Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Sandy, a quick question. Was that cost a combined total for the 2 shots? Or the cost per shot?


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    I just searched this on google, this is for two shots. I am going to check again with my pharmacy but this is with a GoodRX coupon.

    The lowest GoodRx price for the most common version of Shingrix is around $310.00, 23% off the average retail price of $405.88.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited January 2022
    Thanks Sandy. I am going to check what my Part D deductible is for 2022. (I know it’s higher.) Apparently if you haven’t hit your annual deductible you have to pay the price negotiated by your plan with the pharmacy. I guess I will not think about that now. It is quite pricey. A friend got her shots a couple of years ago during a time she was filling a lot of prescriptions. She probably had to pay only a co-pay. Have heard you also have to pay a separate shot administration fee.

    I am so glad you are feeling so much better Sandy. Wahoo!

    Anne, I am glad you have found a solution to some of the shingles symptoms. Well done. How’s Jilly this week? Still basking in the glow of all the company?

    Patsy, hello to you. Have the rains and floods all abated now? Roads open? I hope you are well supplied and can find solutions for your knee.

    Jackie, U.S. Amazon included those shows in their Amazon Prime Video offerings. That also surprised me. I thought there would be a hefty price to view such good programs.

    Kerry and the pups climbed Snowden and they were camping on this outing.

    “ Heading home today after our short break. A bit of R&R in the Welsh mountains and woodlands works wonders for body and mind.
    A very big thank you to our friends in Arddleen for the crumble!”


    Barbie, I hope you and everyone in your household are well.

    I need to get back to stamping sentiments in my Valentines.

    Be safe. Be happy.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited January 2022
    Another day of dog walks for me. A cold wind made the morning jaunt with a George and Betty uncomfortable even with a thick jacket on but Bella was taken along village roads and into a field where it’s sheltered and this time she was relaxed so had a long walk. I put her on one of those long extendable leads which gave her more freedom to go at her own pace and think that helped. As we came to the exit of the field to return to Chrissie we were greeted by a tiny kitten that ran to us very excited to see us. Not sure how Bella would react I shortened her lead so she was close to my legs but the little kitten was very curious, then fluffed up her tail and the fur on her back as cats do and poor Bella became terrified! I had to laugh because it was the tiniest scrap even if it was brave and as we squeezed past she jumped on to a garden fence and tried to grab me. Her owner then appeared to pick her up and sit her on his shoulder and explained she lives with friendly dogs so is fearless. Bella on the other hand couldn’t wait to get home!

    That’s a beautiful picture from Snowdonia Lin. Looks like the sort of golden sunrises I’ve been seeing lately. Scottish thistles on the tea set are grand.

    So pleased you’ve come through your Covid infection Sandy but I’m sorry to read other members of your family are catching it. Thank goodness it’s a mild form. In England we seem to be past the peak and infection rates are falling although we’ve been advised 50% of people who think they have a cold will in fact have Covid but does it matter so long as they quickly recover!

    I’ve just let Betty into the garden which is lit up by the full moon. It appears higher in the sky but still very bright.

    Must get to bed. Hopefully I’ll get to the supermarket early tomorrow to stock up on fresh produce.
    Nite, nite
    Jackie 🥰

    PS. I’ve just spotted on the BBC news App Ontario has a storm warning for heavy snow Anne so please keep yourself and little Jilly indoors and safe.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :s<3 Sorry to hear so many are ailing either from Covid or Shingles. I list health on my daily gratitude list because it is so priceless. We are both doing well. Jake's doctor wants him to follow a low potassium diet so we are experimenting with some new meals.

    :) When I walk in the wintery weather, I wear jeans with flannel leggings underneath, wool socks, warm shoes (boots on the days with snow), two long sleeve shirts, a heavy sweatshirt, a coat rated for cold weather in Maine, a balaclava, wool scarf, two knitted hats, and wool gloves. The dogs have warm coats but they don't wear boots. If we lived somewhere with a lot of snow, I'd have boots for them.

    :) Right now I am watching a lot of figure skating.

    :) We watched "Don't Look Up" and loved it.

    <3 Barbie
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    We have a blizzard warning here and everything is shut down, schools etc. 24cm expected. Well it IS Canada after all. Peering out of the window it looks pretty deep with cables and tree branches coated in a thick layer of the white stuff.

