Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) We, like Lin, are in a deep freeze but at least the sun is shining. I am sitting today but will dress warm and my car heats up fast, with heated seats. The only thing I didn't get with my new SUV is a remote starter which when cold like this I wish I had. Is it almost Spring?????

    Lin, thanks for explaining that about Wordle. I also think it might be different if you don't have an IPhone if that is where you want to play. My cousin had a different version with her Samsung.
    I play on my desktop but do have it installed on my IPhone as well. Where do you play the mini crossword? I downloaded the wrong Wordle on my phone which is timed word game that has you making words out of four letters to begin until you can unlock higher letters. All these games keep my mind busy.

    Jackie, thanks for explaining how your laundry dries outside. Do you not have a dryer or just don't like to use it?? Let us know if you are going to play Wordle, we can compare how many lines it takes to solve it.
    Today I was 5 out of 6 for example. What were you Lin?

    Patsy, more bad news for you. I do hope your daughter was able to get your SIL to a doctor or urgent care. Not much you can do with a bad knee except support them. Gosh chili sounds good, I might have to make a batch this week.

    Anne, uh oh, hope your not having problems getting on again. We miss your morning post each day.

    Have a good day, stay warm and healthy, things are starting to wind down.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Yep, super cold as promised. Wahoo!

    Sandy, I play two mini crossword puzzles.

    1. The Atlantic

    2. The New York Times mini crossword and I am not sure if a subscription is needed

    I get a 72 hour pass to the newspaper through one of our local libraries. As soon as it doesn’t work, I go through the process to sign up again. I like to read the newspapers and like the puzzles. I do Spelling Bee most days too. I do not have full access but enough for free that I keep going back.

    “ Subscribe to New York Times Games for full access to Spelling Bee, the Crossword and more. Is scrambling your strong suit? Play Spelling Bee to see how many words you can make. Play Letter Boxed. Free Daily Mini Puzzles.”

    I play Wordle in a browser window on my iPad. (Safari) I don’t have anything installed.

    Playing Wordle early in the morning doesn’t work for me. Guess my brain is not moving at high speed. 😄

    So Jackie, let us know if you give it a try. I have played that long. Some days I think it is fun, other days I find it frustrating. 🙃 kind of like life.

    Take care everyone. Back to laundry.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A very sunny but cooooold day! Lovely to see that sun and blue skies, just wish to see a bit milder temps. However this is January.

    As for the family drama…well as we all know, self reliance is a valuable tool and necessary in today’s world. My daughter is really good at that. But her first knee-jerk reaction is to yell to us for help. When we can, we do help. She really is capable and very stubborn. I know she is devising a plan that works for her and her family. My suggestions really do not work for her.

    As for my knee, interesting facts on that. The bursa is a lubrication sac surrounding the knee cap. When it is torn, often it is repaired with surgery. That is generally successful in cases of people 50 years or younger. Even 50 year old people have mixed success. Older and especially people my age, the success rate is very poor. What works best is limited but continued PT. In order words, a series of exercises that are done daily. Daily stretches before beginning the day is essential. So life requires a slight change is priorities. I think I can do this!

    John was delighted with my meatless chili. I made enough for tonight as well. So tonight will be easy-peasy! I didn’t make the cornbread. My knee was starting to get painful. But chips worked for John. We found a wonderful chip that is basically seeds and other healthy things. Yea! And they taste good. A small sprinkle of cheese on top of chili for calcium and low fat protein. Score!

    I do several crosswords first thing while drinking my coffee. I do get Antsy after too long doing puzzles. that must be why I never win any prizes or competitions.

    I will report any developments on the family drama as they happen. Just like soap operas from the past…As the World Turns…………….

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited January 2022
    A balmy 8c today so, having eaten a bowl of homemade soup for lunch I plan to get some serious gardening done. The soup was created before I went out yesterday, mainly carrots, potatoes, onion and spices. I dug out a small sachet from the spice cupboard called Saffron Masala and guessed it held a teaspoonful but when I tipped it in the mix it created a heated, spicy aroma that I imagined would be impossible to eat. Another rummage to find a can of coconut milk which calmed it all down and turned it into a tasty soup.

