Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hello. Well Mary Jo and Mark showed up yesterday and were somewhat shocked at the size of my foot and interesting shade of red. Why didn’t you tell us they scolded but I explained they’ve done so much for me that I wanted them to have a weekend free from miserable old ladies. Any way, Michael had turned up to feed me with disastrous results I might add. Food unsuitable for IBS and me being a pig couldn’t resist. However we will keep that to ourselves because his intentions were so kind. I’ve woken up with my left foot reduced in size but doubt I can get a shoe on and I’m supposed to be at the Home tomorrow for sign up and the measuring of the apartment. Wish me luck.

    Meanwhile someone was persistently knocking on my door last evening accompanied by much barking from Bean, No way could I totter to the door at dusk so whoever it was got ignored by me if not by Jilly Bean.
    Old age does have interesting moments.

    Now, more importantly what do you girls with dogs feed them? Jilly is used to home cooked chicken and turns her black nose up at all attempts to feed her various commercial dog food. And I can’t cook chicken in a mini kitchen designed to prevent old ladies reducing the other residents to ashes. And I love Jilly so much I don’t want her ending up with Michael who’s at work all day, or at least not yet. Suggestions appreciated to try in our remaining two weeks here.

    Finally, I’m beginning to wonder if the house has a spirit who doesn’t want me to leave. I’ve never had so many stupid accidents before I decided it was time for me to leave gardening, cooking and cleaning behind.

    Off to try and climb over the bath side for a shower and hair wash before I become the likes of a bag lady.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,754 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hello sneakers. I’m sorry I didn’t check in yesterday. My day ran away with me then in the evening I watched a new BBC TV drama called Wolf that’s just a bit scary so I’m not sure I will get through 6 episodes. It’s an adaptation of a novel by Mo Hayder and alarming while drawing you in!
    I had spent an enjoyable morning with Sheila visiting a store that had everything from clothes, to candles, bedding to food. We were only there for cotton socks for Sheila but both ended up buying some colourful summer tops plus new pillows! In the afternoon I finally finished putting the 2nd garden chair together with a bit of frustrated swearing and replacement screws, once I had rummaged in the garden shed for the correct size! Of course, it rained all day.
    Today I was ready to hang out washed laundry when along came the rain again. At least I managed a walk on the moors with the pooches beforehand. The sun is trying to break through but it’s nearly 4pm so not worth starting gardening because more rain forecast. Instead I’m catching up with housework.

    Anne, I’ve mentioned before that George eats specially produced raw food that is bought in the freezer section at the pet store. It is very popular because there are no additives and includes ground down bones that apparently assist digestion. He loves it but with him eating raw meat, I have to wash his face after each meal!

    I imagine something similar is available in Canada but will you have a freezer section in your kitchenette?
    These days all sorts of silly accidents happen to me when preoccupied, everything from bashing a swinging hand as I walk through a door to tripping over an item I just placed on the floor! You have a lot to think about so easy to stub a toe but hopefully it’s on the mend.

    Taxes are beyond me Lin and when I contact our government revenue department their explanations are beyond me so I think you are extremely patient to deal with yours!

    Sandy, it sounds promising that your back pain will go once the injection kicks in which is good news.

    Back to housework!
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Jake is gone to take the new Tesla to Seattle to have a minor repair done to the suspension system. The biggest downside to our new car is that no one in our remote rural area is able to do repairs and thus the need to drive to Seattle. The appointment is at 9:15. The trip is about two and half hours including a ferry ride. Since it is summer and he went at commuter time, he left extra early to allow for contingencies like the bridge closed for marine traffic or long lines at the ferry. He could get to appointment easily from the 7:55 ferry, but he aimed for the 7:00 ferry and got there in time to get on the 6:25 ferry. He will be early to the appointment. Fortunately he has his phone and a book with him so he'll pass the time comfortably. I am looking forward to a rare day at home alone. I have several projects planned that I can do accompanied by the loud music of my choice.

    :)Anne, maybe the little injuries at your house are a message from the universe to get out of the house and go somewhere safer. How about talking to the new residence and finding out if someone in the kitchen can cook chicken for you every few days? Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    edited August 2023
    Happy Tuesday! :) Our air is filled with Canadian smoke again making it hazy outside. I was hoping to go to pool but it doesn't look like the sun is coming out any time soon. I am sitting tonight for volleyball so might run some errands instead.

    Barbie, a long way to go for car repairs but it seems you don't have a choice. At least Jake knows how to pass the time with a good book and/or phone.

    Jackie, when will your rain ever let up? I would be so depressed since I love summer so much. My back seems to be getting a little better everyday, the test is walking up my stairs to my unit which I only do about once a day. The other test will be when we go to Renaissance Fair on Saturday when I will be walking all day. It is Pirates weekend and we are dressing up as pirates, pictures to follow.

