Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    edited January 2022
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good one Barbie 😁
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Today is the day I finally get out of my house. The Covid Contact people called me last night and asked how I was doing so I asked them about a retest. They said if you have no symptoms after 5 days you don't need to retest unless you want too. I asked how long I could show positive and she said anywhere from 5-8 days after first symptom and up to three months. I am going for peace of mind and hope for a negative result. I have a few errands I would like to run before sitting but Lisa said if I want another day that is fine so no pressure. Again, I am very grateful for a mild case with no fever and am grateful I was vaccinated and boosted.

    Keep staying safe and careful
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Hello everyone. I've got mad with myself today and decided this thing I've got had better go and I stopped whining to everyone who will listen or read me, so on an upbeat:
    The snow is gorgeous. Very pretty and my roads been ploughed which means I have a three foot high wall between my swept drive and the road. That goes for Mark as well and he can't get over to repair my sink and water leak, shades of you PATSY. Never mind, he will be over eventually! SPRING?
    I had to laugh at our local tv weatherman and his dog Storm last night. He's young and very likeable and there he is with Storm, mike in hand, making snow angels, both flat on their backs of course. As he said this storm was a blessing in disguise for the school kids who were due back at school yesterday after closure. All the hilly parks full of little kids tobogganing down the slopes and just being kids again. The snow is the light fluffy kind and as the weatherman said, Hollywood movie picture perfect. The skiers had Mary Jo searching for her old skis! So every storm has a silver lining!
    PATSY how lovely for your Damon. Marriage seems to be old hat these days and as LIN says we all wish him much happiness the same as you. That's what my Mike needs as well! Any more damsels south of your border?
    I hope SANDY is bouncing around still and JACKIE is still being Jackie and tolerating Chrissie after what she herself has been through. You are a true angel Jackie me dear.
    My kids are getting a bit worried about me, another reason for me to pipe down so on that note I will toddle off and think lunch.
    Just love you gals to pieces. Stay safe, well as much as is possible,

    I can't see everyones posts with this machine and I've just found BARBIE. Wow Barbie how do you get so many clothes on. Different sizes?
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited January 2022
    Today began with me thinking nothing planned so chill. When I left to take the dogs out I found Robbie the smithy attaching the new wrought iron gate he’s made for the end of our footpath entrance to the car park. It’s beautiful in an old fashioned style to suite the area so I’m delighted with it. A short walk round the block then, since Robbie was waiting for a resin round screws in the gatepost to dry I invited him in for a cup of tea so he could see the downstairs rooms finally decorated. The last time he visited to re-line a chimney I was living amongst the rubble!
    Then, just as I finished making a sandwich I heard my neighbours’ hens shouting in a distressed way so ran down my garden to the bottom gate between us and discovered the 2 dogs that live in the property attached to them chasing the chooks, feathers flying! I shouted at them to go but one is only a few months old so thought it far too much fun. Back to my cottage to get my iPhone and ring Debs to tell her what was going on and luckily she wasn’t too far away so drove home. Meanwhile naughty George had dug under my fencing and was desperately trying to squeeze through a shrub so he could join in! When Debs got home I had persuaded the pup to go home through a gap in their fence and was standing with George in my arms!! Oh dear, we both looked terribly guilty so I promised it wasn’t George then helped her do a head count. Mounds of feathers on the ground but after a search we found the last straggler, shut them in their run and I went back to my sandwich thinking I don’t expect to ever have a non-event day, ever!
    I pottered in the garden then lit a bonfire in my incinerator before coming in for a cup of tea. Now waiting for a cheese and onion quiche to heat up that I’ll eat with salad and coleslaw.

    Great news Sandy, your ordeal is over! Hooray, especially for the booster that probably kept the nasty Covid symptoms away. Won’t you be a happy bunny to see the kiddos again!

    Perfect timing for a snow storm Anne and it does sound so pretty. Please don’t stop telling us how you are feeling, good or bad. It’s frustrating I can’t do anything practical to help you but I know talking, or typing, about what’s bothering us is better than bottling it up. I’d be a total nut case by now after 2 years of lockdown without all the sneakers.

    Battery about to die. Happy Tuesday to one and all.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello! A sunny day and forecast to be the warmest of the week. Wind chills expected in the -30 degree F range for several days. That being the case, I did my little errands, a run to the post office to send a few things and to the library to return books.

