Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) Jake and I just watched about 30 minutes of Tony Bennet singing videos on YouTube
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) The kids are in the air flying back home. I am doing all the bedding and hopefully going to the pool for a couple of hours before Mass. It was a wonderful week spent with most of my family and we made some wonderful memories. Sandra, my SIL loved it so much she wants to do it again next year but at a new location.

    Barbie, loved Tony Bennet, his music was wonderful.

    Lin, it worked for us, everyone had a great time.

    Joy, it's always hard when your kids move out of state but they have to live their lives. Bryanna might be moving to Arizona with her boyfriend and although it will break my heart I want her to be happy.

    Anne, you sound excited for your new adventure and the way you describe it, I would be also.
    Good luck with vaccinations, I know you hate them.

    Time is getting away from me and I woke at 6:00 to drive them to airport. Have a great day eveyone and keep staying healthy.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,747 Member
    Torrential rain all day so I got soaked walking the pooches before visiting Sheila for coffee. Nothing much else occurred, certainly not of interest but hopefully a brighter day tomorrow to motivate me.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Caught up on sleep as I slept 9 hours and 30 minutes. Rained during the night but the sun is coming out now so will be a relaxing pool day.
    Everyone in the family is home safe and sound and life returns to usual. Mine is still busy and trying to plan a trip to see my son and his wife. Babe's daughter is supposed to be coming for a week in early August but we don't believe that until she gets off the plane. Marisa leaves for college August 17 and we are trying to plan a dinner with her. This is my busiest summer ever I do believe.

    Jackie, sorry about all the rain and hope today is a bright sunny day.

    Enjoy your day no matter what the weather, we are all grateful to be alive.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,747 Member
    edited July 2023
    We had more rain in the night so I held off walking George and Betty until it brightened up. We walked for an hour but slowly so both pooches got to sniff around. Before I came home I drove into town for more pet food and treats and came to the conclusion I spend more on my gang than myself! Of course I don’t begrudge them.
    When I opened the greenhouse door to check if my tomato plants needed watering a sparrow that somehow got in, flew into my face before dropping to the floor and hiding behind pots. George was on the case immediately so I had to rush back to the cottage for his lead and shut him in. The greenhouse door was left open for a couple of hours so it hopefully flew away. I was planning to do some gardening but because the rain wasn’t far away, did some housework instead. I even dug out the beeswax polish!

    It’s been unseasonably cool which reminded me to look for a replacement wall heater to go in my snug after the old one’s thermostat packed up. I stayed away from Amazon because too many fake electrical items get sold on that site. After some research I found an electrical wholesaler with a lot of choices and chose a German made radiator that has a number of energy saving features just in case our prices shoot up again in the coming winter.

    Our BBC showed some of their Tony Bennett concerts that i thoroughly enjoyed last night. You are right Anne. Who’s left? My 1960’s generation are beginning to fall by the wayside now! 😟

    Linda, Escape to the Country is a great advertisement for visiting our rural areas but when I see an episode from before lockdowns I’m horrified at the increase in house properties! You are having a good old clear out aren’t you and I hope the Facebook sales go without hassle.

    Enjoy your relaxing pool day Sandy. You are so right that we must be grateful to be alive. The alternative is not good!

    Oh dear, just gone 8pm and already getting gloomy. I shall wash up, make a cup of tea and relax with a throw on my knees!
    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Hello, nothing particularly interesting here. I did some laundry this morning and watched church online. Corresponded with a couple of friends and have been watching some Audrey Hepburn movies and read a book on Kindle.

    Jackie, yes, the episodes I managed to watch are old ones, pre-Covid, so I am sure I would pass out to see recent prices! My weeding out of ‘stuff’ will go on indefinitely. I keep finding things! Today I ran across some purses I hadn’t seen in years. I have used the same purse since the beginning of Covid. My mom got me in the habit of matching purses to outfits and shoes. I still have a lovely grey bag, black, brown, beige, Navy blue, Royal blue, beige, Denim, leather multi-color, a number of multi-color fabric bags. I still am quite fond of most of them. That makes it excruciating to part with them! Same with shoes, winter boots and slippers. Just lots and lots of everything! So bit by bit! Very glad you found a heater to order. I hope it works well for you.

    Sandy, good luck with organizing the next excursion. You have been extremely busy!