    A good visit to my optician yesterday because after 2 years there is little change. I’ve ordered a new pair of reading glasses because the old ones are badly scratched but my long distance remains 20/20 so none required for driving.
    The young man that took me through the initial scanning process was very chatty and told me he had only been living in Cornwall 8 months and was still considering career options. He was from Yorkshire so well used to cold temperatures but agreed our freezing few days had been particularly unpleasant. On my way home I stopped for groceries and was again horrified at the price increases so chose carefully what was needed rather than what I fancied. Queuing at the checkout I got talking to the lady behind me and we laughed our way through the long wait. She was also from Yorkshire!

    I did look at Wordle last night but was tired and didn’t check exactly how it worked with yellow boxes appearing or all grey but will look into it properly. I subscribe to the New York Times, initially because I was fascinated by the Trump era, but found their mini crossword difficult because it uses a few American phrases that I would need to look up so only managed the Rhine and Elbow answers! Again, I was tired! (Excuses!)

    Patsy, I always say about life’s dramas, you couldn’t make it up! Soap operas can be pretty tame in comparison don’t you think!

    No dryer Sandy because living on my own I can choose which day to do the laundry around dry weather. Just one of my little conservation efforts because I understand they use an awful lot of electricity to run. My car seat covers are now fitted in my car again and will look pristine until the next time I take the dogs for a drive… we walked round the block this morning!

    The grey, dense clouds have rolled in again so layers required to work outside but I will do it!

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Good morning, wow miss a day and what a lot of catching up. When I left the UK nobody had a drier JACKIE. I rarely use mine, but that's because the basement is warm in the winter with the furnace on. PATSY your life truly is interesting. Who needs the TV! and as for SANDY and LIN I think I'll keep off wordle. well for now anyway. I need an optical visit because the eyes are getting worse.
    Mark and Mary Jo went to Costco yesterday to stock up and find me calamine lotion and Suzies oatmeal beverage. The six pack they brought me is a product of Spain and tastes just like milk. Their trip was horrendous said Mary Jo. Old folk everywhere not obeying the rules and following the arrows but walking the wrong way or barging between M and M and the shelves. Why so many oldies? Maybe because it's just before pension day and they need cheaper goodies?
    They won't have to go again for sometime having stocked up!

    Grandson Derek is in the wars! He and Bev went up north to cottage country and attended a midnight bonfire. No problem there but when they got home they shoved their clothes in the hall coat closet and now everyone smells of smoke. I told MJ she will miss them when they move but she said "no" and also said she was surprised she had any dishes left because the two of them are so incredibly clumsy she is surprised she HAS any dishes left. We have our own soap opera!!!!
    Next door had the roofers over yesterday to quote a price I guess. Harry, gone but not yet forgotten.
    Meanwhile the world moves on with Putin having a military exercise on the border and having a laugh at the frenzied west is my feeling on THAT subject
    Hope I'm right!!!!!!! He strikes me as having a mischievous streak.
    I'd better go and check Beans chicken and rice stewing on the stove so enough of my pearls of wisdom.
    See ya all
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Still is a deep freeze but the sun helps. I am sitting again today and I have to admit I like sitting since I get lonely at times and they bring me joy. They are much easier to sit for now that are getting older. They are allowed their devices when I am there so they are occupied until bedtime.
    The boys asked me to bring my IPad so I can play Minecraft with them which is a game I don't understand but I did download it so Robby can show me what to do. Grateful for these grandkids.

    Anne, I use oat milk instead of regular milk since dairy doesn't seem to agree with me. That is why I don't like going in stores because of people who don't like to follow the rules. I think having someone stay with you as Mary Jo and Mark did is great but much better when they leave. I feel like that when I have my son and his wife visit, love having them but always glad to have the house to myself. Breaking dishes would not be easy to accept, she should use paper plates. lol

    Jackie, I guess living in a condo I don't have much choice but to have a dryer, I don't have any place to hang clothes. I did like hanging some items on a clothes line when I lived with Babe especially sheets.
    I think you will like Wordle once you get the hang of it especially since it only once a day. Today's word was tricky but I finally managed to get it.