    I did finish the get well card and mailed it. Also completed the form from the auditing firm that seems to contact me almost every year to confirm the balance in one of my accounts with the credit Union. Not always the same one but they pick on me a lot! 😄

    I also received a big envelope that wasn’t for me. There was no way to put it in the outgoing mail slot so the trip to the post office was necessary.

    There is a Zoom meeting which is starting in about a half hour which is being presented by a group known as Seed Savers. They are located in the northern part of the state and they do offer some heirloom seeds for sale to the public. Their main purpose is to keep heirloom varieties viable and to educate people. I have never been able to get to any of their in-person meetings and garden days so I thought I would try this out.

    Anne, you do whatever you want to do. I will say I do appreciate my friends who let me discuss things that are bothering me and those who offer a suggestion when I am not sure where to turn. So, pick your audiences carefully but we are here for whatever you want to say. 🙃

    Sandy, I had heard no additional test was required but I am sure you would feel more comfortable if your test comes out negative now. The best thing is you are feeling so much better. A friend of mine posted on Facebook the other day. It was the one year anniversary of her positive Covid test. She calls it the day that she lost her stamina. I guess saying she has never gotten her energy back. I had no idea, I thought she was 100% recovered.

    Barbie, cooties. Even as a child I didn’t really know what they were. I guess we know now.

    Patsy, hoping you have been in touch with a doctor or other medical professional. And hoping you have found a way to ease the pain.

    Jackie, I didn’t know there were a number of people trying to help walk Bella. It seems your name comes up often though. I hope you and George and Betty have been having a good day.

    Must move on to the meeting.

    Be safe everyone.


  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Mark and Mary Jo turned up with shovels and cleared the 3 ft wall at the end of my drive. I helped a little bit and took Bean for a snow walk which wasn't altogether successful because she decided she was a would-be sled dog and started moving at a tremendous rate which had me skidding along and in danger of hitting the ground. I took her inside after a quarter of a hour because her tootsies were cold and I don't like living in the fast lane. Anyway we are all done and ready for Fridays grocery delivery provided it doesn't snow again. More expected tonight but not as much!
    I take it SANDY posted and she's okay now? Can't find her post anywhere but I have found JACKIES and her never a dull moment life! Good old George! What a little monkey! The gate sounds very nice.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Well we have total cloudy skies. Nothing like Anne’s Hollywood picture perfect snowy day. But it isn’t raining yet.

    Since Anne and I are the senior of the senior Golden Sneakers, I will say this! Change and facing a certain amount of physical challenges can be so frightening. This new knee injury has brought some things into focus for us. Even the thought of downsizing is out of the question. There currently really is no place to move that would be more accommodating. There are options that will require more time and effort plus the horrendous effort of moving and getting rid of all the junk we have collected over the years. In my idle hours of watching tv, they are showing a lot of the old series staring Betty White. The Golden Girls. Well I have actually heard of several couples going together to live in a. Huge house together. The problems and difficult personalities were indescribable. Good to know! I realistically know we are unsuited to live with anyone including our son and certainly not our daughter. We must find help and continue to make our own retirement home right here. The take away is this. Plan ahead. No matter how great you feel right now, time and age will make things a bit more challenging.

    Anne: your thoughts on trying to be more positive is spot on. Especially if you can do this without risking your health in any way. I have never thought your posts were anything but funny, interesting and friendly chats about your family and all the building going on around you.

    Jackie: I am being a good girl with a ice pack on my knee. Brrrrrrr but with a warm sweater and warm scarf. You are the wise and informed one of us. Thank you for taking care of us all including your creatures and neighboring creatures.

    Sandy: splendid news! You have weathered omicron and now back to your regular activities. So happy to hear that.

    Barbie: made me giggle. We all need a big giggle now and then. Happy to see you pop in.

    Lin: I see you just posted ahead of me. I will read your post and right now, I will just say Hi! And hope you will to be careful since you are still in the snow and cold, am I right?
    Love to all,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Well, hold the congratulations, the test came back positive once again so I am not sitting today. The Covid people called me last night and I asked them when I should retest and she said no reason to retest unless you want too. They said you can test positive for up to 5-8 days and as long as three months.
    She said to wear a mask the next five days inside even with family. My son told me not to come so we will see how I feel tomorrow, chances are I might stay in another 5 days to be sure. I did drop off my old microwave at the Salvation Army Store and did return my coffee pot at Walmart and picked up a few groceries but wore two masks. I feel guilty for not sitting but they seem to understand.

