Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Good morning! Thank you all so much for your concern. We all seemed to post at the same time otherwise I’d have sent you hugs last night.
    The power went off again in the night and I got woken up by the toilet machinator switching back on and flushing. No idea what time or how long because my bedside clock is electric and I wasn’t going to get up to check. Round 2 on its way but hopefully not as violent! Just in case I’ve placed a heavy block of wood on the hen house so they don’t take off again!

    Goodness Anne, that’s an awful lot of snow and what a star Darren is. He’s got that old fashioned sense of community we don’t often see today.

    Getting very dark so I’ll get showered just in case we lose power. As Patsy said the other day, all electric comes with its issues in times of unwelcome storms.
    I’ll keep in touch. ❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Sunny but very cold. Exercise, family zoom call and then movie night. Tomorrow Babe is coming for a couple of hours while there is an open house at their house. Marisa is going to drive him and hopefully will come up and see me for the first time in almost ten years. Maybe I will give her the chest of gifts and cards I have added for every holiday. In the beginning it was gifts and then I just started buying cards and putting $20 in them. There should be quite a lot of money over the ten years.
    I am making chicken wings for Babe but I won't eat with him as I am going out for dinner with Bryanna, her mom, sister and Bryanna's friend for Bryanna's 27th birthday. There goes my diet once again.

    Jackie, I am so glad to hear from you and please do keep in touch as we were all worried. Those poor hens must have been so scared. How are the pups handling the bad weather?

    Hello to everyone else. Have a great day and keep staying safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member

    Jackie, I hope you do not lose your power again and that the wind doesn’t raise havoc. I saw a short video on Facebook of a gigantic tree coming down in the storm yesterday. I believe it was in Bude. I don’t know how far that is from your area. An artist who makes wooden figurines wanted to get some wood from the tree for her art but apparently the area is cordoned off. Best wishes 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Sandy, I hope you have a good time today and this evening. Are you nervous about perhaps seeing Marisa again? I hope all goes well tomorrow.

    I spent part of the morning digging for a packet of coffee I had stored in my chest freezer in the basement. My hands are frozen from removing packages to get down to the layer where the coffee might be located. 🥶 I found it and brought it upstairs. Yes! I also found that a small loaf of gluten free vegan bread I purchased as part of a multipack a very long time ago, had burst through its packaging. That also came upstairs and I have defrosted it in the microwave. I still do not care for it at all. It is definitely on my “do not ever purchase again” list. Time to edit my subscribe and save order with Amazon. I go through the items on the list and decide if I still want to have them on a delivery schedule. Then, how much is left on hand. If it is a lot, I skip the upcoming order.

    Such excitement right?

    There is also a card making summit going on right now. I signed up for free but you must watch presentation either live or within 24 hours. And I found if I wanted to use any of the discount coupons, not only was there a very short time period to use them, but you had to go through the host’s website in order to place an order. I assume that is so she makes a cut on all orders placed through this summit. I do not care to order through another site, I would rather go direct to the company in instances like this. Thankfully, I did not buy in on the lifetime access to all of the videos. The few presentations I have watched are very short on helpful information. The host and presenters are BIG on trying to sell you things, like access to classes, or monthly subscriptions to certain makers presentations, or card kits. I have not spent a penny.

    Hello to Anne, Patsy, and Barbie.

    Time to move along.



  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Glad JACKIE and all the pets are doing okay.
    We got another load of snow overnight and during a sunshine lull this morning Darren came and dug me out again. The suns gone to bed now and guess what its doing. No prize if you guessed snowing! Very heavy stuff. The garbage men haven't shown up for the past two days, thats how bad it is and unusual for them. Likewise Michael is staying home as well whilst Mark and Mary Jo are busy snow blowing their drive. Exciting times!

    So I got on and washed the bedding and something unusual happened! In the spin cycle the fitted bottom bed sheet managed to wrap itself around the duvet cover and when I opened the lid I was greeted by a big ball with the duvet sheet inside the fitted sheet! Hauling it out everything else under this soggy ball was also sopping wet, pillowcases, towels etc. Nothing had drained. I don't think the washing machine is damaged despite deep water in the bottom of it and we'll find out on Monday when I do the clothes wash.

