Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited February 2022
    Well, another exciting doggy walk fighting the elements! All seemed settled when we left home and then when I parked and we set off to climb a less muddy route to the top, although a man returning from his walk warned me it was soggy underfoot. We had walked some distance before I noticed dark skies to our west coming rapidly in our direction so decided, since we’d had such a long walk yesterday, to turn back. Just as well because rain arrived and was quite heavy as we got to the car so I towelled Betty and George sitting on their seats and when I felt hail hitting my backside, ran round to my side and clambered in! It was horrendous outside and I could see other walkers running across the moor to find shelter… rain, hail, wind, the lot, plus flood water pouring across the car park, so decided to sit tight rather than try to drive. Instead I phoned Chrissie who had called as I was driving to the car park first thing but I don’t have Bluetooth in my car so couldn’t respond. Excuse my big sigh but she is now apparently taking Amatriptyline, an anti depressant, day and night when it was actually prescribed to help her sleep nights so she’s now apparently groggy all the time and unable to do much of anything. In my usual no nonsense way I explained she’s taking too much but the answer to that was “oh well, I’ll get used to it”. At least in the time it took to walk before phoning her back she had found other volunteers to walk Bella today and tomorrow!
    Once the storm passed I drove to the farm supply store and stocked up on food for the hens, a frozen pasty to pop in the oven this evening and a huge Danish pastry to enjoy with my afternoon cuppa. Of course that means I’m blowing any weigh in on Saturday Sandy!!

    Anne and Sandy, you have managed to put me off watching The Power of the Dog for now but I’ll give it a go at the weekend, promise! I’m struggling to find anything that’s not dark or violent and even the usually excellent BBC dramas are becoming to weird for me. Perhaps it’s my age!! 🙃
    Anne, instead last night, I watched Jodi Foster, the latest Dr. Who, in an episode of Who Do You Think You Are? She’s a west Yorkshire lass and I listened to her accent and see exactly what you mean about the different dialect. Her family history was fascinating and moving at times and I got to like her very much.

    I love the talking Husky Sandy. Thanks for posting. I should have taken a video of Betty watching it as she sat next to me. Her big eyes became enormous as she stared at the screen but for once didn’t scream, as if she understood what was being said! George can be vocal, especially if he thinks it’s time for a treat, and makes those talking sounds rather than barking.

    Storm Dudley has been and gone across Scotland and the north, now we wait in my part of the country for Eunice with her danger to life warning! No walking on the moors or anywhere tomorrow! 🌩⛈💨🌊😧

    Housework this afternoon and nothing much else planned, except that Danish pastry!

    Happy Thursday to one and all. Stay safe and warm. Rest those hands Lin!

    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Dog grooming went well. The girls were happy when we picked them up and made our next appointment for April. When we got home I sent the date to my friend who drove us over in her car and she said that she wasn't available that day because of a planned long weekend trip with her daughters. I worried about it all night but in the morning, Jake texted the groomer and told her that we goofed about the date and she offered us an appointment a week later. Problem solved but I worried about it all night.

    :)Lin, your card making is amazing and I'm sure your friends and family appreciate every one. We got ah handmade card from our neighbor recently and loved it. Is there a way you can talk on the phone hands free and work on your cards at the same time?

    :)Sandy, The best way to deal with those sore muscles is to keep doing the exercises. It will get better.

    :)Jackie, I think I'd have to buy some more outdoor clothes to walk the dogs where you are. We get cold but not so much wind and rain. You and your pets are quite resilient.

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Barbie, in Britain our favourite subject to talk about is our weather because it’s so changeable and just plain wet! The one bonus for all our rain is the green landscape but you’re right, cold is easier to dress for because not even so-called waterproofs always stand up to a constant battering. At least two sets are required.

    Sleep tight tonight… 💤

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited February 2022
    Damn. I seem to have lost my less than interesting comments. So here we go again.

    Not much except its horrible out there. I can't imagine even the ducks and geese liking "out there". Its rained and rained and so with snow banks melting we are warned of flooding. All is not lost, it all changes to soggy, wet, miserable, slushy snow this afternoon. But you know what, even with our below freezing temperatures I've felt much colder in the British Isles. The dampness I guess. I always used to say Brits may die of pneumonia but our complexions remain dew like as we lie in state.

