Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited February 2022
    So very, very sorry about Daisy. Patsy and I included her in our dog stories. At least the little girl isn't suffering anymore.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Sandy, so incredibly sorry 🥺



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    The sun is shining brightly but there is still a chill in the air this morning. I can’t seem to get going. I must not have slept well or long enough.

    Yesterday was a strange disturbing day on every level. First sad news about gorgeous sweet Daisy, then a troubled phone call and text from our daughter about her husband. He is still in hospital but will now be trying to find a bed in a rehab facility for stroke or physically disabled people. This is quite a problem. No space available in Oregon currently. Where to go? Then a phone call from a friend I have had since college days. She is 90 and suffers from reoccurring periods of depression. When she was younger, she could do things to help herself, like gardening or exercise or a hike. Now her arthritis is so bad it is impossible. Yesterday was one of her bad days so she called me for a cheer up. I did my best. I told her every joke I knew, some very naughty. She loved that! The day left me totally depleted.

    My solution today is to run a load of laundry, put on a heavy sweater and open a window for fresh cold air. Odd I know, but it feels cleansing somehow. It is cauliflower pizza night. Some cheerful music, maybe Vivaldi’s spring would be good. I will try my own exercises as well. I will try to finish my Valentine for John. As a funny surprise, I have this huge house plant-tree in the dining room. I think I will cut out a lot of red and pink hearts to hang on the tree. John will think that is funny and sweet. I will like it as well. I will leave them on until March. Then, of course, we are looking at St. Patrick’s Day!

    A nap later this afternoon cannot be avoided, I fear.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Thank you for all you wonderful love and care. I am better today after a very weepy day yesterday. When Babe called to tell me I was not very nice to him and let him know how I felt about him staying with me and how he chose his son over me once again. I feel bad about that today but I was very upset yesterday. I will talk nice to him the next time he calls but I think he needed to hear my thoughts.

    Laundry day today and it is warm now but very windy. They also said showers or rain or snow so since I had my car washed yesterday I am staying in and staying warm.

    Again, thank you ladies for your kindness, you help me get through many sad days but I promise you I will be fine.

    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    The Bean and I had a lovely day and that's because Mike came over and we had lamb chops for lunch. Expensive, but we had them as an early Valentine celebration and the lamb chops were followed by Tornado ice cream cones for me and Michael. Bean had a lamb chop all to herself. Her very favourite rare treat and you should have seen the tail wag and the whimpers of joy as Mike took out the bone and chopped it into tiny pieces. Very spoilt our Bean but she is the sweetest little thing and we've never had anything but love from her, never a growl or a snarl. When Mike put on his coat to leave Bean found her favourite toy in her toy box and dropped it at his feet to try to get him to stay longer once again. It worked the first time so now its a norm.

    When I made bread last week it was with a new yeast I had never heard of made in Canada. The store was out of stock of the usual yeast. [Fleischmans] It made the most delicious bread and Michael was so impressed he asked for the name so he could buy a box. I ordered a big box for him and put it on his dinner plate prior to lunch with a large heart. I bet nobody else got yeast instead of roses for valentines day, lol. Oh, and our government is issuing free kits to test for Corvid and the grocery people added one to my order so I gave him that as well because I go to so few places these days why waste it on testing me.

    We've had two days of mild temperatures. 4C plus but then we go down to minus 9C by Sunday. I can already feel the colder air coming in and had to put on a thicker top.

    So another quiet but enjoyable day in the Anne/Jilly Bean household.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited February 2022
    A cool but lovely sunny day and lots achieved in my garden after our usual walk.

    Once again I typed a long post then lost it! It’s now past my bedtime so I will make a point of catching up with everyone in the morning. I have been online and ordered an Apple macbook laptop from a different company than the one I visited the other day. It’s refurbished so 70% discount off the RRP so that’s saved some money. Let’s hope it’s less inclined to lose posts!

    Nite, nite 😴💤
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Good morning Sneakers. I’m concentrating not to even breath on my tablet screen so hopefully won’t see this page disappear!

    It’s dry but overcast this morning but seagulls have come inland to scream overhead “STORM ON THE WAY”! I took George and Betty to the closest section of moors but boy, it was freezing in a howling gale so even my jacket hood over a woolly hat didn’t keep my head warm. George loved it of course and zoomed circles as we climbed the hills but I could tell poor Betty was feeling the cold so I’ll search through the dog coats I have to see if any fit round her tummy. If not, I can take her into the pet shop for a fitting.

    No point going over old news that got lost in flying posts although I’m interested to know if any of you have watched Some Kind of Heaven on Netflix about a retirement community in Florida called The Villages. Wow, I’m not sure if it was because the residents’ stories they covered were unusual but I was left feeling sad in spite of the availability of every kind of entertainment and golf buggies to whizz round the grounds on like crazy teenagers.

