Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) We had about three inches of snow with more to come later and tomorrow. Robby's school was cancelled and so is his RE so I do not have to sit today. I am too busy booking trips for the next three months. Jamaica in March, Casino trip in March, Arizona in April and Florida in May.
    This virus better get under control and not spoil my plans.

    Jackie, happiest of birthdays to you. I hope George and Betty spoil you and give you lots of hugs and kisses.

    Have a good day everyone. It has to be good it's Jackie's birthday.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my dearest Jackie! A happy birthday. I am so far away, I am always the last to post and the last to wish you a very happy birthday and birthday year. You are a joyous and delightful friend. We all profit from your advice, your humor, your kindness to human and animal creatures. There isn’t enough money or gold to buy you the gifts we would like. You must take our love and our pleasure of being in your company as internet presents. You do have a talent of making a home in our heart. Be bold, be safe and enjoy your birthday evening.
    Fondest wishes,
    Patsy☘️ & John & Katie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited February 2022
    Jackie, that sounds like a lovely day with all forms of communications with family and friends. And a special find of fresh eggs as a bonus. 🤩 your brother in Spain sitting in the sunshine…..ah, what a lovely setting I am imaging.


    Hoping everyone has had/is having a good day.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) The roads look good today so I will go to my meeting and hope for the best. We didn't get as much as some of the southern suburbs with only around 3 or 4 inches, where others got up to a foot. It is still frigid out there and I am so ready for Spring or Jamaica whichever comes first.

    Looks like I beat everyone here today so I wish you all a good happy and safe day.

    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Afternoon! I did leave a comment this morning but somehow it disappeared. Mainly to say we had about 3 inches of snow overnight with more expected this afternoon. I hope not too much because its grocery delivery day tomorrow.
    The other thing was to wish LIN no after effects if she has the vaccine today. I had a sleepless night because of itching and pain so I'm walking around today with my eyes half shut. Although diagnosed as shingles by the hospital and my doctor I do wonder about it. I thought you only got shingles in one big patch whilst this has affected me everywhere. I honestly believe the vaccine sort of triggered it and therefore am not getting the booster shot. I will just remain quietly at home with the Bean avoiding any travel.
    Oher than that a very quiet day up here. Wasn't it lovely that JACKIE got a birthday gift from her chicken girls.
    So I'll away and maybe try to have a nap. Bean is doing just that because I guess she had a restless night as well with Anne tossing and turning.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited February 2022
    Hello. My gosh it was cold this morning! I almost cancelled my appointment as the forecast is for warmer temperatures next week and my car is old. I did decide to go but forgot my list of allergies etc and sure enough, I had a one page form full of questions to answer. I paid the amount requested and then got my shot. I had to either sit or wander around the store for at least 15 minutes to make sure there was no immediate reaction. Yes, they give you a timer. So I did get to look around in the store. I hoped to find some frozen sweet cherries but they did have one over priced package. I passed on it.

    Home now, reading the pages worth of information given with my receipt. Instructions to return for the 2nd shot in 2 to 6 months. Oh, and there were no free N95 masks available. I am not surprised.

    Sandy, off to your meeting. Hope it isn’t super cold there.

    Anne, a nap sounds fine to me. I hope you get some rest. I am sorry you have suffered so long. ❤️❤️

    Jackie, continuing to celebrate your birthday today? I think you should.

    Patsy, hello to you and John and Katie. I hope you are doing continuing to do those not-so-fun exercises and that your knee is feeling a tiny bit better each day.

    Off to make some lunch. Be safe everyone. I am a bit light headed. I may rest a tiny bit.


    A bit of an odd teapot, a camera?

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited February 2022
    Patsy, John and Katie, thank you so much for your warm words. Is that really me? I can be a horror sometimes but will take your compliments. You precious lady, along with my other sneakers friends, are what keeps me focused on the best things in life!

