Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,000 Member
    :) Does anyone have news of Patsy?
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Not me. I’ve been wondering as well, Anne.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited September 2023
    Hello. Here’s me again after having just had breakfast. I don’t think I have IBS just an allergy to certain things. Milk,yeast, and anything fermented or vinegary.
    So there I was at breakfast innocently waiting for my bran flakes, hard boiled egg and toast when this old dear came charging across the room with her walker. “Did you eat Shepherds pie last evening” she yelled, and when I admitted that yes I had eaten a very delicious shepherds pie I was told she had IBS and she couldn’t eat it and I shouldn’t have because she’d heard I had it as well. She didn’t shut up until my hard boiled egg arrived. I’m beginning to feel as if I’m 8 years old again. Me AND Jilly now both in trouble by these old ladies and their hearing aids. One of the servers actually gave me a hug, maybe she’s been told off as well?
    The ladies at my table take numerous pills. One takes 7 pills at breakfast alone. They are forever dropping them and guess who’s the only one fit enough to crawl under the table amongst the crumbs to retrieve them. No prize if you guessed correctly.

    Just going to take Jilly out before it gets too hot again. I wonder what the next few hours will bring!
    Anne, still being a very quiet sensitive soul. 🩷

    PS. Now I’m no longer writing children’s stories with Patsy I might try my hand at writing about life in the fast lane.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    edited September 2023
    Happy Wednesday! :) Went earlier this morning for the blood work required for my yearly checkup. Trying to get all the things done I need to do before leaving tomorrow. I only have to call Medicare left which is probably a long procedure. Trying to find out if they will cover a procedure that is recommended by my doctor so I don't have to pay out of pocket.
    I did my laundry yesterday so I just have to pack once I am done with calls and computer. Oh yes, I better order a cab to take me to airport and check in for my flight. Luckily it is not an early flight and I don't have to be at airport until 10:30.

    Anne, I did just try to call Patsy, but there is no mailbox set up and she didn't answer. You must be a spring chicken to some of your fellow ladies if you are on your hands and knees looking for pills.
    I am with you on IBS, I sort of diagnosed myself but not really certain. I try to stay away from dairy and foods that bother me. I was having some stomach pains but my back doctor said it could be from the pain pills I was taking for my back so I stopped taking them. My doctor yesterday gave me a referral if I want to be scoped to see if there are any issues in my tummy but I am holding off on that until I see if pain comes back. Love hearing your stories.

    I better make that call to Medicare so I can find out if they will cover the test or not.
    Have a great day everyone, I will try to check in everyday from Colorado.

    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,000 Member
    :) Lazy day today but Jake's twisted ankle and knee are feeling better. We postponed going to the shelter with Bodhi to do his adoption papers til next week when Jake is moving better. He is using a cane and has ordered a knee brace from Amazon that will be here tomorrow. Cool and sunny weather here

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Did I miss what happened with Jake Barbie?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Leaving on a jet,la,la. Have a good weekend and I will be in touch.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,772 Member
    edited September 2023
    I didn’t even get that far calling Patsy, just a no such number voice but did wonder if the area and country codes I used were complicating things. Hopefully she will have received my get well card by now.

    6 o’clock this morning the sound of rain woke me but it barely lasted 3 minutes. High clouds meant we could take a local walk where George and Betty wouldn’t get too hot and afterwards I took them by car to Sheila’s. George sat outside watching the world go by, which is something he can’t do at home because I am off road, and Betty sat with us after several attempts to sit on laps while we drank coffee and caught up. I heard about Sheila’s side effects after taking prescribed painkillers that gave her hallucinations of people in Victorian clothes walking through the property and loss of vision. She apparently drove to the GP in that state and came close to causing an accident but is beginning to feel better. No sign of Peter to remove the hessian so I have pulled some of it away from the wall to allow more air movement and will remove it completely tomorrow if he doesn’t appear.

    Anne, old folk are fine if interspersed with younger blood!! Perhaps the staff will pick up that you are young at heart and jolly things up a bit. My friend Pat takes a dozen pills every morning and when we are together I find the long procedure tests my patience, even knowing it could be me one day!

    Hello to everyone else. The sun is moving toward the horizon so it should be comfortable enough to potter outside for an hour.

