Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited December 2021
    Happy Monday! :) I have put in my grocery order for pickup later today and will hope for the best. I will do some laundry but that is about it. My son and his wife were very generous with a gift card so I ordered a new microwave and coffee pot and as an extra from myself a new garbage can. All things I wanted so I was grateful for the gift card. My daughter also sent one and with hers I ordered a chair cushion with a back for my dining room chair. I am so short I need a booster seat to sit high enough for dinner and/or games.

    Lin, we also had lightning and thunder last night. At first I thought it was reflection from my TV until I heard the thunder. Today it is 40 but it changes daily, crazy weather. My daughter's birthday is December 30 and my son's anniversary is January 6 as is Max's birthday. I always kept my daughter's birthday separate from Christmas so she didn't feel cheated. Good luck with your card. Max is a beautiful dog too bad they don't live as long as we do.

    Anne, I am joining you in going back to my regular diet this week although I still have a few cookies and some caramel corn. I will try to resist or at least ride the bike. Remind me once again, are Derek and Bev married? Enjoy your puzzle.

    Patsy, I am so glad you had a wonderful Christmas. Did you do the video call with your daughter and have dinner together? Damon sounds like an amazing man and could you pass on a couple of movies or commercials he had a part in? We watched Jumanji 2 on Christmas with the kids so last night I watched the first one with Robin Williams. Loved both movies and I did love Robin Williams.

    Jackie, I have been weighing myself every day and today I was not happy. I also have to get back in control because it is so easy to put on and so hard to take off. You also enjoy your puzzle.

    Barbie, so happy to see your posts and the snow looks so pretty with your beautiful fence. I wouldn't mind snow while the kids are off this week. I love watching it from inside my house. lol

    As a final note today is my son's 14th year in recovery and I couldn't be prouder. I am also grateful he got me into Al Anon because it has changed my life. Have a good day my friends.

    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited December 2021
    Heavens Lin. My Mom spent her last days in a senior home overlooking the Humber Bridge, she could see it from her bedroom window. My cousin Eileen lived on the far side in Lincolnshire and I've actually walked across that bridge three times to my cousin Eileens house and three times back to Moms nursing home. Small world! Once I was going to meet Eileen halfway and she was on the other side and we couldn't see each other so I ended up in Lincolnshire and she ended up in Yorkshire. My dad used to walk to the bridge along the river bank to watch the huge concrete blocks being poured at the start of the building but he never saw it completed because he died in his sixties.
    It is regularly closed because of high winds making it sway dangerously.
    Fancy a teapot being made depicting it!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    No real change in our weather so on with the waterproofs and off we go each morning. Today I stayed away from the top moors because the local hunt with their dogs often charge about Boxing Day and I didn’t fancy meeting them in full flow. The wet ground was churned up by horse hooves and large dog paws in places but I heard no horns or barking dogs!
    More phone calls when I got home then I finished the jigsaw before sitting quietly with online instructions on how to retune a smart tv because mine had been playing up. After several tries it seems to be working fine and I caught up with international news on Aljazeera that doesn’t talk constantly about Covid. They reported the record breaking freezing weather hitting western Canada as well as Patsy and John’s snow storms. Floods in Brazil too so lots happening along the Pacific.

    My school friend Anne told me today that a lady I knew as a child, who is a month away from reaching 100, is waiting to learn if her carer has Covid because a lateral flow test showed positive on Christmas Day and she’s waiting for the result of a PCR test. Anne’s sister visited the same day and met the carer before going to Anne’s home for the day. Both Anne and her sister have underlying health issues but have received booster shots so hopefully the PCR test will be negative. Just shows how easy this virus can spread!

    Far too much to eat and drink has left me feeling lethargic so I will be happy to get back to my normal healthy diet. On that note I’ll rummage through my fridge for something small and fresh. The pooches and Brady are fussing too!
    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear friends! We have a Christmas card kind of day. Pretty snow about 3 to 4 inches deep. Now it is to turn bitter cold. Not sure how long this snow will hand around. The upshot is that Damon had to leave early because he was worried about the roads. And it appears with good reason. He had a nightmare trip back. Slick unplowed roads, no sanding, no studded tires and lots of crazy drivers. He said he almost didn’t make it.

    We cut back on our Christmas ceremony and decor and only did checks as gifts. Let me say, I really didn’t like that. I will cut back but next year not on the things I really love. I might hire some help with setting up the tree if I can find it. Gifts will remain simple however, but maybe token gifts to open with money inside or something like that. Must think creatively. John wants us to find a caterer to do Christmas dinner. He doesn’t want us to work at all. Just eat, drink and visit and be merry. I don’t think this will happen but it is a wonderful thought. He must have been watching Downton Abbey!

