Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi just a quickie because Mike is gone after installing the mouse which he is getting BACK!
    I've lost all my easy accessible stuff like BBC News, MFP home page etc. Something to do with security he thinks. Anyway if I do the vanishing act again you all know why!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good afternoon. It is the warmest part of the day and the wind chill is still below zero. Tomorrow the temperature should be much warmer. Yeah! I have been busy today checking on orders, trying to get a grocery order and similar stuff. I got ink cartridges ordered for my printer. Wow, the price has really skyrocketed. And my printer is old so apparently not as many places are selling that particular set of cartridges.

    I also have been trying to get a grocery order or two placed. Several items I wanted are difficult to find but I did get a curbside pickup order with Walmart next Wednesday afternoon. And I have a pickup order at Whole Foods tomorrow but not many items in my cart. I went back to try to add several things and they are not allowing it due to the high volume of orders.

    And the rest of my paper order did not arrive. I contacted them and they said, oh sorry, it isn’t available. So I have been waiting for nothing but at least I got a refund which I wouldn’t have received if I hadn’t followed up.

    Sandy, so that is how cards are coming. 🤣😂🤣 I did finish most of the January birthday cards and put them in the mailbox this morning. One left for late in the month. And I may have to scale back the number of Christmas cards (with this design) as I didn’t receive the extra paper. I have stopped die cutting for now. I have placed all the pieces in bags and stored them in a little metal box together. I did mock up the front of one card. I like it. I may score and fold the card bases and stamp the inside with a sentiment I purchased just for this card. Next up, some serious work on Valentines! ❤️❤️ Did you get new phones today? Or thinking about it?

    Anne, The new mouse doesn’t sound like an improvement. Hummmm. Please don’t disappear! A friend called me the other day and she is very frustrated. She uses Microsoft Word more than anything and it has gone wonky on her and she cannot get it back to ‘normal.’ Apparently it has gone tiny and she cannot get it back to a regular sized page. Sounds like something was damaged in what we used to call normal.docx She was planning to call the Best Buy Geek Squad for help. What was this mouse supposed to do?

    Jackie, did you stop by your friend’s house? Double masks sounds good if you do visit. I cannot believe George will let you suit him up in a raincoat. He seems too much a free spirit to submit to clothing! Second season of the new All Creatures Great and Small starts this Sunday. I am looking forward to that. Sunday afternoon, a station that broadcasts nothing but older shows, and a bit of news, is having a tribute to Betty White with episodes of The Mary Tyler Moore show. I don’t know how long that will last but I hope to see all of them. I hope you are having a good evening.

    Patsy, we received warnings here today to stay at home if you have minor medical problems as there are not enough personnel to look after everyone. If you are in dire straits, go to an urgent care center but not the hospital emergency room. Life is getting quite confusing. How are you feeling? Have you tried other topical pain relievers for your knee? Biofreeze? Tiger Balm?

    Thinking of you all. I look forward to hearing from everyone each day. Please be safe.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Lots of rain, flooding and power fluctuations. Having trouble with the post reply function. Not sure if it is us or MFP.
    Stay safe dear ones! This is NOT over. And it might not be mild for all vaccinated people. Some get hit hard by the variant.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    We have snow turning to rain. The virus is now hitting those here who have had all three shots PATSY. so us older folk must be cautious. Didn't fully catch it on the news last evening but I BELIEVE it is hitting the senior homes again. Also Michael tells me he read our government has ordered enough vaccines for the next three years!!!!!!
    Back later because Mike has really made life more difficult on the laptop and I need time to get in.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Chicken and chorizo stew prepared and popped in my slow cooker so I’m sipping an afternoon cuppa before stewing plums to enjoy on morning porridge, then I’ll light the fire in my dining room as that tends to warm the whole cottage. Constant heavy showers today, some of them of monsoon proportions!

    A drama at 4am this morning when I inadvertently pushed Betty off my bed as I stretched my legs out. She’s normally up by the pillows but for some reason had moved down by my feet so rolled off and hit the floor with a crash. Ten minutes later she was sick so I worried she had hit her head and was concussed but she eat her breakfast and chewed a Dentrastick and seems to be ok. She stayed home while I walked George in pouring rain and after being rubbed down with a towel he has made a nest on the spare bed. The rain did pause at one point so I went outside to chop a few logs but barely got started before more rain and hail crashed down! I’m sneezing and snuffling but am sure it’s no more than the damp air outside getting up my nose!