    I had a normal eating day yesterday and suffered overnight for it. I think the culprit a crusty loaf [which I couldn't resist buying] egg sandwich. Back to no yeast or milk today. I've always eaten lots of veggies but I guess even more fruit and veggies in my future. Feel okay now apart from the odd scratch [I grow more dog-like by the day] but I sure am going to miss baking bread etc.

    The folks next door are already here despite weather warnings working on THE house. Their car on the drive is just a huge lump of white, a mini mountain, so they must have arrived early again.

    SANDY, $250 IS a lot of cash for a shingles drug but I would buy the vaccine in a shot if I could guarantee living another 10 years. It really is the most awful experience I have ever had and for such a long 6 months. I think its subsiding but taking its time. Sorry for whining the other day but I was at quite a low spot on that day.

    I don't think there will be much yellow snow outside today. So deep and I guess all the poor dogs will have had a quick shove outside this morning. Jilly is lucky, so short she had the luxury of her indoor toilet today, i.e. a pee pad.

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Morning news....40 cm expected all told! Anne.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited January 2022
    It’s the Wolf moon tonight so after a beautiful sunny, clear day I might get a good view later. Frosty and very cold first thing but as I visited town for shopping our walk wasn’t until it had warmed up a bit.
    Here’s Betty and George admiring the view along with a couple of sheep!

    My village is in what’s known as a frost pocket and once I drive out the temperature rises so when I arrived at the supermarket it had risen from zero to 6c. Found everything I needed, avoided cake and chocolate but am once again loaded up with fresh fruit and veggies so will prepare chicken stir fry for tonight.

    Wow Barbie, that is truly freezing weather you walk in wearing your layers. We don’t normally get much below -5c daytime and on rare occasions hit -10c at night.

    Haha, just as I thought, Amazon emailed me this morning informing me they’ve decided not to cancel my prime video after all if I don’t change my credit card to Mastercard. They say they are still in talks with Visa but I’m guessing they were losing too much custom. A press review pointed out that Amazon use MasterCard for their own finance deals so skullduggery going on. For now I won’t bother to re-register but wait to see how much I would have used them in the coming year. Probably not a lot now that the renovations and decorating are complete.

    My GP practice phoned just as I finished gardening to check if I wanted a flu jab but I told her much as last year, I wear a mask when around people, continue to gell my hands and still don’t see many friends so don’t feel I need that vaccination. No problem, she will note declined on my records but any time I change my mind they will happily jab me!

    No sneaking out to build a snowman Anne! ☃️

    Happy Monday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Feeling 100% better so will stay in one more day, get retested tomorrow and then plan on sitting Tuesday and Wednesday. I am very grateful for a mild case and my son said he is 80% better today. Bryanna is taking a home test today so she can go back to school tomorrow. All is well on my side of the world.

    Anne, I too, would pay $250 for a vaccine that guarantees I would live another ten years, but you don't die from shingles. It is terrible that you are suffering this long with shingles and I wouldn't want to go through that but I just checked on my prescription and it would be close to $400 for both shots so at this time there will be no shingles shot for me. I don't understand why Medicare doesn't pay for seniors to have the shingles shot since it is common for us. I had to google to see how much 40cm was and it said 15 inches of snow, that is a lot of snow, be careful.

    Barbie, that is a lot of clothes, reminds me of Ralphie in the Christmas Story. lol Good luck with new meals for you and Jake.

    Jackie, what a tough little kitten and poor Bella. Again, I have to say what a good friend you are to walk Bella is such awful weather. It must be cold if George and Betty are shivering with coats on. Good luck at the supermarket today.

    Lin, you may have better prescription coverage than I do so I would check with the pharmacy and ask them how much it would cost for a shingles vaccine.

    Patsy, did I miss a post from you?

    Have a great day everyone, keep thinking positive and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    It is very cold this morning and I must admit I am feeling like Anne did a few days ago. My knee is very bad and I am in great pain when I try to hobble to the bathroom. Limited painful mobility causes me so much depression I can hardly breathe. I have never had just pain. I would gratefully take a pain pill if I had one. My coping strategy right now is self massage and distraction with music and TV. Also meditation, whenever I can concentrate on something else besides my discomfort. Also researching PT exercises on youtube and various medical sites. Things will get better. I know this. I just need to learn and devise a recovery plan.

