Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Drat, lost my long long post! Happy birthday Jilly! Happy anniversary George, happy Valentine’s Day to all you dear sneaker sweethearts! I will try again tomorrow.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) We just finished watching "Reacher" on Amazon Prime. Yesterday I started listening to the audio book on my morning and evening walks.

    :) Happy Birthday, Jilly

    :) Happy Anniversary, George

    <3 Happy Valentines Day to all.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Loved Teacher!! Watched Power of the Dog tonight. Strange but up for Academy Award.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Thank you BARBIE, I wish I could go for a walk with you and your doggie pals. I'm still a puppy at heart and LOVE walks. Jilly Bean.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Nice sunny day, calm before the storm on Thursday. Sitting later and I will be taking Robby to choir while Lisa has a three hour seminar for her teacher's license that she is keeping up until all kids are in school. Will be bringing Mc Donald's and hopefully Fannie May still has some Valentine candy left because I forgot to get the kiddos something.
    I started the 30 day shred yesterday and I am sore today but will continue. I can't do it all like jumping jacks or kick ups but I am working with weights for the crunches and other exercises. What is the expression no pain no gain? The only problem is that my scale went up instead of down so I am again thinking I am not eating enough but I don't know. I also rode the bike for an hour so maybe I am overdoing. All this just to try and look decent in a swimsuit which no one will care except me. B)

    Have a great day everyone, soon it will be Spring.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Sandy, congrats on your new exercise plan. Often exercise causes your muscles to hold on to fluid so it looks bad on the scale. Keep up the good work. I added squats to my routine a few days ago and now I'm feeling aches in some muscles that aren't used to the challenge. It will go away.

    :) Bessie and Sasha go for grooming today. It has been hard for Jake to lift Bessie into the back seat of our Subaru SUV so instead of buying a new car (his idea), we accepted the offer of my dog walking friend to transport Bessie in the back seat of her Honda Civic. We did that for Bessie's visit to the vet last month and it worked great. Jake sat in the back seat with Bessie to keep her safe and happy. Today I'll ride in the back seat of my friend's car with Bessie and Jake will take Sasha in the Subaru.

    :)Jilly Bean, we would love to have you come on walks with us.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    It is a sunny, albeit windy, day. I guess the weather may be not so great later in the week. A friend is stopping by later today to pick up the stuff I made for her on Saturday. I also bagged up some books for her to read.

    Sandy, the kids will love whatever treats you give them. You really are going all out to prepare for this vacation. Just stay healthy. You always look great in your photos and you will be with family enjoying yourself. It will be great.

    Barbie, I hope the dog grooming is going well today. Good logistics!

    I finally watched Reacher last night as I couldn’t sleep for some reason. I have read most all of the Reacher books so I think the character of Reacher in the movie is just right!

    Hello Jackie and Patsy.

    Be happy everyone.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    The sunny weather went away and clouds rolled in with cool rain. But all in all not too bad.

    I had a lovely Valentine’s Day. John had a big bouquet delivered and it is amazing! And Valentine’s. I did my Valentine tree but alas my original plan didn’t work. I had red and pink heart cut to hang on a huge houseplant that lives in the dining room. The paper hearts curled and would not hang. So a swift rethinking sort of worked. We have a small artificial Christmas tree I often put downstairs in the family room. I brought that out and placed on the living room hearth and decorated with paper hearts. I think John liked it and I baked a sugarless apple pie, I carved a heart in the top crust. That I know he liked. Just a note here…I really miss sugar.

    Katie is also due for a grooming session. I do the grooming and the nail cutting. I am usually totally exhausted after that but the clean up is really the hard part. It takes both John and I to get the house vacuumed after. We use the grooming session as a way of forcing us to vacuum every room and nook and cranny. Believe me if we could, we would take Katie to a groomer. She doesn’t really like strangers and hates being touched by them. Don’t even get me started about the nail clipping! This girl is a diva! We are her staff and employees. But with friends and family, she is funny and loving. It is so weird that our vet has a litter mate of Katie’s. He says his doggie is almost the same personality. Katie is much bigger and taller than his labradoodle. Yet same mom and dad. Recessive genes, I guess.

