Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Just to let you know that absolutely no problems for Jilly at the vet. She is such a friendly little thing that she makes friends wherever she goes and the girl who brought her out and to the car said everyone was so impressed with her. I'm not sure if she's naturally friendly or a con artist!
    Mikes decided I haven't had shingles at all, just some look alike. Based on the fact that it attacked everywhere rather than just one spot. I don't care as long as it keeps fading away.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    edited December 2021
    Fie !!

    My post disappeared as I tried to add a teapot photo. So just a photo for now. Nothing much of interest. Wishing everyone well.

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Hello, this is from me Jilly the Bean whilst Anne isn't looking. Just want to thank JACKIE and George, Betty and Brady for the cute doggie picture and to thank you all for your good wishes.

    Dear Katie, don't be frightened! The secret is to look adorable, lick everyone in sight and wag your tail a lot. Anne says mine will fall off if I wag it much more but of course it won't. Anyway look cute and close your eyes and before you know it, you will have lovely short claws and a big treat for being a brave girl. Then everyone makes a fuss of you, and takes you outside to get another treat from your Patsy and John for being a brave girl. This really works.
    Anne thinks I'm a con dog but my doggie mom taught me the fittest survive. Hee Hee.
    woof woof.
    Jilly Bean.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Jilly and Anne: ooooooh I am not sure Katie could pull that off. She is big! She is loud! She is very strong! She growls in a very disagreeable way! She is terrified and tries to terrify everyone else! And she really is afraid strangers. It takes a lot of work to get her socialized. Anne! You and Jilly are lucky to have each other. Jilly sounds very well trained and well behaved.

    Katie is our big yellow adorable juvenile delinquent. We love her beyond all measure and we try daily to make her feel secure and loved. There are days when we almost succeed. Then there are those other days……..
    Patsy and Katie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,777 Member
    Finally a beautiful day with wall to wall blue sky and temperature hovering around 8c. I even had a lie in until 8am then hair washed in shower and porridge with stewed plums so I’m definitely feeling human again. Sorry to have gone on about leaks, water and mud but it is surprising how, as i get older, such hiccups bother me more in a silly why me sort of way.
    Anyway, bedding was washed overnight and hung out in the sunshine then Dan arrived with posts and trellis and while I walked Betty and George he got on digging holes, admitting he’s being cautious as he digs deeper!
    There was a cold wind blowing on the moors but this is George’s favourite weather so he ran, did a lot of dancing and dared to face up to a sheep that just stood her ground and probably wondered if he was a lost lamb! Betty had lots of fun keeping up with him unless he went too far from me, then she raced to me with ears flying.
    On the way home I stopped off at the farm supply shop to buy wild bird food and hen’s pellets and am now contemplating my next move. Perhaps I should be outside while it’s so nice.

    Patsy, have you seen those amazing SAD glasses that are now available? They have that 1950’s look about them that had wavey designs but instead they beam light across the eyes.

    Dear Daisy is a lucky girl to have you and John with all your love and patience. It’s taken me 7 years to accept George is not the most sociable pooch but I do see the funny side of him imagining he’s a Rottweiler. I meant to buy nail clippers at the pet shop yesterday but it was so busy I didn’t hang around long enough to check off my mental list. Perhaps I’ll try mine.

    Well done Jilly for being such a good girl and making the most of all that attention. It must be a relief Anne, to get that little job out of the way. We were just beginning to get back to being allowed beyond the vet’s front door but I’m guessing we’ll be back to waiting outside after Christmas.

    Oh Lin, how annoying for you to lose your post. We all seem to regularly suffer flying screens! What a gorgeous teapot so thanks for at least posting that!

    Sandy, you are on the previous page but I do remember how busy you are so as ever, just take care.

    Brrr, just stood outside talking to Dan and it’s got a lot colder so I will get some logs stacked in the store then stay indoors in the warm.

    Happy Saturday.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Well, we woke up to snow on the ground and everything looking Christmassy, but by now it is all gone with pouring rain instead. Except up north apparently where Mike lives.

    A huge relief getting Bean all done and dusted before we are all confined to quarters. There were about 4 cars waiting outside for the vet who was running late because she was doing surgery on some poor little dog who had teeth removed and the remaining cleaned. Beans nail clip was rather easy after that!

    Meanwhile restrictions here are being introduced. Christmas gatherings to be reduced to two households etc. One week to go and I hope it doesn't get worse than that because MJs cooking is a real treat for me said she selfishly. More restrictions and I could be cooking the emergency ham for me and Mike! HO HO HO.

    Not a lot to report from here. It looks grim and miserable outside with not a soul in sight. Mike took Bean out 4 times yesterday so I don't feel guilty if we are confined to quarters today.

