Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,143 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting today and then bingo at library with Cheryl and her SIL. I do have a phone appointment at 10:30 with my daughter's finance guy just to see if he can help me with a few things.

    Lin, sorry your husky didn't like men but glad you were able to keep him without having a man. lol

    Barbie, sorry it didn't work out with Bodhi but it might be for the best if he doesn't trust men. I do hope you can find another companion for Bessie.

    Missing Anne, anyone talk to her?

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,778 Member
    Hello everyone. Sorry I didn’t check in yesterday but it was another one where everything went awry. Sheila’s daughter lives a hundred miles away and had told her she was having ultrasound and internal procedures because she was passing blood and apparently was supposed to receive a call from a consultant yesterday because they found a mass. You may not be aware our NHS doctors have been striking and yesterday it was the Consultants and Junior doctors who walked out so the call didn’t happen and instead of meeting me, Sheila waited for news because her daughter was trying to get someone at the hospital to talk to her. She has been told they want to take a biopsy within 2 weeks and of course the family is terribly worried. Today I drove to Plymouth for a dental check up then went into the centre of the city to a store that sells everything for the home. I bought a couple of cheerful cushions and was about to leave when torrential rain started to fall and because I had parked at the far end of the car park I thought it best to wait until it eased. The window cleaner visited this afternoon so all the smeared dirt on the upstairs windows and those in the garden room roof has gone. There are some pieces of lime mortar stuck on a bedroom window frame that I will have to try to remove from inside.

    Barbie, I’m so sorry Bodhi couldn’t settle with Jake but hopefully the shelter will be able to find him a home with a single female. It’s terrible that he might have been abused before and know from experience with George still being scared of doors opening near him, that sometimes they never forget.

    I don’t remember that teapot Lin!

    I’m sure you will miss Bryanna Sandy but how lovely that she has found someone to love and take care of her. I’ve not heard from Anne and hope it’s because she is keeping busy. It’s a big change in her life and I worry for her and Jilly because her outlook on life is young and full of humour and a couple of “inmates” sounded a bit grumpy.
    Let us know you are alright Anne.

    Tomorrow morning I will visit Maddie with George and Betty as I haven’t heard any different this time. I’m going to take her an unopened jigsaw puzzle because I remember she enjoyed piecing them together and I’ve not got time since we came out of lockdown.

    Take care everyone.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,205 Member
    edited September 2023
    Hello. I finished stamping the sentiments for the inside of the Thanksgiving cards. Each panel will still need to be cut down to size. I am looking for ideas for more birthday cards. Lots of cards needed in November. I asked my handyman to help with a deck container that is huge but disintegrating with plastic pieces and burlap all over. He said the materials would have to be removed one trowel load at a time. He said I could do it. So I tackled the project this afternoon. It was messy but I did finally finish it filling several bags that were quite heavy. I did get them moved to the garage. Glad to have that finished.

    Yesterday I put new license plates on my car because the handyman forgot. I think he is way over scheduled.

    The neighborhood is continually buzzing with home improvement projects. Lots of vans, trucks, etc. at various houses almost every day. Is that a sure sign of winter arriving soon?

    Jackie, I am glad you found some cushions. Did you say you were also looking for curtains/drapes? What a good friend, taking a gift to your friend. Jigsaw puzzles are fun but I have only completed a daily 49 piece puzzle online. My unopened puzzles will be there when I have time one again.

    Sandy, I hope this financial advisor will be able to help you.

    Now I am worried about Anne. Anne!! We need to hear from you.

    Be safe everyone.


    A lot of kitty teapots
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello everyone.... Delightfully I think fall is on its way. It was only 78 today though we may have a few days left of the low 80s here. I am so ready for the cooler weather. We have actually kept several windows open during the day rather than use our ac, which is a nice change. No rain here.

    We made our trip down to see my sister and brother, plus spouses last Sat. The Bay Area traffic was horrendous reminding us why we rarely go that direction inspite of it being 2 hrs away. With all of the traffic it is more like 2 3/4 hrs now. People drive crazy 70 + and change lanes frequently requiring us to put on the brakes. It had been 5 yrs so a visit was past due. Only wish they would come our way, but Santa Barbara and Castro Valley are not close. Unfortunately my other brother from Redding wasn't able to make it. Nice visit and interesting to watch how much we all are aging, especially me being the eldest.

    I too am concerned about Anne and hopefully we hear from her soon. It is definitely an adjustment for her since she has been independent for so long. People can be clickish and we find that also is one of those things we have found out here living in a senior community.

    Barbie...Sorry that the rescue didn't work out for you. You tried and with him not being accepting of your husband I could see that being quite a problem. In time I am sure you will find another buddy for all of you.

    Jackie....Goodness you have had a lot of rain. Glad to see your house projects are finally finished on the outside. So what is next ?