    That was one violent movie I watched yesterday. The heroine was not only beautiful, [she was The Courier], but she sure could pack a punch felling naughty bad guys left right and centre. I quite enjoyed it in a weird sort of way. I think I would like Jodie Foster as well JACKIE. Her real personality sort of shines through even as Dr Who.

    Perfect weather for staying in and creating beautiful cards LIN and doing your "what did you call it SANDY." I can't go back to the last page, oh I remember, The Shred? And so glad all went well with the grooming BARBIE. I wonder what PATSY is up to, too early yet for her to report.

    And so, seeing no one is going anywhere outside, except for my grocery delivery man who shot up the porch steps and down the porch steps to the comfort of his grocery delivery van earlier, I will see what else might be interesting on Netflix.

    Have a great afternoon, early evening everyone,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Still no snowing like predicted which made me decide to not go to meeting. It is a half hour drive and I didn't want to fight the elements. Opps, I just looked out the window and the snow has started, so I guess I made the right decision. I will do the shred again today as my muscles are feeling better as Barbie said they would. I still can't do jumping jacks or kick ups but I improvise and keep moving. Hope all this works but if not at least I am using some muscles that haven't been used.

    Anne, it is a perfect day to stay in even if for just watching a movie. As far as Power of the Dog I only meant that is not about a dog like suggested in the title. It is a cowboy movie but very different but your son knows your taste so if he thinks you would not like it listen to him.

    Barbie, yes I feel better today and will continue daily. I won't make 30 days as I leave March 7th but hopefully it will work by then.

    Jackie, as I told Anne I just didn't want you to think it was about a dog. It is a strange but good movie if you like strange which I do. Sorry about you weather it sound awful. I too, love the talking dogs they make me laugh. I think Chrissie is making a mistake in taking that pill during the day but some people are so stubborn. I am glad you don't have to walk Bella today.

    Hello to Lin and Patsy, I really have to get off this computer. Have a warm safe day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited February 2022
    Hello. The stenciling is thankfully completed. I was full of excitement this morning to move on to die cutting what I wanted to add to the front of the cards. But of course, not a smooth path. The delicate, intricate die would not cut through the card stock I was using. I tried adding a thin metal shim but nope, it still would not cut easily, even when running it through 3 or 4 times. Then it finally came to me, 🤦🏼‍♀️, when I used that die once before, I used 65 lb. card stock. The card stock that matched perfectly with the ink is 100 lb. card stock. Waaaay, too heavy for this wimpy little die. 😁 No 65 lb. card stock that is a color match for the greens I am using. Rethinking the design. I found a different die, cut out one piece, and didn’t like the way it looked. Moving on, I finally found a die that will work and it will cut through the 100 lb. card stock. I will cut out gold circles as well. Then cut and trim everything to the desired size.

    So there you go, Part 2 of the process is underway. 👍🏻

    I hate to say this but the storm missed us completely. The mess was South of our area. I feel so bad for those who are affected by yet another storm. Hang in there, we are getting closer and closer to spring. I know, cold comfort at best.

    Anne, The M.C. Beaton books featuring Agatha Raisin are featured as movies on Acorn TV and some on PBS. Now, I do like the books so much and the movies are not great but if you can find them, they are wacky mysteries. So something a bit different to watch.

    Jackie, just the descriptions of your weather makes my sinuses rebel! Wow! I don’t know how you live with the wet and damp. Maybe if I spent my childhood there, it would just seem normal. I saw some pictures of Dudley going though parts of Yorkshire. A very bad storm!

    Barbie, thanks for the suggestion, I might try that some day!

    I need to get back to my tasks. Be safe everyone.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy day with promised showers. However, while a bit chilly, not too bad. We here on the north coast have no idea how to drive on snow or how to deal with snow on our streets. No snow plows to speak of and I am not sure there in a real snow shovel in our whole county. We do know about relentless rain and dark wet, cloudy days for weeks on end! That is why I have “happy lights” all around the house as well as fairy lights on several of my house plants. When we lived in Alaska, I never put away my Christmas lights during winter.