    I love the special food and sweet treats but that bloated feeling after…uggggggh! Back to veggie soup and herb tea!

    Glad we are all healthy and had a satisfying and wonderful holiday. Ours was very nice indeed. We had a grand visit our small family. Our daughter was on the computer with us. Not sure what you it….we could all see each other. But it didn’t look like a zoom call.
    Hoping for a safe and healthy year to come for us all.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) I had three deliveries before 9am this morning. Two of the boxes were gigantic, they had boxes in boxes The microwave was not easy getting up my 14 steps but I managed to push it up on the carpeted stairs. Now I have to set all three items up.
    The sheets are in the washer, the rest was done yesterday. We are expecting snow, possibly 3 inches but we will see. I am not sure about sitting yet, it depends on the weather.

    Patsy, no matter what the decorations or food the best part of Christmas is being with family if possible.
    Poor Damon driving in hazardous conditions, I am glad he made it home safe. There are many ways to have video calls but whichever was used I am glad your daughter was with you.

    Jackie, oh dear, I do hope your near 100 year old friend will be fine. I hate to say it, but if rapid test was positive then more than likely the PCR will be. There are a lot of negative rapid tests and the PCR are positive. If all are vaccinated then even with covid they should remain out of hospital. Let's pray that no one has covid. Lisa's mom goes today so I am anxious to hear her results.

    Hello to everyone else and I hope you all enjoy your day today.
    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh bother! I lost my post again! I forgot to hit the post reply tab! I will try again later.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited December 2021
    Hi, we have had rain, little balls of ice and then general freezing today. It has now warmed up and all has melted. I waited until it was a bit warmer and then set off to do a few errands. I got the extra postage and sent my friend’s birthday card. Then I stopped at Walgreen’s for a few items. They were very low on personnel. One checkout person, no one in the pharmacy and one person to help people find things and stock shelves, no one at the cosmetic counter. Wow!

    Then I dropped off my books at the library. My friend who is still recovering from Covid called and she sounds so much better now. She said her home health care and home physical therapy is about at an end but she is feeling like she has made progress.

    Need something from my doctor’s office and I left a message with them last week. No answer so I checked the patient portal again. All virtual telemedicine appointments are now cancelled as they do not have enough personnel to staff that and their clinic. Yipes!

    I have ordered some groceries for curbside pickup tomorrow. Today’s slots were all taken. I hope the weather is okay tomorrow morning as Whole Foods does not allow cancellations.

    Well Sandy, wow, what a day of deliveries. Ha, now setting everything up. Hope it went quickly.

    Patsy, I am glad Damon got home safely. Driving in poor weather is nerve wracking. Good thing he got going when he did.

    Jackie, I hope your friend, sister and acquaintance are all okay and that darn Covid virus missed them. The Minder DVD arrived so I will be having a look at that soon.

    Anne, hello? Did I miss you today? Hope you are well. And what a coincidence that you have so many memories of that particular bridge. It looks massive to me.

    Be well everyone.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Hello friends. After a crazy walk on the moors being battered by gale force winds that knocked me about and lay George’s whiskers flat across his face, I spent a couple of hours on FaceTime with friend Pat then watched a Netflix documentary about a cult in the 80’s set up in a small town in Oregon called Antelope. Beautiful scenery that had me thinking of Patsy and John but the story itself was bizarre and held my attention until the end. My tv lost lots of local channels again but I can now retune without having to check instructions. I seem to get a different selection each time and Pat mentioned her tv is doing the same so it must be engineers fiddling with the digital transmissions.
    No news yet about the carer’s Covid test but with her living in London where the highest rate of infection is, I’m guessing the Labs are inundated!
    Gone midnight and tomorrow I want to get some groceries early which means getting up and out at the crack of dawn so I’ll love you and leave you.
    Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) There was more snow overnight Monday night--just enough to provide traction on the places that had gotten packed and icy. I woke up extra early and got out early with the dogs so after they went in I had almost two hours to walk in the dark on fresh snowy roads with no one around. My phone rang at 6 and it was the woman from grocery pickup to tell me the store was closing early and they needed us to come in earlier than our scheduled 10AM. When I scheduled the pickup I couldn't get anything earlier than 10AM so I was delighted. When we got there we found out that we and one other customer were the only ones who would be getting our groceries. All the others were canceled. We got everything on our order except bread because the bread deliveries didn't come and the bread shelves were empty. This was all a blessing because our usual Sunday pickup had been cancelled when the power went out in town and the store had to close. Otherwise, we're staying home. Jake canceled an appointment to have some non urgent work done on the car this morning so he could stay off the roads. My YakTrax allow me to walk all over with ease.

