Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    In the earlier post, a strange thing occurred right in the middle of my post. UTI , seriously! It just popped in there. Strange and kind of funny. I was saying self care was my only current option. UTI? Not at the moment…….
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hello. Another day has evaporated. I did laundry, talked to a friend on the phone for over an hour. I crushed a few boxes before the phone call and never got back to it. Also got some bills paid and started to review the end of the year information I am starting to receive. Lots of boxes to tend to at some point.

    Sandy, I have placed a number of grocery orders through Instacart in the last several days. I place the order and by the time a shopper starts to pack it, things are sold out. I was going to do a pickup order at Whole Foods but it just said pickup, not curbside pickup. I called them and have shut off curbside indefinitely. He said they didn’t want their people to have to go out in the cold. I have no idea if that was the truth but I told him I didn’t want to go into any stores right now. So I ditched all the items in my cart. Checked Walmart, not much available, same with Target. Little by little I am getting fresh and frozen veggies and fruit. The cost is crazy however. So happy hunting!

    Oh, and I go to an Internist. I signed up with one on the advice of a work friend when I moved here in 1990. When he retired, they moved me to another Internist in the practice. It really doesn’t matter. If he can’t see you, you see a nurse practitioner or anyone who has time. If you go to the hospital, you get transferred to a hospitalist. The big clinic doctors do not care for patients in the hospital. If you have a specific issue, you get referred to a specialist. Do I have a doctor? Pretty much in name only.

    Patsy, I think it may be a very difficult time to find help. Which is odd as so many people have quit their jobs but if they are younger, there may be children who need care. Many people do not want to go into the homes of others right now due to the heightened probability of illness. On this street, neighbors have exchanged recommendations for house cleaning and years ago one lady spent an entire day each week going from house to house. During this plague, it seems that is no longer happening. I am hoping you can find reliable, skilled, kind people to provide some help.

    Jackie, George has definite ideas of what he wants (or doesn’t want) to do. I am no longer doing early mornings. I did when I had dogs and I did every workday as early to arrive should mean early to leave (but in reality, not that often). Now I like to get up and maybe wash up, then jump back in bed with the heated cover turned on low. I have one ear on the news and often, I fall asleep again for a while. But I enjoy the times when I am comfortable so I take advantage of them. There have been so many nights of little sleep and discomfort that I appreciate being warm and comfortable. And I do have that new pillow!

    Anne, nothing wrong with getting up later particularly if it is okay with Jilly. My dogs were early risers, up and ready to go for a walk no matter what the weather. Did Mike stop over and did you get your makeup? And I don’t use any eye makeup ever. I scratch my eyes too often. 😁 Do you have any jigsaw puzzles this winter? Books? Or just thinking about pots of spuds this spring?

    Barbie, that is a very big turkey for 2 people. I think it is this weekend that our church is having a turkey and noodle dinner after church. Many people like this annual event. Not too close to the Thanksgiving turkey. 👍🏻👍🏻

    Wishing everyone well. Long distance hugs.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Lin, the intent of the turkey is to make several meals and lots of soup to freeze.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Brrr, a freezing day with no sign of the sun to warm us. Sunday can be very busy on the moors and in spite of the cold, lots of families and dog walkers were brave enough to turn out but I know enough routes to take us away from the crowds. We climbed to the very top and I immediately wished I had taken a scarf to protect my face from the bitter wind. Never mind, I still managed to laugh at George’s bounding zoomies while Betty hid behind my legs and stared in awe!
    Somehow, yesterday afternoon flew by with little more than the shower room being washed and bleached and floors washed. Suddenly it was time for a cuppa and chocolate digestive… no wonder my weight doesn’t drop!

    We are now warming up, me with a mug of coffee, then I must muck out the hen house.

