Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :)Lin, I have several boxes and a huge binder labeled "Crafts" All I'm doing now is knitting so I should discard a lot of the stuff, but I have resisted.

    :)Diane, it is so dry here that I worried about fires with the fireworks. I didn't hear about any fires, but there were too many fireworks. Poor Bessie has had three nights disturbed by the booming sounds. Glad you got your paint color approved. We had to deal with that with our house.

    :)Sandy, You are such an asset to any event you assist. Everyone benefits from your participation.

    :)Jackie, We use grocery pick up primarily so we don't have to deal with the self service checkout.

    <3 Barbie

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,723 Member
    It’s bedtime for me and I’m sure I will sleep well after a busy afternoon in the garden. I even managed to get all the grass cut in spite of the temperature suddenly taking off into high figures. Peter, the man I contacted about giving a quote for repointing the stonework on the front of my cottage, turned up to measure and see exactly what’s needed. Sometimes you just know you can trust someone and he seems honest and certainly knows his subject so fingers crossed, I can afford him.

    A funny thing happened when I was driving yesterday. My car is a French Citroen but configured to drive in the Uk but suddenly, as I drove, it had a patriotic brainstorm and switched to French language and from miles on the speedometer to kilometres. There are no instructions in the handbook so I checked on the internet and apparently it’s happened to quite a few Citroen drivers but thankfully I found an explanation to reconfigure the engine and for now am back in England!

    Wow Sandy, you are organised and busy. I seem to have missed what the reunion is about and would love to hear more.

    Off to bed for me.
    Jackie 😴
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,090 Member
    edited July 2023
    Jackie, it is a family reunion requested by my ex SIL who I call my SIL. She is 87 (I think) and lives in Arizona. She wanted to get as much as the family together as she could so she rented an AIRBNB at a lake about 1 1/2 hours from my house. She is financially well off and spent 10K for the house for a week and is charging no one. She is also flying my granddaughter to Arizona to fly with her to Chicago first class and then return with her back to Arizona. Not everyone is coming and they will be coming and going but she really wants to see the little kids and most of them will be there even if just for a day.
    She is very generous and that is why I want to help with the other expenses as I am the next oldest.
    It should be a great visit with lots of activities and game nights. The house is beautiful, take a look.
    It is near the lake and we have two events we are going to, one a dancing horse and the second a two hour boat tour around Lake Geneva. I am sure a lot of swimming as well especially with the kids.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    edited July 2023
    Good evening. I am left speechless after viewing that house at Lake Geneva! Sandy, it is wonderful! I have never stayed in such a lovely home. I hope everyone enjoys the get together!! If they do not have a good time, the setting cannot be a factor.

    So back in poor town, I worked on sorting things again today and did some looking closely at my DVDs as I have purchased collections of various TV series over the years during Amazon Prime Day(s) and/or Black Friday. I was especially keen on purchasing these as you may remember I had horrible Internet connection was unavailable quite frequently over a number of years.

    I signed up for 2-months each of BritBox and PBS Masterpiece. At 99 cents a month, I couldn’t pass that up. But I don’t want to spend hours of my subscription time on programs that I own. And I did a bit of rearranging, Morse and Lewis are now side by side on one of the shelves. Someday, I hope to purchase Endeavor as well.

    It was cool here today and we actually got enough rain to get the downspouts wet. 😂🤣😂

    Sleep well everyone.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited July 2023
    Hello. Well it’s been all go here for me what with vet visits, doctor and tests visits and most exciting of all me, the family and of course Jilly are going to view a couple of apartments in the independent retirement home I’ve fancied for years. It has great reviews and it’s built sort of in a square or oblong with many of the apartments opening onto the most beautiful well established large private garden. I’ll try and post a picture if I decide it’s the place for me and Jilly Bean. We’d prefer a ground floor outer apartment though so Jilly can get out through the French windows early in a morning. It’s only two stories and has only 90 residents at full capacity. I’m quite enthusiastic about this hopeful change in later life and can’t wait to get painting awful pictures in the craft room. No cooking either after all these years. My mom hated cooking so I was introduced to baking at quite a tender age. Anyway wish me luck girls because I know the gardeners in the home can do a bit of weeding and plant annual window boxes etc. Of course my scant savings and pension will only last a few years but the boys tell me not to worry if this is what I want. Oh my, what if I live to be a hundred plus, lol. At that age the boys will be joining me.

