Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Before I make my English style dumplings for the stew and before Mike arrives I'm so glad JACKIE and SANDY felt very much the same as myself when I watched Munich. That tells me it was cleverly made to arouse such feelings in 3 of us? Jeremy Irons was so good in the part I felt I was actually watching Mr, Chamberlain and yes, I felt terribly uneasy when the scene entered Munich. I remember my Mothers knees shaking during the air raids later and wonder how her and Dad felt in 1937.

    Today we have warmed up to -4 centigrade. BALMY and maybe Jilly will enjoy a walk!

    Enjoy Sunday everyone,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited January 2022
    Happy Sunday! :) A little warmer today but I have no plans on going out as of yet. Movie night went well, we watched the SpongeBob movie and it was the first time all three kids sat and watched the whole movie. I said my good byes to Lisa's parents and wished them a safe flight. As mentioned above I came home and watched Munich which I thought was very good as Anne and Jackie did. Finishing my last load of towels today and will definitely ride the bike as my weight is going up. I will also see if I can get a grocery order in somewhere for either today or tomorrow. Thinking of taking Joe to lunch tomorrow since I haven't seen him for almost a month. That's about it for today.

    Anne, of course my parents didn't experience what yours did since we lived in the States. I do remember my father in law who lived in Italy telling us how the bombs came and he lost family members in front of his eyes. I hope we never have to experience that ever again, but there are always tyrants. Have a good day with Michael and enjoy that stew.

    Jackie, I agree Jeremy Irons was terrific in that role. I learned a lot from that movie as I never was very good at history when young and now I want to know it all.
    George is at it again, he is one funny dog. Did Betty manage to get any choc ice??

    Barbie, your turkey dinners and soup will be great for these cold winter days, enjoy. Glad you didn't have an reaction to the shingles shot. I am going to once again inquire with my pharmacist as this is a new year and will check with my insurance once again.

    Patsy, John reminds me of Babe who also is dwindling away in weight, it must be their metabolism. Speaking of trimming hair I am trying to decide if I want to get a haircut or not. I thought i wanted it a little longer but it is hard keeping it up.
    I have to make up my mind before I go to Jamaica.

    Lin, I am sorry if I made you feel awkward in complimenting Bryanna, that was not my intent. I appreciated you telling me how beautiful she looked. I tell her that all the time. I just meant sometimes people say to her, you lost a lot of weight and I think it makes her uncomfortable. I know sometimes my friends say to me, you are to skinny and I know I am not, it is just that they are overweight and don't seem to care. Does that make sense??

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hello everyone.

    I have little to say today as I have seen no new movies. Interesting discussion to read. I sent along birthday wishes to several friends and am trying to track down a friend I haven’t heard from for about a month. I posted a message on Messenger to a small group of friends hoping that if she doesn’t respond, someone else will have info to share.

    Church was quite good again today. The sun is out with temperatures around 20 degrees F. I am not going anywhere as usual. I did cook some Pinto beans and plan on a big salad this evening. I have a nice bunch of broccoli sprouts to devour. 😂 I am starting onion sprouts right now. I have enough seed on hand to live on cooked beans and homegrown sprouts for months! If only I didn’t want lots of other items.

    Sandy, I wasn’t feeling awkward about Bryanna, I just was struck by how much I hate anyone to be judged for good or bad by their looks alone. And there I was doing the same thing. Good lesson for me. Enjoy your day. I hope Joe is doing well. A month seems a long time these days doesn’t it?

    Anne, I hope you are enjoying your afternoon.

    Jackie, did any sunlight appear in your vicinity? I find all of George’s escapades quite lovely but I don’t have to live with any repercussions. I think he is a dear! Stay warm and safe. You do so much outdoors. Our winters are a do-nothing outdoors season. Well, other than shoveling snow.

    Patsy, hoping you are still coping well with all that has transpired. Any plans for your son to come for a visit in the near future (if of course he does the cooking and the laundry). Wishing all of your family good things and improved health.

    Barbie, thanks for the info on the shingles shot reaction. Much appreciated.


    An assortment of Art Deco teapots

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy day and I suspect some showers to come. This is the day we always try to chat with Damon. He has been busy. So much work but he still needs to take a break now and then. I am still waiting on news from our daughter about our son-in-law. So confusing there at the hospital. They are drastically understaffed. They have some military help doing some things since it is so lacking in available staff. They are willing and able but unacquainted with this hospital and it’s needs.

    Today is so dreary, I feel like I need to do something to cheer us up. Sunday Baroque is one good idea then some sort of good Sunday dinner. If our daughter comes home from hospital I will have John drop off a meal for her so she will not have to cook, at the very least. Maybe I will set up the chess board or a quick game of gin rummy. That will depend on how John is feeling. And what he is planning….diving into the middle of some car motor or other guy repair job? That’s always possible.

