Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited January 2022
    Oh dear, only 4 out of 7 for the BBC weekly quiz and one of those was a guess! Grey and murky but the rain has stopped so i took George and Betty to the top moor to walk round the Hurlers. A cold wind cut into me a bit so we only stayed about half an hour then I drove into town to buy a birthday card for a friend. We worked together when I first moved back to England from Canada, until she started a family.
    Betty and Brady have appointments at the vet practice late afternoon for their boosters and annual check up so I have to keep an eye on Brady so he doesn’t disappear when we need to leave… it wouldn’t be the first time!

    Anne, I agree we now have to deal with too many crazy leaders. Last night I watched a moving BBC programme about Prince Charles’s plans to commission 7 artists to paint portraits of the last remaining Holocaust survivors living in Britain, all in their 90’s, so they can never be forgotten. It took 2 years and wonderful friendships were formed between the artists and their subjects. Definitely worth watching if you can. I’m sure I will feel more than a little uncomfortable watching the Munich movie… will let you know!

    Sandy, I’m looking forward to hearing all about Bryanna’s graduation. What a clever, hardworking young lady she is and it must be a relief to know she now has a great career ahead.
    I didn’t weigh myself this morning but will check in on the pound a week page tomorrow. Can’t say if that pound will be up or down!! 😜

    Lin, Drat, you were too late to place an order but can you still participate? I can understand you not getting into discussions about vaccinations. Who wants to argue when most beliefs are so entrenched? That’s one of your prettier tea sets and I love the egg blue colour (if that’s what it’s called).

    Barbie, prioritising your and Jake’s health over luxuries is definitely best for peace of mind. I’ve never been in a position to afford most luxuries and don’t think it’s done me any harm but with my unruly mop of hair I’m afraid a salon and professional cut is a necessity! I agree with Patsy, we all need the input of common sense reasoning.

    All quiet in doggy land this morning I hope Patsy and maybe a serious discussion with your neighbour has already taken place.

    Time for lunch… yes, I’m still working my way through the latest batch of soup so it’s just as well it’s tasty!

    Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Thank you BARBIE, you are so right I really have suffered and to be honest I still am. For instance I was up all night, at times the pain is unbearable. Hate to be a wimp girls. I so wish it would go away and it will of course. I've always put health before all of the stuff you mention and much prefer sitting in the garden with Jilly than baking on some foreign beach. I hope you and Jake had no after effects from the vaccine. we are tremendously fortunate up here apart from the weather. Michael paid nothing for his two shots and the two Ms will be getting theirs.

    Another interesting note. I heard on the news this morning we have new nationals applying for entry into the land of the northern lights. USA citizens! Maybe people who went south for jobs and ready to come home?

    Anyway, must away, the groceries have just arrived. Half hour early! Must get the freezer stuff in the freezer! Lol,

    Please take everyone of you. JACKIE please be careful on your walks now all restrictions are gone in the UK and the rest of the world looks on to see what happens.

    ANNE and a very barky BEAN, barking at the grocery van.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited January 2022
    Happy Friday! :) We are getting some snow and I have a dental cleaning today. It looks like it is letting up a bit but I wish it would stop. I am grateful I bought the new SUV with four wheel drive so I will keep appointment and hope the main roads are cleared. The Final Clock Out as it in known was very emotional. Her classmates line up outside on both sides and Bryanna walked through as they all clapped.
    She looked beautiful and happy. I took her to dinner to celebrate and she already has a waitress job to save money and pay bills until she takes her state test and gets her license. That takes a little time so she is smart to have some income until she gets in a salon.

    Have a great day and keep staying safe. The government is giving us free N95 masks for our protection so I will stop at Walgreens and see if they came in today.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Fabulous photos Sandy; such a pretty girl! I love her hair colour which is putting ideas into my head about my next round of highlights… the grey is beginning to show again!! 😫

    Our trip to the vet was uneventful and both Betty and Brady are up to date with their boosters. I knew from carrying Brady in the cat basket that he’d gained weight so no surprise when I was told he is a kilo heavier, but the vet laughed saying it’s his winter weight! Good news for Betty; she’s lost a kilo, probably due to me choosing healthier natural treats for her and George. The staff adore Betty so she got lots of fuss and wasn’t at all scared to be there. They’ll both sleep well tonight!

