Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hello. Me and the Bean are going to get fat. She from the chewies she is being given and me from the food!
    Brekkie today was for me: orange juice, porridge, coffee, lactose free milk, poached egg, bacon strips, and gluten free toast and marmalade.

    Aww, thank you girls for the lovely best wishes. Jilly is slowly adjusting, I guess the chewies help. Not much to report from me because I’m still unpacking. Well, with brekkie, lunch, afternoon tea, and evening dinner there isn’t much time left for unpacking. The residents seem to be in two distinct groups. The older ones and the younger “swingers”. Not sure where I fit in but I have made friends over meals with a lovely retired teacher from Nova Scotia. Definitely not a swinger, me.

    Mary Jo and Mark will be over soon with a baby gate to place in the hall so Jilly doesn’t rush out when the front door opens. Plus with an electric kettle, a side table forgotten in the move and maybe towels although the vistamere does provide them. I had good news yesterday. I had to visit the nurse and despite too much food and unpacking my BP remains low.

    So all for now,and many many thanks again,
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,761 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hello Anne and all Sneakers. A busy day so I’ve walked for an hour with the pooches, carried out housework, cut the grass and drove into town to collect Betty’s special diet biscuits from the vet practice. In between, Sheila dropped in to collect keys and run through where George and Betty go out for a pee and any food requirements while I’m out tomorrow visiting Royal Horticultural Society gardens with Linda. Of course, rain is predicted but I’m sure the gardens will still be beautiful. I will take a few pictures!

    Anne, whether oldies or swingers, I’m guessing you will get to know everyone individually and soon get to appreciate who is interesting and has similar interests. The meals sound wonderful, similar to being on a cruise with no risk of sea sickness! I’m preparing a pork sausage with baked beans and a grilled tomato so definitely the poor relation! 😆

    Lin, I didn’t know about Kerry and Angela splitting. Perhaps his depression is difficult to live with. I know 2 lovely people whose split was really due to his PTSD after assignments in Afghanistan.

    Sausage and beans cooked!
    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good day Sneakers.

    Lovely to hear from Anne this morning. I was concerned about how Jilly would take to sleeping in a new home. It sounds like a good start and oh my, friendly people, great food, and people who dote on the wee pup. Best wishes as you get settled. 🤞🏻❤️

    Jackie, a busy day once again. I am pooped already. I have been moving things about in the basement, cutting up boxes and a bit of sorting. I have cleared enough room for the handyman and his helper to unassemble the non-functioning treadmill. I hope to clear up some of the mess but I do not have enough trash pick-up and recycling days before they come to work on that project. And you’re right, perhaps Kerry’s dedication to mental health projects and the huge enterprise that has evolved from the spaniels might have taken up all of her life. Maybe that’s not what Angela wanted.

    My friends have now arrived at GCU with their son. The dad flew out to meet them in AZ this morning. Lots faster than the several days they spent driving! Super hot there again (or still)!

    I have placed a small grocery order just now for afternoon delivery. All items supposedly had many items in inventory so I am 🤞🏻my few items will arrive.

    Be well everyone.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Well, life continues haphazardly for me as always. Mark and Mary Jo brought over a rather posh baby gate that fits across the hall and stops Jilly running out the front door when opened. Whilst Mark was here I asked him to show me how to use the shower which looks complicated. This Mark did and the damn thing jammed in place so hot water carried on gushing out. Mary Jo took off at speed for the managers office and came back with a lady wielding some device. After a wrestling match she managers to unjam the faucet and turn it off. But what if I hadn’t asked Mark to show me the works! I shudder to think of me tomorrow morning and having to walk down a long corridor with dripping hair and wearing a towel.

    Meanwhile the nurse showed up with my health chart to go into a health book of residents. It appears I’m pretty healthy apart from IBS except I have slightly above normal iron in the bod. She must have consulted with my doctor who didn’t tell me I’m iron man.

    So here’s Popeye the sailor man signing off,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Drove 3 !/2 hours each way to get Marisa settled in College. Spent many hours getting her room set up and it looks great. She applied early and got a single room with extra space. Cheryl and I are exhausted. It is near midnight and I am going to bed.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Got a good night's sleep. Doing laundry, catching up on computer and then packing later for my trip tomorrow to visit my son and his wife. Cheryl will pick my up to take me to train station at 9;15am. I will come back Wednesday and Bryanna will pick my up from train station. Busy times but loving all my fun activities.