    Sandy: I understand your grand daughter’s feelings about weight loss or body shape. She is very wise. I have dealt with weight problems all my life. I know this…body shaming and people who make decisions about others using body shape as a reference are just sadly missing the point. We should all concentrate on healthy! I lost a very dear friend due to extreme dieting and it was heartbreaking.

    I am feeling a bit emotional today. For some time I have felt our family unit was not in the best possible place. It could be just my reaction to forced isolation for so long and my bungled up knee. As I said I need Sunday Baroque and pumpkin and chicken pasta for Sunday dinner. I don’t have coconut milk but chicken broth can work.

    Tonight John wants to watch another really old thriller with Denzel Washington called Bone Collector. Sounds rather grizzly, I don’t think I have ever seen it but John says we have. I will suggest Munich after this. Sounds like a really important film with a message.
    Be bold and be safe.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    The news is on in the background and all the old cliches like battle lines are being drawn and stark international warnings about Ukraine so I do wonder if we will ever learn from history! Sandy, our history lessons at school always seemed like a story telling exercise to me so I soaked it all up but WWII wasn’t considered history then because it was recent. I do find factual movies like Munich very interesting but not the violent guns blazing and bodies flying sort!

    Yes Lin, the sun appeared for about an hour this afternoon before more clouds rolled in and I can now hear the wind howling round the chimney. A warning for 90mph gales further north tonight!
    I’m working my way round pruning rose bushes and crazy bamboo that I’m sure I can see and hear growing!
    I love every one of the Art Deco teapots but especially the top centre one that looks to me like a lady posing in a thick winter fur coat!

    Are you snoozing after eating delicious dumplings and chicken stew?

    Isolation is bound to leave us feeling ragged at times Patsy especially when so many unsettling events take place. Comfort food is definitely called for!

    An emotional Call the Midwife this evening and changes on the way but I’ll say no more. In the Heat of the Night is just starting with the amazing Rod Steiger and Sidney Poitier but won’t finish until gone midnight so perhaps I’ll give it a miss. Considered groundbreaking at the time but seems like only yesterday!

    Jackie 🥰

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Michael came over and Jilly managed to get three shorter walks. She was so sweet when he left. She alway accompanies him to the back door but this time as he stepped out she flew back into the Living Room and rushed back with her favourite toy which we call baby bone. This she dropped on his feet. I think its her way of giving us a present or a thank you or maybe just please dont leave Michael. He was so impressed with her generosity he took off his coat and stayed a further half hour to cuddle her and you know what that means. This little dog won't forget!
    we had a reprieve from the intense cold today and reached -4 centigrade BUT apparently a storm is brewing on the east coast and will dump snow on us Thursday and Friday. I think I had better order my groceries for Thursday early this coming week!
    Other than that, not much. Jilly slept all afternoon and I watched the start of a sort of soap opera from Australia entitled Wentworth. Set in an Australian women's prison with a bunch of very hard cases, I do not want to visit Australia! Not if the general female population are like those portrayed! I wonder how my cousin fares! Her Mom and Dad were considered posh and refined in our family, lol. Like me, she emigrated and with three daughters because her husband was offered a job in Sidney.
    Well time for a gentle tea time meal after three hearty dumplings in my stew for lunch.
    Goodnight, sleep tight,
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited January 2022
    Posted a photo but it came in sideways. Anne
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited January 2022
    Silly me! I had forgotten how I had been listening to the wind last night and took George and Betty to the moors for this morning’s walk. We were greeted by a cold, howling gale that did its best to knock me over as well as freeze me even as I kept to lower paths so early on I decided it would be a short walk. A man walking his Labrador told me he had gone up to the top of the moor and struggled to stay on his feet so just as well we didn’t try! Even short walks can take a lot of time if the pooches want to sniff every blade of grass so I was relieved to finally get out of the wind into my car. Since getting home I’ve chatted on the phone with a friend and made a snack lunch so will now vacuum up more of Betty’s fluff balls and clean some windows… inside! Chicken stew to be prepared and cooked as well.

    I did stay up to watch In the Heat of the Night after all. What a great movie and I seem to remember Rod Steiger won an Oscar for his portrayal.

    Happy Monday. As ever, stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited January 2022
    Happy Monday! :) Warmer today with the sun shining brightly. I am taking Joe to lunch although I am trying to call him to verify and he is out of his apartment. I called the front desk to let them know I would be picking him up but she said she saw him earlier and he wasn't sure he should go so I am going to keep calling to see if he wants to cancel. They are predicting a possible snowstorm on Wednesday and Thursday but we will see. They are not always right and make it big news for nothing.
    Struggling with weight and not sure why.