    My nephew has been in touch to let me know his dad, my older brother John, is deteriorating mentally to the point he doesn’t go out, even to get his hair cut. John has gone through life looking after No.1 and finds it impossible to commit to relationships, even family members, for long. I gave what advice and words of support to my nephew I thought might help and shared a conversation I had with John over 2 years ago when he admitted he was depressed and drinking heavily. Our mother told me over 40 years ago she was sure he would end up a lonely old man but I haven’t passed that comment on!

    Sandy, there’s nothing wrong with saying how you feel after everything you’ve been put through and it might have cleared the air should Babe suggest moving in. There’s that saying that actions have consequences and you are right to remind him.
    After getting my car washed I find myself avoiding muddy puddles as if I can keep it clean but we’ve a storm and then week of rain arriving any time so I’m sure those efforts are wasted!

    Patsy, no rehab beds available for your SIL is a major worry. Does that mean travelling out of State or sitting in a long waiting list? We have similar problems in some areas of England that we are told will take 4 years to solve. I’m so grateful I received my new hips and got cataracts removed before this damn pandemic arrived… luck of the draw has a lot to do with good health!

    Anne, I’m delighted to see you found your way back to us but after weighing myself this morning am relieved to know you can’t read the result… it’s a naughty secret! I see Canada is hitting the news for all the wrong reasons and hope it doesn’t mean food shortages that will affect you and your family.

    Did I miss you Lin? Daren’t look back a page even with the new Save Draft box!

    I’m now going to chop enough firewood and kindling for a wild, wet weekend.
    Stay safe and warm everyone. Time is flying but at least that means Spring isn’t far away.

    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :'(<3Sandy, I am so sorry about Daisy. You and Babe gave her a good life.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Good morning all or afternoon as the case may be.

    In my grocery order yesterday was a jar of marmite and a jar of Hellmans mayonnaise. I've just read that marmite prices are rocketing sky high along with mayonnaise. So glad to get the dear little marmite jar on my order. You only need the slightest touch on your toast otherwise the strong taste makes your eyes cross, but Marmite prices on the rise?, oh no. Luckily the jar lasts for ever with one only needing a scrape.
    This got me thinking of our national taste buds. I've been here for years and years, but you couldn't drag me into a McDonalds. Tried them once on a road trip, oh my! Yet I drool when JACKIE mentions Cornish Pasties. What on earth is a cauliflower crust PATSY? I mean what's wrong with a lovely home made Italian style dough? Tried grits once in the hill billy mountains but I'll stick to porridge. Its no good, I'm just not culinary adventurous I guess. But in a way I am, I love Thai food and Indian curry. is anybody else like me, yearning for a home dish when viewing frog legs or whatever miles from home.

    That goes for Florida retirement homes as well as far as I'm concerned. I think the happiest folk if financially okay are the ones who get to stay in their own homes with loved ones not too far away.

    Yes Jackie, Trudeau [and our premier Ford] have big trucker trouble on their hands. Both appear to have been in hiding although Justin said he'd caught Corvid from one of his kids. Never a dull moment with that lot in eastern Europe rattling their sabres and our lot seemingly spoiling for a fight. Bunch of idiots, give me dogs and *kitten* cats any day!

    All of the above probably makes me sound down hearted but no, apart from shingles and little dogs taking up all the bed room, life is pretty good as I look forward to Indian curry today.

    Bye, Anne.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    And I'm back because I don't know anyone else's circumstances but this is what happened to me.

    I was dumped because I put my 9 and 12 year old before him, their father, my ex said. He had found the love of his life who was prepared to give up her children for him and leave them with their father. However within a year of their second marriage her children were back with him and their mother plus he had to fork out cash to keep her mentally disabled sister in a home for forty odd years until her death. I think it's a natural instinct for us to protect our own DNA. I asked Mike how he felt about putting his son first in his marriage and he replied, always.

    Guess this won't help and as I said I don't know anyone else's circumstances so take it with a pinch of salt.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Marmite Anne!!
    The name is often used these days to describe a love ‘em or hate ‘em individual.
    There are some hilarious you tube videos of Americans eating it for the first time!

    The rain is pouring outside but the log burner is glowing and I’m enjoying a rugby match between France and Ireland.

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    I can only find Norwich City v Manchester City soccer Jackie.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    The Rugby is on the ITV channel Anne. Probably not available to you.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Ha! Meanwhile Michael in his lunch hour has been to the grocery store to pick up 2 jars of marmite!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    It’s tins of tomatoes and pasta soaring in price so becoming short here. Luckily I always keep a good supply of both!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) First a zoom call with family and then to Rob and Lisa's for movie night. Not much time as the call is at 2:00.
    I remember when Babe and I were getting married and we went and talked to the priest. Because we were going to have a combined family the priest told us the spouse always comes first. I can't say I agreed with him but there is a time when enabling your children is harmful especially if they have an addiction.
    I also remember when I was divorced and dating after breaking up with one guy my daughter told me she didn't like him and I asked why she didn't tell me. She said whatever makes you happy is what you should do. So I agree with Anne that children should come first to a point.