    All for now,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    I’m doing my best to stay awake as I watch another Olympics curling final with Britain against Japan. It’s coming up to 2am and I’m curled up with Betty and a throw over my knees. It remained wet and windy in the morning so I took George for a short walk this morning but left Betty behind because I knew the roads were flooding again. At one point I used a branch that had been blown out of the trees to unblock a drain that was full of dead leaves because I know from past storms that it can rush down the road to the village and cause problems for some properties. Before I left I phoned Chrissie to let her know that as soon as I returned home I would drive to her and walk Bella. She was upset because a prescription she had expected Friday hadn’t been delivered because of the storm so she was phoning the pharmacy and GP to chase it up. Bella didn’t want to walk, I think because my waterproofs scared her, but I persuaded her with treats to stay out for a while before I came home.

    Some properties in the parish have been without power for 24 hours so I’m guessing that’s why mine is on and off as repairs are carried out. Awful rain and wind for Sunday then I hope it will all calm down but the good news is Betty’s new coat has arrived so I’ll see how she gets on with it. She wasn’t too happy when I tried it on her!

    Ahh, battery about to die 😧
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    I swapped my tablet for the new laptop that I'm still getting used to.

    Wow Anne, so much snow but then it is Canada!! I've had similar experiences with my bedding getting in a knot during a wash. My relatively new machine has a larger drum that allows more movement in the wash but I was finding the fitted lower sheet would end up inside the duvet cover, sometimes with the pillow cases as well! A large wet ball of bedding to be untied, dripping all over the kitchen floor! I now close the opening in the duvet cover before the wash but that doesn't help you!

    Lin, Dude isn't far away on our north coast. I can imagine wood from all the trees that have come down will be put to good use even if only for firewood. Last year, one of my deliveries of logs had some beautiful gold coloured hardwood pieces with veins of red running through that I thought about doing something creative with but in the end they ended up keeping me warm instead!
    I don't blame you for not making purchases of your craft paper through a website you don't know. I suppose it's like everything on the internet these day, people looking to make money!

    Sandy, I do remember when you first came up with the idea of saving gifts and cards for Marisa and thinking what a thoughtful thing to do and here we are, she's all grown up and I hope independent enough to spend time with you when she drops Babe off. Whatever happens, have a fabulous time celebrating Bryan's birthday.

    We have a similar climate Patsy and I too sense a hint of Spring in the air with bulbs springing up and birds getting busy to build nests in spite of the storms. I'm desperate to tidy more of my soggy garden before much more new growth appears but at the moment can do no more than look!

    Looks like GB are heading for gold in the curling which is a miracle because we are useless at Winter Olympics. 2.30am and I'm now wide awake!

    Cute cat Barbie and yes, I could happily swap with Brady and enjoy his lazy life!

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    But I can't see you chasing after mice JACKIE, lol. Your description of your similar washday bedding knots are spot on for me! I too fasten the buttons on the duvet but as you say one can't do much if the bottom sheet is the culprit. Again, like you, something similar for us today. Extremely strong wind warning for Niagara and down to us. Trees down and power outages to be expected. Must dig out my heavy duty Roots top just in case. I made mushroom bisque yesterday for todays lunch so thus fortified!

    Actually I'm hoping it won't be that bad for Michael who is bringing 3 packets of treats for Jilly who is down to 5 pieces left in one packet. Dog treats here are like hunting for nuggets of gold these days! Apparently he bought the last three packets in a pet store north of him! So doggie owners - any recipes for homemade treats will be welcomed here. The ones I've tried so far from the internet she turns her nose up. I made the mistake of giving her a treat when she performed what comes naturally as a puppy and now its a case of "look mom what I've done" unfortunately. with much "grinning" and tail wagging.

    On that unsavoury note I'll away for my shower and hopefully be back later but not reporting the huge tree at the back of me has come tumbling down. Harry was always nattering for it to be cut down but the owners love their maple.