    It is a mystery. We have full hospitals and almost everyone has omicron. If this is so mild, why are there so many people in the hospital? And we are seeing many more deaths. Got a email from the hospital saying all beds are full. ALL! Sadly they cannot help any more people. They are trying to set up field hospitals at the base here.

    This will be one of those times in history when everyone has a story to tell. Today is MLK day. On pbs there have been many documentaries about him and the civil rights movement. Even though the Irish had a hard go here in America, we were not officially owned by another person as a slave. Seeing the docs and seeing the way people were chained up at night…words escape me! Why am I whining about a bad painful knee?

    Grateful for Sandy et al recovering nicely. Breathing a happy sigh hearing about Jackie, Lin and Barbie’s good health, hoping and wishing comfort and relief to our dearest Anne. As for me, time and good thoughts will help me prevail.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited January 2022
    Patsy, can't you go to urgent care for you knee? I know the ER's are a nightmare and have no room but maybe an urgent care could do an x ray and prescribe a pain killer. Just a thought, I feel so bad you are in such pain.
    As far as hospitals, most of them are filled with unvaccinated people, there are cases of vaccinated people with underlying conditions. The peak is coming and things should start improving. At least let's pray they will.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Thank you Sandy. I will see if urgent care will be able to help. I am very nervous about pain pills but maybe one or two to help me through the worst of this knee pain.

    Damon’s girlfriend is still trying get here. He is relaxed about it but really wants to see her. I could be wrong but I think a marriage will happen if she can get here. She is South American and family and marriage is everything! No career or training, just knows how to dress, makeup, fingernails and fixing up a home. And she can SAIL! For a cranky old bachelor like Damon, that might be enough now. There was a time when he was not interested in any woman who was not educated and creative. Times have changed. People are not getting married like they used to. I know you all might disagree but at this point, I would support them living together for awhile to see how they can adjust to each other before taking that next step. Interesting developments however.

    I just called urgent care….not sure they can help but I have number to call and someone to talk to. More later on my wobbly painful knee. Under heating pad with aspercream. Call into our doc and urgent care referral.

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    I've seen everything now! Someone just passed my house on ski's. Yes ski's!

    It gave some relief and a smile to a dull, snow filled day.

    PATSY I really feel for you. I wish I could help I really do, but with swollen ankles covered in a thick rash I aint going anywhere. Not that I can go anywhere! The girls across the road halfheartedly dug a bit of snow up and then they gave up and trudged home. I am literally snowed in and Mark just text to say THEY are snowed in as well. Michael was going to stay home today because his car is unreliable in such conditions. Two highways in Toronto have been closed because of stranded and stuck cars. But can you believe, his firm sent a driver over in a heavy duty vehicle to take him in! Thank goodness they will bring him home as well. As he said they are nuts as hardly any members of the public are likely to visit today! Back to poor PATSY. The only thing I can suggest is rest love and let John spoil you.

    At least SANDY survived the Omicron to give us all hope for better days ahead.
    BARBIE is her healthy self but No sign of LIN today. I hope you are okay Lin, and JACKIE I know you feel for little Bella and Chrissie but with two pets of your own to walk is it possible Chrissie can find a dog walker? Please don't overdo it. We need you out there in your cozy cottage near the sea, AND I AM NOT OUT THERE BUILDING A SNOWMAN, LOL. Mind you, I wish I could!

    So, you are all very much in my thoughts!

    definitely in a bubble but more like a snowball.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    I've decided I don't like laptops and especially ones with magic mice. Once we get past this awful time I hope another iPad is in my future. I just can't get into our group as I did before. ANNE.
    PS. Bean is surviving but not happily as we haven't had company for a few days.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Wonderful Darren came home from work and he's dug me out AND himself AND Maria. Sooooo grateful. We measured depth and it is indeed 15 inches deep.
    No roads have been ploughed and Mary Jo said her and Mark spent a lot of the day watching peoples cars being dug out of drifts. The last time I saw this much snow was in Quebec. Suddenly my shingles dont hurt so bad!!!!!! Mikes firm closed early and he's home safe.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, each time I start to type, the phone rings or I receive a message. I have lost track of all of your posts.

