Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    What a sweet faced little dog BARBIE! Little Annie. My little monkey won’t wear her coat. Mind you, she doesn’t seem to feel the cold.

    SANDY, what an awful accident with the exploding egg! It reminds me of a neighbour I had years ago. There was an explosive bang in the detached house next door. Turns out Brenda had put a baby formula can of prunes in a pan without making a hole in the can to let the steam out when heating up. By the time I got round the entire kitchen walls were covered in purple prune juice from a teeny can. Everything had to be repainted. I’m glad you weren’t hurt more badly, but bad enough!

    I was a bit surprised today that the home threw an open day to view the renovations and had about 7 or 8 tables for vendors to sell their wares. With Michael ill and Freda here just recovered from catching Corvid at a church bazaar I decided not to attend. Me and three others waited in the dining room for the spenders to join us for lunch. I sort of expect to catch it eventually.

    The only provided storage here LIN is a large cupboard with a shelf in the hall. I have a large chest of drawers and a smaller one. I do have a side table and matching coffee table with drawers, but it’s taking a bit of juggling to find room for all I’d like to bring. Mainly my hobby stuff. I’ve got my easel, but where to put paper, paints and canvas’s sort of thing. Mind you, so far I haven’t had time for a hobby!

    So because of the vendors and visitors a pretty quiet day for me and Bean. Too cold and wet and freezing to make a trip outside desirable.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    Lost a long post!! 😩😤😡. Going to bed cross!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    Happy Monday. The same old story here with wet and windy weather and damp boots and outdoor coat hanging near the log fire to dry them out! I can’t repeat last night’s long post but have searched again because it did one of those magical slides off screen, this after selecting Save Draft! I was telling Sandy my Hiatus hernia isn’t quite that but a small tear in the wall of my diaphragm I was born with became bigger during the operation on my arm a couple of years ago so now my intestines sometimes push through, especially after a meal that takes longer to digest. I’m guessing whoever moved me on the theatre table was a bit rough but it’s something I can usually live with if I don’t eat late in the evening or bend over soon after eating. Definitely too much info! 🤐🤢
    Still no dog tags Lin, although I haven’t yet checked the mailbox today.

    Anne, my Canadian friends living in London, down the road from you, were selling Christmas trees yesterday in aid of a community charity and mentioned they were very lucky to finish their shift before the rain arrived. They are fed up with your weather too! I’m so sorry you have to worry about the Covid outbreak, as small as it is. You are very sensible though so I know you will have the best avoidance plans.

    Annie looks stunning in her new coat. What a lucky girl to have a home with Barbie and Jake.

    The log fire has been lit early because both George and Betty are still damp after our walk and before I do anything else, I’m finally going to hang the 2nd curtain. A good excuse for me to sit by the fire!

    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, a dreary day here. Temperature is around freezing adding to the happiness. 👀

    Am off to the post office soon. I wonder how long the lines will be in a Monday in December.

    Yesterday was a long day even with only trying one technique. Will get to more another time. I did find out the little ink cubes I ordered, while they are the colors I wanted, a regular size of ink pad is what is really needed. The little ones are just too tiny to do the heavy inking. Oh well, not my first mistake.

    Barbie, wonderful! I love cute Annie in her coat. ❤️❤️ Thanks for sharing that photo.

    Sandy, I hope you were able to eat last evening with the mouth injury. 😞

    Anne, wow, vendors invited in to your facility with Covid around. Well, glad you are trying to take care of yourself. I was talking to a friend the other day and she called us Covid virgins. The last 2 of us among her friends and family apparently. We both agreed it will find us one day. Oh my yes, storage is an issue isn’t it. Can you put a long plastic tote box in the bottom of your closet? Hanging clothes don’t reach to the floor unless you have the higher/lower bar system. I have a little rolling supply cart with pull out drawers. Water color paper pads, inks etc fit nicely in those. Hope you stay well.

    Jackie, argh, losing a post is frustrating. As is your weather. I see more and more posts on Instagram of dogs in the snow. Of course, they seem happy enough but dealing with wet dogs, not so much fun. Take care, stay warm, and I hope George’s tag shows up soon.

