Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited January 2022
    Happy Monday! :) Bryanna is coming to clean my house and I will probably help her if she lets me because she has two haircuts scheduled for friends in the city. I thought our phones were arriving today but I got a notice they have been delayed. I was going to run some errands while she was here but might put them off until tomorrow. Now that I don't sit on Tuesday I have another free day. I have a dental cleaning on Wednesday before sitting and Thursday I am donating blood after my meeting. I just hope my hemoglobin count is low enough since there is such a blood shortage. I will not drink coffee that morning as the last person told me that can make my count go high. So it is a play by ear kind of day before deciding what I want to do today.
    Very sad about Bob Saget, only 65 years old. He was so wholesome in Full House but my daughter and her husband volunteer at Florida Theater which was his last performance and declined his show because they said his show is vulgar. Hard to believe he was so good on that show and America's Funniest Videos. They say deaths come in threes. Betty White, Sidney Poitier and now Bob Saget. R.I.P.

    Anne, I have a problem with dairy as well but I can have a little once in a while. I also take an IBS over the counter pill because it really helps with other problems. B) My MIL used to make polenta with certain dishes and I think my mother did. I believe it is just cornmeal but it is really good. I laughed out loud at the scene after the credits which I usually skip but found out many movies add after clips to make you watch the credits.

    Lin, where do watch all those shows on what format? Starting Saturday until Betty White's birthday on the 17th Buzzr where I watch game shows will have all Betty White shows. They will also have a program from when she started to her death. She will be missed she was a hoot!!

    Jackie, I have to agree as far as Don't Look Up, people would not believe the science as like today.
    I just love when dogs can run full speed, they look so happy. When Ewok zooms around the yard he must go a hundred miles per hour. It would be nice to see him in an open field like George and Betty.
    I hope you have good weather to do your outside chores. I think my balcony lights will be up until March.

    Patsy, great picture of Katie and what a wonderful bed partner. Sometimes I say to myself why are you so crabby, do you want to be one of those cranky old ladies? It helps to talk to yourself. LOL

    Have a great day, you know the rest.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, it is a sunny day here and a wind chill of 13 degrees F. So relatively warm! I have been texting with one friend and had a phone conversation with another one. I need to crush some cardboard boxes and get the trash ready to take out. I have been searching for a stamp set with a grand piano included. It is a retired set from a well known company but these trade from time to time. A woman contacted me this morning and had one to sell. She is located in Minnesota, so not far from me. We did the PayPal transaction and I was happy to have it on the way EXCEPT she contacted me later and said she was so sorry but she apparently did not remove it from her inventory list after her last in-person event. (I didn’t know anyone had those.) Anyway, no set available and she processed a refund. Darn!

    Sandy, glad Bryanna is coming to clean the house. Sorry the phones will not arrive today. I would be so eager to have them in hand. I have watched Betty White programs on a variety of channels such as MeTV, TVLand, Pluto TV and Amazon Prime. Buzzr is on Pluto TV so I will look for the game show reruns next weekend. There are a few things on YouTube as well.

    Nice discussion about that movie, Don’t Look Up. I haven’t seen it so cannot add to the discussion other than a few friends were discussing it on Facebook and they all were insanely angry about the movie and none of them finished watching it.

    Jackie, wow, multiple dog beds at your home too. My poor dogs had blankets but only one bed a piece. Underprivileged. Ha, I can imagine George was suspicious today. So glad he knew fairly quickly there was nothing nefarious going on. He is a very bright fellow.

    Anne, no polenta help here. Sorry. I am amazed that your house is so much warmer with the insulation work. Wow! Now why are potatoes on your forbidden list? Or is it all nightshades including tomatoes and potatoes?

    Patsy, hello. Hope you are all well today. Is it getting easier to travel the roads in your area? Plumber there now?

    Wishing everyone all the best.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy but no rain. And……..the plumbing is fixed, now for reclaiming the kitchen. Washing dishes and mopping floor. Fixing dinner. Return to our regular schedule.

    It only takes something like a non-functioning kitchen sink to realize how pampered we have all become. When I lived my gram, the wash house was a little shack with Maytag wringer washing machine and a huge sink that had to be filled by hand pumping. Ranch life isn’t convenient. There was a time when I was a kid when I felt like it was a fun life. Later it felt like a death camp. All my favorite animals were killed to be eaten.

    Well folks, the poinsettia shriveled up and died in one night. I think we keep our house too cold at night. We turn the heat off entirely at night. It gets pretty chilly in our house. Then we keep the daytime temp at around 68 to 70. We are comfortable at that temperature. Katie is very comfy with her natural fuzzy fur coat. John and I wear sweaters all winter. We are fine but poinsettias prefer tropical temps. The amaryllis is opening up. The flowers will be red. Just barely opening up right now. Wow! What a show off!