    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Hello. It is Thursday evening and I don’t know if I am ready for the treadmill extraction tomorrow. We will see I guess.

    Fall must be coming soon. A squirrel has been burying things in my backyard but this one is quite precocious. He is digging up the potatoes in the containers on my deck. What a mess. Flying potting soil and potatoes he has dug but left on top of the soil. I’d like to catch up with him and throw some dirt on him….!

    I have been working on a couple of computer related things today. One of the vendors where I regularly purchase card supplies upgraded to a new website. Unfortunately it didn’t work when I finally was able to login but had no functionality. I spent quite a bit of time trying to find ways to make it work as the customer service lines were jammed.

    Also spent part of the afternoon speaking to a friend which was very nice. We caught up quite a bit.

    Sandy, I hope you had a safe trip. Enjoy!

    Anne, I hope it has been a quiet day at your new home. Some good vegetables I trust. Hello Jilly!

    Jackie, darn prescription drugs—I hope Sheila is okay and doesn’t have any further hallucinations. I hope Peter shows up tomorrow.

    Barbie, I hope Jake is feeling better today. Sending best wishes his way.

    Joy, are you having a good week?

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,000 Member
    :) Jake is feeling better today especially after he got his knee brace.

    :)Lin, dealing with a new website is such a challenge. I hope you gave up until tomorrow.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Friday! Arrived safely with no luggage. They say it is out for delivery so I am hoping it arrives soon. We finally got to our condo around 8pm and it is beautiful. The view is stunning.g2f3ogr3kdzu.jpeg
    Not going anywhere until I get my luggage. I bought pjs at Walmart yesterday so I am at least comfortable.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    edited September 2023
    Hi to all. Well its been a busy week. Med appoints and such. Good report from the heart doctor, tho. One for the gratitude journal.
    I forgot where Sandy went, but the view is stunning.
    My neighbor died suddenly although Randy suffered from COPD and was on oxygen. We will go to the services next week.
    I usually get Walmart groceries, but went to FoodMax yesterday with Deb. At least I got some steps in!
    Lin, I am sorry for your software woes. My son sent me an online subscription, with clear instructions, yet I cannot get in. So today I will have to call their customer service number for help. I am sitting her thinking I will have a morning snack first. Delaying the inevitable.
    Anne, I have enjoyed your stories and they bring a smile to my old face everytime.
    Hi to Jackie and the debris! And Sandy, wherever you are, have a relaxing time….you are always attending to others.
    Barbie, how are your furries getting on.
    And, to all, I hope you hear from Patsy and that all is well.
    Wishing a great weekend to all

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,000 Member
    :) We ventured out to Walgeens today to get new reading glasses for Jake because
    Bodhi, the puppy chewed on the ones Jake kept on the nightstand. Now the nightstand has nothing on it. At the moment both dogs are sleeping 😴 😌 under my chair while I ride the exercise bike 😀

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,772 Member
    Phew, a hot day but after a long walk with George and Betty I set to removing all that dusty hessian hanging over my wall and windows. That was before I even made coffee because having bumped into David on our walk who told me it only needs to protect the new mortar for 24 hours, I felt Peter was rather taking advantage of my usual good nature. If there is one thing I won’t stand for it’s being taken for granted! I was very careful and used a screwdriver to remove the small screws that had gone into the new pointing and even found some still wet mortar in a bag to fill the tiny holes. So one side down then windows and frames washed, paved area washed and swept, garden furniture moved off the decking and that area cleaned. I must have lost a couple of pounds in the sweltering heat and just as I was about to move to the other area Richard arrived to remove everything. One hard pull of the hessian and out flew the screws, dust flew everywhere and off he trotted, happy as Larry, leaving a mucky trail behind him! I did mention I had found a toad under the sheet I removed and if he found he had taken one home, would he look after it? No thank you!! A good time to pause for a ham sandwich before filling the holes he had left in the wall, washing more windows and sweeping up the last of the mess. I had a shower and washed everything out of my hair, leaving a layer of dusty silt in the shower basin! 😲. My back is aching of course but I’m feeling satisfied to have my garden returned.

    No luggage Sandy! How annoying although I’m sure it won’t spoil your fun. That certainly is a stunning view. You could almost be in the Swiss Alps!

