Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited October 2023
    Happy Friday. Yesterday evaporated in a whirl of cooking, cleaning fresh veggies, a bit of cleaning and sorting and then oh my gosh, trying to fix my InstaPot. I haven’t tried it yet but I hope it works. 🤞🏻 I will be disappointed if it doesn’t work.

    Sandy, I hope you aren’t too sick with your cold. Wow, the weekend has arrived already. Hope you are feeling better each day.

    Barbie, what an active few days you will have with a puppy and company. I would love to see more puppy pix if you have any. 🤩

    Jackie, did you finally get your soup made? It sounds very good. Thank goodness your lemon tree has a protected spot now. Is the storm over? Some scary moments in Scotland I heard. True? Don’t let a friend talk you into anything that causes injury. That’s how my friend broke his kneecap, helping a friend with something dangerous on the friend’s acreage.

    Anne, where are you my friend? Miss you.

    Back to my chores. Hugs.


    Yummy yellow trim on this teapot.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) We did not go to Rob's yesterday as I have laryngitis and he told me to stay home and rest. My voice is still not back to normal today but I think it is getting better. I have been wearing a mask when near John and Laurie in the house so hopefully they do not get sick. They leave tomorrow after Laurie goes for her sewing class from where she bought her expensive sewing machine. I am hoping to be well enough to go to Mass tomorrow and out to dinner with Cheryl and Marisa since Marisa is coming home for the weekend.
    John has set up my new laptop and I already love it. Just in time to take to Rob's for when I am there Sunday night through Wednesday.

    Lin, I do hope you fixed your InstaPot so you are not disappointed.

    Doing laundry and they just went out for lunch so I will jump in the shower. Have a good day all.

    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    Another disturbed sleep for some reason and vivid dreams but although I could remember them when something woke me at 5am they’ve gone now apart from an image of an angry dog! This morning was mild and sunny and after a local walk I drove to Linda and looked round the garden she is trying to control. I took her a bowl of soup to enjoy later and cakes to eat with our coffee. We sat for several hours talking about a variety of things, one being a problem she’s had with birds nesting in her chimney and dropping down with no escape. A new electric hot air system was installed earlier in the year which is economical to run but the builders left a few bad problems. Blow me, when I got home I found George sniffing round my log burner where a sparrow that had fallen down my chimney was trying to get out! Once I had placed dogs and cat in the kitchen, it escaped my efforts to cup my hands round it and flew into the room so there was a merry dance to catch it and release in the garden. All is quiet now but George continues to look for it behind the stove!

    Storm Babet missed us in Cornwall but is causing havoc in Scotland and northern parts of England. It’s dull with drizzle now but I’ll soon be lighting the log burner to make things cosy. Spicy Bean casserole again tonight and probably there’s enough for several days!

    Wow Barbie, a puppy! You and Jake will certainly be kept busy but Labradors are adorable.

    Sandy, I’m sorry you have developed a cold and hope you soon feel a lot better.

    Lin, you’ve been busy too! Don’t worry; now I’ve got used to Sheila I won’t be drawn into doing anything silly. Climbing on a chair was enough of a risk without carrying hefty items! I do enjoy her company but also need time for my own long list of things to do! When I told Linda about some of the goings on yesterday I made her laugh so much she had a coughing fit with tears running down her face and I said laughter is the best way to deal with the demands! For some reason I associate that pretty teapot with the 1950’s and think it is that yellow trim.

    Time for me to prepare an evening meal while George continues to look for the sparrow!

    Happy Friday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    edited October 2023
    :) We changed Laney's name to Annie because Jake's has two people in his past named Laney and he doesn't think of them positively


    Here is Annie in her new sweater. We went to Petco (all of us including Annie) and daughter, Larissa, insisted on paying for the sweater and a bunch of chew toys. We brought back lunch from Taco Time then Larissa vacuumed and dusted and did some other chores while Jake took a nap

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    It’s a leisurely Saturday for me after a week of being out and about. Our weather is showery but I did manage to walk on the moors with George and Betty without us getting wet. After that I drove into town for pet food and treats and am now going to get some housework done. This evening I will watch the England rugby team in a World Cup semifinal match against South Africa although I’m not optimistic they will win.

    Annie is beautiful Barbie so it’s incredible she would have ended up with your Humane Society. Whatever the reasons, she has found herself a wonderful, loving home with you and Jake.

    First job of the afternoon is to put together a hose reel bought recently that arrived in many parts. No instructions, just a few pictures!

    Stay safe and warm everyone.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited October 2023
    Happy Saturday! :) The sun is shining and should reach 60 degrees F. John and Laurie will be leaving after lunch to head home. My voice is coming back so I am planning on going to Mass with a mask and then hopefully out for dinner with Cheryl and Marisa if they are okay with my voice.