    <3 Barbie
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    I was awol yesterday because up to my ears in changing two duvet covers plus sheets and washing the lot for a new start to a new year plus everything else. The bridge is HUGE LIN, Not sure but I think its three miles long, quite a walk eh if I'm right. It crosses the river Humber estuary.
    Anyway, I must get on because Bean and I overslept, just hitting base but will be back later!
    Oh, OUR Sandy was telling me her daughter couldn't get an appointment anywhere to get her toddlers tested who have the sniffles. Numbers are quite alarming of new cases with Quebecs being the worst. Michael is back at work but they are short staffed. Hey ho.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) We got a little snow but the sun is out so should be gone by the time I pick up Joe for lunch. I can finally give him his Christmas gift. I am returning the microwave that I bought and set up after lugging it up the stairs because it doesn't have numbers on the panel and the panel doesn't light up. So back in the box and the old one back on the counter. Bryanna will come and help me get it down the stairs and into my car to return to Walmart. I found one I like better but have to get my credits before purchasing. Since it is not in store I will be lugging up another big box when it arrives. Good thing I am still in decent shape or at least shape enough to get it pushed up the stairs. lol I do love my new printer and my new garbage can that has a sensor to open and close it.

    Anne, are you putting on winter duvet covers or just new decorating? Appointments are hard to get here as well and our numbers are skyrocketing. The good news is that they keep saying if fully vaccinated and boosted if you do get the variant it will be mild as long as you don't have underlying conditions.
    They said that even if exposed and vaccinated you do not have to isolate but of course wearing a mask is mandatory inside. I hope Sandy's toddlers just have a cold and not covid, although if they did they should be fine.

    Barbie, are you not afraid to walk in the dark? I know you get up at the crack of dawn and I admire you for moving so fast. Me, I have to have three cups of coffee and breakfast before even thinking about my shower. Lot's of snow in Washington good thing you have those trax shoes. How old are Sasha and Bessie now?

    Jackie, have you decided to keep your smart TV after all? I really would like to get one but my TV is working fine so I hate to spend the money just to upgrade. Call me cheap.

    Lin, you also had a full day yesterday. It feels good to get it all done doesn't it?

    Patsy, I am sorry you lost your post. I tried the save draft so I could go back to another page and it worked, I like that feature.

    Have a great day and of course keep staying safe.

    One Day at a Time

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Sandy, My neighborhood is a very safe place for walking in the dark, especially in the early morning when there is rarely another person or a car. With my YakTrax I am safe from slipping and a good flashlight helps me notice any possible problems. I go out with the dogs into the grassy field behind the house as soon as I get up, then come in for breakfast before going out on a longer walk. I have an outfit of "dog walking clothes" laid out in the bathroom so I can get dressed immediately. I don't drink coffee and I don't shower until after the long walk. With the way below freezing temperatures, the dogs haven't been walking for more than about 15 minutes because their feet get cold. Bessie just turned 9 and Sasha turned 14 in June.

    :) My friend who usually walks with the dogs and me is staying away for a while because her daughter might have been exposed to covid via the wife of a co worker. My friend is very mindful of Jake's health so she stays away any time there is the slightest chance she might have been exposed.

    :) My friend who walks with me on Sundays has been to Texas and is awaiting the results of a Covid test before she will walk with me again.

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    The alarm on my phone was set for 7.30 this morning but I woke up just after 7 so although dark, got up and out to the supermarket where I was delighted to see the car park almost empty. It was well stocked with fresh fruit and veggies which is what I was after and I managed to ignore the selection of Christmas cakes and puds reduced to clear. When I got home I realised I hadn’t seen Brady who usually comes in from his nocturnal travels looking for breakfast around 7. Horrendous weather with more high winds and horizontal rain so, since my car was still out, I drove to the lowest section of moor to attempt a walk with George and Betty. It was a struggle to stay upright so although I was quite amused to be knocked about, I cut off a large corner where sheep were sheltering and fought my way back to my car. Out came the hair dryer to blow over George and Betty while my waterproofs were hung to drip dry again.
    Still no sign of Brady so I did wonder if he had gone next door even though the neighbours are away. A friend is house sitting but had gone out so I couldn’t check. By 3 o’clock I was really worried in case he had made his way to the road in the dark and been run over so I took George on his lead in that direction asking where’s Brady, find him and he immediately sniffed the ground for a scent and took off. Blow me, halfway along the track Brady appeared from the undergrowth and greeted George, not me!! He’s eaten some kibble and gone back out into the dark so up to mischief somewhere.

