Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    edited August 2023
    Happy Friday! :) I am trying to get a Walmart order delivered but they are having technical difficulties and I can't complete my checkout. Very frustrated. Beautiful day today I even have my patio door open although I will soon turn on the A/C. I have a recheck with my back doctor this afternoon. I am almost finished with my laundry so will jump in shower and get ready soon. I am hoping for a pool day tomorrow since I am sitting all day Sunday so Rob and Lisa can go to Renaissance Fair by themselves since Rob couldn't go with us because of the dogs. Another busy week coming up and then I leave on the 7-11 for Colorado to meet my great granddaughter. Will be going to parents weekend to see Marisa in middle of September and then going on a two day trip with Cheryl to have a girls weekend with Cheryl's sister in Wisconsin the end of September. Casino trip in October and sitting three days in October while Rob goes on a business trip since Lisa leaves at 6am for teaching. I also would like to get back to my son's for the cooler weather to do some outside activities. Yes, I am one busy lady but once winter is here I will probably be home unless I plan a warm vacation somewhere.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Jackie, I luv furniture shopping. Your shopping trip sounds like so much fun.
    Barbie, i have been thinking about audio books. It could help me stay on my treadmill longer. I always thought they would put me to sleep. I think I will have to try one. I am one also who reads more than one book at a time. I never get them confused either.
    Happy Friday to all Sneakers out there.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited August 2023
    Good evening. Finally, the farm seminars are over although we are left with seminar notes to review, a 100-page booklet with recommended reading and a new report from USDA that was released this afternoon——also a recommendation to review the data. 😎

    Aha, furniture shopping Jackie! Quite different than finding a new plant or two. I hope your new chair works out well.

    Sandy, oh my gosh you will be on the run the rest of the year. I hope you were able to get your grocery order. Hate when systems don’t function.

    Barbie, how did the visit go today?

    Anne, are you still finding things you need to have brought to you rim the house? Hoping you and Jilly are happy.

    Time to move along again.

    Be safe.


  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Lin. Oh my gosh…..all that non fiction readingI. Start with notes and summaries??!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Too cloudy for a pool day unless the sun comes out later. I won't mind staying in until Mass at 4:30, I can continue binge watching some of my shows. I have to be up early to sit tomorrow as Rob and Lisa want to leave about 8:30 although I think I am going to try to talk them into leaving at 9:00. It is going to be a long day if they stay to the end which is 7pm.

    Lin, so much work, watching and reading about farm stuff, I sure hope it is worth it which I am sure it is.
    How is your foot? I did finally get my order in but they cancelled my original time so it was an hour later which was fine.

    Have a great Saturday everyone, the cooler weather does feel good.
    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,765 Member
    It feels Autumnal today so a chilly walk with George and Betty then this afternoon a long catch up on the phone with my school chum Anne who still lives less than a mile from where we grew up together. A mix of sunshine and heavy showers made it impossible to do gardening without getting wet but it was enjoyable just to relax without the drilling and hammering.
    I’m having an early night and will see what tomorrow brings. I may start to move some furniture about ready for my new fireside chair which will mean setting up my exercise bike in the garden room so I can cycle with a view!

    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hello, so nice that it is cooler today. Spent half my morning selling something on Facebook. Interesting. A couple showed up and they said cash is a real problem for them, they only do electronic pay sites and crypto. 😱 They had one bill with them but didn’t know how to pay with it as they didn’t have the exact amount. I gave them change and they were kind of astounded that someone would have money in their wallet. Well, we all leaned something.

    I worked on a birthday card today. Did a bit of cooking and then went outside and cut down weeds with my hand clippers. Finally, watered my veggie containers and dug potatoes. End of day.

    Sandy, busy bee time once again. Glad you got your groceries! My foot is still a problem but I can walk!

    Jackie, our temperatures are comfortable now but we really need rain. When rain is forecast, we are lucky to get a few drops. Nothing significant. I guess I have no excuse to not continue working on the weeds. 🥸

    Be safe everyone.


    Happy International Dog Day




  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    edited August 2023
    :) We are fostering a young male dog from the Humane Society. He has lived on the street a lot of his life and was driven up from California yesterday with seven other dogs. We are learning a lot about patience. He is black with a white chest and white paws, a mix of Wheaten Terrier and poodle and smaller than Bessie.

    <3 Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member

    Bodhi 🐾🌻❤
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,765 Member
    Oh Barbie, Bodhi is adorable but the poor mite looks terrified by all the changes in his young life. I understand the need for patience but you will get that tail wagging in no time and Bessie will show him the way to behave in a loving home.
    You have my total admiration. ❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    edited August 2023
    Happy Sunday!😀 Got up at 7 to get here by 8:30; it’s going to be a long day.

    Barbie, Bodhi is adorable, how will you let him go if he finds a forever home?

