Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    Good morning sneakers. I’m bogged down with so many chores and also doing my best to help my nephew set up online information and photos of his dad I haven’t had a chance to check on you all. Me helping with anything online is laughable but I’m doing my best!
    I’m also decorating indoors and starting to get the garden tidied now we finally have sunshine. Once I finish my coffee I’ll get back to pruning then pick up the paint brushes after lunch. I took a George and Betty on to the moors but there is a strong, cold wind blowing across the open areas so we only stayed for half an hour.

    Lovely to hear from you Anne although not news of a tumble. If it got the kids to visit and hang pictures, that was something! Such a big change in your life is bound to take an age to adjust to but it does sound like you are beginning to enjoy most of it. A sense of humour always helps!😁

    Lin, I loved your story about your French language teacher, thank you. I’m sure mine despaired at my lack of interest. Her name was Miss Witty and looking back, she was incredibly patient with a class of silly giggling girls. Of course, when my brother married a French girl I thought I might regret not learning much but her English was sometimes better than mine! Poor Harry the Spaniel. If you have ever watched The Supervet on tv, Noel Fitzpatrick often tells us infections are a nightmare to deal with and often appear just as they think the dog is repaired.

    Shingles gone Sandy? That’s great news. Good luck with your social security chat. I’ve finally managed to get some common sense from my energy supplier so they are changing my tariff to a cheaper option and just in time for Winter!

    Must get on before the day runs away with me.
    Happy Tuesday.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Had to leave the social security office as the wait was too long and I had to sit. Will either go back today or tomorrow and wait my turn. Going out with friends for dinner tonight, two that were supposed to join us are sick so unable to attend. It's a dreary day outside so kind of depressing.

    Jackie, thanks for the good luck, I think I am going to need it to fight our government. It just isn't fair why they are deducting money from my social security when I did not reek any of the benefits of Babe selling his buildings. Long story but trust me it is unfair.

    Have a good day all and keep healthy.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited November 2023
    Hello. Another wet day with intermittent winds. I am doing laundry and a bit of cooking today.

    Sandy, best wishes my friend. Fighting the government can go on for a while. 🤞🏻

    Jackie, my gosh, you are running about at top speed trying to get everything accomplished. Wow! Best wishes on fitting it all in, including the assistance with the tech project. 👀

    Anne, no! So incredibly sorry you took a spill. Ouch. Thank heavens nothing was broken but no more of that please! So the family got your pictures hung, what else do you have on your list? Didn’t you want a little piece of furniture from your house? And did they get your phone set up? If not, put it all,p on your Christmas list. Thanks for getting back with us. ❤️❤️ and all the bets to the little black bundle of cuteness, Jilly.

    Time to switch the laundry from washer to dryer.

    I hope everyone has a good day. Try to be safe.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Just got back ………and at that point a lady I’m getting friendly with knocked on my door. She’s just left because she’s worried she might not have locked her unit. Anyway that will give you an idea how it’s difficult. to find time to quietly sit and write. Well the theme today is singing.
    The other day Jilly and I ambled over to the garden cafeteria to pick up a coffee and hopefully an orange because green veggies are sadly in such short supply here. (Bad news for a virtual vegetarian.). Anyway, we didn’t get that far because at that point a pastor from a local chapel persuaded me to sit with Jilly on my knee to listen to his sermon. A very pleasant lady sat down at the piano to start thumping an enthusiastic rendering of “Jesus loves me” at the end of which the preacher proceeded to tell us that Jesus also loves little dogs AND dinosaurs. (Why dinosaurs I don’t know seeing they are extinct!). Jilly was so good sitting upright on my knee whilst I struggled with pins and needles! So, you can imagine when once again wandering into the cafeteria for a coffee we were a bit taken aback when Joan our craft lady persuaded us both to sit on a sofa to listen to a chap sing with his accordion. The large lounge rapidly filled up and oh sneakers what a treat! It turned out this gentleman tours the world and he had a beautiful mellow voice. Armed with a tall glass of Pepsi (because I’m allergic to wine) I was soon transported back in time to being 17 again and dressed in my fifties pretty dress with numerous petticoats and stiletto shoes and dancing to the same songs (Your “Cheating Heart” etc) in the village hall Saturday night dance. But what really reduced me to watery eyes was the gentleman’s rendering of “oh Danny boy”. Just beautiful.
    So you can see that this place is full of surprises. We watched the Ottawa Remembrance Day ceremony on the big TV screen, at least some of us did, and again I got all watery eyed when a choir of little kids sang God save our gracious king.
    So ladies, that’s it for today.
    I’m slowly catching up on the reading of past posts. Oh my, shingles, new puppies, eaten gloves, and sinus problems. Not to mention rain. It’s pouring here.

