Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I’m texting this from the apartment. Hi ladies,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Loveburg87 wrote: »
    I’m texting this from the apartment. Hi ladies,

    Hello Anne🙋🏼‍♀️❤️❤️
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hi LIN. I’m home! Jilly was super dog on her best behaviour. Me as well. The lady next to us has a wire fence outside her French doors so her little dog can go out in a morning without a leash. I have one here for Jilly because I have no garden gate. I’ll take it!
    PS. The ladies I spoke to are in the home because they felt vulnerable in their homes alone with advancing years. Just like me in fact. The chef and kitchen staff are Portuguese but cook English style meals.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Happy Friday! :) My cleaning lady was here and gone and groceries were delivered. I spent the day at the pool and it was very relaxing. I just called Patsy's son Damon at his place of business and left a message on his voicemail. I hope he answers me and lets us know what is going on with Patsy and John.
    I did apologize for invading his privacy but told him we were worried about Patsy, John and Katie.
    I will be leaving early tomorrow for the Renaissance Fair so probably won't be checking in until later in the evening.

    Anne, your new place sounds wonderful and even better that you can have a little wire fence out your back door. The two pups will become good friends. Everything sounds good to me, I hope you will be very happy there and don't forget about us sneakers.

    It is already dinner time and I have to get things ready for tomorrow so I don't forget anything.
    Have a great evening and Saturday.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Hello everyone…..

    I did some grocery shopping at Trader Joe‘s this morning. Everything I wanted to pick up was in stock and plentiful. Yippee. I was starting to do more die cutting for the birthday cards when I got a message from a buyer on Facebook who had asked me to hold something for them. I was starting to wonder what was going on as it has been a long wait. So arranged a place and time to meet and I got the item ready to go. As it turned out, I did get some money but all in all, people are not too truthful are they. The person who showed up was not the person I had been conversing with and didn’t show up in the vehicle I had been told to look for. And he didn’t have the agreed upon amount of money either. Oh my gosh, the stories. I was quite angry but didn’t want to try to go back to another buyer so I did say he should have stopped by a bank branch and gone to the counter for some cash. No answer. And back home feeling quite ill to have been manipulated once again. Not a lot of money but it was shocking to be taken once again.

    I did make a late lunch and need to get back to die cutting but the experience made me quite tired.

    Anne, your new home sounds quite lovely and filled with people you will enjoy. And a neighbor with a wee dog as well. Good for you and Jilly displaying your best behavior. ❤️❤️

    Sandy, oh, you should have a wonderful time tomorrow. I used to go to our Renaissance Faire each year but the totally lovely one went out of business. Hope the weather will be good for your excursion. Thanks for trying to contact Damon once again. I think we may have bugged them as much as we dare at this point. I hope he calls back and leaves a message.

    Hello Jackie, Joy, Barbie, Diane, Jeri and everyone. Be safe.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


    Oh, and these cherry tomatoes are very flavorful.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,754 Member
    Hello sneakers. There I was enjoying a leisurely start to Saturday and thinking I didn’t hear the anticipated storm pass through in the night when radio news announced Storm Antoni will arrive at 11am with danger to life warnings! Coats on and off we set for a local round the block walk but the wind had already picked up and it takes us under ancient oaks with huge branches laden with leaves so my heart was in my mouth! Back home and I’ve checked the hens are alright and so far the top heavy outdoor tomato plants are upright.
    I was going to cut grass yesterday but even after a dry day the lawns remained damp so instead I worked at the very bottom, weeding and doing my best to resuscitate a few plants that were inadvertently trampled by Barney when he cut back the high bamboo. I’ve also planted a rose cutting taken from my father’s garden that I think is called Peace, and a Hebe that I snipped off a shrub hanging over a garden wall I pass on our local walks! 🫢
    Plenty of chores lined up in the cottage this afternoon so no peace for the wicked, as granny used to say!

    Anne, I’m so relieved to know you feel you and Jilly will be safe and enjoy the company of contemporaries in your new surroundings plus whoopee, a canine friend for the Bean! Well done for testing their Wi-Fi while you were there so you can stay in touch with family and friends. Portuguese kitchen staff! Maybe suggest a once a month Portuguese dish or better still, ice cream!