    Patsy, I’ll admit the inclusion of UTI initially had me wondering how it had caused your knee damage and did laugh when you told us it was a mystery… thank goodness! This lack of socialising business has too many knock on effects because often discussions over coffee or lunch with friends is a great way to pick up recommendations for self employed cleaners or personal health care. There are some treasures out there, I’m sure in Oregon as much as the UK, you just need someone you trust to point you in the right direction.

    That’s an amazing strawberry teapot Lin and even in freezing times, a hint of summer that’s on its way! That’s great you are finding your new pillow comfortable; a comfy headrest is a must!

    Did you enjoy your British tin of tomato soup Anne? Batchelors or Heinz?

    I’m guessing you enjoyed a leisurely Saturday Sandy. I was reading about Netflix and their concerns that numbers of new subscribers are falling but I’d have thought that inevitable now lockdowns are easing. It also mentioned your subscription fee is increasing but not in the UK just yet. Our government is threatening to close down the BBC in a couple of years which would be a loss, especially the great dramas they produce. I’m thinking though that governments come and go so a lot could change in 2 years!

    Time for a snack lunch then outside.
    Happy Sunday friends. Stay safe.
    Jackie. 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Just finished watching my Church service. I woke up earlier than usual do to the plows. We had a little snow but only about 2 inches or so, more is coming later. I did manage to find a grocery store to order a few items for pickup this afternoon. More expensive than Walmart but can't be too choosy in this day and age. I did forget something but will have to make do without it since the cutoff was midnight. Tomorrow I am meeting friends for a late lunch so I do hope the weather cooperates. Nothing going on today, my life is becoming boring. lol

    Jackie, freezing weather, do you use hand or feet warmers? Babe used to have those when he took Daisy for a walk because of his arthritis. A scarf is always good for your face, I bet you won't forget it next time. Have a fun day mucking out the chicken coop.

    Lin, for some reason Walmart has gotten extremely busy with car pickups. I used to be able to order for the same day but now it is like two days out. Maybe they have less help and can't keep up with the demand. I still don't like going into the grocery store although I have done it but just not that comfortable. I looked up a couple of doctors in my medical group, one is a family doctor and the other an internist. I will probably go with the family doctor as she seems to do it all. My problem is that with Medicare my next yearly physical isn't due until July so not sure if I should try to find a doctor now or wait. My gut says to do it now so at least I have a doctor to put down on forms. Sounds like a plan for this week.

    Patsy, I too wondered what the UTI had to do with your knee so I am glad you cleared that up for us.
    Hope each day is bringing you a little more comfort, still wish you could get an x-ray.

    Anne, did I miss your morning post? Hope all is well in Canada.

    Have a great day, stay warm and safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    I've just lost a very long comment and Mark and Mary Jo have arrived so more later. ANNE
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sunny and cold here. Katie has been outside numerous times to bark and growl at deer that are close to the front deck. They are munching happily on camellia buds and some other little tinder green leaves. They were not disturbed in the least. They never even looked up. These are totally socialized deer. Sadly it will be their undoing come fall hunting season. I do absolutely love them, even though they have eaten all my roses and are a menace in the neighbors gardens. Katie is doing her best but to no avail.

    Urgent care tells me to plan a 6 to 8 weeks recovery on my knee. The Portland hospitals send a specialist every month or so. I am getting an appointment. I am not as comfortable with docs as Sandy. I have had some bad experiences with doctors and am not as confident as I would like to be in our medical community. Now they are overworked, angry and stressed. Wow!

    Our groceries are still purchased in person. I make out a list and John puts on a good mask and heads into the stores. I honestly think he enjoys the activity. He will not consider pickup or delivery service. He has the idea that the clerks are not careful in packing and don’t choose undamaged produce. Our daughter says that is not her experience. In truth, both of us all keep doing things out of habit and habits are formed out a convenience and comfort. Of course there is the problem of what we are forced to do…..

    I have wondered what a digestive is? Would this be the same as what we call a cookie here in USA?
    Or is it a piece of candy? Or some else? Isn’t it interesting the UK, Canada, Australia, and USA all speak English but each have lots of differences. Even impolite words but some words are universally impolite and sort of unnecessary really!