    My exercises are quite simple and for the most part keep me alive. (?) I use the NIH suggested total core exercises for seniors. It includes some weights and I use 8 lbs barbells. I use 2 lb Velcro weight on ankles some times. This is hardest for me. Stresses my knee. There are 20 different positions and I do 30 reps most days. Some I do hanging on to my ballet bar in my dungeon. The whole thing takes about 35 minutes. Of course, I feel absolutely “used up” after. But I recover shortly and can hobble about my day.

    Tonight I am making mild Turkey chili with guacamole and some organic multigrain chips we found at Costco. If it were my choice I would put some spicy peppers in the chili but I fear it would set John aflame!

    Bad photo but it was a fun evening reading Valentine’s and eating pie. Watching that series, Killing Eve.
    Hello to all you delightful sneakers. As Winnie would say, “Never forget how wonderful you are.”
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    It's been a sort of nothing day as regards achievements, probably to do with more rain that soaked us on our morning walk and continued all day. George was shivering by the time we got home because his coat becomes soaked and heavy but a good rub down with a towel soon had him zooming round the cottage! I've ordered a rain coat for Betty off eBay but no sign or even notification it's on its way. Unfortunately she grew out of the one I bought for her when she was first adopted, gaining about 3 kilos!
    I've been playing with the new laptop and downloaded a couple of Apps I use on the tablet but for some reason the Zoom app doesn't finish its download so I'll have to persevere with that.
    We have some nasty weather on the way, one storm called Dudley (or as Anne would call it, Doodly!) with high winds hitting Scotland and northern counties then another on Friday coming in my direction. Looks like a lot of snow trekking across the Atlantic from Canada too!
    In an effort to take control of my weight again I bought a Galia melon instead of bananas and after slicing into 4 pieces then cubing the flesh I made a hole in each piece of skin, pushed string through and tied them up in the hens' run so they can peck at them. Of course they get the seeds as well.

    Nearly 10pm so I'll watch the news and have what will be an early night by my standards. I want to shop early at the supermarket in the morning so will set the alarm!

    Take care everyone.
    Jackie <3 (No Emojis on this laptop!! :( )
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    I enjoyed today, but no Mark because he hurt his back again after laying the wooden struts across the concrete to eventually put the floor boards back downstairs. I hope its not too bad because he really suffered two years ago when he decided to take early retirement. It's never really healed after loads of treatments.

    I made bean, cabbage and veggie soup for lunch which is quite hearty and satisfying. Then the courier delivered my M&S linen shirt which fits perfectly and I really like. Light weight it will be perfect for summer days if and when summer arrives. After that I watched The Guernsey movie which I rather enjoyed being somewhat soppy under an outer crust. Not like the book at all but still likeable.

    Oh oh JACKIE, I'm East Yorkshire so not Doodly but Dudley with a guttural U. Touch of the vikings I think which raided our part of the world. There's a beauty spot call Brantingham Dales where my Mom, Dad and I used to bike to when I was a kid. You can look down on the River Humber estuary and I used to think how terrified the villagers must have been as they watched the long boats sail towards shore.
    Wild scabious and harebells grew there. I wonder how much it has changed in 70 odd years!

    So a lovely day with milder temps of -4. The house finally felt less chilly and I looked less like an overdressed bag lady.


    PS. I've found Brantingham Dales on safari and it doesn't appear to have changed much. Also Wauldby Green and Elloughton, favourite walks in the past.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Oops, sorry Anne! I should remember east is east, and west is west.... :D A southerner's error! Yes, you enjoyed the Vikings while we welcomed the Anglo-Saxons from Germany when the French and Spanish weren't invading!! What an interesting mix we are!

    It's raining (of course) but relatively mild and my shopping trip went well in that it was quiet so I got around in record time. Muesli for breakfast and finishing my coffee then I shall walk George and Betty. I didn't put the car away as I planned to drive to the moors but the darker it gets the less inclined I am!