    Lin....More cards and I am sure quite a challenge with holidays, plus birthdays coming up. Going thru some boxes of things sitting around and sorting everything is quite a job. I did a bit of that with my closet the other day. Unfortunately my husband won't let go of anything; there is no room for anything else, but his hat collection etc keeps increasing.

    Sandy....Feel for you with your granddaughter leaving the state with her boyfriend. You have been such a wonderful grandmother to her and have a delightful relationship. It will definitely be an adjustment. Still am adjusting to our son, his wife and 2 granddaughters residing in Tennessee . We really miss them.

    Joy...More company. Never a dull moment in your household. Enjoy them while you can.

    I had to make a trip to an endodontist this week to get a retreatment done of a old root canal. So far so good. One more step in all of this dental work this summer in a month then hopefully that will be it for a while. My husband also had to have a root canal done this week. It has been an interesting and expensive summer, but lots have been accomplished. Now it is time for our life to slow down a bit.

    Well it is getting late. Thinking of everyone. Stay healthy and enjoy fall as it comes to your area.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,143 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry has been started and the sun is shining. It's going to be a good day.
    I won some bubble bath at bingo last night which I will give to Charlie since I don't take bathes. I would never get out of the tub once I got in. lol lol Tonight we are going to see Gary the one man band.
    I did try and send Anne an email but it came back so I am not sure what is going on with her. I am hoping it is just that she can't get on the internet or something simple and nothing is wrong.

    Diane, good to hear from you. Sorry about your dental problems, I personally hate going to the dentist but do get my teeth cleaned four times a year do to a gum problem I had. The last time I went the dentist came in and said you should really think about getting that tooth pulled. I said ok, I will let you know next year. lol Yes, Bryanna and I have a special bond so I know I am going to miss her so much.
    She is always here when I need her and goes out of her way to help me in any way she can. I do want her to be happy and enjoy her own life so it is time to let go.

    Lin, love the kitty teapots. Your cleaning up sounds like some of it is hard work. Please be careful. I talked to the finance guy and liked what he had to say so I made an appointment in October when I am not so busy. Wish me luck.

    Jackie, Sheila has to be filled with anxiety waiting for news of her daughter. I did not hear that your medical are on strike, that has to be horrible. Our nurses go on strike for more money which they deserve but not sure i have heard of any doctors ever going on strike.

    Have a great day everyone, does anyone have Anne's cell phone number to call her??

    One Day at a Time

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,007 Member
    :)Diane,When we lived in Eureka we had to drive to the Bay Area frequently and every time we would say to each other "Please don't make me live here". Now that we are in Washington, we say the same thing when we have to drive to Seattle.

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,778 Member
    It’s a lot colder suddenly but dry so I won’t complain. I had an enjoyable visit with Maddie once we got there but the journey of about 5 miles was fraught with a variety of incidence so at one point I thought perhaps I shouldn’t be on the road! She is extremely creative and has had a fascinating life up to this point so there was lots to chat about, especially since it turns out the 5 books Debbie Woof Woof brought for me to read were written by her mum! It hadn’t dawned on me that the author Madeleine Orrick was her mum and she didn’t mention it! When we left I took George and Betty for a walk on the moors and was shocked just how cold the wind was and glad I had taken a warm coat!

    Sandy, the only phone number I had for Anne was her home landline and 2 email messages I’ve sent are returned as either blocked or wrong address. I’m not sure Anne would know how to block people and anyway would explain to us if she wanted to drop out from the group. Years ago, Mike was interested in a subject Anne and I were discussing and I sent information to him but have a feeling it was through her email address. I’ll check back on old contacts this evening.

    Cute kitty cats Lin. About 40 years ago I owned a small cat teapot with its paw in the air as a spout but it was taken to a charity shop when I was having a declutter before the current one! The search is on for curtains in my dining room because the current pair are a thin, summery set that don’t get drawn but in the Winter it will be a good idea to have thick lined curtains to make the room cosy and warm. Nearly every readymade pair is the eyelet sort and I prefer pleated so already my search is restricted and I wouldn’t want to buy without seeing them first because colours look entirely different online!

    Diane, nothing else planned for my cottage just now, apart from extra roof insulation over the kitchen which was once a piggery. A few years ago I would have clambered up there but think a handyman is a safer option these days!

    The pets need feeding and so do I. I shall get some early shopping tomorrow then pick up Sheila and go somewhere for coffee. The last news from her daughter is that doctors want her in immediately for a biopsy but their strikes are creating long waiting lists which to me goes against the Hippocratic Oath they sign when becoming doctors!
    On that note, I wish everyone a Happy Friday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,778 Member
    Regarding emails to Anne, I’ve read the response carefully and found this section which mentions a third party service. Perhaps the Care Home is having internet issues or doesn’t realise it’s system blocks messages?