    The young can’t afford to buy homes here in the Toronto area so I’m hopeful grandson Derek and Bev will move into the old homestead because I love this little house so much. She’s a hundred this year and come to think of it, we’ve been in Canada for 50 years on the 27th July.

    So ladies if all is quiet on the Annsie front right now I haven’t snuffed it, just a little preoccupied with what furniture I can take as I’m sure Derek won’t want anything, me being old fashioned in taste!

    We are having a heatwave here. Enjoy your Saturday,
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 168 Member
    Oh, Anne, I much enjoyed the update on your housing. Fingers crossed it all works out for you.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Thank you JOY. I’m crossing everything as well!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,090 Member
    edited July 2023
    Happy Saturday! :) Cloudy day for the pool so I am going to run a few errands. I had my family zoom call at noon and now waiting for the pharmacy to open after their lunch break. Trying to get everything done for the reunion next Friday. I will also go to 4:30 Mass so I can enjoy the pool all day tomorrow, they are promising a beautiful day.

    Anne, the place you are talking about sounds wonderful. I do hope you can get accepted and will adore the new home. Your boys are very good to you and take good care of you, you should be so proud.
    Did you get any answers from your tests?

    I got up very early today to drive Lisa's mom to the airport so it is a lazy kind of day for me other than doing some laundry.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,723 Member
    Wow Sandy, the pictures of the home you will be staying in are wonderful, like something out of Southfork or Dallas! Spoil yourselves and have a brilliant time.

    This morning I didn’t walk far with George and Betty because it was hot and humid, then drove to the post office on the moors to meet Sheila except she didn’t arrive. I phoned her and discovered she had left a message on my landline while I was walking to tell me she had a terrible night with back pain and thought it unwise to drive. Instead I visited her on my way back home and when I left an hour later she seemed more cheerful. Lots of gardening this afternoon that left me requiring painkillers for my back by the time I finished but my first batch of homegrown mange tout was a treat!

    Gosh Anne, you are becoming a veritable will she, won’t she but I’m sure everyone will make the right decision for you in the end.

    It looks like tomorrow will be rainy but apart from dropping off a birthday card and some pulled rhubarb for my friend Christine, I’ve no other plans.

    Enjoy the rest of the day.
    Jackie 🥰
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 168 Member
    Sandy, I just was able to look at your rental…..its astonishing. Very generous aunt you have. Hope its a grand old time for all.
    Jackie, glad you had chance to cheer up your friend in pain. So you grow rhubarb…do you make pie. My aunt made them with strawberries.
    Have a good weekend.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited July 2023
    Lucky SANDY, lovely generous SIL, ENJOY. Anne.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :)Sandy, I know how much you like being with family. That house looks like a great place for all of you to get together.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited July 2023
    Morning everyone. It’s early and as we view the dawn I thought I’d just clarify why I’ve been so “will she, won’t she” about the future. I really do have a very small, but loving family and I’m so incredibly lucky, but we are indeed small in this lovely land. But, to be logical old time is still a flying. My sons are at retirement age now and it’s time for them to relax. MJs cousin has bought a retirement home in Florida and I know MJ who hates the winter here would secretlye like to do the same and spend maybe four months away from snow shovelling. My eldest lives a hours drive away. Now, I love my little cottage, but I have to think how I’m not getting any younger, but with old friends now gone alas and with two empty houses on either side - I can’t see Harry’s masterpiece selling in a rush - there’s only Darren’s little family left who I really know from the past and they might return to the UK. I know the family would carry on as always, but girls, I’ve had my day with lovely memories and it’s time for them to enjoy early retirement as well. So, although I’m so reluctant to leave my home, as far as my lot are concerned I’m ready to go. And you know, I AM as the idea grows on me. Who knows - new friends maybe to replace my lovely Flo, Ellen, Dave, Roy, and everyone else from my oh so happy past. A new adventure and knowing my wonderful little family can relax knowing moms okay and happy with Jilly Bean AND safe as well. So I hope the retirement home is in my future and you will all cross your fingers for me that it comes to pass. It’s just down the road from the Ms home by the way.