    Hello to all sneakers. Be safe but a bit bold. Don’t let anyone forget how truly wonderful you are!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member

    What cookies do Americans eat that the British would call a “digestive”?

    Ernest W. Adams, lives in The United Kingdom

    There's no exact equivalent. The original British digestive biscuit is made with a peculiar combination of brown wheat flour, consisting of 15% bran and 85% white flour. It's semi-sweet, relying on the wheat germ to provide some of its sweetness.

    Probably the closest thing you'll find in the USA, in terms of being made with whole grain, is graham crackers. They're made from graham flour, which is rather similar. Also, they're less sweet than cookies. Like digestive biscuits, they were originally developed for their supposed health benefits.

    British digestive biscuits are exported to the United States, so if you're looking for the real thing, it's available there.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hello, back again. If gluten free vegan digestive biscuits were sold here, I would try a package. They sound so appealing and a good accompaniment to tea. What are your favorites Jackie and Anne?

    Barbie, I did understand you were making multiple meals. I haven’t cooked any meat of any sort for quite a number of years. I am used to thinking of 12 to 16 ounces of tofu for multiple meals. 😂😂🤣🤣

    Sandy, I got my last order this morning for the remaining items on my list and all seemed fine until I was putting things away and found one item was wrong. I cannot use this one so I have requested a refund. The monthly Instacart membership allows much flexibility which grocery stores I can use. This week I paid more in tips but that does not happen often. I hope the number of positive cases of Covid goes down quickly so that I will feel okay going back into a store once a week or so. I am sorry you are bored. I have a friend who has to go somewhere every day. She goes crazy if she stays in. She will make a trip to McDonalds and get a drive through coffee or sandwich. As long as she goes somewhere. She drives a lot.

    Back later.

    - - - - - -

    Phone call over but battery is dying.

    Anne, I hope you have had a good day.

    Jackie, George doing Zoomies. Love it. I hope you are enjoying the evening in your cozy home.

    Patsy, I think I missed you again.

    Darn. Tomorrow is another day my friends.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Patsy, to follow on from Lin’s post on the subject………

    First manufactured by McVitie's in 1892, their digestive is the best-selling biscuit in the UK. In 2009, the digestive was ranked the fourth most popular biscuit for "dunking" into tea among the British public, with the chocolate digestive (produced by McVitie's in 1925) coming in at number one. The chocolate variant from McVitie's is routinely ranked the UK's favourite snack.

    There’s also a milk chocolate variety but far too sweet for my taste whereas the bitterness of the dark counters the sweetness of the biscuit.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Home after another freezing walk and now waiting for the car seat protective covers to finish a cycle in the washing machine so I can hang them outside for a couple of hours. George raced about the moors so my intended short walk became a longer one since he was enjoying himself so much. Dear Betty screamed at one point as he raced past! My iPhone rang most of the way home and when I parked by my garage and checked, it had been Chrissie. She’s asked if I can walk Bella so I’ll be back out in the cold later! 🥶

    Sandy, I wear either thermal gloves or thick, knitted fingerless mittens that contain Alpaca wool that’s more dense than sheep wool. They are more useful when using poo bags or clipping dog collars on and off but neither type stops the tips of my fingers freezing. Each hand gets a turn in a pocket as I walk!

    Deer live in the woodland that runs alongside our access track and I was once asked by someone I know to hunt if I had seen any recently. I had but denied it!!

    Washing cycle finished then lunch, probably spicy soup, so will pop back later.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) We cancelled lunch today as one of the ladies is not feeling well. I was happy because we had some snow but the plows still haven't been here. I am glad I was able to get some groceries yesterday and only one item was out of stock. So today will probably be a pajama day since I am sitting tomorrow and Wednesday.