    Anne. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) We had a nice early dinner last night, always good to see old friends. I did manage to go to social security but not confident anything is going to change. I emailed the paperwork to my accountant to see if he can figure any of this out, but I have my doubts. I may have to wait until next 2025 before anything changes so I hope I can manage until then.

    Kelly, Will and pup will be leaving Minnesota around noon to arrive here about six. We will have pizza tonight and relax before our Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. Excited to see them, especially the pup.

    My cleaning girl is sick so I will have to spruce things up myself, a job I hate.
    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Not much happened so far. I went to the nurses office after walking Jilly and had my plasters ripped off and replaced. Came back to the apartment and fell asleep on the couch, thereby almost missing lunch which was no big deal. Spinach soup I think, and a stir fry of rice, various peppers and beef. I think the poor cow had roamed the prairies a long time because the strips were tough and left by most. Dessert, apples with a blob of cream which I resisted.
    For some reason I’m tired today which is unusual so think I’ll have another nap.
    Anne. Zzzzzzzzzz
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    Yesterday’s weather forecast covering today promised no rain so I stripped my bedding to wash overnight and it was hung out before I set off to walk with George and Betty. The cold wind has eased so we had a pleasant stroll and when we got home I mucked out the hen house before getting back to painting and decorating. An hour later I happened to look outside and saw a misty drizzle had descended so had to rush out to grab my laundry then drap it round my dining room. It’s still there!
    I’m realising I’m not as fit as I was because the first hill to climb during the walk made me puffed and muscles complained then the painting is taking longer because everything does these days. Late afternoon I was about to pull the fridge away from the wall to clean then paint behind it but realised it wouldn’t be a quick chore so I’ve left it for tomorrow. In the morning I will be picking Linda up and we will see where we fancy going for our usual coffee and cake. I’ve potted up some Russian kale plants for her so hope I remember in the morning.

    Anne, it could be your body is telling you to rest and repair itself so put your feet up. I caught on the news earlier a car has exploded at the Niagara USA/Canada border. So many conflicts around the world now it could be about any one of them.

    2025 is a long time to wait Sandy but if it’s anything like our government departments, they work at an incredibly slow pace with little consideration for people perhaps struggling. I’m owed £500 heating allowance from the government but read yesterday that anyone who hasn’t received it should contact them online. That’s because so many government employees work from home since lockdown so probably spend more time playing with the dog or watching videos! Fine if people have a computer but the payment is for us pensioners and I’m guessing quite a few don’t.

    Time for bed so I’ll wish everyone a good night. 🥱😴
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good evening and it is Thanksgiving Eve here in the U.S. I decided to add more veggies to my soup tomorrow so I made a trip to the grocery store this morning. It wasn’t overly crowded—surprise. Then I stopped by the library as a book I have been looking forward to was ready for me to pick up. I might read some of it over the weekend. I ran into one of my neighbors at the library and we talked for a little while. I did a bit of organizing for my soup project tomorrow and worked on a design for the cards I will make for my December donation to the card charity. I tried about a dozen colors of card stock before deciding on one. I have set up for stamping the greeting and ran 20 pieces of paper through a lovely embossing folder. Well, I should be working on December birthday cards and lots of work left on my Christmas cards. Not a good time manager.😅😂😅

    Sandy, I have been through hoops with Social Security and unfortunately, I did not prevail. I got a letter from them recently, do they ever send anything but less than happy Jews? Best wishes to you and hang in there.

    Jackie, you have been working very hard. Maybe you need a bit of rest as well. Enjoy your coffee with Linda tomorrow and don’t forget the Kale plants!

    Anne, keep taking of yourself. I think naps are just a fine thing! Did you get a new couch when you moved (to fit your apartment? I am so happy to see you each day!!

