Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited December 2023
    Hello, lots of videos to watch to keep up with the little art journaling project. I am caught up now, until tomorrow at least. I am a bit behind on my laundry. Working on that as well. I have another banking thing to settle next week. I hope the kid’s program at church will be streamed online but I am not certain. They didn’t show any of the Hanging of the Greens program this year. We will see. That’s this Sunday evening. Christmas will arrive quite quickly now!

    Sandy, you are doing laundry as well. Must be the day for it. 😂 Enjoy your weekend.

    I had a month of BritBox and tried watching that program on the life of Cary Grant. Ack. I am glad I won’t have BritBox much longer, I don’t want to watch any more of it. 👀

    I am charging through some books I checked out from the library. I am enjoying those.

    Be safe everyone. Really, be safe. A small school district shut down in person classes this week due to absence of both staff and students. The kids apparently got virtual homework assignments that they are to complete before returning to school. The numbers of those falling ill increased daily for a week and a half. They haven’t said what the virus is although there was a hint it is the flu.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) Jake was scheduled for jury duty for two weeks starting Monday. He rescheduled three doctor appointments in order to clear his calendar. He was willing to serve but not really enthusiastic about being in a room with a lot of people. When he called this evening to get directions for Monday, he was delighted to hear that his panel would not be required to come in at all. What a great feeling for him. He has been nervous about it.

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    edited December 2023
    So another post of mine seems to have disappeared! I posted yesterday between a lovely walk on the lower moor with the pooches and some gardening jobs because yes, it didn’t rains! The first time since June that I felt content pottering and pruning even though I’m faced with weeks of work. No chance today because warm sunshine that was forecasted didn’t happen and we are back to damp drizzle. First thing, I phoned Sheila to tell her I wouldn’t be taking George and Betty on to the moors but instead would drive into town for some groceries. She had planned to meet up but instead asked if I could pick her up so she could buy a few items too and we were in the Aldi store just after 8.30. She doesn’t normally shop there and was amazed how much cheaper their fruit and veggies are and better quality so looks like I might have company again! I did miss a couple of items because she talks so much I struggled to concentrate but now I know, I’ll be prepared!
    I’m going to get fires lit then try to set up the clever German electric wall heater that is obviously too smart for my little brain because the instructions are gobbledygook to me!

    Lin, I watched a similar documentary on YouTube and thought what a shame, now he’s dead, people want to tear down his reputation. Another was about Frank Sinatra and although I’m aware there were dodgy characters in his life, I wished they would concentrate on his talent!

    I’ve an appointment at my GP practice on Tuesday because they informed me I’m due a blood pressure check. It’s well over 10 years so I’m wondering why now but will trot along and be prepared for every vaccine going to be pushed in my direction! This year 4 friends who keep up with boosters have developed Covid, 2 of them badly, so I think I will continue to dodge that bullet!

    Good news for Jake Barbie, especially during Winter months.

    I’m over the page with only Lin and Barbie for company so won’t risk seeing this post disappear by turning back. I’ve no idea what happened to yesterday’s but fingers crossed now!

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Haven't much time as Lisa is picking me up at 10am to go to the Christmas party.
    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited December 2023
    Hello. A wet and dreary day here. I spent the day doing little things. Paid bills, balanced check register, did some organizing of stamps and coordinating die sets, and then oh my, I started reading another book. I need to walk down to the mailbox as the drizzle has stopped for now.

    Sandy, I hope you have had a wonderful day!

    Jackie, oh my, a friend who talks so much you couldn’t concentrate on the items you needed to purchase. 🤦🏼‍♀️ time to take along a list when you shop with a friend. Odd that an appointment popped up out of the blue. Hope they don’t push all sorts of tests and procedures on you. Take care!

    Barbie, how wonderful for Jake that he does not have to report for jury duty. Yippee! I wouldn’t have any idea where to go…..we have such a messed up bunch of municipal buildings and temporary spaces, road construction and a shortage of parking.

    I hope everyone is well! Happy Saturday evening.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Another dreary day but at least it's not too cold. The Christmas party for the kiddos was great, they all had so much fun.
    Babe's brother's wife died yesterday, the funeral will be Tuesday. She had Parkinson's disease and has gone down hill since her husband died. She will be happy to be with him again.
    I changed my nail appointment for Tuesday to today since I have my Christmas dinner with my friends Tuesday afternoon and won't have time after the funeral.
    I have a return for Amazon and might stop at Walmart for some pop I will need for the holidays for game nights. I really just want to get everything done so I don't have to fight crowds this week.

