Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    A beautiful sunny day so I walked for nearly 2 hours with George and Betty. Lots of visitors arriving as we returned to the car park so everyone who can is taking advantage of the lovely weather. Both pooches now crashed out and I have housework to do.

    Sandy, I trust you are feeling ok today and the vaccinations you had will mean symptoms are mild. A good excuse to do nothing! As for our PM Boris, I take everything politicians tell us with a pinch of salt but this latest appalling confession about a party when the rest of us were so restricted during that first lockdown has left me feeling angry for those that weren’t allowed to see dying loved ones. Three arrogant men annoying me at the moment… him, the Prince of darkness Andrew and Djokovic who should be sent out of Australia on the next available plane!

    Beautiful amaryllis Patsy and BIG!

    Welcome back to the fold Anne. Was it The Remains of the Day you watched about a butler employed in a stately home? Great film! I’ve been following the Netflix series Stories of a Generation with Pope Francis who comes across as an open minded, caring, intelligent man. The stories are told by people around the world of our generation who have experienced so much, it reminds me a lot has gone on in my lifetime.

    Lin, that cup of tea and cake last night had me craving for something sweet… just saying!

    Weighed myself this morning to discover I am currently stuck at my higher weight! 😬

    Time to hoover!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Not feeling too bad today it is better when I am up and about. Sleeping was more difficult as my throat was very sore and mucus was dripping and making me choke. I took some Mucinex and that helped a lot. Also aspirin for a headache so as of now it is like a cold. Bryanna has the same symptoms and is isolated in her basement. I will stay in until next Wednesday as long as I don't have any symptoms but will take it one day at a time. We cancelled out trip to Florida and will go after our Jamaica trip. They are saying we are reaching the peak and the virus is having a hard time finding people to infect which is a good thing. Although as Lin said Dr. Fauci thinks almost all people will get this sooner or later. So stay safe and be aware. I know you don't think so but I have been very cautious and we stayed with our little family group. Of course with Bryanna and the kids going to school we were more susceptible.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    It is an wet but mild day here. I confess that the high humidity has me creaking around even more than normal. That is really something!

    Must brush Katie and I have a dog breeder friend who recommends some natural herbal doggie calmer that is available from Amazon. After I research any possible side effects, I might get some to help her when I cut her nails. Wouldn't you know I would pick the little creature that is a mental case!

    Anne: we isolate because both John and I are poor patients. John becomes impatient and tries to pretend he isn’t sick. He is fussy and reminds one of an old bear, snarling off by himself. I am whiny and am convinced I am going to die. Not a pretty sight. It is best to try valiantly to stay as healthy as possible. You are doing it right. And you sound content and happy…except for that confounded computer. Are you watching Anthony Hopkins? He is terrific, don’t you think?

    Jackie: in our house, John is slowly disappearing. We constantly worry about his weight. If he should fall, he would just break into a pile of broken bones. I try to think of meals that I can add calories for him yet leave off a few for my weight issue. He does not have the strength he should have. The weight loss is not a happy one for him. So our thought is if you are at a weight that keeps you healthy and strong, yea! Sounds perfect to us.

    Lin: I love to make personal cards out of the little watercolor paper samples that art supply companies send. They are hard to cut. The rag content resists the effort to cut straight. Fun to make little watercolor scenes for the valentines.

    Sandy: take care of yourself. This variant is tricky. Some people feel nothing but others really suffer.
    Seriously! We are anxiously waiting to hear how you are feeling, each day.

    Amaryllis is needing to be propped up, she is jumping out of her tiny pot. Next I will force some tulips and daffodils. A scary trip to Home Depot will be needed. Or can I order bulbs and dirt from Amazon?
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Spot on JACKIE and Anthony Hopkins IS terrific PATSY.

    I spent over one hour on the phone because my order ws short one item but charged for it. Just as I was drifting off to dreamland a very nice woman came on the phone and she's subtracted the price from my bill.

    Too much excitement in this old lady's life today, lol.
    Just read Andrew has been stripped of all his military stuff and title by the queen! Now there's excitement for you!
    There's always something going on in the old country and now Boris has been a very naughty boy as well.

    I don't think I could cope with catching Corvid right now with the itching to contend with as well. I do hope your symptoms will be very mild SANDY, AND very short lived.

    Mark will be over today to delight the garbage men tomorrow with more rejected stuff from the basement. They must hate us by now AND Joe from next door!