    My celebrations continued today with friend Linda who picked me up after I had walked George and Betty round the block and we went to a small restaurant by the local reservoir that is looking extremely full after all our rain. Lots of coffee and too much scrumptious cake so that’s blown any weigh in tomorrow ( just saying Sandy!). We chatted for nearly 3 hours and a lot of that was putting the world to rights over what’s now referred to as Partygate. Bets being taken on how long Boris will survive! Then apparently we have Russian bombers heading in our direction 2 days in a row that have to be escorted away by our fighter pilots. Is the world going mad?
    My head was buzzing from too much caffeine when I got home but a delivery of logs arrived that needed to be stacked in the log store and by the time I’d finished that the feeling had gone. Had a shock when my monthly electricity bill arrived. Horribly high and that’s before an expected increase of another 50% in April. It might be to do with the new heating system in the 2 renovated rooms but only time will tell. 🥴

    Lin, that’s good, your trip out for the vaccination was uneventful but a shame the cherries were too expensive. I’ve a cherry tree at the end of my garden but the birds always strip the fruit before I get a look in!
    That’s one fascinating teapot. You have to wonder who comes up with some of the designs.

    Anne, nurse Jackie here just looked up shingles and it does say the rash is generally a strip on one side of the body but if widespread and painful to consult a doctor. Not what you want to read of course but I’m worried about you because it’s gone on so long and that could mean you need an antibiotic of some sort to clear it.

    Sandy, “I’m so ready for Spring or Jamaica, whichever comes first” is a quote I’m going to steal even if I’m not currently planning the latter! 😁😂. Stay safe on those icy roads please!

    Everyone else stay safe too.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I , too, had a, very restless night. The day is dreary and cold. But I am ready to shuffle through the day. I must bake a big salmon fillet steak that John couldn’t resist while he was in Costco. Actually it is pretty easy to fix with only lemon, garlic, black pepper, capers and and tiny bit of olive oil. Leftovers for a salad or sandwich. Will share with our daughter. But holy cow! These things are expensive!

    Our daughter must find a medical facility for her husband. He still has brain fluid leakage and is suffering symptoms that look like a stroke. That and the kidney infection. A very sick man. She remains hopeful as we all do. However the truth is we fear the loss of cognitive abilities could be permanent. This is scary and disheartening! She cannot handle all of his medical needs herself at home. But beds at care facilities are not easy to find. They are full everywhere. Prayers and good thoughts requested!

    Anne: did your doc ever consider gabapintin? I think you might get some relief with it. It is inexpensive and not habit forming. It is the standard prescription for symptoms of nerve issues. Like shingles and neuropathy. I understand your decision to skip the booster. You need something different than Tylenol etc. you need a targeted prescription to help you with these symptoms. I also understand your dislike of going to the doctor. I totally understand! Wish I could help you rest and get some relief from the pain and itching.

    Sandy: be careful driving in snow and cold. This is the kind of weather one should stay home and listen to music or play your games. While living in Colorado, Wyoming and Alaska I learned to read the roads. If things look dicey, don’t go out. A simple fender-bender can turn into a disaster. Worried about you. You are an adventurous lady!

    Lin: our appointments are not until spring. Not sure why it is so hard to get an appointment at Walgreens?!!!

    Jackie: enjoy your birthday eggs. I see some wild daffodils coming up and showing a bit of color. I hope they bloom in profusion. “Daffodils…spreading your gold on an April hill🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶”

    So to prepare some lunch. Tomato’s and cottage cheese and buttered toast for John.
    Take great care me lovelies,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) All is well here. Spent time on the phone today with two exceptionally nice customer service agents resolving some credit card charges that needed to be refunded. I would love to be as kind and peaceful to others as they were to me.

    :) Had the first jar of turkey soup for lunch today with matzo balls. Jake declared it the best batch ever.

    :) Cold enough for a fire in the woodstove but warm enough for no ice on the roads.