    Jackie, bad enough it's cold but with heavy winds it kind of makes it unbearable. Chicken stew sounds like the perfect comfort food. Will wait patiently for the new season of Call the Midwife.

    Anne, Michael is a sucker for that cute little Jilly, she has him wrapped around her little toe. lol I think we are supposed to get that same snow, maybe.

    Patsy, I get emotional days as well and I think it is when it is dreary outside. There are days I just feel like crying over nothing so don't feel bad. It has been a long two years and now heading into three, we do need a break and I hope this year will be the year.

    Lin, I hope you managed to hear about your friend and that she is okay. I was able to place an order at Walmart for a pickup this afternoon so I hope most items are in stock.

    Have a good day everyone and stay healthy and safe.
    One Day at a Time

    Just got ahold of Joe and we are cancelling today. He has water in his leg and the nurse there would like him to elevate his leg. We will try again next week.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hello, I finished the second library book and just returned them to the library. Did some laundry and tried to find out about the cost of the shingles vaccine. My pharmacy could offer no help saying they only know after giving the shot. She did say you must pay your Part D deductible so they had an opening and I will fly in blind. I am signed up for Thursday morning but if the weather is bad, she said no problem to reschedule. Also interesting that they only take vaccine appointments for a few hours each day M - F as they have the most personnel available late morning and early afternoon.

    I watched “All Creatures Great and Small” as well as “Vienna Blood” last evening. I am not finding the “Around the World In 80 Days” to be very entertaining.

    Sandy, sorry Joe wasn’t able to go out today. Glad they are looking after him quite closely. And thanks for asking I was able to get a short couple of lines from my friend saying she was waiting for spring. Good to hear from her but no conversation ensued.

    Jackie, wooooooo, wind again! Cold wind! One of my least favorite things. I shiver when I read your descriptions of walks in the cold. I hope the wind ceases and you will be able to go for a nice walk.

    Anne, Jilly has indeed manipulated your dear Michael although it doesn’t seem she had to try very hard. Glad he spent the day with you.

    Patsy, oh my goodness. Hadn’t thought of gin rummy for years! Did you play a game yesterday?

    I must get to finishing a birthday card and then put the rest of February on my calendar. Be safe everyone.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sunny-rain-chilly and then a bit warmer! But we don’t have snow! Thank goodness.

    John is heading out to Costco with a long list. I am doing really boring stuff like laundry and clean at least one bathroom. Not sure about tonight’s menu. I think salmon over quinoa and mixed veggies. Rather boring but John will like it.

    Our daughter is really dealing with a difficult situation. Her husband has cranial brain fluid leakage. He is crying to come home. The beds are full in Portland hospitals that could give expert care and the transport ambulance has a 3 to 4 day wait. I feel like we are living out in the jungle. Currently the only course of action is bed rest and making sure his BP is kept steady and low as possible. How stressful and exhausting for our daughter! Fortunately her son can help. Our grandson has vision issues but is somewhat capable.

    Life is challenging at times. Either emotionally or physically. and I keep realizing that none of us get off Scott-free! I tell our daughter, It is important to think things out and make informed choices.

    Our son Damon’s girl friend has been so sweet. She has been planning a visit to see Damon for a few months and now has shots and booster. And plane ticket as will as US visitors visa. She has offered to help our daughter and help nurse husband. She has nursing training. What a sweetheart. She would stay with us but help our daughter.

    Much to be grateful for❤️

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Isn't it amazing when trouble comes into our lives it comes in spades! PATSY and JOHN you must take care of yourselves during this difficult time and let the younger folk take care of things. I know, easier said than done when we have been carers all our lives. Hang in there, Mark tells me my problems will disappear with the spring, meanwhile itchy nights in Ontario!
    I had to put in an order for groceries early today because if I don't and order nearer the date I want them I can't get a delivery spot. This morning I was amazed that things like frozen or canned peas unavailable. Heinz baked beans, cereals, yeast of all things, all OUT OF STOCK. Yet Mary Jo tells me the same grocery store is well stocked with everything. I can only think that's because not many people are venturing into stores in person, whilst the warehouse shelves are emptying of all things beloved by us oldies and as pensioners rely on delivery more.

    Watched a bit more of the Australian prison soap "Wentworth" yesterday. Golly if anything ensures that one lives a criminal free life that series does. I definitely don't want to spend "time" in any prison and especially an Australian one!
    Other than that, everything peaceful here before the snow arrives big time tomorrow. In fact we are going up to plus 4 centigrade before we plummet down again. Mikes just phoned from a gas station where he's filling up in anticipation.
    So, all for now as I cook a small salmon steak for lunch. Anyone else noticed that they get smaller as the price gets bigger. This pandemic will put My Fitness Pal out of business at this rate!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited February 2022
    Happy Tuesday! :) The morning has gotten away from me. I had a hard time balancing my checkbook only to find out I forgot to write down one on my automatic payments. Ugh. I also got our plane tickets to Arizona in April since we had to cancel in January. I used the funds they credited to us. I also might be going to Florida in May for two weeks to dog sit for my daughter. I am waiting to see if my niece wants to go with me. Lots of traveling this summer I sure hope the pandemic cooperates.