    Hugs from a still snowy world, piles of unpicked up garbage - and won't that be fun on a windy day! -
    Your feeling a good deal better today pal,
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited February 2022
    Haha, just read my last post back and see I will have to double check predictive text!!

    I’ve been up and out early before heavy rain arrives. Missed breakfast so am now enjoying toast and friend Linda’s marmalade with fresh coffee while listening to a Leonard Cohn CD. “There is a crack in everything… that’s how the light gets in”. Even George is sitting on the stairs listening quietly but the music has sent Betty to sleep!

    Another power cut in the night as engineers worked to reconnect those in the parish still without so the loo had another mischievous flush to wake me!

    I received an email from my nephew yesterday confirming my assumption his dad is drinking too much and suggesting I talk to him. I’m happy to try but know how stubborn he is so will likely take absolutely no notice of anything I might say. He doesn’t respond to text messages and isn’t on WhatsApp so we will apparently have to book a phone conversation at a specific time otherwise he won’t pick up! Bernie is going to invite him to his apartment in Spain so we’ll all have a chance to encourage him to take more care of himself. Do you know that thing where you can love someone but not always like them? Unfortunately that’s been my feeling for a few years now.

    Enough of all that. I’m going to vacuum upstairs and set the fires ready to light once the next bit of bad weather arrives.

    Happy Sunday. Take care and stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰

    PS I see the Queen has tested positive for Covid but she has the best health care in the world so will hopefully get through to enjoy her celebrations in the summer.

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Not surprised Betty went to sleep whilst listening to Leonard Cohn. He has that effect on me. ANNE
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited February 2022
    Doggy bics….

    You know how to bake Anne so measurements as you see fit!

    Mix Whole meal flour and porridge oats in a bowl. An egg, little bit of honey and natural peanut butter in another then mix the 2 together. Roll out, cut into whatever size and bake!!

    Not hanging about as more power cuts going on as the next storm arrives. Rummaging for candles!!
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Thanks JACKIE. Mike came over with the three packs of treats, but I will give your recipe a go probably tomorrow. A day off for us - family day.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Babe is here, Marisa was here and opened all her gifts. She was more than surprised. Will talk tomorrow.

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Just read the River Wharfe in Otley, UK burst its banks. I have two cousins living there. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hi! Good evening. I did laundry today, attended online church, and put together my cards. I have hunted for hours! I lost one of my stenciled panels. Argh!! I am heartbroken. I also listened to more of those presentations today. They had so many people sign-up that they crashed the databases behind the presentations. I guess that is wildly successful. I just deleted all of the info on the presentations.

    Tomorrow is another day. We are heading back back down in temperature and a few days of rain/ice/snow may be coming this week.

    I hope everyone is doing okay. I hope everyone has power and is safe.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) I finished watching all the competitive figure skating at the Olympics. In my next life I'll come back with a different body and begin figure skating lessons at age 3. Until then, I'll just ride my exercise bike while I watch.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning all! Looks like a partly sunny -cloudy day. A bit chilly. Feeling a bit better but still going to stay on the Bart diet today. I really believe the culprit was Costco prepared fruit bowl. I took two Covid tests and came out negative each time, so I feel confident this horrible condition isn’t Covid or any variant. I just don’t feel confident in any prepared food now. I mistakenly thought fruit was safe.

    The day begins with a load of laundry and a brief cleaning of the bathroom. Then after my bath I will either try to do a small routine of exercises in my dungeon. Or some other interesting activity while I listen to some nice healing music. I am going at half my usual slow speed. It is amusing to think of my self as one of those sloths. In truth I think they are so sweet. I watched an episode on Animal planet about a zoo in San Diego. They were trying to help an injured gala monster. Fascinating and as the techs work to help him while staying away from being bitten, they tell us all about the galas and their habits. Loved it!