    Restrictions gone and infection rates going up Anne so I’ll continue to wear a mask in busy places. Lots of stores insisting customers wear one but only time will tell if the majority do.

    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sunny and cold again. I think the bright sunshine is so deceiving. I keep thinking it should be mild and springlike. I thump myself on the head and remind myself…”Patsy! This is only January, not April.” Oh, I guess I was blinded by the sunshine.

    My knee exercises are a bit painful and exhaustingly slow. But they must be done. I keep hearing that sound advice, a good life requires discipline.

    John and I chose a career in education. Although I dabbled in several aspects of art related careers. Loved it all! That said, none of our careers have earned us piles of money. Luxuries are a foreign element in our life. We did a bit of travel but on the cheap. Bargain hunting, camping and grocery store dining. By that I mean we bought stuff at the grocery store and ate in a motel room. We had great fun. Saw some amazing places. We can’t miss what we never had. But health care isn’t a luxury it is an absolute necessity.

    The pit bull people never called back. And they don’t want to answer our phone calls. I saw animal control truck go down the road, so I assume they contacted the owners. They need to fence in their dog and enroll him in obedience training after he is neutered. I Will contact them again if I see their dog on our property. Do I sound cranky? Maybe. But my dog is family and we protect family.

    Anne: I know how painful shingles are. I had them but I did have a prescription of gabapintin to manage the symptoms. I so wish you had some help. My heart goes out to you, dear friend.

    Jackie: I have heard of cities and counties that have banned pit bulls. I have never been drawn to their personality or looks. So this has never been my issue. But I have never met a dog I didn’t like. We might take a time to get properly introduced but I eventually make friends with most dogs.

    Sandy: wow! Your grand daughter is movie star beautiful. Some handsome guy will be delighted to get to know this ambitious young lady. I understand why you are so proud of her.

    Lin: your diverse activities are wonderful. I think it shows us your intellect. You are smart and intelligently curious. Great combo!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited January 2022
    Good afternoon. Thanks for sharing the photos with us Sandy. She is such a fashionable cute girl. I love the purple in her hair, and her shoes/boots are really neat. Doc Martens? She could be a model! It was wonderful that you went to dinner to celebrate. Wahoo!

    Jackie, excellent that the vet visit went well. I am glad people are fond of Betty. Her life is so happy now. You are a darling to have adopted her. I hate this term but the ‘positivity’ rate has dropped a bit over the last week so they think we are on the downhill side of this now. It is still around 25% so I think perhaps not time for a big celebration. Good idea to continue wearing a mask around groups of people.

    Patsy, oh dear, already a run-in with that dog. I hope you are able to speak to someone who will help with the situation. That dog needs a stay with the Dog Whisperer. Isn’t he the one who could re-train aggressive dogs in a pack atmosphere? I hope you and all of your family will see improving health.

    Anne, well. I understand Ukraine is unhappy with the U.S. for talking about war. I thought we were trying to shield them if possible. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I am incredibly sorry about the continuing suffering. I hope each day to hear from you that you are recovering. ❤️

    I need to make a few phone calls. Must run along. I cannot believe the weekend is almost here.

    Be safe.



  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    SANDY, before we get too far away and I lose track of past posts, just want to say I am not at all surprised you are incredibly proud of your pretty grand daughter. Congrats Bryanna.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    You did better than me on the BBC weekly quiz Jackie. I only got three!!!!!!!!!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    It was only my guess that turned out to be correct that made the difference Anne!! 😁😄
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Raining! Breakfast eaten and leisurely shower and hair wash completed but pets have gone back to bed… my bed!!