    <3 Barbie
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited February 2022
    We had lots of new snow overnight which means Michael won't be driving over but I hope the grocery delivery service does!
    I had another restless night but I see small signs of improvement. Any way, I'm writing early because Mike sent me an article about a new Covid vaccine being developed in a Teeside, UK facility which also helps prevent shingles. So again I wonder if the Pfizer vaccine triggered the dormant virus in me. Whatever, I won't be taking it!
    Everyones advice is welcomed, and I do thank you all. LIN, so glad you've had the shingle vaccine, you most certainly dont want this and so happy you dont appear to be having a reaction.
    Maybe back later because I must away JUST in case the groceries turn up early as usual, but dont really expect them to because the uncleared road looks very deep in snow.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Oops almost forgot. I can't get onto the weight post because I am so fed up of rejoining MFP yet again, I am catching up with everyone through the back door. Anyway despite eating "comfort" food for the last few months, when I stepped on the scales this morning I've only gained a little over 1 lb. Nice surprise because I was expecting the worst!
    Soon be valentines day so I can see a chocolate bar in my future!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Nice sunny day but still cold. Laundry is started and I am waiting to see if Bryanna can color and cut my hair today or tomorrow. I need a pick me up in these cold days of winter. My son in Ohio texted me this morning they have about three feet of snow and their town called a level 3 warning for only emergency vehicles on the road or face arrest. I am happy I helped him buy a snow blower for their house warming present and so is he.

    Anne, I am sorry you are having such a hard time getting on to MFP full site. Even more sorry you are still suffering but I have to agree with Jackie and think you really need to see or at least talk to a doctor. Maybe an antibiotic would help as Patsy has suggested. Sorry you don't feel comfortable getting a booster but they do help in keeping covid symptoms mild if you should contact the virus. I know from experience. Just my opinion and take it with a grain of salt.

    Barbie, your soup sounds delicious, I have had soup for lunch the last two days but unfortunately from a can. I love having my fireplace on every night, it is just so cozy.

    Patsy, your daughter is going through a lot with her husband, it must be so hard for her. Prayers will certainly be said for all of you. The roads were clear for my meeting yesterday so no problems.

    Jackie, I am weighing in tomorrow although my weight was down a little this morning. I am happy your birthday was a great day for you and as a lot of people do celebrate all month as it is your birthday month.

    Lin, I stopped in at Walgreens yesterday to see if they had the free government N95 masks but she said their location is not getting them. I called CVS and they did not get their shipment yet. I think they will be hard to find and gone before we know it. I did buy some HN95 masks from Amazon and do like I can breathe better with it.

    Washer is done. Have a good day and stay healthy and safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Happy Friday! Up early I drove to the supermarket to buy mostly fresh veggies, fruit. Nothing like my usual amount of items but ouch, another hefty bill! It’s been sunny and was sheltered in town so I took George and Betty up on the moors. What can I say… George’s favourite cold, dry weather but the wind was howling and seemed to cut through the layers I was wearing so after about half an hour I turned back.
    This afternoon I spent time replacing a hinge on the roof of the hen house that had split and cutting a fresh wooden pole to fit their swing as the old one looked ready to fall apart. The fire in my dining room is lit but seems to be struggling so as dusk cools the air I’m thinking my idea of a salad meal this evening is not wise! Never mind, I’ll put an extra layer on and head for the kitchen to find an alternative.

    I’ll weigh tomorrow too Sandy.

    Stay safe and warm everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Dreary and cold again but everyone keeps saying they are seeing daffodils and our camellia bush is covered in big flower buds. Remarkable since the deer are very fond of this big bush. They munch on the flower buds.

    An old friend tried to call but I missed the phone call. I must have been out on the deck with Katie. I guess I have neglected my correspondence. All I have been thinking about is our daughter and her huge challenges. My friend’s message was quite concerned. It is interesting how any silence from friends or family is now alarming. We used to assume they were very busy. Now we fear the worst.

    Watching a funny movie that is based on the old English movies about guests in a manor house are all suspected of the recent murder. Reminds me of one of the Pink Panther movies. This one is called Knives Out. A fun ramp, and nothing too challenging. Jamie Lee Curtis is good in this. It stars everyone! Even Daniel Craig.

    Anne: it is so frustrating about not being able to get into MFP. I hope you get things straightened out. Your suffering is concerning because it has lasted so long. Maybe one of your sons will take you in to your doc and you can chat about a course of action to ease this. You have really been through enough pain and lack of restful sleep.