    Anne, your foot sounds painful, I do hope it gets better soon. You might have to wear a slipper tomorrow to the new place or the boys have to carry you. lol Can you have a crock pot in your new place to cook Jilly's chicken? Or maybe MJ can cook it for you and you can store it in refrigerator. BTW, I did find a place in my area that sounds much like yours and might be a place I would consider in the future. It is pricey but so is living by myself. There at least everything is included so will have to check it out one day.

    Lin, your taxes sound very complicated but I know you will figure it all out eventually.

    Still missing Patsy and wonder what happened. I did find their phone number on google but hate to invade their privacy.

    Have a great day everyone and keep staying safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hi. I did think about taking my crockpot SANDY but not sure if I’m allowed. And I did find a recipe for micro waving chicken breast. By the way amongst all the activities that this home offers is gambling night! That I won’t be participating in. I’m no gambler and have to watch the cash flow, but I did think of you! Actually if this home is as good as it sounds I think somewhere similar would suit you very well with your outgoing personality. Once I’ve signed my life away I’ll tell you the name and you can check it out. I am rather looking forward to the meals. Hope they are as good as they sound.

    I’m resting my foot. It isn’t the toe, it’s just below and down to the instep. Bl…y painful to put it mildly.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Sandy, I did call them. No answer and no return call later in response to my voicemail message.

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Marks cancelled our visit to the home tomorrow. We are going on Friday instead, because my foot is still horribly swollen but not quite so painful. You are right BARBIE the universe IS telling me it’s time to move on. I do hope Jake gets everything sorted out today with the new Tesla and you enjoyed a rare day of solitude.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,754 Member
    Thank you Sandy and Lin for your continued efforts to discover what has happened to dear Patsy, John and Katie. It’s horrible not knowing. ❤️
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :) Jake's trip to Seattle was successful for him. He arrived early, they fixed the problem with the suspension as soon as he got there and he was finished and ready to come home an hour earlier than his scheduled appointment. He arrived at the ferry dock just in time to be the last car on the ferry and he was home before 10:30. I was delighted that he was home safely and early but disappointed that I didn't have my long day to putter with my projects while listening to my music.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Another beautiful pool day. Great to see the kiddos yesterday and enjoyed my time with them. Charlie is a little pistol but can't help laugh at some of her antics.

    Barbie, glad Jake was able to get the car repaired in a timely matter but sorry you didn't get to putter.

    Jackie, I agree, it is horrible not knowing what is going on with Patsy, John and Katie. I do hope she comes back one day to let us know.

    Anne, probably a good idea as you don't want to aggravate your foot. I hope it is better today. Ask about the crock pot although the microwave will work.

    Lin, I tried another email this morning and hope to get an answer.

    Another lazy day for me but what the heck I deserve it. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,754 Member
    edited August 2023
    It’s been a grey, dismal day with hefty rain showers and gales so even George didn’t fancy a walk first thing. I had to take them out because I was picking Linda up so we could go for coffee but it was a very short one round the block. It was foggy so my plan to drive to a coffee shop on the coast seemed silly because it was forecast for even worse gales there and we wouldn’t see much so instead we visited a cafe about 5 miles away and enjoyed sausage and bacon sandwiches with our coffees as comfort food! Not too far away was yet another plant nursery so we had to visit and yes, I’ve come home with two more plants, mostly because we noticed bees buzzing round the flowers and as you know, I love to attract them. Both plants are pot bound and I’m hoping to split them and share with Linda but at the moment they are crowding out my greenhouse waiting for the storm to pass by. Apparently the French have named it Storm Patricia although I don’t know the relevance!
    The journey home was wild with torrential rain and high winds but we made it and I’ve spent the afternoon relaxing. July was apparently the wettest on record and June the hottest so I think it’s welcome to climate change time! We are being warned about overnight flooding but I live on high ground so should be ok. Meanwhile, it seems awful to be needing to switch on lights during the day! Fingers crossed, August will improve things.

    Stay safe everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    edited August 2023
    Okay, this is not a bit nice MFP! Once again a nearly completed completed post went flying off to the land of lost communications.

    Jackie, I hope you have some nice weather soon.

    Sandy, I hope you enjoyed time at the pool today!

    Anne, oh my, I hope your foot is getting better.

    Barbie, glad the car is all fixed up but sorry you did not get your full allotment of alone time.

    Many cards to work on again tomorrow. I only finished one today and a load of laundry and had phone conversations with several friends.

    We are thrilled to have had a half inch of rain.

    Be safe everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Another beautiful day but I will not be going to pool as I have my meeting and some errands. I am praying the rain holds off until Sunday so we have a nice day Saturday.
    Everyone seems busy this summer with new moves, new cars, new plants and new cards. I do hope we all stay in touch no matter how busy our lives get.
    Enjoy your day.
    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,754 Member
    I enjoyed my stroll with the pooches this morning when we met dog walkers we hadn’t seen for a while. Brian with his Westie and both looking well then Ian with the huge, gentle Malamute called Nuke. This afternoon I’ve moved a couple of pictures on the walls because the new heater needs more space above it, then I touched up a couple of places where paint had been knocked. I think I spent more time trying to open one of the used cans than actually painting! It’s mild and overcast but we just might see some sunshine tomorrow!

