Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Sitting today so have no time to chat. Have a good day and stay healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    About to go out to a Royal Marine Christmas concert which should be fun. Rain on and off all day so nothing exciting achieved although the pooches have had 2 walks in between.
    Happy Saturday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good day! Snow has just started…❄️❄️

    I am doing laundry, working in my art journal and reworking 30 of my Christmas cards. I think I found an add that will make them look better.

    Happy sitting with the kiddos Sandy.

    Jackie, wow, that concert sounds wonderful. I hope you’ve had a good time by the time you read this.

    I hope everyone is having a good day. Be safe.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Miniature teapots
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Chilly winter day. I am going to see the Rat Pack, a singing group with Cheryl and Babe's niece this afternoon. It should be fun, it is sort of like a speak easy atmosphere. Babe and I went last year with Cheryl, Marisa and Marisa's then boyfriend and had a great time. I am done with sitting for the last three days so welcome the adult time.

    Lin, we haven't snow yet, but I am sure it will be coming. BTW, I think I lost my battle with social security. It seems they raised it about $84 but are still charging me $564 for Medicare where as I was only paying $164. I guess it will change next year after my 2023 tax return but it is so frustrating.

    Jackie, I hope you had a wonderful time at the concert, it sounds like it would be amazing.

    Have a wonderful day every one, only two more weeks until Christmas Eve.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone. Our roads are still running rivers but I did time our morning walk right for once so we even saw a splash of sunshine! Last night’s concert was wonderful and I was so impressed with these young adults and their talents. We listened to carols, marches and separate solos, one on trumpet played impeccably by a female Lance Corporal who was sooo young, then later another girl who was playing saxophone in the band but then picked up a violin to play a beautiful classical piece that was spell binding. Both got huge cheers when they finished.
    Being a cavern, it was draughty but we dressed knowing it would be and also enjoyed a mug of hot spiced rum before the concert started! It is a man made cavern but the only history I know is that during WWII, when Plymouth was badly damaged from constant bombing, the navy stored its supplies of rum in there. Our navy gives its sailors a tot of rum every day, a tradition going back hundreds of years!
    I’ve been on a zoom meeting this afternoon with Canadian friends, my brother Bernie and friend Pat. Bernie showed us a view of Spanish blue skies and told us it’s 24C which made the rest of us extremely jealous!

    Wow Lin, reworking 30 cards! You are amazing but I know you want them to look right to you.

    The Rat Pack sounds wonderful Sandy. I love music from Sinatra, Sammy Davis era and even a bit of Dean Martin! Have fun.

    Hello to everyone else who drops in.
    Time to cook an evening meal.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Not much from me except……..we now have three cases of Corvid in the home. One lady lives across the corridor from me. I’ve never had Corvid so I am being very careful and not mixing much, but of course you can’t avoid the dining room, or wear a mask eating. Whatever will be will be. The good news is - Michael is now over his bout.
    So take care dear Sneakers, it’s back!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited December 2023
    Hello friends. I have been working on getting my Christmas cards ready to put in the mail. I am still missing a couple of addresses and the last few cards need very good notes inside. But the rest of my cards are ready to mail tomorrow. Yippee!

    Hi Anne, argh, more Covid. Seems to be the theme lately. I know you will do your best to stay healthy. Glad your son is feeling better. Hi to Jilly!

    Jackie, that sounds like a lovely concert. So glad you dressed warmly. Thanks for the photo! Glad you got a good walk in today. Happy pups!

    Sandy, hope you enjoy the Rat Pack. I remember the photos/video you shared last time. Good group.

    Moving on, I think I need a bowl of soup. Exciting right? 😅

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Monday! :) We had a great time yesterday and the music was wonderful. I have an eye appointment today and sure hope he can give me a new prescription because my right eye seems to be getting worse. If it is the macular degeneration I am not sure any prescription will fix that. My friends are picking me up from the eye doctor and we are going for an easy lunch until my eyes are good to drive home from being dilated. They are very kind to do this for me each time I go to the eye doctor. I may stop and get my shingles vaccine after but still thinking about it since I am a little nervous about side effect but I don't want every want to get shingles again.