    Patsy, I do hope the therapy works for your knee, me I would opt for surgery but that's because I want a quick fix. Age does make a difference and even certain tests are turning me off. I am do for a colonoscopy this year and I really have to think about that and if I really want to go through with it.
    Of course if caught early colon cancer is curable and my mom died from colon cancer. so there is that.

    Lin, I also play Wordle in a browser window although I have it on my phone. I am passing on the crossword puzzles because I am just not good at them. I play lots of other games as well and now my friend gave me a link to puzzles to play on my IPad or phone.

    Time to eat some cereal, have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Another beautiful sunny but very chilly day. It is deceiving when looking out at that lovely sunshine and going out to find the air is like a deep freeze. But I am thankful for that sunlight. You all know of my seasonal light problem.

    And now to report on the family drama. Our son in law may have had a stroke. But on top of that is a very high fever and mental confusion. Of course our daughter is terrified and rightly so. She uses a walker to get around and now her husband is also on a walker. I think an assisted living situation might be in their near future. Life has a way of turning things upside down just when you think. You are scooting along just fine. I have this almost uncontrollable urge to try to hobble over to my daughters house and try to help. John almost comes completely unglued when he sees me try to do that. Then I would have another problem! This is a case where the problem is not mine to fix. I can only make soup and have John drop it by their house.

    As for this household things are a bit exciting. A neighbor has adopted a pit bull doggie with anger issues. He has warned all the neighbors who do not have their animals fenced . Katie has a huge back yard with a high fence. That said, I think this is a disaster in the making. This family is liable for all damages regardless of their warning. There are also a couple of kids who regularly visit their grandparents very nearby. Scary! This dog needs obedience training. Katie feels the need to bark endlessly concerning the new neighbor dog. Ugh! Earsplitting volume!

    Today is salmon and pasta and a small dinner salad. I will try to fix an extra dinner for Andrea and family. It might be helpful if she doesn’t have to worry about dinner for her family. As disagreeable as she can be, I still want to help her. Family ties cannot come untangled. They are with us forever.
    The same with you dear internet family….you are tied to my heart.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hello friends. Yes, another really cold day but tomorrow should be warmer. At least for one day.

    I am doing another virtual stamp/card making conference in early March. Tomorrow is the day to get a discount on items we need for that conference so I have been busy sorting through things to see what I do not have and is it worth purchasing them. I want to order early as I am certain items will sell out. The specific Copic marker colors needed are already sold out as they were on sale anyway.

    Sandy, enjoy the day with the kids. Good luck playing their games. Maybe they will give you tips! Truth be told, I am not sold on Wordle. Lately I have to push myself to try it each day. I have friends who get the answer routinely in 2 or 3 lines. That’s not me. I am busy trying all sorts of stuff and never am that quick. Some days I cannot get it in 6 lines. I didn’t know if a letter is one in the word that it may be used 2 times.

    I do play a Trivia game every day as there is a daily question which is fun. If you get the first question right, you get a second question as well.

    Finished the jigsaw puzzles that has been out for months. I only put a piece or two in at a time and never sorted the pieces. I had dumped all of them in one container. That slows you down! 😁


    Anne, it seems people everywhere have lost their ability to follow rules. I am glad you got some oat milk. I still prefer soy milk but also have some oat milk as well. Yipes, the young folks are in some trouble. Smokey clothing in the house. Yipes! Meanwhile, I am afraid I take Putin to be an evil manipulative man. I hope the rest of the world can keep him from starting a war.