    We are watching a fun re-make of a French film. It is a Canadian production. The film stars Donald Sutherland and the lead player from U2. The Man on a train. Wonderfully mysterious and a fine independent film production.

    Rice, veggies and salmon for dinner. Anne, polenta is wonderful. There is a special cornmeal that is best. It can serve as a pasta or potato sub. Allowed to cool and sliced and pan sautéd to serve with veggies like asparagus or broccoli and mushrooms. These days, we serve whatever is available at the grocery store. Things are just strange. You never know and can’t really plan. Surprise! Shopping. That’s what we call it.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Sunny day with temps going to 30 degrees F. Today will be the day to run my errands. Donating my old microwave to Salvation Army, going to go in Walmart because their time slots are filled until Thursday and I need some items that Target didn't have. (actually still thinking about this)
    and then hopefully phones arrive today and I can go get my old phone transferred to new phone and hand it in to T Mobile.

    Patsy, can we assume you feel better as far as Covid and from your fall? Glad your sink is fixed and things are back to normal. You and John are hot blooded people, I keep my daytime temp at 72/73 and my bedtime temp at 70. I also sleep with a fan and humidifier (in winter) and a diffuser with a lavender scent. That along with a sleep aid and I sleep well.

    Lin, I am happy Bryanna came as well, my house is nice and clean. I watched an hour program last night on Betty White's life, it was an old episode from when she was in her late 80's. Sorry about the stamp set, I hope you can find it elsewhere.

    Hello to Anne and Jackie.

    Have a good day and I will try to do the same.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Sunny day here as well. The temperature is up to 45 degrees! Marvelous. Happy errand running day Sandy. It is a good day for that. As far as shopping in stores, I hope you can get in and out fast. Glad you watched the program about Betty White even if it was an older one. But then I do like older programs. I hope your phone arrives today.

    They are telling us we should hit a peak in cases here around the first week of February. A local TV station had a story on at noon about testing. They had been tracking lines at one of the testing sites and there are literally hundreds of cars in line. I was shocked at the number of cars as far as you could see. They said it had been that way all morning. Yipes!

    Patsy, I am glad the plumbing is fixed. Excellent. But I am sorry the poinsettia died. Happier outcome for the amaryllis.

    Jackie and Anne. Hello to you and if I missed your posts, I am sorry.

    I am going to start my car and let it run for a while, I haven’t driven it for a while. And I must corral my trash bin and bring it in. After they are emptied, you never know where they will land. 🤣

    Then, time to start putting Valentines together. Then stamping, and another birthday card.

    All best wishes.



  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Dear girls I won't be around until at least Saturday. Mike putting the mouse on my laptop has wrecked everything. For instance I am typing this with a magnifying glass because the print is pin size. He's sent me instructions on how to correct but nothing works for me. He says he will fix it on Friday. It is FREEZING here because we got the wests cold drifting to us. So hopefully read you all soon.
    Hugs from Anne.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited January 2022
    It was rather gloomy first thing but dry and mild so off we went the three of us to walk on the moors. I thought we were on our own and walked along thinking about all sorts while George and Betty raced about, then heard a “good morning” and looked across some way to see a man in a wonderful blue and white striped bobble hat walking past. A quick chat about the weather and it actually not raining then on we went in opposite directions, him towards the road and me and the pooches to the old chimneys.

    On the way home I stopped at the local store for bread and local ham to enjoy with scrambled eggs for lunch. My chooks still aren’t laying so I buy from a free range egg farm so they are almost just as good!
    The skies cleared while I was eating and in the afternoon I finally got outside to begin tidying.

    Lin, I loved the Mother Goose teapot and it brought back fond memories of my working at the tv studios with Jim Henson on a series of children’s’ nursery rhymes over 30 years ago (Yikes!). I do think that movie Don’t Look Up is a love or hate one although not sure what would have made your friends angry. I suppose satire can rub people up the wrong way, depending on its subject.

    Patsy, I think my father had similar experiences spending school holidays with extended family on a farm when it came to slaughtered animals. I remember him telling me once how he dreaded the visits. Always an animal lover so I expect that’s whose genes I inherited!

    Oh drat Anne, isn’t this modern technology a pain when it won’t behave. I have no suggestions to offer unless you can widen the page with your fingertips. Not sure that can be done on a laptop so best not go there. I hope you can at least keep up and read with that magnifying glass.

    Sandy, i do hope your phones will arrive today. You’ve been very patient. I wish we could donate electrical items to charities but too many health and safety rules and regulations in this country.