    A guy came to clean my dryer vent so I am all set with that. I still have to shower and get ready so I don't have time to chat. Have a good day everyone.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited February 2022
    Hello. I have completed some laundry, put in a grocery order and had a delivery (for what was available). Got the birthday card and other mail out for the mailman. Looked up information on a few of my memberships so see when they actually renew. Have my list of other cards to make for the remainder of this month assembled.

    It looks like I picked a bad day for the shingles shot this Thursday. Coldest morning of the week in the forecast! Poor old car will have a difficult time I think.

    Sandy, you have had a busy morning. Enjoy your time with the kiddos today. Lots of travel in your future! Wow. Dog sitting? Maybe? Where are they off to?

    Anne, grocery orders are difficult. I tried three different stores and couldn’t find one with the all,things on my list so I selected what is the most expensive store but had more of the things I wanted. I hope you got a spot on the grocery schedule that works for you. Huddle in for the oncoming storm. I think it is forecast to be a small snowstorm here but darn cold and windy.

    Hello to everyone else. I don’t see any other posts.

    And happy lunar new year 2022. Garfield looks quite cute in his costume.




  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Another sunny-rainy day. Sort of chilly but not too bad. Katie has been out in her back yard numerous times and had a brief game of ball. Now is time for one of her many naps. I am grateful for that. She can be a handful at times. A sweetheart and we would be lost without our wild child to keep us on our toes!

    Anne us right! I do need to realize my fussing and worrying about our daughter is accomplishing very little except to stress me and John. They are making their own decisions and all my research and offers to help is not needed or wanted really. Thank you Anne for reminding me of that old truth.

    The prices of things are so scary, we just hold our nose and shut our eyes at the rise in prices. We have adjusted our menu choices but mainly around what is available. However! John will never eat beets or Brussels sprouts. No matter what, he says!

    I made John an apple pie without sugar. Just cinnamon and lemon juice as spices. I did throw in a few raisins for sweetness. It came out pretty good. The sugar would have been good but not totally necessary.

    We watched another old thriller movie. It was with Tom Hulce called Slamdance. Wow! As old as it was, it still held up. It didn’t feel too dated at all. I think we will re-watch His take on Mozart. I remember thinking he was remarkable! These kind of movies are expensive and are huge productions. Now a lot would be done with animation. More work for my son and his little company.
    But things have a different look. Sometimes too much animation instead of acting.

    Before I try to do much more, I better jump into those exercises. You all know how much I LOVE to exercise!
    Thinking of you all.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Milder today but the wind still feels cold. We had a very short walk locally then once George and Betty seemed settled I drove to my hair appointment. As ever, when I left, George attacked the door when he heard my key turning in the lock but I ignored the growling and walked away! Chrissie phoned earlier to ask if I could walk Bella but because I wouldn’t be back for about 3 hours, I told her it wasn’t possible because it would mean leaving my pooches alone for too long. She does have others she can ask or maybe she will manage herself. I had also received a message last night from the lady who helped me with gardening when I had hip replacements. She was driving to Cornwall this morning to view a property and wondered if I would meet her there to give an opinion. Sometimes it’s all or nothing but my hair appointment was my priority and anyway, I don’t feel I know her well enough to give any opinion. She has emailed this evening to tell me she has made an offer so turned out she didn’t need me!

    Covid infections rising again but my hairdresser had done a flow test this morning having just returned from a trip to London so I felt safe. She was negative but her husband was positive with no symptoms.

    I see Lin and Patsy have crept in ahead of me so I will finish and see what they’ve been up to. Hello Anne and Sandy.
    Jackie 🥰

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Thank you dear friends. I’ve had an enjoyable day, even mucked out the hens and discovered 3 eggs that are the first in over 2 months… extra birthday presents!!
    A Zoom meeting as well as phone and FaceTime chats have been fun and I’m now sitting, feet up, hogging the log burner!

    Another grey day on the moors but from a high vantage point I could see the sea about 15 miles away, sparkling in sunshine. My brother in Spain was sitting in a cafe in the sun and friends in London and Tewkesbury also enjoyed blue skies but Canadian friends not far from Anne had freezing rain and a snow storm about to arrive. Thought of you Anne!

    Take care
    Jackie 🥰