    Will let you know how I am doing tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    It was misty and raining when I first looked out so a steady start of shower, hair wash and 2 cups of coffee with my porridge. It’s turned out to be a good strategy because it’s much brighter now so I can walk George and Betty and we won’t get wet.

    Brrr Patsy, I know that feeling because an ice pack was recommended when my old hips were painful. I do hope it helps but believe me, I’m no font of knowledge, just quick to refer problems to our no nonsense NHS website. They don’t have an agenda to sell treatments or drugs but offer advice based purely on what’s known at the time.
    My dear friend Pat once suggested a group of us buy a property and live together and even though I wasn’t thinking of the Golden Girls, which I loved by the way, I had to be honest. With the personalities involved it would never work! Thank goodness my property is small so I can clean and tidy every inch in half a day plus if I live long enough to be old and even more crotchety, I’ll bar the windows, install hefty padlocks and live on home deliveries. No so-called care facilities for me!

    Ooh Sandy, not quite there yet with Covid but the important thing is you feel alright. It’s not your fault sweetheart so you shouldn’t feel guilty.

    So you’ve been released from your snow prison Anne! Jilly sounds like a crazy George when it snows… he goes crazy racing about too!

    Lin, do please let me know how you get on with the Heirloom seeds. Is it for your garden or the farm? I love to try different varieties and in the past enjoyed some weird and wonderful crops. We must compare notes again this year.

    The pooches have stirred and the sun is trying it’s best to brighten things so time for our walk. We’re promised 10c so positively balmy!

    Take care dear friends.
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :'(Sandy, I remember at the beginning of the pandemic that you stayed home and interacted face to face with almost no one, but now that you are accustomed to being with family, this must be very difficult for you.

    :)Jackie, You derive so much joy from the care of your home and the adventures with your dogs. What a great life.

    :)Patsy, I, too, cannot imagine living with someone else or moving to another place. We've moved often enough for me to have a clear idea of how much work it is.

    <3 Barbie
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Hello everyone and especially PATSY my fellow elder! I thought being an elder would be pretty neat. Me - the kindly old woman dishing out wise advice but that isn't the case at all. Instead I've turned into the only elder I know in person yelling at Realtors who want to sell the homestead for an enormous profit thus lining their pockets for when THEY become elders.

    I find that the majority of elders around here are clinging to their old homesteads for dear life. In my case I don' t have to contend with the rubble downstairs at the moment and the upstairs is done with a flick of the Swiffer in no time! but when I do need help the trick seems to be to find a very good cleaning lady, usually some poor soul from a third nation who is quite happy to flick a duster around, give you your mid morning coffee, tell you the latest gossip as she matily sips coffee with you and maybe is even prepared to cook your midday lunch. This didn't work too well with Mary Jo's father after her mother died because being Portuguese he wasnt tuned in to Polish cuisine.

    It means breaking into the savings of course but after all isn't that what we saved up for AND it makes the "children" much more inclined to go to the stores to buy our surgical socks, geriatric pills, or take us to renew hearing aids, walking sticks, virus jabs etc. when they don't have to muck us out occasionally.
    So all is not lost as we survey any new wrinkles in the mirror the cleaning lady forgot to clean.

    Anyway, that's what I hope to do and I hope this is helpful!!!!!!!!!! Hope your knee is feeling better by the way. I find a good moan is very helpful if only to Jilly and you lot. Ha. another thought, a cleaning lady who loves adorable little dogs!

    Even the Queen must have age related problems, not cleaning ladies of course but her kids must be a source of anxiety to her, something that so far we seem to have avoided.

    I Will shut up for now, explain to Jilly that speedy dogs pulling old ladies on icy paths is not a good idea and go have a hot shower.

    Love and kisses to you all from your own Shaman,
    ANNSIE the not wanting to be elder of the tribe. xxxxxxx

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited January 2022
    Happy Wednesday! :) Frigid cold again but at least the sun is shining. Well I am feeling good today and although I said I might stay in another 5 days I am going to go sit later this afternoon. Robby did not go to choir yesterday and although it was not my fault I felt guilty. I know Lisa likes to grocery shop on Wednesday and Robby has RE so I am going to go and do my usual on Wednesday. I also bring them Mc Donald's so I am sure they will be happy about that. It has been 8 days since my first symptoms so I know I am not contagious. I won't see them this weekend for movie night as they are spending the night at the other grandparents. Again, thank you for all the good wishes but I am fine.
    Anne and Patsy you make it sound like you are ancient, I am right behind you and will be 80 in March. Age is only a number don't let it get in your way. I also hope to live alone for the rest of my life, but only time will tell. Babe is making sounds likes he wants to come live with me since they are selling the house.
    Long story but can't give you and ending as I just don't know it yet.
    Going to finally take our new phones in to get the data transferred and hand in the old phones. Bryanna is still off from school so I will have to go to her house to get her old phone, so better not dawdle today.

    Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    In Canada we have to isolate for 14 days at home after testing positive however well we feel because our medics say we can still pass this thing on, being still infectious to others however well we feel. There is some consternation that a number of small children have died especially in Quebec. Different countries seem to have different rules don't they.

    No I dont feel ancient at all SANDY, just joking around which probably and hopefully means I am on the end. Must be, I found myself singing today much to Beans astonishment because I make the most dreadful sounds when I sing!
    I'm 86 but when I get rid of shingles and back to some normalcy, certainly don't feel it. Mary Jo and I are already talking of digging up the lawn and planting veggies this spring and I'm looking forward to that.

    Back to corvid. Two people have tested positive in Michaels work. Fortunately Mike has his own office, plus mask, plus plexiglass so we should see him on Saturday, cross fingers.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited January 2022
    Wow, it is super cold today. Colder all the time as the wind has been getting stronger all morning. I just got a warm lap cover due to the cold air but I guess I have good ventilation in my house. 😉

    Jackie, I watched the webinar and they were full beyond capacity. Only 500 people were admitted but others can watch it later. Unfortunately it is not their usual program. This is part of a series on rematriating heirloom seeds. The entire series will be about Indigenous people and how the company is helping them reclaim the seeds of their ancestors. The speakers all spoke about raising The Three Sisters which I have known about for decades. The only interesting thing is each group is raising them differently. I had only heard of the original method of hilling up dirt, putting a fish in the middle of it, planting corn and beans around each hill to run up the corn stalk and squash seeds between the hills to run along the ground so keep down the weeds and help the soil stay more moist. I left before the end as it got somewhat political about non-Indigenous people having no right to possess anything of their nations, seeds, clothing or images, language, etc. I just wanted to know about heirloom seeds that will be available to all people. The last couple of years this company has been pretty much sold out of heirloom seed. It seems to be something many people want to raise. I doubt I will attend another one of these. I have ordered from Baker’s Heirloom seeds and that little order just arrived. I don’t plan to plant as many containers this year. Many seed varieties are sold out already. Good gosh, it is January! Do you have continuing supply problems for garden supplies?

    Sandy, well, nope, I guess you are not staying home for an additional 5 days. I hope you get the phones straightened out. And as far as the switch from 10 days down to 5, I guess most people will still test positive. Just because they change guidance doesn’t mean the virus is cooperating. I don’t know why they changed other than people cannot be away from work that long and they think this is a milder virus. Truly, they can’t have had enough time to really test this change. But you are fine and they have already had Covid in that house right? All will be well. Do not feel guilty, stupid virus is our culprit.

    Anne, well, I do hope you are getting better. Deciding what to do about medical problems is difficult. I just spoke to a friend who has had extreme pain for several years. She has been to a number of doctors and has been told lots of different things, nothing worked. Cortisone mini injections, physical therapy, taping, icing, Biofreeze and more. Anyway, a new doctor reviewed her imaging (MRI?) and other tests from a while back. She had been told at that time she did not have a tendon injury, maybe just a tiny nick. Just gut it out. The new doctor told her the original doctor was entirely wrong and she had a 2” area of tearing in that tendon which should have been fixed. Now she has enough medical conditions that she really cannot consider surgery and the doctor said there may be little they could do at this point depending on the scars. So, while she is trying to decide what to do, her sons immediately said she should sue the original doctor and settle for a ton of money. She is quite upset that she doesn’t know how to live the remainder of her life with this pain level and is very upset that her kids can only focus on suing. How does that fix her pain and quality of life? Sometimes family is not entirely helpful. Meanwhile, keep on singing. 🎶🎶🎵🎵🎶🎶

    Barbie, hello. 🙋🏼‍♀️❤️

    Patsy, I hope you find a way to stay where you are and please send along any suggestions. I would like to stay here as well but have no support other than delivery services and for right now, lawn mowing and snow removal. There is so much more to staying on your own (particularly in a multilevel home).

    Well, I had waaaay to much to say today.

    Be safe everyone.