    Jackie, it amazes me that your laundry dries outside when it is so cold. Doesn't it freeze?? That George is a trouble maker making poor Betty scream. Sorry you have to go out in the cold again to walk Bella but I am sure both Chrissie and Bella are grateful. I have to say those digestives look delicious. I would prefer the milk chocolate as I don't like dark chocolate. Enjoy your day,

    Lin, I too, hope the covid cases peak soon, I really want to go to Jamaica and it sounds like we should be seeing the decline in mid February. I don't think I am really bored, just not a lot of activity at this time.
    I like staying home but feel like I should be doing something more productive. Winter is just a boring time unless you are young and like snow. I did like skiing when I was young but wouldn't even think of it today. Love all you teapots even if I don't mention them on all posts.

    Patsy, I love seeing deer but that is not too often. My friend who lives in this development posted two deer she saw out of her window which made me jealous. lol I guess I have been lucky with doctors, I really never had a problem with any of them. All my surgeries were successful and I am grateful

    Anne, sorry you lost your post and hope you let us know how things are today.

    Barbie, did you start the turkey meals yet??

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Anne emailed to let me know Mike “fixed’” her laptop so she’s locked out from Sneakers again! She of course wanted you all to know. I’ve forwarded a link that might work for her, otherwise Sandy might be able to help?
    Toad in the hole cooking in the oven so back later.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    This will be short and sweet because I'm giving it a try.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited January 2022
    Golly it worked and I'm not sure how, but not one to look a gift horse in the mouth!

    I did a huge comment this morning only to lose it. It was mainly about digestive biscuits which you can buy in Canada. In fact talking about them I've just been to collect a couple whilst I type.

    Nothing much to report. After gutting the late Harrys dream home, a roofing van turned up this morning.

    I had a super weekend but that seems an age ago now. Mike fixed this infernal machine which is behaving itself as I type. While he played with the laptop, out of curiosity I recharged the late iPad and much to my amazement it recharged and told me it hadn't been used for 7 weeks. I don't know how long this will last but so far so good.

    So apart from having to make up a grocery order for Friday [ you have to do it this early otherwise all delivery days and times are taken ] its a quiet day with the snow gently falling. I watched "Munich, a day to remember" on Netflix and I thought it very good.

    On a sombre note Ontario had 11,000 deaths today from the start of Corvid. Not out of the woods yet!
    Hope PATSY is feeling less pain! More tomorrow...hopefully.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    So many of us on Facebook are playing Wordle a game that comes from the UK. It is a daily game to find the word of the day. In case any of you want to try it here is the link.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A very sunny but cold day. We are to have almost a week of sunshine. Can you believe it? The bright sunlight has shown me a lot of dust bunnies and smudges on my kitchen appliances. Knee or no knee, I can sit on the kitchen stool and use “simple green” to clean some surfaces. Honestly it was absolutely shocking. I fear the whole house is one big smudge! Also doggie grunge since Katie loves to rub against walls and furniture. Not sure why but it is one of her favorite things to do. She gets toweled off regularly as well as doggie baths and doggie baby wipes for her toes and legs. She hates being wet or dirty. Me, as well!

    Daughter Andrea has gone totally insane! She is now consumed by worry about her husband. He really isn’t well. I think he has had a stroke. He needs a real doctor to examine and test him. They are using a nurse. She is helpful but her also suggested a specialist. Health concerns during a pandemic can be terrifying. I will help as much as I can. My knee is not going to allow much actual help. Trying to send prayers and positive thoughts while hobbling around. That appears all that I can do.q

    The aroma of Turkey baking is so reminiscent of thanksgiving or Christmas, it is always a magic perfume to me. But for me it is a lot of work. Happy work!

    The digestives sound interesting. I have a terrible sweet tooth and would most likely enjoy chocolate cookies instead. Here in the US we have a very unhealthy addiction to sugar and love of all things sweet. Sad but true.

