Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) Hearing about Anne's adventures in her new residence makes me think of some wonderful books I've read. They are written by Richard Osman and are about a group of pensioners living in a luxury retirement village called Coopers Chase. These four people formed a group called the Thursday Murder Club and have some amazing adventures. I highly recommend the books.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Barbie, I like those books too!
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hello Tuesday. Just stopping in to say hello. Monday was the Medicare Wellness Exam and that includes the long questionnaire. I passed the memory test but only because it was so short and easy. My real life short memory is not too good. Today we had a new sleeper bed delivered, ready for our end of the year company. Tomorrow we have a new gardener coming over to work on the Palms and bougainvillia. We are excited about that. Thursday is my follow-up appt for my hearing aids. My first time to have the controls on an app on my phone. I thought I was pretty tech savy, but we cannot figure things out. Looking forward to that. Friday, eye exam….its been two years. I just get the medical because I dont get the sight exam since my cataract surgery and I got my implants. My son made airline reservations for the holidays. Most of the family will be able to make it. We are not certain about the San Diego clan.
    I read a few of your posts to try and catch up. You are all busy!!
    Hello Lin, Jackie, Sandy, Anne, and all you other Sneakers. Did anybody watch the Golden Bachelor?🤪
    I am currently reading a new detective series that takes place in Scarborough.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    edited October 2023
    Happy Wednesday. Another week flying by! Our morning walk was enjoyable and a long one so plentry of steps! Linda and I were going to meet up but she has had a bad reaction to her Covid jab to the extent she might as well have caught the virus! It does mean I can get on with more jobs outside because it’s mild and the sun is doing its best to shine. More seedlings to be potted on then maybe some pruning, although the shrubs are so confused by our weather they don’t know whether to stop growing and flowering or not. It’s having a similar affect on me!

    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Wednesday!❤️ Won some money last night. Hope the same happens today! Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello. A cooler day ahead. The start of a trend—we may have frost by Sunday morning. I have a number of things to accomplish but of course, I am waiting for a phone call from one of my bankers. I hope I am near the top of her list. 👀.

    I also need to get a birthday card in the mail. I forgot next Monday is a holiday. Do we call it Columbus Day now or Indigenous People Day? Whatever no mail and I would hate for the lady to receive her card late.

    I did some laundry yesterday and killed a nest of wasps. It was relatively new apparently as it wasn’t that large. Little wasps came raining down to the deck. Good old toxic spray.

    The forecast called for rain last night. We did not receive any here. Darn.

    I need to do some cooking. I am making some quinoa now and am looking to make some black bean burgers. I love the ones I get from a small company in San Diego but the cost is too high. Must cut back on ordering frequency.

    Jackie, I am sorry Linda is unwell as a result of the Covid booster. We are all different in our responses to these things.

    Sandy, you won money?! Wow.

    Joy, you are also a busy bee. Everything you mention seems to purposeful and constructive. I feel like a flittery gal by comparison. 😎

    Barbie, hope you and Jake are feeling well and your gardening is all complete for the year.

    Anne, and I hope the power has stayed on. We had a very brief power flicker. Enough that I had to reset my microwave clock and reset a power strip. Everything else was okay. Is the grid becoming more unstable? Best wishes to you and the little one.

    Waving hello 🙋🏼‍♀️ to the rest of the Sneakers. Be safe.

    Lin 🌻


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Thursday! Going home with most of my money so it’s been a good trip. Heading home this afternoon.
    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited October 2023
    Good evening. It’s been a day of sorting through papers to find 3 bags full to take to the shred drop off on Saturday. I think I have finally gone through all of my father’s papers and I am only keeping those that pertain to the farm. All the rest is loaded up and ready to go. The stash was down to house construction papers and a few years of financial records and tax returns. I had already disposed of all business records and older tax returns. So something has been accomplished. 👍🏻👍🏻

    It was quite chilly overnight but it warmed up to around 68 - 70 degrees. My friend is packing to go with family on an extended weekend vacation. They just plan to fish, rest and eat out. She really is hoping it won’t be too cold in their rental unit. That would be sad.

    Welcome home Sandy.

    I hope everyone is a-okay.

    Time to make supper!