    I’ve lost a piece of tooth capping while chewing a liquorice sweet so must see if I can make an appointment to see my dentist. The lockdowns have caused havoc at the practice so I’m guessing I’ll have a long wait! Also need to book Brady’s annual booster and vet check which should have been done in November. I used to receive a text reminder but that service seems to have been dropped.

    Nearly midnight so best get to bed. George and Brady are asleep in the spare room so if I creep upstairs and don’t disturb them I might have only Betty to contend with on my bed!

    Take care
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited January 2022
    Wow Jackie I am impressed that you worked for Jim Henson.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Jackie: I too am impressed that you worked with Jim Henson. I was totally entranced with the muppets. Especially right at the beginning. Of course who could ever fall out of love with the muppets and he late Jim Henson? We used to have a human sized puppet group in Portland. Have not heard from them in years. They were amazing and were breathtaking in their abilities.

    Windy and rainy here. But fairly mild in temp. I think I remember some silly talk of sun and only showers. Where and when, I ask?

    Watched another interesting oldish indie film called “Another Earth.” Great! Very sensitive and interesting.

    Anne: I have such problems with laptops. We have at least three. Unused and gathering dust. I love my iPad and my Apple desk top. I am a loyal Apple user. I don’t understand other computers. I don’t speak their language. You are lucky Mike will work with you on your computer. Damon will help us but not in a truly helpful way. It is even more complicated when he tries to help.

    Amaryllis is getting ready to open up four huge red blossoms. This has been such fun watching this huge stalk push up inches each day. Then a developing flower bud. I will photo tomorrow.
    Off to bed…
    Sleep tight, don’t let your toes fight.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited January 2022
    A beautiful sunny day so 2 loads of laundry are hanging outside and I’ve even dared to open a few Windows although it’s only about 48F. Lots of jobs to carry out in my garden so a short walk round the block but George will spend time outside with me. Betty is already snoozing in the garden room!

    The earliest I could get Brady into the vet for his booster is the 28th when Betty is also due for hers so a double whammy! Trying to get through on the phone to the dentist practice but at this rate it will be a long wait to get the tooth fixed!

    Jim Henson and his son Brian produced a series called The Storyteller, The Greek Myths, which was a spin off from a previous series. It was a co-production with NBC but they decided the stories were too scary for American kids. Greek myths were a part of British education so no concerns here and it won awards for the innovative prosthetics used alongside the puppets. I expect you know Jim died very suddenly. We were all devastated as he was a charming, delightful man but his son carried on working to complete the production. The studios closed soon after for political reasons to do with Maggie Thatcher but that’s a whole different story!!

    I’m looking forward to seeing Patsy’s Amaryllis. I think it’s going to be a stunner! 🌺

    Cheese on toast for lunch then wrap up and garden.

    Have a happy and safe Wednesday dear sneakers. Missing Anne already! ☹️
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) I go out rarely and usually with Jake driving but yesterday I was scheduled for a bone density test and had to have blood drawn for tests for my yearly doctor visit so I went by myself since there is a zero visitor policy. I also had a book to pick up at the library. It felt weird to be driving.

    : <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hello. I have been working a bit on Valentines and will leave soon to pick up my library books. They will bring them outside. Yippee!

    I have ordered a new pillow from a local store. I would have gone to pick one up but they didn’t have any available. They will contact me when it arrives. Is nothing in stock? Again, they said they would bring it out to the car. I hope that works out.

    Barbie, I am glad you got your errands accomplished. I hope driving was enjoyable even if odd. I don’t drive much each week and sometimes driving in heavier traffic is stressful now. I try to avoid it.

    Jackie, what interesting work! I have never had a job that even sounded interesting! 😂 I hope you can get an appointment with the dentist soon.

    Patsy, looking forward to the photo(s) of the amaryllis. Anticipation!

    Sandy, hello. Did I miss you this morning?

    Anne, hope you are back soon.

    Well, if I hear the news show Dr. Fauci saying almost everyone will get this variant, I think I will have an attack. It may be true but hearing it over and over is putting me in a bad mood.

    Be safe as possible.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A very late morning for me. I had such a restless night because it was SO WARM. I finally got up feeling very sluggish! But coffee and a weird guilt about my sleeping so late has me perking along now. Laundry, must clean bathrooms, correspondence in dungeon.

    Lin: I too am thinking Valentine’s for John, Damon and Andrea. If I get on a roll, I could add a few other folks to my little homemade Valentine list. Time consuming but wonderful activity.