    We are still watching movies most nights. Often it takes two nights to complete the movie. We buy dvd movies on Amazon. Our internet connection is so slow, watching Netflix’s etc is not a real option. Living in the rural areas has its issues.

    Hobbling off to make chili and maybe cornbread if I can do it sitting on the kitchen stool. This knee problem is inconvenient. Doc says plan on 6 to 8 weeks to recover. Oh boo! Growl! Snarl! Fuss and whine.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited January 2022
    Good evening! We had a bit of snow this morning, followed by a bit of sunshine, lots of wind and falling temperatures. It will be super cold tomorrow. I did get a birthday card mailed today so I can stay in tomorrow.

    I spent another large chunk of the day texting with one friend and on the phone with another friend this afternoon for a very long time. Nice conversation which covered everything from A to Z. 😄

    I still need to take out the trash. Hopefully the wind has died down now.

    Otherwise, not much interesting here. Just my same things. Cutting up veggies, making cold brew tea, working a bit on a puzzle. Doing online jigsaw puzzle, crossword, Trivia, and several others including Wordle.

    Jackie, George is becoming a wild man. Is he loving the weather or what? Poor Betty has had enough it sounds like. I hope you are enjoying your evening, warm and safe. Lucky Bella to have such a good friend taking her for walks.

    Anne, glad your laptop is fixed and you are back on the Sneakers.

    Patsy, I am sorry for the continued problems in your family. Health problems are magnified right now by the scarcity of appointments with doctors and specialists in particular. Keep taking good care of your knee. Don’t work it too hard please.

    Sandy, happy kiddy sitting tomorrow. Hope it isn’t as cold there as here. Our morning wind chill is expected to be well below zero. Eeeck. I found today’s Wordle to be difficult. But the mini crossword puzzle was much easier. Sorry one of your friends was ill today lots of that going around.

    Be safe everyone.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Yet another cold, bleak day but I was up early so I could wash and blow dry my hair, then porridge breakfast before a walk round the block. I’m now sipping coffee waiting for a delivery that the mailman should bring today. Keeping to my resolution to cut Amazon out of my life, I’ve found what looks like 3 good quality woollen jumpers from a big national store called John Lewis. Their January sale is on so bargains to be had and I’ve spent enough to entitle me to free delivery.
    After lunch I must drive to the optician for an eye test that should have been carried out a year ago but what with lockdowns and the April/May cancer treatment, I put it off. They have all the latest high tech scanning equipment but as a pensioner I don’t pay except for one extra test I’ve requested and that’s only £10.

    Sandy, the air has been so dry in spite of cold temperatures my car seat covers were almost dry but I’ve hung them on an airier in my dining room overnight so they are now dry. A breeze kept them moving so they didn’t freeze thankfully but that has happened occasionally in the past!
    I read yesterday that your latest Covid outbreak has peaked which is good news. Our infection rates reduced rapidly once we reached that point and hopefully yours will too.
    I’m not sure I can join in Wordle if not on Facebook but will take a look. Anything to keep my brain functioning!

    More worries for you Patsy when you need to be giving all attention to getting yourself properly mobile again. This pandemic has a lot to answer for with so many knock on effects but I do wonder if we will ever know the true extent… maybe best not to!

    Lin, George’s true Himalayan character comes out in cold weather; he has two personalities! Summer heat slows him to a full stop but as soon as it gets cold he becomes a puppy again. When the fire is lit and we’re all cosy he often goes upstairs to snooze in the cool spare room. It might snow on Friday so watch out Betty!

    That’s great you got back to us Anne. I’ll watch out for that movie you mentioned, that’s if it is a movie!!

    No sign of the postman yet so I’ll whizz the vacuum cleaner around!
    Stay safe and warm.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Jackie, you do not need Facebook to play Wordle.. Just copy or click on the link Sandy shared. Some people share their results on Facebook. That is the only connection to Facebook.

    Glad you are getting your eyes examined today.
