Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello. Straightening up a bit for tomorrow morning’s invasion by the furnace folks. It is a cold and dreary day here and the anticipated snow flurries have not materialized.

    I did a load of laundry, watched on-line church and have worked on cards again. I have enough for my November box to the card charity I support. That’s a plus. I also finished 20 seasons greetings/happy holiday cards but they are so pretty I am thinking of keeping some/all of them to use myself.

    Jackie, our clocks don’t change for another week (I think) although I have an old clock that is programmed to change the time this weekend. If I change it to the proper time today, I will have to reset it again when the time really changes here. Don’t know if it is worth it. 👀. Glad you got your new curtains and I hope you are able to find more rail hooks so you can hang them. So now what is there to watch with rugby World Cup over? Hope you are having a good day.

    Sandy, our weather is similar. Lots of grumbling here about winter trying to arrive here. Hope you are having a lovely day as well—indoors!

    I hope everyone is well. Hi Joy, Jeri, Diane, Anne, Barbie, Patsy….🍁🍁

    Best wishes.


    International cat day I am told


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    Brrr, it’s getting colder and now threats of another crazy storm to hit us midweek! Walking this morning I bumped into David heading back from his stroll with Hattie. He apparently ignored the extra hour in bed but I loved the lie in! We’ve had lots of rain showers so I spent the afternoon giving the rooms downstairs a thorough cleaning, polished the furniture and vacuumed Betty’s fur balls out of the corners.

    Nothing to watch now the rugby tournament is over and news is so depressing. I’ve read a bit and caught up with a couple of YouTube broadcasters I subscribe to; neither political, just entertaining.

    Time for bed. I’ve passed on the news to Brady that it is International Cat day. Here’s his response!

    Nite, nite 🥱😴
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited October 2023
    Happy Monday! :) The sun is shining but it is only 33F. Brrr. I am bringing my car in this afternoon and hope I don't have to wait for hours in their waiting room. I also hope they don't find a million little things that have to be done as dealers often do. Other than that not much going on, I did ride my bike yesterday and hope to do more this week as I have gained a couple of pounds and not happy.

    Jackie, Brady doesn't seem to impressed with the holiday, he would much rather just sleep. Nice feeling when the house is nice and clean isn't it?

    Lin, we didn't do anything yesterday after all, Lisa and I were both tired and just wanted to stay home.
    I sent the kids Halloween presents so she gave them to them to keep them busy. It looks like snow for the trick or treaters tomorrow, it's also going to be really cold. I am sure they will only go to a few houses it any at all. They have plenty of candy from other events.

    Hello to everyone else and have a great day. Where oh where has our little Anne gone?
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited October 2023
    Good morning. Another cold start to the day. It is up to 31 degrees F now. 😄

    I am cooking a nice pot of beans. I seem to be running through my leftovers at a fast pace. Quinoa is almost gone and I have one bowl of red bean chili left. Looks like I will spend the winter cooking!

    The furnace tech was here early (as scheduled). He has finished everything and has moved on. He did find the electronic igniter was showing signs of failure. He showed me the part and explained why it should be replaced. It was a bit expensive but the cost would have been more if they had to come out mid-winter for a furnace failure. I would freeze until they got here and there would be an added charge for the service call. The maintenance visit doesn’t have an extra trip charge since I have a contract.

    Well that is my happy morning. Glad it is over and hope he is right and the furnace will work properly all winter.

    Sandy, I am glad you got a day to do what you wanted and stayed indoors. Hey, the dealership I go to will not let you stay, you have to take a courtesy van take you home unless you have made an appointment far in advance for one of their ‘wait for my car’ appointments. The wait for those is usually 2- 3 weeks. Best wishes 🤞🏻🤞🏻.

    Jackie, that looks like one very comfortable kitty in your beautiful chair. 🐈🐈‍⬛🐈 (none of the available cat emojis has the proper color for Brady). I hope you are having a good day. Our fallback Sunday is indeed next Sunday. I would be glad to sleep in but then ai could do that any day since I have no impatient pet waiting to get outside!

