Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Fabulous Sandy! As soon as I saw you had posted I thought PHOTO!

    I’ll be back once I’ve eaten.
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :)Sandy. I am happy for you and your family

    :) We completed the sale and transfer of the Subaru to our friend today. We spent a lot of time at the Department of Licensing and signed all the papers. The man at the DOL was a master of patience working alone with a long line of people waiting, some who had to be told that they were missing something and would have to return later. I want to be mellow and kind and patient like him when I grow up

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Great photo. Sandy. You all look very happy
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Good day everyone…

    Wonderful family photo Sandy! Love it.

    Barbie, I am glad you were able to get the paperwork completed. I’m this county, you have to have an appointment in order to come into their office, even to drop off a license plate. A friend has used the procedure lately and said getting an appointment mid difficult and then even with an appointment there’s lots of waiting.

    Hello Jackie, Joy, Anne, Diane, and all the rest of the Sneakers.

    I went to Trader Joe’s for a few things this morning. I have been working on a project for our church. I just got my design approved by the person in charge. Now to ship a couple of originals to the church to be run off on cardstock. They have a nice printer! Another trip to the post office in the works. 👀

    Be safe everyone.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,745 Member
    After walking the pooches I spent the morning with Sheila. A local store sold picture frames she liked so she bought what she needed, then we went for coffee at a hotel on the outskirts of town. Just pottered in the afternoon so no other news. A hair appointment tomorrow morning thank goodness because it has become unruly. I’ll have to walk early but it should be dry so we can head for the moors.

    Enjoy the rest of Tuesday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Good morning! Had an awful dream in the night that woke me up feeling I was dying. Took a while to shake that off! We’ve enjoyed a stroll on the moors in sunshine and, thank goodness, no more than a gentle breeze. So now I’ve checked my hens and fed them, done much the same for the tomato plants, and will now travel to the next town for my hair appointment. Good timing because last year she had similar problems with her electric water heater so I can pick her brains!

    Lin, we must have posted the same time because you weren’t there when I sent mine! Love the tea set; very stylish. That’s wonderful that your card design was approved although having seen photos of others you’ve created in the past, I’m not surprised.

    Happy Wednesday. Enjoy your day when you all wake up!
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited July 2023
    Good evening. Have been trying to straighten out my Internet account. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I should find out tomorrow morning if all is well. They said they need an overnight cycle to reset my account. Sounds like the old days!

    No rain here today. I watered my containers on the deck. My tomato plants look pretty bad. Poor things.

    I was also sorting out all my old biking stuff. Shoes, gloves, clothing, lock, tools, water bottles, bags, etc. Wow! What a stack! Will do a better sort tomorrow.

    I hope everyone has had a good day.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) My first solo drive in my new car went great this morning especially because I could listen to my own music. It handles very well. Next thing I have to learn is how to operate cruise control because it wants to go faster than it should on neighborhood roads. When I got home Jake seemed to have been worried as though I were a teenager taking the car out for the first time.

    <3 Barbie
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Things are moving at a fast rate here. Long session at the bank yesterday and hopefully an X-ray today. Wish me luck on that one, although I think the lungs are pretty good if nothing else is lol. Then the doctors office will be next for pneumonia and shingles vaccines. Hey Ho. Then of course what to discard at home.

    Oh, Harry’s old house finally sold AGAIN but at no profit for the short lived in it owner.
    Anyway that’s it for now.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I am home with my daughter and son in law, they will be here until Saturday morning. We had a wonderful time at the reunion and hope do it again next year.
    I hope all are well and enjoying new beginnings and wonderful memories.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    I ate something that is causing problems. Feeling quite u well. I hope to see you tomorrow.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Happy Friday. I’m keeping busy tidying the garden before awful weather predicted for the weekend so I have ordered a dustbin on Amazon to use as a water butt that should be delivered today. Might as well make use of any torrential rain! Our early walk on the moors was chilly but the sun is out now so outside I go.

    Take care Lin. I hope you are feeling better today.

    Busy as a bee Anne. A shame you have to receive vaccines but hopefully no side effects. I wonder if the latest owners of Harry’s place arranged a survey!!

    Welcome home Sandy.

    Congratulations Barbie on your first solo run. I did smile that Jake was waiting home for you like a concerned parent. That’s sweet!

    Hello Joy.

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Friday! :) It felt so good to sleep in my own bed. My daughter and SIL are going to a movie and later my son will be dropping off his daughter so we can take her to airport and they can drive home.
    I will be taking my daughter and SIL to airport tomorrow morning around 6:30am. It has been so much fun but I am ready for some alone time. Still a lot going on this summer and next Thursday I get an injection in my back. I have a trip planned to go visit my son and daughter in law in Edwardsville which is about 4 hours from me. I might take a train since it is easier than driving but will depend if I can get a ride to train station.

    Barbie, congratulations on your new car, it is beautiful! Marisa's mom has a Tesla and it amazes me with all the bells and whistles. Plus she always drives when we go anywhere as she doesn't have to pay for gas. lol

    Lin, I do hope you are feeling better today.

    Jackie, sorry you are going to get hit with storms. We had one here at my house while I was gone and power was out for about 3 hours but at least I didn't lose any food.

    Anne, I am excited about your new move and hope you don't get any reactions from either vaccine.

    Hello to everyone else and all have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Finally a day off. The visit to the hospital was interesting because it is very new replacing our cottage hospital which I could walk to. This one on the outskirts of town is very modern. So I wait and see if I pass muster.