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    edited October 2023
    Another Friday! 😲. Yesterday was constructive in all sorts of ways and I managed to clear a list of small outdoor tasks that just needed me to concentrate on for a few hours. The deck was swept and hosed down for me to coat with preservative but I noticed the signs of algae and mould, no doubt caused by the wet summer, so I’ve just mixed up a cleaning agent and poured it over with my watering can. Hopefully we will continue to enjoy dry weather so it has a chance to kill off the green stain and I’ll paint next week. Of course George did his best to stand in the middle but a firm word he understands… AWAY, sent him into the garden room! We had a delightful stroll on the moors first thing, getting back to my car just in time as the cattle and calves were heading in our direction and I’ve noticed a new breed with long horns have been introduced! Both pooches are now snoozing so I’ll potter on and give my stone Buddha a clean and fresh spray of grey paint. The new trellises can’t be put up until a pack of wall plugs arrives in the post from Amazon. They seem to be using our postal system for smaller items in preference to couriers but it does take longer. A stock pot ordered on Tuesday arrived by courier yesterday so I’m all set for colder weather when I’ll make soups and casseroles. At the moment we are enjoying balmy temperatures so salads will do!

    Gosh Lin, you have been busy but I hope clearing out those papers has you feeling relieved rather than sad. Lots of memories come with our parents’ things but I’m sure they wouldn’t want us storing them forever. That’s a pretty teapot although you have to wonder who would want to look at a half naked Centurion on his chariot every time a cup of tea was poured!! 😁

    The sun has dried my deck and coffee is finished so back to work.
    Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I slept ten hours to make up for missed sleep and feel good. I am catching up on my computer and doing laundry. Later this afternoon I am going to an AA and Al Anon convention to work the hospitality room. Should be a fun event.
    We had a great time on our little trip and look forward to another in March.
    I still have a busy month ahead of me but it mostly all fun things and now my daughter is planning a Christmas cruise to celebrate her 60th birthday next year 2024. I am still thinking about it since I really don't know if I want to leave the little kids for Christmas but it is her special birthday. Hopefully, I am still alive next Christmas.

    Have a good day and keep staying healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) A little chilly outside but the sun is shining. I am going to a first birthday party this afternoon to see my favorite niece, it is her granddaughter's birthday. It is an hour drive so I don't plan on staying very late as I hate driving in the dark.

    Not sure where everyone is but have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited October 2023
    Hello, a chilly day! I drove to the shredding drop off this morning. Wow! Busy place I was in a long line of vehicles waiting for the event to start. The woman in front of me when we got to one of the trucks had one brown grocery bag that was half full. I guess now that so many bills and documents are electronic, there’s not as much paper to shred.

    It is World Card Making Day and there are many videos coming online and many include live chats. I will be glued to a screen again this afternoon. 😎

    Sandy, enjoy the birthday party this afternoon. Safe drive!

    Jackie, you are so capable of repairs and misc. household/garden chores, wahoo! I am very impressed.

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend.


    How cute is this?

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    A beautiful Sunday so we were out walking early in the sunshine. We met David with Hattie halfway round the longer route and enjoyed chatting as we headed back to the car park, then Thelma and Maggie May caught up with us. Maggie is 18 now and although deaf and nearly blind, still loves her walks and meeting other dogs. Everyone is aware this gorgeous weather will end on Wednesday so have our plans for working outside. Once I finish my coffee I will get started. Lin, I do all these chores with the attitude if I don’t, nobody will do them for me! My dad taught me to be practical, which helps! Isn’t that acorn teapot cute with its tiny cup and saucer. 😁. Goodness, seems crazy to drive somewhere to dispose of half a grocery bag of shredded paper!

    Hope you enjoyed the party Sandy and got home before dark.

    Well, we are getting like the song Ten Green Bottles…. Down to mostly 3 these days! 🎶 🎼 🎵

    Take care
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I’m just popping in for a moment. It’s been super super busy here all week with one or two amusing happenings. However it’s thanksgiving here and two sons and families to visit on separate days so I’ll try and get back on thanksgiving day itself which is Monday. That’s when I discover a new washing machine to master. Doing my own washing now since my pjs went AWOL.
    So…despite other folk falling down and confined to their rooms, I’m still upright.
    See you later, Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Going to brunch at 11:00 with 5 other ladies. Coming home to relax afterwards.
    I was home from the party before dark as the party was outside and I was freezing. I have to admit it was kind of boring so I was ready to leave.

    Have a great Sunday Funday.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good evening. Online church, laundry, reading, assembling cards and zip, the day is over!

    Happy Thanksgiving Anne.

    We have a patch of bad weather expected starting Wednesday. Will run some errands tomorrow.

    Be safe everyone.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Monday and/or Columbus Day! :) Another cool day which made me turn the heat on but the sun is shining. Brunch was great yesterday and today is a do nothing day as far as I can tell for now. I have to be up at 6am to get to Rob's at 7am to get two of the three kids to school. Max is going to the doctor for his flat feet. Charlie is sick today so she might not be going to school but will find out tomorrow.