    As far as entertainment, we are finishing up that series, Killing Eve. I would say it is good for the most part. There are some episodes that are not great. I think that happens with most series. I think we might try Power of the Dog, just because it sounds unusual and I like the idea of film makers trying to flex their creative Muscles. As long as they don’t hurt animals or children. I’ll tolerate a little violence if it is necessary to tell the story.

    Lin: I love the little dancing teapot person. What a charmer. You need to organize a handmade creative card art show.

    Anne: so happy that those awful shingles are on their way out! I can well understand your reluctance to getting a booster shot. I have not heard of anyone getting shingles from it here but maybe there are different contents that could cause that to reappear. Stay safe my friend.

    Jackie: you are a brave English lass to suit up and take your sweet doggies out on the moors each morning. Knowing my propensity, I would run the pups out in the garden, play a game of ball with George. Teach Betty to catch the frisbee and head indoors at the first sign of bad weather. I am a wimp.

    Barbie: you are another wonderful doggie owner. The daily walks keep you and your pups healthy. I am not an early morning kind of person. I do admire those who are. When I must get up early, it is with an alarm clock. I seem to sit staring into a cup of coffee waiting for the brew to work it’s magic.

    Sandy: glad you are attacking the shred carefully. My exercise program is geared for seniors and there are days when I can only do part of them. The weights are the hardest for me. I usually need good old rock and roll to help me through the session.

    Tonight is tofu Berger with guacamole and chips.
    Love and high hopes,

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Okay SANDY it looks like I had better give Power of the Dog another try. Judging by all the cattle milling about and the hats I figured it was a cowboy film before I fell asleep, lol. Set in New Zealand I think?
    The snow's started here. 20 cm overnight.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Watched the Power of the Dog. Strange but I liked it and can understand why it's been nominated.
    Waiting for JACKIES reaction. The beginning put me off, hence me falling asleep. I thought it would be just another Western.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    I agree Anne.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Battening down the hatches as storm Eunice screams down my chimney and George barks at every gust!
    I’m going to shut myself in the kitchen and make soup….. back later.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    edited February 2022
    :)Patsy, there are many dog walkers in my neighborhood who go out mid morning or during the afternoon. I see them from my window when I'm dancing or from the car window if we drive somewhere. There are only a few of us who go out early in the morning and they are the ones I know best.

    :)Jackie,Sasha and Bessie have coats to protect them from cold and rain, but Bessie is very afraid of wind even when she is indoors. When it's windy, she'll leave her bed and come lie by me no matter where I am in the house.

    :) There is a man who pushes a wheel chair with some items in it while he walks his dog. They walk along the street and in the grassy areas as well. The story is that he fell one day a few years ago while walking his dog and the woman who helped him to his feet suggested that he use a walker and he started immediately with pushing the wheelchair for balance and support. I admire him for his willingness to act on a good suggestion.

    :)Sandy, A long time ago I read something that said that whatever exercise you're doing is guaranteed to be better than sitting on the couch.

    :)Lin, Your card making is requires skills that I admire. I just realized that even if I had the skills, Bernie, the cat would probably get in the middle of my work, chew on the cards, and ruin everything. He likes to jump into my lap when I'm knitting, but I can see him coming and move the yarn before he lands.

    :)Sandy, It's too bad that your weekly meeting isn't being held online like so many meetings are these days. It would solve your concern about going out in scary weather.

    :) We are watching Season 4 of "Ozark" on Netflix. I had to go to the internet to get some information to help me figure out what was happening.

    :) We just finished watching "Reacher" and now I'm listening to the audiobook. The movie stayed pretty close to the book and I'm enjoying the retelling of the story.

    <3 Barbie
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Wow, we really got a dumping of snow overnight. everything stopped. schools closed, no sign of garbage men, and I'm so glad I got the groceries on Thursday morning. A stay home day so I'll give your two suggestion a try later BARBIE. I once knitted a lot and you've got me wanting to pick the knitting needles up again. And LIN and PATSY I must examine my acrylics to see if they've dried up! However, just like SANDY I can't see me and her wading over the moors in the near future JACKIE. Brave girl that you are.
    Off to do something useful as I didnt sleep at all last night. Just when I thought I was on the mend the shingles reminded me I'm not. Sigh.