    Jackie, wow, I didn’t realize you didn’t have a dryer. I thought you just preferred to hang your clothes outside to dry. Good for you. Helping the environment a bit! I was looking at farm to table supply chains. Grow your food at your home being the best according to the people who put the information together. (Only true if you save your own seed and do not purchase any plants right?). The worst is what I am doing by having my groceries delivered. 😱 well, that is sort of where most of us are, either shopping in stores ourselves or getting delivery. So I will trot along continuing to ruin the environment. Congratulations on your good eye exam. That is wonderful. And your soup sounds quite tasty. Yummy.

    Patsy, I am glad John liked your meatless chili. Everyone is making delicious food! Hoping your knee is a tiny bit better today. Crossword puzzles are odd. Some days they are easy and you can just blast through while other days, cannot get a word. I hate when I can think of multiple answers that all fit the space. Those take longer to make everything mesh.

    Barbie, has the turkey defrosted? Hello and I hope all is well.

    Well Covid is circling around. Several people from my church have Covid again. At least their second go around. One guy has been fighting it at home for several weeks. His aunt and uncle both got Covid about the same time and went to the hospital. His uncle went home with portable oxygen. His aunt did not fare as well. She died last night. The friend I told you about who had Covid and now has no sense of smell has come up with a plan to challenge her sense of smell hoping to get it back. I wonder about that, she said she was going to start with tiny sniffs of ammonia. Ick! Anyway, her daughter just came down with Covid and is quite ill but at home. A friend of the daughter has a good friend in the area who has been in ICU for 2 months. On a respirator I think she said.

    I am happy to stay home at this point. Go away Covid!

    Be safe everyone.



  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    It is VERY cold here. I think the wind is in the wrong direction and is blowing through the side window straight on the sofa where Bean and I cuddle up. I have placed cushions on the window sill and this is helping, plus the fleecy plaid pyjamas that the Ms bought me last birthday, plus a cashmere polo necked sweater under the pyjama jacket and woolly socks. I do not look at all glamorous! Must remember this day when we are all sweltering come summer. Hot chocolate is helping but not helping the waistline. Even Bean is refusing to go for walks beyond the drive. Digging her little paws in and turning around for a quick rush home.
    I've just read PATSY and LIN. Oh Patsy!!!! and LIN with so many corvid cases around you.
    The world is very bleak right now but doesn't seem so bad after watching Neville Chamberlain in the Munich movie. I felt nervous all the way through it, so what must our parents have felt like!
    As the north of England song says "better days are coming soon and Nells got a job in the brewery."
    which reminds me SANDY, I loved Mike living in the basement for two years after his wife took off. Every so often he would drift upstairs with a martini he'd mixed for me. I'm no drinker but I wouldn't say no today. Hang in there girls,
    Hugs and love from ANNE.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) We are in line at the pharmacy awaiting our first shingles shot. :)
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    A lazy start for me because Brady jumped on my bed about 7am and rubbed his wet fur on my shoulder to let me know it was raining! Last night’s weather forecaster told us the expected drizzle will clear through during the day, apart from on the moors where it’s expected to hang around (GROAN!). I’m back from a long walk through the next village to the Quoit field but decided to turn back as it looked too muddy. A wild rose scrambling through a hedge was waving a few tendrils and I managed to pull a couple off to pot up because I’m not so sure those I collected last year have survived. My thought is you can never have too many wild roses!
    Now we’re all towelled and dry It looks like a potter at home day so I will make a plan while sipping my soup for lunch.

    Anne, I’ve seen the trailer for the Munich movie and will watch over the weekend although if the report on No.10’s boozy parties during lockdown is finally published today I might have to bury my head in the past sooner!! I hope you’re right about Putin but sadly, too many opposition leaders have been murdered or locked away for me to see any mischievous streak in the man!
    Cold draughty gaps are the worst sort of problem. My new door between the garden room and dining room has a gap across the bottom so I lie a thick old fashioned draught excluder across and under Brady’s cat flap so he has to step over to get in and out! It stops my feet turning to blocks of ice!

