Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,761 Member
    My Monday is almost over and my feet are up while pooches and Brady snooze. It has been a leisurely day but I did walk for an hour with George and Betty after watching England ladies football team struggle in a match with the Nigerian team that was long and drawn out. It was lovely to get out and stroll across the moors then, after lunch, I struggled to split in half one of the plants I bought last week. It had a mass of roots jammed into a pot that I had to saw through before repotting one piece and planting the other in the garden. It is nearly 6’ high so difficult to handle but I’m sure I’ve done it a favour!
    I’ve spoken to Sheila this evening and we plan to meet for coffee in the morning, that’s if we can avoid bedraggled tourists!

    Anne, does Jilly eat kibble? (dog biscuits). I’m thinking it might be a safer option, avoiding upset tummies, especially as she has done so well with cooked chicken. I guess you will soon find out! An episode of the programme Long Lost Families was on this evening where more siblings were trying to connect and there does seem to be an immediate strong bond when they are successful. There are thousands of families with those rattling skeletons in cupboards but attitudes have changed so much now I don’t think such stories should need to be hidden. Definitely less puritanical and maybe gone too far the other way!

    Isn’t it wonderful to know Patsy is contactable, although it does sound as if she has been through a lot, but hopefully on the mend.

    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited August 2023
    Good evening everyone. Nothing interesting here. I addressed all the needed envelopes for birthday cards for the remainder of August. I put together a schedule for birthday cards needed for September through December. Thinking of card designs as well.

    Have happy days everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,761 Member
    edited August 2023
    This morning first thing I looked out of my bedroom window at thick fog! It meant another shorter dog walk round the block but George and Betty didn’t mind. What they weren’t happy about was wearing their rain coats but I’m sure they appreciated them once we set off!

    I collected Sheila at 10am and in spite of the fog, drove on to the moors to visit a favourite restaurant and indulge in buttered tea cakes with coffee. It was still murky when I got home so I decided to hunt for a journal my maternal grandmother had written during her twilight years telling of her younger life and that of her parents and siblings. A cousin I hadn’t spoken to in 50 years phoned me on Sunday evening and we chatted for some time about family history so I mentioned the journal because we share this grandparent and I think she will learn all sorts of things about that side of the family. I’ve read sections to remind myself before posting it off to her. I do admire that generation because not only did they lose so many men in WW1 but faced hardships we rarely hear about today.
    My next task is to clean the shower room, then move on to kitchen cupboard doors.
    At that point my phone rang and it was Peter who will be repointing my stone frontage. I wasn’t expecting work to begin for a month or so but he tells me he will be here next week!! There are climbers and trellis to be removed first so I might be getting wet in the next few days!

    Happy Tuesday everyone. Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Things are going fine with Babe's daughter. We took her to cemetery yesterday and then went to mall so she could buy Marisa an outfit for college. Today we are going to an escape room and then out to late lunch or early dinner before going to sit for kiddos for parents volleyball game.
    It's a busy week with another to follow next week. I guess that is what keeps me going.

    Jackie, I am sorry, but I just don't like your weather. lol It is good that Peter is coming to get that out fo the way before it starts getting cold. Enjoy you indoor chores, aren't they fun?

    I hope all have a wonderful day and our dear Patsy is on the mend and getting stronger every day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Hello. Made a trip to the post office to mail y card to Patsy. I wanted to make sure it didn’t need extra postage. I stopped by to blow $2 on a MegaMillions ticket and then drove to the charity shop to drop off accumulation of filled bags. I just started stamping some fall images on toffee colored card stock. I have some markers scheduled to arrive on Thursday. I would like to try coloring an image or two with those markers before stamping a few dozen on this color card stock. It may not work out. I could shift to a lighter shade of tan or maybe a shift to white might be best. We will see.

    Jackie, buttered tea cakes and coffee. That sounds incredibly delicious, although celiac girl couldn’t have even a morsel. It is nice of you to forward along that journal. I have been doing some of my own hunting. I had some letters from my ex-husband and I hid them well enough that I cannot find them. They wouldn’t matter to anyone else but I would prefer they be destroyed. I may have to tear apart everything in the basement!

    Sandy, happy times with family again. Busy bee! Just stay safe and healthy.

    Hello Diane, Jeri, Joy, Barbie, and Patsy can you hear us…!