    ANNE in beautiful all white and gleaming Ontario.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited February 2022
    Happy Friday! :) It is nice and sunny but still very cold. The snow is finished and we ended with about 3 inches which is better than the southern suburbs. Laundry is started and I spent way too much time on Wordle today on a simple word that I got on the last guess. At least it keeps my mind working. lol
    Nothing exciting going on here just exercise and TV. I really don't watch much TV during the day just the morning news and later when I ride my bike. I do like evening TV when I sit down to relax.

    Anne, you sure do get a lot of snow, keep cozy and cuddle with Jilly. I am right there with you as far as walking on the Moors where it is too cold and windy. I would love it in the summer months just because of the scenery. Sorry you didn't sleep well, I was hoping you were done with those shingles. Try taking a nap today although if like me then I can't sleep at night.

    Barbie, we did have zoom meetings through most of the pandemic but once things opened up more they went back to in person meetings with masks. There are still some zoom meetings I can attend but in all honesty I do not like meetings at night which is why I drive a half hour for my afternoon meeting. I do call my sponsor if I need to talk.

    Jackie, I do hope all is well with you and the furry children. It sounds like it is a bad storm so please check in with us when you can.

    Patsy, you made me chuckle with your explanation of snow in Oregon. When my son lived there and he came from Illinois, he laughed at how Portland handled even the smallest amount of snow.

    It is almost lunch time and I haven't eaten breakfast. Dumb Wordle. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Partly cloudy-sunny day. Still chilly but so happy to see that sun. It must be spring. I am sneezing and I have gluey eyes and runny nose. But I can deal with that. That’s why God made Kleenex!

    I had a mystery episode last night. Felt awful. Stomach and headache. A fitful sleep but a bit better today. I must have put together a bad recipe. (?). This calls for a mild dinner…no cauliflower pizza for me!

    We cannot not get high speed internet so all those great series must wait until we can get them on dvd. That is usually a year from when everyone else sees them. No Netflix or other options like that. Damon is going to fiddle around with our setup and see what can be done. He trues to talk us through various problems and we realize we barely know how to operate anything concerning computers. We are sooooo old school!

    Our pets often do not want us absorbed in activities that exclude them. Katie comes and noses what ever I am reading. She has made her opinion known on my paintings and writing. Nose prints right in the middle of a watercolor sketch. Not happy about that! But we are crazy about this big yellow dog.

    Well, dear friends I am going to take some allergy pills but I know it will put me in a fog. I will be stumbling around and trying to avoid a nap so I can sleep better tonight. Stay safe, we aren’t quite over this pandemic according to Dr.F

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    That little love Darren who lives across from me came over with Marias snow blower and dug us both out! Very heavy snow so he really struggled and I've a snow wall thats taller than me along the side of our long, 3 car length at least drive. That means we might see Mike after all tomorrow or Sunday. Mark would have had to shovel it but I told him to stay clear as I didn't want him further damaging his back! Darren asked me if the rains previous to the snow had flooded my basement. He shouted this from his side of the road. No they haven't flooded us but I'm wondering now if Darren has a problem. So Marks renovations are working.

    Other than that a nice diversion for Jilly who along with me had a very quiet day. She barked the whole time as the snow was cleared.

    Like everyone I am wondering if JACKIE and the pets are safe. It sounds absolutely awful there. 8 million trees down, what! Our snow is like a nice stroll in the park in comparison! Hope we hear from her soon and hope the chicks survived outside in their hen house!

    Never a dull moment, one wonders what tomorrow will bring. Please stay safe, and warm, and snug everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my gosh! So Jackie might have been in a storm with high winds and rain. That is terrifying. How can we find out if she is okay and how can we help her? I will try google stret view but I don’t have her home address. Maybe Sandy can find out more. Red Cross or their version of National Guard?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello. Made progress on my cards today. Talked to a friend and caught up a bit which was nice. Texted with a friend looking to find all her book club selections online at no cost. Tall order! I don’t know if it is possible.