    An Amazon delivery has arrived that’s a new tap and waste plug for a new vanity unit that Daniel will fit in my shower room at some point. There’s no rush but I’m buying anything I might want from Amazon now because they are refusing to take Visa payments from the 17th and want me to use my bank card or change to MasterCard. They’ve had a fallout with Visa over charges which I find ridiculous when they are worth billions and can afford them. I certainly won’t be using my bank card, neither will I be told which credit card to use so goodbye Amazon!!

    Lin, George’s coat was still wet from yesterday’s walk so he went back to being a naturist today but at least his current shorter fur dries easier than the dense one that had grown. My visit next door with gifts was a swift one and I kept my distance but she understood and wasn’t offended. Her partner Debs was making banana cake but even that didn’t tempt me to stay!
    That’s a BIG teapot. I think I’ll put my kettle on for another cuppa!

    To my mind Covid is Covid whatever else they call it and we must never take it for granted. Our little group has been sensible from the start and adjusted our lives accordingly so we won’t allow it to get us down now! ❤️

    Ooh, a patch of blue in the sky so perhaps I can chop more logs!
    Stay safe this weekend and every day.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    There are big rains and flooding here. Our daughter was briefly marooned while returning from a doctor visit in Portland. We live about 2 hours from Portland. With flooded roads and slides, her 2 hour trip took 11 hours!

    And we have a big problems in the kitchen. Plumbing under sink is broken. Hopefully the plumber will be here today or Monday at the latest. But with this huge flooding problem in our area, who knows? We have lived here almost 30 years. We have seen what Mother Nature can throw at us and we have tried to have strategic plans where possible. We adapt and we try to just be calm and right now, downed trees blocking roads and mud slides and creeks and overflowing rivers make it hard to be calm. We refuse to be a whiny helpless old fussbudget, but it is tempting let me tell you.

    One problem seems to be fixed. Katie is back to her charming self. Thank goodness!

    When plumber comes, I will take Katie and hide in dungeon. Katie doesn’t like most strangers coming into her house. John has n-95 masks but will still keep distance and we wipe down areas touched by plumber with alcohol or disinfectant. That is our plumbing strategy. We try to err on the side of excessive.

    Washing dishes in bathroom. Inconsistent to say the least.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Doesn't sound so happy with some of you and our weather continues to be awful. Today we are expecting freezing drizzle or light freezing rain and we are celebrating Max's birthday later this afternoon. I have hinted to maybe change it but doesn't seem to be the case. Worst case scenario I will spend the night at their house but would prefer not too.
    I did get a good deal on phones so I ordered them and they will be delivered to my house sometime next week. Then we have to go back to T-Mobile to have them transfer all the data from our old phones.
    I love the three camera's so I hope I love the phone as much as I hope I will.

    Patsy, how awful for your daughter, 11 hours to get home from a 2 hour trip? My anxiety would have been through the roof. Did they stop anywhere to rest? Plumbing problems? You poor dear, you are getting hit with everything. Hang in there, things will get better, I am glad Katie is back to normal.

    Jackie, all that rain would make me depressed. Strong you for not being tempted by banana cake. Poor Betty, being kicked out of bed, her feelings must have been hurt. I am glad she is better today, maybe the shock of it upset her tummy. I have a Visa Amazon credit card, are they going to make me change it? I haven't gotten any notice about not accepting Visa which is all I use.

    Anne, the good thing about having all three shots is that unless you are compromised with health issues you should not have to go the hospital and your case should be mild. We are at a peak now and hopefully by February things will start going down. I see a booster shot every year like the flu shot in our future to which I won't object if it helps get things back to normal at some point. Have you figured out your Magic Mouse?

    Lin, I was going to order groceries Friday morning but the slots were all filled until Saturday so I waited until Saturday and the slots were filled to Sunday. People must be be getting smarter and not want to go into stores so they are ordering curbside. I will have to plan more accordingly rather than the day of.
    Yes, we got our new I Phone 13 Pro. For now I did not get insurance to keep my bill down but I have two weeks to decide if I want it for Bryanna's phone since she is out more than me with school and stuff.

    We have a family zoom call at 2:00 and I have to wrap Max's present. Have a good but safe day.

    One Day at a Time

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Hello everyone, and I'm so sorry for PATSY who seems to be getting everything that can go wrong, going wrong.

