Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited July 2023
    Super hot here. And the Ms furnace/air conditioner has broken down. Hobbes the giant puss is staying with them and they sent a photo of a very disgruntled looking puss. Not about the breakdown but about the men repairing it.

    Tomorrow I see the doctor and then on Wednesday a delegation of Mark, Mary Jo, Michael, Jilly and me have a tour of the retirement home and hopefully a couple of apartments. I don’t envy the poor tour guide, we have a ton of questions to ask. The place is being recarpeted and the empty units painted. Mary Jo is the only one of us who hasn’t been before, yes, even Jillys visited before, so I hope it isn’t in too much chaos. Maybe the work is done at night when the residents are in bye byes.

    Other than that, a stay in day with my trusty and very old window air conditioner chugging away. I’ve been chucking out food etc I can’t eat any more, or bake with like flour etc. I can still eat oats and rice thank goodness. The kitchen cupboards look very bare, not a mouse or ant in sight with such famine conditions. I feel a bit better in myself though. Next to go are the books. I have a lot of books. I wonder what will happen to the bookcases. Do people buy books anymore in dark, dusty, musty old bookstores? Still a bit of .resistance here to me moving on. You would think the family would be pleased to have me around to get rid of my old junk rather than them doing it one day. MJs parents were collectors and it took the Ms weeks to clear their house.

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hello Everyone. Its a boring day here…..i am trying to get back to healthy eating and daily exercise program. Start every Monday, but…..
    Lin, i cancelled BritBox and started PBS. I try to subscribe to one at a time. I have seen many of their show ages ago. My memory is shot….so cant remember any of them. But often I start watching a show and I start remembering each scene as it starts up. So on PBS, I have a couple more shows to try.
    Anne, even tho I only read on my Kindle app, when we moved I had my daughter buy a huuuge bookcase for my books. I tried getting rid of many but some I want to have for grandkids and great grands. But I dont have anything else to leave for someone to go thru…a small bunch of clothes for the homeless. Everything else has been given away already. Anne, we are all so happy about your next adventure. Cant wait to hear how the visit went.
    Deb and I leaving house very early tomorrow morning to shop Trader Joes before the crowds and heat deter us, I havent even gotten into the pool to do my water aerobics. Shame on me.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,745 Member
    edited July 2023
    Lots of rain today so of course the doggy walk was a wet one. I drove to the local field where a Neolithic stone burial construction sits and we walked one full circle in a howling gale and before coming home, visited the pet store so that Brady could eat today! Other than that, a quiet day.

    Lin, I admit I’m a little out of touch with today’s costs for work requiring a builder or handyman as it seemed when we finally came out of lockdown they could charge whatever they liked. Peter tells me it is quieter this year so I’m guessing people haven’t got spare money because inflation is high. His work is specialised so I had no idea what to expect! My friend Pat is the main executor on my will and I’ve said to get a house clearance company in should she outlive me so like you, every now and then I sort through more personal items to clear.

    Anne, I hope you aren’t disappointed when you revisit the retirement apartments. If they are painting walls, could you choose the colour? That would make it more homely. The task of clearing both parents homes was left to me but I felt it was the least I could do because we women generally feel more empathy towards family possessions. You know your G-plan and Ercol would go for a small fortune in the old country!

    Sandy, I will be interested to hear what you think of the new Grantchester as the series continues. It lost me and Lin I think. Before lockdown there was a very interesting wartime drama on tv but production had to stop during the pandemic. That was 3 years ago but it returns Sunday and each time a trailer is shown I’m desperately trying to remember what had been happening!

    Hello Joy. I see you just popped in ahead of me.

    Way past my bedtime and George, Betty and Brady are curled up around me so I’d best get to bed myself.
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) Today we finished preparing the paperwork for selling our Subaru to our friend. On Thursday she'll give us a check for the car and we'll take the check to deposit it. Then we'll go to the Department of Licensing to turn in the change of ownership paperwork. On Friday she will drive us to the dealer in Seattle to we can purchase the car we've picked out. High excitement and high stress.

    <3 Barbie
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Lin, I am watching evening news and I see a TV meteorologist received a death threat because he talked about climate change in re the extreme Iowa weather. Oh dear, what is happening to our world.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Joy, that gentleman was the head meteorologist for the local CBS affiliate and did a very good job of broadcasting, particularly when they were tracking storms and weather took over the station’s feed during storm warnings. In a tornado prone state, I appreciate that. He was threatened, his family was threatened and his social media accounts were filled with hatred from what I understand. He has apparently found a job more directly related to climate change and the family is out of here. So they should have happier lives.