    I do hope Damon responds Sandy as it would be odd for him to ignore his mother’s concerned friends. Thank you for continuing to try to find out. I shall have to look up Renaissance fairs to see if we have something similar. I’m imagining you dressed as a Pilgrim mother but that could be entirely wrong!

    Lin, that is my favourite of all the teapots so far; it’s so humorous and adorable. I’m sorry that dreadful person conned you and made you feel unwell. Such hateful crooks need to be walked away from with no deal, but that’s me! The older I get, the less tolerant I am towards anyone who thinks they can take advantage!
    Did you grow those tomatoes, clever thing? My cherry tomatoes are supposed to be indigo but so far, only the tops are anything like. Perhaps some sunshine will help, if we Brits ever see it again!

    Midday so time to get busy.
    Stay safe everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,754 Member
    Sandy, it seems your U.S Renaissance came after Europe’s but that makes sense! I’m sure it will be fascinating but you won’t be dressing up in costume! 🤭😄. I want to hear all about it.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Jackie, the Renaissance Fair has different themes each weekend and this weekend is Pirate's Weekend.
    So we are dressing up as pirates to join in the fun. I bought a shirt that looks like a pirates shirt and a head gear that ties around my head with a gold earring. Will post pictures tomorrow.

    Everyone have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Jackie, those are my tomatoes. I have been eating so many! All or nothing with even a container garden. Sorry to hear of the severe weather. Keep your head down.

    Sandy, enjoy your pirate day.

    Our Renaissance Faire was knights, ladies, kings, queens, jousting, tankards of cider, sorcerers, peasants, etc.

    I hate to do this as I don’t like to show my face but I did like my costume. Me, date unknown.


    Be safe everyone.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)Lin, you look great <3
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    edited August 2023
    Lin, what a beautiful lady and beautiful picture!! Here are a couple from our great day.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Lovely photos ladies.
    I hate to suggest this but here goes. As far as I can see, after much checking, alls well with Patsy and John. I noticed even Patsys age had been updated on her birthday. So I am wondering if somethings happened to Katie and she can’t bear to tell us? I honestly can’t think of any other reason why she would disappear. I’ve just been going through my desk papers and sorting them out either to discard or keep for the family, and there was a package from Patsy with suggestions about our children’s stories about our little pups, George, daisy, Jilly and Katie and it set me wondering……..
    Patsy, please forgive me if I’m out of line but we really would love to hear from you.

    Oh JACKIE, what a poor little wet island! I guess SANDYs renaissance fair would be great in Cornwall. Sort of “Pirates of Penzance”. With shades of The Amada which had the Spanish ships wrecked on Scottish rocks because of the storm which blew the galleons north as the battle with Sir Francis Drakes lot commenced. Divine intervention?

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Happy Sunday! Wonderful News!! I just got home from Mass and my phone rang and guess who it was? Patsy!! It took me a minute to hear who it was but then when I realized it was our Patsy I almost cried!
    She had Respiratory failure and is a nursing home where she has to learn to walk again. She sounds very weak but was so happy that Damon gave her my message. I have permission from Patsy to give out her home address and her phone number so we can send her a card and/or call her. The wifi there isn't working well and Damon is working on it for her. I will send the information in an email so as not to put it on here so it's not so public. If I don't have your email address you can email me at if you would like to send a card or call Patsy.

    I will do that now but have to hurry as I am being picked up at noon.

    I am so happy and Patsy is so happy we her family are so touched.

    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    SANDY super, super news! I’m so glad Patsy and her little family are okay, AND Katie. Thank you so MUCH for letting us know. I wonder if the house repairs caused respiratory failure. Sorry my imagination ran away with me!
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I’ve just ohoned PATSY, but very briefly because she does indeed sound very weak. So good to hear her voice for the very first time! AND she understood my accent so she must be on the mend bless her. It’s such a relief because I got quite close to her with our stories.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,754 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hooray and thank goodness our dear Patsy is with us. It’s such a relief as I was beginning to fear the worst! Well done Sandy, you go top of the class! Thank you also for your email. I admit I held my breath as I clicked on it and same as you, was close to tears to read contact has been made.
    It will take weeks to arrive but I’ll send her a card tomorrow. Also, I believe they are 8 hours behind me so will choose a sensible time to call her in the next day or two.