    Must away. I rather fancy egg and English style chips today before we dig into the Christmas pud, Christmas cake and mincepies next Saturday. I ordered egg nog for later today. The stores own make and its YUMMY.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Disney's Encanto was a cute movie yesterday and the two littles sat good up until about the last ten minutes when Charlie had to go potty so I took her and then they couldn't sit still and were going up and down the aisle. Luckily there were only two other families there not even close to us. It was a long movie for a kids movie so they did pretty good until Charlie decided to run up the stairs and I grabbed her and put her in her seat. Then the tears came and all the way to the car she cried and carried on. Aren't kids fun???

    Going for highlights and a trim at 11:00 so threw my sheets in the washer and will dry them when I get home. Have a good day and Patsy, Jackie meant Katie but must have been thinking of Daisy.
    Happy to hear Jilly was a good girl and made mom proud.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,777 Member
    edited December 2021
    Oops, of course it’s Katie, sorry. 🤭 Too much still going on around me. Posts cemented in the ground so Dan has gone home and will return Monday to finish. He held up a couple of converted panels that will sit on top to show me how much privacy I’ll gain and I’m delighted.

    Logs stacked, laundry indoors on the airier since the sun’s disappeared below the horizon so time to light at least one fire.
    I’m about to finish watching the documentary Making a Murderer that has me sitting with mouth wide open in disbelief. Has anyone else seen it? What a nightmare for the accused!

    Cold enough for snow here too Anne but no precipitation of any sort forecast until Christmas Eve. Just like last year, Boris won’t consider any lockdown or restrictions until after Christmas which means we will be in dire straits by New Year with infections rising so rapidly. Politics before common sense!! Perhaps I’ll get a ham in too so I can keep you company across the pond!! 🎅🏼 I’ve never found eggnog in England anywhere close to as delicious as Canada’s… enjoy!

    Haha Sandy, yes kids are fun when they don’t get their own way but she did well to get through most of the movie even if she wasn’t bothered how it ended. 😆😅. Enjoy your “Me time” during the highlights and trim.

    Just remembered I need newspaper to help start the fire and it’s in my shed at the bottom of the garden…. Out into the cold again!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    edited December 2021
    Hello. Sunny and cold today but no snow. I got a power bill, oh my, it did go UP! I am waiting for my handyman. He said he would stop over today and look at what I think is a problem with my chimney. That means before darkness falls in a couple of hours. So I have been peeking out the door every once in a while when I think I hear something. And I usually do, but all cars and trucks have pulled in at other neighbors’ homes.

    Jackie, I am happy to hear Dan made so much progress on your project. Yes!! I hope you are settled in and enjoying the rest of your evening. I have never heard of Make a Murderer but I think it would make me anxious so I will not look it up. 😂. A friend was telling me about Nightmare Alley yesterday. I never saw the 1947 version, although that intrigues me enough that I may watch it but the new re-make, probably not.

    Sandy, I should have guessed you went to a Disney movie. Duh. When something starts to bother a kid it is very difficult to find a way to get them back on track. Glad it was close to the end of the movie. I would not be a good grandma, I go ballistic when babies and kids cry incessantly. I want someone to fix it because I assume they are suffering in some way.

    Anne, so glad Jilly made it through her appointment with flying colors. I wonder if all the traffic at your house with Mike and Mark and MJ has Jilly more comfortable with variety. Wow, you have lots of yummy treats coming up. Enjoy!

    Patsy, happy weekend to you and John and Katie. So you have your Christmas menu planned out? I was talking to a friend on Thursday and her job for the day was figuring out the menu for Christmas dinner and making a grocery list of all the needed items. She no longer goes to the store but each week, one of her sons will make a trip to the grocery store so she needs to be meticulous in listing everything needed. They won’t add to the list. Not there, not buying it.

    Well, all of the books that I ordered for myself have arrived. Not that I needed them, but I wanted to read them and the library didn’t have any of them. Merry Christmas to me. 🎄🎄

    Be safe everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Bryanna did an amazing job once again and I am already home so she is getting quicker.
    Just wanted to post these two pictures, one is of my outside decorations when I lived with Babe in the house. The second is of Charlie and Max at the movie when they first got there. Enjoy.4g145ptcrgkp.jpg
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Lovely photos SANDY. Clever girl on the beautiful Christmas light show.