    Even the weather is a political topic and open to continual hate. So sad.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Back doctor appointment today at 11:00. Might go to pool later if it doesn't rain. I did not go yesterday as the cemetery called to let me know Babe's headstone was installed. I went to bring him flowers and see the headstone which is beautiful. I then went in the office because when we made the arrangements I knew they made a mistake with the graves that were already purchased years before. Babe had two graves for him and his first wife but we bought two more, one for me and one we thought of putting a bench on. However, the lady handling the arrangement told me that the two graves we bought were diagonal to the other two graves. So in essence they buried Babe in the wrong grave, he was supposed to be next to his wife and I was to go next to him. When I walked in the door she said I was right and she made a mistake. They are lucky I am not being buried there as I want to be cremated and put is a niche by my sister. I think they were afraid I was going to have them move him but I want him to rest in peace. However, I did say I made a mistake on the headstone and forgot to include Grandpa with Husband and Father. She said it would require a new headstone and I should think about that. I told her she should think about it and talk to her manager. I doubt they will replace it but it was worth the try.
    Dinner was nice and we had a good time.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,745 Member
    I’ve enjoyed on and off rain for most of the day but did at least walk on the moors without getting wet. My water butts are filling again so bring on the next heatwave! It’s sad that conspiracy theorists so often feel they must be aggressive in order to put their point across rather than agree to disagree. Another dog walker I chat to told me today that the man dressed all in black who ran through so many such theories the other day, lives locally so I must do my best to avoid him in future!
    Tomorrow morning Linda and I will drive to the coast for one of our coffee trips so it will be lovely to see the sea and breathe in the air.

    Time for a final cup of tea then feet up to watch Wimbledon tennis.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hello. Well I made it to the doctors and doctor Tim was lovely. I’ve been diagnosed offficially now with IBS. But best of all he agreed that the excruciating nightly pains could be caused by the BP pill and I’m off them for two weeks. I have to monitor every day, same time though and must remain within a certain range. If not, he will think up something else. I explained all my symptoms, especially the ones caused by Mary Jo’s rich and scrumptious Christmas trifle and he told a very funny joke concerning trifles. So I left clutching a list of good foods and the forbidden food feeling much happier. He really is a super doctor who actually listens. I didn’t take a pill this morning and my BP reading was pretty good. Weight loss helps and like I said earlier I’ve lost 7 lbs.

    Jiiy greeted my return with much joy. Mary Jo came over and took her for walkies so with me back she was one happy pup who’s now laid beside me sleeping off her exhausting morning.

    I too wonder what on earth is happening with all these angry people. When I was young and just after the WW2 war everyone seemed so much happier if poorer. Beats me!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited July 2023
    It is Tuesday and is the evening for online class/demo.

    We may have storms overnight and tomorrow, if it is not raining, they will cut down the River Birch tree in the front yard. I said goodbye to it this morning.

    I hope everyone has had a good day and that tomorrow will be even better.

    Barbie, I hope the transactions go well. ❤️❤️


    A piggy teapot
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    LIN, Now the oiggy teapot I could have happily live with me! Born in the year of the pig I have one or two China piggies sitting around here and they will go with me if we end up in the independent living home, meals provided etc. Our delegation of me, Mark, Mary Jo, Michael and Jilly go to view this afternoon. My only concern will be to stop my over friendly wee dog tripping an old person up!
    Tell you all about it later.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Gloomy day here with rain off and on. I guess it rained during the night but I did not hear it. My cleaning lady is coming today, so house will be nice and clean for my daughter and her husband. I am also picking up a walker for my SIL to use while we are in Lake Geneva. My daughter flies in tomorrow around 8:43 so I will be picking them up from airport. We still have lots of shopping to do before we drive there Friday afternoon. My son and his wife are also driving here tomorrow but they are staying in hotel. We will all go out for dinner together tomorrow night. I want to try a new restaurant near me where I might want to have my funeral luncheon. I just want everything in writing so everyone knows my wishes. lol

    Anne, good luck with the new place, I hope you like it and Jilly does too. Try and take a picture if you can just because I am nosey.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,745 Member
    edited July 2023
    Good morning. It has been pouring with rain so I’m holding off on walking because George’s groomer will visit in a couple of hours and his coat gets tangled when wet. Yesterday I went to the coast with Linda and we were joined by one of her sons who had dropped off his dog Henry at a groomer in the town of Looe. We enjoyed our cake and coffee then Adam went to collect his pooch and we walked along the sea front but before we left he messaged his mum to ask if we could collect the dog lead he had forgotten to pick up. What an adventure because Looe is a tiny fishing village with narrow streets and lots of restrictions but on top of that it was crowded with visitors, most of them walking in the middle of the street.