    I need to get walking before a storm arrives. Back later.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Freeze your butt off weather here JACKIE. Jills gone back to bed, HER bed for a change.
    I went to bed at 8pm exhausted from sleepless nights AND I slept through until now. NO INTERNAL PAIN!!!!!
    Now if I can get the ankles to scab over and heal, ANNE WILL BE BACK. So grateful.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Cold here as well. Last movie night with Lisa's parents as they leave for Florida this week. Spent the day with my friend after having my teeth cleaned and it was great. She made pasta and shrimp and even gave me some to take home so I have dinner for tomorrow. Doing laundry today as I wasn't home yesterday so hope I get it all done by the time I have to leave. Not sure how one person has so much laundry every week but at least my clothes are clean.

    Anne, so happy you slept through the night and had no internal pain. I hope that means you are on the road to recovery. Extra prayers for a speedy healing. <3

    Jackie, those critter seem very cozy and warm in your bed, maybe you should consider their doggy beds for yourself. lol

    Thank you all for the compliments on my granddaughter, I will be sure to pass them on to her.
    I have to say I agree with you and many others are telling me she looks the best she has ever looked.
    She has lost quite a bit of weight but hates when people mention her weight because she said weight shouldn't define anyone which is true.

    Have a good day, stay warm and healthy.

    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    I've pinched some of Jilly's chicken and I'm cooking an enormous chicken, veggie and dumpling stew which smells gorgeous simmering away in the oven. Mike might come over to watch the Munich movie on my Netflix tomorrow, so I want something soul warming but quick to warm up with crusty bread. I'll add the English style dumplings tomorrow. Our family love history, everyone of us, and Mike is particularly into Neville Chamberlain and the start of World War Two.

    Thanks SANDY, I don't want this darn malady in a hot humid summer.

    Beans been barking on and off for 10 minutes, I wonder what's going on?

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    It wasn’t a pleasant walk because the wind was cold and it continued to rain… it still is! So, a lazy day researching a replacement special hinge needed for my converted hen house roof because one side has broken and it’s draughty for the chooks. Found on eBay and ordered. This evenings meal was wholewheat pasta with mushrooms and pesto and a side salad. Comfort food but tomorrow I will follow Anne’s example and make chicken stew.

    Anne, is that massive storm on the east coast of America heading in your direction? A couple of feet of the white stuff apparently. That’s good news you managed undisturbed sleep last night so are hopefully going in the right direction. Once I’ve washed up and made a cup of tea, I’ll settle down to the Netflix film Munich. The Power of the Dog has good reviews but I’ll save for one day next week.

    Enjoy your movie night too Sandy. No chance of me doing laundry although tomorrow might be a dry day. A bag of clothes destined for a charity shop has been sorted but I’ll wash just to freshen them before dropping off. I mustn’t look too closely at my selection otherwise I might find myself taking a few back!

    Just let George and Betty into the garden and spotted stars in the sky so all those clouds have finally moved away!
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hello. A sunny day and warmer as well. 👍🏻👍🏻 I have been organizing and moving all the Christmas and Valentines card materials upstairs little by little. Several additional trips should do it for now. Other things to organize including foiling materials and other dull to other people things. 🤣😂🤣

    Everyone seems quite busy and hopefully enjoying the weekend. I am very glad that storm didn’t come our way. I was texting with my friend who moved to Florida. She said they had a freeze warning out. Yipes! And she was not very close to the tornadoes from a week or two ago. But she said she is used to having a basement in bad weather and there are no basements in Florida so she wasn’t sure what she would do to try to stay safe. Her daughter just visited and she was happy about that. She is loving the weather and spends time on the beach picking up shark teeth. Cannot do that here. I am glad it is working out as she anticipated it would.

    Sandy, enjoy the movie night. And I agree, I shouldn’t have pointed out the way Bryanna looks. I hate when people do that. Tell her, I am proud of her accomplishments and hope the exam goes well. And what a wonderful day you had yesterday. Clean teeth feel good! And delicious food with leftovers for another day.