    Best wishes everyone.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Good morning. It’s very early here and I’m sort of waiting for my soggy dressings to dry out because I simply couldn’t resist a shower and hair wash. So briefly, I’ve got my old house sofa/couch here LIN. It’s almost new and seats four comfortably. What I haven’t got yet is my old comfy armchair. If I had got it, when I tripped I would have hurtled into it rather than hurtling through empty space to hit the chest of drawers. Such is life, or rather fate. Love to read of your projects and missed them for a while.

    JACKIE, I’m a little concerned about you! You are doing such a lot and I’m going to risk you telling me to mind my own business. Please slow down. Time to put the tootsies up as well, enjoy your delightful pets and your comfy cottage. You were so right in telling me my body was telling me it needed to nap to cure itself. I napped most of yesterday and can you believe! I was in bed by 7pm.! The car that exploded was not terrorist action which is a relief. No idea what caused it yet, but how awful for the couple inside it and the relatives they would have visited. So I’d better get a moving if I’m to enjoy my cereal! MAYBE see you all later today, and please stay upright and safe friends.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member

    For us in the states and happy Thursday to the rest of you!!! Kelly, has arrived with Will and Rilo. Such fun!43ryngemnuyg.jpeg

    Have a wonderful day!
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    !!!!!!!!!!HAPPY THANKSGIVING !!!!!!!!!!!

    Here in Canada everyone seems to be putting up their Christmas trees. When I took Jilly for the morning totter (at the moment, almost better) Joan the craft lady was putting up a Christmas tree in our reception Hall. Wreaths are appearing on doors in the corridors. Seems a tad early but certainly pretty.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    After a dreadful night of aches, pains and little sleep I’ve got the message but thank you Anne, it always helps when friends nudge me in a sensible direction. I stood under a hot shower for several minutes this morning, swallowed a couple of ibuprofen then took George and Betty round the block. Linda’s first words when she saw me were you look exhausted and she was right. I did remember the kale though Lin! It’s another dismal, damp day so we didn’t go far, but found a quiet coffee shop and sat in a corner to talk about plants, the local district council and my brother’s funeral. Quite a mixed bag and goodness, she has already bought a pack of tomato seeds to germinate for next year! I have done very little since I got home and will definitely have an early night but good news, the Ibuprofen seems to be working.

    Good to learn that explosion wasn’t terrorist related. Our news outlets presume every incident is negative!

    So much to do Lin! Like you I have a soup project for tomorrow.

    A great photo Sandy with what looks an energetic pup!


    Happy Thanksgiving to all friends in America.

    I must cook a light supper then off to bed.
    So far, staying upright!
    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited November 2023
    Good day. I have had my feasting day eats! Yummy!

    I am watching the dog show and then plan to watch my DVD of WKRP in Cincinnati’s famous turkey episode. Then onward to some stamping and then oh my gosh, I have inky stuff to clean up.

    A real Thanksgiving cactus.


    Anne, well, my neighbors put up their outdoor holiday decorations over the last few days. Best done outside when the weather is workable and the ground not frozen. BUT they are already lighting them up each evening. Wow! I hope they bring you that chair soon. Necessity!!

    Sandy, excellent photo of you guys and it looks like you’re loved by that pooch! Enjoy the day at your son’s home.

    I hope everyone is having a good day. Be safe.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    edited November 2023
    :) Our day has been delightful. Even waking up almost an hour late, I managed to cook the turkey, walk 10,000 steps, walk with the dogs and my friend, give Jake chance to go to the grocery store, go to my 9 AM zoom meeting and have our turkey meal ready to serve before noon. Later we got a few texts and phone calls, watched some tv, and played with the dogs.

    :) After dark I put up my one holiday decoration, a holiday theme penguin over the pole light in front of the house.

    :) I am so grateful to all of you and how you share your lives with me and listen to my stories. This is an amazing place. Thank you.

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    Walking this morning was fun because the wind was howling but with my coat hood up over my head I was protected. George and Betty loved running circles as we climbed the hills and now fed and watered, they are snoozing in the garden room. On the way home I stopped at the store for milk and bread but noticed fresh, hot pasties had been delivered from a local bakery so bought one for my lunch. I’m now going to finally finish the kitchen decorating by removing the fridge/freezer from its alcove, washing the area and then painting the wall.

    Lin, your Christmas cactus looks happy! Sue the gardener left one with me when she moved away that had been her mother’s. It has been in loan for over 4 years and began its stay in my greenhouse but was never happy so I brought it indoors. Once it finishes blooming it goes into the spare bedroom.