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Well, we made it out of the Escape Room at the very last minute.kn2uwub3hoar.jpg
    The theme was Hogwarts from Harry Potter. Cheryl and Marisa knew what they were doing, Michele and I helped very little. lol We then went for Happy Hour and something to eat before sitting. I forgot to take a picture with the kiddos but Michele was very good with them and they really liked her.
    Today is a rest afternoon and if weather permits I will go to pool since it is the last day it will be open before 4pm. Tonight Michele is treating us to a nice dinner at my favorite restaurant which is Wildfire.
    She extended her stay until Monday because she is having so much fun. Unfortunately when leaving Rob's last night she slipped and fell in the doorway. Rob got her up and she said she was okay but I haven't heard from her today to be sure. She has a rod in her leg from a broken leg and sometimes it gives way she said. I personally think she should be using a walker but she is stubborn like her dad and said at home she uses a cane. Her sister in law is coming in from Wisconsin today to stay with her until Saturday. She will be joining us for dinner and for our other planned activities. Busy times.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Sandy, glad you got out of the escape room! I trust you will continue to have a good visit. And your favorite restaurant this evening. Wahoo!

    Well, the farm is rented for next year by verbal agreement with paperwork coming in the next week or so.

    Time to get funds organized for the busy pay, pay, pay season starting soon. Still missing one property tax bill but I have tallied up the amounts so I can be ready for funds transfers. Well, my Mega Millions ticket was worth absolutely Zero! ☺️ Just as I suspected.

    I have a grocery order placed for early tomorrow morning. It worked well last time. 🤞🏻it will me again.

    Answered some questions about one of my Facebook listings but it didn’t seem favorable.

    I hope everyone is okay. I see no other posts.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,761 Member
    Yesterday I threw myself into clearing the area Peter will be working from, probably on a scaffold tower. I completed about one half of the frontage but the rest will be more difficult and I think I will have to cut down a couple of climbers and my quince so no more jelly Christmas presents! In the evening I showered and washed my hair before an early night and did sleep well. Up early to walk George and Betty before collecting Sheila and driving to the hospital for her MRI scan. I allowed 20 extra minutes to get there which was just as well because Waze took us a convoluted way, then we found the hospital car park was heaving so had to drive round a few times, at the same time looking for the mobile scanner. We were 1 minute late for the appointment! I sat outside although it was chilly and misty and Sheila emerged an hour later having had 3 sections of spine and her head scanned and the results should be ready in a couple of weeks. On the way home we stopped at a small local garden centre for coffee and now I’m home looking at the next section of wall to be cleared, telling myself that just looking won’t get the job done!

    No mega millions Lin? That’s a shame although for me it would be terrifying to find myself so rich. I gather someone from Florida won so maybe already mega rich! That’s a pretty Wedgewood tea set.

    Sandy, I would be useless in an escape room because I’m feeling agoraphobic at the very thought. It does sound as if you are having fun with Babe’s family which I hope makes up for missed opportunities when he lived with his son. I thought of you this morning when I read about the wild fires in Hawaii and do hope your grandson (?) and wife are safe.

    The mist is drifting in again so I must get outside to do some work.

    Happy Thursday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    edited August 2023
    Happy Thursday! :) It's a beautiful day but the pool hours are now abbreviated from 4-8 so I am not missing anything when I go to my meeting. Michele is meeting with the attorney and finance guy to finish up with her share of inheritance. I would love to be a fly on the wall because she might be upset when she finds out certain stipulations that Babe wanted in place.
    The fun continues with us going to hear the one man band on the chain of lakes and Michele's cousin and his wife are meeting us there. Michele's SIL came yesterday to stay with her until Saturday. We went to dinner on Michele and it was delicious as it is my favorite restaurant. Tomorrow night will be pizza and game night at my house. I am starting to gain some extra pounds so will be happy when I can get back to my usual way of eating.

    Jackie, I texted with my grandson last night to find out if he is being affected by wild fires. They are 121 miles away from Maui. He said they are safe but getting hit with some hurricane winds. Such a disaster for those people and Hawaii just isn't equipped to handle the fires. So many people dead and who lost their homes and businesses. I am grateful for the Midwest as of today.

    Have a good day and keep staying safe and healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Well, the saga of Harry’s old house and the 2nd owner. A removal van showed up today and the lady who bought it and sold it is gone. The first buyers stuck it out for just over a year but the Iranian lady was only in it for 10 months. She told me she couldn’t cope with it. So, I will never get to know the third owners or the buyers of Maria’s house on the other side because I too will be gone in 4 days! It’s absolutely flown the time since I decided it was my turn to move on. I’ve been here for exactly 34 years.