    Hello to Joy, Jeri, Diane, Patsy, and everyone we are missing.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited December 2023
    Happy Monday! :) Dinner and the Street of Lights was amazing.
    This one had sound track from my favorite movie It's a Wonderful Life and a lamp from a Christmas Story. I liked this house the best.

    I had called and left a message to cancel my dental cleaning yesterday and an hour later I called and said never mind. With a little Vaseline on my lip it feels fine so I decided to just go and get it done this afternoon. I will stop and see if the Dollar Tree has in all their Christmas cards so I can get them ready to be mailed.

    Will also call All State to see if I can get a lower rate for my car insurance as the guy I talked to never called me back. Cheryl's sister used to work for All State so she gave me a referral.

    Lin, eating is no problem, smiling or laughing is the hardest but it is getting better, thank you. Good luck at the post office today, I am hoping I have enough stamps to get me through Christmas.

    Jackie, sorry to read about your small tear in the wall of your diaphragm. It sounds like it can be painful at times so take it easy my friend. It seems the older we get the more goes wrong, but we sneakers are warriors and will not give up without a fight. lol

    Anne, your neighbors explosion sounds worse than mine although I did have egg everywhere but able to clean it up. You could get a container to put under your bed for some storage. I have a shoe storage bag under mine but they make blanket and other types of storage containers.

    Have a great day and I hope the sun is shining as it is by me.
    One Day at a Time

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) My cleaning lady is coming this morning but I am just staying in to get computer things done and start on my Christmas cards. After my dental cleaning yesterday I stopped at the Dollar Tree and they had all my cards in so although I spent a lot of money on cards it was still a lot cheaper than going to Hallmark and these are Hallmark cards. I will be ordering some groceries today for delivery and calling for car insurance. They are having a Christmas party for kids where I used to play bingo so I made a reservation for Rob, Lisa, me and the kiddos. It should be fun and it's free unless you want to make a donation. Cheryl won some tickets to Lego Land and is giving them to my grandkids so another fun adventure. Lisa's father got his results and is cancer free with no active infection so all good news and they will be coming home for Christmas. Lisa is very happy as we all are. Busy times with the holidays but most of it fun.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    What sun SANDY? I thought old age homes, known today as independent living, were supposed to be islands of tranquillity and peace like in my mom’s day. Not so here in today’s world. A great burly bloke just came and tested my fire alarm accompanied by a barking Jilly. Probably hurting her ears like mine and I’m deaf! I’d just finished vacuuming. We have room service but I brought my Shark along and old habits are hard to break. Storage, no I can’t store under the bed, the mattress is too low. No big deal. We acquire too much in a lifetime and less stuff makes it easier to vacuum. Every cloud has a silver lining.

    We seem to be experiencing the same weather as everyone else. Downright miserable. The rain was drumming so loudly on my French window during the night it woke me up and it took a while to realize it was water pelting down.

    Almost lunchtime,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member

    Annie and Bessie are best friends
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    More rain today of course. Early morning plans went awry when I stopped at the local post office to post overseas parcels and cards and found that since our Royal Mail was apparently hacked last year, every form now has to be completed handwritten, in triplicate. By the time I had finished a queue behind me went out the door! I feel sorry for the postmistress having to deal with the stress. I was going to walk with Betty and George on the moors but it was raining so hard I drove home, picked up their coats and took them round the block by foot. We still got soaked of course! It was then time to drive to the next town for my postponed hair appointment and I did say to Tamsin I was considering more colour in my hair next month but looking in her big mirror under the lights I could see the highlights are still prominent from a few months ago so cancelled that idea. A big grocery shop finished the trip which means little to need for a couple of weeks.

    An important England ladies football match on this evening so fires are lit and the kettle on to make a cup of tea.

    Loved your photos Sandy and Barbie’s fur babies.

    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited December 2023
    Good evening.

    Barbie, I love the pic of the darling pups together. They really look comfortable.

    Jackie, more miserable weather. Ack. How did the match come out this evening? Hope you are staying warm. I am finishing my cup of warm tea. Just finished watching the usual Tuesday evening live YouTube session and this was an interesting shaker tag. By the way, filling out forms in triplicate by hand? Torture!