    Time to jump in the shower and get ready. Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Interesting day so far. Well for me anyway. Jilly Bean and I went for our one mile rapid walk at 7;15 to dodge all the folks emerging for breakfast later on, and after breakfast I spent quarter of a hour vacuuming my apartment. I brought my vacuum with me when I moved. Of course I’m not supposed to do this, but poor Fatima is so overworked why not and especially as I’m still capable. She emptied the canister, hugged me (a big no no actually with Corvid across the hall) and said I’m her mother. In my wildest imagination in the past I never thought I’d become an Albanian young woman’s mom! After that, lunch and as we finished our coffee, Bernie who's 92 opened up to me and with tears told me about her sister who caught polio as a child. After that we had a few laughs because she in Nova Scotia and me in Yorkshire had very similar backgrounds as children with village life etc. It is really a small world. Now if we could only stop these ridiculous politicians intents of blowing us all to kingdom come! So much for me isolating!!!! However I am back in my nice clean apartment with Jilly Bean who’s just eaten a piece of chicken filched from my lunch and she’s now fast asleep in her comfy doggie bed. I wish she would sleep in it at night, but no, she prefers to sprawl next to me on her back whilst I cling to the bed edge.
    And that’s about it so far.

    Stay safe if you can friends,
    Anne. ❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited December 2023
    Hello friends. Mailed my cards this morning, worked on a journal page and boxed up an item that I was selling on Facebook Marketplace. I had an extended phone call with a friend. I finally had to tell her I had to go.

    Anne, my gosh, what a day! You definitely have many different types of people. Making friends! Makes life interesting.

    Sandy, flying low again today! I hope you got some good news at the eye doctor’s office today. Did you get your first shingles shot?

    Well, need to get moving along.

    Be safe.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    Lost my post!! 😲😬😠 Hey ho, hopefully back later.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited December 2023
    Happy Tuesday! :) My eye doctor is sending me to a Retina doctor to see if I am a candidate for injections in my eye or eyes. It is a new medicine approved by the AMA for dry macular degeneration.
    My appointment is January 19 and my friends will pick me up until I am able to drive home from being dilatated. My other friend gets injections for wet macular and she is the biggest baby ever and has reassured me there is no pain with the injections. My doctor did not change my prescription and told me to wait until I get the injection to see if it makes a difference. I trust him 100% so will do as he says.

    I tried calling social security again only to be on hold forever and then the call dropped. I think I give up and will just have to accept the $300 loss a month for a year. It's too hard to fight the government.

    Jackie, sorry you lost your post, I hate when that happens.

    Lin, I decided to wait on the shingles shot and ask the back doctor if his injection will cause problems with the shingles vaccine. I am not sure but think it is a steroid that is injected. I will try again next week if all goes well.

    Anne, I give you credit for vacuuming, I cannot do it anymore because of my back, thus the cleaning lady. Bryanna used to vacuum for me, but now that she is California it's a little difficult. We all knew you would be well liked at your new place, you are such a nice person who wouldn't want you as a mom??

    Now that I am frustrated I guess I will wallow in my self pity and get on with my day. Enjoy yours.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, I hope everyone had a good day. Busy day with little bits of this and that. Finally received my last big bill of the year. I was wondering it where it was at. Showed up a bit later than usual. Tomorrow is dentist day. Glad is isn’t a typical December with super low temperatures and icy roads.

    Sandy, wow, your eye doctor is great. Glad to hear you will be examined by a retina specialist. I am a wimp, I would worry about everything including the exam. Sorry, you weren’t able to get through to Social Security. I don’t know if they decide these things in a few weeks or a few months. Don’t give up hope.

    Jackie, sorry you lost your post.

    Everyone else okay?



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Had some confusion with Amazon but hopefully it is straightened out after speaking to customer service. I might try calling social security again but don't think it will do any good.
    I was supposed to sit today but Rob changed his mind about going to the office. I am going to a play with Cheryl tonight so was glad he did. I will try and wrap the kiddos presents today if I have time.
    Tomorrow I go for an injection in my back and then to meeting. Busy times during the holidays.

