Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    We are in for a wild and windy day starting this afternoon, but peering out the window the conifer across the road is already swaying and it's as dark as Hades meaning the lamps are lit.
    Our lockdowns start today - Christmas 12th night.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited January 2022
    It is crazy windy here. It started yesterday and I am not sure when it is suppose to subside. Meanwhile, it is cold, -19 degrees F wind chill right now, my sidewalk are still closed so I haven’t been to the mailbox. I don’t think there are any groceries in my future this week. But I have plenty of provisions on hand.

    Anne, I guess there is plenty of wind to go around. Lockdown? For how long? But you can still get deliveries and do shopping right?

    Jackie, still unseasonably warm in your part of the world? Hello to George, Betty and Brady. Stay safe.

    Sandy, hello. Has the strong wind reached you as well? I heard virtual learning only now due the teachers vote. True?

    Patsy, have you found your way back to us?

    Be safe.


    Cute little teapot


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited January 2022
    Happy Wednesday! :) We also have a wind advisory until 6:00 this evening. We are at 12 degrees F with a real feel of -2 degrees. I am sitting later and so happy I have a new car that has 4 wheel drive and heavier than my old Ford. We did not go for phones yesterday as Bryanna was busy so we will go after her school on Friday. Tomorrow is Max's 5th birthday so I am missing meeting and going to the movie theater with him, Charlie, Lisa and her parents for an early matinee. We are seeing Sing 2. We will celebrate his birthday on Saturday with cake and presents.

    Lin, according to our news the school district in Chicago voted to switch to remote learning and city leaders reacted by canceling classes for most of the district's 330,000 students. Teachers who do not show up will not be paid according to the mayor. Robby and Max are back in school in their area which is of course a suburb of Chicago. I can't blame the teachers with all the new cases in Chicago. Gosh the wind is rattling my windows. Cute teapot.

    Anne, looks like we are all getting those high winds and cold temps. I bet the new owners next door are regretting their decision to buy Harry's house. I feel sorry for them since it was an as in sale. Too many secrets that weren't revealed.

    Jackie, is Debbie the groomer? Poor George, I hope he doesn't have to be shaved in your cold weather. Good luck with returning your TV, would online support help? Cases are going up all over but England seems to be really bad.

    Time to eat something. Have a warm day and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Just a quickie. Mikes just returned to work after having his third booster shot and Mark is busy working in the bedroom downstairs. He brought me a packet of Suzies Oat Milk because I seem to be having an allergic reaction to milk. I hope it is a milk allergy rather than the yeast I suspected because I can live without milk.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Some places are taking this surge seriously, I just heard from my bank…….only the drive through window will be open until further notice. 😱

    I am okay with that.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi there! I am back, like that proverbial bad Penny! I think my problem was with our provider rather than MFP. As you may have predicted, we have rain and foggy weather. This is the Oregon coast in winter, after all.

    Katie is to go into see the vet tomorrow am. The doc has given her her some relaxants to help her during the foot exam. She is a true maniac about her feet and she almost has a heart attack when they slip on the muzzle. As you can see, I am very concerned about her. The techs and the vet are very careful with her, thank goodness. She is a PILL and it could be our fault. We think she came this way…but maybe not?

    My knee will have to wait until the doc can do all manner of tests and imaging. Our hospital is on that protocol of only emergency care, no elective surgeries. Is this elective? But I am hobbling around with a knee brace and ice and heat packs. It seems to be much better. The swelling is much better as well. Still slow as a snail and with the occasional painful sharp twinge.

    Thanks dear friends for your sweet concern. I am sure you are all aware that a simple cheerful note of friendship and concern is healing. Since I seem to depend on you sneakers so much, having your emails when I was feeling so low was wonderful. Thank you so much.

    Now repositioning the knee brace and a generous application of aspercream, then into the dungeon for an hour or so for fiddling around.

    With much grateful affection,
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Hello everyone and happy Wednesday. Later checking in because after a chilly but sunny walk, Debbie the groomer visited and spent about an hour and a half carefully snipping out George’s tangled coat. Wet, muddy walks followed by a bath and blow from a hairdryer has caused the problem but she admits George is a high maintenance breed at the best of times. She managed to leave a short layer on his tummy and about 1/2” across his back so he shouldn’t suffer in our current freezing temperatures. In the morning I will sort through dog coats and who knows, George might even let me put one on his back!
    Since our government is ignoring high numbers of infections that double each day, we expect shortages of supplies as more services lose staff so after Debbie left I drove into town and stocked up on groceries so I don’t have to shop again in a busy supermarket until we learn if a peak is imminent.
    This evening my cottage is cosy with fires in both downstairs rooms and I’m watching a programme about an archaeological dig in a 1700’s graveyard that covers the grounds of a Norman church. They might even get down to Anglo Saxon or Roman remains.