    Jackie: our creatures are so important! John and I are the same way about dear Katie. If something is bothering her or we decide she needs something, we can’t rest until that is addressed. You are the same! I love your devotion to all your creatures. Including your sweet little hens.

    Sandy: there you are, looking glamorous even in a snow storm. I was concerned you would be out driving on icy or snowy roads while going to your meeting.

    Lin: I guess I missed your post. The camera tea pot would have delighted all the tea pot collectors. Something unusual and one of a kind. I like the hand made kind of tea pots. Mine are from other artists friends. They weigh a ton and would break your arm if filled with hot water for tea. Now relegated to dust collector in my China cabinet.

    Barbie: homemade Turkey soup. Nothing better. About your communication style…I have always felt you are very kind and help with other points of view or information. We all have our own style and voice. Glad you had a satisfactory conclusion with the customer service agent.

    Friday and cauliflower pizza night. Tomorrow I will do something with that leftover salmon.
    Spring is creeping in…very slowly it seems.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited February 2022
    Good afternoon. I am doing laundry today and cleaning out some packages of expired emergency provisions in the basement. A lot of people in my subscription bean group have been talking about beasties hatching in stored beans, lentils, etc. This conversation ramped up with several people saying they had live weevils in their red lentils. So everyone should freeze all of their beans etc. for several days and then transfer them to glass jars as weevils can eat their way through plastic and paper quite easily. I got quite sick to my stomach as they discussed removing the lentils from the freezer, rinsing them and then eating them. Insects are edible and add to the protein they said. I just about lost it and I may not cook any lentils for a while. Anyone else get queasy from information like this?

    Jackie, what an incredible day. You are taking such good care of the girls. And you are handy at fixing things. I don’t know how you stayed out in the cold for that long. The dogs would have had to run fast as I wouldn’t have lasted a half hour. I hope you found a hot meal. Cold salad in the dead of winter isn’t very appealing. I hope you are staying warm now.

    Sandy, I hope Bryanna is working on your hair now or will soon. The weather in Ohio sounds downright miserable. The pharmacy I was at did have masks earlier. All of the Hy-Vee pharmacies in our area received masks almost immediately. But I wonder if they will ever receive any more of them. I wanted to see what the government supplied N95 masks looked like. I have some which are on the CDC approved list, I really did check.

    Anne, did you get the grocery order? I hope so. I talked a bit to the pharmacist when I received my first injection. I said it was a shame the old shingles shot turned out to be ineffective and she said, it wasn’t ineffective. It worked to protect against shingles but it did not last as long as they thought originally. So I guess I did have some protection against the shingles for a while as I received that vaccine when I went for a bunch of shots when I was first eligible. I wanted to do everything to try to keep my dad safe from anything I might possibly spread along to him.

    Barbie, I am pleased to hear you had good customer service experiences on the phone. 😊 excellent. And your soup turned out to be perfect. What a wonderful day.

    Patsy, I had a very unsettled night last evening. Very odd sounds woke me up and kept me awake. I was prowling around the house and looking out of windows but couldn’t figure out what was going on. I was glad no one was breaking into my house. But I really couldn’t sleep for a few hours. It leaves a person kind of tired the next day. You do so much lovely cooking. I do not know how you are managing with your injured knee.

    Well, the dryer has buzzed. Must run along.

    Be safe everyone.


  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    LIN, as soon as I get beans, rice, sugar etc home from the grocery store etc. I empty the package contents into tightly lidded glass mason jars. I have two rows on my cupboard shelf and can immediately see what I am looking for. I've never had a weevil etc problem. This helps with deterring summer ants etc as well of course.

    I've just eaten dinner which was Indian curry [Mattar Paneer} with rice followed by a large homemade English sultana scone, fresh out of the oven and lavishly buttered. Who said East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet! Delicious! Both!