    Fabulous photos Sandy and definitely Anne’s Pirates of Penzance! Here’s a little ditty from the show!

    A rollicking band of pirates we,
    Who, tired of tossing on the sea,
    Are trying their hand at a burglaree,
    With weapons grim and gory

    We survived the storm and when I let George and Betty into the garden last night it was clear and very cold. Today has been dry and I took them on to the moors early so we could all stretch our legs. I bumped into David halfway round so we caught up on news and talked about going on a trip to one of our local National Trust properties called Cotehele once the children are back to school.

    Lin, that’s a great photo and you do look authentic! I bet you haven’t altered much! A lovely tomato crop that looks tasty. I’ve a strange mix of shapes and sizes this year, the biggest being what we call a beef tomato, then the smallest definitely cherry. Still a wait for most to ripen.

    My cup of tea is getting cold so 10 minutes feet up before washing up after a fish pie and veggies meal.

    Jackie 🥰
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Thanks everyone for the good wishes.

    So glad to hear about Patsy. Sandy you get bonus points!!!

    Leaving shortly to go out for supper with a good friend who we haven’t seen in about a year. She moved to West Virginia to help her mum out. Her and her husband have a condo still here in Calgary so that they can come up and visit her husbands family from time to time. It will be so nice to see her again. It’ll be fine for me food wise as we are going to Swiss Chalet, a restaurant that is known for its chicken. It’s one of our friends favourite restaurants, and I don’t believe it is based in the US at all.

    Big hugs to everyone

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    edited August 2023
    Happy Day! Patsy is found. I am working on a card to send to her this week.

    Jeri, nice to hear from you again and I haven’t heard of that restaurant but then that would not be unusual!

    Sandy, love the news of course and love the photos. Wishing you a very happy week! Adore Lisa’s hat!!

    Anne, now please be. Wry happy but do not try any handsprings. Okay? That foot needs to heal up.

    Jackie, well whatever you get for tomatoes, I am sure they will taste wonderful and better than anything from the store.

    Barbie, thanks for your kind words.

    Be safe everyone.


    A green elephant teapot. 😎


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited August 2023
    I’ve got Michael visiting today. Well hopefully, because it looks awfully stormy outside. He is bringing commercial dog food to try but I suspect someone will turn her wee black nose up at commercial dog food!. However worth a go! If not to madams taste I can copy a recipe I’ve found on the internet for flaky chicken cooked in the microwave.
    Oh and The Bean is getting a bath as well!
    Working through paperwork yesterday, I found I had little to discard but it struck me how lucky to be able to do this whilst one is still “with it”. I know a guy in the UK who had an awful shock when going through his late moms things. He found old love letters and a photo of his Mom and a handsome guy in WW2 officers uniform. Turns out he had the same first name as well, but has his “fathers” last name the same as his Mom.. She was divorced from her husband before he was born. So there he was in his 60s doing an awful lot of detective work and discovering he has two half sisters, one half brother and a deceased biological father. I’m afraid my life has been very mundane as far as family secrets, no skeletons lurking in closets, but like I wrote I bet his mom would wish she had discarded photos and old love letter having lived with the hidden truth for 60 odd years. Having said that, I wonder why she had hidden the truth? A more puritanical time I suppose.
    So, must get moving, old time is still a-flying.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Happy Monday! :) The Buddy Holly Story play was excellent. The music was wonderful and the actor portraying him looked just like him. Then we went to have a drink and appetizers before going to Michele's hotel where we visited until about 8:00pm.
    Today Marisa and I are taking Michele to the grocery store for a few items she wants and then to the cemetery before going to the mall because Michele wants to buy Marisa an outfit for college. Marisa doesn't want to go alone with her so I am tagging along.
    It feels so good to know our Patsy is okay even with health problems and pray she will get stronger.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time