Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Tuesday!😀 it’s going to be 95 with a real feel of 112, too hot even for me! Slept good last night and feel better today so looking forward to Bunco tonight. I leave tomorrow afternoon, short but fun visit.
    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Well, I’m slowly adjusting to this place. I’m going to get the back of my hair slightly levelled off this afternoon after me hacking away since the pandemic started. I can’t remember the hairdressers name but she is from Northampton, uk. Cross fingers I won’t end up looking like shorn mutton JACKIE.

    Then Fatima just rolled up who is my wash lady. Apparently bedding changed every two weeks along with two weeks of clothes washed. The place is vacuumed almost daily which is just as well with Jilly shedding her summer coat. Fatima calls Jilly her “little baby”.

    The food manageress seems to have my IBS under control with food choices, and to be honest my meals are beginning to look more like what I would prepare. I actually got two bits of broccoli yesterday with a few carrot coins added to the protein source plus potatoes. The other ladies had corn which to be fair they seemed to prefer. Fruit for me for dessert, whilst they mopped up something that looked like pure cream with bits of chocolate cake stuck in it.

    Today there is an outing to a lake but I’ve been there loads of time with Flo and so much prefer getting the hair chopped off (ready to grow again). I’m trying to stick around for Jilly as well because she is also having to adjust.

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    virruth wrote: »
    Hello all you Sneakers. We are finally home. I have just read a couple of pages of your posts. Wow, you are all such a busy group. Our trip driving up past Sacramento was a nightmare. There is alot of road construction and the traffic slowdown was horrendous. Finally made it safely, and of course, thats all that counts. Our friends daughter and husband own a craft brewery and a small gastropub. So we had dinner at the pub and played trivia at the brewery. The grandkids started back to school while we were visiting. We had a swim party the night before that was fun. The return hone was a little better drive. Now all our summer partying is over. Back to better eating before I get my labs done. 😲. My Medicare Wellness Appointment is in September. I dont know where to begin with all of your comings and goings,
    Sandy, you seem to have a wonderful family, and friends network and were busy gadding about and enjoying them. Got your granddaughter to college.
    Anne, what great news that you settled in and enjoying meals.
    Jackie, experiencing rain and still walking about.
    Lin, sorry bout the hand injury. Lots of very interesting tea pots.
    I am sorry I cant remember all the posts I just read. My short term memory is shot! Dont want to leave this page or it will disappear. So, hello to all you Goldens out there. Have a great week
    virruth wrote: »
    Hello all you Sneakers. We are finally home. I have just read a couple of pages of your posts. Wow, you are all such a busy group. Our trip driving up past Sacramento was a nightmare. There is alot of road construction and the traffic slowdown was horrendous. Finally made it safely, and of course, thats all that counts. Our friends daughter and husband own a craft brewery and a small gastropub. So we had dinner at the pub and played trivia at the brewery. The grandkids started back to school while we were visiting. We had a swim party the night before that was fun. The return hone was a little better drive. Now all our summer partying is over. Back to better eating before I get my labs done. 😲. My Medicare Wellness Appointment is in September. I dont know where to begin with all of your comings and goings,
    Sandy, you seem to have a wonderful family, and friends network and were busy gadding about and enjoying them. Got your granddaughter to college.
    Anne, what great news that you settled in and enjoying meals.
    Jackie, experiencing rain and still walking about.
    Lin, sorry bout the hand injury. Lots of very interesting tea pots.
    I am sorry I cant remember all the posts I just read. My short term memory is shot! Dont want to leave this page or it will disappear. So, hello to all you Goldens out there. Have a great week

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,765 Member
    edited August 2023
    I’ve had a busy day one way and another. It began with an early visit to our local Aldi where I stocked up on light fish and prawns for meals and diced chicken for a stew at the weekend. It was overcast when I drove into town but I came out of the supermarket to find hot sunshine so once the groceries were packed away at home I checked Peter and Richard had drinks to sustain them then phoned Sheila and invited myself for a coffee as it was too hot to walk George and Betty far. It seemed a good idea to walk through her village before I drove home which was just as well because I met a couple of people warning me that the one road out was blocked for resurfacing! It’s years since I had walked there so found it interesting to look around, stopped to chat to a lady tending two small ponies who explained the only way out along her road was by walking through a stream and across fields but as my car was parked outside Sheila’s home I turned and went back. At one point I met a large digger carrying tarmac and a cheerful young man who told me the road was about to reopen because they pour hot tar then cover it with tarmac and drive up and down to set it. The problem was that I had to jump over a trail of hot tar which required a dog under each arm! George trusted me but Betty kept tipping out of my arm but I did manage in the end without any of us getting hot, sticky feet!
    Peter looked pooped when I arrived home but told me they have finished removing the old cement along the ground floor so were going to collect the lime mortar and scaffolding for their tower and be back in the morning.
    I’ve since been into town for an appointment with a Podiatrist hoping she could straighten my broken toe that is causing problems but she told me it will be impossible without surgery because the ligament has tightened and if it’s cut I’ll probably have more problems! Instead she has created a silicone wedge to wear between the two toes which will stop them rubbing together. It is home safe and should be set firm by tomorrow afternoon. She did advise me not to leave it where the pooches could find it because there is something in the silicone that dogs love!