  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    LIN, I really feel SO sorry for your poor friend, and have to admit having little faith in doctors after my right wrist was set 25 degrees out of shape by a doctor who was showing off to the plasterer when he pulled it into shape without any pain killer and didn't even mention pin surgery. Later I was told to leave well alone by a bone surgeon if I didn't want future arthritis if it was broken and reset. Don't have arthritis but it is awkward to use when I draw, write etc. This, followed by the pills that broke my blood vessels in my eye, nose, legs etc I avoid doctors as much as possible. I still wonder if the vaccine caused the shingles to break forth from dormancy and I've met one or two others who also contacted shingles two weeks after being vaccinated. Just a thought, I didnt sue my firm either when I broke my wrist at work, their fault, but if your friend did, maybe she would have enough cash to get things fixed by a true professional?

    Isn't it a shame that countries can't cooperate on rules about isolation after testing positive. I don't see much chance of it going away as we travel and follow different guidelines.

    Liked what you said about indigenous people and native seeds. The three sisters etc. Many years ago Flo and I went to a longhouse and the native guide explained all you mentioned to us. That plus a demo of native beadwork made it a most interesting day. I've always loved native art. Wish I could have afforded it to decorate the old homestead!


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my! Rain and dreary cold. But the worst for me is that I am to have a wheelchair temporarily while I try to recover from two large tears in Bursa ligaments, I guess they are ligaments. This is unbelievably painful and debilitating. I wasn’t even doing anything. I was sitting at the grooming table for about 2+ hours. It was cold in the room because I knew Katie gets hot when I groom her. I got up without stretching or warming my legs and those cramped ligaments just ripped. It could happen to anyone. I confess that this has really got me down. But I am planning a resurgence!

    A multi-level house is great until the stairs become your enemy. If I had it to do over, I would avoid them for this very reason. I know they help you with conditioning and it is a way to have separate living areas that provide more room, quiet, and privacy. But the moment one has a mobility issue, all bets are off! That is where we are. Right now, life got smaller and more problems to consider.

    Okay! Enough of my whining. I have ordered the rapid home tests from the gov. They are free and there is a link if you google Covid tests. Get them! You will be ahead of the game if you are wondering if you have a cold or omicron.

    I am doing the chair exercises and flex stretches for my knee while listening to Aretha Franklin. Natural woman!🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 ooooh Baby!

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Just heard on the tv news that England is scrapping all restrictions on the pandemic, masks etc. People told to "live with it like you live with the flut". Will we be next? Probably because "uplifting news to be announced soon".
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Oh and all our mounds of snow will be like concrete blocks tomorrow as our temperature plummets overnight to -16C. Aint life grand. Glad the two Ms dug out the snowbank across my drive yesterday because as Mark said if they hadn't it would have been there until Spring.

    Glad you've found out what's wrong PATSY and I hope you have a speedy recovery. Yes, it would get you down, I know the feeling. Get well soon!

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited January 2022
    Lin, about 20 years ago, during a visit to a long house in Ontario built by indigenous people, I bought a Three Sisters recipe book; still have it. I must familiarise myself with the recipes again. If I didn’t have to travel home on a flight I would have also bought a dream catcher but didn’t hold out much hope of it arriving this end undamaged! I tend to forget that your history doesn’t go back too far before meeting First Nation traditions but also bad feelings about the past, understandably.
    With cost of living increases, especially for food, I’ve been thinking we need to concentrate this year at the allotment on producing more crops to sustain the store cupboard and beans are easy enough to grow. Hair is another source of proteins to place in the soil and I keep meaning to grab a handful of George’s when the groomer has finished, to place round rose bushes. Our heirloom seeds tend to go back to Victorian times up to post WWII when some varieties were passed down through families so were a bit of a mystery to others, especially at local fairs when competitions for best in show took place. Last year it was difficult to obtain seeds of any sort because so many people had taken up growing their own veggies during the 2020 lockdowns but it would appear that here in England our government is about to drop every Covid related restriction, even wearing masks, so not so many vegetable gardens will be dug as everyone heads for pubs, restaurants, nightclubs, cinemas and probably hospitals as the infection rates go back up!! I for one will continue to wear a mask in shops and any other crowded place.
    That’s a beautiful teapot and mug that looks like Denby pottery.

    Ouch Patsy, that injury sounds awful but so easily done. These days I have to tell myself when I get out of a warm bed not to stretch for anything until I’ve moved about a bit otherwise muscles are innocently waiting for an excuse to go PING! Follow all instructions and take care of yourself. There’s nothing else to be done right now. ❤️

    Guess it’s bedtime for me.
    Jackie 🥰