    Anne, so always busy times in your residence. That must upset Jilly. Poor dear. I hope you get some sunshine soon. We had snow flurries on and off today and it was cold and windy. Tomorrow is forecast to be much warmer but no sunshine was guaranteed. I am just hoping. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Sandy, did you get your car insurance settled? Busy day again! That’s what I started this afternoon—-addressing envelopes. Not finished but quite a few have received some scribbles.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Another day of staying home and I love it! I will try and get all my cards done today and maybe wrap the kids presents. I am going to finalize my car insurance today and save about $200 so that is good. Will be sitting the next three days but for shorts periods of time. I go for my back injection tomorrow morning, then my meeting and then to sit so Rob can take Robby to the dentist.
    Friday night they both have something to do and Saturday Rob asked for me to come since Lisa will be gone all day for a class or something. I really don't mind sitting, it is the long drive that I don't like.

    Lin, I think I am busy until February but that's my life. lol

    Jackie, between your weather and the post office I would be stressed. Always something to make things difficult isn't there?

    Barbie, love the picture of Annie and Bessie, best buds!!

    Anne, it's just a matter of getting used to things in a new place and you seem to be adjusting well.
    Depressing weather doesn't help anyone, but the sun will come out tomorrow. (maybe)

    Have a good day and keep staying healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hi, I have been doing a bit of cooking and vegetable cleaning then switched over to paying bills. I didn’t get around to addressing envelopes because I am not feeling well. Sinus headache and unhappy stomach. I haven’t had any coffee today, just some hot tea and wow, no go juice means I am ready to nap at the drop of a hat.

    Sandy, that is a great amount to save on your car insurance. 👍🏻👍🏻 great hunting!

    I am still waiting for a package to arrive. It has food products which must be refrigerated. Nothing arrives before dark lately.

    Be safe everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Going for an injection in my back this morning, then my meeting and then to sit.
    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    edited December 2023
    Hello sneakers. I missed posting yesterday because what was going to be a quiet day turned into something else. Just as I was about to make toast for breakfast I received a phone call from the company that offers a care package to vulnerable people by way of an alarm to wear. I was told Sheila’s system appeared to be not working so could I drive over to check she was ok? I popped George and Betty in my car to visit, thinking we could go somewhere to walk afterwards. Turned out not only was Sheila ok but she had spoken to the company the previous day to let them know their communications box was flashing. I pressed the red emergency button as a test and got through to the same man who had called me to let him know everything was plugged in where it should be. It wasn’t registering at his end so an engineer was booked. It had started to rain by the time I left so I drove back towards home, parked up and took George and Betty round the block. Finally back home I mucked out the hens and fixed another piece of plastic sheeting on the chicken run roof while George seemed to sniff around the bottom of the garden. I called him several times to come in and when he finally appeared he was covered head to foot in thick mud! Into the shower he went along with his plastic bath so I could leave him soaking for a few minutes. Finally shampooed and rinsed he was blasted with my hair dryer before curling up in front of the fire! By then I had missed breakfast and lunch!
    I saw Linda had been phoning while I was out so we caught up and she told me how she had been caught several times in floods driving home from visiting a friend. It sounded horrendous but today we have been experiencing similar conditions so I left Betty at home and walked George locally on roads that were turned into rivers. I had planned to visit Sheila but postponed that visit!

    Phew, that was a long ramble, sorry! To cap it all Linda, the English football team needed to score 3 goals to get to the top of the table and progress and everyone was cheering when they managed 6 goals but the other match involving the team who had been at the top went into overtime and they scored twice in the last few seconds so out we went!
    Love the Santa cat! 😁

    Time to check on the hens as, although it’s still raining, it’s not as heavy so I’ll pull on wellies and slide down the garden. Hope it’s dryer where you all are!
    Jackie 🥰
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    After the storm came an amazing sunset that turned everything, including me, pink!
    Jackie 💕
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    With that sunset turning you pink JACKIE, no need to colour your streaks and just let Mother Nature add to your good looks! That was quite a day you had!

