Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Should Santa be on the naughty list?


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Not offensive Lin, but very funny!!!!
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    I lost a post so just popped in to have a good laugh at poor old Santa who certainly needs a shot in these troubled times LIN! However, a mistletoe tattoo shot?
    A doing nothing much sort of day for me. Mark popped in and Michael says he feels a bit better.
    But poor John and his tooth PATSY. Glad he got through that ordeal! Hate dentists.
    JACKIE that is one nice photo and I didn't really notice a red nose, I can't go back anyway to have another peek at this point. Now THATS something the MFP guys and gals could usefully fix! Going back to a previous page whilst typing on this one.
    The same as with LIN and you. I have electric problems concerning outlets in this old place as well.
    SANDY having a day off nibbling cookies. One thing I've noticed both Mike and I have been under the weather after losing a bit of weight. Thats my excuse anyway for diving into the mincepies I made yesterday.
    Well, it's gently snowing but will melt by Christmas Day.
    Time for a cuppa to finish off my doing nothing day!
    Oh something did happen in the shower this morning. I almost ruined Christmas by taking a nose dive after my suction mat unsuctioned. Fortunately I was hanging onto a handle
    otherwise I wouldn't have liked Mark to have seen his mother looking even more naked than Santa having the needle, lol.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Morning, a small smile to start your day.
    Went into the bedroom to fetch my necklace. Came out and Jilly wanted her brekky. Fed Jilly and wondered where I'd put the necklace. Searched the house and gave up. Went into the bathroom. Peered into the mirror and it was around my neck!
    Aint old age grand!
    Anne....slowly losing it!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited December 2021
    Very funny Anne and we have all done it. I have had my phone in my hand and look for it. I also stop at stop signs and wait for them to turn green. (maybe just once) but you get the idea.
    Going to my meeting and that is it except for buying gas.
    Lisa's mom was at therapy yesterday wearing a double mask and everyone else had masks besides the sanitizing they do and found out today that one of the therapist tested positive today. It is too soon to get tested but we are going to go anyway tomorrow. I think she will be fine.
    My granddaughter flew in from Virginia to go to her mom and dad's in Edwardsville and got off the plane with sniffles, sore throat and aches and pains so she is being tested today. I was going to go there Sunday through Wednesday but because of both situations I cancelled.
    It is everywhere so be careful and keep those masks on and social distance. At least those of us with the three shots are more protected from the new variant so if you didn't get the booster I strongly suggest you do, because I love all of you.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Oh Anne, yes I’m guessing we’ve all been there! My regular loss is my keys, usually when I’ve got as far as putting on not so clean walking boots to walk on the moors, then have to walk back into the cottage to find them. More often than not they are already in my coat pocket!

    I’ve done everything I need to, shopping delivered cards and gifts and picked up Betty’s dietary kibble from the vet practice.
    We got soaked walking in thick fog and driving rain and the only person I saw was Brian looking dejected because it’s his first Christmas without his wife. Nothing to be said other than I’ll look out for him walking Duke next week when it’s all over. The awful weather cleared by midday as I drove about delivering and it’s much milder so I managed to muck out the hen house and bring in fuel for the fires. One of my visits was to 96 year old Les but I left George and Betty in my car because they were still damp. Just as well because he was dog sitting his daughter’s small dogs and 10 minutes into the visit his granddaughter arrived with her dog Ronnie, a huge Mastiff that would have terrified my pooches, as soppy as he was!

    Sandy, I think it’s going to be difficult to avoid this current variant the way it spreads but hopefully the scientists are right about it being relatively mild. Standing in a queue at one store a young couple came behind me and stood so close I would have stepped on toes if I moved back. I loved the idea of waiting for a sign to change colour… that did make me laugh! Take care at your meeting.

    I’ve noticed we now have an option to save a draft next to the post reply box so we should be able to refer back to a previous page but won’t test that theory just now!

    Lin, I’m going to take the idea of an air freshener tab and tie one to Betty’s tail! Santa’s tattoo gave me a laugh too!

    A friend’s mother in law passed away on Monday aged 99 and although you don’t know her, I want to share this wonderful photo of her taken just a month ago. What a delightful, full of life lady.! Let’s all be that cheerful when we reach her age!

    Hmm, time to cook although I’ve no appetite. I’ll sip a glass of wine and consider my options.