    Sandy, I’ve looked online for information about my new tv problems and it seems most comments confirm other owners are convinced it’s a design fault but I’ve thrown the box and packaging away so will think more about what todo next.
    Goodness, Max is going to be 5! Where did those years go? He has grown into a handsome young man and definitely a chip off his dad’s block! Enjoy your movie visit tomorrow and stay warm.

    Our temperatures plummeted overnight Lin so a shock to the system but it’s wonderful to see sunshine after so much grey, wet weather. We might get some snow in the morning before it turns to rain…. Yes, more rain!
    What an amazing design of teapot but I can’t imagine what it depicts. Doesn’t matter, it is, as you say, cute!

    Oh dear Anne, another lockdown and wild, windy weather. At least if you can’t go anywhere the weather doesn’t matter too much. That’s nice you continue to have Mark’s company even if he is working downstairs.

    No sign of Patsy. I do hope Katie is alright. ❤️

    Ooh, a Roman bathhouse being uncovered from Emperor Nero’s reign! I must concentrate!

    Take care and stay warm and safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Jackie, if bought from Amazon no box is needed. Even if not check with the company to see how you can return it without a box. If you charged it your can use your charge for a receipt. Good luck.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello again! Just thought I would let you see this amaryllis. She is at least 3 feet tall and threatens to jump out her tiny plastic pot before she blooms. She has a little sister in the same pot. Fun plant that grows overnight.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Hey PATSY, Its a jungle out there!!!!!!! Is Katie okay and of course yourself.
    I'm expecting a late Christmas gift package today. Wonder what it is, but I have an idea!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello. Brrrrrrr. Staying in again today. Should be much warmer by Saturday. Meanwhile, I have a Zoom meeting early this afternoon on land values. It sounds interesting.

    Patsy, I too love your jungle of plants. Looking forward to finding out what color the bloom(s) will be. Wishing Katie well with the vet. And Best wishes to you and John as well.

    Anne, oh my gosh, a late Christmas gift. How lovely. We will be waiting to hear what you’ve received. I hope it is something fun!

    Jackie, I saw a bit of Kerry out with the boys in the Lake District and they have new snow and he said it was quite cold. Similar to your weather? What ever happened to the nasty allotment man? Good for you on doing some stocking up. Our experts (right, who really can claim that) are saying our peak infection rate will not be for another 3 to 4 weeks. One of the libraries I visit from time to time has now shifted everything possible from I’m person to Zoom meetings for at least the remainder of January. Take care!

    Sandy, is the weather at all better in your area? Like the new microwave? Hope you are enjoying your day.

    I need to run along now. All heartfelt wishes to my dear Sneakers. ❤️❤️


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    I just received an email with the notification that this state is now on highest alert for Covid. It is now a Severe Risk, too of the scale.

    Yeah, well, staying home doesn’t seem too bad in the deep cold of winter.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Home from the movie, Sing2 was very cute. My friend told me to wear two masks to the movie so I listened and am grateful. When we ordered our tickets it looked like we were the only ones in there but there was a whole row of people in front and back of us. The seats are six feet in front and back but Lisa's parents didn't feel comfortable because the kids who were eating didn't wear their masks so they moved to the back of the theater. I am too the point that if I get it I just hope it is a mild case, not that I want it but they are saying one out of every 5 is getting now. I heard the peak will be in January and then things should start getting better. Let's pray, hope, cross our fingers whatever you do to get things back to normal.

    I don't think Max is happy waiting for his gifts until Saturday, he has been waiting so patiently for his birthday. Lisa and kids are going to a hotel tomorrow with another lady friend and her daughter to swim and have dinner. Lisa's parents and I didn't want to go so I am glad she has a friend to go with. Saturday the grandparents will celebrate with Max, but if it just us we should have done it today. I am not sure if she invited other people or not. I don't want to be an interfering mother in law. lol

    Have a good rest of your day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    We’re back to rain (no snow here Lin!) so our doggy walk was miserable. Both George and Betty were dressed in rain macs then off we set for a 2 mile trot to the next village and round the Quoit field. Three visitors were taking pictures of the Neolithic construction and I stopped to chat before heading home. A complete change of clothes into cosy joggers and a lazy afternoon.

    Sandy, my tv was purchased at a local outlet so I can possibly take it back without its box but difficult to prove an intermittent fault. It’s behaved for the past 2 days so I’ll wait and see!

    Welcome back Patsy with your Amaryllis. What a monster!