    The journey of the 50,000+ bikers has started to trek across the state. They had a traffic jam today and lots of people had to walk their bike for a while.


    Be safe everyone.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,747 Member
    Happy Monday but no guesses who got soaked again walking George and Betty. All was fine until 10 minutes into our stroll when torrential rain arrived. We were all shivering and wet by the time we returned to my car so once home I dried us with my hairdryer!
    We dont get to talk to our GP’s anymore so I’ve completed an online application for advice on dealing with an infection that’s broken out on a dislocated toe that was injured when I was a teenager. It wasn’t a problem until Betty accidentally stepped on it a few months ago and forced it under my big toe so they rub when I walk. It’s been looking angry for a few days and I certainly don’t want to end up losing either toe! Apparently it could take 3 days for the practice to respond so I’m not holding my breath!
    I’m going to finish the housework I started yesterday then see if I can get outside…. It doesn’t look promising!

    Wow Lin, what a crowd of cyclists! No wonder you didn’t want to venture far! If I was involved, I think I would hold back and let them move away so I could at least get on my bike! It is difficult to let go of accessories that have fond memories and I tend to hang on to the question what if? After a while I put on my sensible hat and accept I won’t be going back to the sort of sociable life I led when younger. You certainly have every combination of colours! 😁
    Another pretty teapot and doily too.

    Housework here I come!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited July 2023
    Hi everyone. Fortunately I’m not a hoarder, so for me it’s more a question of what to take after living in a house. My Toby jugs for sure and maybe my village of ceramic English cottages. Oh and my cute little China pig from Ireland. Oh and a pottery pig Mark bought me as a boy in Quebec. Here we go!!!
    Then of course there’s Jilly Beans bed and her collection of toys! Mustn’t forget “baby bone” her favourite who she cuddles if under the weather. Then there’s her leash, collar, harness and winter coat which she hates and the cover to protect the sofa from muddy paws and dog hairs. Maybe not room for the Toby jugs and ME after all !!!!!

    Signs of activity in Maria’s old house next door, but on the other side the lady has really taken off. I gather she couldn’t get away from Harry’s old house quick enough! Isn’t it sad I won’t see the outcome of all this activity being far too busy wondering where to place the Toby jugs.

    It will all depend on doctor Tim tomorrow and the X-ray result. If we pass, uncharted waters ahead for me and Jilly.


    PS. Then there’s the large glass pelican Mary Jo bought for me in Florida, and the lovely large beautifully decorated mug Mike bought me from somewhere abroad, HELP.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I enjoyed a full day at the pool with my pool friends and had a wonderful relaxing day. I might go for a while today before sitting for kiddos so their parents can play volleyball tonight. I have a couple of errands to do before I go so I will see.
    So my neighbor across from me was cutting tile with a wet saw the other day and when my SIL had my car washed he said the wheel wells were caked with some white substance. Since it is only on one side and that side was exposed to when the guy was sawing I am presuming it was from him. I asked him and his friends who were outside yesterday how do I get that clean but they insisted I drove through construction and it wasn't from him. I am very upset as my car is my baby. My son is going to try and power wash it today but if that doesn't work I am not sure what to do. I will probably have to go to a detail shop and pay a fortune for them to clean it. I know it seems petty but I try to keep my car as clean as I can.

    Anne, if your grandson is moving into your house maybe you can leave some of those sentimental pieces with him. Then when you go visit you can still treasure them. Take what will make you feel like home and once there you will make new memories. Isn't this just the trial period to make sure you are happy there?
    You will have time to figure it all out without rushing yourself. Good luck.

    Jackie, sorry you got soaked once again. We are very fortunate with beautiful weather this week. I am going to try and take advantage of it with the pool because soon it will be abbreviated hours when the kids go back to school in August.

    Lin, that picture is amazing and unbelievable, so many bikers. Where are they going and why?