    Jackie, good luck on your hose reel, they make things so difficult these days.

    Barbie, Annie is adorable, how old is she? How does Sasha like her so far? I am glad Jake's daughter is helping and spoiling your new addition.

    I am doing the bedding from both beds and then some towels. Tomorrow I will pack a bag and then go to Target for my groceries for Rob's house. He offered to go but it will be easier for me to go and get what I want so he can spend time with his family today. I am not looking forward to getting up at 6am Monday - Wednesday as I am not a morning person.

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited October 2023
    Glad you are feeling better Sandy. Oh my, you will be a morning girl this week! That is true devotion. ❤️❤️ I hope you are able to get to everything on your schedule.

    Jackie, I hope you got that hose reel put together. I am betting on your success even with virtually non-existent instructions.

    Barbie, I like the new name, the lovely sweater and the gorgeous photos. Seems like a good start. What a treat to have someone do the vacuuming and some dusting. 👍🏻👍🏻

    I got some laundry done this morning, some more sorting and I swept the basement floor. I had vacuumed upstairs yesterday and I spent some time cleaning the dust/dirt canister. It is an old unit, one without any bag to replace which is nice but it seems there’s a lot of dust that gets away when emptying. 😁

    I hope everyone is safe. Hi to Joy, Diane, Anne, Patsy, Jeri and all our Sneakers.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Sandy, glad you are feeling better and ready to watch the kids. I know how hard it is for you to get up early.

    :)Jackie, a bit of rest sounds like a good plan after how busy you are and how hard you work.

    :)Lin, you get a lot done every day.

    :) Bessie has been welcoming to Annie but doesn't want to play like a puppy so she watches from a distance. The story of Annie's origin is that she and two litter mates were dropped off at a kill shelter in California and were brought up here. Both of her siblings are in line for adoption. We are deep in the challenge of potty training and have had to clean up a fair number of "accidents" in the house but that is the challenge of puppies and it will get better. She is less than six months old. She is a lap dog and is learning to walk well on a leash.

    :) Jake's daughter will drive back to California tomorrow. It was great to have her here and sad to see her go.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) It is sunny but chilly at 44 degrees F. We had a good time at dinner, Marisa insisted on paying the bill for the three of us and then we met Cathy, Cheryl's sister in law at a panic room where we solved the case in record time, fun times.
    (we are holding the dead guy)
    I will be packing a bag and going to Rob's tonight and staying until Wednesday. I am so happy I have a laptop now that has all my desktop does. It's the simple things that make me happy. lol

    Barbie, it breaks my heart when I hear animals are dropped off at shelters or on the side of the road. I am so happy you adopted Annie and she will be so grateful. Glad you had a good visit with Jake's daughter and all went well.

    Lin, love that teapot, so cute. I still am a little raspy but I will probably wear a mask around the kiddos so they don't get sick. I do feel better but have a lingering cough as I have had since I had covid.

    Have a wonderful Sunday, I hope the sun is shining where you live.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    The sun shone brightly on our morning walk across the moors but when I returned to my car I received a call from my nephew Sven to tell me his father, my oldest brother passed away. It’s very sad, especially for Sven who was very close, but John will be in a better place because he has been depressed and drinking heavily since his wife walked out about 5 years ago. After a couple of phone chats with relatives I went into the garden and kept myself busy and will now put the kettle on and light the wood burner.

    I wish everyone a safe, healthy Sunday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    I am so sorry for your loss Jackie. It is always hard to lose someone, especially a sibling. (hugs).
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Jackie, my deepest condolences on the loss of your brother.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Sending along all best wishes Jackie. And long distance hugs.

    I am sorry that your brother had so many years of depression. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


    I hope this can bring you a small smile. It is quite ridiculous.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :'(Jackie sorry for your loss <3
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited October 2023
    Happy Monday! :) Early wakeup, kids are all in school so just me and the two dogs. I will probably take a nap sometime today before picking up the kids. Lisa arranged for a neighbor to walk them to school with her son but I will pick them up. Obi was neutered last week so they are keeping them separated because of Obi's stitches. So I rotate one in the house and one outside.
    Loving my laptop as it is just like my desktop with all the same apps and bookmarks.

    Nothing else exciting going on so have a good day and keep staying healthy.

    One Day at a Time
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Good Morning to all. Went to Panera for breakfast today. Ate a bearclaw and MFP sugar and fat is thru the roof already. OMG. Wish I selected a bagel. But I wanted pumpkin and they didnt have it. I will have to try somewhere else. Got our Walmart Grocery pickup. Have to cook some ground meat for tacos, and do some slicing and dicing, too. But enough about food. Hope you all have a great week.
    Lin, have loved your last couple teapots. ❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited October 2023
    Hi! Increasing temperature all day long. It is over 80 degrees F. now which is quite odd for the end of October. A hard freeze is expected by the end of the week. One of the meteorologists said we will have summer, fall and winter weather all in one week. 😱. I spent quite a bit of time covering up my remaining containers on the deck. The squirrel will not leave them alone and has been throwing dirt out of them for days. Rascal!

