Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good afternoon.

    I need to do finish my valentines to put in the mail. I haven’t written anything inside any of them so it will take me a while. Words don’t flow so easily. I would prefer to just put my name inside and skip everything else. 😄

    It is warmer today, sunny, and windy. I understand we may be in the 40’s next week. Wahoo! That would be lovely.

    Sandy, busy day, busy week! Something always pops up in your schedule. You are always ready no matter what. I hope your hair turns out just the way you want it and that you enjoy your Zoom call. I know you don’t have much in Rx costs. I only have one prescription as well but it costs over $400 a year so it makes sense to pay and have it count towards the annual deductible. The other thing I considered was, it is very early in the year, who knows what prescriptions I might need later in the year. The prescription drug program/coverage is not that good in my opinion.

    Jackie, oh definitely do not want to get in the midst of stampede of hungry cattle. I am glad you did not get hurt today and good for Betty and her concern. Of course George was too occupied in having fun to take it seriously. Love the rainbow. You so often have lovely skies on your photos. Thanks for sharing them.

    Anne, glad you are feeling a bit better. That makes me smile. Have a great day with dear Jilly. Sometimes the shows we start to watch take a turn for the worst and/or we just plain change our mind about the content. So good for you to recognize that. I think I would have nightmares about that show from your description. But I am easily spooked. Congrats to Michael on the work accomplished at home.

    Patsy, you are a very good cook as is Anne. I am impressed. Are there more beds available at your hospital(s) now? We are slowly coming down in cases, positivity rates, and the hospitals do have some room now and I thought maybe you are seeing the same turnaround. I just hope your daughter finds help for her husband.

    I need to move along. Hoping everyone good days ahead.


    When I had coffee or tea at my desk at work, my coworker would roll out of her space and we would both hold out our pinky fingers and giggle. 😄


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A mild but cloudy day. Well! I think I need to be grateful and glad to see the milder temps. And so I am! Daffodils are springs up everywhere. We will have a local bumper crop of daffodils, how wonderful.

    Speaking of delightful surprises. I was cutting off the huge spent amaryllis blossoms to find several tall green spear-like leaves, at least 6 inches tall. Now what is this? More blooms? Just some other kind of amaryllis development? I will research this. Interesting however. I have never grown one before so it is all new and quite surprising.

    Today I will be using our last of the salmon leftovers for a salmon taco. Saturday tacos instead of Tuesday tacos. John’s weight fluctuates but we try to watch that he doesn’t loose much more. He is such a skinny old dude! And very opinionated and at times very cranky. He does not like to be told what to do or eat or much of anything else. But he is so thoughtful about doing special things for me and Katie and other family members. He is a sweetheart! He is now putting peanuts in his breakfast cereal. Odd? Well naturally! He says he needs the protein.

    I have tried many brands of whole bean coffee and have now given my star rating to Portland Coffee Roasters. Great beans, well roasted, reasonably priced, available at Costco. Just in case you are looking for a huge bag of whole bean coffee. You might like this.

    Getting set to groom Katie. She needs a new Valentine scarf and photo. Maybe a new toy. I will see if there is a Tuff toy heart for a Valentine. She doesn’t really tear up her toys but they get well loved and licked a lot. What to get for John? Tee shirt or ?
    I love little heart candies,

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    High winds kept me off the moors and even a local stroll was cut short when the creaking branches overhead made me nervous. Two people died last week crushed under trees during a storm and I didn’t want to be a statistic!
    I have to admit my back and shoulders are aching after yesterday’s tumble on the moor so when Chrissie phoned to ask if I can walk Bella I made excuses but did say I’ll do it tomorrow.

    This morning I’m continuing to sort through clothing that could go to a charity shop and even looked at shoes that sit in the bottom of my wardrobe. There are some I’d forgotten were there so must be more adventurous now we can get out and about more.

    George has created a nest in the spare bed so that will mean more laundry once the weather settles! Betty continues to follow me wherever I go!

    Dolly Parton is singing Here you Come Again on the radio which makes for a jolly atmosphere so I shall head for my kitchen to contemplate toasting a sandwich.