    I will be back tomorrow will be busy all day and I hate typing on my IPad, I am going to buy a laptop for when I am not home.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Barbie, what a cutie. Love those little white paws. I hope all goes well. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Hello Bodhi - you are a darling.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,765 Member
    Another showery, Autumnal day so my efforts to cut and dig out the Japonica bush close to the repointed wall were dampened! I will have to try again tomorrow. Only a short walk locally but I came home carrying a couple of unusual terracotta plant pots that someone had put out with a “Free” notice. A struggle to carry with both dogs on leads but I was determined because they are perfect for mint plants I bought at the plant show last week! I no longer have to help Sheila move furniture tomorrow so I can relax on our Bank holiday. No point making plans until I know if it’s going to rain yet again.

    Happy Sunday everyone, and Bodhi. 🐶
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hello to Bodhi!
    Not a lot of activity here this Sunday. It’s my youngests birthday. Mark is now 59. Michael came over for the morning which made Jilly one very happy dog. He didn’t stay for lunch but he did stay to keep Jilly Bean company whilst I had lunch.

    More is going on at the old homestead. The new couple in Harry’s house are dismantling the fish pool and I’m so glad they are with a baby due any day.
    Darren was very interested in my new Home and is coming to inspect it for his parents. However I don’t think they can reside here having early dementia. Darren is ripping out his old bathroom.
    Meanwhile work continues on my cottage ready for my grandson and Bev to move in. Derek will take some of my furniture, ie the table and chairs, my big comfy armchair and a double bed that has been barely slept in, brand new condition etc. Anything left over from the young peoples pick, Michael will check out for his place. My biggest bookcase and books I know he wants for instance. Not much going to waste I guess.

    I find it much easier to take Jilly for walks here and if I should fall down there’s lots of residents and staff to come to the rescue. We are slowly adapting. Five dogs live here now. We’ve met Molly and owner so far.

    It’s wash day tomorrow, a first for me. I have to put dirty laundry in a big bag with my apartment number printed on it, and I’ve promised Fatima the cleaner and laundry lady I’ll have the bed stripped ready for her. All go isn’t it!

    I’m expecting Mark and Mary Jo so all for now.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    edited August 2023
    :)Anne all seems to be going well. Glad there is a safe place to walk Jill

    :)Sandy we are fostering Bodhi in anticipation of adopting him. Fostering for two weeks gives us a chance to be sure it is a good fit. It we are all happy, we'll pay the fee and sign the adoption papers

    :) Bessie is getting more receptive. The only dog she has been interested in since she lived with us was Sasha who has been gone for over a year🐾😢

    I have a cute picture of Bessie and Bodhi together but I can't post it
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Adorable Barbie!
    Happy Monday! :) Another beautiful day with the windows open. Long day yesterday but kids and dogs were good. Played outside for a while, then went to pool with Lisa's friend and her daughter who is great friends with my grandchildren. Bought some Mc Donald's and it was soon time for bed. The parents had a great time so a good day for all.
    Bryanna coming to color and cut my hair this afternoon and sitting for volleyball tonight, although it is later than usual.

    Everyone have a great day and be grateful for all we have.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,765 Member
    edited August 2023
    It is our August Bank holiday so I haven’t gone far, just a walk round the block with George and Betty. It has been a dry day so I got back to removing the last stump and root of the Japonica that was tied to the wall outside my shower room. It took over an hour but it’s up and gone so the last small section of repointing can be completed in that area. I have peeped behind the hanging hessian sheets where repointing is finished and am pleased with the results, especially because it has dried over the weekend. I have strimmed the footpath down the garden and after my afternoon cup of tea, will move chairs to make room for my new purchase that will be delivered tomorrow afternoon. I was planning to help Sheila today get her room ready for her knew sofa but her GP has been in touch, finally, to book a long phone consultation so I will pop in briefly tomorrow after walkies in case she needs assistance, although I’m sure the delivery men should help.

    I see all UK flights were cancelled earlier after a fault with air traffic control! Transatlantic flights fly over Cornwall and I now realise how quiet it has been even though they are pretty high by the time they reach me!

    Dear Bodhi looks very placid so I hope everything works out for him.

    Anne, that’s good news the furniture you left behind will be put to good use. It is difficult to find good quality modern furniture and certainly in England, Retro is all the rage at the moment. It is a big adjustment for you but I know your stoic British strength will soon settle you. I remember once reading that stoics are Buddhists with attitude; now there’s a persona I would love to develop! ❤️

    Time to move furniture and whiz round with my Shark.
    Jackie 🥰
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    Oops...... Lost that one. Shall get back later.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hello, good afternoon. Laundry is finished for today. Yippee! Now to gather things I want to put out in the trash. It gets dark much earlier and the trash is picked up quite early in the morning so I best get going.

    Barbie, did you get sleeping arrangements settled last night for your new darling? I hope he slept and didn’t whine all night. Everyone needs an adjustment period though.

    Jackie, good job today and so happy to hear all is going well with the repointing. What excitement, a new chair arriving tomorrow.

    Anne, how lovely that things you are unable to bring along will be used (for the most part) by your family members. Did you have a phone installed so Darren could call to talk to you? I hope the laundry and cleaning all go well.

    Sandy, yesterday sounds like a good day. Glad that Bryanna is coming to do your hair. ❤️❤️ enjoy your time with the kiddos!

    Joy, Diane, Jeri and other Sneakers—wishing you well.


    A cute Garfield teapot