    Patsy, have you been able to get in touch with someone at Urgent Care or at your doctor’s office? I really hope you are able to get medical attention. Do you have a cane or a walker for extra support? I know when sharp pain hits, you can collapse from the weakness. Or maybe that’s just me. Hoping for better days. As to your dear son, whatever will make Damon happy in his life, I hope that is what he finds.

    Sandy, you are quite perky once again! That is good news. I will check on those shots one of these days. I prefer to stay away from people for a few more weeks. Maybe Omicron will be fading by then. We have a lot of Covid here. One of our elder church members has Covid right now and she is vaccinated but also suffers from Parkinson’s disease. Quite a bit of worry. Another friend just lost a mid-40’s co-worker to Covid, even the hospital could not help and another of her friends of about the same age is quite ill with Covid. A friend contacted me yesterday to say her Pastor and wife both have Covid right now so that is interfering with worship services.

    Jackie, nice photo of your fuzzy kids. I am glad you were able to stock up on fruits and vegetables. Amazon is odd. The U.S. branch pushes Visa for their branded credit card. But they also take MasterCard and Discover. Well, I guess if you don’t order from them, avoiding lots of postage and subscription costs you will be ahead of them. But maybe they will offer a really special deal. It could happen.

    Barbie, yes, lots of layers. Good for you. And yes, you sound like Randy from the Christmas Story. I love it when he falls over in the snow and is calling, Ralphie, help me, I can’t get up. Or words to that effect.

    Anne, I hope you can find the end of this misery soon. It has gone on forever. Stay safe. Stay indoors and really, cross country skiers on the streets? And I cannot believe anyone would wander into the office where Michael works unless they ski over to visit. An iPad does sound good but maybe Magic Mouse is the source of the problems.

    Okay, get well card, birthday card and more valentines on my list.

    Wishing all the best to my friends.



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »

    Barbie, yes, lots of layers. Good for you. And yes, you sound like Randy from the Christmas Story. I love it when he falls over in the snow and is calling, Ralphie, help me, I can’t get up. Or words to that effect.

    Opps, it wasn't Ralphie it was his little brother Randy. Thanks Lin

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited January 2022
    Please Patsy, do nothing more than hobble to the loo when necessary, otherwise rest and more rest. If your knee is swollen, perhaps an ice pack or if you haven’t got one, a frozen bag of peas would help. Not a pleasant option if you are feeling the cold but a recommendation if you can bare it. It’s something like 20 minute sessions.

    Icing an injury typically takes place immediately after the injury occurs. Using a cold compress or ice pack on a strained muscle can decrease inflammation and numb pain in the area. Icing is effective at reducing pain and swelling because the cold constricts blood vessels and decreases circulation to the area.

    You are such a mother hen wanting to see your Damon happy in love. Perhaps it’s true… absence makes the heart grow fonder. Lockdowns might have helped in that direction.

    Most of our Covid hospital patients are unvaccinated but I think our uptake was higher than in America so although infection rates are high, fewer are ending up in hospital. It seems Omicron has peaked here and numbers falling so hopefully yours will follow the same pattern.

    Sandy, that’s wonderful news, you are well and soon to get back to caring for your loved ones.

    That’s an awful lot of snow Anne! Hooray for Darren coming to the rescue but stay indoors along with Jilly.

    I won’t lie, there have been a couple of times when I’ve not been pleased to have to walk Bella but realise Chrissie is different to me and a somewhat needy person. She has got five of us helping out with the walking but can occasionally be a little critical of one or two which is naughty when it’s on a volunteer basis. On Friday she had a session with a physio and was complaining it left her in pain but me being me said no pain, no gain. That didn’t go down well! I do understand that after her cancer diagnosis 4 or 5 years ago any pain scares her in case it has returned. I get the odd twinge myself and wonder! Anyway, she was going to phone Oncology today to ask for a face to face appointment. Her last one was over the phone due to Covid concerns.

    Love the pugs Lin, they’re so cute! That’s a lot of sickness amongst your acquaintances too which is sad and a worry I’m sure.

    Time for my bed. It’s been a busy day and I accomplished lots so should sleep well.

    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member