    We were lucky again today with no rain or snow. Wind is strengthening a bit now and the temperature is expected to fall quite a bit from today’s high around 50 degrees F to around 5 degrees in the morning (with wind still blowing). Next week we may not be so fortunate.

    Anne, goodness, you did get tons of snow. Thank goodness Darren cleaned out your drive. Using a snow shovel would be a horrendous chore, if it was even possible. Ha, Jilly barked the entire time? What a doggie. She must be worn out. I am sorry you didn’t sleep last night.

    Sandy, I find Wordle difficult most days because there are too many words that fit the 5 letter format when you even have 2 letters exposed. Six tries is not enough on those days.

    Patsy, I am sorry you felt unwell. It is odd how these things can emerge from nowhere and you never find out the cause. Hoping you feel well now and will continue to be okay. Spring? Really? Oh my, not here. Maybe in April.

    Barbie, when I walked dogs, I preferred very early morning walks when others were not out. Never encountered angry dogs or owners who wanted their dog to meet my dogs. Afternoons were not so nice.

    Jackie, did you lose your power? Getting concerned. I hope you are back to us soon.

    Be safe everyone.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited February 2022
    A few exciting hours of gales but it's all calmed down now and no damage that I can see. The poor hens must have been scared though when their house was twisted round in the run because when the wind calmed down and I checked they were ok, I found them huddled in a corner. I managed to find a dry half hour to walk George and Betty up the road and it was hilarious to watch George trying to walk quickly towards the wind with his coat flying backwards. On the way home with the wind behind us we were practically running as it knocked us all forward. Betty's ears were flapping as well! Lots of damage around the country so I got off lightly!

    Daytime tv isn't for me unless it's really miserable outside and the only thing to do is throw logs on the fire and curl up. This afternoon I watched an exciting Olympics curling match between Great Britain and Sweden that went down to the wire and because we won I'll have to stay up until 1am tomorrow night to watch the final.

    I'm with you Sandy and Anne in thoroughly enjoying The Power of the Dog. A clever title and it was different in a good way. I can see why it's received so many Oscar nominations, especially Benedict Cumberbatch. I wondered about the ending but don't want to ask what you thought that little smile meant until I know everyone who's going to watch it has seen it!
    Thank goodness for the pause button because I was barely 2 minutes into the film when Chrissie phoned again, sounding woozy and unable to string a sentence together due to the drugs she is taking and wanting me to walk Bella. I explained I wouldn't be walking George and Betty if the weather was awful tomorrow never mind Bella and that a day or two at home wouldn't harm her. I'm finding these conversations more and more difficult because I wouldn't take a drug that had me unable to operate so any sympathy is lacking! I did say once again that perhaps she shouldn't be taking them or at least check with the GP but no, she's going to get used to them apparently!!

    Patsy, is there a chance you could have the Omicron virus because add your symptoms together and they are much the same? Hope you are feeling a lot better today.
    Broadband in Cornwall used to be notoriously slow but for once we were the first area to get high speed fibre optics and it's made a huge difference... nothing worse than watching the little whirling circle in the middle of the screen!

    Barbie, I have ordered a warm, waterproof coat for Betty that should have been delivered today but the weather has intervened. She's very brave and trots along but I know from her shivers when we either get back to my car or home that she feels the cold. Hopefully the courier will catch up with deliveries tomorrow. Your weather is far more cold than mine and you walk much earlier in the morning so I can see your pooches would need to be well wrapped up!

    Anne, you must definitely examine those acrylics because everyone who visits admires my picture of the card you sent of me and the pooches walking those moor in pouring rain. Knitting was never my thing but I do have an unfinished cross stitch that I should dig out and complete. Then there is more jigsaws!

    Sandy, I never did get into wordle, probably needs more patience than I possess but earlier today I did the weekly BBC quiz on events of the past week and only managed 2 out of 10. I'm obviously not watching enough news!!

    I've missed Lin somewhere along the way. Crazy dancing teapot and friend... love them!

    The fire is dying down so time for my bed and a quieter night now the wind isn't howling down the chimney!
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    JACKIE, thank goodness you and ALL the pets are safe. we are seeing horrendous photos of the damage and fallen trees. Hope you all have a good nights sleep in peace and quiet.
    Hugs from Anne and Bean.