    Best wishes Sneakers.



  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Good Monday to all my Sneaker friends. Yesterday was a wonderful visit with my grandson. He left about 10 pm for the drive to San Diego….driving at night makes the traffic light. Los Angeles is impossible to get thru in the day.
    Sandy, I am always thinking about my funeral arrangements. But my problem is the Gemini in me changes my mind all the time. With 6 kids and 6 grands, well they want it written down. So I got a notebook and write my ideas by date. Its kinda a joke with the family now. My last wish was yours. But then I read about Green burials….all natural and good for the earth…so I am considering that. Also we change the restaurant back and forth. You are good at Mass attendance. I dont go anymore. Oh the nuns would berate me. Can I have Mass and Catholic cemetery burial!?
    Well just wanted you to know its not depressing to hear your plans!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited October 2023
    Happy Halloween

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited October 2023
    Happy Halloween/Tuesday! We had a little snow and cold temps for the trick or treaters. The sun is out now but more snow is to come later. I am staying in and staying warm. If I get any kids it will be few, it is too hard for them to ring the bell and come up the stairs. Most go to the houses where they can just go from house to house. I loved seeing the little ones when I was in the house they all were so cute.
    My car is ready for winter $272 later. He talked me into getting fuel system cleaning service. It costs more for the labor than the parts but I do want my car is good shape. He said to bring it in every six months for an oil change but I will see how far down my oil is at that time.

    Lin, I wish they offered a shuttle service to my house, two hours in the waiting room seems like a waste of time. There was a man with a 14 month old who occupied my time just watching him run around. lol
    I have another do nothing day today and I am grateful. Thank you for card, it was very cute.

    Joy, there is no reason you couldn't have a Catholic Mass and burial. The only thing is if being cremated you have to be buried or put in a niche in the cemetery. They want the ashes intact and not scattered.
    I already bought my niche in the same wall with my sister. I know many Catholics that will probably spread their ashes but I am still very old fashioned and follow the rules.

    Have a great day and keep smiling.
    One Day at a Time

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Thanks Sandy. I appreciate the info. Glad you got your arrangements for your ashes. You really help your loved ones when you make the arrangements. I am going to get on it!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good evening. A cold and blustery day. After my trash was picked up, I went out to get my cart and the street had a number of my neighbor’s carts in the middle of the street. I rescued the closest 3 on my block in addition to mine. If it hasn’t have been so cold, I probably would have gone after another 3 that looked like they might blow out in the street. But I was freezing.

    My day with full of cleaning and scrubbing, working on the rest of the November birthday cards and trying to clean up a strange dump of previously sent emails. My ISP kept sending the same emails early this morning and at some point the flood gates opened and I had over 500 emails in my inbox back to some emails I had in folders from as far back as 2010. I didn’t realize what was going on and I have duplicates, emails in both my inbox and and each Individual folder. All were showing as new mail. I will work on cleaning this up bit by bit.

    I have my usual Tuesday evening live broadcast to watch on YouTube a bit later.

    Sandy, glad your car is all taken care of. Sorry your dealership is so far away. Always decisions to think about. I am fortunate I guess with no family, I have paid for the needed services to be plopped in a casket and transported to the cemetery a few hours away to be with my family. That’s it, no visitation, no service, no feeding anyone. All I worry about is that they will screw up and plant me in the wrong place who knows? Well, that is for another day.

    Joy, that green option sounds interesting.

    Well, I hope everyone is well. Getting concerned about not seeing Anne.

    Well one last time—BOO!

    See ya soon.


    A witchy teapot!

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Luv your teapot Lin
    Quiet Trick or Treat evening.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) Good morning🌞😀Usually I am up about 4:30 to walk the dogs then have breakfast and at 5:45 ny dog walking friend arrives so we can walk the dogs together. Things have changed with the puppy and Jake taking a more active role in dog care. Jake and the dogs are still asleep but I am awake, dressed, and lying in bed waiting for them to wake up. I texted my friend to let her know. We could make a new plan but twice in the last week the puppy got us up at 3. So much for my ordered life.