    Naughty squirrel Lin! I would feel the same if I had such a problem amongst my veggies. I have internet problems with my bank because their system doesn’t work with iPhone SE even with the latest update and they don’t offer an alternative. They might be doing me an unintended favour because it won’t recognise my credit card pass codes so that saves some money!

    A whole year since our Queen Elizabeth passed. Where has that time gone?

    Time bed. Hello to everyone I missed.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    edited September 2023
    Ooops, apparently my post evaporated yesterday.

    In sum, I worked on making Maple leaves for Thanksgiving cards. The guys showed up and took apart the treadmill. Not a fast or easy project. I hovered about, picking up screws, washers and other bits and pieces as they were castoff. Ultimately, they got it dissembled and I held back the door as they got it out the door. We discussed a noxious weed that has been gaining on me in several parts of my yard. After they left, I had to clean the floor in the basement of the powdered graphite that had been released from the mechanism as they took it apart.

    Jackie, what an exhausting day. It made me quite tired just to read the description! I hope you got a good night’s rest.

    Sandy, another gorgeous setting for a family get together. Wow!

    Barbie, glad Jake is doing a bit better. Oh puppies! They will chew on anything. So sorry Jake’s glasses were targeted.

    Joy, what a busy week you’ve had. Glad to her you got too reports from the doctor.

    Hello to everyone else!

    Have a good day and be safe.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Well, breakfast started interestingly here. There are four people sitting at my table and we have to keep to the same seating arrangement to help the servers. Well I arrived to find Joan sitting in my place and looking at my bowl of cereal and lactose free milk interestedly. She was adamant she was sitting in the right place and the lady to my new right was adamant she was correct as well. An argument then followed with three servers trying to get Joan to move and being joined by the with it lady to my left. Believe it or not, I kept quiet and sat meekly looking on. In the end Joan won. I mean you could hardly lift her out of her chair.

    THEN, my hard boiled egg arrived with no egg cup. I asked the Asian server for an egg cup please. She trotted off and trotted back with a soup bowl, and my hard boiled egg was a normal chicken egg and not something laid by an ostrich.

    Finally, two old guys got into a heated argument apparently over the attentions of a 90 year old lady.

    Life is most definitely NOT boring here and I’m wondering what lunch will bring now I’m back “home” with Jilly the Bean.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Saturday! 😀 Finally got my luggage at 3:45 pm yesterday. Just in time to get ready for the cocktail party at 4:00. Had a great time played some games but still haven’t held the baby. My grandson and his wife are very protective of their daughter. Hopefully Aloha will warm up to me before I leave.
    Today is the wedding but I am not going, I will have the condo to myself and walk around the resort.
    Have a great day.
    One Day at Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,772 Member
    edited September 2023
    Another warm day so I decided a short walk round the block was our best option. We currently have a scarecrow competition in the village and I enjoyed a closer look at them while we strolled along.
    Anne will recognise Bill and Ben the flowerpot men!

    After all the chores carried out yesterday I decided a quiet day was in order so apart from washing floors and chatting to Linda on the phone, I waited for George’s groomer. He has had a very short trim because he had been suffering heat stress and is looking like a little puppy now. Debbie brought a box of books for me to read so tonight I will start with the trilogy set entitled Anders Folly set in Cornwall and written by Madeleine Orrick, a widowed great grandmother whose granddaughter bought her a laptop to encourage her.

    Oh my Anne, you appear to be inadvertently causing a stir. You have me wondering now, are egg cups a British treasure? You certainly have to keep your wits about you amongst these feisty seniors!

    Have you sold your treadmill Lin? I missed that somewhere. I noticed a few leaves dropping from trees as I walked so Autumn isn’t too far away, along with your Thanksgiving.

    Sandy, good news that your luggage arrived. I hope you get to hold your great granddaughter after all, it’s not as if you lack experience!

    There’s a chance of rain showers tomorrow which should cool us down but I’ve no plans other than walk and potter.
    I look forward to Anne’s next instalment. 😁
    Jackie 🥰

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,000 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,000 Member
    :) Hello to all from overcast NW WA. Jake did too much yardwork and his knee is worse. He has an appointment with his doctor this afternoon

    :) Bessie needed me next to her before she would slowly eat her breakfast

    :) Bodhi felt safe enough to let me pet him

    :) My walking friend was able to walk for a short time this morning

    Life is good🐾🌻👣😃😀