    Ooh Patsy, that’s not good news about the Pit Bull and I completely understand Katie’s opinion. George would have plenty to say too! The breed is banned in Britain after too many kiddies and old folk being killed for no apparent reason. Why on earth would anyone want to rehome one with anger issues?
    Now I’ll say again, I’m no expert but could your SIL be suffering with a UTI. The symptoms are similar and I would hope the nurse has tested his urine. Now I’ll shut up! 🤫

    Lin, I love the jigsaw; well done for finally finishing. I need to get my folding board out and get started on my Christmas gift… bright cockerels.
    I still don’t sort the pieces although I did once look online for the dishes. Perhaps I’ll look again. I hope you manage to find the supplies you’ll need for the virtual conference.
    Are all these people catching Covid vaccinated or even wearing masks? It’s terribly sad that people are still dying and read recently that as many have died in America from Omicron as the previous variant so I’m not sure things are improving just yet but here we go, all restrictions now being lifted!

    Barbie, I trust your shingles vaccinations took place with no problems.

    Sandy, as it’s a quieter day for me with nothing to strain my brain, I’ll take another look at Wordle but read the instructions first this time! 🤓. The BBC news App has a weekly quiz, sometimes on how much we can remember on details of news stories but also fun wildlife species or last week it was on the recent David Attenborough Green Planet documentary. I did well with that one!

    Time for my lunch…. It’s still raining and the postman just delivered a package and I suggested his glasses needed wipers. He had passed me when I was walking the pooches and said it was a long walk for little legs… not mine!

    Stay safe and warm.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    BARBIE, I'm so glad you and Jake have had the shingles vac. I can truly say shingles are the worst thing I've ever had and the internal shingles is the very worst! I will have had it for 6 months on February 6th. Hope you both don't have after effects from the vaccine. All Mike had was a sore arm for a couple of days.

    Oh JACKIE, on the whole I am an optimistic soul but you are so right about Mr. Putin. And the others on the world stage don't seem much better. 80 odd years since the start of the last world war and everyone in power seem to be spoiling for another one. I don't think you will regret watching "Munich".
    I wonder if you will feel as uneasy as me watching it.

    Well, I've just taken a double strength Advil and its helping with the pain so I ought to get on and do some housework while the goings good.

    Maybe more later on pit bulls, etc.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Warmer day today thank goodness. Bryanna has her walk out ceremony today which means she is all done with her classes and everyone claps as she walks out the door. I will also be there clapping for her as I am so proud. She still has to take her state test and then get her license but at least she now has a profession she can use. I will take her to lunch to celebrate and maybe even have a glass of champagne. Life is good.

    Anne, I am so sorry these shingles have been with you so long, has that stopped you from getting the booster shot? I am glad the Advil is helping with the pain but wish it would all go away. Well if my son lived with me and brought me a martini he could probably stay forever. lol

    Jackie, that looks like a tricky puzzle, I would have to sort out the pieces because I always have to start with the border before attempting the middle. I am doing little jigsaw puzzles on my phone. Good luck with the wild rose.

    Barbie, I would love to get a shingles shot but not for $500 out of pocket.

    Lin, I too, am wondering if all those Covid cases and deaths were vaccinated people. Illinois is going down in numbers and cases but there are still a lot of hospitalizations. Still hoping for a peak in February so we can still go to Jamaica. If it has to be postponed I will be okay with that but so far our agent keeps telling us where we are going it is safe. (sales pitch?)

    Patsy, I know pit bulls get a bad rap but I am just not that fond of them. I love all creatures but they can have a mean streak in them. I do know a few people who have them and have trained them to be loveable dogs. I am so used to sheepdogs who like to play all the time and act like puppies all their lives. Reminds me Ewok got in trouble yesterday for grabbing an open can of peaches off the counter.
    Lisa was so upset but Rob and I kind of laughed cause dogs will be dogs.

    I better eat a little something and get ready for Bryanna's "graduation". Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hello, warmer today and quite overcast. It’s a day to make a trip to the library.

    Barbie, congrats on getting the first shingles shot. I hope you and Jake did not have to wait long. Do they call you back for the second shot?