    🌞🐾I am so happy that Jake and Annie are so connected.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited November 2023
    Happy Wednesday! :) Had a little snow nothing major. Sun is shining but very cold. The kiddos didn't last long in the cold but enough to get some candy. As it turned out Rob texted me for help, he had to pick up Charlie from school because she had a fever so she had to miss the parade at school but Max was still in it so Rob wanted to go. He ended up doing some errands but I left just before Lisa got home as they were going out to trick or treat and I wanted to get home before rush hour.
    Today is a holy day so I am going to noon mass at my old Church that I used to go with Babe. Since my pastor died my church is not the same and the new associate pastor talks way too much. I am going to see how the new pastor at my old church is before making any changes. Tomorrow night they have a mass for all the people who died in the last year at the old church so Cheryl and I are going because they will have a candle with Babe's name on it that they will give to me. There is also a Luminaria service before mass where they have candles lit for all those who passed away and make them in the sign of a cross. It is very touching and beautiful. I bought a candle for both Babe and his son.

    After mass I will come home and hopefully ride my bike, this weight doesn't seem to want to come off.
    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    The National grid has had problems so power cuts galore recently but today I received a letter from them to advise they will work on the local grid next Tuesday morning so I must remember to get up early enough to shower before they cut me off.
    Yesterday I met Linda and we went back to the local reservoir cafe for coffee, then drove to a garden centre for me to buy Spring bulbs to be planted. I was surprised that they had already sold out but we managed to find packs of small Daffodil, plus a cupped mixture and cheerful Crocus at a general store so if it ever stops raining I will plant them in my garden lawns. I also found a plant pot made out of recycled material for a South African indoor plant called Clivia that Linda rescued from her SIL’s house. The lady was moved out into a care home by a controlling DIL and has sadly deteriorated so much Linda fears she won’t live to see Christmas. The plant has developed glossy green leaves since I took it in so I’m hoping to see its bright orange flower in February.
    Apparently it was our wettest October on record to join the wettest September and now we have a violent storm about to hit. Betty just asked to go outside but one look at the huge raindrops hitting the deck made her quickly turn back! I shopped for groceries before our morning walk so am stocked up with food to eat that doesn’t require cooking, should the power go off again.

    Time to cook and also feed George and Betty. Brady was brave enough to creep through his cat flap but I’m guessing he won’t stay out long!

    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited November 2023
    Hello. I have been working on misc. paperwork and trying to sort out my errands for tomorrow. It is forecast to be warmer. I will take that.

    Jackie, oh my gosh, I hope they get the power grid stabilized. I hate to think of you without power. Take care as that storm arrives in your area. And wow, spring bulbs are already sold out? Wait, I guess that makes sense. We have to get bulbs planted in the fall before the ground freezes.

    Sandy, a busy couple of days for you but hopefully the remembrance of Babe will be comforting.

    Barbie, oh my, upsetting your schedule. Oh puppy! I hope things settle down and your routine can be re-established.

    Oh gosh, didn’t get down the block to pick up my mail. It is getting dark. And I haven’t had my supper.

    Running along. Wishing everyone well.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Went to my meeting, came home to put up new curtains in my spare bedroom and now catching up on computer before going to luminary and mass with Cheryl.
    I just don't know where the days go anymore, there is always something going on. Rob needs help tomorrow with Charlie as it is too hard to work when she is so needy. They took her to urgent care and she does have some kind of virus but not covid or RSV. I may wear a mask but might just stay away from her. Nicer day out today and warmer temps are on the way.
    Still have to have dinner and get my garbage cans out before Cheryl picks me up so have a good evening.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited November 2023
    Hi! I started a post and had to walk away….not saved of course.

    Hoping everyone is doing okay. Good to hear from you Sandy. Busy busy bee!

    I did my errands this morning, post office, bank, grocery store and library. Wahoo! The weather is much nicer. I am thankful for that. Tomorrow may not have the sunshine of today but it will still be relatively warm. Yeah!

    I tried to get in touch with a friend who’s gone missing . I have not heard from her for weeks. I called but the phone just rang and rang and rang. Hope she is okay.

