Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Well I had an exciting day. I was all set to go to my meeting, locked the door went to my garage, went to get into my car and it wouldn't open. I had no keys in my pocket and my spare key that I hide was not there. I had no way of getting back into my condo so I texted my landlord and asked if he was in area and could let me in. He said he would be in area in an hour. Needless to say I missed my meeting and sat in my hallway on the stairs waiting for my landlord. He showed up and I was able to get in but he said he wanted to talk to me, so guess what? He raised my rent $43 a month starting in December because the property taxes went up $500 and he had it written in the lease if that happened I agreed to pay the increase divided by 12. I really wish I could find a new place but his rent is still the cheapest.
    I went to my little slot machine place and won $265 so I am happy.

    Isn't my life exciting?

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry is started and I have spent some time looking for new auto insurance as my rate is going up nearly $300 in January. I think I found a good quote with All State but still researching.
    Cheryl and I are going to dinner at old friends new house tonight. They lived next door to Babe and I when in the house. They moved to another suburb with their young daughter but now that she is in college they bought a new million dollar house for the two of them. Don't ask me why but if they can afford it and that's what they wanted good for them.
    I will be bringing dessert and Cheryl is bringing an appetizer.

    It seems the two boys are sick now and will probably miss their karate tournament tomorrow. I was either going to go watch them or Charlie was coming here to stay with me. The parents also have a dinner to go too but that is also up in the air. So will see what happens tomorrow.

    Have a good day and keep staying healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited November 2023
    Hello everyone

    A cold and sunny day here. I have a number of loads of laundry today. Making progress!

    I was surprised yesterday how tired I was after a few hours of shopping. My feet no longer seem to like walking about on concrete floors and we did a lot of standing and staring. More walking would have been nice but I enjoyed it. The store we really wanted to see did indeed have all sorts of lovely things. Good thing she didn’t charge for picking up and looking over the items in detail. If so, I would have run up a big bill. 🤭

    We went through a good portion of JCPenney and my friend found a winter parka. It’s the puffy kind. I’m fact, most of the parkas were puffy! She was very detailed in trying every zipper, checking each seam and then looking at two others of the same size/color/design to see which one was the best. Then she found a pair of winter gloves again after checking all the designs and colors and then examining several of the same design looking for the best one. She bought those and then we were off to find Christmas gifts for two of her great-grandchildren. Again, extremely methodical in her shopping. Then she had to check with her granddaughter to confirm the needed sizes. They are growing boys and are in adult men’s sizes. Grown up!

    Anyway, good to be out, sad to see how few stores have survived in that mall. I have a soft spot for JCPenneys though. I started to shop there when I was in college and they were the first store to give me a credit card. I was a dumb kid and put my hubby’s name on my card when I got married and then when we split up, all the joint accounts were closed. I never got a new card with them.

    And I came home with no purchases. That is truly amazing. We’ll see if I give in and make a purchase in the book store next week. 👀

    Sandy, I am sorry for your lockout situation and very sorry about the increase in rent but I don’t know anyone who hasn’t seen an increase in property taxes. 😢 Best wishes on finding the company you are comfortable with for auto insurance. Enjoy dinner this evening and I hope the kiddos get better soon.

    Ooops, dryer buzzer.

    Happy weekend!



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    It’s Friday evening and I feel as haven’t had a minute to relax all week. My lost post detailed all that’s been going on but maybe you sneakers had a lucky escape so I won’t repeat it! We are still getting torrential rain and now it’s become colder, hail stones have to be avoided when walking George and Betty which makes for exciting dashes to shelter under trees! Retired people in England are given £200 each year at this time of year by the government to help with heating bills so I stocked up on logs and smokeless coal which was delivered yesterday evening when it was dark. The logs are in open bags and I was told they might be a bit wet because it had rained earlier so I thought it best to hunt for a tarpaulin to cover them. Unfortunately they are more than a bit wet but I’ve stacked them up in the log store and crossed my fingers they’ll dry out quickly because trying to burn them would be frustrating as well as smokey!

    You are very patient Lin to shop with someone who likes to ponder so much over every purchase. Shopping in large stores can be exhausting so I rarely do these days but clothes are not easy to buy online and are often disappointing when they arrive looking nothing like their picture.

    I’m sorry your rent is to be increased Sandy but wow, you are the first person I ever heard of winning on slot machines so someone is watching over you! Thank goodness too that your landlord could let you back in your apartment! I’ve hidden a spare set of keys on my property just in case something similar happens to me because it did years ago and a window had to be broken.