    Congrats on the beautiful plant PATSY ! Continue taking good care of you, John, and Katie as well.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited January 2022
    Anne, I loved that movie, mostly because I was relieved to see Anthony Hopkins play a likeable human being after his Hannibal role because I’ve always liked him and find him endearing. The film was based on a book by Kazuo Ishiguro written in the first person and is a great read if you ever come upon it.
    Well, well! Andrew gone, not before time and I’m guessing Charles has had a major influence. Celebrations later this year for the Queen’s 70 years on the throne so the firm won’t want a court case hanging over the family.

    Sandy, I’m so pleased you are ok although the symptoms are unpleasant by the sounds of it. It’s no one’s fault you’ve contracted it apart maybe the person who should have warned Bryanna, certainly I know you’ve been careful. We’ve also been advised by some reputable scientists in Britain we should all expect to catch it at some point! Be kind to yourself sweetheart and get lots of rest. ❤️

    Patsy, what a worry John’s weight loss is for you and of course, what’s going on in our world today doesn’t help you to seek out tempting ingredients that might rebuild your man. Even grumpy bears have to be sustained, especially during winter months.
    I do remember your puppet stories at the local school as if it was yesterday and that’s another weird thing about the past 2 years. They came, they went and now feel to me like an empty void… what on Earth happened? Thank goodness for our little group that’s kept me sane!
    George’s groomer volunteered to trim his nails and made it look so easy but I know what will happen when I try!!

    Are you busy with those Valentine cards Lin or perhaps venturing out? Take care whichever.

    My busy afternoon has left me with an aching back so resting with feet up and a cuppa.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hello Sneakers

    We are having a very nice day with snow melt. It is the nice day before the storm. The snowfall is expected at 9 to 12 inches. Yipes.

    Anyway, I had a small grocery order delivered late this morning. The shoppers stay in touch as they are shopping for you with this service and they can drive you nuts with questions. The guy today was pretty good. After my groceries were delivered and put away, I called the store that ordered the pillow for me. I had received an automated call before 8am that Elizabeth’s order would arrive in the next 10 minutes (whaaaat?).

    I drove over to pick up the pillow, waiting a little while for the lunchtime traffic to thin out. But it is the day before a snow storm so it didn’t actually slow down. So I got to the store and peeked in and was able to pay for the pillow as the guy out on his mask and came out to grab my credit card. Unfortunately it wasn’t what I wanted but they no longer manufacture what I was seeking. I now need a queen sized pillow case and a pillow protector. It is lovely, just kind of big. ☺️ All of my pillow cases are standard size.

    Back to changing up the Valentine cards. First go pasting up a design, ACK! I will work on it.

    Jackie, I watched all 4 episodes of Jim Henson’s Storytellers. I adore Michael Gambon. I have watched his rendition of Maigret multiple times. Thanks for the information on these videos. I hope your back will feel better tomorrow. More tea! And I am sure the photo of the teapot (and stuff) from yesterday included a horrible tasteless version of a muffin. Probably styrofoam…! Now have I removed your appetite for baked goods?

    Anne, ha, on hold for eons. Well, I am happy you got your refund and am empathetic with the long wait. Andrew has not been removed from the threat of the lawsuit, he just had more of his life torn away. He looks like a total embarrassment to the family. So really, can he sweat?

    Patsy, yes, watercolor paper is difficult to cut. I use my guillotine cutter and hope for the best! I don’t know that any of us are good patients when ill. Heck, I am not that good a person when I am pretty much well but just a bit off.

    Sandy, glad you have Mucinex. I understand there is one version that is specially designed for sore throats. Do you have that one? Keep yourself propped up a bit at night and when I have a sore throat I do something that is not recommended, I fall asleep with a little cough drop/throat lozenge in my mouth. I have never choked. Helps me get to sleep.

    Nothing else interesting here. Just books, movies, making cards and I do have a puzzle out. Ready to be snowed in.

    Please be safe everyone.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Today is our anniversary--33 years. For us, every day is a celebration so we won't be doing anything special. We can't/don't go anywhere anyway so we're not missing a celebration.

    :) My dog walking friend is away for a few days helping an ailing friend so the dogs and I will be walking alone again this morning. It will give me the opportunity to finish listening to my audio book.

    :)Sandy, sorry to hear that you are ailing. I hope you feel better soon.

    :) I don't follow any news either in the US or abroad so all the stories you tell are news to me.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Another bad night but days are better. Mostly a sore throat and runny nose. I feel good enough to do laundry so that is a good thing. Bryanna's mother brought me groceries yesterday so I am all set. Unfortunately Bryanna's younger sister also has tested positive but her mother did not. She said it's only a matter of time so she needed groceries and asked if I needed any so I gave her my list and of course paid her. She has been very kind and checks on me everyday. She does have some good qualities. o:)

    Barbie and Jake,

    Lin, I took your suggestion and put a cough drop in my mouth and it did help. I did prop my head as well but still kept waking up coughing. I am taking Mucinex D which is an expectorant and nasal decongestant. It does say for sore throats also. I think that was the problem though I took two before bedtime and read today sleeplessness may be a problem if Mucinex is taken late in the afternoon. So will just take in the morning from now on.

