huge chunks of ice out of the Credit River which is close to me to try to prevent flooding in low lying areas. As for Aussie Helen who will be 80 on Monday, she had a leak from her roof which was still under warranty. The chap who turned up said her roof was just fine and he'd be happy to sleep in her spare room to prove it. Fine with me said Helen you can sleep in the spare room at which he declined. Roof has now been repaired!
    Anyway with all this water lying around and going nowhere because of frozen earth nobody here is likely to die from water deprivation or have a parched throat for that matter.

    I love that little Storm is having her greens Jackie. Our tv weatherman mostly appears on screen with his little dog also called Storm.

    Everyone seems to be just fine in our little group so far. I'll away, enjoy a now springlike day and count my many blessings,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A lovely sunny but brrrrrrr freezing cold day. However! No rain or snow. That is good right now.

    John is heading to the dental hygienist and errands. I am in the dungeon to write a few notes to friends and family. There are so few family members left, I can count them on one hand. So when I tell you sneakers you are my best friends and family….well kiddos! I wasn’t just kidding. It is what comes of a small family, many chose not to have children and many of our friends have passed away. I too count my blessings today. I grateful that I have my John to share this phase of life. Our son is a true blessing. But he lives 2 hours away and has a very demanding career. He still fits us in his life first, last and always. Our daughter is a complicated creative diva that lives life like an ongoing soap Opera. Then there is my only fur baby, Katie. I often think of trying to add to that little family but John thinks we are too old to contemplate additions. Me? Old? Well! The very nerve…I am not old I am seasoned.

    Sandy: you are so trusting and open. Not many people would open up about their life and issues that they are facing. We all know you will find the solution to your problem. It is a measure of your friendship that you share your worries with us. Knowing we care and would never want anything but the best for you. Press on! You have a lot of joy scheduled…….

    Anne: oh ahhhh! I think I can smell your bread baking from here. Is there any perfume more enticing?

    Barbie: you are a true inspiration! First that you ride your bike everyday for at least 2 hours and secondly that you can knit at the same time and thirdly that you use that talent to benefit others.

    Jackie: the Kennedy assignation and the convoluted mystery is fascinating. It just keeps getting more complex and scary as you try to piece things together, even after all these years.

    Lin: do you order from Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff? A great company! Just thought I would recommend them. And Daniel Smith is also a really great company but with limited offerings.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Katie is ready for a grooming and nail clipping. She has begun her protest and negotiations. I will persevere.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited February 2022
    PATSY, your Katie and my Jilly are birds of a feather or rather dogs of a fur ball. Jilly is getting far too clever. She now understands so many words that we are reduced to sign language and contemplating learning a new language.
    This next bit is me just musing so please ignore if you are dashing off somewhere.
    I have the same predicament as you Patsy without a John in tow. All my family generation are now gone except for Helen in Australia. All my generation friends are now gone as well except for one and she lives too far away to visit even if she knew it was me on a bad day. I find my new set of friends are in their early or late sixties and I'm learning to adapt to a different mind set I guess. I am lucky as I usually see 60 year old Mike once a week. He lives about one hour away and then there are Mark and Mary Jo just around the corner in their mid fifties. But as far as grands are concerned its like talking to a new set of alien humans. Their parents have the same problem I gather. Our old mayoress was a 101 on Valentines Day. She was on TV chatting away. I wonder what it will be like when WE reach 101! Interesting for sure. Will Mike still be driving when he's 76?
    The point of this memo is you are not alone. Lots of us, just scattered around a bit. Maybe we should forget our doggie books and write an account called The Perils of not Popping your Clogs Early. You know like when we leave the oven on long after cooking or the dentists pulled out another much loved molar. Could be quite hilarious, for it's rather an adventure hanging onto ones perch and between you and me cashing in on our so called fragility.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Starting with a giggle…

    I was so late to bed last night because I was drawn into the post assassination witness deaths discussed on you tube, I didn’t get up until 8.30 but after my usual fill of porridge and fruit, plus the obligatory mug of coffee, we set off for a walk on the breezy but sunny moors. It’s the last week the pooches can stroll unleashed because from March 1st, for 6 months, we have to take care to protect pregnant sheep then this year’s lambs against unruly dogs that could scare or even kill them. We only met one man and his little Jack Russell that I’ve seen occasionally from a distance and got the impression his hearing is impaired but we managed a wave and smiles.
    On the way home I detoured to the farm shop to buy carrots and leeks as I planned to make soup housework got in the way! I also purchased a bunch of fresh flowers to brighten up my cottage that the daughter of a delightful lady I used to visit when working in the community sells. She calls her business Asta’s Flowers after her mother so as they sit on my dining table they give me an extra smile!
    Neighbour Louise popped round to discuss continuing the allotment garden and we decided it’s a lot of work for little reward, plus the autocratic man running the place is spoiling what used to be a relaxed, fun pastime so we will give up. I shall create raised beds in my garden in the Spring and grow potatoes, beans and perhaps exotic eastern salads and am quite excited to get started.