    Certainly cold here Lin and it looks like days of rain to come. 😫
    The man at the allotments causing upsets has gone quiet, maybe because it’s not gardening weather but hopefully and more likely, he has been told to behave by the councillor I spoke to who would have put him right on his lack of knowledge of how to manage a community association. My friend Linda, who was struggling with his behaviour, is rested after Christmas and ready to face up to him should he start again; me too although I’d prefer not to have to.
    Amazing isn’t it, your State is on high alert while in England we seem to be expected to carry on as if Covid isn’t a problem! Time will tell which approach is best.
    A pretty teapot but that handle on its lid wouldn’t last 5 minutes in my home!

    Feet up and another archaeological dig on tv! The whole country getting dug up!
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    I think anyone who goes to a theatre, hotel or any public place is enormously brave! Every country has its own method of dealing with this virus but I think Canada is on the right track especially as we sadly had our first local young child death today. We are pretty strict in Ontario but Quebec is even stricter with a night curfew in place now.

    The gift turned out to be a Magic Mouse whatever that is. I'm not sure how my laptop will improve with a Magic Mouse but Michael assures me it will. He's going to show me the magic tomorrow!

    Mark and Mary Jo are about to leave and Jilly is all excited because she really loves Mary Jo who takes time to play with her. The owner, Joe, of Harrys house turned up at 7:30 this morning to work on it and is still there. He wants to sell it in the spring but I wonder if he will get his money back after all the stuff that needs to be redone.

    Almost time for the news and to see what Mr Biden has to say about the awful event of exactly last year.

    Anne, who wore her mask to answer the door to the Fed Ex gal. She wore one as well!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Not so much brave Anne, but she wants to make Max’s birthday special. They all had Covid so they have natural immunization for at least 90 days besides the vaccines. They will be fine and they do wear their masks when in public. I don’t want you to think we are all being careless, we are very cautious. 💕
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Not sure what the problem is but I could not get my comments to really post yesterday and today. Just dropped in again to say hi! Katie is fine now. I am okay. Hobbling around with knee brace, aspercream and a grimace. The swelling going down but still painful. But I am upright and moving around. My knee might need replacement this spring when the surgeon can fit me in on a long line of people needing knee replacements. Tomorrow I will be cleaning up my plants and stabilizing the amaryllis. All my house plants are talking to me. Water-fertilizer-repot-trim all of them in every room. Whew!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Ooooops forgot sign out again!
    That’s me up above.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    A beautiful sunrise but by the time I’d showered, washed my hair and eaten breakfast it was raining! Betty showed no interest in a walk, in fact walked into the snug to turn her back so George and I took a quick trot round the block, he wearing his rain Mac and me in waterproofs. Now we’re home it’s looking a lot brighter but will it last? 🤔
    It’s my neighbour Louise’s 50th birthday and I’ve wrapped a couple of gifts but am wondering if I should pop round later because she is a teacher so spends her day with unvaccinated kids and I’m not sure I want to risk catching the virus. Decisions, decisions! I’ll text her to see what she suggests.

    Happy Friday! Housework and pumpkin soup to be made.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Back to normal days, laundry is going and it took me forever to balance my check book.
    Meeting Bryanna at T-Mobile store to see if they can give me a good deal on new phones. Love the camera on the I Phone 13 pro and our phones are getting outdated. All depends on the deal.
    Very cold here at 9 degrees F. I hear our gas bills for heating are doubling so I am preparing myself for a huge bill as I use my fireplace every night. Between heat and fuel for cars I need a part time job. lol
    Max was able to go to Target and pick out one gift on his birthday which was a game for his Nintendo.
    I should have known better than to think Lisa wouldn't give him a gift on his actual birthday.
    Her friend is unable to go with them today but she invited another teenage girl with her younger brother who is Max's friend so she will have help and I am glad I wasn't needed. o:)

    Jackie, has George adjusted to his rain mac? Aww to be 50 again, would I change anything, probably not. Wear double masks if you do see each other just to be safe. Not a fan of pumpkin but enjoy!! I bought a coffee pot with the microwave and I am not too happy with it since it drips when I take the pot out to pour a cup. I too, destroyed the box but it is from Walmart so I think they will take it back without a box, at least I hope so.

    Patsy, glad to hear Katie is fine, so no visit to the vet? Sorry you are still in pain, hope it feels better soon. Don't overdo too much stress on your knee. I am very happy with my knee replacements.

    Anne, I don't think our mayor or president wants anymore lockdowns, they just want people to get vaccinated and boosted. How sad for the child and her family, nothing can be harder than losing a child. I never heard of a magic mouse but I will google it, sounds like fun. So Joe wants to sell after making repairs, with this market he should make a fortune. I personally, liked President Biden's talk on the insurrection from last year, but that is just me.

    Lin, still freezing in Iowa like Chicago? I am really glad I have a garage so my car doesn't freeze up.
    How is the card making going?

    Washer done, time for dryer. Have a great day and keep smiling it drives people crazy.

    One Day at a Time