    I see a few tiny patches of blue, partly cloudy? Hummm, I say totally overcast and a few seconds of intermittent clear sky, no sun that I can determine. But no rain yet and no blustery wind. Thank goodness.

    Jackie: I may have mentioned that have done a children’s story hour at the library in the past. Auntie Goose. I had a sort of puppet that was a glove attached to an a apron. Diving into another creature and personality is almost addictive. I found after a while I was thinking as a motherly goose who told stories and would occasionally honk like a goose. And she gently pinched me from time to time. I left the apron at the library but no one seems to be using it or the Auntie Goose story teller. I may gather her up with the other little costumes like her hats etc. story time has been canceled for at least a year and a half. The talk of Jim Henson, one of my hero's, has me thinking about Auntie Goose.

    Barbie: I know what you mean about driving. I almost never drive anymore. I feel extremely nervous driving now because I do so rarely. I have never really enjoyed driving. I learned as a little kid on the ranch. As soon as i could reach the pedals on the tractor or the truck, I was expected to learn to drive. Think a 9 year old kid behind the wheel of an ancient truck or old tractor with a trailer load of hay. Scary thought?

    Hello to Anne and Sandy and all sneakers! Hope all sneakers are well. Maybe we can beat the odds and stay well.
    Patsy ☘️🌺🌺🌺🌺
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Well I canceled my dental cleaning because Bryanna cleaned my house Monday and yesterday didn't feel good so her mother got her tested. Today her mother called to say Bryanna has Covid so I am trying to get tested today but have been to two places and both are closed. The sad thing is that her mother called Bryanna's school to tell them and they said she was on the contact list from someone else but no one notified her. So she came Saturday for Max's birthday so hopefully no one else has any symptoms. I have a slight sore throat and a headache so I am not confident in not having covid. I will keep you informed. Well three hours later I finally found a place and I am indeed positive. I feel fine so please don't worry, I am grateful I am vaccinated and will isolate for a week.

    Lin, I believe Dr. Fauci and think most everyone will eventually get this variant. Hopefully, all of us who are vaccinated and boosted have mild cases but so many people I know have this virus.

    Jackie, I see people are wanting Boris to quit since he engage in a party during his own lockdown. I don't know why I said Barney with Jim Henson when I know he did the muppets.

    Barbie, I hope all went well with your tests and everything turns out just fine.

    Patsy, you have the most amazing stories, you have done such amazing things in your life.

    Well I am going to call my SIL and tell her we are postponing Arizona. The good thing about having the virus it that I will have natural immunization for at least 90 days so should be good to go to Jamaica.
    The travel agent emailed yesterday and I asked how things were in Jamaica and she said no problems where we are going. So hopefully things will be better by March.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Sandy, I hope that you will have a very mild case of this virus. Wish I could help in some way. Rest and recuperate.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh this is sweet amaryllis! She is just now starting to open and show off for us.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    And another view of amaryllis
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited January 2022
    Oooh, pretty blooms Patsy. Lovely deep red!

    Thanks for the photos.

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Hello, I've just managed to enlarge the print, but because it is a rush morning with grocery delivery at any old time I will try to post later. I'm not happy with the changes the Magic Mouse made to the laptop but at least I am here. It had to be restarted hence the changes. Oh and will read everyones comments later as well. One sort of funny bit of news, Quebec said all liquor stores and bars would be closed to people not vaccinated. There's been a rush for vaccination in Quebec! Oh, and now their premier is talking of putting an added tax on all the unvaccinated to help pay for their stay in hospital should they get this virus. Mixed opinions all round on this one!

    Hope everyone is well in our little group, read you later,
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Still having problems with this thing, maybe I should just buy an iPad! However, i've just read everyones comments and hope SANDY has a very mild case, AND Bryanna. My life to outsiders must seem utterly boring seeing I see so few people. Family, and the delivery men, plus maybe Maria. Lots of emailing though with overseas family. Helen in Australia is totally fed up with the virus, humidity, and mask wearing for instance. Here it's been amazingly cold, one or two homeless men have sadly frozen to death, but today is mild, and then guess what, we plunge back into extreme cold for the weekend and into woolly socks, sweaters, and red noses.
    So not much to report, Jilly is sleeping, I'm still scratching, Mark is still appearing here to do a bit of work each day, and Afghan Joe is arriving every morning at 7:30 to work until 5 pm and dusk. At this point in time I feel the luckiest woman on earth, crossing fingers and my small family are isolating except for Mike at work, and all is well with our closed in world. Watched a movie yesterday, can't remember the title, it was about a butler in a stately home with his master being a suspected nazi sympathizer. Okay, but wouldn't appeal to the US gals.
    Must away to comb my haystack and hunt out a mask.