Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Remember the old saying JACKIE "kissing is out of favour when the gorse is out of bloom." and of cpurse the gorse is never out of bloom. Lovely to see flowers though, thank you!

    If the Mary Queen of Scots movie IS the same I would love your comments on it. She is portrayed as very wilful and poor Elizabeth did have a hard decision to make which we know she really regretted. What an explosive time the 16th century was! and I'm glad I wasnt born then but probably would have been safe up in Yorkshire mucking pigs out and certainly not attractive enough to catch Henry's roving eye a little earlier than Elizabeth's day. I mention that because I finished up watching "The other Boleyn girl" and their dreadful father last night.

    So that's about it and 5 months on I'm still scratching and sleeping badly. I just wish it, that i, the shingles. would just go away I suppose it will eventually one way or the other


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Oh no!!!!! Post lost. 😢 here are the photos that were included…..



  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited January 2022

    Just me JILLY saying hello. Anne was trying something out and I ended up here!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    A dryer day although one heavy shower did catch me out just as we returned from a healthy March across the moors. George managed to find a black, sticky puddle to walk through so returned with it coated on paws and tummy! He’s been standing in his baby bath soaking his feet while I rubbed at his legs and tummy, then a blow dry! Unfortunately Chrissie has asked me to walk Bella so a proper groom will have to wait until later in the afternoon. She says she has a pain in her shoulder and lay awake for an hour last night and a part of me remembers hours of sleep lost when my hips were so painful then my struggle to walk George and Betty but hey-ho, we all have different tolerance levels. Moan over!!

    Anne, what a gorgeous adorable girl Jilly is!
    I expect it was the same movie on Mary Queen of Scots you saw and agree she was the feisty one, probably her early life in France had a lot to do with it. I’ve always felt her decisions weren’t always wise but as you say, it was an explosive century of intermarriages when even queens didn’t have a lot of control over the politics and religious fervour. It was telling that the hall where she was beheaded was crowded with conspirators. Wasn’t Elizabeth talked into ordering the execution by those around her? I know letters she wrote at the time have survived and indicate her sadness. Lots of research to be done there! I’ve seen the movie The Other Boleyn girl which tells just how manipulative some men were, never mind if family got hurt!

    Time for lunch then another walk! I’ve just looked at this BBC page of recipes that have some tasty ideas and has got me thinking!

    Back later. Happy Monday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi JACKIE. Yes I believe Elizabeth was talked into the execution because Mary was a loose canon. She definitely felt she had a stronger claim on the English throne than Elizabeth so she was a danger. Anyway in the end she sort of won with her son becoming king of England and Scotland. They didn't show it, but did you know after she was beheaded her tiny dog was found huddled under her long skirt and oh, gruesome but when her head was lifted up by the hair it was actually a wig and she was a grey haired woman in her forties underneath.
    On a lighter note I've a huge portrait of Elizabeth on my wall. The Amada painting. When one of my ex boyfriends saw it he said "well that tells me everything about you Anne", and he was right - I had no intention of marrying again, lol.
    on another lighter note when we told my Dad we wanted to marry, my ex and I, he said "what on earth do you want to marry for Anne, you will end up down at heel shoving a pram." I guess he was right!
    However it all turned out pretty good for this old girl. I did better than poor Mary and Ive lived longer than Elizabeth!
    Sorry to bore everyone if you got this far, but I do love British history with all its ups and downs and my sons do as well. a family trait or failing?

    It's absolutely freezing here and I'm cooking a hearty stew after another restless night scratching. Mike thinks my immune system is weaker with age and therefore I carry on scratching longer than norm. Or I'm starting to change into a canine!

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited January 2022
    Golly, Im hoping I can show you my Amada picture!

    Oh my I'm getting better at this! Annsie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited January 2022
    Happy Monday! :) Nice painting Anne, it looks great above your desk. It is freezing cold here as well with a temp of 11 degrees but at least the sun is shining bright. I took down my decorations yesterday except for the balcony lights because of snow, those I just unplugged. I left our entry way decorations up for the people across the hall from me. They are Ukraine and their Christmas is this coming Sunday. They have a little boy so I basically do it for him.
    Still not sure about going to T Mobile today, it might be tomorrow since it is so cold. My microwave did not arrive yesterday but tracking said it is coming today. My sitting days have been cut down to one, Wednesdays now since all school activities are done except for Robby's religious ed. I could go on Tuesdays for Lisa's meeting but Rob said he can handle it so unless he needs me I will let him.
    Still not sure about our Arizona trip, I think we will end up postponing it but we are waiting another two weeks to see how this variant is doing. We all hope we can still go to Jamaica in March but that might be iffy also. So many people I know have the Covid variant, I am happy I have not been around them but don't feel too sorry for those that didn't get vaccinated. They are the real cause of this spreading like wildfire.