    Enjoy your Sunday Funday and be grateful for all that is good.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    Grey, a cold wind and generally gloomy but I did drive to the moors to walk and give George and Betty a change of scenery. Bumped into David and Ruth with their dogs but none of us wanted to hang around too long in the cold so home again where I’m still trying to get my head around the complicated heater programme! The instructions tell me I can just keep going back to the start if not happy and try again but it doesn’t want to do that for me so I pull out the plug and walk away! This time I have written in a notepad what I think I should be doing so it’s more likely to stick in my brain and will try again this evening because it needs to be switched off 2 hours to clear the programme! I’m not cold because the log burners keep us warm but it would be better for the property to have constant warm air flowing while the weather is so damp.

    I love that teapot Lin. Very unusual. My visit to the GP will go one of 2 ways. Either I will be told to use the blood pressure reader machine in reception and leave or I will get trapped with all sorts of offers of vaccinations, in which case I will smile sweetly and decline! I’ve a selection of books here I want to read but never seem to settle. I must get back to it though as I know it’s a good way to keep the brain ticking over and books are generally more entertaining than tv programmes.

    I was going to strip my bedding off ready to pop in the washing machine but my weather app tells me it’s going to rain every day until the 29th, then back to rain on the 30th so I might take it to the Laundromat in town instead!

    Time for a cuppa and slice of Christmas fruit cake. I must definitely be more strict with my diet in the New Year!

    Hello to everyone else.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hello. Well the news isn’t good here. Four people with Corvid. Five in total but one recovered. I’m doing my best with a mask, but it’s so difficult at mealtimes with one’s neighbours wanting to chat. I’m supposed to be at a concert this afternoon but gave it a miss by happily falling asleep. This was because I was late getting to dinner last night being on the iPad texting and by the time I got to the DR I was finally handed a plate of stone cold roast potatoes, broccoli etc etc by a not too happy server in a mask. I did sleep for a couple of hours later but was woken up by a rather nasty nightmare and that was it for the night. Anyway, the nap got me out of the concert in the main lounge and sitting with a bunch of maskless seniors.

    I was texting because my favourite cousins son Tony suddenly died of a heart attack. I was and am very fond of Tony. I was 8 when he was born and I will miss his Christmas Day phone call. Although a second cousin once removed, he was much more than that. Definitely a first cousin. So there’s only Helen in Australia and me left of our generation.

    I’m supposed to be going to Mark and Mary Jo’s on. Christmas Day, but will get the nurse to test me on Christmas Eve to make sure I aren’t infected but not showing symptoms yet if I am. Mary Jo said I better remain healthy as she’s made the usual English Christmas pud.

    Great news that Jake got out of jury duty. Funnily my Michael got out of it here as well earlier in the year.

    So, I’m caught up on news. Jackie and her heater etc and the drizzle. It’s rained all day here as well Jackie.
    Sandy and her busy social life, and Lin, always, always busy.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) Our grocery pickup this morning included a 12 pound turkey and a lot of Ben and Jerry's ice cream at a great price

    <3Anne glad you are avoiding covid and getting a nap

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good evening. My church did stream both the service this morning with the special music from the choir and the children’s Christmas program this evening. It just ended. It always makes me smile when the little ones in the sheep costumes are to crawl down the aisle but end up jumping up and running part of the way. 😄😁😄 the girl playing the part of Mary was an exceptional baby wrangler. Not a peep from Baby Jesus and she was able to do her speaking part while bouncing him. It was enjoyable to watch and to sing along with all of the Christmas hymns.

    I started to work on a design for Valentines but didn’t get far. I was just making mistakes so I put things down and will start another day.

    The laundry is caught up for now but I ate all of my leftovers so it looks like tomorrow is a cooking day.

    Barbie, nice grocery order. You are ready for a feast!

    Anne, I am sorry Tony passed away. Sad to hear just before Christmas. I hope you are able to avoid the virus and are able to go for the family feast.

    Jackie, good grief! What a streak of rainy days you have in store. How goes the fight to program that heater. Lovely that things are made so complicated and the instructions so unclear!

    Sandy, another busy day for you. Did you get all of your errands completed? When does Bryanna arrive?

    Jackie, here’s a photo of Harry after his most recent surgery. Poor doggie.


    Be safe everyone.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Quickie, well we now have 5 active cases of Corvid and one recovery. I’m wearing my mask everywhere except at meals and when in my room with Jilly the Bean.

    If I think it too unsafe to visit the family for Christmas dinner (in case I’m contagious with no symptoms showing) I’ve asked for a special delivery of Mary Jo’s Christmas Pud to be dropped off at the back door. I don’t want the family to end up with a miserable Christmas. It’s weird really, very few residents wearing a mask when out and about, no wonder it’s spreading! My family have offered to bring over meals so I can avoid the dining room, but I’ll soldier on and take my chances.