    Anne, Happy Thanksgiving, I hope you have a wonderful time with family. I am confused about washing machine, are you just going to use theirs that they use for all the residents? You got your pajamas back right?

    Lin, we are expecting lots of rain from Wednesday to Saturday so not looking forward to that. You are still keeping busy but I do hope you take some time to just relax.

    Jackie, glad to hear you got some beautiful weather for a change. I am sure your property is looking great now that you are able to be outside without getting drenched.

    Hello to all the other sneakers and hope all are doing well. Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Happy Monday. I made it to the doctors appointments last week and this week should be light. I am doing laundry, changing sheets, etc. this morning. Played Wordle and NYT crossword. Took short walk. New plan this week…plan to take four or five shorter walks. My old knees just cannot walk very long.

    In fact, I dont know how you do it, Jackie….all those walks along the moors.
    And Lin, you are pretty good at getting around with all your activities.
    Sandy, I note your family obligations and social functions.

    I am probably the laziest Sneaker😲

    Deb and I want to get a pedicure, as we both are prone to ingrown toenails and we found a salon that does a great job with cutting our nails just right. So at least I will get out of the house today.😍

    Hope you all have a great week. Oh, Lin, luv you teapots.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,885 Member
    edited October 2023
    I’m off to bed! This morning Linda and I drove to the local reservoir for our coffee and cake get together where the water was so still it looked surreal. Glorious weather so it was wonderfully relaxing as we fed sparrows a few leftover crumbs and watched Canada geese doing their seasonal practice runs. Linda is still coughing and suffering chest pains but a Covid test proved negative so that’s good news. This afternoon I carried on with garden chores that seem never ending and am beginning to feel I might get on top of it before Winter. If it’s another warm start I will walk George and Betty on the moors in the morning, then do some hedge trimming…. How exciting!

    Joy, the dogs enjoy the walks so that encourages me but if I hadn’t had both hips replaced just before Covid lockdowns I would be housebound so also think myself lucky! I don’t think you lazy, just enjoying retirement and why not?

    Another busy day for you Sandy but I know how much you love spending time with the kids so not a chore!

    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥱😴
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited October 2023
    Happy Monday/Columbus Day/Indigenous People’s Day/Canadian Thanksgiving!

    I made one trip to the library and the gas station this morning, avoiding as much road construction as possible. I finished my ‘to be mailed’ Thanksgiving cards and then went to Walmart this afternoon to pick up a grocery order. Bad timing apparently, 5 items out of stock. I was going to try to get to Trader Joe’s but there were more than a half dozen trucks blocking all the access to that little shopping center and traffic was a mess. I am now trying to come up with a much faster card design for the 20 cards to make and donate this month. They have asked for Thanksgiving cards. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    I cleaned up some leaves in front of the house and worked to remove all the webs hanging from various parts of the house, lights, downspouts and window sills. I felt like I was in a Halloween house! Looks better now. I need to work in the backyard one of these days.

    Unfortunately I did not get my boxes crushed so I am missing an opportunity to put out my recycling cart. Oh well!

    I had placed an online order for date syrup (I had a discount code) and received a call this afternoon. They are having supply chain problems with their bottles. I would imagine a lot of people ordered with that discount code appearing so we talked over options and I said I would wait the couple of weeks to get the product size I want. No worries. And I am not out of syrup yet.

    Jackie, I did not learn how to do anything from my dad and in fact, he hired guys to help him all the time. He was not handy with cars and trucks, or plumbing or electrical. My ex would take on lots of tasks but he wasn’t always very good at them. I was his assistant, holding screw drivers, fetching wrenches, etc. so not a great background for taking on household tasks. I was okay at gardening, canning, making jam, baking bread and cooking when on the farm but I never fixed anything in the house. Too old to learn at this point. Aha, a day with cake. Yippee! Sorry Linda is still coughing. A friend called yesterday and her husband is ill with a bad cough. He works part-time and they sent him home yesterday due to his cough. I think his home Covid test was negative.

    The bad weather is still in the forecast for Wednesday and we have a frost advisory tonight. Chilly day tomorrow.

    I would like to get over to the pharmacy tomorrow but there is road construction underway from my house to the store. Lots of traffic jams and difficult to get onto that road as a left turn is required.

    Well, will see what tomorrow brings.

    Anne, hope you and Jilly got all the treats needed to celebrate Thanksgiving.

    Sandy, I hope your schedule is not too hectic tomorrow.

    Jackie, another day full of work!

    Joy, I doubt you are the laziest Sneaker. I love crossword puzzles.

    Be safe everyone.