    Have a safe and fun day everyone.
    One Day at a Time

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited July 2023
    You are right Sandy, I’m supposed to have a trial period but if I go into the seniors in three weeks time I’m determined I won’t come back unless Jilly and I are chucked out. Mainly because if the Ms are in Florida for weeks in the winter and Michael is a hours drive away I will feel very vulnerable in case of furnace break downs in blizzards etc. I’ve also lost all my old friends to old age homes or the grim reaper. Even the neighbours have changed. I suspect this cottage will be torn down in all honesty and something super modern built instead. A clean break for me I’m afraid. All is not lost though. With the internet I’ll soldier on and view it all as an adventure. With my disposition I’m sure I’ll have interesting times to view and maybe tell.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) I got rid of tons of sentimental "stuff " a few years ago but first I took pictures of them to save on my computer. Now I can look at them whenever I want 😃🌻
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,747 Member
    Anne, Canadian winters are to be endured rather than enjoyed, unless young enough to ski, skate, curl or slap a puck about so I’m sure this will be a great move for you. I’d hate the thought of you and Jilly isolated because snow piled up and a freezing wind howled outside. Being safe and secure, as well as having new friends to socialise with, is incredibly important and I just know you will be a favourite newbie from the start! It’s always unsettling to leave a home we’ve been happy in but remember how brave you were to get out of Quebec with your boys and forge a new life, give that old place a kiss and hug when you go and know you are that same brave Anne, just a bit creakier! Onwards and upwards! ❤️

    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited July 2023
    JACKIE, thank you so much, you totally get it. I honestly can’t expect my children just starting out on retirement to hang around in case I have a problem when they can winter with Mary Jo’s cousin and her husband in their Florida home.
    The boys and Mary Jo are absolutely super with me and I want them to have as much fun as I did when I first retired. I was 60 when my mother died.
    You know, even Darren and Katherine across the road from me and the only ones left of the old crowd have their problems as well with aged parents. Both sets have early dementia with one set in England. I still appear to have my marbles but that won’t help when the north winds blow! And I can’t open the front door for snow.
    So wish me luck tomorrow when I get the ex ray result AND the dreaded pneumonia vaccine.
    When I visited the home two weeks ago they seem to be a very mixed crowd. Some still in their early 70s enjoying life and others much older and tottering along with walkers. The super thing is, it’s independent living still in my case with a quite spacious living room and walk out to the garden. When the north wind howls Jilly and I should be as snug as bugs in our own quarters (with kitchenette) if I don’t feel like mixing, same as here really, with the added bonus of venturing out for home cooked meals in a beautiful dining room. I noticed the games room was equipped with playing cards and games. And I also noticed scrabble boards. Now I’m good at scrabble said she modestly. The manageress has already warned me to let others win occasionally, lol.
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hello to all my Pals…Anne, Barbie, Diane, Jackie, Lin, Sandy. Busy weekend and busy morning today. Tomorrow morning, we pick up my son from Georgia who will be the first to arrive for our family gathering weekend. The rest arrive on Aug 4. So we are starting preparations for a houseful. One group will be staying at rental as they are seven in number, including the two toddling great grands. Deb and Lo have started on menus and etc for us. Deb will be making her famous Mickey Waffles on the 4th, as they drive thru the middle of the night to arrive about eight am. Kids wake, un-grumpy, and ready to eat. Jax, our granddaughter who just relocated from Georgia is applying for jobs, but will be available for a trip to visit us first.❤️. I certainly count myself blessed.
    Anne, I luved your last post, as it does, indeed, sound like a delightful place to move to. Your positive attitude is apparent too. I am such an awful Scrabble player, so just beat them at it, go girl. I am pretty excellent at crosswords and my fam thinks its dreadful my Scrabble scores are so low.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    edited July 2023
    Happy Tuesday! :) I had quite an adventure sitting last night. Lisa's nephew is with them until August so that made 4 kids, then the neighbor kids asked if they could come so all of a sudden I had 7 plus the two dogs. The dogs were great, the kids were okay but a couple got minor hurts, one do to Charlie pushing one off the play yard set ladder. He was okay, Charlie got a time out. The other when I asked Max to walk the three neighbor kids home and they let Ewok escape out the door. Max said the little girl stubbed her toe and was crying when she got home. I went looking for Ewok only to have me walk too far and he came home on his own. Let's say it was an adventure,

    I will probably go to pool today as I didn't go yesterday and we are in a heat wave. I did my errands yesterday so I think I am all set for the week. I have the shot Thursday with an early dinner after and Friday is the birthday party for Robby and Charlie. It will be cake at 7:00pm, followed by an outside backyard movie night.