    Happy Sunday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Just popped a bacon and egg pie in the oven for lunch because Mike is heading over.
    Nothing at all going on here except a phone call from Maria. Her youngest relative is almost over the shingles but her 77 year old Aunt is having a hard time.
    Five cars are at Harry's old now gutted home. Things are "heating" up so I am sure it will be sold again in March. Wonder who my next neighbours will be? Talk about "Brief Encounter" with this lot!
    All for now, must check the pie,
    Sorry about your tumble JACKIE. Hope you have a take it easy day. I wonder why Chrissie thought she could foster a dog when she couldn't manage the chickens. People never cease to amaze me.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited February 2022
    Waiting for church to begin but popped by to say hello.

    Jackie, ouch! I am so sorry that yesterday’s accident has resulted in a painful day for you. It seems a fall is never that straight forward even when you don’t think anything is wrong. Hope tomorrow will be a better day. Heal up. ❤️❤️ And enjoy the music.

    Anne, enjoy your day with Michael. And I am curious now to know who will end up next door to you later this year. I hope you get kind and pleasant neighbors. Hello to Jilly (and to Michael)! Enjoy!

    Patsy, oh my, daffodils? Oh, it will be a while before we see anything like that. Color me jealous. About the amaryllis, I am not an expert as I have only had a bulb once, but my Grandmother had an amaryllis she always left in a pot and it had green floppy leaves. She put a little stake in the pot and used some twine or something to keep them sort of in check. Enjoy whatever comes next with your plant. Happy Valentine shopping. That is coming up fast.

    Should run along now. May be back later.

    Hello Sandy and Barbie.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) My hair is highlighted and cut and Bryanna did a great job. Today is another do nothing day as it is still cold and I have no plans. Tomorrow is an eye doctor appointment and then to sit for the two little ones while Robby goes to an appointment. Tuesday dinner with my friends and not sure about the rest of the week. Rob and Lisa cancelled the water park in Wisconsin since it was more money then they wanted to spend. I think they are going to go to a local hotel with a swimming pool instead. So not sure what days they will need me to watch Ewok. I am available for them so it doesn't matter.
    Everyone has sent in final payment for Jamaica so we are set to go. We all have to have an government approved rapid test done within three days of travel as of now. We are all vaccinated and I think all but one of us has had the break through Covid variant. So we are basically immune for 90 days. Our passports are supposed to not expire six months from our last day of travel. Bryanna checked her passport yesterday and it expires 5 days before the six months. I was in panic as it is taking forever to get renewed passports but I talked to travel agent and she it is close enough and not to worry. Grateful.

    Anne, have a good time with Michael and enjoy that pot pie. It will be interesting to hear about your new neighbors I hope they are kind and friendly.

    Jackie, sorry to hear you are in pain, take it easy today. I also have tons of shoes that I don't wear but can't bring myself to give them up. I know I will probably never wear a high heel again but yet I can't give them away even though none are above 2 inches high. lol Good luck with the sorting.

    Patsy, you are such a good fur mom to give Katie a valentines present no wonder she loves you so much.
    So you must grind your coffee beans in a grinder or do you have a coffee maker that grinds it for you?
    I just buy grounded coffee and I am not fussy over any brand. lol

    Lin, I actually have Silver Script prescription insurance so last year I didn't pay a penny for my cholesterol medicine that I have delivered from CVS Caremark, thus no deductible. I was trying to change but I think it is too late. I agree that the program is not that good. I think I mentioned that I did not take prescription drug coverage when I first applied for Medicare and no one explained that I would be penalized. So ten years later I decided to take prescription and was penalized $30 a month for the rest of my life besides the cost of the coverage. So my $10 coverage now costs $48.90 a month. Sorry to vent to you.

    Have a safe day and stay healthy,
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my! A beautiful sunny day and mild temps! So spring-like. Do you remember the poet, ee Commings? Describing spring as “puddle-wonderful?” I love his poetry.

    Today we call our son and chat. Although he might have scooted off to check on his boat. It is always a good idea to check. Still not sure about the girlfriends visit. I hope she comes before too long. Damon would love to see her and maybe the time is right for more serious discussions of a permanent arrangement. We’ll see what happens next. I am sitting on the side trying not to give suggestions or advice. Not easy for me!

    I had an upset tummy for no good reason. But all seems better now. Mysterious. I guess it is just an aging body with a few hiccups. Like in Buzzes commandments, a certain amount of pain and discomfort is part of the cycle of life…deal with it and move on, remembering our dear old friend.

    Anne: I wonder if the neighbors who bought Harry’s house will consider moving back in now that it have been totally refurbished. House prices are ridiculous now. Damon is going to have to build because he can’t find a place that is in his price range that fits his needs.