    The Magic Mouse despite its name isn't magical at all. Its just your run of the mill mouse pad with no wiring which I don't need being quite happy with the laptop pointer. However, with Mike installing it its really messed up the works and I have great difficulty getting into BBC world news etc. Enjoy the party SANDY and isn't Max a good little boy waiting patiently for his presents.

    As for poor Betty JACKIE I live in fear of doing that to Bean. She will be fast asleep in the living room doggie bed and I try to sneak off to bed without her, but when I turn round she is always right behind me waiting to be lifted onto the bed. She can jump on sofas but the bed is quite high. Isn't it marvellous that our dogs can be bouncing around one minute and then immediately fall fast asleep. I wish I had that ability.

    Its rather cold here and Mark just rang to say he's waiting for it to warm up to saw the wood for the basement walls outside. I think he will probably have to wait until March!

    So as you can read, not much going on here. Yesterday, flicking around TV channels I found a programme about drying hair naturally. Tried it this morning. Unless you have very short hair and are naturally good looking I wouldn't recommend this easy trick. Didn't work for me, can't wait to get in the shower again. Just to clarify, you pull the hair back to tie at the nape of the neck. Mine's a bit short to catch all strands so I sort of look as if I'm wearing a birds nest.
    Don't expect any visitors today thank goodness.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hello Sneakers. Well, I guess we have had more cheerful days haven’t we? It is a bit warmer here and close to the freezing point. Overcast and there may be some light rain/freezing drizzle later. Not what I thought was in store today.

    My Whole Foods grocery order was ready almost 2 hours early so I decided to head over in case freezing rain developed. Well, I don’t know what happened but I would guess they were short on staff today. My curbside pickup was not available and I had to go into the store and claim my order with the customer service person. Glad I wore a fairly decent mask. I was indoors longer than I had hoped but got my order and took it out to the car. The guy in the other curbside pickup parking space never left his car. As I was ready to take my cart back, someone came to his car and unloaded like 10 or 11 bags into the trunk of his car. I assume he called them and refused to go into the store. I don’t know but it was a bit confusing. But what is not confusing these days?

    I called a friend this afternoon and had a nice conversation. They are making a car trip next week to pick up their new kitten. At this point, they are quite excited and have their fingers crossed for decent driving weather. They did a lot of checking to find a hotel room for one night where they would feel relatively safe. A friend is staying at their house for the duration of their trip and will look after their older cat. There was a lot of cat chat on her part. She is 100% obsessed with the new kitten. ☺️

    Meanwhile, my ink cartridges have arrived. Yippee! I also ordered a long winter puffy coat on sale and it arrived. I think I will keep it because it was a good deal but it isn’t beautiful or anything. Functional though.

    Sandy, wow, new phones ordered. I hope you and Bryanna enjoy them. Take care today. I hope you enjoy the party and that you will not have to stay overnight. Freezing rain, horrible forecast.

    Patsy, oh my gosh, your poor daughter. What a terrible trip. The weather is causing so many problems. I hope you are able to get your kitchen drain fixed soon. It is difficult to limp along with house problems isn’t it? I am glad Katie is feeling better. That is very good news. ❤️❤️

    Jackie, oh my, nasty weather for you too. Argh. None of us is enjoying temperate weather are we? Oh what a fright! Poor Betty. I am glad she seems to be feeling better. In the U.S., Amazon is still offering an Amazon Visa card. So I think the disagreement must not be worldwide? I don’t have an Amazon credit card of any kind. Costco made a switch a few years ago and they only take one type of card now. I didn’t apply for one of their branded credit cards. They offer (and accept) only Visa. I had a different branded Visa card so I didn’t switch. I hope things straighten out. I would hate to live without Amazon. 🥺

    Anne, I read about the Magic Mouse. It is supposed to perform all the swoops etc, that are available on Apple devices. Lots more than a regular wireless mouse. Installing something new, seems to provoke problems. Snow turning to rain and then it will freeze overnight? Yes, lots of Covid and flu pretty much everywhere now. I feel so sorry for people who have both problems at once. I don’t know how they recover. Our hospitals are now at over 100% capacity. My friend said in our conversation today that if you get in a car accident or have a serious medical problem, you have no chance of getting an ICU or regular hospital bed. True but I prefer to try to not think of that.

    Anyway, wishing everyone well. I am making little tiny paper envelopes with a tiny heart in each. I have a not so great photo of my progress with them.