    Anne, wow, great cooking today. And another wow for getting some rest. Yes! Now for some healing on your ankles. Enjoy tomorrow with Michael. Hello Jilly.

    Jackie, I did giggle at that photo of all your dear fur kids asleep on your bed. They definitely look comfortable. Nice of you to have such a cozy spot for them.

    Barbie, did you or Jake have any reaction to the first shingles shot? Hope you are well and enjoying some soup.

    Patsy, wishing you all well and hope you are safe from the new bad kid in your neighborhood. I hope you don’t see or hear a thing from that boxer going forward.

    Be safe everyone.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones, another cold sunny day. Yesterday was cauliflower pizza night so tonight will have to be something veggie.

    Stirfry veggies with peanuts I think. John loves peanuts. I do wonder what the nature of his metabolism is. He is now in the 138 range. He eats good sized meals. He just keeps diminishing in size. My dear husband looks so thin and wrinkly. It appears I am not feeding him at all!

    I trimmed my hair this morning. I need to cut John’s hair as well. I think as we age it is a temptation to put off self care regarding appearances. Wrong! It is more important. Katie is due for a big grooming session very soon. 1st week of Feb. i see on my calendar she is scheduled for an appointment at Patsy’s dog and people salon. Not nearly as professional as Sandy’s grand daughter would do but it helps and I am cheap!

    We watched an old thriller last night. It was ancient but it held up! It was called Copycat with Sigourney Weaver. It had me hiding my head under the quilt more than once! I am confused by the newest movies. I guess it is just me but I don’t see the quality acting as much anymore. Of course there are notable exceptions! I have read several sample pages of new novels….seriously? Back to re reading old novels!

    I did check with our local Walgreens about a shingles vaccine. (Thanks Barbie) Now we need to make an appointment because so many people are getting all kinds of shots there. They are a good group. the pharmacist is a very nice young man.
    Love you all,

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Lin, that teapot is tempting me into another cuppa but if I do I’ll be up half the night!

    I’ve paused an hour into the movie for a loo break and to sneak a choc ice from the freezer. Crazy that I know the outcome and yet feel the tension! Betty has come to snuggle and help me relax… or is it the choc ice she’s after?
    Back to Munich!
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) My only reaction to the shingles shot was some mild fatigue. Jake felt Nauman fatigued and took a few extra naps

    :) We dieat any of the soup. Froze it for later. We had two meals of turkey and stuffing and turkey sandwiches for lunch today before using the Food Saver to freeze meal sized portions for the future

    :)Patsy glad to hear that you'll be getting the shingles vaccine

    :) Right now I'm watching a lot of figur skating on TV

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    I just finished watching Munich which I thought was very good. I am not a history buff but it was interesting to see how the PM handled Hitler. We all know the outcome which was horrible. I was born during that war so much to young to know what was going on. I did go to the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC and that will stay we with me forever.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited January 2022
    Happy Sunday! An overcast day on the moors but as I walked back to my car after our dog walk, I received 2 separate phone calls from friends and both told me they were enjoying sunshine, one in Plymouth and the other a few miles further east. Looking towards the coast from home I can see it’s much brighter over that way so fingers crossed, it will clear here.

    I throughly enjoyed Munich and like you Sandy, thought the way Chamberlain was depicted was interesting and in a fairer way than our history books tend to tell of his efforts to avoid another war, at least until Britain was ready. Jeremy Irons did an amazing job so I tended to forget he was playing the part, he looked so like the prime Minister. Perhaps it was his collar and tie!! Clever how the film made Munich look such a frightening place even before war broke out and I was left feeling both Paul and Hugh were doomed which was sad.

    Patsy, you’ve reminded me George needs to be groomed today although he’s currently being nosy watching neighbours through the hedge. He won’t even come in for his lunch so he must be enthralled!

    Not much planned today. Hoover up Betty’s fluff balls then tidy another flower bed…. Exciting times!

    Enjoy your day, whatever you get up to and avoid the cold.
    Jackie 🥰