    Sandy: it sounds like you all are going to have a grand time on your birthday in Jamaica. How very special for your whole family. Is Rob and Lisa etc going to come as well?

    Lin: sounds like you are back to in person church. Churches here are having a hard time. So few people come to church in person and therefore the weekly offering is down to almost nothing. Some send in their offerings but not as many as used to offer during in-person service.

    Jackie: oh my! Your fall must have twisted something, take care and offer yourself a bit TLC, why are we all so reluctant about doing that? Dolly Partin…..hummmm well I like her singing “working 9 to 5”. Take care dear one!
    Sunshine has shown me all my dust bunnies and smears on the kitchen cabinets.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    How true BARBIE. I still can't believe there's not many around here the same age as me! The funny thing is as long as I don't peer into the mirror I still feel 18.

    PATSY, the "new" folk next door have told me they are leaving. We suspect that's what they intended all along, but got the shock of their life when they realized how much needed repairing,. We can't see them getting their money back, but suspect that's their line of work as it were. Buy and a year later sell at a profit. This time they got egg on their face. However, I liked them and will be sorry to see them go.

    Everyone turned up today. Mark and Mary Jo tell me that after they have finished renovating downstairs they intend replacing the dish washer that flooded the kitchen a while back and chucking out my old oven for a new one. Actually remodelling the kitchen with a new tiled floor, appliances in new positions and a large cupboard which I really do need. Then, a new shower stall in the bathroom. I only hope I live long enough to see all this! Better buck up and get rid of the shingles. This is possible, I already am starting to feel better! I need renovating as well! The shingles have left me deaf in one ear and I need new glasses.

    Well, time to head for the old shower after a very pleasant family day.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Just a quick hello as I have an eye appointment this morning. Sitting later this afternoon. Have a good day and keep staying safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    My turn for a disturbed night having woken at 2.30am and finding myself still awake after 4am. Brady woke me again jumping on my bed around 6 so of course when it was time to get up I was shattered. A hot shower and hair wash eased the aches so after breakfast I took George and Betty on to the moors. Grey skies but dry at that point and that freezing wind has gone so a pleasant walk but when we returned to the car I could see rain on its way from the Atlantic so phoned Chrissie to tell her I would pick up Bella as soon as I had dropped George and Betty back home. Chrissie was still in her pyjamas but said she was feeling slightly better and when I explained I hadn’t felt like walking yesterday because I fell on the moors she advised me that since I got myself back up it wasn’t a fall! She had a better story to tell about a real fall she suffered a few years ago! 🙄
    Anne, since Chrissie already had health issues when she adopted Bella, I can only think she planned to look for as many volunteers as possible. Naughty and giving her problems she can do without!
    The rain arrived just as I returned home so I’ve been relaxing and doing little other than watch tv and sometimes snooze in between! An interesting programme on Netflix, Tricky Dickie and the Man in Black. We all know who Dickie was and the man in black was Johnny Cash who Nixon thought he could use to gain voter support but didn’t anticipate just how principled the singer was. Well worth a watch and only an hour long so I didn’t snooze at that point!

    My oven is beeping my pork loin is cooked so I’ll return later.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I too had a horrible night. Not much sleep, painful knee and all joints were screaming at me. Now the real challenge…I need to just smile and realize that it is just one of those nights. We all have them. I need to Laugh at this crazy arthritis and hobble around, grateful for a warm home and my wild cranky husband and sweet doggie.

    Interesting thing here. We have a haunted lamp. For no good reason this lamp turns itself on in the evenings when we are in the room. It turns itself off as we get up to leave the room. John has checked the wire and plug just to see if it Is an electrical short but no sign. We moved the lamp to a different table and different wall plug….no difference. It still turns itself on and off as we enter and leave the room. It hasn’t always done this. Only recently. No timer or anything on it. Odd! Don’t you think?

    I don’t think we could have handled getting a puppy when we did, if it were not possible to offer a huge fenced in back yard area. There are trees and bushes and huge spaces for playing ball. We rarely walk Katie. We do play ball and also throw frisbee in a game, several times a day. She gets daily exercise in that manner. Not ideal, certainly. She seems healthy and happy. She does have separation anxiety. She can’t be away from us too long. I can stand on the deck and toss the frisbee until my arm is ready to come off, Katie is game for any active activity we are up for. I wonder if Chrissy was thinking along those.lines when she adopted Bella.