    And a teapot of course. A Sadler Sherlock Holmes teapot actually.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    I am home safe and sound. It is drizzling and my windshield was covered in ice but it melted fast. The roads were good so nice to be home. Max had a wonderful birthday and a three day celebration. Next birthday is Bryanna's on February 20 when she will be 27.

    Good night all.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Just saying hello. All is well here. We weathered the lower than usual temperatures and a week of snow on the ground. We stay close to home. Tomorrow we'll go to QFC to pick up our groceries. We've ordered online every week for the last 14 months and the only time it didn't work perfectly was the first day of the snow when the store lost their electric power. They called me at 6 AM to tell me that our order had been cancelled. I ordered the same things for two days later and they called me at 6 AM that day to say that the store was closing early for the safety of their staff and customers and if we came in by 8 AM we could have our order.

    :) Because of concern about the spread of Covid, I haven't taught my dance class since August. Someone else wants to use the room to teach a dance class even though I have a contract for the use of the room. After a great deal of soul searching, I've decided to call the facility and tell them that since I have no idea when I'll feel safe to come back and teach, that they should feel free to rent the room to someone else if they want to. Jake's health is much more important to me than teaching my dance class.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Slept in this morning and almost missed Church Service. It's going to be a balmy 25 degrees F and the sun is shining. There was no problem with the roads and Max's celebration with his grandparents was a success. He loved his gifts, a skateboard from me and an small suitcase and a kids snowboard from the other grandparents. We watched Clifford the Big Red Dog, a new movie and it was great. Bryanna came after school for a little while so Max was thrilled. Today is a pajama day and hopefully can get some groceries ordered for pick up in the near future.

    Barbie, it seems everything is delayed do to weather or short supply. I ordered a new coffee maker from Walmart last week and got an email today saying supplier was out of stock and to cancel the order. I found the same pot on Amazon so hopefully no problems. Sounds like a nightmare with your order at QFC. I bet you miss your dance class but I don't blame you for not teaching at this time. Will they cancel your contract or keep it open until you are ready to go back? Say hi to Jake.

    Lin, that was terrible about your order and having to go in the store to pick it up. I probably would have been like the guy next to you and called and asked for them to bring it out but I order a lot of groceries like that guy. I will have to go in for a return of the coffee maker I bought there and don't like, it drips whenever I take pot out. Congrats to your friend on the new kitty. I am excited about our new phones, just hope the price he quoted for my monthly bill is correct. Cute hearts, you are very creative.

    Anne, I had a wireless mouse but I didn't like it as much as the one I use. Mine has a ball on it so you don't move your wrist around so much and a sort of hand rest. It does plug into my computer tower as I don't use a laptop. I bet your hair isn't as bad as you are describing but you have to like it.

    Jackie and Patsy, hope to catch up with you later.

    Have a good day everyone and keep staying safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited January 2022
    Happy Sunday. For once it wasn’t raining when I took George and Betty out so drove to the top of the moor. There are road closed sign up because of the pub fire damage but it isn’t actually closed so confusing for many of us! I walked a couple of miles and both dogs had lots of fun racing about. No sheep so I imagine they have moved to a sheltered area away from rain but I could hear the cows calling to each other as they waited for the farmers to arrive with bales of feed.
    The pub does look a horrible mess with most of its roof destroyed and will take months to repair once the insurers discover what happened.
    I did manage to chop logs but the rain soon arrived so a quiet afternoon indoors researching garden plants to buy in the Spring.

    Amazon emailed to tell me next month’s prime membership fee would be taken out on the 12th when as far as I was aware it wasn’t due until the 22nd so it seemed a good time to cancel. I’ve since received 3 emails asking if I’m sure and that’s after I completed their questionnaire! I’ll probably block them if it becomes a daily occurrence.
    Sandy I think their fallout with Visa is only in Britain because when we left Europe our card fees were no longer capped by EU laws so of course Visa increased theirs. It will hit small suppliers who use them to sell but hopefully they’ll find their way independently in time. I think once we all adjust and other outlets pop up with the use of PayPal we won’t miss Amazon. I’ll let you know!

    That’s a shame about your dance class Barbie but I completely understand. I loved your stories and pictures of the outfits you wore when dancing at public events.