    The bathroom here has an enclosed bath behind sliding doors so yesterday Mary Jo and I bought shower curtains, hooks, mats etc. for the new place. Might go over tomorrow to install them. I’ve solved Jillys meals, cross fingers. I’ve found a commercial dog food she appears to like. Makes you wonder what’s in it though! As Mark said, once we are established I can experiment a bit more. Mikes been loaned a van from his firm for the move on Tuesday. I’m quite overwhelmed by the packing and the throwing out! This house isn’t big and I’m not really a hoarder but it’s amazing what one acquires over the years. I don’t know if I mentioned this but I’m there for 60 days initially. Sort of a test run. If I don’t care for independent living I can return “home”. However I can’t see me doing that and that’s when the family will decide what to do with No. 15.

    SANDY, I’m so glad your grandson, wife and wee baby are okay. The news is heartbreaking.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited August 2023
    Good evening. I did get my groceries early this morning and came home to do some chores but ended up on the phone with a friend who was still upset by her son’s recent surgery. And then there was sudden interest in my bike. I have been answering questions and sending additional photos. It looks like I will get the bike sold. Quite underpriced in my opinion but at least it will be out of here. Both of the interested parties are big fanatics and restore and rebuild bikes. So, it will be used by someone.

    Anne, 4 days!! How time flies. Even if it is a trial period you will have access to the house if you need one thing you’ve not packed. Your neighborhood has been changing and you have found a good place to land. I hope the dog food works for Jilly. And is your foot feeling better?

    Sandy, those are very short hours for the pool. Darn it, there’s a lot of summer left even though they make kids go back to school so early now. I don’t know if being a fly on the wall would have been pleasant. I hope she is not upset now. And now, more fun! I am glad your grandson and family are safe. My friends have a time share condo on Maui. I don’t know if the property was destroyed but they have friends who live there and lost everything.

    Jackie, getting ready to have someone come to work on your property or fix something causes much prep work. Sorry you have what sounds like heavy work! It is very kind of you to drive Sheila to her test. You never know how long those things will take. I agree, I couldn’t actually imagine having that much money but I don’t think it is anything I need worry about. 😁

    Well, need to do my dishes and look my the markers that arrived late this afternoon.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,761 Member
    edited August 2023
    Popping in to see how everyone is. I made an early trip to buy a few groceries and got home to question why I bought myself tomatoes when I’ve got enough ripening in my greenhouse! We’ve walked on the lower moor and the sun has burnt off the fog so I will get on with clearing the last small area in front of my shower room. There is a terracotta container that must be nearly 200 years old under the window that I don’t think I will move by myself but Peter did say he will help with anything I can’t move, thank goodness!

    Anne, we share an anniversary because I moved into my cottage 34 years ago! I can feel what a wrench it is for you to pack up and move and how exhausting physically and mentally it must be so am feeling just a little tearful for you. Take lots of deep breaths sweetheart and get yourself safely into your new home knowing we Sneakers are with you in spirit. ❤️

    Keep on rocking Sandy! 🎶 🎼 🎵. That’s great news your family in Hawaii is safe from the ghastly fires. I’m sure the hurricane winds must have fanned the flames so it would be terrifying to be anywhere near.

    Take care Lin, if you are meeting someone to sell your bike. It is so difficult to value items we’ve had for a while because tastes change over the years. Sheila told me she has a full set of a Denby dinner service and was thinking of taking it to a charity shop but I looked it up and currently there is one on eBay asking £350 so hopefully she will auction it. Another pretty teapot!

    I must get on and hopefully finish clearing outside because we are forecast thunderstorms over the weekend! 😖

    Happy Friday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Hello. The bike and all the bike stuff are gone with the wind. There was too much to meet him anywhere. We chatted and chatted beforehand. He is crazy for bikes, rebuilding bikes and collecting bikes. He had to take his son to a day care center not far from where I live. My neighbors were home and everything was in the garage so he was never in the house. And it worked out fine. He is so happy to get the bike. He actually used my pump to inflate the tires, lowered the seat and rode around my cul de sac for awhile. He was fun to talk to and he was very careful in loading as he said he has never purchased a bike in such good condition.

    Done and dusted!