    We are watching an older TV series called Killing Eve. Interesting

    Things are getting closer for Damon’s girlfriend to visit. She has sent in all documents and she has an open ended plane ticket. She is waiting on Damon to give her the nod. He is working on a TV show and has 9 other projects. He is trying to work out schedule that will accommodate her visit. As he says, he has no social life beyond his boat crew. Now he is hauling the big boat out of the water to scrub and repaint the bottom. He will not be doing that work but he will be watching every minute while that happens. SailBoat people are weird. They think the boat is alive and they lovingly attend to all her needs.
    Need coffee or an aspirin. Can’t have both but which is needed most? Hummmm
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    I had a sleepless night too. Wandered around all morning with eyes half shut and managed a tidy up and do the washing. Then I text Mark to tell him me and the Bean where off for a nap in the hope he wouldn't show up with his hammer. He didn't, but I didn't get a nap because Bean had to bark at every passing dog, fox, coyote, old age pensioner etc. so here I sit with eyes still half shut. I hope we ALL get some shut eye tonight including Jilly and all the dear pets.
    So PATSY, just like JACKIE, has acquired a Violet, Violet being Jackies cottage ghost. But yours is a useful ghost Patsy if she/he turns the lights on or off for you! I'm amazed I haven't got a friendly spirit, the house being so old, but will say no more as I don't really want to encourage one to appear!

    So, not having an adventurous life like BARBIE, SANDY and LIN I will wish everyone pleasant dreams tonight,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) My adventurous life today was morning and after lunch dog walking plus being driven by Jake to the post office to buy a birthday card, mail tax related documents to the accountant, and mail a book to someone as part of my paperback swap membership. Now I'm riding my recumbent exercise bike. TV and knitting and one more walk later

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    I’m smiling having looked back at Lin’s Woolly Jumper teapot! The egg cups too… really cute!

    When I turned on the gas hob to steam veggies to accompany the pork loin chop there was the tiniest of flames then plop, out of gas. Phoned for a replacement but shortages mean I might have to wait until the end of the week so if anyone can come up with how to cook Brussels sprouts and broccoli spears in the oven or microwave I would love to hear! There’s also a sweetheart cabbage but the hens can have that.

    How wonderful Patsy, a helpful spirit! Does Katie react because I find my pets are usually aware of Violet before I am?
    As for Chrissie, she was hoping for a middle aged pup but to be honest, most dogs that get shipped in from Romania are young because the older street dogs don’t survive very long as they are rounded up and put in kill centres. She isn’t physically capable of throwing anything because she uses a walking frame and I don’t think even the walks I take Bella on are long enough but when she turns to head home, I don’t force her to go on because she is still quite wary.

    Your renovations sound wonderful Anne and I’m sure will make life easier. If a Violet is going to make an appearance now you must ask where have you been all these years? We used to have lots of parties in the first Toronto house I lived in and one night someone produced an Ouija board that we played around with… the worst thing we could have done because there were constant disturbances after that! 😱. You enjoy the peace and quiet.

    Up early tomorrow as I must drive to Plymouth for a dental appointment, finally! Nearly midnight so I’ll get to bed and hopefully sleep! As Anne says, pleasant dreams everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited February 2022
    Hello. One thing after another today and the day is gone!

    Jackie, congrats on finally getting in to the dentist tomorrow. As far as microwaving broccoli and/or Brussels sprouts, I would put the veggies in a ceramic dish, add a bit of water, cover the top with parchment paper or a lid, and just microwave for a few minutes. Check them out and microwave a bit longer if they are not done enough. Better to try than to throw them out. I hope you get your delivery soon. How do you heat the water for your bath/shower, an on demand electric unit? Did you send some of Violet’s friends to visit Patsy (and maybe Anne)?

    Barbie, that sounds like a good day to me. That is as adventurous as needed. 😁

    Anne, I hope you are getting some sleep tonight. 💤💤💤 The remodeling is definitely becoming extensive.

    Patsy, that lamp has gone rogue! I don’t know what is wrong with it but I doubt I would trust it. It would be jettisoned at the first opportunity unless it is quite valuable. Damon is getting close to the visit from his friend. I hope he can work things out in his schedule. I am sorry to hear of your uncomfortable night. If pain is bad, I would usually choose aspirin but if I was getting a withdrawal from caffeine headache, I would have the coffee and use a heating pad on some of my painful parts.