    Oh Patsy more water worries. I hate anything to do with plumbing going wrong especially this time of year. I’m relieved to read Katie is fine although your daughter’s journey sounds horrendous.

    Anne, Betty came close to another roll and tumble off my bed last night but this time threw herself back into the middle much to George’s disgust! This morning I woke up to find the 3 pets stretched out while it was nearly my turn to fall out! Little Jilly is hopefully small enough to crawl out if ever at risk of being squashed!

    What delightful tiny envelopes Lin.. I’m still braving supermarkets for groceries and wipe my hands and trolly with gel going in and coming out. Also have a small squeezy bottle in my car!

    Must cook my dinner before a new David Attenborough series on plants… just my kind of programme!

    It’s cold outside but I see a 3 hour window of possible dry weather tomorrow morning so fingers crossed!
    Jackie 🥰

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A very cold but sunny day! So great to that sunshine. Katie has always loved her beds. We have them in almost every room. She has two in the living room. She also has her own blankets and her great big stuffed animals that she likes to sleep with.

    As for me, well I am going through a bunch of stuff. I need a huge attitude adjustment. Little pains and ouches are turning me into a total grouch. I need to get busy on any one of my unfinished projects, clean up and clear out. So if I have sounded whiny lately, well…ignore it.

    John is consumed with repair issues. Plumbing and car repair. Some home maintenance.

    I will leave you with A Katie in her morning nap.we50t5e2o6oj.jpeg
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited January 2022
    Well I had a shock today. Joe has been arriving next door every day at 7:30 until it gets dark. Today I had such a shock. I thought HARRY was back. For now Joe's put loads of discarded wall board on the other side of my fence. Looks like they are rebuilding the inside shell of the house! The old parents and Khalid are no more. They've been trundled off to other relatives! Michael showed up and did a bit to the computer and Mark and Mary Jo are here doing a wonderful job of building the strips of wood in the downstairs bedroom before putting in new insulation and new wallboard. The folks across from us must be amused all day with their view of the goings on.

    Jilly is getting awfully spoilt with all this activity. Mike carried her downstairs today so she could see what's going on. She's a very nosy dog and because the staircase goes down 4 steps before it turns for the final 8 steps she could only sit at the top, wag her tail and bark. The steps are polished wood now and I guess slippery for her paws.

    Other than that we woke up to +4 degrees C and its slowly dropping to -6 C.

    I must say Pandemic or not, life is hardly boring for all us seniors! I watched a movie last evening called "Don't look Up" with Ms Streep as the president of the United States. It was quite a hoot about a scientist [Di Caprio?} noticing a giant comet hurtling towards earth to wipe us all out and nobody believing him.

    I've stopped drinking milk at this point and Mark and Mary Jo are filling me in about what I can eat. Looks like a boring future! Michael went home with the remains of Fridays pot pie for his tea, sigh. By the way, he looks as if he's got jaundice since he had the Moderna booster last week! Over 35s can't have the Pfizer as a booster.

    Glad everyone is surviving the ups and down,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited January 2022
    Loved that movie Anne! Was able to get a Target grocery order within two hours of ordering. Not like Walmart where you reserve time slots. Here in the states they suggest your booster be the same as your other two shots. Joe is the son correct ?

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Anne, I too watched “Don’t Look Up” the other evening and found myself laughing out loud, especially the hilarious digs at social media and today’s celebrity culture. It was barely a whisker from the truth about today’s society so I can just imagine that’s how most would behave!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hello everyone. We had sunshine today but again, it did not warm up very much. But a plus was there was no freezing drizzle at all last night.

    Sandy, I was up watching 2 old episodes of Valerie Bertinelli’s cooking show early this morning. Her guests were her co-stars from “Hot in Cleveland”. Both episodes were very nice and I enjoyed them. Valerie is a wonderful cook and the conversation was fun. This afternoon, the old episodes of the Mary Tyler Moore show with Betty White were a hoot. Loved them. Since then the episodes of Mama’s Family with Betty White were not interesting but I never liked that show at all. There’s an episode of Love Boat on right now. Betty White is on with Carol Channing.

    Looking forward to All Creatures Great and Small later on.

    I did attend online church this morning and it was exceptionally good. ❤️👍🏻❤️

    Also did some laundry and I have been making more little envelopes. That’s about it other than some texting and a little bit of reading.