    I made an early morning trip to a grocery store I haven’t frequented for several years as I saw a number of sale items that I use. I got a few of them, I guess Mondays may not be the best day to hunt for sale items. Then I made my way through the road construction to the post office and I mailed my friend’s birthday card. Back home, put the groceries away, did a bit of cleaning and started planning my November card donation. I have been pulling out supplies. They want Happy Holidays cards—not a sentiment I use. Working on color schemes and am cutting out highly detailed trees right now. That’s going to take some time and a lot of patience. I hope to get back to to putting the final details on the next birthday card that needs to be mailed soon.

    Need to get the trash and recycling out to the curb.

    Tomorrow morning, I plan to go to the library to vote early for the November election. That was not allowed in the last election. You could only vote early by driving to the auditor’s office and standing in line for hours to wait your turn.

    Sandy, one day down! Shuffling the dogs in and out must be tiring.

    Joy, my, going out for breakfast, nice change of pace.

    I hope everyone is okay. Stay safe.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    Hello ladies. Thank you for your kind messages. I’m keeping myself busy without overdoing it and remembering the fun, good times I had with my brother before his life took a tumble. His last few years were heartbreaking because It’s true that life is precious but he couldn’t or wouldn’t see it. I think we Sneakers are doing the right thing, filling our days with people and things we enjoy and love.

    I must go grocery shopping in the morning then see what the weather brings. When it rained today I dug out an apricot and oats biscuit recipe one of our sneakers, Shirley, shared with us and made a batch to enjoy with my afternoon cuppa. Looking for the right baking tin to use, I found all sorts of shapes and sizes at the back of the cupboard that reminded me I used to be far more adventurous creating meals so will get back to putting more thought into cooking!

    Crazy teapot Lin and yes, it made me smile!

    I’m off to bed.
    Jackie 🥱😴
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    edited October 2023
    Happy Tuesday! :) One down, two more days to go. It's going well just don't like getting up so early even though I went to bed before ten last night. The hardest is putting one dog out and getting the other in, they are so used to be together I think they are confused. Ewok gets jealous if Obi gets attention so while Obi has the stitches it is safer to keep them separated.
    Thursday after my meeting I am meeting my friends for one of their birthday celebration. My voice is still a little off but I will wear a mask if necessary. I really don't think I am contagious any longer but better to be safe than sorry.

    Jackie, will there be any kind of service for your brother? Remembering the good times is how I tried to deal with Babe's death. It still hurts and I miss him so much but I keep moving forward.

    Lin, we are also expecting near 80 today so I think a day outside will be happening when kiddos get home from school. It is a little difficult shuffling the dogs but the good news is Obi goes in his crate and takes a 4 hour nap so then Ewok can be in at the same time. I shower and try to take a nap when Obi takes his.

    Joy, good to hear from you. I personally hate pumpkin so don't understand why everyone loves it. lol

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    Another disturbed sleep, mostly due to the pets being restless and George grumbling. The first time it was 1.30am, then around 3am so I will try to get more rest tonight. It’s schools half term so the shops and roads were quiet when I drove to the supermarket. The only thing that seems to have disappeared from our shelves is Ryvita crispbread which might be due to the invasion of Ukraine because shipments of grain are stop/start. I bought bagels instead!
    I’ve done some more housework and having borrowed Linda’s powerful drill, am now working out the measurements to finally hang the new electric heater on the snug wall. German technology is sometimes too clever for me but between sips of tea and copious notes I think I’ve got it so will mark up the spots ready to drill holes in the morning.
    Rain arrived about an hour ago but before that it was relatively mild so the pooches enjoyed their run on the moors.

    Sandy, as ever with my disfunctional family, details about why John was in hospital when he died and who will be making funeral arrangements aren’t forthcoming. I do know it can take days to get a death certificate then up to months to arrange a funeral date in the area he was living because it’s bursting at the seams with the influx of immigrants. Knowing my brother, it could be he insisted he didn’t want one so I’ll patiently wait!
    Your comment about pumpkins made me smile because as I waited to be served at the supermarket I leaned into a big box to see what it held and it was a mound of huge pumpkins. Not my thing either!
    You’ve got your hands full with the pups but seems you have a great plan in place.

    Lin, I think we posted at the same time last night. The style of that teapot and jug was very popular once upon a time. I think it’s called Torquay Ware after the town the pottery factory is located. More useless information!

    My cup of tea finished so I’ll finish marking the wall and light the log burner.

    Hello to anyone else popping in.
    Jackie 🥰