    Enjoy your day and stay safe.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy day before Christmas Eve! We have partly sunny day but with gathering clouds. But! Dear ones! We gained a few seconds of extra sunlight. Not much, I grant you! But more than yesterday. It gives me great hope. At some point, we will see spring again.

    I made a whopping big pot of oatmeal-raisins-apple-almond butter for our breakfast. It might fatten John up and I will have a very small bowl to keep me going today. John loves this kind of breakfast. I must say…so do I!

    Damon will be coming on Christmas Eve. I will have egg white salmon quiche and a salad ready with an enormous glass of white wine, Oregon Riesling. Must be loyal to our homeland. Oregon wines are very good but it is a very homey small industry here. If you visit a winery it will be a farmhouse with a sort of front porch tasting room. Certainly not the amazing stained glass and brick mansions of Napa Valley in California.

    I am feeling strangely hopeful that the pandemic, even with all the current setbacks, will be ever so slowly winding down. Even if John or both of us get sick, we will fight like crazy to get well again. I will take every pill/shot known to help. I believe in the medical research. Evidence is on our side.

    As far as absent minded, well! John is an all time champ. He knows he is a total goof. And to make matters worse, he isn’t concerned in the least. It is his common practice to stop in place stare up at the ceiling and yell, “PATSY! Where in blazes in my ——-!” And the hunt begins.

    It is important, I tell myself, not to get stressed over Christmas. It is one day, and the emotion we are trying to preserve is love and showing it for people we care about. I get so nutty about wanting a kind of Christmas we see in the movies. Why?

    An now I must make stuffed mushrooms as a sort of appetizer for Christmas Eve.
    Be safe and test! Test! Test! Take your vitamins. Wear your mask, crack the window for ventilation
    And wash hands constantly! Advice from Oregon Public Health department.

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    I see a glimmer of hope as well PATSY. The virus seems to be losing strength. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited December 2021
    Good afternoon. I cannot believe it is almost dark already! I had a nice long conversation with a friend this afternoon. Her family is trying to figure out what they will do for Christmas as only a portion of the family is vaccinated. It seems to be one family argument after another. My friend has been somewhat unwell and her doctor feels she may need an antidepressant. Covid is really getting to us in many unhappy ways.

    Anne, well good for you in finding the missing necklace relatively quickly. I might have wandered about all day looking for it. 😂 I don’t ordinarily misplace my keys or garage door opener, wallet etc. I just misplace card related supplies. But I usually find them….👍🏻

    Jackie, the photo of the 99 year old lady shows a person with a lot of life for certain. How wonderful. It would be a blessing to be vibrant for the full measure of our days. You had a productive day. Not hungry? After all that running about and work? I hope you cooked something, maybe a small share with George and Betty?

    Patsy, yippee! Damon will arrive tomorrow evening. And the celebration begins. 😄🎉😃 enjoy your time together. And I hope John’s tooth does not bother him. Oooh, mushrooms! Love them.

    Sandy, good idea to avoid someone who is obviously ill. Covid, flu, etc. Good to avoid any and all of that. I hope you have a good time tomorrow. Still think you will go to Mass in person? I will be watching our church service online tomorrow evening.

    Nothing too interesting here. I have been on the phone with one friend after another the last 2 days as celebrations begin in earnest tomorrow. It was nice to speak with everyone.

    Be as safe as possible.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    No, Lin we are not going in person. We will all get together at Lisa's mom's house and watch a live video from my Church on Facebook. It will still be at 2:30 so we will be celebrating early which is good for the kiddos.
    My granddaughter won't get her results for 2-5 days so their plans are on hold.
    It is still a strange time for celebrations but we will make the most of it.

    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Good morning. Snow outside which is about to melt. A "warm" Christmas is forecast

    I'm washing so all is clean for Santa's visit tonight. Not that I expect Santa to visit because I haven't been particularly nice this year, what with cursing bee stings and shingles etc.

    It looks like it will be only me and Jilly IF Mark and Mary Jo decide to go ahead and cook plum pudding and all because Michael is still feeling unwell AND contagious. None of us want to add flu to everything else. I was a bit worried about Derek because I wasn't sure if He'd had chickenpox and apparently shingles can cause chickenpox in folk who haven't had it as a child. Turns out he was vaccinated against it so I shall wear my thick woolly socks as a sort of foot mask if I get to see him, lol. as an extra precaution. That's because my only itchy spot now is my ankles. Have to watch Jilly, she likes to lick thick red rashes! Just a hound dog at heart!