    I just wish PATSY would appear again.

    So I won’t bore you anymore except to say I think the restrictive diet is hopefully working after a good nights sleep for once, oh and of course if there’s nothing available and I soldier on here.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,723 Member
    Good morning. Once again the promised rain hasn’t arrived apart from a few drops for less than a minute as I stood outside watering tomato plants! The pooches enjoyed their early walk because I stayed on flat ground so they didn’t huff and puff (me too!). Before coming home I drove to my friends Christine and Richard with the birthday card and rhubarb. I stayed for coffee but not long as George and Betty were in my car with windows open. Now, because the skies are clear, I will prune roses and potter.

    Anne, it all makes perfect sense as you weigh things up so I hope you didn’t think my comment was some sort of dig. Your family has always come first so it’s obvious you will be thinking of them and what they wish to do in retirement. It could be a decision I have to make one day and that’s without having close family nearby. Your retirement facilities sound 100% better than ours which is why I continue to hope I will only leave this place in a pine casket! Of course my fingers are crossed for you, whichever way fate takes you. ❤️
    I think of Patsy often and worry about what might have happened. Crazy Katie wouldn’t cope living with anyone else either so thoughts rush about in my head.

    Joy, rhubarb crumble was always a favourite of mine but following my gran’s recipe I’d add a slice of lemon. Of course anyone enjoying a bowl with clotted cream would ensure they avoided that extra sharpness! A sign of me getting older and watching my weight is that I now stew it to add to breakfast porridge or cereal or make chutney. I have considered making rhubarb wine but our hot, dry weather hasn’t been kind to my plants.

    Hello and happy Sunday to everyone else.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,090 Member
    edited July 2023
    Happy Sunday! :) Beautiful day, definitely a pool day with temps in the 80's. Got some groceries delivered after mass last night and only one substitution with my approval. We will get most of the groceries from Costco on Friday before we drive to the reunion house. Cheryl has invited me to join her, her SIL and her cousin for dinner tomorrow night to which I said yes. Tuesday I have an appointment with my back doctor to discuss the MRI. I also have a lot of pain in my right shoulder blade after driving to Ohio and back. I am not sure what I did but think it must have been my posture while driving. I do hope he can figure out what is wrong to get rid of the pain.
    Babe's daughter texted me this morning asking me for lunch or dinner on August 8, as she will be in town the 5th-12th. I did accept but waiting to see if Cheryl and Marisa are available.
    This is the busiest summer ever and I am not sure I like being this busy although the events are fun.

    Anne, I understand completely how you feel about moving and how we don't want to burden our children. It is nice to have independence but there is a time we when need help and don't want to rely on our children. My older children are semi retired and love to travel and do things together. I am pretty sure I do not want to live with any of them when the time comes so a senior living facility sounds perfect if I can afford one. I wish you the best luck ever and you will certainly stay with us if you do move won't you?