    Sandy, a busy day. I hope the eye appointment went well and that the kiddos were fun. 🥳

    I did get all the notes written in my valentines today and they are in the envelopes, sealed, and stamps affixed. Yes!

    My Fitbit is broken and I hunted around for a replacement that would take the same wristband size as my old one as I have a spare set of those. So I have one ordered and it should arrive tomorrow.

    I also was on the hunt for some grocery and supply items. Again, some things are available nowhere in the area. I couldn’t find enough at any one store to place an order. I may go out hunting for supplies tomorrow as the weather is forecast to be very good.

    Must scoot along I hope everyone is safe and can sleep tonight.


  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    My sleep didn't arrive until 3 am but thats okay. I've just had bacon [leftover from the pie making] and eggs, plus homemade bread [toasted] thickly buttered and with a dollop of marmalade on the second slice. Thus fortified I can face the day but its no way going to be as adventurous as yours BARBIE!

    LINS suggestion for microwaving veggies sounds good JACKIE, don't forget the bit of water. Many years ago we had a train derailment here and we got evacuated to a friends house, me, Mark, Michael and Jenny the dog. We were there three days before being allowed home after a chemical spill was mopped up. Two days in, and getting bored, Ellen produced a Ouija board. We all placed one finger on a glass in the centre of the board, all 5 of us and the thing went wild. It flew across the board and you could feel the pressure of the glass as it lifted upwards. It actually terrified us, me, Ellen and three teenage boys. To this day I can't explain it and into the dustbin went the ouija board. Some things are very strange and Karma being one of them.

    As to the light turning on and off I think LINs suggestion PATSY is very wise. Chuck it out. You don't want to burn the house down to add to everything else.

    Well, I bet you all can't guess what we are getting here around 8 am. A hot chocolate drink to the Sneaker who said SNOW! I can quite understand SANDY hoofing it to warmer climes.

    I'm hoofing it to the next best thing. A lovely hot shower.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Lost a long post… whoosh off to the right! 😤😡🤬. That after a big adventure in Plymouth, so am going to put a jacket on, leave my phone charging indoors and get outside to weed and prune.
    Back later.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, doing errands today. 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) So I got a call from Babe yesterday after my eye appointment which by the way was a horrendous drive home because of my eyes being dilated. I wore sunglasses and those yellow glasses for driving over them and everything was still a little blurry. I made it home safe but think next time I will have someone drive me.
    So Babe said that Daisy is not doing well and the vet said it is time. So I went to see her and of course broke down when I held her. She can't get up from lying down by herself and I can tell her hips are really bad as well. She is pooping in the house even when she sleeps. She did not look happy to me and I agreed it was time. Babe has always buried his dogs in a pet cemetery and will do so with Daisy. The strange thing is that they have a viewing with a open casket to say your last good byes and then drive to the grave to put her in. I never liked it with the other dogs but he asked if I wanted to come and I said yes. However today I got a voice message on my phone from the vet who dialed my number by mistake.
    He said the blood tests came back better than he thought and that Babe should keep Daisy on Rimadyl for now. He said that the change of environments might be hard for her when they sell the house but will see how she does when they move.
    So I called Babe and asked him if the vet called Cheryl and he didn't know so I read the voice mail to him.
    He said they are going to go through with it because it is too hard with her pooping and he can't take care of her. He said his son was taking the other dog who is Babe's granddaughter's dog to the vet today and will tell the vet Babe's decision. He will most likely come to the house to do it and take Daisy to the pet cemetery after because he is a good friend as well as our vet.
    I asked if his son was going to go the "funeral" and he said yes so I told him I would not be going then as to not cause any waves. I am just glad I got to see her yesterday.
    On another note Babe can hardly talk is weak and depressed. He said he doesn't know where he will go when they sell the house and I suggested assisted living. He said it was too expensive. I told him he could probably stay with me but we would have to talk about it because I am not home much.
    I also asked what would his son do if he stayed with me and he said I don't know, which scares me.
    I have not made a final decision and I will research assisted living as to cost.

    That's the end of this chapter of The Life of Sandy".

    I am going to dinner with friends tonight and probably a little gambling so plan on having fun.
    You do the same and don't worry about me, I will figure it all out with God's help.

    One Day at a Time