    We just might enjoy a dry day tomorrow so I will chance putting laundry in the washing machine overnight and see what the morning brings.
    Jackie 🥰
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Sorry for your cold wet weather, Jackie. We complain but of course its pretty mild in California, and we know we are lucky.
    Doing chores indoors this week….and probably on weekend too. Of course there is no weekend for us retired folks😍
    My grandson got a job finally. So we are grateful for that. All the granddaughters still working!
    So will check in next week. Meanwhile, all the best to all the Sneakers.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) It's a drizzly morning here and both dogs thought doing their business in the back yard was a great idea so they didn't have to walk far. They probably won't want to walk far after breakfast even when my walking friend comes to walk with us. They love her but are not fans of the rain.

    :) When Jake's daughter was here she noticed my fingerless gloves and asked if I could knit some for her. She was vague about what color she wanted (earth tones, maybe) so I just went ahead and knitted two pair with some yarn that I had. They are finally finished and boxed and ready to take to the post office next week.

    :) No fire in the woodstove this morning but we've had one every other morning this week. Jake likes building the fire so it's up to him when we have one. I am happy to turn up the thermostat on a cold morning.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Well, my friend's million dollar house was just that, it is beautiful. So big for two people but it is her husband's dream and she loves it as much. We had a good time, had some dinner and played a game. Nice catching up on all that went on for the last ten years. I have been to their house in those ten years and have lunch with Debbie but Cheryl has not seen them if forever. Her husband was at their daughters college for dad's weekend so it was just us ladies.
    The boys did not go to their karate tournament so I did not go or have to watch Charlie. They still have slight fevers but the parents are still going to their dinner so I will watch the kiddos.
    I have a zoom call with family at 12:30 but right now doing the sheets off my bed. I will go to mass tomorrow as I won't have time today.
    That's about it for my day and lots of busy days coming up in the next couple of weeks, including therapy.

    Barbie, smart dogs, they know when to come in out of the rain. lol Nice of you to knit Jake's daughter those fingerless gloves, she will appreciate them.

    Joy, good for your grandson on getting a job. I am waiting for Bryanna to find a salon she wants to work for since she got her California hairdresser license. I miss her everyday but she seems happy.

    Jackie, I had a spare key but must have let someone use it and forgot to put it back. Lesson learned.
    I have luck on some slot machines and when I win I quit most of the time. Looking forward to my Vegas trip in February.

    Lin, sounds like a tiring shopping day but fun to be with a friend. I used to like JC Penny but now I prefer shopping online and I like Kohls and Amazon. I have bought some tops for Temu and was happy with them.

    Still wish Anne would pop in to say hello, I worry when we don't hear from her.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited November 2023
    No karate and no dinner, Lisa not feeling well. Will go to 4:30 mass and then chill out at home.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    I’m running late again and about to go to bed. This morning was sunny so I took George and Betty for a long walk before stopping off to see Sheila. George seemed particularly quiet and tired so I didn’t stay long and by the time we got home clouds had rolled over which meant the end of what had been forecast as a lovely day! So much for my being organised and getting laundry washed because it is now hanging on an airer to hopefully dry overnight! I spent a couple of hours pruning and also took more cuttings from a rare blue Salvia in case it doesn’t survive winter but both pooches preferred to stay in their beds which was unusual but I have to remember George is nearly 11 years old so his little legs can’t run about the way they used to and Betty will be 9 next week.

    Joy, I think it is a particular British thing to never be happy with our weather because it is so changeable. It makes life difficult to plan for outdoors activities.

    Sandy, last night I watched a tv programme about Chicago’s beautiful gardens and also a lady creating a prairie with gorgeous wild flowers that would have grown everywhere before Europeans arrived. It was a treat to see so many locals taking photos and enjoying the beauty even though it was a tiny area in comparison. Your dramatic city architecture is certainly spectacular. I’m guessing Anne is busy enjoying new friends and interests.

    Hello Lin and Barbie plus anyone else popping in. The log fire has died down so I must get to bed. Guess what? More rain tonight!! 🌧️⛈️

    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, a cold start to the day but later it warmed up a bit and the sun tried to come out. Next week is forecast to be mild. Yippee!

    I did some hand laundry today. That’s something I try to avoid as much as possible. 🤭

    I have been addressing Thanksgiving cards and am almost finished but I am missing one address. My friend’s grandson who has been receiving therapy in hopes of walking again may have moved to a different facility. I asked her for his current address and she seems to have forgotten. It’s a very busy time of the year and it doesn’t ease up until after the first of the year. So many church activities and she is in the middle of all of them. Tonight is the annual turkey dinner. I will try to check with someone else who might know.

    Sandy, continual changes in your plans. I hope you rest up again this evening in anticipation of busy days on the way!