    I hope you all are doing well and enjoying your last days of summer. Time sure goes fast the older we get. Enjoy your weekend.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,761 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hello sneakers, it’s a wild night with another storm howling round my cottage, this time Storm Betty! Thankfully, its arrival was later than forecast so I’ve enjoyed a lovely dry day with Linda at the flower festival. I was up before 6am after a disturbed night with strange dreams, walked George and Betty, then was picked up to drive to north Devon. The gardens were beautiful and gave me lots of ideas for my own as we wandered for 5 hours. Lots of expensive plants on sale but I only bought some unusual mint and a Chrysanthemum to give Sheila as a thank you for visiting the dogs at lunchtime. I phoned when I got home to let her know and she reported that both dogs behaved and George even asked for cuddles. Goodness! Peter messaged to apologise for not getting to me this week and says he hopes to be here Monday to start work, if it’s not raining. Well, the way our weather is this year I can’t be too confident!

    Anne, that was a lucky escape with the dodgy shower faucet! That would have been an interesting walk to find someone to help, especially if Jilly insisted on joining you! Great news on your health though as I’ve only ever heard of iron deficiency so having a bit too much can’t be so bad. They are certainly taking care of you aren’t they, not that you weren’t doing so yourself! I’ve just been watching news of more terrible wild fires in Canada’s north western territories. So sad for the wildlife as well as people.

    Loved the Pooh teapot Lin! You are having a clear out aren’t you. My collection of items to be taken to the tip is growing so I will probably load the car early next week to keep on top of it.

    Phew Sandy, you aren’t pausing for breath these days but sounds like you are enjoying yourself. Have a safe journey. A nice idea to travel by train rather than drive so you can relax.

    It’s near my bedtime and thank goodness, the wind is calming down just a bit so I’ll hopefully catch up on sleep tonight. No plans for tomorrow so I won’t have to walk early which is as well because I imagine there will be downed trees and debris out and about.

    Stay safe everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited August 2023
    Good evening. I did a tiny bit of organizing this morning, some floor and bathroom cleaning and spent the reminder of the afternoon checking payable amounts and writing all sorts of checks to be mailed about September 1st. Tomorrow, laundry and more sorting I hope.

    This neighborhood seems to be different than when I moved here. There was another guy on the loose in the middle of night trying to break into cars and garages. One man actually went outside after being warned by his Ring cam and watched the unknown person running down our street. I had a dog exercise pen outdoors leaning against the side of my house where it wasn’t too visible. I was going to call my friend who works with the dog obedience club to see if they wanted it. It was taken. There are car noises quite regularly at 2 or 3 am. Late this afternoon something banged up against my house. By the time I got out there, no one was around. I will keep my door locked.

    Jackie, I am glad you had a good day. It sounds lovely, a flower festival! I hope the wild weather is over by morning.

    Sandy, how wonderful that you stayed long enough to get everything set up for Marisa. Safe travels and I hope you enjoy your train journey.

    Anne, thank heavens the shower was fixed before you got in a bad situation with a faulty on/off control. I do hope they have the water temperature low enough that you couldn’t get my type of burn even with all hot water. That’s how I have my water heater set. Happy to hear you are so healty by the way. 👍🏻👍🏻

    Well, need to sign off now.

    Be safe.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Up early to get ready to be picked up at 9:00 by Cheryl to go to train station.
    Will be back Wednesday. I will check in everyday to make sure you are all okay. Have a good week.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :)Lin, great teapot

    :)Anne, nice to hear that you are being well cared for

    :) I've gotten back to my scanning project. Still have many boxes of items to either scan and discard or just discard but the items are all small and will take forever. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. That is how I am approaching this project.

    :) Didn't set my alarm this morning since my walking friend has gone off on an adventure with her daughters. That allowed me to sleep a bit later and have my usual walk in the company of an audio book and come home a bit later since I had to no meeting to attend or facilitate at 9 and no grocery pick up at 8. I'll work in the yard for an hour this morning on the shady side of the house before it gets too warm.

    :) I delivered three blankets to Project Linus this week which was quite satisfying. I've completed the first 8 inches of the next blanket so I am well on my way.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hello friends. I was chugging along in the basement and took a break to ride my old exercise bike for a while. That was nice. Then I went back to clear out some boxes and ouch, I cut my hand on a piece of glass that I didn’t see. It was standing up and there was tissue paper on either side.

    Well, I have nice thin blood! A paper towel got me upstairs. I washed it up, blotted again for a while and now I have several bandaids in place. That is the end of sorting for today. Grrrr!

    Sandy, happy clickity clackity, ride on the rails. Hope your visit is lots of fun.

    I hope everyone else is having a safe day. 😁


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,761 Member
    edited August 2023
    It has been a dry day but the wind is still quite strong. I slept well after all the extra steps at the flower show and after breakfast took George and Betty on the moors. As I parked up on the side of the road, friends Christine and Richard drove past and stopped for a quick catch up. I will try to visit them next week, depending on Peter’s plans. Not much going on here but I did potter in the garden this afternoon. My unpleasant neighbours lost their plastic fence during last night’s storm so I’ve lost some privacy. No doubt they will set to and repair the damage because they won’t be happy that I can see them ( not that I want to!).