    Everyone seems very happy with Christmas future dinners under control etc. I’m so glad friends. Please take precautions when out and about so we all enjoy a very joyous holiday.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Another dreary cold day, so I am staying in and staying warm. I am going to my sister-in-laws funeral tomorrow morning, followed by graveside service. My niece is having a hard time since she was her caretaker and has asked me to sit behind her incase she needs me.
    Later I will meet friends for our Christmas celebration. Wednesday I am sitting and Thursday is our Christmas celebration at our meeting. I will be doing a lot of eating. lol

    Anne, did you have a covid booster when you moved in to the new place or was that the shingles vaccine? You are smart to be cautious and I too, am confused on why they are not requiring masks with 5 cases. I do feel pretty safe with the additional booster I had along with the flu shot but so far I haven't heard of many cases near me. I do hope you can join your family for Christmas but you know best.

    Lin, I did get my errands done except for going to Walmart, it looked way to crowded and I can just get the additional items I need for the holiday delivered. Your church service sounds wonderful.

    Barbie, your holiday dinner sounds delicious, turkey and ice cream, yum.

    I plan on wrapping gifts today so I will not be rushed over the weekend. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, I didn’t end up doing any cooking today. I restarted my Valentine’s Day cards with a different idea. I worked quite steadily on that and have a stack of stenciled hearts. I need to make some sentiment strips and some layering panels. It might work, it might not. Will see what tomorrow brings. I need to get my trash gathered and out to the curb. It was quite cold and windy today but now the breeze has slowed so must get on it.

    I put on my t-shirt with “A Christmas Story” on the front which led to a day of running various Christmas movies. Quite a few left to watch.

    I tried to place a grocery order at Walmart for an afternoon pickup but they were already filled until 8pm so I took a slot tomorrow mid-morning. We will see what they are able to provide. I may need to stop at another store and it would be good to fill up the gas tank of my vehicle. We will see.

    Sandy, I hope you had a good day and that the gifts are wrapped. Take care out there.

    Anne, I am sorry to hear that the Covid has not disappeared. You are doing your best to stay safe and I hope it works. At least you will have some a Christmas pudding one way or another.

    I hope everyone else is well.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited December 2023
    Happy Tuesday! :) Funeral today followed by cemetery service. Then going with Cheryl and Marisa to bring wreaths to Babe's grave and Marisa's dad's grave (Babe's son Phil). Meeting for early dinner at 4:00 and had the worst night for sleeping. It's going to be a long tiring day.
    Enjoy yours,
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    edited December 2023
    Now I am becoming fed up because yet another post has disappeared. I typed while I waited for rain to stop before walking and posted after letting Betty into the garden and realising it was dry. I saw it under the snowman teapot before I left! I can’t go over it all again but since then I went to my GP practice and a friendly nurse with a charming European accent admired my dark green and white attire with seasonal bows on my fluffy top! She then explained that a new computer system is flagging up any queries regarding vaccinations and other tests and when it gets to 4 question marks we are contacted. Of course, my other 3 were the boosters but she understood why I didn’t think them necessary for me, especially when I explained that 4 friends who had them caught Covid anyway! She could tell I’m healthy and my blood pressure was normal too so that’s it for another 5 years!
    It’s been another miserable, grey day and I felt the temperature fall as I drove home. A few more bits of shopping were picked up, including a box of mince pies, and I stocked up on kiln dried logs and Betty’s dietary food.

    I think I spouted all sorts of advice to you all in the lost post but perhaps best to move on.
    Take care and I’ll hopefully find this post when I check back later! 🙄

    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello friends. It was quite cold this morning. Did get my order at Walmart, returned books to the library and picked up a few things at Whole Foods. My goodness, quite a change there since I was last in the store. They have installed the palm reader at the regular checkouts. However, only one person was doing checkouts. They have installed self checkouts. Very small little checkout stations. I think there are 8 of them and most were occupied as I stood in line for the conventional checkout. There was one person there to help those checking out. They sell most produce by the pound and finding the codes apparently is a bit difficult. I may have to try it one day.

    Sandy, I hope you get through everything today and sleep well tonight.

    Jackie, sorry for another lost post. Quite frustrating! I am glad you had a good appointment and yippee—-good to go for 5 years! And you are busy stocking up on things as well. It is kind of odd regarding what will be open and on which days the next several weekends. People were definitely filling their carts today.