    Jackie, the symptoms weren't as bad last night, so things are improving a little. My head still feels a little cloudy and throat is sore but not anything I can't handle. I hope your back is better today, mine has also been acting up. Still grateful we are in pretty good shape and I mean all of us.

    Anne, don't you just hate being put on hold? Are you really sure your itching comes from the shingles? Could it be an allergy from something new, like laundry detergent, maybe even a mite? I hope none of you get Covid heck even I didn't want it. I am grateful for a mild case so far and thankful for my vaccines.

    Patsy, yes this virus is very tricky, I wouldn't want anyone with comprising conditions to get it because it wears you out. Your Amaryllis is beautiful and cheery.

    Have a good day everyone and thanks for all the good wishes. Keep staying safe the way you feel best, it is working for you.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, I have been working on Valentines and had a very long conversation with a friend today. Her birthday!

    Barbie to you and Jake…


    Sandy, you are doing quite well. Thank goodness for that. I see you have been riding your bike! Wow. Keep taking care my friend. Did anyone else at the birthday party get this version of Covid? I hope no one else tests positive. I am glad someone is checking on you every day. Very good!

    It snowed a bit this morning, then stopped. It has been snowing quite heavily for a while now with giant wet flakes. That is going to stick! Wonder if we will get the 9 to 12 inches they keep talking about?

    Anyone else getting snow today?

    Nothing else new around here. I have been trying to find an Amazon package that is 4 days late but there’s no information. Just ‘delayed.’ That was before the snow.

    Well best wishes to everyone. I am going to run away now. Be safe everyone.


    Minton teapots. All with squirrel finials.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    A sunny, gorgeous day and a busy one. My home pedicure delayed the daily walk as it was a bit too icy to go out early. The lady that gives me the pedicure has an interesting love life but is going through some heartache at the moment so we talked about that for most of her visit. She left smiling and said she should pay me for listening!
    George was a naughty boy on our walk trotting away from me on a different path we never use and ignoring my calls and the whistle. Betty followed him and they were soon a distance away but I could at least still see them so worked my way across the moor splashing through wet areas to get closer. By that time George was looking about for me, realising he was lost, so this time when I blew the whistle he turned to come in my direction and Betty immediately raced over. I know he would go back to my car if ever truly lost and I could see that this time he had started to follow routes we sometimes take in order to find me while Betty sensibly stayed close so it wasn’t a major worry, just annoying so I ignored them until we got back to the car which is something I know dogs don’t like.
    I spent more time in my garden in the afternoon so the tidying continues.

    Sandy, Lin’s suggestion of sleeping with a lozenge in your mouth is a good one and something I do if I have a sore throat. Tepid water with honey and dissolved aspirin can also help. Good to know you have stocked up and won’t go hungry. I think the pound a week slot can wait this week don’t you?

    Ooh Lin, hopefully you won’t be buried in snow although I don’t personally mind the rare heavy snow storm. It’s a good excuse to snuggle in front of the fire. Minton teapots! Very nice and collectible.

    Well, past my bedtime so I’d better get moving.
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Our anniversary was lovely. Thank you all for the good wishes. We sang to each other in the morning and then just enjoyed being together all day.

    :) No snow here but some rain. Nothing stopped the regular dog walking but I did cut my evening walk short because of the drizzle.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Slept good last night and feel good today, just a smidgeon of sore throat. (Remember Zulu) We will have our family zoom call this afternoon, me in my pajamas. My friend and her daughter brought me dinner last night which was a pleasant surprise. They don't live that close so it made it extra special. I even have enough for tonight. It will be another rest day and will continue this pattern every day until Tuesday when I will go retested. Thanking God for a mild case and thanking God for the scientists who made the vaccines, I am grateful.

    Barbie, sounds like a nice romantic anniversary. We had some flurries but nothing to speak off.

    Jackie, I followed your advice with warm water and honey but I took the Tylenol separate because I don't think it would have dissolved. Thank you for the advice, I appreciate it. That George is a little stinker but you have to love him. I don't think I knew that dogs don't like to be ignored I will have to try that with Ewok when he misbehaves.

    Lin, no one else has tested positive for which we are grateful. Yesterday I was too tired to ride my bike but we will see how it goes today. I know being active is good so things so things don't settle in your lungs. How much snow did you end up with yesterday?