    Jackie, oh, beautiful puzzle. It may take some time but will be gorgeous when completed. As far as mask wearing habits and shots, I have no idea. There are many people who will not talk about any of these things. Both topics can start a very ugly conversation around here. Since I don’t see any of these people because I am home, I only know what is volunteered. I do have a fully vaccinated and boosted friend who is always telling me about people who have break through cases and I have lost count of the people she says she knows who have died. And no, she does not tell me if these people had lots of other medical problems. She has friends all over the United States so not all info is local.

    Sandy, same answer but I’ll add to it. I am very wimpy and do not want to start anything unpleasant with people unless it is absolutely necessary. Congratulations to Bryanna. She stuck with it and finished the program! You must be very proud. And best wishes to her on passing the licensing exam. Wahoo!

    Anne, I am glad you are taking something for the pain when needed and I hope it helps.

    Patsy, a rescued boxer with issues? It needs an escape-proof space. And I don’t see how it is fair to the neighborhood. Poor Katie. An intruder as far as she is concerned.

    Take care everyone. I did try to place my order for needed supplies this morning for the card seminar but 12 minutes after the sale started, 2 of my needed items were sold out. Good grief. These card makers are really eager beavers! And I was slow.

    On to lunch and the trip to the library.

    Be safe dear friends.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Wonderful sunny day and much milder but certainly not short-sleeve weather! Hooray for Mr. sun! Good to see ya!

    Our daughter is dealing with a lot these days. Yes indeed, dear Jackie! Our SIL has or had a very bad UTI. Plus another very disturbing symptom. We have noticed this for almost a year. He seems to have been suffering declined cognitive abilities. With this infection, his problem became extreme. Hope there is some help for him. Our daughter isn’t great at compassionate care. This is an alarming development. But something we can do very little about.

    More later….doggie issues. Neighboring pit bull on our front yard.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    From inside the house, Katie was growling and protecting her turf. The bit bull ran off in response. I am so glad Katie was inside. This could have been very serious. Will need to call the neighbors who are trying to adopt this aggressive dog. Also animal control. I hate to but it isn’t fair for Katie and neighborhood. I am also a wimp, I Iove all animals even this beautiful aggressive male un neutered dog. For his own sake, important measures need to be taken. My dog is the most important dog in the world to me. I will report developments…….

    Knee is tiny bit better. Now is the time to increase strength training for legs. Ugh! More exercises but better that than limping around in pain. I just keep reminding myself, we all have issues and we must be disciplined just like in that list of commandments Dear Buzz gave us years ago.

    I am interested in the shingles vac. I know it is terribly expensive. I wonder why? Can’t find much about that but it does have a bit of controversy. But doesn’t everything?

    Waiting to hear back from phone messages to doggie neighbor and animal,control. Just want everyone and creatures to be safe.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Oh Patsy, a Pit Bull with anger issues on the loose is bad news so I’m relieved to read you were all indoors.
    Please take care. ❤️
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    PATSY, the same as Jackie above. Please take care. Poor Katie, I most certainly wouldn't be taking Jilly for a walk with a pit bull possibly on the loose.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Yes, the shingles vaccine is expensive. We are willing to pay for it for the same reason we pay for an accountant to do our taxes, good tires on our car, home and auto insurance---peace of mind is priceless. We don't spend on many of the luxuries that other people do--clothing, travel, wine, furniture, salon haircuts, gifts, holiday celebrations, etc.--instead we take care of ourselves. This was an important choice for us.

    <3Anne, I thought of you and how you've suffered with shingles. I remember, too, how my mother suffered when she had them.

    :) The turkey is roasted and carved. The meat is in the refrigerator, the bones have just finished simmering to make stock for soup. Tomorrow we will package some meat to freeze for later and finish making the soup to freeze for later. On Saturday I'll make matzo balls to freeze.

    <3 Barbie

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Barbie: good advice! I will think seriously about that and will check with local Walgreens. Thanks for sharing your reasoning. We all need input.