    Your Robby photos reminded me of when I was asked to take 8 year old grandson Derek to a Kids Christmas Science Show. His Mom was working. We had an aisle seat fairly close to the front. Well this "Mad" Scientist came on stage, with huge glasses and Boris style hair. He showed a few tricks and then asked if a "brave child" would like to help him on stage. Before I could stop him Derek was out of his seat, haring down the aisle and climbing on stage. He was then clad in a large white coat which reached down to his feet. He and the "scientist" then proceeded to stir things in a large bowl and Derek was given two lengths of electric wiring to hold, at which point he was asked if he wanted to continue because the scientist wasn't sure we would ever see him again. Derek visibly gulped but said yes he was game. So, he was asked to dip the two ends of the wiring into the bowl of mixed whatever after the "scientist" had retreated to the side of the stage who then told Derek to join the two ends together. A huge bang followed this joining and Derek disappeared in a thick foggy cloud. It finally dispersed to reveal a grinning grandson who was told he was a very brave little boy [just like our Bean] and was given a treat [just like our Bean].
    Thanks for stirring an old memory SANDY. Derek hasn't changed much 20 years later! He resembles Peter Pan and drives his logical accountant parents "nuts" at times and I'm blamed for this "unfortunate" gene. Must admit I had a ball playing Aladdin years before in a comical English pantomime version.

    Thick snow outside which calls for the making of a hearty chicken and veggie stew.

    Enjoy your Sunday friends,
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    PS. Talking of stage aspirations were any of you in a nativity play as children? When my school auditioned for parts in our Christmas nativity all the girls clamoured to be Mary. Not me, I wanted to be the king who goes on about being sealed in a cold. cold tomb. I used my very best sepulchre voice to audition but ended up as the king dressed in my Aunts kimono with a huge gold crown on my mousy locks joyfully going on about "gold I bring to crown Him again". when I was with the drama group later in life I always got the female comic rolls when I fancied myself as a Sir Laurence Olivier! Guess I wasn't a talented all rounder!
    Anyway, I for one would be most interested in any parts you played. Sheep, shepherds, Joseph or whatever.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Not much time again as we are taking the kiddos to see Santa at Windy Acres Farm.
    Lisa's mom is joining us but the men are staying home. It is going to be chilly but I have a warm hat and gloves so should be fine with my heavy sweatshirt and warm coat.

    Anne, I am glad I brought up some good memories for you but I don't remember being in any Christmas play while in school. I do remember once being on stage when very young dancing but counted out loud for my steps and was told afterward that everyone saw me counting which embarrassed me. Also when I joined the choir in grade school and the nun told me to just mouth the words and not sing. Talk about having low esteem. lol

    Have a good day everyone, stay safe, healthy and warm.
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Well Sandy I will never know how I got in the choir in the first place because on my first day in the choir practice the choir master who happened to be the principal as well stopped in front of me and the whole choir, pointed at me, and said "YOU, OUT". That's how I ended up in the French class instead where I did equally badly. Been tone deaf and French deaf ever since. Teachers in my day didn't wrap us up in cotton wool that's for sure. I got the cane as well for forgetting my bible on religious instruction day. Not entirely given up on the hereafter.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,777 Member
    It was the annual Dachshund sausage walk in Hyde Park, London today!

    I’ve been busy with laundry and housework after a freezing walk with George and Betty. Fog and wind that don’t normally arrive together but by afternoon the sun managed to appear and it was a beautiful pink sky just before darkness fell.

    Nothing else to report except the only Nativity play I was in when I was in my first year at primary school so 5 years old, I was one of the 3 kings so had to take a gift from home for baby Jesus. My favourite doll went into the manger but when a teacher brought the gifts round to return them my doll was missing, no doubt another child decided it was better than theirs! It upset me so much I refused to partake in future years!!

    Stay warm!
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    edited December 2021
    Good afternoon. This morning’s church service included the choir performance for Christmas. I enjoyed it a lot. The children are to have a play this evening but I don’t know if they will stream that. People are so concerned about children being shown online these days. If not, that is fine. I plan to watch a Charlie Brown Christmas on PBS this evening. 🎄🎄

    I got a text from the handyman this morning, he thinks the siding on my chimney is just loose, not missing. He plans to bring over his super tall ladder tomorrow and try to fix it. I will be very happy if none is missing. That siding is no longer sold. 🤞🏻

    Okay, I do not remember much in the way of school or church programs in my youth. I did attend a parochial school for several years, that is the only program I remember. I didn’t have an actual part in the play, I was the narrator as I was a good reader. In public school. There were no programs. My childhood church only used adults for special programs, which were entirely composed of extra music. So that’s it, narrator.

    Jackie, I love the Dachshund sausage walk photos! How cute! Sorry your doll was pinched by some unscrupulous child. How sad.