    Sandy, the only reason I bought the new tv was because the old one didn’t have the right connections for an Amazon fire stick and I wanted to receive Netflix. Of course I’ve now discovered a Smart tv has Netflix, Amazon prime, Discovery, Walt Disney and others installed so don’t need the fire stick so have boxed it up and will give it to any friend who could use it. It’s small, 32” and the picture is sharp so ideal in my little snug. Next problem, my old DVD player has the wrong connection! What a shame the microwave wasn’t right for you and I know what you mean because mine doesn’t have illuminated numbers so I have to find reading glasses to use it and practically press my nose against the door to set the time! Have a fun lunch with Joe.

    Anne, England has been running short of Covid tests too and I dread to think what will happen in the next couple of weeks. Nearly all patients in hospitals are unvaccinated. Phew, all that laundry but I bet you’re feeling good to get the job completed.

    Lin, I hope you enjoy the Minder programme. It’s a bit different to the norm but I know you enjoy our quirky English humour. No news from my friends about that carer’s Covid test and I’m guessing I would have been told if any of them was feeling unwell. I trust everything you ordered was ready for the kerbside pickup so you don’t have to search elsewhere.

    Mild temperatures at the moment so 14c nighttime and no reason to light fires. Almost an English summer (haha) so it’s salad for tonight’s meal!

    Stay safe and well. Thank goodness we all managed to get a booster.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited December 2021
    Good afternoon. It is snowing lightly right now. Started about 2 hours ago as forecast.

    I got a text at 6am that my grocery order was being packed. I was scheduled for pickup between 9 and 10am. The second text arrived at 8am—order is ready to pick up. So off I went and picked a spot. The associate was out with the cart almost immediately. Unlike Walmart, you don’t know what you’ve actually received until you get home and they have done the final processing. Pleasant surprise, I did receive everything in my order and the fresh veggies look just fine by the way.

    I got home, unloaded my order and then got back in the car and drove to the gas station to fill up the tank. Now that took longer than getting my groceries. Several pumps had plastic over the pump handle. Out of service. You must prepay before pumping gas and surprise, the slot for the credit/debit card had a card inserted saying the reader was out of order. Okay, I moved on and finally found one that appeared to work. But you have to enter your zip code and the numeric keypad was nearly impossible to use. The numbers didn’t register even with hammering as hard as possible. The lady at the next pump over said she had the same problem. Gosh! Anyway, my hands froze and I kept at it and finally the numbers entered and I pumped my gas with dear old gas gloves on. When finished I drove home and was pleased that my hands did not smell like petrol/gasoline. Poor old gas gloves really help.

    Then I summoned all my courage and called my doctor’s office. After about 45 minutes, I am pleased that I have an appointment in March, a promise to contact my pharmacy for a refill and best of all no trip downtown tomorrow for a lab visit. 🤞🏻🤞🏻that is if it all works out. My doctor is having a knee replacement next week and will not be back until March. Hoping it goes well for him.

    After lunch, I called my friend who lives North of me. They had more snow the other day and now have colder temperatures. We had a nice conversation. We are both tired of Christmas movies. 😄

    Jackie, thank heavens you found Brady. George is a tracking wiz. I would be worried about Brady with all the travels. Glad you are having warmer temps. I like quirky programs so I have high hopes. The only program that I purchased that I haven’t liked, at least not to this point, is ‘Allo ‘Allo.

    Anne, wow, a lot of laundry. All finished now? That was quite a walk when you traversed that bridge. I am not certain I would be happy with that. I used to get quite anxious when I was riding in the car when I was a child, and we had to cross a bridge.

    Sandy, I hope you and Joe had a nice lunch and a good conversation. I am glad Bryanna will help you with your packages. It is tough wrestling big and/or heavy boxes. That’s an issue for me too!

    Barbie, I am happy to hear you got almost everything on your list. That makes you happy doesn’t it? I am glad your friends understand your need to stay well clear of anyone with Covid.

    Patsy, wow, mid-week and the Happy New Years greetings are flowing. I wonder if we will have a Rose Parade this year. Last I heard it was still iffy. Hoping you and John and Katie are safe and have plenty of supplies.

    Back to cutting out angels. The blue paper I need has been sent and may be delivered Monday. Wahoo!

    Hoping for happy days.



  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Hello, well its bone chilling cold here. You know, whatever you put on you still feel chilly and add to that its been as dark as Hades all day with the lamps blazing away. I expect I'll be on the look out for a new micro wave oven soon. Mine's so ancient! It was already ancient when I appeared on the scene in 1989! I can't complain. !