    Check the error for information about where the problem is happening. For example, look for a domain name. The domain name will tell you which organization was responsible for the error. The recipient's email server could be causing the problem, or it could be due to a third-party service that your organization or the recipient's organization is using to process or filter email messages

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,205 Member
    edited September 2023
    Hi, laundry and birthday cards are on my agenda today. I only had Anne’s home phone number and email address. I get a message on the email attempt—user unknown. The phone number rolls immediately to unknown as well. I thought perhaps they disconnected the service at her house and maybe added her to one of the family members accounts? I cannot find any probable info for Michael, Mark or Derek. And I don’t know the name of the place where Anne lives now.

    I am out of ideas.

    Jackie, an interesting visit with Maddie. Keep on the hunt for heavier drapes but it is difficult to try to track down something you like within driving distance to take a look. Doctors may have taken an oath to do no harm but they are first and foremost government employees. Although we have nurses and others who go on strike or walkouts here as well. Quite a mess and sorry Sheila’s daughter is caught in the hubbub. I’m hope you enjoy coffee with Sheila tomorrow.

    Sandy, happy laundry day to you. I hope you have a good day.

    Diane, I am glad you got together with some of your family. Sorry it couldn’t have been everyone. Meanwhile, oh my gosh, dental work! A friend of mine needed a crown and got an appointment to get started on it and got a surprise. She only needed one appointment. She went in, they shaped things and made a mold and then made the crown in-house while she waited. They fitted it and off she went….all done! Sounds like science fiction to me.

    Barbie, have a good weekend and I hope Jake is feeling well now. ❤️🤞🏻❤️

    Hello to Joy, Jeri, Patsy, and Anne.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    This one is confusing to me….and there were no other pictures. A cat and a ladybug?


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hi girls, I’m here!!! I can’t believe how the time flies in this home! Actually I haven’t a great deal to comment on either. The problem with the email is I’m still not set up. I’m not set up with much at all. No TV etc and it’s all because everyone is so busy renovating my old home, or picking apples off my old tree, or digging up the spuds I planted last spring, or arriving with tomatoes also planted last spring. I’m not being neglected here in the home of us oldies, it’s just everyone has different priorities to me! So they pop in and see me and Jilly regularly but don’t do the things I’d like them to do. For instance bring two pieces of furniture I’m really missing etc. I’m not complaining just waiting SORT of patiently. On the plus side me and the Bean spend quite a bit of time in the park next door because the weather is just beautiful right now. No humidity, but warm enough to walk without a coat. I’ve met Caroline from Calgary who loves to walk as well and we are contemplating joining the walking group but not if it means tagging along behind all the folk pushing walkers!

    The transition from a house to an independent living place is not easy although some long term ladies say before long this apartment will be home. We are getting there! Despite the nasty woman still being nasty with my little wee one who is a great hit with everyone else. Management say ignore her which I’m doing and my lovely cleaning lady Fatima says she loves Jilly and me, and brings me a candy most days. So, I’m getting used to people of varying levels of empathy, or you could say even the nutty ones. Fortunately not many, most people here are really nice. I found out today how the nasty one makes Jilly bark when I’m not around so she barks. Funny really, but I’ll let you all know what she does another day if you show interest. Wow, I’ve whittled on long enough.

    So my lovely sneakers in conclusion the move on the whole is quite enjoyable. You just have to give it time and especially if you have a happy, friendly, tail wagging little dog who has to adjust as well. Promise I’ll write more regularly.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,007 Member
    :) We went to the pharmacy today hoping to get flu and Covid shots but only got flu
    Had to make an appointment for the Covid shot. That will be Wednesday. Then we went to try out the Tesla charger in town so we will know what to do on a trip when we can't charge at home. It was easy but since it would take 30 minutes we walked to the Black Bear Diner next door and bought some yummy food that we don't normally eat. Too much sodium but delicious

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,205 Member
    Anne, soooooo happy to hear from you. We didn’t know your email and phone number were not working. We are cut off from our dear Anne unless you keep in touch with us. I hope someday (in the near future) to get your contact information from you again so I can send both electronic cards and real paper cards your way. And I am sorry your family hasn’t gotten you set up electronically. I’d be going out of my mind.

    Hugs to you and the wee one.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,143 Member
    So happy to hear from you Anne, we have been desperately trying every way possible to get in touch with you. Nothing has been working from email to phone calls. We are so happy you are back with us.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,778 Member
    edited September 2023
    Hooray, nothing sinister going on Anne, that’s good. I had you hacked and all sorts of naughty deeds!