    Settling down to watch the Netflix soap when Bean's been fed [chicken, rice and a few peas}.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Wow anne, you are a fabulous chef. Way too talented to be called a “cook.” How are you feeling today. You sound like you are feeling much better.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Actually PATSY I AM feeling a good deal better. Finally a good nights sleep. NOT a good natural talented cook though. Just good at following recipes carefully! Unless its British stuff like the scones of course.

    I've given up on the Australian soap, far too violent and crude for delicate little me, lol. Seriously, watching women beating each other up in a prison setting is not exactly entertainment, plus the make up artist does a far too realistic and gruesome depiction of injuries sustained. The "heroine" of this series [if there is a particular heroine] spends far too much time in the prison hospital ward and you all know my views on hospitals and medics, lol.

    Michael didn't make it over yesterday because he doesn't have snow tires. He doesn't need them generally living on his firms doorstep and close to the stores. Staying home did his condo good though, I gather it got cleaned and all his washing got done. Every cloud etc etc.

    So another day, but hopefully another one with less scratching and calamine lotion plus another lotion I got prescribed. Can't tell you the name right now because its very long and complicated and sitting in the bathroom.

    Enjoy Saturday everyone,
    ANNE and of course the faithful hound dog who got a good nights sleep as well!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited February 2022
    Well, my weather is nothing like the forecast that promised a dry, mild day. I drove George and Betty to the moors and we climbed towards the top once I worked out where the herd of cattle was. The grass is in a poor state after so much rain and cold wind so farmers are transporting bales of hay on their tractors to feed the animals. Of course they now anticipate the arrival and call to each other to gang up and move to the spot they think it will be left. Get in the way and we’d be trampled!
    A freezing wind and showers greeted us so I had to pull my hood over my bobble hat, push my hands in my pockets and keep moving as quickly as possible. I slipped on a muddy patch at one point but managed to put an arm out to stop myself landing on my hip. Embarrassed, I got up quickly using a yoga move and luckily only hurt a bit of pride! Dear Betty was terribly concerned but George, who led me to that area, ran about thinking it was all a game!

    A load of laundry that was washed overnight is hanging on an airier in the conservatory otherwise I would be constantly running out because of a shower! It might be dry by tomorrow morning!!

    After a cup of soup and bacon sandwich I will get some housework done before Betty’s fluff balls get any bigger!
    Last night I enjoyed baked, battered fish and steamed veggies and since it’s still cold will probably avoid salad again tonight. A pretty tea set Lin that makes me think we should get back to drinking tea properly in tiny cups, little finger (pinky) in the air!

    Take care everyone and enjoy Saturday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Sun is shining but still frigid. Bryanna is coming at noon today to do my hair. We have a family zoom call at 4:00. That should keep me busy until dinner time. Rob called this morning to see if I could sit for Ewok Thursday through Saturday so they can take the kids to an indoor water park in Wisconsin. I will go there because of their yard. So another busy week. I emailed Babe's DIL and asked if I would ever see her daughter again and she replied that she is 16 1/2 and it would be her decision. She suggested I take Babe out for lunch or a visit to my house and Marisa could drive him if available. Right now Babe is sick with a serious sinus infection so I will wait and think about if I would be opening up a can of worms.

    Jackie, I think we are all sick of winter by this time including the cattle. I actually cleaned my own house yesterday because I was in the mood which doesn't happen often. My back was sore when I was done but I managed 40 minutes on the bike. My weight went down a whole 2 ounces. :D

    Anne, I am glad you got another good night's sleep. Glad you got a prescription for the itching and hope it helps. I think all you ladies are good cooks, me not so much. I prefer to pop a lean cuisine into the microwave with a side salad. I do love my NInja air fryer and cook all kinds of meat and veggies when in the mood.

    Lin, the problem with my prescription insurance is that I will never meet the deductible as I only have one prescription. So I will have to use GoodRX to save money when I am ready for the shingles shot.
    I found a new doctor who is a family doctor but unless I get sick there is no reason to see her until I am eligible for my wellness exam in July.

    Patsy, you are also a great cook who comes up with different meals to please John. I do hope your daughter can find help for her husband. Always something to worry about isn't there?

    Time to eat before Bryanna shows up. Have a good day and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time