    So what to do on such a bone chilling day. Well I dug the emergency ham out of the freezer and once defrosted it baked away in the oven for over three hours. That warmed us up a bit but to be honest I will be glad when its bedtime and I can bury my nose under the nice newly washed duvet. Just my usual two duvets SANDY which I wash all the time, but washed early this week to greet the New Year.

    BBC is being very nice and are giving us two weeks of free viewing. I've enjoyed some of the shows so much I think I'll add this channel to my present package. Of course it could be that they are putting on the very best of British to tempt us!

    I don't need to order groceries this week. Even after chucking out all the out of date stuff I'll be okay for a while. Mind you by this time next week I'll be yearning for fresh veggies. I've still got Brussel sprouts, loads of potatoes. carrots. and broccoli, plus a huge bag of frozen Ontario blueberries so it will be a few days before I dive into frozen and canned peas and fruit.

    So once again a nothing "keep in touch" post. BARBIE you are astonishing with your walking in foul weather and that goes for JACKIE as well. Hey PATSY, where are you? LIN, Mary Jo tells me Whole Foods was well stocked when she went there yesterday.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I really don’t remember what was in my lost post but my news today isn’t really great! In truth, I don’t feel all that well at all! I am worried but I can’t see how I have Covid or a variant. As you know we are all totally vaccinated. Including booster. We sort of isolate most of the time. Damon works from home and hasn’t sailed in a couple of months. BUT I really feel bad. Headache, general body aches, runny nose and scary feeling in my chest. It is hard to take a deep breath. I checked online with medline and several medical sites. They say get a test ASAP. The roads are still bad, but I am calling our doc to see what he suggests. John and Damon are fine. Right now I am drinking hot herb tea and feel very tired. I guess I will take a nap while I wait to hear from our doc. Wish me luck!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Do you make chunky soups Anne? As I read you have loads of potatoes and carrots I immediately thought of quick and easy tasty, warming soup with a slice of homemade bread to line your tummy. Maybe a sprinkle of grated Cheddar melting on top!

    Gone midnight so off to bed with the sound of the wind that’s travelled up from North Africa howling round my chimney. 🌬💨
    Jackie 😴
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    I really don’t remember what was in my lost post but my news today isn’t really great! In truth, I don’t feel all that well at all! I am worried but I can’t see how I have Covid or a variant. As you know we are all totally vaccinated. Including booster. We sort of isolate most of the time. Damon works from home and hasn’t sailed in a couple of months. BUT I really feel bad. Headache, general body aches, runny nose and scary feeling in my chest. It is hard to take a deep breath. I checked online with medline and several medical sites. They say get a test ASAP. The roads are still bad, but I am calling our doc to see what he suggests. John and Damon are fine. Right now I am drinking hot herb tea and feel very tired. I guess I will take a nap while I wait to hear from our doc. Wish me luck!

    Oh Patsy, I am sorry you are feeling unwell. I hope you are able to get in touch with your doctor. Do you have any home tests on hand? I hope it is nothing serious and you will feel better soon. Hugs……

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited December 2021
    Thanks for the tip JACKIE. Yes I am very much into soups and Lancashire Hot Pot etc. Perfect for this time of year. Sleep well despite that wind in the chimney!

    PATSY, oh no! I do indeed wish you luck. Mike had similar symptoms, headache etc. got tested but it was a very bad cold/flu. Hope its the same for you. Taking a nap sounds a very good idea. God bless,
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Oh Patsy, please look after yourself because even colds can be nasty. We have been isolated and disinfected to a point where the slightest harmless bug could give us a bad time, then there is the constant Covid news coming at us for nearly 2 years so I truly believe the lack of social get togethers is having an adverse affect on all our mental health. You are probably not the sort of person to suffer panic attacks but believe me, in these circumstances we are all vulnerable. I’m guessing a test is a priority and hopefully John can drive to a pharmacy to collect for the 2 of you’ll long as the roads are safe.

    I hope you don’t mind but I copied this bit of advice from our NHS website.

    Things to try if you're feeling breathless

    If you're feeling breathless, it can help to keep your room cool.

    Try turning the heating down or opening a window. Do not use a fan as it may spread the virus.

    You could also try:

    breathing slowly in through your nose and out through your mouth, with your lips together like you're gently blowing out a candle
    sitting upright in a chair
    relaxing your shoulders, so you're not hunched
    leaning forward slightly – support yourself by putting your hands on your knees or on something stable like a chair
    Try not to panic if you're feeling breathless. This can make it worse.

    Please let us know how you both get on. We care so much about your little family unit.
    Jackie 🥰