    Hello to Anne and Patsy, hope you both are well.

    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    I left a huge comment which disappeared and now feel most disheartened. Just to say SANDY it is shingles diagnosed by the doctor and also internal shingles which combined with the outside red itchy flaking skin patches make this the worst thing I have endured for 6 months. I've been worried I might catch the corvid on top of it because its more than I could frankly bear. Very relieved you are feeling not too bad.
    It was a long comment mainly about our temperature that is now minus 14 C after waking up earlier to minus 24 C.
    Must take my miserable self away,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello. The snow is over and depending on where you are in this suburb, we had 11.5 to 14.5 inches. My handyman blew out my driveway early this morning. The city plow then promptly filled the end of my driveway with big chunks of snow. I tried to wait to see if he would return but no luck. So I went out to shovel snow and wow, my neighbor showed up and did the end of the driveway so I just had to shovel along my garage door, the sidewalk to my front door, and my deck at the back of the house. I put out some ice melt, picked up yesterday’s mail and knocked the ice from my furnace exhaust (must keep the air moving or the furnace won’t function properly).

    Anne, I am sorry you lost your post. That seems to happen to all of us these days. And I am sorry you are not completely healed. That is a very long time to endure pain, itching and misery. I was talking to a friend who suffers from periodic rashes. She was told she has atopic dermatitis and she has tried to control all aspects of her life to avoid things that make it flare up. She wears white cotton clothing for the most part, avoids everything with scent, reads the labels on all the detergents, soaps etc that she buys to try to avoid anything that may have changed ingredients since she last purchased them. Anyway, she got a flare up which has not gone away after her Covid booster shot. She washes in warm water and covers herself in lotion, they run a humidifier, and she hopes it will eventually go away. May both of you rid yourself of these maladies.

    Sandy, so glad you got some sleep. Very good news and even better that no one else has this version of Covid. I hope you are having a great Zoom call!

    Barbie, I am glad you had an enjoyable anniversary. You and Jake are such content people.

    Patsy, hello🙋🏼‍♀️

    Jackie, I hope George has been a good boy today. Do you know the location mentioned in the photo caption?

    A photo caption from Kerry on a trip with Max, Paddy, and Harry.

    “ 5 mile walk through the woods at Lake Vyrnwy. Harry must have done at least 30 miles. Great day great company.”




  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Lin thank you for your concern and I guess your poor friend will know exactly how I feel. Honestly its worse than all the broken bones I've had in the past and I'm told I am lucky because some people have Shingles so bad they can't function at all. I would suggest anybody who had chickenpox as a child get the shingle vaccine shot because I wouldn't want any of you to get it. You can get it at any age but its more prevalent among the elderly. It makes one wonder how the poor people felt who died from full blown Corvid like my friend Roy. Very happy for you SANDY!!!!!

    I watched The Ghost Writer on Netflix this afternoon dressed in a shirt, my hoodie and pyjama bottoms. I can't bear the jeans or pants against my skin but I honestly think I am on the mend. I'm told if you press the rash and it doesn't hurt but it does hurt if you brush the flaky skin you are beginning to mend! Thats how my ankles and lower legs feel, so YEAH.

    Its now minus 12 C so warming up and indeed I am not shivering any more and about to discard my fleecy hoodie. Spring is on the way and its getting dark later. Another big YEAH.

    So feeling a little less miserable than earlier for which I apologize big time Jilly and I will settle down for the evening.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Late again and nearly bedtime. We lost our sunshine which meant a cold day, the sort that creeps into the bones. As I sat eating my porridge and checking news on the BBC website I saw they were showing a tennis tournament final match in Australia so waited for it to finish before walking with George and Betty. I decided it wasn’t moors weather so we only walked round the block but anyway, Chrissie had phoned before we went out to ask if I could walk Bella later as she has more aches and pains. By the time I’d had some lunch it was time to go but although Bella came out with me willingly, she wanted to head home as soon as she had done what was needed so back we went. Chrissie says she has been taking her out in the car to different places and letting her off so it could be Bella decided a walk on her lead wasn’t interesting enough! I’ve offered to take her at some point tomorrow so we’ll see how that goes. That was my day because by the time I returned home, had a cup of tea and lit a fire it was dark! I watched a few episodes of Ricky Gervais series he has written for Netflix called After Life which is amusing but far too much swearing and I’m open minded!!