    Jackie, thank heavens Peter will help move anything heavy. Please take him up on that offer! Another weekend of rain? Argh. You do get so much accomplished. Wonderful. 👍🏻👍🏻❤️

    Anne, I cannot imagine how difficult this packing up and tossing out is for you with so many memories in that darling house. Many hugs.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Fun times last night with 11 of us getting together. These were two of Babe's nephews, one with his wife the other with his girlfriend. We laughed, cried, danced and Marisa and friend even went into the lake. Gary, the entertainer was just great and kept referring us as the Durante reunion. It was so good to see them and reminisce.
    Tonight is game night at my house with pizza and snacks. Michele and her SIL went downtown Chicago to see some site and Michele is getting a tattoo. To each his own.
    I am doing laundry and just chilling until they get here later. Sun just came out but the pool doesn't ope until 4.

    Have a good day and fun weekend.
    One Day at a Time
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hello to all Pals…..I regret I fumbled this morning…..started a long note and lost it. I am still looking. I wish this app made community communications a little more user friendly. We picked up our grocery order today and then headed to Costco. Thought we should do it while we were out. Why is it when making the Walmart list I always want healthy Mediterranean Diet foods. When I get home with it, I am always craving candy and ice cream. 😲
    Wish you all a good weekend. We are getting things here ready for a trip next week. Just a drive to the Sacramento area to visit dear family friends who moved there last year.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hello all. Not much going on here and it does get kind of lonely with no neighbours on either side of me. Even Darren across the road is talking of selling up in favour of a bungalow. It’s really weird actually. Janice has vanished. I hope she is gone to her daughters miles away, but I fear the worst. She was getting awfully thin a year ago and didn’t know why. So lots of young folks with young children moving into our neighborhood. As I trundled down the long drive today with the garbage bins it struck me, not something else I want to do in the coming winter. So I AM sad to leave the cottage, but then I think of furnaces breaking down, water main backups from the oak tree roots and all the other things that can go wrong in an old house and I know it’s the logical thing to do, (but since when was I the most logical person? Lol.). My decision anyway.
    The main problem for me though was the shingles. I’ve never been totally myself since. I have mixed feelings about chef prepared meals, but then sure beats burning the cottage down!
    So “onward Christian soldiers” as the old hymn once sung by me and my grubby school girl friends once sang at morning assembly.
    I can’t see you leaving your cottage JACKIE. You are so friendly and have tons of friends and moorland acquaintances. I wouldn’t either if the cottage could be transported back to England's green (rain?) and pleasant land.
    Saturday coming up. Enjoy.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Family zoom call, pool, Mass, let Cheryl's dog out, sit for an hour and then movie night with kiddos and parents. Yesterday's game night was fun even though Michele didn't play at first and Marisa won both games. Tomorrow we are meeting Marisa's Godfather for lunch and then our entertaining Michele should be done as she leave at 4am Monday morning. Cheryl and I are exhausted so will be happy to have our lives back since we are driving Marisa to college on Thursday.
    I just got my bill from my cable company and they raised my bill $22 so I am upset. I didn't even get a notice so I could search around. I will call them and complain to try and get it reduced when I have some extra time.

    Have a good Saturday as usual time is getting away from me.

    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Michael’s been over and Michael’s just left. We had an interesting meal of leftovers because the cupboard is pretty bare. I’ve just got enough food for two days! You might guess our move day is forecast rain, all day.
    So, I’m going to start emptying one bookcase this afternoon, the smallest. I think it will fit in the new place but if it doesn’t Mike won’t bring it back here, he’ll take it home with him.

    And that’s about it from me.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,761 Member
    I exhausted myself yesterday because I had to make the most of dry weather and had jobs to do like trimming a hedge at the entrance to my garden, more weeding, digging and cutting back the Japonica then doing my best to cut the long, wet grass. The lawnmower blades were kept at their highest but even then I was having to empty the collection box every few minutes but doing it that way did save a couple of tiny frogs who must have ducked as it rolled over their heads!
    It was dry when we left for a local walk this morning but rain soon arrived and of course, we got wet. Nothing new there! Late breakfast was then enjoyed watching England’s women play Columbia in the soccer World Cup and win but then as more rain arrived I decided to rest my back so caught up with emails and a couple of YouTubers I’ve subscribed to. Chicken cooking in the oven and rice ready to boil. That’s my day so nothing exciting.

    The oven is beeping!!
    Jackie 🥰