    Joy, you are as busy as I am this summer but being with family is worth it all.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited July 2023
    Hi, just the same stuff here. Still trying to straighten out my Internet account with continued notices that I am close to my data cap. Good grief.

    Best wishes to everyone today. It is hot here as well. I just placed a small grocery order for a very early pickup tomorrow.

    Oh, and Sandy, the crazy bikers are part of an annual ride from the Missouri river to the Mississippi. A week, the route varies every year, and lots of small towns put on great parties along the way. Given the heat, many bikers are starting at 4am so they can arrive at the next end of day stop before noon. Apparently, given this is the 50th anniversary of the ride, the number of riders jumping on the route without a registration has climbed precipitously. Instead of 50,000 expected from Ames to Des Moines tomorrow, they think there may be 75,000. There is no counter or anything, so it will remain estimates. Our city will be sliced in half and we’re warned, stay on the East side or the West side of the route until the mob leaves town. You are the best people/dog sitter out there!

    Anne, best wishes on your packing. ❤️

    Joy, and best wishes to you as you get ready for more company. ❤️

    Jackie, Kerry took another vacation to Scotland with Paddy, Harry and Tally. Angela never goes along. Harry is still recovering from surgery and has been on a lead for quite a long time. Poor dear. Oh, and how are your plants getting along? It would be difficult to plant anything here at the moment given the heat. My tomato plants are fading……

    Hi Diane, Barbie, Jeri and all our Sneakers.

    Back to my coffee.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Not much going on here really. I did go to the doctors but unfortunately the hospital hadn’t sent him the X-ray results. However, I did get the pneumonia vaccine and I’m taken OFF the BP pills which makes me very happy. We are having a telephone call tomorrow with him about a long form the doctor has to fill out for the retirement home, and then Mark will go and pick it up. What a carry on! I guess the pandemic has made these homes more careful. Apart from that I’m off to the Organic Garage to pick up groceries.
    Hope you ladies don’t get overheated. It arrives here tomorrow.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,747 Member
    Good evening. It turned into a lovely day so I got laundry washed and dry in the sunshine, enjoyed an early, long meander across the moors with George and Betty then phoned Sheila who continues to miss Rosie terribly. It’s understandable of course. My GP Practice messaged to advise I attend the minor injuries department of our local hospital to check if they can fix my dislocated toe but offered no medication for the infection so I popped into town and bought a cream recommended on our NHS website. Another text message advised me it is time to check my blood pressure but since that’s not been done in 8 years I can’t think there’s any rush!
    My new electric wall heater was delivered this afternoon so I removed the old one to take to the tip but am sure I will have to read instructions for the new one several times because a quick glance tells me it’s complicated!

    Stick with the younger crowd Anne, you’ll have much more fun! So much to be gone through to get yourself ensconced but it will be worth it. I’m sure you are right about Covid tightening up checks on new arrivals but don’t let them squeeze out of you the fact you are a whizz at scrabble. Let them find out the hard way! 😁

    Goodness Sandy, what fun you had! Not just the kids but Ewok too. No wonder you want a pool day!

    Lin, that’s a wonderful German teapot that looks like a Bavarian beer mug… Oom-pah-pah!! It’s not too far from Keswick to Scotland so I can see why Kerry would holiday there. I bet he still misses Max! My veggies are doing well after the disaster with the early potatoes. Cucumber and lettuce plus lots of beans, kale and tomatoes (still green!).

    Hello Barbie and Joy, plus Diane and Jeri. Patsy too if you are out there…. Missing you. 🥺

    I’m planning to go early to the local Aldi tomorrow and will have to get our walk out of the way by 11am as more heavy rain on the way. 😳

    Keep cool.
    Jackie 🥰

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) Our big adventures today were dropping off two boxes for ups to return to Amazon, picking up two books from the library, stopping for ice cream, picking cucumbers, and taking a nap.

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,747 Member
    More rain, more problems. I woke up hearing drip, drip and found a pool of water in the small en-suite but downstairs a much larger area flooded. I’ve turned off the water supply where it enters the property and phoned a local plumber to leave a message but so far no response. If I don’t hear in the next couple of hours I will try to contact other plumbers. Nothing else happening. The pooches have been walked during a short gap in the rain and are now snoozing and I will continue to mop up!
    I hope everyone has a better Wednesday than me!
    Jackie 😖