    It's a Power of the Dog movie day I think, having missed watching Sunday night because I got engrossed in a Louise Theroux programme about him meeting right wing young white males in America that seem to have serious issues with every race, creed and gender that's not white and male! A tiny minority I'm sure but frightening in their own disturbed way as they apparently sit in their parents' basements shouting hate over social media. That had followed on from Call the Midwife that was upsetting too but I daren't say a word more about that!

    Coffee finished and I can't put off our walk any longer. It'll take 5 minutes just to get waterproofs on! I might take a photo up there if I can see through the mist and low clouds.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Genuine mistake JACKIE! York museum has a recording of 46 dialects spoken in Yorkshire. Can you imagine! Ours is quite posh as compared to further north and west, lol.
    More later, but I think I'm recovering after over 6 months of scratching and agonizing stabbing pain. Actually slept last night!!!!!!!!!!
    What on earth is my little girl with a big boy bark barking at? Probably a marauding fox on the way home to bed after a night of terrorizing the local bunnies. Nature is SO cruel.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited February 2022
    Hello friends. I absolutely have to get through the 3rd layer of stenciling for the upcoming cards today so I can move on to the next bit of making the cards. My hands have been cramping up quite badly when I do any extended period of inking with the small brush. So new approach today, 2 or 3 cards per hour, stretching out my fingers for a while after each card.

    Jilly what have you been barking about? Anne, hope all is okay!

    Jackie, the weather just sounds horrible. Glad you shopped early and your Muesli sounds yummy.

    Patsy, your Valentine’s Day sounds lovely. ❤️❤️ You are doing well with those exercises. You are devoted. I am in awe!

    Sandy, did I miss you?

    Barbie, did the grooming go well yesterday?

    It is a windy, dreary day here. I need to get my mail this afternoon. I have been letting it pile up in the box but I see I am getting some bills today. Must grab those.




  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) We have Lin's weather, warm at 48 degrees F but very windy. Tomorrow they predict a snow storm but can't be sure how much snow. They say anywhere from 6 to 12 inches but that probably means about 3 inches. Either way I don't think I will be going to meeting if weather is bad.
    I am hurting from these new exercises but will not let it stop me from continuing, I don't think. lol

    Lin, you beat me today. Good luck with the cards and don't get blown away getting your mail.

    Anne, dogs are funny with their barking, they see or hear things we can't. On Facebook in one section they show funny videos. I love the ones with the husky which they make seem they are talking. Huskies make funny noises and the owners put in writings as to what they are saying. Here is an example.

    Jackie, I watched the Power of the Dog and although strange it is up for an Academy Award. I don't want to spoil anything but would like to hear your thoughts when done.

    Patsy, I am more than impressed with your exercise routine. I use 2 pound weights and they are hard enough. I am doing crunches and presses and other types and can really feel it. Do you do your exercises daily? I am doing mine daily until my vacation or at least I am going to try pain or no pain.

    I am sitting later this afternoon and hope the rains holds off until I get home. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    What a walk we had! When I parked I wondered what a terrible noise I could hear was and then struggled to open the car door because the wind was so fierce, and that's what was screaming through overhead electric cables. Running water, huge puddles, thick mud and a constant battering from the gales made it extremely difficult even walking on the lowest footpath. I paused to talk to a couple of passing walkers and we discussed the warnings for a nasty storm coming in on Friday with 100mph winds and agreed our dogs will have to put up with our respective gardens that day! After that it was a case of head down and keep walking but definitely no being knocked off the path! George and Betty did well and had a good sniff about but when we got home I had to fill the baby bath and stand George in to soak off the mud that was sticking to his tummy and paws. Fur between the pads had turned into solid stone so it took a while to gently cut it away.... me being terrified I would cut the wrong thing off! The usual zooms after a rub down but he was so wet I used my blow dryer and he's now snoozing on the spare bed while Betty lies snoring on the sofa!

    Another gorgeous teapot Lin. That's a good idea to restrict the number of cards each hour rather than suffer cramping. I would never have imagined creating cards would be so physically wearing.

    That's wonderful if you feel the itching is finally easing Anne. Lack of sleep can be so exhausting.