    Barbie, it is very kind of you to take the time to make the fingerless gloves for Jake’s daughter. I am sure she will appreciate them. As long as you stay warm, all is well. ❤️ It is good that Jake likes to build the fire. But then who doesn’t like to play with fire. 😂 hope the weather improves.

    Joy, happy weekend to you. There are always chores. ❤️

    Jackie, ugh, cold rain and hail! Not a bit pleasant. I hope the wood will dry out so you can use it safely. Did you get a bit of dry weather so you could hang the laundry outdoors? I hope so.

    Take care everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) The sun is shining and temps are supposed to go up this week so that will be welcomed. Nothing much going on today, probably just staying in and relaxing. Will be calling my doctor tomorrow as I am having pain in my right breast since Wednesday and I am getting concerned. (TMI?)
    I got a good quote for car and rental insurance so will finalize that tomorrow. Will get my Thanksgiving cards tomorrow and meeting pool friends for dinner. Tuesday and Wednesday will be walking Cheryl's dog for her, Thursday meeting and Friday therapy. Never a dull moment in my life.

    Lin, sorry about your friend's son, I can understand why she forgets things with all that's on her mind.
    Hope your weather is as good as ours.

    Jackie, I can hardly believe the dogs are that age, it seems you just got them. Yes, we have some beautiful gardens around the Chicago area. The Botanical Gardens are very impressive. Chicago is a beautiful city but the crime is just getting out of hand and well as the taxes. I so hope Anne is enjoying herself in her new place and is too busy to check in with us.

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    edited November 2023
    I could hear rain pouring outside first thing so decided to have a lie in but that was a bad idea because I ended up with terrible back ache that’s still with me 8 hours later! Today is our Remembrance Sunday service at the Cenotaph in London with most of the Royal family in attendance. It is always moving to see the veterans and remember the fallen so I sit quietly and watch the proceedings. By the time it had finished our rain had stopped so I took George and Betty round the block, even though neither was enthusiastic. As we returned home I received a WhatsApp call from my friend Pat to let me know another friend past away last week after a long, brave fight with cancer. Her son was just 10 when she was first told it was terminal so of course, she worried about not being around to support him through his education but made of steel, she kept going until he graduated from university and found a great girl to be happy with. They live in the Lake District but may well hold a memorial service not far from here. While I talked with Pat I perched my iPhone against a cookery book to free my hands to chop chicken, chorizo and vegetables for a casserole, which is now in the oven.

    Sandy, I too find it hard to believe both dogs are now seniors although I feel they’ve been with me forever! I do hope that pain is nothing serious but definitely worth getting checked. You’re right, it’s never a dull moment in your life!

    No Lin, the washing didn’t dry yesterday so spent the night hanging about but is finally dry. If our wet weather continues I’ll have to get used to squeezing past the airer with its damp laundry!

    The casserole is cooked and out of the oven and all is cosy so I’ll wish everyone a safe Sunday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited November 2023
    Hi friends. Online church today was quite enjoyable with a guest speaker. I finished affixing all the postage and return address labels on the Thanksgiving cards but I am still missing an address for my friend’s grandson. Apparently he is in the midst of moving to a different rehab facility.

    Jackie, your weather has been abominable. I am glad your clothes finally dried. What sad news from Pat. Losing friends is a painful thing. I am glad you made a yummy sounding casserole.

    Sandy, I hope the pain you are feeling is nothing serious. Probably best to get checked out since it is worrying you. Good luck getting an appointment.

    I am sending Patsy a card by the way. I wish we would hear from her in some way.

    Anne, we would love to hear from you. Any friends? Working on art projects? How’s Jilly?

    Best wishes to everyone.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    Hello Sneakers. When I took George and Betty out this morning I thought it was quite pleasant but up on the moors I was hit by strong winds that made it difficult to open my car door. The edge of Storm Debi had arrived and it certainly woke us all up but I decided a short walk on lower flat ground would be best. We bumped into David with Hattie but soon agreed it was too difficult to walk without getting knocked over so turned back to our cars. Before we drove away he gave me a bag of kindling because he says I shouldn’t be out in the cold chopping wood but I have said if I wrap up I quite enjoy the exercise swinging an axe! In return I gave him a pack of suet feed for wild birds because he has so many visiting his garden whereas I have to be careful not to encourage many because Brady waits to leap from under the shrubbery! Another dog walker with a poodle and chihuahua like Jilly was going back to her car and told me she is worried about her son who works on ships supplying oil rigs in the middle of the Atlantic where the storm is right now. He has told her he’s safe because the ships are built to withstand such weather but of course, his mother is bound to worry.
    Once the pooches were fed and I had my morning coffee, I drove to a DIY store for a couple of items then, on the way home, stopped at the car wash. It’s a do-it-yourself high powered spray that offers shampoo and polish but every time a gust of wind hit me I was sprayed with cold water so I’ve also been washed and polished! 😆

    It’s 2pm so I will cut a few pieces of old wood ready to chop up then watch Escape to the Country even though I already live in it!