    Sandy, I think all public performances were a terror for most of us. They still would be for me if I was called on. Nasty adults! Do they not realize how they hurt little ones with what they say? What a beautiful house! I love the lights. ❤️

    Anne, I do believe you are the star performer in our midst. I prefer comedy to drama so I would very much enjoy your performances. Excellent. And yes, Derek seems to take after you. Not a bad thing at all.

    Patsy, hello. Did I miss you again? Waving 🙋🏼‍♀️ to you and your family.

    I tucked everything away when we had the storms last week and now I have buried my silver snowflakes too deep! I cannot find them. So I will be on the hunt this afternoon.

    A Thelwell holiday cartoon.


    And an artist’s Christmas tree.


    Be safe everyone.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I actually briefly saw the saun today. A bit if blue sky but that disappeared to a cold mist. I think that will be our weather for a few days. Maybe more than mist. A downpour!

    Damon went shopping for the Turkey etc today. He is really getting a lot of fun out of cooking. He says the good thing is that it’s once a year. We are so looking forward to seeing him again. Our air purifier is on high, I have lots of masks and we will be as careful as we can be. I do envy those people who feel comfortable in visiting with family and friends without masks. We will be without masks with Damon but we are going to get a rapid test just to be sure. A horrible state of affairs really.

    We delivered Christmas in the form of a check in a red envelope to our daughter and family. I believe they like that best. And I have no idea what would please them.

    I went to Catholic school until late in my sophomore year in high school. While in Catholic school the sisters were very careful to try to see that each child had a moment to shine. And even I had my moment. I acted out a lot because I was dealing with feelings of abandonment concerning my parents. I didn’t understand their need to travel while my dad worked for an oil company. Time has helped me understand but the sisters were very supportive. It was a small school and very close net parents and teaching nuns.

    Wishing everyone a safe and healthy Christmas.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited December 2021
    Oh I'm so SAD no-one but me seemed to enjoy the nativity school plays, well except LIN with such an important role as narrator. Mike could have done with her! At five years old he used to sing "away in a manger, no place for a bed, the little LODGER laid down his sweet head" which made sense when you think about it, there being no room IN the inn for boarders.
    Cute dachunds JACKIE. Spot. the first dog I remember. always wore a ruff around his neck and a cone on his head at Christmas. Must be getting old, translate to AM as I remember with great fondness the ghosts of Christmas past. Could be because Christmas is up in the air this year as governments dither about rules. Mike was supposed to come over yesterday for Lancashire hot pot but didn't because he had a headache, the sniffles and a sore throat. Hopefully just a cold which he said was wending its way through the office staff.

    However Mark and Mary Jo did to finish cementing the downstairs bedroom floor and fix a bit more stairwell/hall skirting board much to Jilly's delight.

    And that was Sunday that was!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    edited December 2021
    Happy Monday! :) Our Santa visit went well and the weather co-operated. The kids had fun and so did the adults.zfmwcbmkmkwl.jpg
    Today I am going to Lisa's to help with the kids while she gets her hair done. Lisa's mom is getting a haircut also but I am going to help her with her IPad with Shutterfly. She is trying to make a book but having problems. I ordered some groceries for pick up at 5:00 and that should last me through Christmas. Something going on everyday this week until Christmas Day so will be busy. I think we are all going to go to Christmas Eve Mass at my Church since they have a 2:30 Mass. If it is too crowded some will probably leave but I am hoping it all goes well. Of course masks and social distancing is required.
    I am thinking of driving to my son's on the 26th just for a few days to see my granddaughter from Virginia who will be there until the 28th. Not sure about that yet, just a thought.

    Anne, sorry we disappointed you with no Nativity plays but you made us smile with your experience.
    You did remind me that Robby was the donkey in the church Nativity play a few years ago and Charlie was baby Jesus. It was very cute and comical at times. Tell Mike to take a test because those are the signs of the new variant. Could just be a cold but better to be safe.

    Patsy, I do hope all works out with Damon for Christmas. Him bringing the turkey dinner sounds wonderful. I also give my adult children and grandchildren checks for Christmas because I have no idea what any of them would like. So far we are lucky with no snow but it would be nice to see a few flurries on Christmas day.

    Lin, cute cartoon, funny tree and adorable Santa tea pot. I have never been good in public speaking but I did overcome it a little in Al Anon when I started chairing and speaking. No judgement there so I felt at ease. I hope your chimney is fixed with no problems. Thanks for complimenting my lights, I loved how it looked.

    Jackie, how traumatic to have someone take your baby doll. How could a parent let that happen?
    Can't wait to see the finished trellis.

    I better get moving if I plan to be there by noon. Have a safe and healthy day.

    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,777 Member
    Lost my post and now time to put the oven on to bake my evening meal!!! 😤

    Fabulous photo of you all with Santa Sandy. ❤️

    Back later.