    Patsy’s oh look at the fluffy doggie napping with her stuffed toy. That’s a big yellow duck isn’t it? Does it have a squeaker? I am wishing for happier days for you and John. And fewer problems with the house and the car. Problems drive me over the edge!

    Anne, my gosh, piling stuff up along your fence? Oh gosh, the critters and problems will be back! I hope the piles of material are removed first thing next spring. Lucky Jilly, all the people coming to the house who pay attention to her. It must be heavenly for a tiny little doggie. So no milk, well there are all sorts of non-dairy options. For milk, cheese, vegan ice cream, etc. About the only thing I have not seen is vegan cottage cheese. Every country is different with these shots. We can have Pfizer boosters/shots as old folks here. Those are the only shots I have received. I hope the weather warms up for you soon.

    Jackie, oh gosh, Betty almost took a tumble again? And you were almost kicked out of your own bed? There are some sleeping arrangement issues at your house right now. It would be lovely for doggies to sleep in doggie beds. So Jackie can sleep in her Jackie bed. Fingers crossed for some good weather tomorrow. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 Gosh, it will be a while for the pub to be rebuilt won’t it. That is sad. I hope you’ve enjoyed your evening program.

    Barbie, very nice to hear from you. I can understand that Jake is your first priority. You are both quite cautious and are figuring things out quite well. Stay safe.

    Going to run along now. Wishing everyone safe and happy times.


  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    It is very cold here but I'm okay because Mark and Mary Jo spent hours here yesterday and all the insulation is in place in the problem bedroom. In fact its so warm that the temperature is reset to 72 degrees, daytime and 68 overnight. Everyone is having a day off today and more good news for me. No allergy problems and I slept for the 8 hours and feel great this morning after 4 sleepless nights. It does appear to be a milk intolerance after all. Mark told me to try polenta instead of potatoes all the time. Haven't a clue what polenta is except something to do with cornmeal? Will have to look up recipes for this mystery. Never too old to live and learn!

    Joe the owner of the house rolled up again at 7:30 to work on the house next door. They are selling it in the spring.

    Just noticed we have warmed up to minus 10 centigrade. BALMY!

    I thought the movie was a hoot and hope you watched the bit after the credits started, I almost turned it off when the credits rolled JACKIE and SANDY. Just a thought Jackie but is it possible to roll your bed next to a wall so the pups don't fall out? I can't and it does make bed making more difficult though.

    Well lovely reading everyones doings. If anyone has any ideas about Polenta and recipes, or what do you eat it with would be helpful! Is it like a substitute for rice?
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited January 2022
    Thick fog this morning so a walk on the lower level of moors, again with George only as Betty didn’t want to go out. She doesn’t cry when left alone anymore and is also 99.9% housetrained so I left her to snooze. George was a bit wary when he saw me get the car from the garage as I’m sure he thought it must be a visit to the vet on his own but soon settled when he realised I was driving in the opposite direction! Eerie walking in the fog but no one else about so I felt safe. I drove straight into town to fill the car with fuel, then to the pet store for a pack of Betty’s green Dental treats and cash from the machine to pay the window cleaner that’s due this week.
    Daylight improving (hooray) and hopefully I can begin to tidy in the garden tomorrow,

    Anne, I did see the final scenes after the credits and remembered how in the past, people would jump up and run from the cinema as soon as the credits rolled. They would have missed the final laugh! The radio presenter was just saying she watched the movie over Christmas with her parents who hated it but it’s apparently been streaming to millions who loved it!
    No way of placing my bed against a wall because one has the window in it, one the door and the 3rd the old airing cupboard, now the loo. The 4th wall is where the old chimney is for what was once a fireplace so I’ll have to be more careful stretching my legs! Wonderful you are already feeling the benefits of Mark’s hard work, especially if Winter is upon you!

    Patsy, My pets have 2 beds in each room downstairs plus one in each bedroom, in fact George and Betty are currently lying in the dining room beds while I type but with Brady, they gravitate to mine at night!

    I did enjoy David Attenborough’s Green Planet programme and only he could turn film of ivy competing with a fast growing tree in the rain forest into a dramatic life and death story. Then there was the plant that was having leaves eaten by ants to feed an underground fungi until it realised what was going on!! Mother Nature is remarkable. It was followed by Call The Midwife that I feel is running out of storylines but I’ll stick with it.

    Time for my afternoon cup of tea and lighting the fire. 4.30pm and still light… wow!

    Stay safe friends.
    Jackie 🥰