    Enough complaining, enjoy your day and keep staying safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Great picture Anne and I love the little Armada ships! The Poinsettia is looking healthy too!
    I knew a female royal that was beheaded hid a small dog under her skirts because it refused to leave her side but when it wasn’t shown in the movie thought it must have been Anne Boleyn or Catherine Howard! Funny the little things we remember! Too soppy about pets! Rather like Lin’s pictures of Betty white with all her dogs. I see she had a Lhasa Apso that was George’s double!

    My walk with Bella went well and I managed to persuade her to stay out for about 40 minutes so Chrissie was happy. I’m visiting my friend Les tomorrow afternoon so have told her I won’t be available. I’ve done my best to brush out small knots on George’s tummy but there were a couple that made him yelp when they pulled on his skin so I’ll see if I can gently cut them away tomorrow. Hopefully he won’t look for muddy puddles when we walk in the morning!

    Sandy, I’m relieved you won’t be exhausting me with your busy schedule for a while. Enjoy looking after you for a while. The uncertainties that come with Covid and plans is frustrating. A friend has already postponed a visit to stay with me later this month and I doubt the Aboriginal art exhibition I was going to attend will take place now.

    Feet up and I’m going to watch a documentary.
    Jackie 🥰

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    It was supposed to be a rainy day but right this moment we have sunshine. I do see clouds threatening in the distance, but they are not here yet. John is taking the van down to be worked on, which is wonderful. In the past he would have done it himself and that would mean a lot of back and forth to the auto parts store, lots of grease and grime for me to deal with and then there would be John! He gets easily frustrated and LOUD! So this is a great solution…let someone else do it!

    Maniac dog, Katie, is still licking her paws and chewing at one of her back feet. I caught her and clipped one of her nails again. It must have felt better because she is galloping around with her toys and nagging for a game of toy toss.

    I am starting to put away Christmas decor as well. I love the fairy lights so I will drape them around somewhere to cheer up the winter scene. Even though we are gaining light, it never seems fast enough. Every little thing I can do to add light and cheer is a good idea.

    Anne: wow, your poinsettia looks so healthy and beautiful. I am not sure mine will make it past this winter. But I will keep trying. My amaryllis is now ready to bloom. A decidedly strange plant. Two very tall stalks with huge flower buds at the top. No flowers quite yet but any minute. Also I am impressed but your very neat desk. It isn’t possible to see the top of my desk. I know it is there but I have not seen it in years.

    Jackie: I understand your puzzlement about differing pain thresholds. My daughter can barely deal with a hangnail, it is the reason she decided no more children. Our one grandson is it. The pain and discomfort of pregnancy and birthing was just too much. And in truth, she was wise to recognize her limitations.

    Sandy: even if some of your plans must be rescheduled, you will still find a way to enjoy your family in a celebration. I know you are resourceful and fun-loving. Maybe another venue will be available and safer.

    Lin: elegant rose covered tea service. I love things like that. I have a couple of things sort of elegant but I never use them. That is too bad. I must rethink that. No one in my family would want or enjoy these things. So I need to enjoy them while I can.

    Here’s to 2022….bring us safe, healthy and happy days.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited January 2022
    Good evening.

    Laundry day today and then a call to my insurance agent to discuss home replacement costs given the immense run up in the cost of construction materials. We had a nice long talk and no change was proposed, for now. He did ask me if I had flood insurance (not a part of a homeowners policy) and I said yes, I do. He said hang on to it. Odd weather is increasing the chances of flooding in unlikely areas.

    The rest of my day, die cutting, die cutting, and more die cutting. Working on January birthday cards, shapes for Valentines and working on Christmas card shapes as well. This will keep me busy every day I do believe. 😄

    Plan: 50 Christmas cards, 36 Valentine’s Day cards and thinking about whether I will tackle St. Patrick’s Day cards or skip along to Easter. I am beyond boring. 🙃

    Patsy, you sound better. Glad you are going to continue using the fairy lights. Those are quite nice! Yes, wonderful John, glad you took the vehicle in for repairs. Good for you! Oh Patsy, did you see the email from Blick? SALE! I didn’t dare look. Congrats on the blooming amaryllis.

    Anne, I love the photo of Jilly as well as the one with your mammoth Poinsettia and very large picture. Yes, you have more room on that desk than I have anywhere in my house. Wow! I will just read whatever you and Jackie write about history. It is all a lesson for me. Thanks!