    That’s a pretty, jade green teapot Lin. One of my favourite colours. I do hope someone will let us know how Patsy is getting on. I must send Christmas cards abroad soon and she with John are on my list.

    Stay safe and warm everyone
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I called my doctor's office but they had no appointments and suggested I go to the ER which I will do. I am not going to rush so I can shower and eat because I will probably be there all day.
    Hopefully, it is something minor and I can ease my mind.

    Have a good day and if you pray please say a prayer for my good health.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    The diagnoses is shingles. No open lesions as of yet just one little red spot on my breast. She prescribed some meds and as long as no open lesions I am not contagious. I am mad at myself for not getting the shingles vaccine sooner. I didn't want to get it with the covid and flu shot and was waiting until after Thanksgiving incase of side effects. You don't want this pain so I suggest you get the vaccine.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited November 2023
    Oh no Sandy! 🥺 Good thing that you saw a doctor. Now you have some medication, which I hope helps with the pain. Praying that it doesn’t get worse.

    Jackie, your weather scares me. I am used to the weather here but it is unusual now as well with another week of abnormally warm temperatures and no rain. More often we have cold and wet weather and we keep our snow shovels at the ready. Hope you are warm and comfortable.

    I took some cards to the post office to be weighed. I tried my scales but you never know if they are as accurate as the P.O. And the envelopes ranged from 0.9 Oz to 1.1 Oz - on the line for needing extra postage. I stood in line for quite a while but it was worth nothing it. The envelopes did vary in weight but the heaviest was 1.0 Oz exactly. No extra postage needed.

    Stopped by the gas station to fill up my vehicle and then off to the library to return a couple of books.

    I have been sorting things as tomorrow is trash day and I want to try to get the cart filled (or nearly filled).

    Tomorrow is book store afternoon. And I need to mail more cards including a birthday card for a friend. She thought she might come to the book store with us but I haven’t heard from her. I will give her the card if she shows up, if not, gotta mail it quick!

    Barbie, how’s the puppy training coming along?

    Well, back to tossing things, it will be dark soon.

    Best wishes to everyone.


    AmChristmas preview

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Feeling much better today, no pain, no itching the rash that appeared yesterday has disappeared only one little pink spot on my boob. The meds are working, I am grateful. I can't wait to get the shingles shot once I am cleared.
    I will be walking Cheryl's dog twice today but it is a beautiful day and I will welcome the fresh air.
    I am a little concerned about the weight gain with prednisone but it is only 7 days so hopefully it won't be much. I will try to ride my bike every day to keep on top of it.

    Lin, thanks for the prayers, they are working. You are one busy lady and glad you didn't have to pay extra for postage. I am loving our weather as well, I could do this all winter.

    Hello to all and I wish you all a beautiful day. Stay healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member

    Sandy, so glad you are doing better today. Yippee! I hope that walking Cheryl’s dog was a pleasant task. The weather was lovely once again. Quite breezy but a warm breeze. I hope that when you finish the medication that the virus has been permanently calmed.

    Busy day here. A trip to Trader Joe’s with the usual construction delays. I put away my groceries, had a bit of lunch and then left to meet my friends. We spent hours talking which was nice. Time for me to login for the normal Tuesday night live stream.

    I hope everyone is well.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    It was a beautiful but cold start to the day so I took the pooches on to the moors for an hour and on the way back to my car met both Brian and David and we chatted before I had to get home for my brother John’s funeral live stream. My other brother Bernie called me on WhatsApp because he was struggling to get connected to it so, after a bit of juggling I managed to bring it up on my iPad then show him that by pointing my iPhone at it! Not perfect and my hand was aching towards the end but it was nice to watch together. George’s groomer arrived soon after it finished so he is tidy again and she also helped with clipping Betty’s nails because after the visit to the vet when both back feet bled after toes were cut, I haven’t wanted to take her back there. Both are now snoozing so I will get a couple of small jobs completed in my garden before it gets dark.

    Sandy, I’m glad to see you medicated the Shingles early and have stopped it in its tracks. Enjoy dog walking, especially while your weather is so mild.

    Another sweet teapot Lin, and a doily just like one of mine that my gran crocheted a hundred years ago!

    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