    Here it’s like the lull before the storm. Not much going on. Well, snow was covering the ground when I opened the blinds this morning. A heck of a draught blowing through the French window has me thinking wearing gloves in bed tonight! That’s if Mark forgets to bring tape to seal the window edges. Meanwhile heaped cushions are doing a good job.

    I quite enjoyed lunch. Light but adequate. I didn’t have soup for once but enjoyed a veggie quiche and a melon slice, followed by strawberry mousse. Tonight it’s chicken divan and veggies. I’m hunting for a container to bring back a little for Jilly Bean.

    And that’s my day so far. I won’t join in the afternoon activities but will watch a Harrison Ford movie at home instead. Mikes back at work but in his office catching up on paperwork with the door closed!

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    Good morning. I’m home from a jaunt across the moors and it was obvious both George and Betty had been getting bored with our short strolls round the block because they’ve been running and zooming for an hour. It was bright but a cold wind blew on the top moor. As we returned to the car park I met Brian walking his Westie so we chatted for five minutes, then David drove in with Hattie followed by Ruth with Digby her Jack Russell and finally Paul with Brody. We compared notes on yesterday’s floods but Betty soon started to shiver so I bid them all farewell and headed home to hang out a few items of washed laundry but within a minute a threatening cloud drifted over so it’s now set up on the airier in the garden room.

    Are you alright Lin? You certainly weren’t feeling great on Wednesday so your absence has been noted! I do hope it was nothing serious.

    Haha Anne, it was certainly like looking through rose tinted glasses yesterday evening so even the pets looked as if they were wearing highlights! I joined you with veggie quiche for lunch but in the evening I cooked whole meal pasta with mushrooms so nothing to share with my gang!

    Sandy, a busy day yesterday AND an injection in your back! One of those events would have been enough for me!

    Plans today include finishing housework I started yesterday then cook the small amount of beetroot I managed to grow ready to pickle in red wine vinegar. Clouds are building up now so I can’t see I will be doing any work outside.

    Happy Friday. Stay warm and safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited December 2023
    Hello, I stopped drinking coffee for a day and switched to all hot tea all the time. My stomach was very unsettled but a change in food and beverages has helped. Sorry, I have multiple online events each day. It seems people have really ramped things up for the holidays. A friend called yesterday and it was one of those long conversations. Difficult due to her hearing issues and memory problems. Later, a friend started texting and that went on for a while. And suddenly the day had escaped!

    Jackie, glad that you got out and Betty and George were able to romp!

    Anne, sorry to hear that you have a draught in your room. That’s not at all good!

    Sandy, how was your injection yesterday?

    Well, off to an online session.

    Be safe everyone.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited December 2023
    Happy Friday! :) Well, it happened again. I went down to my garage to get my injection and my inner door was locked. I couldn't find a key to unlock it so I had to cancel and change my appointment. My cleaning lady put my garbage in the trash cans and locked the door. I called my landlord and he was in Mexico. I walked to the office and asked if anyone could help me and Randy a guy who has done repairs for my landlord came with a screwdriver and a credit card and got the door opened. Kind of scary to know it was so easy but at least the door is inside so still feel secure. I did make it to my meeting and then to sit so all turned out okay. I have my next injection next Thursday. BTW, I did find the key to garage it was locked in garage with my house key on the same ring. I now have the garage key in my house.

    Laundry is going and I am going to noon mass as it is a holy day of obligation in the Catholic Church.
    I am sitting tonight unless Rob changes his mind about going to his meeting. (he goes to several a week)

    Lin, glad you are feeling better and sorry you are so busy. I hope you are at least enjoying what is keeping you busy.

    Jackie, I am glad the boys got to do zoomies, I love watching them do that it makes me laugh. I just keep moving although it is nice to just sit and do nothing once in a while.

    Anne, keep warm, I hope Mark brought the tape for the windows.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) We got our RSV vaccines yesterday. We couldn't go together like we usually do because we can't leave Annie home alone or in the car alone, so Jake went before lunch and I went after. The pharmacist who does the injections commented that we weren't there together and Jake told her about the puppy so when I arrived, the first thing she asked was about the puppy.
    So far, no reaction from the vaccine

    <3 Barbie