    Barbie, it certainly seems you and Jake had the perfect Thanksgiving. The pooches too I bet!

    Time to check the hens are happy and if their feed needs topping up then it’s on with the chores.
    Happy Friday one and all.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at Rob and Lisa's with the three dogs and I am grateful.
    Kelly, Will and Rilo will be leaving today to spend a night downtown Chicago. It was great having them with me and look forward to the next time.
    I hope you all had a great day as well whether celebrating or just enjoying life.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I just lost a post. Don’t ask me how, just melted away like the first snow flakes that floated down today for the first time. I hung my old Christmas wreath on the front door it seeming appropriate with a snow flake and minus 2C.
    Thanks for not telling me off JACKIE,! I visited the nurses office expecting to get plasters ripped off but no,
    Rose the nurse renewed them and gave me a mild lecture on how old folk regularly “all fall down” and hinted about walkers. What!!!!!! This had me and Bean tottering off on our mile and a half walk. She’s now sleeping and I’m feeling quite drowsy with the electric fire that Mike gave me last Christmas turned on! I got weighed whilst at the nurses office and I’ve lost three pound whilst here. That’s in three months. Not sure if it’s the walking or the meals. Today’s lunch was cauliflower soup, three battered chicken wings and chocolate mousse. If at “home” I would have added a baked potato dripping in butter and a veggie!
    I don’t think I told you that we had our first Corvid case? Freda was confined to quarters for two weeks with her dog Mollie. Posters all over her door announced it was an infection zone and all cleaners, meal dropper offers etc were not to linger. She’s been back in circulation for two days. Said it was horrible and she caught it at a Christmas church bazaar. You have been warned. No one else caught it.
    And that’s about it from here in the fast lane. A nice mellow winters day. Glad everyone enjoyed the US thanksgiving.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited November 2023
    Hello, day is done! I got some laundry finished, checked out some online sales, and worked on my December card donation. Got a lot accomplished, should only take a few hours to finish them. I got a stack of mail to sort through. Ended up with a few things that need attention. So I need to go to my bank and the post office. I have to get another birthday card in the mail and I would like hand cancelling rather than the machine processing.

    We are expecting a couple inches of snow. I wouldn’t mind waiting longer!

    Barbie, your Thanksgiving sounds like a perfect day.

    Jackie, that is a gorgeous blooming plant! Mine is quite tiny but it fits on my kitchen window sill. Oh yes, it sounds as if you found a tasty treat at the store. Did you get the painting finished? I hope you are getting a good night’s rest.

    Sandy, I love that photo. What a lovely family. I think that dog is quite fond of you!

    Anne, my goodness, losing weight. Are you feeling okay? Are they starving you? Sorry to hear there was a case of Covid but glad no one else picked it up. Glad to hear that you are warm and cozy in your apartment.

    Be safe everyone.


    Lovely pinks!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Family zoom call and church later, nothing else. I put up all my Christmas decorations yesterday even though it was a spontaneous moment. We are expecting snow tomorrow so a good day to stay home by the fire. Have a few things going on this week again including a doctor's appointment Monday for my back. I am hoping for another shot since I still get some pain occasionally.
    I will try to schedule therapy again for my knee although it doesn't seem so painful so I might change my mind on that. I have a dinner with friends I haven't seen for a while on Thursday and Friday is my nieces' husband's 70th surprise birthday party. It never ends but keeps me moving.
    Hope to get to the Dollar Tree to pick up all my Christmas cards and Aloha's First Birthday.
    I am just waiting for the accountant to fill out some paperwork for me but I really don't think I can win against our government. I will have to make some adjustments in my spending with the loss of money.

    Have a wonderful day and keep healthy and happy.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Quickie from me because we are going for a walk before the weather gets colder. It’s 3 degrees right now. Balmy!
    Lunch was good and we started off with sweet potato soup which was bland but tasty. The woman next to me swamped hers in half a pot of salt and half a pot of pepper. Then she sent it back to the kitchen saying she couldn’t eat it because it was too spicy. Some mothers do have them, as we used to say! I’m looking forward to supper which will be my favourite. Hawaiian chicken.

    Had a thought LIN, maybe I didn’t lose three pounds. Maybe the nurses weighing machine is more accurate than my wee still at home scale.

    Anyway, I promised the Bean an outside walk whilst the weather is balmy! Bye for now,