    Prawn stir fry to be cooked, then hopefully a quiet evening.

    Anne, there are some pretty clipped sheep on the moors so I won’t imagine the worst has happened to your hair!
    Great to have someone else to strip and wash bedding because that’s one job I would happily live without. It must feel like a second retirement with these tasks being carried out for you. I hope you get to enjoy a lovely chat about England while your hair is cut.

    Thanks Sandy, I will post then click on your bunco link.

    Hello to everyone else. ❤️
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Good day. Yes, another hot day. I have been sorting through cards that I have made and not mailed. Some were made quite a while ago but I would like to use them. The rest of the week is filled with online meetings. My eyes will be worn out!

    Jackie, a busy day and what an adventure with the dogs. Wow, jumping over hot tar! Stuntwoman!

    Joy, welcome home! Glad you had a good time

    Anne, your new home sounds better and better all the time.

    Sandy, happy bunco evening.

    Be safe everyone. Must get my supper before tuning in on tonight’s video.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    So it’s lunchtime but when I open my door I’m confronted with a police tape and a guy painting glue on the bare floor. I’m hungry I bleat plaintively so he fetches the boss. The girl phoned you he says, I haven’t got a phone yet I say. So he places square bits of carpet on the glue and I get to lunch. Lunch was tomato soup, delicious, crab sandwiches and salad, and a chocolate eclair which I shouldn’t have eaten but being a pig did. (Chinese birth sign). Same problem getting back to the abandoned Jilly Bean. The new hall carpet is a dark grey with white squiggles. I haven’t had so much fun for years. A daily adventure. If anyone thinks living in a senior home is dull, think again.

    Sue, the Northampton hairdresser did a great job with my hair. Well yesterday I looked like a scrape eel because she straightened it. However after a shower it’s back to it’s wild frizzy abandonment and I look like me. Will definitely try and keep this look. She recognized my accent and she’s the first British hairdresser I’ve had in 50 years! All the others were Portuguese, or Chinese, or Korean etc. Definitely knows how to tame wild colonial hair.

    And that’s my offering for today about life in the fast lane.

    Love to all sneakers,
    Anne. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Anne, how delightful your adventures in the senior home are. Its so nice to see how much you have adapted and are enjoying this chapter in your life.
    Well, since we just got back from Sacramento, loads of laundry to work on today.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Wednesday! 😀 I am on the train heading home. It was a great visit with lots of fun! I plan to go back in the fall since it was too hot to do anything outside! So busy this year but enjoying every minute!
    Will be back tomorrow.
    Enjoy your evening!
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hi Sneakers…..first day of farm updates. Lots of attendees complaining about both the audio and the video while I was fortunate, no problems. This will be over Friday evening. Too much to take in and no written materials will be available.

    It was 100 degrees today, which was a new record for this date. Kid went back to school today and there were lots of early outs. Hardly worth running the buses for jut a few hours. Some schools have air conditioning now but the systems are not keeping up with the heat. A favorite local ice cream shop is closed until the temperatures return to seasonal. Their coolers cannot keep up either. We need to gear up if summers are going to remain this hot or hotter!

    Sandy, I hope your train trip home went well.

    Joy, oh gosh, laundry unlimited right?? 😂

    Anne, what adventures! Do you get your phone soon?

    I am pooped. Too much peering at the screen today and more concentrating than this head needed.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hi lin…cute teapot
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :) We have an appointment at the Humane Society on Friday to see a dog that might be right for Bessie and us. If the appointment goes well, they will bring the dog to us to meet Bessie. Jake has already ordered a "pooch pouch" designed for our model of car so the dogs can ride safely.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) We have an appointment at the Humane Society on Friday to see a dog that might be right for Bessie and us. If the appointment goes well, they will bring the dog to us to meet Bessie. Jake has already ordered a "pooch pouch" designed for our model of car so the dogs can ride safely.

    <3 Barbie

    Excitement!! Best wishes……❤️❤️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) It's going to be a scorcher today but I am still going to my meeting. I had a great time with my son and his wife and extended family. Still have two trips planned this year and possibly more small trips.

    Barbie, very exciting news, a new buddy for Bessie, she will be thrilled.