    Jackie, oh my gosh, mud. Ack! Nice of you to take Bella out, especially after looking to your own first. And I will admit, I am one of the wimpy ones. I have low pain tolerance and I know providers are irritated finding people like me difficult to have to deal with. My doctor was manipulating my shoulder once upon a time, trying to decide whether or not he would approve physical therapy. I yelped and tears sprang to my eyes. He said—my gosh, I didn’t hurt you that bad. But in fact, it really hurt. That stupid shoulder still keeps me awake a part of almost every night. Thank goodness for heating pads and Tylenol. ☺️

    Sandy, did you get your microwave? With the very cold weather and snow, shipping is messed up again. I need to go out and get a couple of little packages at the mailbox, they weren’t there earlier on. Then a utility crew showed up and worked just a bit down the street from me and their trucks and personnel were everywhere so I didn’t get my trash out either. They had marked utility lines on top of the snow. It looks like they may be on my lot tomorrow. As far as any trips, I wouldn’t make a decision yet. Between potentially getting Covid (and yes, a lot of people have it, we have 2 ICU beds left in the metro right now) and all the services that are impacted due to lack of personnel might make it best to wait to travel. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 Hope it gets better.

    I had better get out there and finish my outdoor chores. 😉

    Be safe everyone.


    Lookie! A lot of teapots.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Good morning. Bright sunshine but a howling gale when I got up this morning so I’ve decided a short local walk will suffice. I’m finishing a bowl of porridge first and listening to Creedence Clearwater Revival’s Did You Ever See The Rain on my radio…. Huh! When wasn’t it raining?

    Lin, don’t mind me. I was brought up in a household that went through bombs raining down on them during the war so any complaint was met with a stop moaning and get on with it! It’s had a lifetime effect on my attitude!!
    A pretty collection of teapots and nic-nacs.

    Most days Patsy, I do recognise Chrissie’s limitations and she admitted yesterday that as a child she felt the only time anyone was nice to her was if she was unwell so plays on it in adulthood. I have to admit when I phoned her lunchtime to say I would be there in an hour she started to tell a story about being sick that morning and the clear up job so I quickly said STOP! I’m in the process of heating up parsnip soup so don’t need to hear it. I think she is now as used to me as I am her!!

    I must get the pooches out then try again to snip George’s knots away. Tried first thing but he thought it a game so wouldn’t keep still.

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Morning everyone. Listening to everyones pain tolerance I have to admit my aversion to doctors and having things stuck in me probably is a result from childhood. My Mom was so adverse to doctors that our next door neighbour had to take me to the doctors each time I needed one. Like the time I climbed a tree and disturbed a wasp nest and the time I dropped a brick on my foot and all my toenails came off or most, two were hanging off. Result, I keep away from diabolical folk in their white coats! which makes me over the moon this morning after a good nights sleep of no tossing and turning. Even the shingles feel a bit better this morning. I'm on a roll!

    Don't be fooled by the tidy desk, everything is stuck in the cupboard to the left side. However, I AM prone to tidiness having been a secretary for donkey years and mind washed to constant filing and neat out-trays. People laugh at my numerous spice jars all in four rows and alphabetically placed. Just a robot, me?

    History, oh I LOVE history LIN .and all the goings on by unscrupulous kings, queens and now politicians. Far more interesting than books - the real life dramas. Even Shakespeare couldn't resist writing about them all and sometimes changing facts to suit his monarch

    Golly girl, you are becoming a production factory! In another life I wonder if it would have become a career if you had started earlier? So much potential! and even better - a hobby you so enjoy! I wonder also if in another time and place JACKIE would have become a rescuer of creatures great and small and owner of a market garden. SANDY would have been an excellent fashion and beauty expert or even an owner of a travel agency whilst PATSY would have not changed at all doing just what she's always done. Me? well I've always had a secret yearning to be the owner of a small ancient hotel/guest house set in some remote beauty spot in the Yorkshire Dales of course. The sort that serves wonderful fresh caught salmon from a local stream. How wonderful to meet interesting, learned people on vacation away from it all and willing to share a few of their own life adventures with me. Dream on Anne. Mmm, maybe an antique shop owner selling beautiful things!

    Come on Annsie, this won't do, day dreaming away. Things to do on another cold day. Homemade fish cakes for lunch, but alas made from canned salmon!


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited January 2022
    Anne, take a look at this Link. I’ve been reading some of these fascinating travellers’ writings from a time when life was so completely different. Daniel Defoes’s description of a terrible storm on the seas off Plymouth during his visit are particularly descriptive and heartbreaking! Then there’s Celia Fiennes 1690’s Through England on a Side Saddle!
    The descriptions have me spellbound so when I just read your dream of owning a hotel and chatting to such travellers I thought here’s an alternative for our Anne!

    I’m off to visit 96 year old Les. A cup of tea while George and Betty compete for space on his lap!