    As far as food Anne, we have opposite tastes, I can't even stand the smell of currie let alone eat it. LOL

    As far as staying at home instead of an assisted living or nursing home, I also agree which is why my decision is so hard with Babe.

    Heavy conversation today but life is good and I am happy as I hope you all are. Time to shower.

    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited February 2022
    I can understand why your decision is so hard SANDY. To take it one step closer from MY point of view I think of my ex living all alone in Quebec now his wife has died and I feel so sorry for him because I've had my share of loneliness when he left and I was new to Canada and with no family or "real" friends to turn to. So there he is, no sign really of his wife's children and here I sit with Michael, Mark, Mary Jo and grands very much in my life. I feel sorry for him, but no, I could never live with him today after a very happy life here in Canada and 3 narrow escapes from remarrying.
    Whatever you decide, follow your instincts because it won't work living together again if you even have the slightest doubt. I just wish both of you the very best for the future.
    Sorry for my comments, your predicament awoke a few memories for me and were intended for me alone.
    Hugs, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited February 2022
    Hello. Sorry I missed yesterday. I ended up with several long phone conversations, some tax work and work on St. Patrick’s day cards. However, I got ill while doing that and just hauled myself upstairs and did nothing after that except breathe and moan. This morning I was just getting going again when a friend contacted me with a rush request to make something for her. So I dropped everything else and worked on what she was looking for. That took most of the morning and then she called to talk for an hour after that. Then made my lunch so now the day has gotten totally off track.

    I have no children so am out of most of this conversation. I wish I did have someone to call in an emergency or to take me to appointments where you are not allowed to drive home. I will say that not everyone who has family nearby gets along with them or can rely on any help. I hear stories that ‘the kids’ are too busy to help or cannot get off work to offer a ride. Life is not a Hallmark movie.

    Sandy, I will say one thing, at an Assisted Living facility or care center, there are 3 shifts of people to look after folks. Granted they are responsible for many people, you are just one person—-on duty 24/7?

    Enjoy the movie tonight!

    Jackie and Anne, I have never purchased any Marmite. It actually is not gluten free now so I will never try it. 😄 no problem for me that it is in short supply. I know, no problem for you either Jackie.

    Jackie, I am sorry your brother’s health is declining. Even when you know it is coming, it is a bit of a shock. I love the photo of George and Betty. They were quite a long way from you.

    Well, it sounds like we could be on the brink of some type of war. Makes me shiver to think what might happen. Think it will be avoided? And will they start towing vehicles off the bridge between Canada and the U.S.?

    I know nothing about The Villages. Is it for real? Or fiction. I just know our Buzz was at Edgewater Pointe in Boca Raton and it sounded quite wonderful. Living without Netflix is getting to be a drag!

    Patsy, I hope your daughter can find some place for her husband. Medical care is more of a problem than ever.

    Again, sorry for missing but if I am ever not here, either my equipment is not working, or I am under the weather.

    Waving to you all 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! Wonderful sunny weather now. Of course rain off in the distance but right now…glorious weather!

    Hearing about all our lives, makes me realize how true what my dad always used to say…”none of are going get off scot-free!” We each have issues we must deal with. In the main, I feel this little group does just fine. Thoughtful, resourceful, generous, and without malice, the golden sneakers have a heart of gold!

    I think I might enjoy a place like Buzz lived in but John would go completely mad. And no dogs…well that can’t work for me. There is such a place as The Villages. I had a friend who rented a place for a month. She ran out of there like a woman with her hair on fire. Her comment was that it felt unreal and scary like in the Stepford Wives. She even played golf and knew how to drive a golf cart. So we will live in this broken down house until we die. John said he wants to be placed in a large trash bag and buried in the back yard. Hummmmm, I guess I can move in right beside him.

    Making John’s pie and tonight we are having chicken sandwich, baked sweet potato fries, and mixed fresh fruit for dessert. Pineapple-strawberries-banana. The pie is for Sunday and Valentine day. That is a big dinner for us. Breakfast will be the rest of the mixed fruit and toast as well for John. Knowing John, he will want a piece of his chicken sausage. We must keep his weight up. He is maintaining at 139. As tall as he is, this is one very thin guy. He says he thinks he rattles when he walks…could be true!

    Hang in there sneakers! We are a strong intelligent group.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited February 2022
    Your friend must have visited The Villages that was in the programme I watched Patsy. Something uncomfortable about the whole setup, rather like Disneyland for seniors on steroids or perhaps more like Portmerian where the terrific tv series The Prisoner was filmed in the 60’s!
    It’s a real place Lin but as dear Buzz would have said, not for the faint hearted!

    A gorgeous teapot today, perfect for Valentine’s Day!
    Jackie 🥰