    Patsy, our sneakers group is as close to my heart as friends I’ve known forever and I have to have my catch up fix each day so I know everyone is well but also what each is up to. An addition to your family could go either way of course depending on Katie’s response. After Betty has lived with me for over 3 years, George finally last night allowed her to lie in his bed next to him. Lovely to see but I was quite shocked he allowed it to happen. Didn’t last of course!
    Scary is the right word for whoever was responsible for Kennedy’s assassination and subsequent deaths. Even after all the years that have passed, there’s obvious coverups still going on by major organisations and some in the know not daring to speak out.

    Not long now Sandy and you’ll be heading for warm sunshine, Sandy beaches and Jamaican cocktails! I’m to do a home lateral test the day of my hospital appointment but now that our government is talking of ceasing handing out free tests, I’m going to struggle to obtain one because as usual, panic buying is causing a shortage. I can order online but then I’ll end up with seven because they don’t send out a single pack…such a waste when millions around the world have to go without! I’ve got time so will check if I can pick one up from a local pharmacy.

    A different bread recipe Anne; Was that the flour or do you add seeds or spices? Storm now shouts at me every time I go into my garden so I mustn’t run out of lettuce. At least with raised beds I’ll be able to grow a row just for her!
    Dare I ask, is the itchiness still improving? 🤞🏻

    Hello Lin, not far behind me I expect unless really busy with crafting cards.

    Hail storms arriving overnight so I shall get myself to bed earlier because it gets quite noisy on my slate roof. George will grumble and bark of course!


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited February 2022
    I am here. The day has disappeared as usual! I am working on a birthday card which needs to be sent relatively soon. Also finishing copies to send to the accountant. Now I just need a cover letter to add to my documents.

    Today was clean the veggies day 😂 and I was going to write earlier but then a discussion popped up with my former coffee group another one of our group has moved away. She and her hubby and all their pets moved to the Northeast corner of the state, back to her home town actually. She didn’t provide lots of details but we got to see photos of the new house and yard. She is living there now while her husband finishes up their business here. Wow, she said the decision came up quickly and they have accomplished everything in about 60 days. So another local friend gone. She didn’t really say she would keep in touch. So much to settling in and she is back with her family and old friends from high school days. She will be able to see her grandchildren regularly. So happy days for her!

    Jackie, well, a good decision to get out of the fight on the allotment since you have space to grow at your home. Removing unpleasantness is a very good course of action. Oh, lovely, fresh flowers! How nice. I have seen that cartoon before and it always brings a smile to my face. Poor little doggie! 😂

    Anne, a different bread recipe. Good for you, mixing things up! You will need to assemble “The Annsie Cookbook” with all of your recipes from the years of the pandemic.

    Patsy, a darling photo of Katie. I hope the grooming went well and you have not hurt yourself at all. Hugs. Being without family, I think I try to stay in touch with friends and acquaintances more than many other people. I do not have any friends I speak to on the phone or in person everyday. So, my friends, you are a big part of my lifeline as I am here, at some point, everyday. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Oh yes, Patsy, I do not regularly order from Cheap Joe’s (the prices have looked attractive) and have never ordered from Daniel Smith although I have heard of them. I order from loads of companies, too many actually but will try to cut back on my obsession. 😂

    Sandy, yippee, vacation is just around the corner now. Exciting! I hope you can find testing. I don’t know if we have any testing available through our health department now as the emergency orders have all lapsed. I am sure it will be more difficult.

    Barbie, thanks for letting me know what you are making. I have a friend who crochets all the time. She makes a variety of things but her work for donation is all hats/caps. I just got a bit confused as to what you were making. I know you have mentioned it before, excuse my bad brain cells.

    Well, off I go. There is a program on horses I would like to watch tonight and I signed up for a 10 day seminar on the immune system/better gut health. A bit gross I guess. Waving to everyone 🙋🏼‍♀️ and sending best wishes.



  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Is the itching improving? Not really JACKIE and my leg is swollen but I'm convinced on the improve. Thinking positive.
    Hey, if you grow in the garden from now on that will be three of us. You, LIN and me. Potatoes are great. One can't really go wrong with potatoes. What sort of beans? French green beans, runner beans?
    MY Bean is so friendly with humans I do believe she thinks she IS human. Not so friendly with other dogs. Not mean, she just avoids them. When Amber visits us she clings to me or Michael like a barnacle. I don't think she would much like another permanent dog here, but she is fond of Hobbes the giant cat. However, I'm far too old now to get another cat. Michael who is not known for tact is forever telling me how many years I must live because he thinks Bean would really miss me and the house. Being spoilt more likely, lol.