    Initially, with scant directions from Adam, we had no idea how to find the groomer so I switched on the Waze app but although only 460 feet from the place we couldn’t take the car so Linda parked where she shouldn’t, left the keys in the ignition and set off by foot! We got away with it and slowly crawled out of the town but then went in search of a plant nursery! We found it and I bought a couple of plants that are now in my wild bottom where I spent a couple of hours continuing to weed.

    The sun is out so I must get George and Betty out. Back later.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited July 2023
    The only comment I can make about the retirement home is it’s absolutely lovely with the residents having a barbecue in the beautiful garden when we arrived to view. The apartment is very airy and spacious with a walkout into the beautiful garden, so something Jilly would love with French windows to look out of. The windows are too high here. But like all good things it has its problems. The main being although Jilly was a huge hit with loads of pats from residents and staff, dogs are allowed but confined to one’s apartment ALL the time unless out for a walk. She is so used to being constantly with me I might as well remain here because quite frankly I couldn’t join in all the activities and leave her confined by herself. I can move in, after an X-ray (TB) check in the middle of august. Much debate here. My small family were all impressed and especially MJ who had doubts at first. Michael liked the place so much he’s ready to move in as well because the apartment is as big as the one he owns. Apartments were built much bigger 30-40 years ago. Whilst Mark checked the paperwork here at my home, Mike went out and came back with pizza and salad, and I couldn't resist indulging. I’m suffering now! So must go, but any advice welcome regarding my friendly, delightful little Jilly Bean. Do we go or stay here? Internet is provided SANDY. One thing about Jilly she tends to sleep in the afternoon and that’s when I could creep out to join others!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I picked up my daughter and her husband from the airport this morning and my son in law has been doing minor repairs around my condo every since. He is a great handyman and is even putting in a new screen on my patio door. My daughter made us a drink using my mint which is delicious. Later my son and his wife will join us and we will go out to dinner. Tomorrow packing, shopping and on our way. Have a great weekend everyone and I will try to check in daily.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Mark and Mary Jo have just dropped my deposit cheque at the retirement place. So provided I get medical clearance me and the Bean are about to embark on a new adventure.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :)Anne Your new place sounds great. You'll find all sorts of ways to enjoy the safety and the opportunities

    <3 Barbie
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Well, just checking in to say hello to all. We spent the day at Debs and i did my pool aerobics. It was very refreshing.
    Anne, I read both of your posts. I am very excited for you and this new adventure. It does sound extremely nice. You can always jump into activities slowly, taking care of Jilly’s needs too. As dogs age, they sleep more too. Which, of course, gives you more options. Please keep us updated.
    Sandy, you are lucky, indeed, with a handy Son-in-law. Its so hard for us to locate good hanymen and the rates they charge are outrageous. My favorite mint drink is a Mojito🤪.
    Jackie, you had your own little adventure with the Groomers and the Waze app! Lucky it all turned out ok.
    Lin, hope storms have passed.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Good evening.

    Wow, excitement abounds.

    Anne, what a huge change!! Best wishes as you begin to pack for your new adventure!

    Barbie, thinking of you and your car swap!

    Sandy, wow, tomorrow is Friday and a wonderful weekend in store. Enjoy every moment.

    More storms on the way. Tonight or tomorrow.

    Jackie. I cannot believe you found more plants to purchase. Just kidding, of course you did. 😁😁

    Be safe everyone!

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Good morning everyone. Heavy rain on my roof woke me up about 4 am and I struggled to get back to sleep. Brady rushed indoors but must have been sheltering under a car because he was dry, thank goodness. I certainly won’t be taking George and Betty anywhere while it continues to pour!
    On Tuesday engineers working for our water supplier knocked, asking where the stopcock for the mains water that supplies the farm half a mile away was. I showed them but explained if they shut it off they would affect not only the properties around me but more in the village so initially they said they wouldn’t but returned an hour later to apologise because there was a leak at the farm that needed to be repaired. I filled my kettle and that was fine except the next morning there was little pressure! It’s back this morning so fingers crossed!
    George behaved with Debbie Woof Woof and is now sporting a very short coat thinking it may get hot again because I gather southern Europe is suffering exceptional heat that might come our way.
    I received a very sad phone call from my cousin to let me know his wife is terminally ill with cancer. They have been married over 50 years and of course he is devastated so I feel awful there is nothing I can do to help. They do have a large immediate family and have a strong faith so I know he is surrounded by love.

    Sheila has just phoned to say her little dog Rosie is struggling so being put to sleep this afternoon. I’m going to go over now to be with her.

    Jackie 🥰