    That's me for now. Don't you just love Christmas Eve though with the lights turned low and all the goodies, a pet snuggled up to you and a feeling of goodwill to all men.

    Happy Christmas,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Christmas Eve! :) I have to get my appetizers prepared but just wanted to drop in and say Merry Christmas in case I don't get on early tomorrow. Have a wonderful time tonight and tomorrow, Christmas is such a special Holiday. I am hoping I can get my grandkids to sing to Jesus tomorrow for his birthday.
    You ladies are a gift to me and I appreciate all of you so much.

    Merry Christmas
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited December 2021
    Wishing everyone happy days.

    Just doing laundry, paying a few bills and texting with friends.

    It turns out a number of people I know are having less than good holidays. Well, I am going to dig back in to books and of course, a birthday card needed for a friend just after the first of the year.



  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Mikes feeling better so 5 of us, Mark, Mary Jo, Derek, Mike and myself, plus the GIANT Siberian cat Hobbes and wee Jilly will be gathering at the Ms for Christmas Luncheon/dinner around 2:00pm. Not our usual evening meal and merry making, but oh so good to see us all gathered together again, if maybe for a fairly short visit compared to Christmas past. SANDY said it very well, you ladies are such treasures and I hope Christmas Day is enjoyable for each and every one of you.
    Anne. xxxxxxxx
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Well! Well! We made it through to another Christmas Eve and if I do say so…we have all been as good as we can be!

    I am feeling more than a little thankful that we here all seem well and content. So many of our friends and members of our very small family have suffered great losses this past year. If we are all very careful and do not take unreasonable chances, we might see the tail end of this pandemic. And it bares repeating, dear friends, I know we all realize how remarkable this group is. I never knew it would be possible to really know and care so much for friends I have never met. I yearn to hear that you are happy and feeling well. My dearest friends, you are a never ending source of fun and friendship.

    I am waiting to hear Damon is on his way before I make the quiche. The news has made me nervous about having even Damon come. I worry we might infect him or Vice versa. We all all vaccinated and boosted. We are more or less isolated most of the time so I think we will all be okay. Crazy times.

    Lin: what books are you reading? Do you ever reread favorites? I see you sitting in a big comfy chair with your heated throw and a dish of peppermint candy canes at your elbow. Maybe a mug of tea or coffee as well…..true?

    Sandy: sounds like you will have a big lovely Christmas. Children, giggles, surprises and appetizers! Happy birthday to Jesus and church at home! A beautiful Christmas!

    Anne: oh Glory! You are so right. Having your family all together is so special it is hard to describe. I will be so glad when is possible here. Still we have much to be grateful for. We will enjoy the moment.

    Jackie: take great care, my friend! You are in the middle of the variant war zone. Enjoy a peaceful and safe Christmas Eve. I will be thinking of you and following your lead from last year…I will read everyone’s notes and relate your interesting lives to my family. I even remember all your creatures names except for the chickens…except for Storm, of course.
    I truly love you all!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Oh excitement! I got the best Christmas gift. The handyman just stopped by and fixed the loose siding. 🎄🎄👍🏻👍🏻


  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Maybe, just maybe, it was Santa in disguise LIN. !!!!!!!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited December 2021

    Hello dear Sneakers. It’s just gone midnight so Christmas has officially arrived!
    Another wet day so George and Betty didn’t enjoy their walk as we all got soaked. Of course the rain eased just as we returned home which encouraged me to pop to the allotment to dig for parsnips to roast tomorrow. The heavens opened again but the parsnips look amazing along with a couple of carrots!
    My neighbours I often share Christmas lunch with have sensibly decided not to cook or have visitors because next week they are travelling to Snowdonia for a break and don’t want to risk this rampant virus before they even get away. I’m relieved not to have the worry but instead will light fires, roast allotment veggies with free range pork loin and watch Mary Poppins with the furries. Debs and Louise will drop in briefly to exchange presents.

    You all mean the world to me, and that includes your extended families I’ve got to know so much about. I’ll be thinking of you enjoying the festivities and raise a glass even though you’ll barely be up and about when I do!

    Whoopee Lin, as Anne says, that was possibly Santa that paused his preparations to fix your siding… The best sort of present! 🎅🏼

    Have fun and please take care.
    Jackie 🥰

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member

    Some fascinating Christmas facts to give you a smile although I’m not sure about coffin shaped mince pies!!
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Happy Christmas. Did anyone get a pony? 😄