    Lin, I’m so sorry to read you cut your hand. I expect you know to hold it above your heart level to ease the bleeding? Sit quietly for a while. ❤️. Another great teapot that I’m guessing is from the 1930’s. Very sweet!

    Safe journey Sandy.

    Happy Saturday everyone. It’s 6pm so time for me to make avocado salad for my evening meal and also feed the pets.

    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Saturday, and life’s pretty quiet here in the home. All the quiet will change next week with all the renovations. The dining room is to be tackled next, one half at a time, new carpeting etc. The management want us to eat in one sitting and most of the long time residents aren’t too happy because the tables will be closer together. I find I am only really eating two meals a day. Far too much food for me! The three ladies I’m eating with had for breakfast, orange juice and coffee, porridge, strips of bacon, poached egg and toast. I had porridge and two small toasts and marmalade and I was full up. Back for lunch for veggie soup, quiche then icecream with a chocolate cookie. I am sitting here absolutely stuffed but the three ladies must have hollow legs because I know now they will be back for an evening dinner of lasagna or meatloaf followed by pecan pie. If I have one complaint it would be not enough green veggies. I LOVE green veggies but otherwise all good and I’m not likely to die from lack of food at this rate, lol.
    I had a shower this morning and it was heavenly after three days of all over washing! Next week I’m to have my mop of hair shorn. Not too much I hope, but I feel I stand out a bit amongst all the short haircuts.
    Oh and I now have a chain to hang from my neck if I wish. The chain holds all the keys, apartment, main door, mail boxes etc. We are adapting, the Bean and I.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,761 Member
    edited August 2023
    Good morning everyone. I’m slowly drying after the wettest walk I can ever remember. Luckily, a few spots arrived as I got my car out from my garage so I returned to the cottage for their coats. I’m planning to watch the women’s World Cup final and cheer England on so kept going rather than delay and the upshot was, within 100’ of walking I was soaked through with the rain pouring off my waterproof jacket on to my denim jeans and down into my wellies! I wrapped both dogs in towels when we got back to the car and I sat on one myself so the seat wouldn’t get soaked. I had to laugh as we walked because I was the only crazy person out there, although a couple of horse trailers told me others would be getting a soaking higher on the moors. I’ve run the hair dryer over the pooches and my cold feet, made a mug of coffee and will now enjoy the football.

    Anne, I completely understand the need for green veggies because when I spent 3 weeks back in Canada (Owen Sound) after the car accident my family was involved in, I had to eat in restaurants and despaired at the lack of fresh veggies. So nothing much has changed in 40 years! All that food would be too much for me too so I think you very wise to avoid a large evening meal. Do you have to eat at the same table for every meal or are you allowed to mingle? Be yourself sweetheart and wear your hair as you always have because it is gorgeous and suits you. You definitely don’t want to blend into the environment. Crikey, a chain around your neck too! We sneakers will come up with an alternative way of carrying keys I’m sure!

    Final not far off so I will settle down for a couple of hours. Oh yes, and the sun is out!!

    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hi JACKIE, so sorry the lionesses lost, but everyone is so proud of them. I talked to the food manageress about my IBS and I’m now on a special diet. Still no green veggies on my plate though. A very large roast leg of chicken for dinner tonight, enough for me to share with Jilly, wrapped furtively in a paper towel. I don’t know who enjoyed the most, me or Jilly and I DID get my mashed potatoes, so all is not lost.

    More dogs appear to be moving in. I think we have jumped from two to four now.

    The Ms are about to arrive with some of my towels. The home does provide but they look too institutalized and I might as well use my own big fluffy towels. All good here except for lack of greens and the Ms are about to arrive as they live close by. So see you all tomorrow,

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited August 2023
    Good evening. Super hot here today! We are in the midst of a heat wave and I receive a couple of excessive heat warnings each day. This sauna is forecast to last through Thursday.

    I did attend online church this morning. I removed my bandaids and had a nice shampoo and shower. Also did one load of laundry, more tomorrow.

    I am back to raising batches of sprouts and cooking small batches of beans. I have some packages of fruit juice ice pops. Nice cool treat!

    Anne, I am glad you will have your fluffy towels. Are you doing your own laundry? Do you have laundry facilities in your apartment? I used to do my dad’s laundry in the nice machines that were available for people in the wing where he lived. It sounds like you are settling in well.

    Jackie, sorry you got soaked this morning. How miserable. And your team lost…..very sorry about that. I hope the weather is better tomorrow.

    Sandy, what a train trip. So glad you finally arrived and celebrated last evening.