    Lin, good luck at the dentist, not my favorite thing to do. I am also glad we are not getting snow, it could bypass us all winter I wouldn't care although I do like a big snow storm if I can stay home and watch it snow.

    Have a good day everyone and keep staying healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    I’ve been having problems getting on to MFP. Midnight now so off to bed but will persevere tomorrow.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited December 2023
    Good evening. Dentist’s appointment out of the way and nothing needs major repairs. Happy day. 🥳🥳

    I spent quite a bit of time trying to find a vision provider in my new coverage plan effective 2024. Yipes! Difficult, confusing and my eyes are worn out. And no, I didn’t find anything. I will get back to it another day.

    Jackie, sorry about the problems getting to this site. Seems to happen often right? That and losing posts.

    Sandy, I hope you are enjoying the play right now. And I hope the injection goes well tomorrow.

    I hope everyone is okay. Take care.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    Hello Sneakers. I will try to post again but can’t begin to go back on what got lost! It continues to rain, of course but I’ve managed to walk on the moors a couple of times and today we walked round the block without getting soaked. Halfway round there is a property where the lady puts out plants for sale so I’ve bought a Christmas gift, a Lily for Linda’s water garden. I think that was put in a post I lost! The cattle grid has reopened today so I phoned Sheila to let her know because her journey doubled to get to the local shop. I’ve been out with her earlier in the week for coffee and cake, finished writing Christmas cards and posted yesterday, along with a couple of parcels and even spent a couple of hours in my garden yesterday afternoon clearing leaves. It is mild again so that encourages me! I was even brave enough to open up the grid over my mains water meter to peer into the darkness and read it. That’s been sent on but since I was in credit 6 months ago when we had a hosepipe ban, in spite of all the rain, I don’t think I will owe them much.
    I’m now doing some housework and collecting together recycling cardboard, plastic and cans to drop off at the end of the track on my way to town this afternoon for a pedicure, because they pick up at 7am tomorrow and I don’t fancy carrying it all up in my jammies, even if it will be dark!

    I’m clicking post reply before this disappears!
    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited December 2023
    Hello friends. Did a bit of grocery shopping this morning and some cooking this afternoon. A friend called and we had a lovely long conversation full of laughs! She had gone to a number of movies: Barbie, the Taylor Swift movie as well as Oppenheimer. Amazing! Lots of good movies for a small town theater. She is healthy and happy. Not many of my friends are so happy and untroubled. Wow!

    Jackie, glad the cattle crossing has been completed. Lucky Linda, a plant for her water garden! You are getting so much completed. Good for you. Understand getting things organized ahead of time. We have the same sort of pickup time here so you have to have things collected and taken out to the curb because they will be driving about before 7am.

    I hope everyone is well. Take care.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Busy day, went for my injection couple of winches but I was fine, I go back in three months if needed. Went to Costco to have them fix my glasses because one of the ear stems fell off. He advised me not to use a soft case for my glasses as it distorts them but fixed both pairs and gave me two hard cases free of charge. I then went to my meeting and after stopped for gas and went to the bank for my cash presents. I am done with all my Christmas shopping, now I just have to wrap the kiddos gifts. I will also order groceries tomorrow so I can get the appetizers I need for my meeting next week and for Lisa's parents house on Christmas Eve. Things are moving along, even though I am going broke.
    (just kidding, I think)

    Lin, glad you had a fun conversation for a change with someone who is enjoying life.

    Jackie, sorry MFP is messing with you and like Lin glad the cattle crossing is now open.

    Hello to everyone else, it is already dinner time and I had no lunch. Have a good evening.

    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry has been started. Going to be a mild day in the 50's but as of now no plans to go out. Tomorrow we are going to a kids Christmas party at the place I played bingo, so that should be fun for the kiddos. Busy week next week and can hardly believe Christmas eve is a week from Sunday.
    Time sure goes fast when you get old.

    Have a good weekend and I hope everyone is happy and healthy.
    One Day at a Time