    I did get in touch with another friend and found out another of our former coffee group members is retiring in a couple of days and is moving out of the area to be close to her sisters. I doubt I will see her again and definitely will not hear from her. It’s been several months since I have seen a response to one of our posts in messenger from her.

    So my friend and I are discussing if we want to do the puzzle competition at a local library and whether we want to sign up for a free showing of the ‘Barbie’ movie which will likely be packed. I would like to make a trip to the book store before winter settles in but it seems none of my former book store friends is available. Well, we will see what happens. I am sure it will be fine whatever happens.

    I purchased three types of mini granola bars with just real ingredients, no junk or fillers. They showed up today and they will be my Thanksgiving and Christmas treats. 😁. Wahoo.

    Well, moving along. Another video this evening and I need to do the dishes.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Is this a popular brand of toffee?

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    Well, that was fun yesterday. Yet another storm wreaked havoc across the country with lost roofs, blown down trees and floods. It seems to becoming the norm! Between flickering lights and loss of broadband and tv, I made phone calls to family, some extended, to join up the dots so everyone is aware what is happening for my brother’s funeral. I’ve received a copy of an email my almost ex SIL sent out and WOW, the lady has taken total control, even down to arranging front seats for her and the man she left John for, in the limousine cortège. There are other horrors I won’t go in to but needless to say, I won’t be attending but instead will watch the live stream.

    Lin, Farrah’s toffee is famous worldwide and I think was one of the late Queen’s favourites. I had to look this bit up but it says it was originally designed to clear the palate from Harrogate’s famous sulphur water. It’s similar to a butterscotch and barley sugar mix with a hint of lemon. Harrogate is where you will find Betty’s Cafe Tea Rooms!

    Ooh, looks as if the sun is peeking out so I must get George and Betty out for a walk.
    Happy Friday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I posted a big long post and somehow it has disappeared, human error I think but too long to post again. The memorial was very nice even though Cheryl and I did not hear Babe's name as we were outside waiting for a service we thought they were going to do. They did let me go back and bring his candle up to the table so although I was sad I missed his name he knew I was there. cu3gjkixzxs2.jpg

    Charlie was in the ER last night and Lisa is waiting for results from a culture test to see if she has strep throat. She is complaining of stomach pains but they had no answers for that. Lisa drove an hour away because this hospital has a peds ER but she felt it was a waste of time. Charlie ran an 102 temp this morning but Lisa gave her meds and a warm bath to bring it down. I told her if she is not better and she gets no answers to take her to Lurie Children's Hospital which is noted for helping children.

    Cheryl and I are planning a trip to Las Vega in February. I got an email offering me a free room for 3 nights. She has enough airline miles for plane tickets so we are trying to set it all up today.

    Just finished with the laundry and still have things to do. Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited November 2023
    Hello. Today was an at home chore day. Laundry, made homemade vegetable soup and also rice. All turned out yummy!

    Jackie, thanks for the info on the toffee. It was interesting that for some reason, I had never heard of it. You would think if it was candy, I would certainly know about it. 😂🤣😂 I do love that building housing Betty’s Cafe Tea rooms. It must be fabulous to visit there. Meanwhile, I read some online reviews of the toffee. Some were full of compliments while others couldn’t say enough horrible things. People just are too eager to be excessively rude.

    Wow, what a storm! I am glad you didn’t have lots of property damage. And I trust there are not more storms on the heels of that one. I am sorry your brother’s estranged wife has taken over everything. Staying home may be the best thing given the details you shared. I hope that you will not be missing seeing some people that you would like to talk to. Some folks make life difficult.

    Sandy, I am sorry things got a bit messed up but your luminaries were very nice. Did you have them printed? Gosh darn, Charlie has been ill a lot recently, or at least it seems that way to me. Poor dear. I hope she is feeling better. Did they find out if she has strep? Wow, a trip to Vegas? Wow, that’s exciting. Start saving your gambling money!

    I hope everyone is doing well. I am enjoying the warmer weather.