    Lin, the trip home was excellent even though about 20 minutes delayed because of weather. You have an awful lot to do with your leased farm, I wish you good luck and get some rest.

    Anne, sounds like all is going well with the new place and I hear happiness in your posts.

    Joy, sounds like you had a great time in spite of the traffic. That's how I felt after sitting on that train for 3 1/2 hours, it was worth it once there.

    Jackie, you are constantly moving, do you ever get tired?

    Still catching up on my computer and picking up a lady for me meeting so I best get moving.
    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hello all. Going to see a very old friend today…..we met in 1975! Day trip. Washed, dried and folded all of our laundry, Lin! I usually leave the folding to later….great procrastinator.
    Sandy, yes, all the woes of getting there are replaced with happiness once there. We have been very hot here.
    Anne, luv your menus. Haven't had an eclair in years. 🙁
    Jackie, as Sandy mentioned, you are so so active. I am back on my treadmill trying to get my thirty minutes a day. But, my detectives are always about to solve the crime, and I am weak. I am reading a good series now about a DI in Scotland.
    I did ten minutes. We are about to leave, so will try and get another ten in when I return
    Best to all
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,765 Member
    edited August 2023
    I lost a post earlier which was frustrating because it’s been a busy day but I had a break to type until whoosh, it was gone! I walked George and Betty early on the moors with David who I bumped into as we set off. It was dry and cool which the dogs loved so we climbed to the top and it felt good to be walking lots of steps.
    It is my bedtime so I will come back tomorrow and catch up. The builders are getting on well and I’m expecting an electrician in the morning to carry out a couple of small jobs but the rest of the day should be quieter. It is my dream to enjoy a couple of hours to myself!
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) We have an appointment at the Humane Society on Friday to see a dog that might be right for Bessie and us. If the appointment goes well, they will bring the dog to us to meet Bessie. Jake has already ordered a "pooch pouch" designed for our model of car so the dogs can ride safely.

    <3 Barbie
    Wonderful Barbie and I hope the two pooches take to each other.

    Jackie 🥰

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :) old joke about laundry

    How long does it take to do laundry?
    Washing 30 minutes
    Drying 90 minutes
    Folding and putting away. 5-7 business days
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    edited August 2023
    Jackie, I actually believe MFP could recode this community site. Sorry you lost your post.
    Barbie, luv the old laundry joke
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Good evening.

    Barbie, I love that joke😁🤣😁.

    Jackie, another busy day. Glad to hear there’s progress on the repairs/improvements.

    Joy, an interesting book can derail me too!!

    Sandy, glad you got to your meeting today. What other trips are on your schedule?

    Well, best move along, tomorrow is the longest meeting of the week. 👀

    Be safe.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,765 Member
    Hello Sneakers. I won’t go back over the past couple of days in detail because it’s probably boring to anyone else. I’ve been shopping for a sofa with Sheila who, as we walked into the store, said she wanted a 2 seater recliner in a bright colour. She bought a dark grey, 3 seater but yes, it does recline! We both fell for fireside chairs covered in leather and beautiful patchwork material so bought one each and everything will be delivered next Tuesday. So much more happened and by the time I finally got home Peter and his son were leaving for the day and today were here about 6 hours before tidying and going because it’s a Bank holiday weekend so the traffic into Cornwall where they live, will be atrocious. Electrician Josh arrived at 8.30 to fit a spotlight under the stairs and disconnect an outside light that was in the way of the repointing. I was going to trim the grass on the path down my garden but every time I get started it rains and thunderstorms are forecast so instead I’ve hoovered and washed the floors.

    A lot of renovations going on around you Anne but well done for catching them out saying you were phoned when you haven’t got one! Your meals continue to sound delicious and it reminds me of dear Buzz and her tempting dessert trolley!

    Time for a cup of tea and look forward to the next 3 peaceful days. No drilling, hammering and dust!

    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :) I love to read and I love to be active, so audio books turned out to be perfect for me. I have comfortable blue tooth headphones so my hands are free while I listen to an audio book that is played on my phone. With my hands free, I can walk, ride my exercise bike, do yard work, or do housework while I listen. I have a different book to read in the bathroom and at bedtime and still one more book to read on the Kindle app on my phone so I can read in the middle of the night with the lights off. It is an instant test of my thinking skills to see that I can easily go from one story to another.

    :)Anne, when we were line dancing at the various assisted living places in my town, I always read the week's menu that was posted near the door of the room we danced in. The food always sounded delightful including the every present alternative choices of PBJ or soup. I like cooking for myself, but someday I may be ready for someone else to do the work for me.

    :) The cucumber and tomato plants are still producing so my salad/snack has been bites of cucumber and cherry tomato together. I am enjoying them no because I know they won't last forever.

    <3 Barbie