    Wow Lin, you managed to watch the Jim Henson Mythology short series. I haven’t watched since the episodes were first broadcast so when I read your post looked on you tube and found the trailers. They look quite dated now but it was lovely to read comments from people who watched when they were children and thought how innovative it was for the time. Michael Gambon has a voice you’d know anywhere doesn’t he!
    I’ve never been to Lake Vyrnwy in Wales but not so long ago watched a tv travel programme in which a walker visited the area and the locals voiced their upset about the man-made lake which was created by flooding the valley and the village that had stood in it for centuries. The water isn’t supplied to Welsh homes but goes I think to Liverpool so a lot of bitterness. A beautiful spot for dog walking and don’t Max and friends look happy, if tired! Did you see the moving story recently about the search and rescue dog that went missing for 12 days? A happy ending but the owner was still tearful!
    By the way, George had to behave today because he was on a lead!

    Good news Sandy, you are recovering well and I hope the honey in warm water helped a little. I gather rest is the best way to get over the virus so keep doing what you’re doing. I forget who told me about ignoring any naughty dog for 5 minutes but it certainly works!

    Oh dear Anne, I’m so sorry to read after all this time you are still dealing with itchy skin that drives you mad. Too cold outside too but I hope Mark’s hard work fitting new insulation is benefiting you. Canada was where I learned how important layers of clothing are and still lecture anyone who complains they’re cold when wearing one flimsy top!

    Gone midnight so off to bed.
    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Wow! Not sure what happened. I seemed to have jumped into the never-never land when it came to MFP. But things are better now. Our sun disappeared and a cold fog drifted in.

    Oh well. Soup tonight and early bed. I am dealing with a very painful swollen knee. It looks like a torn ligament is possible. Our orthopedic dr. Has flown the coop. Our hospital is full. I must devise a plan and a coping system myself. I am reading all the info and looking at TP videos, I have a knee brace on but it does seem quite useless. Oh well, I will see what I can come up with. “Dr. Patsy will see you now!” Oh my!

    Barbie: so sorry I could not get into MFP to wish you and Jake a Happy Anniversary. I know how important and rare these commitment are. It feells unique and very special to find your special lifetime partner. I think you both treasure each other. We all wish you and Jake much happiness and a long long life together.

    Anne: contact your doctor about gabapintin. An inexpensive prescription that will ease your shingles symptoms. Non narcotic and non habit-forming

    Sandy: great news! You are on the mend and feeling better. We were concerned! Seriously!

    Jackie: I never see good productions as dated. Never! Never!

    Lin: well my dear friend, stay warm. It appears you might be getting even more snow !
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Feeling really good today and slept well. Unfortunately, now my oldest son has tested positive in a home test. So far his wife is okay but they will call their doctor tomorrow. They have plans to go to Florida next Sunday to visit his sister and then on to Disneyworld. Hopefully he has a mild case and should still be able to go if he has no symptoms in 5 days. One Day at a Time.

    Today is just another rest day and binge watching TV. I am not complaining and I am happy to stay in and feel as well as I do. I will wait and go for another test on Tuesday and hope for a negative result although they say you can test positive for up to three months after testing positive which happened to my daughter. I really hope this virus is peaking and things will start to go downhill soon.

    Keep staying safe and enjoy your Sunday.

    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Wow, us poor Sneakers, we are really in the wars! I have a bit of good news though "Doctor Anne" thought up a way to deal with internal shingles which has improved life tremendously. I've also learnt that once one recovers the virus goes dormant for roughly 10 years and can then flare up again. I am urging Mark and Mary Jo to get the vaccine but a little late for me! LOL. I won't go into what I'm doing on here but if anyone is unfortunate enough to get Shingles give Doctor Anne a call! My doctor appears to have gone AWOL but thanks for the tip PATSY and I wish I could help your poor knee!

    Not much to report. I watched The Ghost Writer on Netflix yesterday and it wasnt bad with an interesting ending.

    I was up at 6 and by 7 the crew next door was working on Harry's house. So much stuff outside it must be a shell inside. At least I wasn't being mean with Harry last year!!!! Anyway Bean and I left them to it and went back to bed on a very cold morning. All warms up tonight with a snowstorm on the way. Mark said why don't you paint it to which I replied I thought snow looks best white! [shows I'm on the mend, oh witty Anne!] Mark text back "just don't paint it yellow".

    Time to cook lunch, oh and by the way I think the allergies I was moaning about is actually internal shingles. The two symptoms flared at the same time.

    ANNE the ever hopeful.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Anne, I am glad you found something to relieve you of the itching. I wanted to get a shingles shot but it would cost $250 since my deductible hasn't been met and never will because I only take one prescription drug. I had shingles once but I can't remember how long ago but for sure it was over ten years.
    I really don't need another virus, one is enough. Have a good day and your snow story made me laugh.