    I’m back from coffee and cake with Sheila at the farm Linda and I discovered the previous week. It’s on our doorstep by Cornwall’s standards and both coffee and cakes are delicious! It was busy in a pleasant sociable way and before we left I purchased a pack of their own organic, gluten free pork sausages and yogurt. Also, Sheila has given me a bag of apples to make some jars of apple chutney. Her next door neighbour had given her pounds and she has peeled and frozen dozens until her hands started to ache so passed the rest to me!

    It’s a breezy and dry day so my plan is to weed a flower bed, then use my electric hedge trimmer to tidy an area that should make a difference to the unruly look my garden currently has.

    That cat on yesterday’s teapot looks familiar Lin so perhaps a cartoon character. There are so many!

    Now we just have to worry about how our Patsy is but I will check back later to see how everyone else is.
    Happy weekend.

    Jackie 👩🏻‍🌾
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,143 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) It's going to be a beautiful day so I think I will go to pool for a couple of hours. I also want to go to 4:30 Mass before heading to Rob and Lisa's. We have our family zoom call at 12:30 so another busy day. Lisa's mom invited me to her house tomorrow afternoon with her brother and his wife and Lisa and kiddos. I was hoping for another pool day as this will be my last weekend available but I don't want to refuse her invite. I am taking her to the airport early Tuesday morning.

    Jackie, glad our Anne got back to us and we can stop playing detective. Which makes me want to say all of us should let someone know if something happens to one of us they should post on MFP to let us know. I will have to write that down for my son. Marie's daughter Alice did that for us with Marie, remember?

    Anne, please try not to disappear for so long, we were really worried about you. I am sure it takes time to get everything the way you want it with what you want from your home. Are the boys on a time crunch in getting Derek moved in?

    Have a safe and wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,007 Member
    :)Anne, Hooray, you got back to us. I, too, would be frustrated if my phone and e mail weren't set up.

    :) We have a paper on the refrigerator with important info in case something happens to us. It includes phone numbers of family members and friends to call and the email addresses of Sandy from this thread and a woman from the other thread I post on.

    <3 Barbie
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hi, quickie before I go to lunch. Yes the family are on a time crunch getting Derek moved in and believe me there’s an awful lot to do at the old homestead. Derek gives up his apartment and moves in on November 1st. Meanwhile I got up at 5;30 and moved all my furniture to how I wanted my place to look. When the family moved me originally they placed everything as they thought it should look and of course it didn’t suit me at all. Now it feels much more like home! So here I am still moving the double bed, a chest of drawers, the sofa and coffee table etc etc .like I’ve always done and expect to be told off like I always am! What’s new!
    It was quite funny, the weekend cleaning lady did a double take when she saw the change.
    Jilly helped by ruffling up her carefully placed blanket in her dog bed and placing her favourite toy, baby bone in the middle. Like owner, like dog as they say.

    I’ll try and get back later. It is difficult because I’m posting by picking up the signal from the reception desk. That’s why I can’t give you an email address as of yet. It was purely by chance I found I could write to you all. So if I disappear you know why! My family are not the swiftest in setting up dear old Mom properly. However it should be soon as Mark mentioned getting the tv set up. I think it’s because they wondered if I’d stick this move out, and especially with old frosty knickers across from me. More on that and other interesting characters later. I am definitely thinking of writing down some of the things going on here if only for my own amusement.

    Hugs to all. Wonder what lunch will be. It’s always soup to start.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Just in case you wondered what lunch was, veggie soup, a very tasty quiche, and orange jello. Anne.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,778 Member
    Being a detective was fun Sandy even when it turned out we weren’t needed! This modern technology is fine so long as it’s working. 😁 This time of year I try to make the most of any sunny, warm day to do something I enjoy so understand your desire to sit by the pool. At the moment, Monday will be our only dry day next week so I’m already rearranging plans to make the most of it.

    Anne, I’m planning to dig out my paintbrushes, watercolours and acrylic paints and get back to a hobby I loved and know how much you enjoy writing so I think it would be brilliant fun for you, writing about your new life in the fast lane!

    I didn’t shop for groceries this morning after all so now must be creative in the kitchen. The organic sausages were placed in the freezer so I will probably throw something together from odds and ends. Hmmm? 🤔


  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Happy Saturday to all. So glad to hear from all of you and read your posts. My granddaughter went home and had another job interview. She got an offer she accepted. Now we got a call from my youngest grandson, just college grad and also interviewing for jobs. Since he has nothing on the books, he s driving down to visit us next week. Of course we are so delighted. Cha especially loves the young ones. His mom has been in and out of hospital lately. Talk at one time of putting her in skilled nursing facility. My daughter told her MIL who is 93, if you show the nurses you can walk, you can go home. Motivated her to get out of bed and walk! So Cha has been stressed and the grandkids have a way of cheering us up. We will relax outside as the weather is perfect this month here in California. Play board and card games and forget we have aches and pains.
    Hope you all have a great weekend.