    Hello to everyone. I really really really miss coffee!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday and/or Presidents Day! :D I had an interesting day yesterday starting with Marisa coming in with Babe and I asked if I could hug her and she said of course. She is very shy but was probably just as nervous as I was. I gave her the chest of gifts and cards and told her she did not have to keep the toys that I bought when she was young but she said she wanted them. I think she was in awe of how I remembered every holiday. We counted the envelopes with money in them, I told her she could open them by herself and there was over $900. She was a little shocked by that but happy. She didn't stay long as she was meeting a friend at the mall but we did have time to talk and I gave her my number and told her she could call or text whenever. I did not ask her for hers as I told her if she texts me I will have her number. I didn't want to be too pushy. Now I will take it one day at a time and wait to see if she texts or call me again. Grateful.

    Talked to Babe about his moving in here and gave him all kind of rules, number one no smoking. I explained I did not want his son anywhere near where I lived so it would mean he couldn't see his son.
    I told him he always takes his son side and gets manipulated so why would he change? I also said I sit Tuesdays, Wednesdays and go to movie night on Saturday, plus my meeting on Thursday. Everything I told him he said he understood, even the four trips I have coming up in the next few months. I did ask where he would go if he didn't come here and he said he would have to get an apartment by himself.
    I really don't think he can live by himself in his condition. Now it is just letting him think about all I said and if and when the house sells. I am taking it one day at a time.

    Lastly, Bryanna's birthday dinner was very nice and we all had a good time. It was just her mother, her sister and myself.
    Today is a rest day and paying bills. Have a great day and be grateful.

    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    I had Michael over yesterday for homemade Mushroom bisque followed by pizza and he enjoyed it so much he said he would be over today which is a holiday for us, Family Day. I woke up feeling more like my old self than I've done for ages. So the house got a darn good clean, I finished off the weekly wash and then I set to and made homemade hearty veggie and bean soup. A very sleepy Mike phoned to say he'd had a rotten nights sleep and would stay home. No problem here, I ate some soup and I finished off with asparagus and a nice big chunk of Atlantic salmon which Bean helped me consume. I think Bean eats better than the queens corgis. We've still got Mikes piece of salmon for tomorrow to repeat the whole process!

    SANDY, what a wonderful meeting with Marisa, you can be sure that young lady will be back in your life!
    I think you will be back living with Babe because accepting your way of life and sometimes being on his own will be much preferable to staring at the walls all day by himself completely. I DO wish you much future happiness and it IS possible now. You should be financially better off as well if you share all expenses.

    PATSY, I missed you yesterday and how awful to suffer a tummy upset. For me, I just cook my own stuff these days, but I love to cook and in a way its replaced all the other hobbies I once enjoyed. I hope today is a good deal more enjoyable for you.

    BARBIE I hope you have better luck ice skating than me. When we first arrived in Canada I rushed out and bought ice skates. All Gung Ho I tottered onto the ice only to immediately sit down hard. I thought my spine had gone through my head! Had a headache for days. Cross country skiing wasn't much better as I nearly froze to death trying to stand up on an icy slope. At this point I decided it couldn't be helped, in spite of trying to fit in and even learn French, I was and always would be British, accent and all!

    I don't think anyone else has appeared here yet. LIN is sure to be busy creating and I hope JACKIE and the pups are still standing upright. Beautiful spring like day here today although still ice on the drive.
    See y'all.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited February 2022
    I managed four words of a post before the power went off again. Just switched on the oven to cook a pasty too but had to do with a cold salad! A text message from the supplier has warned off outages until 2330 while they make repairs so will make this short while it's back on. The latest storm has finally abated after a crazy walk this morning in a howling gale that had both dogs running and zooming. I on the other hand thought it wise to concentrate on remaining upright!
    This afternoon I needed to drive into town so phoned Chrissie to volunteer walking Bella on my way back. So many things wrong with her life it seems but at least she has admitted that if matters don't improve she will have to give Bella up to another home. It's upsetting but in the long run, the best option for Bella.

    The outages are now caused by engineers doing their best to repair damage rather than the wind which has died down at last.

    Sandy, by all means tell me to mind my own business but have you said before why Babe is no longer going to live with his son? I do hope Marisa phones you so you can maybe meet up somewhere and get to know each other again. It must be a lot for her to take in right now.

    Hello to everyone else. Lights continue to flicker so I'll send this post on its way although must mention how
    Barbie's wish to return in a next life as world class figure skater gave me a warm smile this morning!