    Be safe everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Monday! :) We had fun with the birthday celebrations yesterday. I went to church in the morning and later Laurie’s sisters and mother came to bake her a cake. They all made dinner and after we played all kinds of games.
    Today my tummy is hurting a little so we may just stay home and relax. We were going to go to a winery but it is so hot we might just pass.
    Tomorrow Laurie is having bunco at her house so that should be fun as well.

    Anne, your place sounds wonderful and you seem to really like it! I am happy for you.

    Lin, we are in the same hot weather. It is just too hot!!

    Jackie, so much rain would make me depressed. You need some sunshine!!!

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,761 Member
    Happy Monday. Peter and his workmate Richard arrived before 9 and I then walked George and Betty round the block. Peter has the sweetest Cocker spaniel so he asked if she could sit in my garden and of course I don’t mind. I’m not so sure about George though because she is quite feisty and scares him. Lots of drilling and hammering into the walls as well that disturbs him but they are moving quickly along so if it remains dry, might be finished by Friday. Yes, that’s correct, a dry day although at one point it did try to rain but not for long. I have spent some time gardening because a lot of wild annuals are at end of life stage so need to be removed.
    Just in time, I’ve noticed Brady’s cat flap was covered with the electric drill wrapped in plastic so I’m guessing they didn’t recognise it for what it is. When he came to find me in the garden the fur on his back and tail was angrily sticking out in all directions so perhaps the spaniel chased himself!

    Anne, it was a shame our girls didn’t win the World Cup but I did think Spain was the better team. I expect it will inspire them to do better next time! I did giggle over the roast chicken leg for Jilly. I hope she is settling in to her new surroundings and enjoying lots of fuss. I think it’s good the two M’s live close by so you will see lots of them and they can take Jilly for walkies!

    A gorgeous teapot Lin. I blanched more beans for the freezer and have picked the last of the French beans to eat over the next couple of days. It has been a short season, no doubt because the weather is so awful but my usual tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers in the greenhouse should continue to produce for some time. The unusual mint plants have been potted up into larger containers and are thriving already. There is Basil mint, Strawberry mint and a mixed berry mint!

    Sounds as if you are enjoying yourself Sandy. I don’t know what bunco is and neither did predictive text!! I’ll go and look it up but have fun whatever.

    Time for me to cook an evening meal then chill. I hope to shop early in the morning and told Peter I will leave a door unlocked at the rear in case he needs to plug in his drill.

    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited August 2023

    Sweltering here today. I went out early to water containers and to pick green beans. The air was already oppressive. I have stayed indoors for the remainder of the day until just now when I took my trash cart out and walked down to pick up my mail. I did more laundry today and started that very early since I was going to run the dryer rather than just hanging it up. We are on intermittent power interruptions to our air conditioning systems in the afternoon and evening due to the extreme heat.

    I have no idea what I did but my feet have been howling all day. It reminds me of the 3 weeks I spent with a cane and how I could barely drive my car. I did drop some boxes on my left foot. That’s all I remember. I would like to wake up I’m the morning with my feet back to normal.

    Jackie, my gosh, Peter and assistant are on the job and hard at work. Hoping they have some dry days to finish the work this week. I ate the green beans I picked this morning. I don’t think there will be any more. There will be some cherry tomatoes and I am slowly digging out my potatoes and eating them as I go. Not a great year in my little container garden.

    Sandy, I hope you’ve had a good day and stayed out of the heat. I hear of ladies playing bunco but I have never learned the rules. You are a great game player so I would guess you will have a good time.

    Anne, I hope you are having good day as well.

    Hi Patsy, Diane, Barbie, Jeri, Joy, and all our Sneakers. Stay safe. May the storms, rain, flooding and forest fires stay away from us.



  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hello all you Sneakers. We are finally home. I have just read a couple of pages of your posts. Wow, you are all such a busy group. Our trip driving up past Sacramento was a nightmare. There is alot of road construction and the traffic slowdown was horrendous. Finally made it safely, and of course, thats all that counts. Our friends daughter and husband own a craft brewery and a small gastropub. So we had dinner at the pub and played trivia at the brewery. The grandkids started back to school while we were visiting. We had a swim party the night before that was fun. The return hone was a little better drive. Now all our summer partying is over. Back to better eating before I get my labs done. 😲. My Medicare Wellness Appointment is in September. I dont know where to begin with all of your comings and goings,
    Sandy, you seem to have a wonderful family, and friends network and were busy gadding about and enjoying them. Got your granddaughter to college.
    Anne, what great news that you settled in and enjoying meals.
    Jackie, experiencing rain and still walking about.
    Lin, sorry bout the hand injury. Lots of very interesting tea pots.
    I am sorry I cant remember all the posts I just read. My short term memory is shot! Dont want to leave this page or it will disappear. So, hello to all you Goldens out there. Have a great week