    Aahh, battery about to die and Betty needs to go out
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    I started to watch the Power of the Dog this afternoon but after 5 minutes fell fast asleep on the sofa. I'm wondering if I should resume watching SANDY and so like you, await JACKIEs comments.
    It's not often a movie has me falling asleep! but to be fair after numerous recent bad nights I am slowly catching up on the lack of.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Well my plan flew out the window. A friend called and talked on and on. Two hours behind now. And I do have arthritis in my hands which is causing the problems with this work. I use a lot of pressure on the brush to get a good dark bit of ink on the stencil openings. I have to go over them maybe 3 times like that to be finished with one panel. My hands have just rebelled.

    Back to the tiny brush soon.

    Sandy, I watch all the short Husky reels on Facebook and Instagram. Love them.

    Jackie, argh, what weather. Glad you are inside now.

    Anne, I hope you can catch up on some more sleep.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A rather dreary day day today. We were to have partly cloudy…I see totally cloudy from where I stand. Oh well, maybe later.

    I did a few chores when I first got up. That is when I am most energetic. Things go down hill from there. As to my exercise routine, well! I always have good intentions to do my routine daily but, to tell you the truth, it averages out to about 4 or 5 times a week. From what the NIH says, that is a good exercise practice. They really only recommend three times a week but I am not that active during the whole week. I do a few chores daily but find it easy to plop down in my chair at any opportunity. (Baaaad Patsy!)

    Do any of you take collagen powder or supplements? A friend is really recommending them. I read all the info and possible side effects. I just wondered if any of you take it. Reason tells me there is no special supplement to rebuild all my old joints. But who said I am reasonable? I think the best plan is to get out of this chair!

    Sandy: cute video. Katie talks too. She grumbles at her displeasure. She laughs and sort of giggles when she plays jokes like stealing socks or kitchen towels. She also made up a game that she only plays with John. We call it monster tag. John growls and Katie runs like crazy around and around with her toy in her mouth. Then drops the toy at my feet. Strange game, but she made up the rules and it never changes.

    Jackie: your weather is rather alarming. Our big trees fall over during a wind storm. They have a very shallow root system due to our high water table. They are top heavy and unstable during high winds. Do be careful. I wondered if you had the same issue. Katie is very fussy about her feet. I have to distract her with a treat while I clean her feet. Who trains who? I fear I am not in control of this situation.

    Anne: a good nights rest is healing and helps the mood. I am so glad to hear you are at last on the mend. I am so sad to hear about Mark’s back. For years John suffered with back problems. Not sure how he cured it or treated the problem. My dad had two operations on his back. Each with limited success. I guess active people just have episodes that need to be treated with rest and some sort of pain relief like topical creams or non-addictive pain killers.

    Barbie: Katie must be helped into our car as well. She is a big girl and John really has to heft this big girl into the back seat. But she loves going on rides until she understands we might be going to the vet. Then she starts talking to us about how much she doesn’t want to….

    Lin: good idea to not strain you hands and fingers. I will often plan my creative projects that allow me to change areas and tasks. At some point change from cramped concentration with a tiny brush to stamping or using markers or affixing your messages. Advice from me to you, who is a practiced expert……wishing you well, my friend. I know how important these creative projects are. They are your creative voice.

    Hello to all my dear sneakers, you know who you are 🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited February 2022
    Recently when I was lying awake all night I would listen to Jill talking in her sleep. Her throat noises are so distinct I find myself listening for actual words! I swear she is trying to talk human and her mumblings sound a bit like me!

    I'm so sorry to read of PATSY and LINs aching joints. The weather here isn't helping and I actually creak when I stand up. Please don't overdo it SANDY! It became really warm today at plus 11 right now, but soon it changes to rain, freezing rain and finally snow overnight. Lovely!

    What a tale from JACKIE out on them thar moors in Dudley! I've read that Britain has lost more than 1 million trees which is alarming when you think how small the British Isles are.

    Anne. PS. Mark thought the Power of the Dog a weird movie so I think I'll give it a miss and try The Courier tonight which he thought better.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    The Courier, well that was a tad violent, lol. ANNE.