    I’ve given up grocery delivery and gone back to my old love, the Organic Garage with the help of family. The difference in the taste of the veggies is incredible. Broccoli and blueberries full of taste and the bananas no longer tasting of nothing but actually like bananas. I suspect these big mega stores keep stuff on ice whilst a little organic store sells fresh from the supplier regularly.

    I guess I will never meet the new owners on either side of me. The Persian princess who bought the house from the Afghan who bought disastrously from Harry is nowhere to be seen. Meanwhile, my little cottage which was built sturdily by Italian builders maybe is in for a reprieve from being demolished. I think the new thoughts are continue renovating the downstairs but really go to town upstairs with a new kitchen etc. Makes more sense to me. I watched both Harry’s place and Maria’s old house being built from scratch and believe me, I don’t think either would survive a tornado which are becoming more common here with global warming.

    And that it from me waiting for Michael’s arrival.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) As someone who enjoys technology, I've enjoyed learning about all the clever gadgets on the Tesla. Even the key is different. It's a card that you touch to the side of the car to unlock the car and allow you to drive. Once you're in, the car will start. Changing from park to reverse to drive is much like switching the wall light switch. When I get my new phone, we'll add the Tesla app so all I'll have to do is walk up to the car and it will unlock and I can drive it and it will start playing my music, readjust the seat and the mirrors to suit me.

    :) This is the weekend of the Lavender Festival and there will be about 30,000 people in town so we'll stay home. There will be a garage sale in our neighbourhood on Saturday so it won't even be safe to drive here. Garage sales aren't my thing but lots of people here like them so it will be a big day for them.

    :) The cucumber plant has provided enough cucumbers for us to share with out friends and have plenty for ourselves. There should be tomatoes in a few weeks. The garlic has been harvested and dried and is in the kitchen so I can have it with my turkey burger in the evening.

    :) Today is my day to dance with my dog walking friend. We dance to the same songs every week, I just mix up the order. We dance from 9:00 to 10:15. Jake fixes lunch so we can eat soon after she leaves.

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Oh no! Tony Bennett, another legend of our time gone. I’m beginning to feel how my gran would say she did when so many important people in her life passed away. RIP Mr. Bennett and thanks for entertaining us. ❤️
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    So many of our entertainers have died just recently I’m beginning to wonder who is left JACKIE. Very sad news today.

    My cousin Helen in Australia wrote. The last time I saw Helen she was a very dynamic 32. It’s hard to imagine her at 84, grey haired and walking with a cane. Anyway she had a windfall of $200 and because she’s a keen gardener like the rest of our clan, she headed out to the local gardening centre and spent the lot on plants for her beloved garden. Once home and in the garden to her dismay she found that with her wonky knees and cane in hand she couldn’t bend to plant them. The daughters have come to the rescue, but isn’t it sad that our minds are young and willing, but our knees and various bits and pieces aren’t.

    And that’s why I hope to go in the “independent living” home. I hate seeing the weeds grow in my garden and I hate having poor Mark and Mary Jo come over to weed and mow the grass. Especially when they have a huge garden of their own. I never wanted to leave here, but I recognize it’s time whilst I’m still able to look after Jilly and she at least will have a new garden to explore just outside the French window. There is only one other resident dog and I expect our Jilly Bean will be thoroughly spoilt like she is here.

    The next hurdle is the doctors next Tuesday for X-ray results and the pneumonia vaccine. If alls well we then head to the home to finalize my move. Looking at their three meals a day menu I suspect I will put on weight! Especially as drinks and home baked cookies are on hand all day!
    The times they are a-changing,
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hi to all. Its been busy. My son comes from Georgia next week. We will have about 20 here. This week was exciting for us. My youngest granddaughter relocated to Calif. from Georgia! My son will miss her but she wanted to do this and planned for it. She is 25. Her sister moved here several years ago and they are going to be roomies. She will be looking for a job ASAP. 😍. As for us three living here, We have been working on planning, grocery shopping, cleaning, etc. some are staying three days, some longer. So its more than planning one or two meals!
    Its nice to hear about the Tesla, Barbie. Hoping you are much better, Lin. Someone as busy as yourself it must be hard to not feel 100%. Anne, exciting countdown for the move. Thinking of you lots. Jackie, it does seem as if all the good ones are gone. And they dont make em like they used to. Sandy, by train or car, hope the trip is wonderful.
    Hope you all have a good weekend. Tho, I like to think weekends don't matter when we are retired and everyday is easy.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Good evening. I went to the store this morning to pick up more plain vegan yogurt and then swung by the charity shop to drop off some donations. The plain yogurt is good for my tummy. So I am feeling better.

    I listed a few more things on Facebook Marketplace. Facebook was acting up for me so this took lots longer than I anticipated.

    I watered my plants and read a book. We have a week of hot weather on the way and the annual bike ride across the state will be here with all sorts of warnings posted about streets that will be closed, hospitals/clinics/urgent care facilities that expect to be over-run. Of course, traffic will be crazy, and restaurants will be busy. I will stay home!

    Anne, things are changing so quickly. I hope you get some rest while working through this change in residence.

    Barbie, happy to hear you and the car are getting along well!

    Sandy, so glad your get together was such a success. I talked to a friend today and she had told me she and her husband would be traveling for a month. But today it was a bit of a different story. It turns out they have rented a big house somewhere in Maine and both of their sons and families will be joining them for a week. So family vacation! Is that the things to do this year?

    Jackie, the weather doesn’t seem to hospitable this summer. I have found a few episodes of “Escape to the Country” and I do enjoy that show when I can find it. One show was set in Cornwall. Lots of lovely scenery and homes.

    Well, I think I will make some more tea.

    Be safe everyone.


    Two lovely teapots by the same manufacturer.