    Have a wonderful day my dear friends.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited July 2023
    Good heavens JACKIE it never crossed my mind that your comment was some kind of dig! I just realized I was waffling along and believe me it will be hard to leave here. So during an IBS flare up I lay in bed thinking of all the various actions my decision might have on the family if I become VERY old. So, decision time for (on the fence Libra) Annsie, and MY decision because the family keep insisting I have to be very sure. Mind made up, IF they will have me of course. If not I will look into other places but I know this place very well from past visits and it always impressed me. The only thing that was holding me back really was lack of funds should I become methuselah! I have a little invested in this house and it will be returned to me to add to my meagre savings. So hopefully no dependency on my lovely lot.
    ANNE ❤️
    PS. Of course my posts might get more interesting as I view 89 other methuselahs and staff, and there’s always the possibility that me and Jilly Bean get chucked out if she barks every time someone in the adjoining apartments do a nocturnal shuffle to their bathroom. Interesting times ahead, maybe.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,723 Member
    edited July 2023
    Anne, 10 years ago I introduced myself to an Australian 3rd cousin whose name appeared in what was then the latest update of our family tree. Lloyd lived in an independent living unit and would write wonderful observations on living within such a community. A sense of humour was paramount for him and he did once regale a story of a male only barbeque when the smoke reached a fire alarm and they were host to the fire brigade! He also found time to write heart wrenching poetry that I’ve kept and am sure you will return to your creative hobbies should you move.

    Good news, a message from Peter with a quote for the repointing work on my cottage front wall that seems very reasonable so I have accepted it. Some time before Winter!!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    JACKIE, Great news about Peter and the repointing work on your cottage wall. With a bit of luck we both should be as snug as bugs this coming winter.

    Mark and Mary Jo came over and set too in the garden to remove all the tall weeds after all the rain and now heat. It took them four hours. I started off doing a bit but collapsed after only half hour. Finally they get it I THINK, the old grey mare ain’t what she used to be. Mike came over as well bearing food gifts that are supposedly good for IBS. Mmm, we will see, but the point is weren’t they all kind.

    I’m just praying the empty apartment I was told about hasn’t been let to someone else. Oh and Jilly ran about wagging her tail and grinning at the church lot having a barbecue. Much petting of Jilly according to Mike who stood and talked to the lady vicar.

    Almost time to watch the news and see who’s done what!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Hi everyone. Some good news in the posts I read.

    Anne, when will you find out if you will be able to move into the place you like? I hope the apartment is still available 🤞🏻.

    Jackie, happy to hear Peter has come through with a reasonable estimate. Fingers crossed he will get to your job well before winter. I was reading in a gardening group about hiring companies for projects, new garden paths, putting in new planting beds, patios with fire pits. Most of the respondents were quite unhappy with the bids they had received and had to pass on their improvement projects.

    Sandy, you are having a very busy summer but my goodness, you are visiting with so many friends and relatives! Fabulous.

    Joy, I am enjoying my little taste of BritBox. So much content to sort through.

    Barbie, is excitement building for the new car?

    Well, I have hit another one of my stopping points. Getting rid of things suddenly becomes overwhelmingly difficult. Taking a slow day today as I just crush boxes and other tiny chores.

    I really wasn’t that concerned about my house as much I was determined to live here until I popped my clogs leaving my executor to clean things out. He’s been warned to hire a company to load everything in dumpsters and haul it away. Much easier for someone with no attachment to anything. However, I have several examples of things changing for people I know. One lady was suddenly diagnosed with leukemia and chucked straight in the hospital for treatments. She has been there a month now and I understand she may have a short visit home. Eeeck. The other is a lady just a few years older than me who lives in a big house alone. She had some neighbors who helped her with anything and everything but they moved. Not far away but not the support they had been. She also needs a cane all the time now. She doesn’t know what she will do when she needs to sell her house and move to a senior apartment. So I guess I should be a little bit prepared for the twists and turns of life.

    Well, off for coffee!

    Be safe everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,090 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Another beautiful day so another pool day. Later I am being picked up for dinner.
    Nothing else exciting going on here

    Lin, it is always hard to get rid of sentimental things and even though I know my kids will pitch it all I can't get rid of certain things. I must have 40 albums of photos and even though I now am digital I just can't throw them out. My daughter might digital them all after I am gone but who knows.
    I too, think about senior homes but I am just not ready right now, will see what happens next year.

    Anne, did the doctor diagnose you with IBS or are you self diagnosing like I did? There is a medical pill a doctor can prescribe but they also have over the counter IBS pills that help and they are herbs.

    Jackie, good news on Peter's estimate and hopefully he gets it done before the snow flies.
    Grantchester is back on PBS and the first episode was very good even with the new Vicar.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time