    Sandy, I’m sure we won’t lose touch, after all we’ve been through so much together. I remember last summer we didn’t post as much because we had our projects so I expect it’s the same this year. Patsy’s missed with all her amazing stories and hopefully Damon will one day think to let us know what has happened if she can’t for any reason. He knows how close we all are. ❤️

    Sorry Lin; another lost post! It’s always too much effort to start from the beginning isn’t it. Sweet teapot!

    Anne, I do hope your foot is less swollen and painful so you can visit the home tomorrow. Be on your best behaviour!

    Oh dear Barbie, you were looking forward to your pottering time alone but better that Jake and the car are back safe!

    Time to feed pets and me!
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :) Went to the eye doctor today. No change from last year but possibly cataract surgery coming up next year. The eye clinic is at Costco so Jake shopped while he waited for me. He shops from a list that we prepare together so there were no surprises

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I still can’t get a shoe on so if I can’t tomorrow I will go to the home with one shoe on and one shoe off, substituting one of Mikes big black thermal socks. I bet the manageress will wonder what on earth she is letting herself in for as I sit opposite with my doggie tucked underneath my arm JACKIE. Jillys going with us so that after the formalities and we measure the apartment she can have a good sniff around and the move might not be so traumatic. If all goes smoothly, and I’ll TRY to be well behaved, Bean and I swop homes on the 15th. I might be missing for a short time SANDY until the internet service is resumed, plus the turmoil of Mark, Mary Jo, Derek, Michael and Mikes friend Rob carting furniture etc in.

    I was supposed to go grocery shopping today but although THE FOOT looked a bit better it was decided to not risk worsening it for tomorrow. Mary Jo shopped for me, and just like Longos Delivery in the past she brought one or two surprises. Very grateful though, and I bet my three will give big sighs of relief when the old pest of a mother/MIL is somewhat safer than here. I’m still living between two empty houses. That’s because the hired painter of Marie’s old place is going off for two weeks vacation. So I will never know the new tenants on both sides.

    I spent yesterday afternoon trying to find PATSY to no avail. I’m getting resigned to the fact she’s left us alas.

    Donald’s on the TV looking belligerent. News time. Bye,
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hi Everyone

    Thought I’d pop in and we how everyone is doing. OMG Anne you’ve been having quite the time of it. I;m sure you’ll enjoy your new place.

    Sandy your posts on Facebook looked like you had a good time with your family.

    Always interesting pictures from Lin - both here and on Facebook.

    Barbie - as everyone as been saying - sorry you missed your you time. That’s important.

    Jackie - sounds like crappy weather. I think it’s been extreme weather all over the place this year. Kind of scary.

    And a hello to everyone else I missed.

    My summer hasn’t been too pleasant, Not sure if I mentioned it before, but I had a fall the end of May and missed the bottom step on the stairs and did a major crash. Luckily, I didn’t break any bones or even kill myself. Then on top of it all I’ve developed very bad acid reflux, along with an extremely dry mouth. And that’s been driving me crazy and I am waiting to get into see a specialist. But the last few days I have been feeling somewhat better. Fingers crossed.

    But enough about the bad stuff We’ve had lots of fun with grandkids with sleepovers and some fishing trips. Ed is out right now with our grandson Sam and our granddaughter, Mary. We went camping down to Dinosaur Provincial Park which was lots of fun.

    Anyway, I’m going to read more of the posts.

    Big hugs


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    edited August 2023
    Good evening everyone.

    Jeri, how wonderful to hear from you but I am so sorry about the acid reflux. I hope you find a solution for that. I am glad to hear you have had some pleasant times this summer. I know, I post so many things on Facebook each day. Things catch my attention! 😁

    Anne, poor tootsie. I am glad someone did shopping for you and brought a couple of extra treats! Best wishes tomorrow as you work through all the details for your move.

    Barbie, I am happy to hear your eye appointment went okay and that Jake got the shopping completed. 👍🏻👍🏻

    Jackie, wahoo, some good meet ups today! 🤞🏻🤞🏻 for sunshine tomorrow.

    Joy, Diane and other Sneakers—hello and best wishes.

    Back to the cards.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)Jeri, How nice to hear from you. Sorry to hear about the fall and the acid reflux but as usual you find the good in things and are enjoying your life.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hello JERI! I’m so sorry to read of your awful fall and the acid reflux. Very nasty. I thought I’d just sort of sail through old age, but no. I’ve just got clumsier with failing eyesight and a tendency to topple. It’s a learning experience, old age. So instead of running everywhere like I once did, I’m learning where to place my tootsies and elbows etc. Damn nuisance having to slow down!

    Oh well. I’ve just been measuring the furniture I want to take to see if it will fit in the apartment without much clutter. I think it just might work out. Anyway, the Ms are picking me, my protective sock and Jilly up soon, but just wanted to send sympathies to Jeri and anyone else suffering.