    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    THANK YOU JACKIE! Something to look forward to this afternoon IF nobody phones! I've always been an armchair traveller. George and Betty on 96 year old Les's lap? His knees are in better shape than mine, lol.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Another cold, sunny day. Bryanna and I will go to T Mobile today to see if we can get new phones. It depends on the kind of deal they offer. My landlord is also supposed to come to fix my folding closets door that fell off the track, we will see. My new microwave is very nice, not as quiet as I would like it to be but I am thinking counter microwaves are just not quiet unless you spend really big bucks. At least this one has numbers and are big enough to read. Again, I don't think panels light up unless you pay big bucks if at all. Bryanna will carry my old one down to my car and I will bring it to Goodwill when I have time. That is my exciting day.

    Anne and Jackie, I am learning a lot of history from the two of you. Not my favorite subject in high school along with Geography. I did love my English class and did well. I agree with Anne as far as Les having 2 dogs or even one on his lap, I don't think Joe could handle it, so goof for Les.
    Anne love all your dreams for each of us although I am not really good at fashion or makeup but I do love to travel. I am curious Anne, did you get all the childhood vaccinations? No judgement just curious. Love the picture of Jilly. Jackie with all you do for Chrissie you are allowed to complain and I am sure she understands. Good luck with George's mats, I hope you are able to get rid of them. Lin you are already working on next year's Christmas cards? I think Anne was right that should have been your business. I just paid my car insurance which went down a little from my last six months. I am leaning more toward canceling Arizona, I will see what my sister in law thinks. PatsyI am glad John took the car in instead of doing it himself and I hope Katie stops chewing her paws.

    Well I started this post about two hours ago but then my landlord came to fix my door and although not perfect it opens and shuts. He likes to talk, A LOT, about everyone and everything.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi SANDY. I had all the shots available as a child in the war years, that is - smallpox, and I think diphtheria, end of story. Later as a teenager I got the polio shot but as a child just collected up the measles, chickenpox, whooping cough, scarletina. and mumps in my first year at school and so did Michael and Mark in their first year or at least Mike did and passed everything on to two year old Mark. You are younger so I would imagine you had more shots than me!

    Things are getting very grim here with corvid cases rising rapidly and hospitals overwhelmed with staff and bed shortages. I haven't seen Mark and Mary Jo since Thursday last although I hear from them daily. I wonder if they are keeping clear because Derek and Bev returned from Ottawa on New Years Eve and who knows what they got up to there, especially with Bev's big family all gathering together. Mike gets his booster shot tomorrow.
    Anyway, back to a kind of lockdown tomorrow with all schools closed. I put in a grocery order today which I can't get before Friday afternoon and many items are out of stock. Hey ho, here we go, AGAIN.

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Talk of the devil and he appears and so does Mark! Just turned up to decide how ro proceed downstairs. Heard from PATSY who can't get on to Sneakers again. I guess you all have and hope Katie is okay! Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, it is a bit warmer here today but I didn’t plan to go anywhere. Good decision since the crew digging in our lots returned and there are trucks, guys, closed signs posted around. I hope they will be finished soon. I would like to get down the sidewalk to the mailbox before 8pm. That’s when I got there last evening.

    Sandy, yes, cutting stuff for Christmas cards since I ordered several things on sale for the cards and decided to work on them before stowing away all the supplies without knowing if my idea for the card would work. Always work ahead! 😂 Enjoy your new microwave! Super.

    Jackie and Anne, I will keep just reading all of the history tidbits. Thanks!

    Anne, I would like to have been a whiz at something that lead to a creative life. Doing research is a bit interesting but not creative! Hello to
    Mark. Good luck to everyone in your family given the spread of this new Covid.

    Jackie, how did George’s trimming come out? Poor little guy. How was tea? Also sounds good.

    Patsy, I hope you are back to us soon. Hugs.

    On the phone with a friend. Take care everyone.



  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Marks surveyed what the next move will be and on the way out loads of building materials and insulation was dropped off at Harrys old residence! Khalid and parents took shelter somewhere else before Christmas so my guess it's pretty cold in there. A family member comes every day to check on the place but I can't see anyone wanting to break in! Harrys ears must be burnt off by now.
    I see Boris isn't putting any curbs on the virus letting it wear itself out, but the Chinese are closing down another city! who's right? My guess is the Chinese seeing they started everything.
    We are curbed tomorrow.
    Wondering how Katie got on at the vets and so sorry PATSY you took a tumble if you can read this.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Anne, Boris follows his usual trend… if in doubt, do nothing! I imagine exhausted health care workers will be dropping like flies because even our hospital that’s in an area that doesn’t have huge amounts of the new variant, has declared a critical incident so about to run out of ICU beds.

    Lin, I managed to cut off a few more knots from George’s tummy but fear we are in trouble with Debbie Woof, Wolf tomorrow! 🤭. Love the Japanese style teapot and it’s colour.

    Hooray Sandy, your landlord finally turned up!

    My newtv continues to play up losing channels and requiring daily retuning so I may well find the receipt and return it to the store!

    Just let Betty out for a garden visit and it’s close to freezing already.