    Well, need to move along. I did call in to have my prescription refilled and it should be ready late tomorrow afternoon. It will be warmer and better weather for going to the gas station.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Dear friends, I hesitate to write the following because it’s bad news but if it helps you to take extra care then it will be worth reporting.
    As you know I have been taking extra care and staying in my apartment except for meals. Yesterday all the tablecloths and napkins have been removed from the dining room tables. The tables washed and disinfected and replaced with paper napkins. Today is the second day my favourite server, Heidi hasn’t been around so I asked our new server if she had Corvid, and yes she does. Plus more bad news, one of the ladies at my table has been in hospital and our new server said ominously that she won’t be coming back. She’s quite old, and although the server didn’t say, I presume she’s died.
    All these cases emerging are connected to the table next to ours and started by the lady who caught it at a church Christmas bazaar. So you can see just how contagious this horrible virus is.

    I have decided not to go to the family Christmas Day dinner at Mark and Mary Jos. I cant risk passing it on to them. Michael my eldest who had Corvid for three weeks is bringing me Jilly Bean food supplies tomorrow and I expect also to be with me when we watch Tony’s funeral on the internet.

    So dear friends it’s unbelievable the speed and ease with which this virus is spreading. Please, please take care, sent with fondness from:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited December 2023
    Happy Wednesday! :) The funeral was sad but everyone agrees it was her time to join her husband. It was freezing cold at the cemetery graveside but we weren't out there long. Then we brought our wreaths to Babe and Phil and I met my friends and had a wonderful dinner. We keep toasting to yet another year and hope it happens for all of us.
    Charlie is home not feeling well but Lisa's mom and dad came in yesterday so she went this morning so Rob could go to office and I will relieve her around 2:00 so I can pick Max up from school and then stay while parents go to a play Max is in from Religious Ed.
    I have not been sleeping well since I had the shingles and keep waking up around 4 and having trouble going back to sleep. I used to be such a good sleeper so I am tired all the time. Maybe it's the stress of the holidays and trying to get everything done or I need a new sleep aid.

    Anne, I am so sorry to hear about all the covid going around in your home. Are they now requiring masks or vaccines? The RSV vaccine is advised for anyone over 50 because it can be dangerous for the elderly. I know a lot of people don't want anymore vaccines but if it stops me from getting sick I am all for them. I am sorry about the lady who went to the hospital and might have died, very sad. I am also sorry you won't be with family for Christmas but better to be safe than sorry. Just keep taking care of yourself and Jilly.

    Lin, nope, didn't sleep well again but there is always hope for tonight. I read that Walmart and Target are thinking of getting rid of their self checkouts because too many people are complaining about them.

    Jackie, sorry you keep losing posts, do you save them before posting? Those friends that got covid even with the vaccine, were the mild cases? The vaccines are personal choices but I would rather be safe than sorry but I do understand your reasoning as well.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited December 2023
    Hello, the sun has been out for a while today. I did get my vehicle filled up and picked up my prescription. Yippee!

    I texted with a friend for quite a while yesterday. She and her husband have been unwell for a couple of weeks. They are vaccinated for flu, Covid and RSV and have taken a number of Covid tests which all came out negative. She has her two cataract surgeries scheduled for just after the first of the year. She also has an autoimmune disease and is very anxious about the surgeries. She has just changed ophthalmologists. A trusted friend of her husband recommended this doctor. She did like the doctor though when she had her evaluation for surgery. I did a bunch of research this afternoon and right now that doctor is accepting new patients and is in my network. I need an optician as well. I guess I will try to get some recommendations from friends.

    Anne, that is unhappy news indeed. I am glad you are still doing well. ‘Tis the season for respiratory viruses to spread like wildfire apparently. I am glad Michael will be joining you to watch the funeral. All best wishes.

    Sandy, sliding into another busy stretch of time! I wish you could get back to your more restful sleep. I am sorry to hear Charlie is unwell once again. I hope Max does well in his play this evening. Will that be streamed online?

    Well, hoping everyone is prepared for the holidays whatever you’ve decided to do.

    Be safe.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    edited December 2023
    Not a good day for me. I seem to have picked up a chill that has left me feeling blah! I think it was a walk on the moors at the weekend when I got so cold. I postponed George’s groomer because her mum is in her 90’s and has had a couple of bad doses of pneumonia this year so I felt I shouldn’t risk spreading any sort of bug. Sandy, I’m a firm believer in building up my own immune system but am aware there are new variants of Covid spreading so if things do get bad, I can always request a vaccination. My friend Linda was extremely unwell when she caught it again a few months ago but she does require an inhaler at times and was once diagnosed with ME so that makes her vulnerable.

    I’m sorry Anne that you have the worry of Covid in the home